how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    Alyson, you are closer to Friday than us, but come Sunday, you are closer to Monday!

    Princess, my brother lives in Westland. Enjoy your visit with your friend....CHEERS!

    Love the bike Julie! I think we all need one!

    Cami, your family loves you. I am certain you are nothing but a joy, and maybe, just maybe a PITA once in the while.

    imageSticking my tongue out at you, got ya back! Lots of birthdays, wowsa! Oh I do hope you get to go out and sailabrate with your sister and nieces. And then getting all gussied up for Marty's party! I'm telling Leslie to take pictures of you, or have her to have Joey do it. And we all see you through Joey's eyes too.

    Red, what do you do? And what's wrong with getting a note from the doctor? I don't think I could do 12 hours, and I work from home! Why do you HAVE to work out, if the heart was ok? I mean, I know exercise is good for us, but....? And some of your older grandkids call you by your first name? What's up with that? Not sure I would like that. Why not Grandma Deb, or Nana Deb?

    Lara, you are so goofy, well your posts are. Brain is an egg! Well, maybe you are too. Have you tried to get any pain meds via the mail, Canada or Mexico?

    Princess, I found rads to be much easier than chemo. But I did end up with some 3rd degree burns, so did NM.

    4, we call those drains the Pratt boys, and no, they are not welcome at all. Good  riddens to them. Zumanity rocks, you will love it! That's the only one I have seen, and would see it again. NM I think saw Blue Man Group. Certainly she will chime in. As for being up to anything, nope notta here, just working.

    Erin, get those weeds pulled so you can grow pretty flowers. I don't have many weeds, but I get certain flowers that will throw seeds all over, those are my weeds.

    Alyson, my son's friends call my mom Granny. Hope you found that drink!

    Genny, what fun you and NOra will have. I hope you are feeling all well since you are doing chemo this week. How funny you and La La are reading the same book. And as for saying you are trying to name your BC. First off it doesn't derserve a name, other than The Rat BasTURD, aka RB. And it's NOT YOURS! You didn't buy it, you didn't want it, and you certainly don't want to keep it, so why give it a name? We also say around here FURB, which stands for Fu (you know that one) rat basturd. It's even in the Urban Dicshunary, Erin put it there....honest! I did adrymicin and cytoxin for my first 4 rounds, only lost the hair on my head, then I did 4 rounds of taxol, that is when I lost the rest of the hair on my bod. Praying for clean left boobie. Let us know, cuz we'll foyget!

    NM, I don't know why they don't listen to you in the first place, too bad it's not you running that place. As for keeping the oil, YES, you have to have back up! I hope you are able to get both. The pellet stove we have out in the Shady Lady, we bought on Craigs List. LMAO at you telling Erin to go to bed, she talking in her sleep.....good one! Wrong Island Iced Tea, goes poyfect with US!

    Princess, you sure are spoiling your team! I'll bet they love seeing you come. Be careful, they may want to add more chemos! And ya gotta love having free house cleaning. Cleaning for a Reason?

    Same ole here, wind and work! CheerZ ma dearZ, Wrong Islands foy mese dis Thirstday morning!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    > I know you have been lying awake at night
    wondering why baby diapers have
    > brand names such as "Luvs", "Huggies,"
    and "Pampers', while undergarments
    > for old people are called
    > Well here is the low down on the whole thing…
    > When
    babies poop in their pants, people are still gonna Luv 'em, Hug 'em,
    and Pamper 'em.
    > When old people poop in their pants, what happens next
    "Depends" on who's
    > in the will.
    > Glad I was able to clear that
    up for you.DIAPERS

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited April 2014

    Good Morning!  With all this Balmy weather a swim sounds nice.  You know, to wash off the mud!!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!!

    Dangit!! I wanna answer to all of you, but I have been reading and laughing my ewwa off.  But I have to get going, so, jes a note to say I'll be back and will check in with each of you.

