how about drinking?



  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Morning everyone, I have not heard from Lynn but told Kathy to go ahead and keep her spot for now. I took care of her so she can have time to respond back. I sent her a text message and emailed her so hopefullyy she will get it soon.

    NM glad your feeling better. I know what you mean about reliving an accident. Mine was two years ago and I still hear the screetch of the tires the bang and can still see the drunks face that hit me. My neurophychologist has me reading this thing called the forgiveness project. Its actually pretty good but I am having a real hard time forgiving the lady that hit me so shes having me read these stories about traumatic events others have gone through and how they were able to forgive. Its pretty interesting. Not that you are having trouble with that. I just thought its interesting.

    Julie I hope you feel better so you can go see Mickey. Better warn him were a commin!Lol. I love Mickey!Where do you usually like to stay when you go? We have stayed at Pop Century twice, All Stars Movies, Animal Kingdom Lodge once that was awesome! Port Orleans, Contemporary, and the Coronado Springs twice. We have stayed in some of the Downtown Disney places too but thers nothing like staying on campus.

    I have to go get my taxes done too so see you a little later

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015

    NM, I hear ya on the accident,waiting for more hits. It's been almost a year since ours, in the truck. We were traveling 65 mph when we were hit and sent sliding sideways down the road, I just kept waiting for the truck to start rolling. It was such a relief when we came to a stop. Onc does know about my "D", he gave me some diphen atropine. But I don't think it's working!!! And I certainly don't want him to have me go to the hospital.

    Julie, certainly you can get things cleared up in a week? Can't miss a date with MIckey!

    Cami, I am not a fan of yogurt, but I'll eat it on occasion. I have been trying to eat protiens, just not able to stomach a lot. 3 eggs yesterday and half a tuna sandwich. The lips seem to be doing better this morning, been slathering them with bag balm, so far that's the only thing that's helped. I've used lotions, coconut oil and aloe to no avail. Where are you headed today? Enjoy your Joey time!

    LDB, so all done wif you DS's taxes now? What did DH decide to do wif his truck? I think I might have some ointment for de heiny hole, butt (pun intended), I'm staying away from Cami, she mighten want to put some parsley up dere!

    Wacko, "SHART" might not be in Webster's, but it's in the Urban Dictionary! There are many of them, and even sound tracks! Also while I was there, I gave FURB a thumbs up. Party at your house this weekend??? Glad you are feeling better after talking wif you shrink.

    NM, could you see the pile up in front of you and you were doing ok, but the person behind you was not as aware and prepared? I still jump when someone is pulling up from a side street or pulling up to come out of a parking lot, just so sure they are not going to stop.

    Nancy, almost sent you swimming! Good thing I din't, would have ruined all your tax papers. Mese tinks you and Julie will be non stop talking 'bout Disney. May just have to call you two DW1 and DW2?

    I think I'll send an email to the medical assistant about my condition. I'm still having the "D", and just not sure if I should start up my next cycle on Monday, even though it is a much lower dose. It's wierd, I feel like eating, but once I get it in my mouth, things change! DH picked up our canvas picture yesterday, it turned out really nice. Just a small one 24" x 36".

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2015

    Morning girls, I have been reading all daily just been really busy.

    NM, I'm so sorry about your ordeal but so thankful that you are ok. It's so scary, I've been in black ice before watching cars going this way and that with no control over your own, it stays with you for awhile. I hope your memory of it all fades as quickly as the bruises will. Take it easy this weekend and hope the paperwork goes off without a hitch and you get a new car soonliest. So glad Sadie wasn't with you, awful, yet so wonderful, could have been so much worse. Glass in your panties?...yikes!!

    Lori, ugh to you too, I'm with Dara...Prep H is the best. I always keep it on hand just in case. It works instantly. I had the magic mouthwash too for my sore throat during rads and found that it only worked for a few minutes. Have you tried Orajel for your lips? It's got a numbing agent in it that might help. I used to use it in my salon on the upper lip before and after waxing and it really helped. I am praying for you every day. I hope they get your dose right and your TM's continue to drop and that nasty spot on your hip shrinks and shrinks. I had the really nasty folliculitis after my 3rd round, was very slight after the 4th and not at all with the 5th and 6th so maybe these SE's will lessen up each time. I do get the quality of life thing but hope you hang in for awhile yet. ((Lori!!)) I just love ya girl! That study you posted is the one I was telling you about. They were talking about it on the today show. New stuff everyday, please try not to get too discouraged, easy for me to say....

