how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    lovely pics ladies

    erin, tell dd to see her doc, they can prescribe some drugs while pregnant, behave tonight,   fascia basically a lining that provides some support to our internal bits!

    dwill-swamp is open 24/7     can assist with bagging and tagging!when i went for my walk the other day a little gator was in the pond by the entrance to the complex only about 3 feet long.

    nm hope you had a good day, i survived my first day, kept writing  0000 for 1200am!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2014

    Hi Erin, so sorry to be hearing' about all you troubles. Fascia is the fibrous, tissue that surrounds the muscles, nerves and blood vessels and it's slippery so when ya move around they kinda slide back and forth on each other, (if I'm remembering my nursing school stuff, it's been awhile) and they kinda protect the organs. Like you know when  you clean a raw chicken and there's that slippery stuff that kinda surrounds everything… Like that I think.  Don't be picking at your belly any more and I think you need to be drinkin' lots and lots and lots of water to make it heal, better than licker now, for awhile.  And healthy high calorie, high protein food cause wounds take a lotta calories to heal.  Ok, done with my lecture on that. Can't talk more this minute, in the middle of stuff but I'll try and pop in later… bye for now

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    rouunds fir all mese goils n a spayshall toast to mese mema suZeee QT, k? saluthe!!! 

    hic~burp oooPszzeeeeeeeeze,, sawry.  so....  omg goils, mese DE gibbliest idiott in de nashion, oooooch cheeeeeeeze! I di sumting sewwww stoooped dis night, oh mise oh meeeeeSe! ya see, me cwashed on de sofa watching de wheel of de fortunado with pat SAYjack aka JDzak, hehe. well but seirously. mese musta acc zar dentilly wrapped de stwing of mese sweat pants 'round mese bandage on de puka and oh Mese Gawd, dear God, why did me pull down mese pants to simply pee and whilst me do that, pull mese bandages off whilst pullinig mese pants dat wrapped around de stwing of mese sweat pants down and pull mese farking band ad jist err i mean bandaggise bandagEs, sumting like that but oh gawd dat hurt so muchly. why ye goils not hear to porteck mese from mese gawsh dern sailf? kk, wont be blaming ye all fer mese stupedities. hehehe. so I wuuuuz sleeping n woke up to pee when all de hail bwake loose, chit, i am bad, ye tink ????????????/ oh mese kniows I naughty and deserve a spanking.... tenders, may i has a ruff ruff spankin dis night?

    ROCK ME GENTLY ROCK MESE SLOW  lEEEEE, YEAH ABAYBY BEEE! HICP~~ tehehe, I being funny cuz I feel okey. well cept for de widdle axardent with de string of mese berry badlist sweat pants, NAAAUGHTY NAUGHTY DERN SWEATS ye bad!  I gonna sue old navy for putten that dere stwing in de pants to beginnest wthihts hehe. I share de big winds with ye all too so take that old naavy mo fo! DEY SUK FOR MAKING AROMENTIONED PANTS IN DEFECT, DERN dems!   hehe! so. can I git a dwink around dese parts ~hiccccup~~~   so  ohhh ohhh,    

    ooooooh Jul-leeeeee, mese been wanderand foyebbar why dat chicken krossted de road, oh tank Ye thank Ye sooo much for tailing mese wise. omesegawd, do mese lubs ye! i ken't tank ye enuff for giving mese dcis information as to why de damnesth chicken cwossed DE road! tehehehhee burp. I go bed now yes? 

    yes said de bosses. i go now, cheeeeeeeeeRZ!!!  NS LUV YW FOILA VUR FORR AWEIOUSLY FO NOQ.~ NIGHTY NIGHTY MIGHTY DOG!~!!!! ~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUFFFF ARRRFFF GROWWWWWWWWL RUFF RUFFFFF, ZNKKKK, I EAT YER LEGS! ARF! LOL, me laffing at ye silly goils now, see ya tomorree, humpity dey i tink, ayeee? ok, me go now for realise! . 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited April 2014

    Loads of prayers and I drink to you all


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Early Good Morning--Oh I feel asleep before wheel of Forunado and woke once to wath NCI Los Angeles and went back to sleep til now. U see that how sometimes solve problems I sleep thru them then I think everything will be all right--I know I'm goofy.