    Lynne - Let me call you in next day or so, give u some ideas on shows.

    To all the rest of you....LUBSLUBSLUBS all ya'll!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Thought I poop in to say hi to everyone. Been a little busy, then I got a little (more like a lot) lazy and went to sleep--I know how to do voicemail now WootWoot so I cheat a little sometimes---me bad, I know.

    Spring rain here--I hope

    Joey went to the show today with his friend and Mom, I was thinking when I was his age we used to take the bus and go to the show ourselves--with a friend or 2. Now A parent better be around. That's a shame. No wonder we were more independent of our parents at a younger age than most of the kids now. Oh well.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    lori so trueHappy

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited April 2014
    WOMAN'S PERFECT BREAKFAST She's sitting at the table with her gourmet coffee. Her son is on the cover of the Wheaties box.Her daughter is on the cover of Business Week. Her boyfriendis on the cover of Playgirl. And her husband is on the back of the milk carton. 

    WOMEN'S REVENGE 'Cash, check or charge?' I asked, after folding items the woman wished to purchase. As she fumbled for her wallet ,I noticed a remote control for a television set in her purse.'So, do you always carry your TV remote?' I asked. 'No,' she replied, 'but my husband refused to come shopping with me, and I figured this was the most evil thing I could do to him legally.'

    CIGARETTES AND TAMPONS  A man walks into a pharmacy and wanders up & down the aisles.. The sales girl notices him asks him if she can help him. He answers that he’s looking for tampons for his wife.. She directs him down the correct aisle. A few minutes later, he deposits a huge bag of cotton balls and a ball of string on the counter. She says, confused, 'Sir, I thought you were looking for some tampons for your wife? He answers, 'You see, it's like this, yesterday,

    I sent my wife to the store to get me a carton of cigarettes, and she came back with a tin of tobacco and some rolling papers; cause it's sooo-ooo--oo- ooo much cheaper. So, I figure if I have to roll my own .......... so does she. (I figure this guy is the one on the milk carton!)

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited April 2014

    CREATION A man said to his wife one day, 'I don't know how you can be so stupid and so beautiful all at the same time. 'The wife responded, 'Allow me to explain. God made me beautiful so you would be attracted to me;God made me stupid so I would be attracted to you !

    WIFE VS. HUSBAND  A couple drove down a country road for several miles, not saying a word. An earlier discussion had led to an argument and neither of them wanted to concede their position. As they passed a barnyard of mules, goats, and pigs, the husband asked sarcastically, 'Relatives of yours?' 'Yep,' the wife replied, 'in-laws.' 

    God may have created man before woman,

    but there is always a rough draft before the masterpiece 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014

    In the middle of cooking and took a quick minute to read, just wanted to clarify... the women in the book injured her shoulder very badly and is having terrible pain. The shrink tells her to name it so she will have power over it and she can tell it whose boss and swear at it and cuss it out. She named it Melvin... see ya in da pool in a few hours. Invite that clean tender I just saw...Kay?

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited April 2014

    Where are you all. Tis Friday night here. Good friend, good food and very good wine.

    Here looking at ya.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Aly it's 3 in the am here, so night is a long way in coming to sailabrate. It's so strange talking to u a day ahead to me. How are u feeling?

    Those jokes were priceless 4444. and Lori the Depends is a problem for sure--no one want to buy them, they're embarrassed, I was never embarrassed when I bout them for my mom--my kids buy tampons that's more personal to me and yet they freak out just buying them for me.

    Oh I have heard of name the pain and u can control it--well first I'd give it a man's name and always use the f word with it, cuz that's what I do with men and their names anyway.

