how about drinking?



  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2014

    good morning ladies. Number 3 done. Slept poor. Up since 3. Started compazine this am.  Headache full force narcotics on board. 

    My friends here from Mi. She's in my basement doing p90x which we used to do together. I'm hopeful we maybe able to walk a bit later. 

    Erin... WTF! I'm stunned and saddened at what you've been through. I will have you in my thoughts Tuesday.

    Lara. Hope your starting to feel better. 

    Genny... A 3 month old.  Oh my. That's so much work.  My boys are 9-14-17. Stinky. But can do a lot for themselves.  Enjoy ever beautiful moment you can. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Julie first and importantly I always forget to thank you for u'r sense of humor--every morning I smile coming her, I come here first and I think u'r just always full of happy no matter how u feel. U'r patients (if they can) must love u.

    Oh princess u'r having a rough time, please try to just rest and drink drink drink water that is and I tole u if u can drink the vitamin water too, I still do cuz I don't like water.Oh u'r a nurse right? And I'm going to tell u what u should do. And u'r so right, that's why I told Genny I hope she feels well, taking care of a baby (to me) is one of the hardest things u can do physically. well it is easier than when they start walking I guess.But I love that age when they see everything and smile so easily.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    Hi all

    jeeezz erin I saw that damn hole it is yuck here u go again

    Cam hi IDK makes me feek good to get out I do not really dress up its casual and sometimes I look like chit but I do not care

    its the weekend so I go out in my jams lol

    princess yes getting better

    genny Ihave not finished yet but it really is good now I am thinking there is a change of plot my orginal thought of who the killer was

    I am glad u got out and like your wig, your DH seems very supportive.

    4 lol yes lets go in the pool and resue wine bottles

    Hi Juliet, cyn where are u

    its nice out makes me feel better

    I have a rash from that god damn tape so I am not putting it on the bottom just the top my sking i sred and tore up

    happy saturday

    ck in later


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    Good ones 4.

    Cami, I'll go and buy your Depends for you! Too funny, you telling the guys they only think of you as an answering service and sex symbol. You are a hoot girl! I love your stories! Hopefully Joey's play date was only just that! He is too young yet for a GF. When is your luncheon with your sister?

    Genny, naming my pain Melvin would make me laff! I hated that darn Nuelasta shot, I hope it's not too hard on you. Gosh, I hated chemo period, but then again I don't think anyone "likes" it!

    Princess, that bike and the goodies are for YOU, not for sales, silly!

    Alyson, what kind of job did you have?

    NM, really sorry about the problems at work. And you try REALLY hard not to think or worry about it. We all know what a dedicated nurse you are, and that you do the best! I just know it! Hope you have a pleasant work day today.

    LOL Genny, I saw that one coming....Parkinson's! I hope the chemo doesn't hit you hard when you have your little grand baby. You did tell us, but's ok. All of us forget stuff all the time!

    LaLa, if you get arrested, we will come and break you out! My DH used to order drugs out of Mexico cuz our insurance wouldn't cover them, but then they weren't narcotics either.

    Dork??? More surgery??? OMG, I can't friggin believe it! Lara, thanks for letting us know. I too will try and get a hold of her.

    Oh that was funny Julie, the guy and kangaroo. Have not seen that one!

    Oh dere you are Dorky, I mean Erin, errrr I mean Chloe. I TOLD you to make sure that was NOT suppose to be there, before you go tugging on it. Dayem! Shite Shite Shite! And now look, more surgery! How scary to know that is holding your abdomen together. Holy the cow girl! Glad you got your thumb bixed, I wish everything could get bixed foy you.

    Morning loungettes, I was not in yesterday, business is picking up so we are leaving very early in the morning to go to town, out the door by 6:30 ayem, so we can get home and pack orders. My phone was ringing off the hook! So, if you don't see me on Friday morns, you know why. Also got to see 2 eagles and my hummingbirds are here! Yippee Skippee, I love doze widdle guys, dey are so much fun to watch.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Lori thanks for the name of the flat iron. That's alot of money. Think I'll jes watch for it on Groupon. heehee. Still cwacking up over the DIAPERS post...sooo true! It's a good thing u sooo bizy. So now I kno Y. I love hummingbirds....wonder if we have any around here? Guess I'll hafta put out some sugar water and see eh?

    Cami - u n Lori and the PITA, makin mese laugh. I hab no prob taking mese phone in da terlet, but most of the time I let them kno it. Wish I cud see look on there Sad u had a bad night and being taken advantage of, but, Love the Sex Symbol reference...heehee. U deserve da ice cream!!