    Erin I can not believe u did that with u'r pants, OMG it's like another bad dream, I hope it OK this morning or call u'r Dr. and have it fixed right away, please don't just wait and see we have to make sure that puka isclosed and taken care of. OK now for the biggy too---U and u'r DD will start talking no matter what, u know that. Supposedly there is a short period of time where a pregnant woman should take any anti-almost everything, but then they can resume the meds when it is time. Now normall she would have 2 Dr. involved with this her. Phyc. Dr and her Gyne and they work together, but she has to go to both and a lot of time while being pregnant they don't feel like they need the first Dr. because their hormones give them a boost. But u have a double whammy here, how can u possibly tell her what to do even as a mom u can tell her what is maybe best for her because as her mom that's how u feel, but its her pregnancy and she has to make up her own mind, even if u feel like it wrong. This is going to change everyones life completely and it could be wonderful or it could be a huge struggle. There is so much involved here that's why u'r so upset. Well if she asks u to co sign can she afford this whole obligation, can she mentally handle this? U know u have to settle all of this down for everyone concerned including the baby, who is the most important person in this And try to talk to u'r DD on a basis of backing her up no matter what her decision is then maybe it can open up doors for her to her feelings. I can't give u answers cuz I don't know, I just know how this can work out. And it's not always bad--it can be great, but every circumstance is different as to how it will work out. And now u'r hurting so badly for u'r DD I know but try to look at the whole picture, u know her better than anyone can she do this? Can u do this?   Continue

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    My screen jumps---

    This is so hard to think about for all of u and who do  have for u'r support, I know u'r on friendly terms with u'r ex--so that helps a lot for u--what about the baby's father how is he with this.? U'r not giving u'rself enough credit--right now u'r still fragile with all this BC chit so it's difficult to sort things out, and I think u'r have concern for u'r job too so financially u'r a little off balance. So this is huge what's going on. But I know in my heart u have the brains and the heart to know exactly what to do for u'r DD and the baby--u will help her all u can in any way possible.  I hurt for u going thru all of this, this is a lot.  And Please stop pulling strings. OH wait that a lesson in all of our lives--we can't control everything, but we can try.  (((LUBS___BIG TIME)))

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Going to sleep so early I missed my drink time last nite and dinner and cookies so today I have to make up for it--no tests today.  My Ktie was so happy when I came home from the hospital today I bought her cat food, she saw that bag and jumped on the counter, which she never does, well at least in front of us. I was putting it in her bowl and she started eating and I got it all over her silly head. Right after that is when I started falling asleep cuz she cuddled with me and no meds.

    I told u gals we're having a 50th party for Marty Sat. so it's crazy in this house---Leslie is actually washing walls, she did paint the bathroom and it beautiful but she gets so uuuaaaahhhh and I have to make fried peppers for like 40 people cuz I make the very best--according to them--not me. My motto for years is never make anything good when u go somewhere to bring food cuz then people will just say Oh buy a dip and bring some chips---but I made peppers one time and Les and Marty had them--how stupid was I.? Oh well I'm not doing anything else so I can do that.

    I'll be back later to say another good morning. 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Sorry to be MIA yesterday,
    was so tired, didn't get out of bed until time to get ready for work.Hit eh snooze button a bunch of time this
    ayem, too.Not sure why I am so tired
    all of a sudden, unless I'm still recovering from the weekend.

    Juilie--nice eye
    candy for the ayem!

    Princess--that's a
    lot of fluid!Here's to feeling better.

    ORLA--they want your
    ovaries out?So not fair!

    Erin--sounds like
    you 've had a bit of a day, hoping things calm down some.Glad your Dad didn't drive himself to

    Red RH--Wow, that's
    an impressive number of extra beats!Supervised exercise only, huh?I
    can see pros and cons for that. . .