    I was so upset tonite with my job--the guys goofed up on something so somehow I thought about it and called the customer back and straighten everything out and she was as sweet as can be--So I tell the stpid A$$ men to call me, plus I explained what I did but call me--no one calls or emails me2 hrs. A$$ses Finally I wrote that somebody better pay attention to me and that I was tired of just being their sex symbol for the company., then I heard from them-but my DD got so upset with me cuz it bothered me cuz I had to say an untruth (I don't like the word lie, cuz I hate to) I'm thinking all I am is the answering service and I get all involved with people and men are so stupid sometimes with women so I have to work extra hard to make them happy. So my evening to me was iky and Joey had a little playdate with a girl tonite-He's 9--he's got to many friends hahaha--no I'm glad he does. So I had a can of Campbells chicken noodle soup (condensed) I forgot how awful that is and yet I ate it--talk about pouring a salt shaker down my throat. They had pasta tonite but the smell was not appealing to me and what I had has no smell, no taste either. but I did have a scoop of icecream, and that I don't need. Can u tell I took my pain meds? hahaha U poor gals always have to listen to my stupid things, well u can skip them it's OK.

    But I love  u all. 

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2014

    Good morning Aly! Well goodnight there well it's still night here too lol. 

    Cami. Crappy a$$men can't live with cant shoot them. Sorry about a long bad night for you. Hope you do get us a picture of you and your sweet Joey. 

    4.. Funny shite. 

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2014

    oh and Juliet..... Please place my bike order. That will certainly help pass the miles and I could make a profit on the bike trail too!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Princess I have a feeling Lori will talk my DD into a pic, she has a way with her--I hide whenever I see a camera.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited April 2014

    Come on Cami we want a picture. Some of my friends want to see what my house looks like so I spent much of the day cleaning . Maybe I will be able to take the pictures tomorrow. Don't want people to think I am messy.

    Some days I wish I was still working  - it can get lonely but then I think about all the admin I had to do and realise I did the right thing retiring. I simply could not have coped with all the stress of my job. 

    Any way enough time for bed and I am sure I will see lots of goils in the lounge tomorrow.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Sunny today, stormy
    tomorrow, and I'm working tomorrow.Sigh.

    ORLA--Good morning!

    Cammy--yeah, I thing
    that winter is finally losing to Spring, and it is sooooooo good t o see the
    snow melting.Gonna have to work on the
    driveway this spring, though. . . And yeah, Maine's a bit northerly.

    Princess--free house

    Goldie--yeah, I saw
    the Blue Man Group when I was on vacation, it was terrific!So much fun to watch!The current work situation is just nuts, and
    I am working very hard on giving it over to God.Doing my part, but trying not to stress over
    what I cannot change.Easier said than

    LOL diapers vs

    4--hmm, maybe I need
    to get a little muddy myself!

    Mema--here's to your
    ewwa not finding it's way back to you!

    Cammy--times sure
    have changed, haven' t they?I remember
    being told to go out and play and not come back 'till the street lights came
    on!Can't do that these days.

    4--Men can be DUMB!

    Genny--I still think
    naming the pain gives it too much power, but then, I'm not a shrink!

    Aly--TGIF!!!Of course, I'm on call tonight and working

    Cammy--what is it
    with men?Canned soup can be a bit
    salty, can't it?Hope the pain meds are
    working well!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is Fuguay Friday Night

    2 shots Current

    2 shots Sprite

    1 shot Cherry Cola

    2 tbsp Grenadine


    Add absolut kurant
    and sprite to a cocktail glass. Mix in the grenadine syrup, and add the cherry
    cola. Serve. Add a dash of lime for a slightly different taste.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014

    Good morning Loungettes, didn't sleep for sh*t last night, don't know if it's the steroids or the fact that I'm getting chemo this morning. Would've gotten on here to join you all in the pool but DH got home yesterday and he's a light sleeper so I just stayed in bed. He had kind of a crappy day yesterday and I didn't want to wake him. 

    Cami, so sorry you have to deal with those male a$$holes @ work, and we will listen to your stupid things anytime…just vent away.