    Genny - dat baby jes too cute. Jes wanna kiss those cheeks off...muah muah!! Everyone is diff about the hair loss. I did lose on my legs, arms, head, crotch. Didn't mind any of it, and cudn't stand to wear wigs, so did the hat thing the whole time. Plus, I was 'hot flashing' all the time so the hat was easier on and off. Things I lost that I miss the most, besides my mind, are my eyelashes and brows. Used to be full and thick...not anymore.

    Saying lots of prayers that the tests on your left tit come back negative and that the dippling is jes an se of ur chemo. (((G)))

    LMAO Genny jes read the Parkinsons joke....XClent!!LOLOLOLOLOL

    Red Woohoo ur back! Doing da happy dance. Glad u are finished with rads and that u got the all clear on ur heart. Exercise....I don't like it either, not anymore anyway. So let's boohiss dat and dwink...chEErs!!

    Aly - u cwackin mese up wif the pic-posts. It's been 16 months since I last worked. Not missing it a bit and think sometimes...chit, how did I do all I'm doing and still work?

    ErinDory - u will come up wif a good mema name. I still like mema and it fits u too. WTF, the mesh was supposed to b der? C, ya shudda gone to da doctor. Please tell us, 'where' are you going to get this done. Please say, not the PA PS. Will be thinking of you whilst 4Sew and I are dwinking...we'll hab 2 or 3 fer u K? Ooops, neber mind....see where ur other ps is going to bix u up. And, it was my pleasure to help you and I'd do it again 100fold. MUAH!!!

    Julie - Hi good u back regular like. lub the pic-posts from u too. Shared the 'extra weight' one wif me DH, then gave him the stink-eye.

    NM - things went well, thank you. There is sumpin bout rituals that helps. SOOOO glad ur warming up finally!!

    Lara - BIG HUGZ!! But I do like the name u gave ur pain. but that is jes too much, u shud NOT be IN pain, much less have to name it. Hope u are getting some relief (((L))) Hoping ur mom is OK too and her blackness going away, how scary.

    Princess - I admire u, baking for the nurses. I've never done that. Gonna hafta figure out a way to make up for that, cuz they the sweetest, most caring peeps. Congrats on getting set up with free house cleaning, I kno how important that is.

    4sew - LMAO - all those jokes. GR8!! Needed a laugh today too.

    Now I need prayers...don't ask often, but mese skeerd a widdle...ok...but jes a widdle. PET showed sumpin nasty in mese brain. I try tell em it's jes weirdo me...heehee. So, MRI on Monday of mese brain. Maddy's bday is tomorrow and we going for that, but now DH will b staying with me in LV cuz he spects Onco will wanna see me after MRI and he wants to be there. Think he is more shaken up than I am cuz I tail him I'm not sure I want any more treatment. Anywhoooo, 4Sew, I am not NOT cancelling our plans, but the time and time-frame may have to be adjusted. I will let you kno when I kno K?, so no worries!

    I believe in the Power of prayer and positive energy, so bring it on goils!!

    I lubslubslubslubslubslubslubs all you girls sooo muchly. Will of course let you ALL kno as soon as I can.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited April 2014

    Sue, Sending HUGE prayers and I can't wait to give you a big hug, for reals!  I am flexible so you just let me know, KK??

    Happy Bday to Maddy!  My little Girl is a Maddie too!  Madolyn, Maddie for short!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    (((((((((((((((sue))))))))))will be in your pocket for the mri

    cammi,love joey


    start days tuesday

    bbl working tonight,hpe everybody is having a good day and enjoying various babies fur or human

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


    for red

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    maddie thats my neice name happy b day maddie'

    mema hugs

    im pooping onmy o=pills

    NM wtf is going on at work

    cam scary movies

    poop inlatah

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited April 2014

    Judy and Ted got married and had 13 children. Then Ted died of Heart Disease.
    She married again, and she & Bob had 7 more children.
    Bob was killed in a car accident, 12 years later.
    Again Judy remarried, and this time She & John had 5 more children.
    Judy finally died, after having 25 children.
    Standing before her coffin, the preacher prayed for her.
    He thanked the Lord for this very loving woman and said,
    "Lord, they are finally together."
    Ethel leaned over and quietly asked her best friend, Margaret: image
    "Margaret, do you think he means her 1st, 2nd, or 3rd husband?"

    Margaret replied: "I think he means her legs, Ethel..."