    Mema--so not
    fair!Not fair!Not fair!At least you feel great, that is a good thing.Prayers.{{{{{hugs}}}}}

    Dwill--holy cow,
    what a situation!You may want to remind
    your ex that God does expect us to forgive, BUT forgiveness does not erase
    consequences.We may be expected to
    forgive an adulterous spouse, but we are NOT expected to continue to live with
    or to ever trust again that person.That's the consequence.Applies
    to the step daughter, too.And knowing
    that what he is doing is wrong, well, God will not protect him from the
    consequences of his ongoing choice to do wrong.The ex needs to read up on repentance.

    Genny--spring is
    definitely finding it's way here.Saw a
    FLOCK of robins yesterday. Gotchickadees and goldfinches at the bird feeder, even a pair of
    woodpeckers!Have heard blue jays,
    too.A lot of snow is melted off, got
    huge puddles, small ponds in the yard and driveway, Sadie is more mud colored
    than yellow lab colored most o the time.Mud season has arrived!

    Cammy--been insane
    days everywhere!

    Goldie--Love the
    "Go to Hell" dwinky!Lets have
    a few pitchers full!

    4--here's to a good

    Cammy--Joey is such
    a treasure, so glad you have him in your life!

    GREAT PIC!!!!!!!

    Erin--fascia is the
    tissue layer under the skin, but over the muscles that helps support the
    muscles and skin, helps keep the inside in and the outside out.It's a layer of tough but thin tissue.The doc is correct, the mesh is considered
    infected if it's exposed.And this
    situation is tracked, as long with infections, by hospitals and surgeon's
    offices.Mesh is problematic stuff, you
    may have seen the ads on TV looking for people who have had problems with mesh
    aftersurgery, the ones that a lawyer's
    office is running.Isn't the crock pot a
    wonderful thing?I couldn't live without
    mine!So looking forward to being able
    to grill again, there's almost enough snow melted off the deck to get to the
    grill again!Now rest up, like a good
    girl!DD not talking to you?While prozac and related drugs have not been
    studied in pregnant women due to ethical issues, there is a large body of
    anecdotal evidence from women who stay on antidepressants during pregnancy that
    indicates there is very little risk to the baby.From the point of view of a long time prozac
    user myself, and seeing the effects of untreated depression very often, Ipersonally feel the risk of untreated
    depression is much higher than the risk to the baby.A history of depression in the Mom increases
    the risk of post-partum depression after delivery, and we all remember the
    stories of how that can turn out.Being
    treated for depression throughout pregnancy minimizes that risk after delivery,
    and creates better odds that the baby will get not be neglected after
    birth.What will you be committing to if
    you co-sign the lease?How old is
    DD?In most states once a teen female
    becomes pregnant she is automatically considered an emancipated minor and has
    full adult ability to enter into contracts and the like, so does she really
    need your co-signature?Will you be
    taking on financial responsibility for anything?If so, I would say not to co-sign.But there a whole lot more to consider in
    such a situation.That she is not
    talking to you indicates a level of immaturity, and she may not be able to
    indulge in that luxury any more.

    Julie--think little
    gator will grow up to be a big gator in your swamp?

    OK, time to get
    ready for work.

    Ketchup with more

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    NM U'r tired cuz u week-end was horrible, u need to relax, now this week-end u don't hve to be on call so really enjoy it. Our weather is supposed to be good so u'rs probably will be too.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    Cami, I know you would never forget us. Ize just razzin ya girl. We want you to watch Joey grow up too, he is such an amazing little boy. And he loves you so much. And I'm with Wacko, quit bustin on yers dern self. You is most beautiful.

    Sue and Lynne, great pic girls! I hope you had lots of fun and hugs. It's just so special meeting up with a breastie!

    Wacko, make sure you go and see Dr. P. Rick, since that is what you were told. I sure hope this heals up now. As for your DD, what you and your ex thinks is irrelevant. She is a grown woman. As for the not talking, I say just give it some time, I think she just needs to cool off. Why doesn't her dad sign the lease? But I say to just not say anything right now, hopefully she will come around. Cami's advice is spot on.