    4sewwhat, thanks for the jokes… good ones, and glad to here you got your drain out.

    princess, white chocolate cherry macadamia nut cookies? All my favorite ingredients, bring em' to the next pool party.

    NM, mud season here too, dogs are a mess everytime they go out, but I'm so glad the snow is gone. This winter was a MF… I'll put up with the rain and mud if it'll get us to warm weather. Supposed to be in the 60's today but lots of rain. Hope you get your work stuff figured out.

    Erin, I had the best time with your joke about the guy in the accident yesterday, got to tell 4 of my 90 years olds and they cracked up. I had to pick and choose who I told it to but I know them all so well that's easy.One even made me write it down so she could tell it. I remember when I knew I was gonna be a grandma but wasn't allowed to announce it, then the secret kept getting out a little mor than finally at about the 4 month mark it made it to Facebook and it was a relief to be able to just tell everybody. Congrats again… it's so much fun. Don't remember if I already posted this here but I'm gonna have her for 5 days next week. Here mom and dad are in a wedding in California. They are dreading it, I can't wait. I took off work so I can just be a full time meema. Hope I don't feel to bad from the chemo.

    And all you other loungettes, have a wonderful Friday. 

    Here's my joke, I apologize in advance if it offends anyone.

    Gertrude lived in a nursing home….. everyday after dinner she would wheel her chair over Clarence's chair and she would reach over, unzip his fly and just reach in and hold it. This went on for many months and Clarence certainly had no objections. Until one day when Gertrude wheeled over, went to unzip his fly and Clarence said "NO!… Mabel's doing that for me now". Gertrude began to cry and said "what does Mabel have that I don't have?" to which Clarence winked and said "Parkinson's" 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Oh Genny that's a good one---no offense here. Good u'r getting u'r chemo now so next week hopefully u'll be in good speed and feel OK. It'll be a high for u so I bet u'll feel good.

    NM first time in a long time the DOTD doesn't sound so good--but that all right cuz u have so many good ones. So mud season has started, well here too-Sox has to get his feet wiped off all the time. the cat sits there and watvhes I swar she's laughing at him. Sorry about work tomorrow again I think u work so hard and a lot.

    Julie u star days soon rigt? I hope u get used to that quickly cuz u've been on that shift along time.

    I answered all my Email-took a shower-washed and dried a load of clothes-got rid of all my junk mail, I know I'll be  out of steam soon and be the usual lazy person that I am. And I really smell good. I love a good aroma around me. LOL

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    I think I missed some pots

    genny omg we r reading the same book. I love that author and I was reading it ,DH does nort read unless it golf but I read him that page and I said I was meant to read this book. Its is so good the book

    Goldie I think thats illegal , you cant order meds through the mail thats all I n eed is an arrest

    Princess mese so sorry I ate some of your cookies

    Cam sex symbol yes lets see a pic

    about to work my 6 hours hope it doesnt drag. I have a paper to write this weekend fun fun

    my nip looks a little better I am able to sit up right, but thats the pain pill I am sure

    I got a text from erin she might need surgery idk she found something im going to text her now I was in bed,I get so tired this body is not the same

    kk love u all

    poop in after work

    Im in the pool with 4 hot tender Hi 4 have a good day

    love u all

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Lara are u 2 haing a race to see who can have more surgeries--I never heard of so many u poor things. I don't understand what's going on.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2014

    NM.... Cleaning for a Reason. Free for 4 months. Needed note about ex and chemo. But I have ; stinky boys and a big house. It is such a blessing to have them do the floors!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited April 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    Hey girls! I been missing ye all. Lara is right, me going to surgery on Tuesdsay. Seems de mesh stuff in mese belly that I was a trying to tug out belongs in there, oopsies. De tings I do to git out of work. Was supposed to be MonkeyDey but pre op held me up so have ta work on more dey den mese be dwinking! woop wooop! 