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    omg 4sew, FUNNEEE! 

    just popping mese head in quickly. I having a house guest soon and gotta git a big arse fire going in mese yard. yep, mese dear cousin Cheryl, she mese cousin that I gradeeeated de same year with, her mom and mese dad are siblings. so anyway, it is her mom that is my mom's roomie at the lutheran home where mese mom is. so her dad landed in de hosptial today which is nearby but mese cousin lives down the shore in same state which is not PA, hehe, Erin really live in NJ. So....she gitting her Dad/mesese uncle admitted to de hosptial and gonna come ober. mese had to sober up n drive to buy her some cuervo gold tequilla, made me tink of mese bisit with Sue and buying up de whole likker store in prep for her arrival. which bdw, I talked to Lara, Lori and Sue todey, WHAT a berry berry spayshall dey for mese. Well I gotta go in git mese stanky arse in de shower before she git here. mese bin cleaning n doing yard work all dey asides from chit chitting chatting on de phone with mese bwesties! cheers ye all and I love each of you, I really do! and tanks for de lub and support cuz mese needing it.

    and bdw, foygot to tail ye all mese Dad went to SC on Thurs. Jest got notice that he coming back tomorree, dern, it was fun gittitng dwiunk at de cwack of dawn den doing it again at de crack of mese ewwa! hehehe!. cheers goils. and one more ting, jest call mese Erin, Chloe sux! tehehe! one more round, here it go (I TANK YE PANTS DE VUNDERFOIL SERRVAR OF DE HTL, wooop wooop) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

    i go now, ch ch ch ch ahhhh choooooooo~hicccccc oh mise oh mESE! i soofa king dwunk dis night, hicccccuop boypppp!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2014

    sue... Your in my thoughts and prayers!!  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Just closing for the night-----

    Lori I'm praying so hard for u, it can't be anything just something goofy, so our prayers will be answered in a happy happy wy.  But u know me I want to know word for word everything that is said--u know I always do, so don't worry cuz I said dat--cuz I a word for word poison ebery ime--Ooo I just started dwinkin, can u tell? But my pryers are still good.

    I'm waving to eberbody else and Erin don't go pullin on any srings, u shudda listened to Lori.

    LUBS u all   MAUH

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited April 2014

    Sue big hugs and loads of prayers. 

    Our minister told me dis morning he need get fire brigade cause I lite so many candles, Yeh Ise say and each one has a name. Hehe we need more candles next week then I lites lots more.

    Had tea - dats our dinner cause it Sunday night and generraally we has scratch tea - what we find in fridge.

    Slepe well don't let bed bugs bite.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    awww mese gosh-lee-est, me jest lubs ye all so muchly. good nigh n habby bobbity hobbitee sundey fundey, cheers!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014

    Morning Erin, don't really understand what's going on wit yur belly but it sure don't sound good, hope you git it patched up and r fellin okay dokey soon.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014

    MemaSue, I hope your MRI is a big fat negative negative, Sending you my prayers. Lots and lots of em'...


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Good Morning all

    Oh Genny u don't want to see Erin's belly-OMG I never in my life saw anything like that. It was like one of the movies I watch.

    I'm just praying everyones tests come out with boring uneventful things and that's it--I've always said boring is good and I still believe that. It's something to be thankful for not get upset about.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    Dang it Sue! FURB! Praying all will be A-OK. We already spoke, so you know I lubs ya! Glad your DH is going with and you are still willing to meet ups with 4. As for the hummingbirds, I would be will to bet that you have them year round. Be thinking of your tomorrow and sending lots of good juju for you. Happy Birthday to that sweet lil grand of yours. She is such a little doll.

    Waaaaa Julie, I don't have any babies to enjoy, human or fur! Maybe mine will have to be my hummingbirds?

    Wacko, we'll be wif you on Tuesday. UFO and Party Bus will pick everyone up and head to Vegas tomorrow to be with Sue, then on to your neck of the woods on Tuesday, and maybe back to Vegas for sneak peak at Sue and 4. Hope all was ok at  your dad's house, wish you could have had a longer repreve! Surely you and cuz had an awesome time.

    Cami, you said my name, but I'm pretty sure you meant Sue. In fact, I KNOW you did. Moosta be too much alcomahol.

    Alyson, too funny about the fire brigade. Do we need to send OUR fire crew? I thinks it Monday for you?

    Genny, Erin has had the worst time with surgeries since being diagnosed with the rat basturd. Failing mastectomies, and the last one she had was DIEP, so they cut her tummy, well that got infected, she was on a vacuum thing, and now this with the mesh coming through. Her body seems to reject everything they put in her. If you look at her profile, I think she has most of it there. When do you get little Nora? Hoping to see more pictures of her.

    Tenders are setting up the Sunday Buffet and Cocktails..........come and enjoy Ladies!



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

     Oh Lori u'r right I did mean Sue, I'm sorry Sue I'll be there for u- and I just changed the name for my prayers, well Lori u can use them too--but right now they're for Sue. I hate all this chit--why can't everything just leave everyone alone, like u haven't been thru enough chit. (((SUE))) I still want word for word stuff.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited April 2014

    Happy SunDay FunDay Loungettes!!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Thank ewes all so muchly for da prayers and happy B-day wishes for my gd Madison.  We are getting things packed up so gotta make this short. 

    I feel all your loving arms around me, cloaked in love and positive energy.  I feel sooo good in fact, that this has to be a fluke. 