    Dwill, don't waste too much time or energy on the A$$HOLE, he's not worth it!

    Princess it DOES suck, it sucks BIG TIME, but you will prevail. Hang in there.

    Julie, I hope that gator doesn't stick around! He will NOT stay at 3'. Good to see you.

    Genny, how are you feeling? 2 more days before you get sweet little Nora.

    How is that belly today Dort, after that axardent wif the string on ye pants. Good grief, the chit you manage to getin to, without even trying!

    Cami, splain the fried peppers please? I can't get a visual.

    Bizzy weekend for you NM, glad you got a little extra rest. We know you will be back!
    For "mud season" DOTD-MUDSLIDE SHOOTER

    1/3 oz. Vodka  (more Vodka drinks)
    1/3 oz. Kahlua  (more Kahlua drinks)
    1/3 oz. Irish Cream  (more Irish Cream drinks)

    Take 2 at a time, it's 2'sday!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Oh that DOTD sounds wonderful right now even.

    Lori everytime u say wacko I laugh so hard. Oh my famous fried peppers hahaha. It's just bell peppers with like 1 red ad 1 yellow and I cut them very thin and put just a little oil in the pan and fry on high for just a couple of minutes then add oregano, pepper a little salt and lower the heat and cover them for a while cuz I like soft peppers and cook until they're done-with the cover on I'm steaming them so I don't use much oil but enough oregano to give it flavor and then I take the cover off til they start turning brown a little they're done. And they're good on andy sandwich or with eggs but especially beef or sausage which we're having. I know they're simple, I just make a big deal about everything I do.

    Lara I am watching Chiller movies--so bad the acting is horrible the sound is worse and I still have them on.

    Sue prayers going to u.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    4Sew - thank you for being quick quick wif that pic post. Goils, I must tail u how very special the visit with Lynne was. You can all see by the pic how pretty she is, mese kept tailing her she bootiful. And soo f'n smart, she really knows how to do research and she can remember it. My brain farts too much. Anywho, she has beautiful children, 3 boys and 1 girl. Her name is Maddie too anyway, her Maddie brought a b-day present for my Maddy. That was jes soooo SWEET!! The outfit is 'so' Maddy, all pink and ruffles. I took her to Egg & I off strip so we's cud stuff our face and talk same time. It was just TOOOOO short. And Lynne, I got to thinking, I was not my usual bubbly self and was a bit self-absorbed mese tinks. I wanna do it over K? Hope you and dh are having a fab time. And goils....4 hugged me and hugged me, so u can rest assured I got/felt da lubs from all of you.

    OMG...I feels da LUB and all the prayers and a HUGZ! Thank ewe all fromde berry bottom of mese fart!

    Erin did tail me it was fog from all mese booze and I have used that for days now. LOL! And you got da chapel up fers me too...lubs u soo mmuchly.

    How did ur surgery go on Tues? 4 and I prayed this wud b the BIX and u git all healed up quickliest and be done done done wif dat surgery chit. Jes read what da Doc say. Sounds sooo horrible, but I'm with him for the stas and reporting, ya gotta bite da bullet and go see PA diq. Thank u and Lori for habing a widdle Jose in mese honor. I had ALOT on Monday night. weeee!!

    Julie - need dat naked man...i swear. And I will be asking you and NM as things progress on da steroids. Those and da WBR supposed to make me even 'stranger' then I am...heehee. Tank ewe fer ur prayers...Muah!

    Dwill - I'm stunned, men can b such idiots. Am having a dwink wif ya, gibbing u a big Hug and tailing ya u will git thru dis and we'll hailp. (((dwill)))

    Lori - I'm glad kids are going to bisit mom and yes...I am going to plan on going maybe in the Fall. Mayb u n I can meets up?? Dat wud make mese feel really good....

    Cami - Pshaw!! U have to get out...jes gotta mayb use a walker. U r bootiful and don't u eber forget it. Tank ewe too fer mese prayers. XCLent advice for Erin about her DD. Can tell u have sooo much wisdom in these matters. I wud do jes what u sed too. Am cwacking up about ur motto on taking food to a partay...LOL. Ur peppers sound delish...I'm always stuck w/hot artichoke dip..sigh.