    Lara, so happy yer nips are still attached and looking n feeling bettah. Yippee! I tink I will get my nips on de twelf of nebber ebber hehe. I really do not care either. They looked sooo sore lil sista. Gentle hugs to ya.

    Princess, how awesome that you were able to git housekeeping help. It is de most wonderful gift to get whiles going through hard times such as these. I hope you are hanging tough goilfriend! and that is you with that cute widdle baby? And he is yours right? Wow, I tink ye de only breastie I know with babies. But hmm, maybe 4sew too? I tink her youngest is at least school aged, five or aboe. mese bad for not remembering. If I got dis wrong, please tail me, k? I wont take offense cuz mese always dwunk ya see? 

    Genny from the block, glad you had fun with that joke. I also shared your joke, too funny about the lady with the parkinson's, hehe, that was a good one too. Nothing like a good ole joke that makes ye spit out yer dwink laffing. I hope you hanging tough too. You poor goils doing the chemo and rads, I feel for ya. I will happily help out by dwinking for both of you girls. and I tink it is funny that you are naming yer cancer. it is a matter of opinion. Did you decide on a name? I named my goil part Barbara Bush years ago when dey gibed me a mohawk with mese c-section. HOw furciting that you will be watching yer sweet widdle Nora whist the kids go away to wedding, I hope you feel well. And who can resist widdle baby smiles? OMG, I am getting furcited. 

    Cam, you crack me up when you say you smell good. I do the same thing after a shower now and make mese dad smell mese arms. hehe. He uses dial soap and it jest smells so good that I use it too. He used to use the orange dial and that was sorta stanky to me. I hope you having a good friedey, lubs ya. 

    Hi 4. happy friedey is right, funny jokes! and I like yer lil nemo avatar. Erin tinks Nemo is berry cute. How are you feeling? I hope tings getting better and no more issues for you. and if you dont mind, can you tell me yer childrens ages again? I know you have a house full of kiddo's. 

    Dont foyget all to call me Erin, love you all for playing a long. I tried to change my name to Chloe yesterday but it not letting me change again. I keep getting error message that the name cant have an * or a . but there are none, wdf up with that? Me tinking I broke the sight by changing tings up so much. waaaaa, I wanna be Chloe. Well there is already a Chloe who made like four posts den nessapeered and ruined tings for me, de biotch. so call me Erin or Chloe. We see who I bese next week tehehehe!

    NM, happy weekend to you, whatcha doing this weekend other dan dwinking? and how is your silly puppy? I played hookie todey and had a nappie with mese Bella, ahhhh de life is good. 

    So yep, me went to me primary care doc to have this mesh chit that is bleeding from mese puka pulled out. de doctor sez Erin, that is part of you, can't take it out. yOu must see PS. Erin sez well mese wont see that SoB dr. dickstein in Philly. so I called mese back up ps and had ta beg to have him even see me for consult. well he take a look and say uh ohh. dat chit holding your abdomen together and must be bixed. sooo here me go again. ughh. de tings I do to git outta work, ya know? 

    so todey, I saw mese orthopedic surgeon and guess what? he bixed up mese thumb right dere in de office. mese so happy. ya see, I have a trigger thumb dat hurts like sore balls in a vice. he put an injection into it, it was numb for a few hours but is already gliding and moving with minimal pain. if only all tings can be bixed so easily. i'd have the good dr give mese Cammy an injection to stop the nasty D for torturing me lub.

    Lori. you going to town this weekend? Did I miss ye dis morning or am I dwunk? I do not tink I see you todey. I hope eberyting is ok.

    Aly, you so funny, cleaning to take pictures. Hell I would jest shove stuff to one side of de room to rid de clutter, snap pic then mob it to other side of room and snap pic, much easier than cleaning. and tank for reminding me how much fun it will be to be a grandma.