    OK, time to shut it down.  Will try to post on my Kindle, in fact, can't wait to take a pic on it of me and 4Sew...wooohooo!!!!


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited April 2014

    WooooHoooo, I can't wait either Mema!!  And it has to ba a fluke!  It must be all those smarts in there just getting concentrated to make room for more!!!

    Travel safe.  Happy Bday to Miss Maddy and I will see you soon!!!!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    yes post the pics chickas

    Go see stripperslol

    Oh cam I know what u mean I think

    I'm having a lazy Sunday 

    Mema hug

    Erin where r u

    Hi Goldie


    Genny and princess

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited April 2014

    I'm up for a stripper show!!  I'll bring some dollar bills!!! I hear the Secret Garden and dolphin thing is cool too!  

    Busy packing and making sure the kids are set for the week.  Like they know where the clean underwear is!!!

    Hope all you Loungettes are having a lazy Sunday like LaLa!!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014


    Just got this, Nora Mae is 3 months today, I will have her as of Thursday morning for 5 days! And they tell me she is sleeping through the night!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Hi gang

    Genny her hair is so cute and if she's sleeping thru th night it's so much easier. And when I hear mommys say at 6, 8 months old they don't sleep thru the night it amaze me. MMine slept thru the night at 4 weeks old and when Joey ived with me he slept thru the nite about 4 weeks old. Of course I thought all these babies were good, but I realized with Joey I just didn't hear them so they must have thought Oh why bother very early. Oh chit I always have a silly story--Ah as u get old u manage to accumulate a lot. LOL

    Lara I had a super lazy day today---I'm watching A Haunting at Silver Falls--I get so aggrevated in a movie where people don't believe that something is haunted when 1 person sees all of it and can describe things that no one talks about. I want to smash them. I guess I get to involved.

    Sue prayers going out for u, Kat and Bernie (who I miss)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Long weekend on
    call/working.Drove a couple hundred
    miles Saturday.3 deaths over the
    weekend, I caught 2 of them.One family
    angry with me 'cause I would not call a nurse who was off duty and have her
    call the family.Two trips to one
    facility 'cause their on-call RN didn't want to go in.Got lunch at 8 pm.Needless to say I am tired!Oh, well, no more call for a month,to I have some recovery time.

    Cammy--oh well,
    guess I can't pick a hit EVERY time, but it sounds like I've got a pretty good
    track record over all with the DOTD!

    ORLA--" I think
    I missed some pots"are you
    cooking something?;)

    Princess--what a
    wonderful program!Glad you found them.

    Julie--LOL, baby!

    4--I like rescuing
    wine, can't wait 'till 5 pm here today and I can do that!

    surgery?Yikes!When does it ever end?Did get to take Sadie with me Saturday,
    she got a nice long, long, long ride in the car.Almost 12 hours!

    LOVE the Apache

    Genny--a cleaning
    services would be so nice, but I live in too rural an area for that kind of
    thing, I think.Oh well, It's not
    like I get a lot of company and Sadie never complains.

    Yeah, the warming temps are wonderful!

    Princess--time to be
    pampering yourself, a lot!Let the
    kids be as self sufficient as possible.And ask for help when you need it!

    ORLA--ouch, torn up
    skin is no fun!

    Goldie--things are
    calming down at work, I have done everything I can, the rest is up to families,
    facility staff, and God.Trying to
    work on letting go of things I cannot control.

    Mema--someday, when
    I am on the phone in the terlet, I am going to flush in the middle of the
    conversation and see what happens!

    Good Morning, Lord,
    it's me again.What's up with Mema's
    PET results?It's just a fluke or
    she was thinking about something that lit up that part of her brain,right?Right?Please make it just
    be a fluke.Mema is scared, and the
    rest of us are worried,so please help
    us all but especially Mema.She's got plans with 4, gots things to do, so make it all good, OK?

    Aunty Acid feels the
    same way I do about exercise!


    Erin/Chloe--how did
    your Dad get to SC this time?

    Aly--light enough
    candles and won't need electric lights!

    Ahhh, the Tenders do
    such a good job with the Sunday Buffett, I do so love that it runs all day

    Hi, Nora!What a pretty girl you are!Are you getting spoiled by Meme?Good!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is theSpring Fever

    3/4 oz Lemon Juice

    3/4 oz Mango Syrup

    2 oz Orange Juice

    1 1/2 oz Pineapple


    Shake well over ice
    cubes in a shaker, and strain into a collins glass half-filled with crushed

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2014

    Juliet… Well good morning to us!

    Genny... Nora is a beautiful girl!!

    I'm almost alive again. I had a lot of fluid on. I lost 10 pounds in fluid I think. Still have a headache but everybody's out the door for school now go back to bed for today.