    NM - Thats the way I felt, like I had been run over by a Mac truck. U had a very stressful week and u deserve to sleep in whenever you can. Am even more fercited that u saw the robins yesterday, but giggling bout muddy Sadie (((NM))) Also, and as usual, gr8 advice for Erin.

    Lara - tanks fer prayers and goo vibes. Hope u feeling better too.

    Genny - Gr8 advice to Erin! Still saying lots of prayers for you and Princess.

    Princess - i'm confused bout the fluids, I did not have that trouble, tis why I'm stumped, and u losing weight...I wudda be happyflappy wid dat. Have you tried any ginger for the nausea. Try fresh ground ginger in ur tea. Easy now, little at a time cuz it is not very palatable. (((Prn)

    Hi to Aly and Red and anyone else I'm missing.

    Started my dexamethasone yesterday. Have to take 3 a day....ugh. Have appt today with RadOnco in St George. He used to be at my onco's place in Vegas, but wanted slower, more rural place. My onco assured me he is xcelt and he is closer. Now I have to get a schedule in place for someone to drive me on dh's work days. Several peeps are already stepping up, but as I understand it, I'll b loopier and more forgetful, so mese tinks having a driver schedule and backup is good course of action. I have to do some research on WBR (whole brain radiation I think) so I can have questions ready. So gonna get my ewwa in gear. Will check in as often as I can...and kno


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    aww, I just love you girls sooo sooo much.

    Thank you NM, Camille and Lori for your words of encouragement and your opinions on the matter with Erin Jr. (which bdw, that name jest cracks me up). You all made me smile this morning and I am feeling the love coming from you all. As for the question on the cosigned lease, I cosigned last year. The problem as I see it is that my ex has just spoiled the hell out of lil Erin from birth and continues to do so. The housing issue as I call it started her freshman year of college. She did not get a long with her room mate so her Daddy moved her to the most beautiful apartment, it was so nice, was a high rise and she had a view of the city of Philadelphia although it was in the suburbs . Well she bought my lil grandpuppy Lana who got them both thrown out of there because her little doggy barked non stop all day while she was at school. When she found another really nice place, the two of them applied together He finances her endeavors and pays her rent too. But the ex's debt to income ratios are horribly high as he is holding all of her student loans and paying his own rent too so the complex turned them down. That is when the two of them kissed up to Mommy Erin and had me cosign. I initially refused but got thinking about it. I have never seen late rent show up on peoples credit reports so I thought what the hell and it would keep lil Erin living near campus.. And Lil Erin has suckity credit, only a few trade lines which she has been uber late paying on. Matter of fact, I got tired of Victoria's secret calling my house looking for money so I just gave them her cell number yesterday, oops she not gonna be happy but it is not my problem. Who asked how old she is? She is 22, will be 23 in October. And trust me, I already have much love for that little baby. I portend that I am 100% on board with her pregnancy when I am not. I will just have to wait for her to reach out to me as I know she will eventually. I sent her two loving text messages. And instead of writing a nasty gram to her phone, I called her Dad and we talked for over an hour about things. He only knows about her situation because I broke and told him. Lil Erin was skeered to tell her Dad. I told her that he guessed and he did have an idea based on them going out to eat and her declining both coffee and wine PLUS the largeness of her mid section, she has put on some weight and it shows in her face too. OMG< she is my widdle baby having a baby, Lordy help me please, amen! 

    So about the darn sweat pants, pain pills work really really good but they make me really really stooopid. I changed my bandages as the one was a bloody mess and seeping through. Well don't ya know that the little white string from my sweats just got stuck inside the tape and I did not know it until the big OUCH OMG OMG OMG OUCCCCCHHHHHHH. No damage done there cept for the tugging of the bandages, wound was untouched. Lesson to self, do wound care before high dose of night night meds cuz the pills make me uber stooooopid hehe! 