    I wish that some day I could somehow give back to those who gave to me. and I could do cleaning for a reason for sumbuddy. Ya see, some of the goils here were sooo soo good to Chloe when she was really down and out. For those who do not know mese history, mese has had 18 surgeries plus one surgerical procedure to mese ulnar nerve to bix damage done from slicing mese arm pits to disect de nodes. FNRB< FU. enny who, two of de goils in dis lounge now helped me tremendously and anuuder few helped with sending likker and candy in de mail. they know who they are. a huge shout out to mese Mese Sue aka Pwoud Mary though as she searched high and low for a house cleaner for mese when I was near death and she hired and PAID for mese cleaning for six weeks. THAT is a breast friend. I need to someone give back in the future even if I give to someone else since mese Mema so far away. I do believe in Karma that is good too and know someone will be good to her too. I was so angry one night that I put a post on facebook that said someting like "to those who claim to love me and want to help me but accuse me of barking out orders for help, F U and I used de real F word. Well don't ya know, friends from the past came out of the wood work. and I had cleaners and shoppers and helpers and friends jest coming around to help me. And the ones that did were ones I least suspected. The majority where high school band friends and also some former coworkers. Made me feel so lubed and so special. ok, me gitting all kinds of weepy now cuz mese emotionalal. 

    Where is mese CynCyn? I been missing my goil. I know she biddy hooping. I SO miss going to de drum circle at de beach for de sunset, that was jest the highlight of mese year. I tank her ober an dober for having mese.

    Julie, you start yer days yet? I lubs de cartoon, tehehehe, de kangaroo in de pouch is terribly cute too! nice to see yer face, come in and partay. I has chocolate for ya too, lots of it. Hershey, Godiva and alkamahol chocolate too. You made me addicted to having alcamahol with mese chocolate. I make you my berry spayshall choco dwinky when you and Cyn come swimming! omg, it gonna be summer berry soon, yippee, who else is ready for summer? I AM I AM and so is Erin and so is Chloe, dainty lil farta and Stella too. tehehehe. I really do not love the name Chloe but it is a young name which is why I want it. tired of hasing an old lady name like -O-O--Y! hah

    I missing certain peeps here but lous being drama free. I say prayers to all girls past and present who I consider bwest friends just so ye all know dis fact. 

    ok, so I know I missing sumbuddy berry berry important here. I jest know it but cant rememBAR. so I have a cold one here for whomeber that is. and if dat no one, den just sumeone or two goils come and join me nexxt to mese bar stool its been awhile since I been up here, me usually on de floor by nows. 

    Happy weekend goils and lots o lub to each of you. And to anyone jest reading and not posting, hello and come join us, wese a funny phucking bunch of goils n tenders n wenches. 

    I talk a lot dis friedey night cuz mese furcited to see ye all in de lounge. when is de next partay and where? we need a place with plenty of lamp shades ya know? 

    chEErS goils, lubs lubs lubs ye all! 


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited April 2014

    Oh, Chloe/Erin,  I was worried when you said you were pulling on that mesh.  They use that stuff to reinforce your tummy!  Is it the Kevlar mesh???  So very sorry that you have to go get operated on again.

    Nemo, well I picked that because he has a big fin and a tiny fin and I have a big left boob and a very tiny right one for now!!!  It seemed appropriate.  I don't usually go for appropriate though!!!  I feel fine, never felt bad, just really a bummer to lose the recon after it was finished.  I know you know the feeling!!

    My Boys are 11 1/2,  14 1/2 and 16 1/2.  The girl child is 9 1/2 going on 25!!!

    I'm heading to bed now cuz I gotta get packing some more in the morning and errands to run.  I need to get food for said children so they can forage while we are away.

    WooHoo, just 3 days and I get to meet up with Mema Sue!!!!!

    I will ketchup with everyone personally before I leave, but tonight I am pooped!!

    Cheers for a good weekend for all!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Good Morning Ladies---

    Of course I can't remember, but I hope NM is off this weekend, so u can relax with Sadie, of course u always have stuff to do.