    Camille, I just love how you write and your passion shows. I hope you are able to make your pepper dish and also enjoy the sailabration of Marty's birth. And that Joey, he just melts my heart that one, oh hell yeah, he is just so sweet and caring. uh, I tink I wanna marry him when he is a grown up, would his mom let me be his wife? jk really but he is going to make a goil a very lucky and happy woman as he is just so sensitive to your needs and that is rare for any male, especially for one that is so young. That little guy has a heart of a grown up and a big heart ta booot. Give him a big Dorky hug from Erin Sr. will ya? 

    Lori, I hate the thought of seeing Dr. PRick again as his office visits are no longer covered by the surgery and are quite pricey. I will have to spend a few hundred for him to report his mess to the state of PA, and what do I get? I get an asshold cocky mouthed pompous dr to tell me nothing is wrong and this is normal. I know his routine. IF this thing does not heal in the next four weeks, I will go as he is the only one that knows what de pluck he did to me. 

    NM, great explanation of the fascia. I could not get that simple of an explanation on google. I see why you were such a great teacher of nursing students back in the day. I know nothing about the innards of mese body cept that I put food in and it comes out de other end hehe! I finally comprehend what this mesh was used for. And should someone have told me that I have this foreign chit in mese body? The whole idea of doing the DIEP procedure was to use all of my own parts so that my body would not reject them. Oh well, water under the bridge. Speaking of water, yep, Happy Mud Season indeed. I also can't wait to start grilling. I have to decide on buying a new grill or trying to refilll my tank. Seems I fill it and it empties itself, there sumting leaking cuz I bought propane months ago, used de grill once then it was empty. I do recall smelling propane in de air. The grill is my Ex's and is junk. My good grill caught fire, omg, remember that? 

    Gennie and Princess, gosh I feel for the two of you. It prolly seems an eternity that you have to endure all this but before you know it, it will be behind you. And as I told my XDH#2 when he had to go through three months of rads, you will feel terrible BUT once it is over, you will feel better than pre-treatment as you will appreciate feeling GOOD sooooo much more after enduring so much. Hang with us and we will do all we can to help you through these tough times. And Gennie, I hope you enjoy that bootiful lil baby's visit, she is just so precious. Give me a ring if you need help, I need practice lol. 

    SueBHoney, I just loves you so much and have been praying up a storm for you. You go git em dahling. I really admire you and your will to keep fightin! You got this honey ((((((Sue)))))). I lubs you from the depths of mese soul.

    Lala, hey little sista, how you feeling? You have been quiet. We gotta partay together again and soon. You crack me up, I was tailing Lori about you marching in my house, using the bathroom then immediately downing a few shots of whiskey. I jest lubs you so much. 

    and Julie, I still cracking up at the chicken, I been wondering why he crossed that dern road all mese life and finally I know. I was tinking of you dis morning when I was making my bed. And I wondered if I ever formally tanked ye for bringing me a big arse bottle of JD and chocolate to Cyndies? Where are mese manners, my Mom would be mortified if she knew I did not write you a personal tank ye note. So take this as a tank ye, I just love you for being you, such a sweet n loving n caring person you are and you are always tinking of others. I hope you are enjoying day work and also hope the crazies only come out at night whilst you sleep peacefully at home. yah

    Gotta fly, mese Dad needs his lunch. My nephew took him all morning to give me a break, halleluyah, brallaluyah amen, cheerss! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    dern, I am such a page hog (( OINK OINK ))

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    phases of wound healingfor erin ,on fb will share the article

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    I second, third that about Julie--I think she's the most quiet on the board, yet gets us to smile a lot and great advice and so caring, it's my pleasure to know her and appreciate her as well. As the rest of u do too. She's so sweet.

    Sue u are marrrvelous Dahlink, I admire u so, but post whenever u can whatever u want--we're here. And always daily prayers.

    Erin,  u'll see everything will be fine when the dust settles, oh don't dust now, that's just an expression---but really it's funny how some things have a way of being OK and u just go along and it turns out fine. And watch u'r strings wow I didn't know all that stuff about our inners, kinda scary to depend on them all the time like we do.

    I've made my decision for what I'm drinking Sat. nite--Marty's cousin is making jello shots and she's making cherry (cuz that's his favorite) so I've had them before and I really like them so I'm going to drink those darn things, but I know she makes them strong but I'm throwing caution to the wind and live on the edge--Marty is taking turning 50 rally hard, I didn't think he would but this one is tough on him. His dad died of cancer when he was 54 so I think that's why and I also think that's why he's so damn good to me. I went to school from 1st grade with his father, thru HS and never saw him again until our kids met and his mom too. Which was really funny to me cuz I thought who would have thought this kid I know when I was in first grade, that his son would marry my DD. And the most special of people in my life would be his GS. Wow

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014

    cammi- isn't it wonderful when our lives  interact with people  we knew as children and your too kind in your choice of words about meHappy

    nm glad you had a day of rest

    red,what they doing about your heart?

    erin-cammi is the wisest in her words re dd


    hope everybody is having a good day

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2014

    JUilet hot stuff

    ohh cam u r bootiful feel better chiller ill ck it out

    4 u r so pretty and mema u r to its ok if u were not yourself

    wacko goldie u crack me up

    big sis u better drink water

    kk worked today tired

    love u all

    princess rest


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Lara I thought u were working, now take u'r own advice and rest.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    WTF no one has been here. Whoa.

    Well I was falling asleep and my phone rang (business) and I had everything put away and the man started telling me what he wanted done and his name address the whole shmear and when he got done I said Could u please repeat that cuz I don't remember one word u said. Now this is professional. And I was laughing so hard, so I finished had to call my sister again 3 times tonite and told her well of course we were laughing our asses off. (I guess u had to be here) And don't I wish I could laugh my ass off.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2014

    Juliet. ... I love what you working days is doing for us!  Woo hoo hotsy totsy!!! Keep them coming. 

    Chemo light tomorrow. Boo hoo. Lol

    Sleep tight gurls....Happy

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2014

    you are too funny Cam, you should jest tell em to call back when you is sober and that is NEVER EBER hehe! you gonna enjoy those jello HELLo shots, wooo hooo, i dwink em with ya from here! hope you sleeping lub. 

    hey Princess, I agree that having Julie work days is awesome for de goils of the HTL, I bin seeing some verry sweet meat in here, wooop woooooop! hope your treatment is easy, sounds better since it called chemo light. cheers! 

    La la, why water? icky sort boring zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! jest kidding, i know hTWO ohhhh is de domb, err i mean de bom born, ya notice de word bom and born look de same with me left eye chut? why that is far out dudettes! yOOOoooo. peace OUT! and on more yo. Yo, i heard from Erin Jr aka EJ hehe! anywho, she send me pic of ultra sound, she is 8 weeks. mese math sez due date is 11/17 ish. I am not de math wiz that i portend to be. more cheerS! nighty night goils! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2014

    Erin u should be sleeping too, I can't sleep tonite after 2 Xanax and 2 pain pills WTF, then another day I'll sleep 12 hrs. I don't like that--good thing I have my TV on (all the time) 24/7 --see that goofy phone call woke me up and that's when I really woke up and now I'm ready to tke a shower but it'll bother everyone probably GRRRRR.

    So see Erin u 2 are talking it will come full circle, u'l see. And how are u'r strings, don't go playin violin on them, cuz u can never stop doing things.

    OK everyone is sleeping now so I will shut up altho u can't hear my voice, or hear me thinking--good thing, cuz all my words are jumbled up in my head and I see the alphabet, oh that's the keyboard, See how I think? now u really know, my voices are having a disagreement and driving me crazy.

    OK my Katie is getting perturbed with me cuz she wants me off the computer, she;s so spoiled, I wonder why.?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited April 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Looking at some nice weather
    coming up here, gonna enjoy it as much as I can!

    Yet another saga in
    the facility fromhe## saga:Another nurse took over that facility this
    week,onTuesday to be precise.She found
    out on Tuesday that the Admin from he## is no longer working there!No specific info as to what happened, and I
    really don't care all that much, but I really hope it means that resident care
    is going to get better there.