    It's so nice to hear someone is using Cleaning for a reason, they have that here to--I never used it cuz my DD's did it but I think it was a great way to help people who had a hard time getting help to clean what a relief to have it. I know my niece did have a group of volunteers makes meals for her and her famliy everyday for 2 months and what a tremendous help that was for her--with 3 kids, 2 boys who can always eat and  girl all under 15 at the time.

    Oh Erin, Chloe whatever not again---OMG and this is the Puka thing again? This can't still be happening to u. No one has ever had this many surgeries, it can't be.Well maybe they got this right away so it'll be done right and don't pull on any string.EVER (((PRAYERS)))---U and Lara are just having a hell of a time.

    Lara I still don't know how u r working, I know all our circumstances are different, but it tires me out just to work at home and u have so many problems--I'm thankful I don't worry about getting all made up and dressed.

    OK I have to get my paperwork together and phone charged for my day--Sat. are so-so --So I'll see.

    Have a great Day

    LUBS u all

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    “May the sun bring you new energy by day, may the moon softly restore you by night, may the rain wash away your worries, may the breeze blow new strength into your being, may you walk gently thorugh the world and know it's beauty all the days of your life.”

    ~ Apache Blessing ~

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014

    Mornin' girlies, been up since 5, couldnt sleep no more. I'm working on a journal of all this crap, just to try and knda keep my dates and facts straight and I needed a break. Had chemo #2 yesterday, very uneventful, feeling fine but I have to give myself the dreaded Neulast shot today.. don't mind the shot, it's just the muscle ach and fatigue that follows, though it really wasn't that bad last time. My hair has pretty much left me, just a scattering of fuzz left. Dh took me out yesterday and bought me a very nice wig, doesn't even look fake. We even went out for dinner last night and I took my non-alcholic wine in my purse and had them pour it for me. Then the tiredness hit and I came right home to be and took my trazadone and went night night.

    Erin, sorry to hear you have to have surgery, I don't really understand what it is but hoping it all comes out ok. I'm getting pretty used to Erin, gonna have to work on Chloe. That is my best friend's golden doodle's name and she is a big sweetie pie.

    4sewwhat, I didn't know you had 4 kids, guess that's where the 4 comes in. What a lot to go through with young kids to deal with. I like the big fin, little fin thing, I'll think of your fish differently now, until you get your recon, them maybe you'll have to find a fish with even fins.

    Juliet, love the ballawieners.

    Princess, I have someone clean my house every 2 weeks, and all I have are 2 stinky dogs. Years ago, my DH told my I should treat myself and get pedicures or something, I said I can paint my own damn toenails, so I hired a cleaning lady. It only stays clean for a week especially now with all the mud but it's nice for that week.I think even if I retire I won't be able to give it up. Hope you're sailing thru chemo and not having to many SE. You just finished # 2 also didn't you?

    Lala, glad your nips are feeling bettr, I haven't gotten too far into the book, took it to chemo yesterday but between nurse talking and DH talking and putting froze peas on my hands for the taxotere I didn't get any time to read it. Hoping to find a little while today.

    Cami, I am looking forward to my days with my baby, she changes so much evertime I see her. She's 3 months today. Hope you have a good weekend and don't have to put up with any work crap from those men and your D stays away.

    NM, I never have really come up with a name for pain, but I don't really have any. I was going to come up with one for the BC itself but I can't think of a single name that I hat that much so I never did that either. It's mostly just things like MF ,CSNG, SOB  piece of SHT  kiss my ASS BC. that's the best name I can come up with. We got lots of rain last 2 days and it's muddy but blowing likcrazy out now so drying it up a bit. only high in the low 40's today. We have  nice metropark close by with paved walking trails so we'll take the brats there today. Oh I can't wait for warm weather.

    Well time to start my day Alli and Red and everybody else, have a nice Saturday, maybe see ya'll in da pool later