    Cammy--I must be
    getting old to take so long to recover from a working weekend!Looking forward to a beautiful few days of
    weather here.

    Shooters, what a great dwinky!Bring
    'em on!

    Cammy--sometimes the
    simple foods are the yummiest!

    Mema--how wonderful
    that so many people are already offering to help you out!You know some wonderful peeps!

    Erin--sounds like
    Erin Jr and Ex share the same money management philosophy, and it's ketchuping
    with them both.Life is really gonna
    change forErin Jr when Baby arrives.I can understand your love for Baby, and Baby
    doesneed to have a place to live.Too bad about her losing the high rise
    apartment due to doggy barks.Will
    cosigning affect your credit rating at all?And the sweat pants string getting caught in the dressing, oh my, I can
    picture that!Glad only the bandages
    were affected!I do remember your grill
    catching fire!Sounds like the current
    one has a leak, you'll probably be better off getting a new grill.

    Cammy--cherry jello
    shots sound very yummy!Funny how life
    works out sometimes, isn't it?

    Julie--hmmm, I think
    I need a bath . . . .

    ORLA-- hope it was a
    good day at work!

    Princess--good luck
    with chemo lite today.

    Erin--8 weeks
    along?Just getting started!

    Cammy--can you give
    one voice a xanax and the other voice a pain pill and get them BOTH to go to

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is The Alligator Bite

    1/2 shot Midori
    Melon Liqueur

    splashes 151 Proof

    1/2 shot

    1/2 shots Raspberry

    1/2 shot Sweet and
    Sour Sauce


    Sweet and Sour Sauce
    and Midori Melon Liqueur mix and pored into glass add Raspberry Liqueur
    (Chambord) add Jagermeister and top off with splash of 151 Proof Rum

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2014

    Cami, I thought the peppers were something that you ate as an appetizer or something. But ok, put them on a sandwich or as a side.

    Sue/Lynne, glad you had such a nice time, but they are always too short. And Sue, who can blame you for not being yourself! You know I will come and see you, iffin I can. Fall is usually when we take our trips, so depends on that.

    Wacko (I have to call you that to make Cami smile), I don't understand why YOU should have to pay for something the doc screwed up? Thanks for letting us know why you are the one to co-sign, mese understands now. I do not remember your grill catching fire! And get a new one, especially if you have a leak. Are you sure it's attached well to the grill? Do you turn the tank on and off when you use it? A leak is just too scary, things could go BLOOEY!!! That is nice that your nephew took your dad, you should encourage him to do it more often, maybe even some over nighters.

    Julie, you ARE a dear, and I know this from first hand experience! SOOOO glad I got to meet you, but like Sue and Lynne's visit, much too short. Dat boy in da tub looks might young, did you check is ID?

    What a lovely story about your DD and SIL, and of course that you got Joey out of the deal! Sorry that Marty is taking fitty so hard, tell him he is only a year older than he was last year, or a day older than yesterday. Be careful with those jello shots, very sweet!

    LaLa, you make sure you rest too. How has your pain been?

    Princess, you are getting chemo every week?

    Yay, you heard from your DD Dort. Knew you would. Can you share the ultra sound? And I see you are staying up half the night!

    Cami, you are too funny. I jes luv how you think.

    NM, I hope things will work out at work. Although it's the care that you provide to your patients that is important. That Alligator Bite, YIKES!!! And WOWSA!!! I love the idea for Cami to give each voice a pill....good one!

    Genny gets lil Nora today, we prolly won't see much of her until next week!

    Well, I was not thinking too straight yesterday morn, and it doesn't look like anyone caught it, as I thought it was 2'sday! So mese missed Hump Day. I talked to Sue yesterday, and she said it was ok for mese to share. She does have a bit of goot news. Originally they thought there were 5 lesions, there are 4. They are berry small and the bestest part is she only habs to do about 15 radiation treatments and not 6 weeks like originally thought. So, a bit of good news dere. Still praying very hard for you LDB (lil doyty butt).

    Later Loungettes