    Julie, I hear ya on the sinuses...mine are awful, specially at night, one side plugs, I roll over then the other. Have fun at Disney! David is beautiful!! What a dollbaby! Hope you get to hold him soon.

    I gotta jump off for now, love you all , DH still sick but finally home, bullheaded as ever, had to get his oil changed this ayem at 8, really should be in bed but no point in telling him what I think he should do. Nora still sick , chest congestion better but her ears are really bothering her. DS back to work but congested, I'm fine, knock on wood. Both dogs have diarrhea, thinking it's a bug cause they both have it. They are eating, drinking and playing just got the poops. Got to get to the gym, I should be able to get back later...lubs to all!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2015

    NM that crash was crazy thank god your ok and I agree on everything u said in the end about going to the ER etc

    Juliet yea I did freak a bit , I feel really closed in and when I have a lot going on and she doesnt even give me a chance its frustrating. I guess some files were not transfered to her and it went to an ole GP.This place is very busy so they faxed it takes a wek or so to scan to her. My pain mangement wanted it on her to help me I guess that freaked her out.IDK NYS is strict we have I STOP and everything else. This is the second time she saw me so it was a lot to put on her, then I freaked out.So I get it

    Yes Goldie I would rather work I can change the surgery date. This implant is very uncomfortable but I have been out of work for so long it has taken a finacial toll on us.If I can get the help I need and this thing stays in place no more shifting or popping god forbid ill do it in 6 months lets face it my body needs a break. I already see weight loss and getting bk to normal,this would happen then boom down again from surgery.I need a longer break.

    lets see cam u have a good phone voice b a sex operater lol kidding...............................................

    IDK I read things then I forget everything ck in later


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2015

    Good Morning Ladies---

    NM I like the name of the DOTD today--And it's so true once u've been in an accident u can't help but flinch when something is going on--I still don't sit in the passenger seat, I sit in the back even if there are only 2 of us in the car usually. Crazy but then again I am. I'm glad u feel better today.

    Lori I know u know what to eat and stuff I just saw that commercial and thought I'd share and please tell u'r Dr. about the D--there are other meds that might help u. I've doubled up on what they would tell me o us, but don't do that-u know I diagnose and dispense myself--Please don't forget the electrolyte water. I know I'm a nag, I'm sorry.

    Lara I really didn't realize the problems u are having, I'm so sorry,

    Julie u'd better be feeling better now, yes now.

    Dara u'r right everyone is in a mess lately---we have to help each other as much as we possibly can--it's so hard not being close to anyone--Did I tell u I started my brandy--ooo quite a kick, I drink it right out of the bottle-no paper bag either, I've got balls--I remember as a kid it was smoother, but then again sometimes memories get mellow over the years.

    Joey did my hair last nite and he thought I looked beautiful, but I'm not supposed to tell anyone (HA) he loves doing girly things too with me and he's so gentle and it really feels good and relaxing.

    It's sunny today so roads are a go--I just have another Dr. app't that's all--OK this will cheer up up I have an infection around my cumasequama all over the skin which bleeds like crazy and I've used everything over the counter u can think of, yes everything LOL and of course it's itchy making it bleed more, but when I'm out and it's itchy u can imagine my contortions--so I'll show it to the dr. today--it really nothing important, just stupid. And here I go with my cane again Oh Lordy who knows what will happen. See my problems are nothing---well I could go to jail cuz of my taxes but hell they have computers there now.

    Love to all and feel better (((PRAYERS )))


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2015

    Oh just a quick story, I had a call yesterday from a customer and she was drunk as a???? I can't say skunk, because I really don't know of skunks that drink anyway since I understand and speak fluent drunk I did get the whole message and sent it out and they called and didn't understand her---I said it was my wisdom that helped me, yea right

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2015

    Hi girls, back again. Dh in bed, Emma still having bad D. She pooped all over my freshly shampooed carpet while I was at the gym, so they are freshly shampooed once again. We've been trying to figure out what's up with her and should she go to the vet when dummy us realize my DH bought her a different kind of food and just started her on it Sunday. So I went today and bought the old food but for now they are both just getting rice and chicken and probiotics. Oh and I put Prep H on her butthole cause she kept licking it and I think it helped. My DS is finally getting off of the night shift and on to days next week.. woohoo, I'm excited for him, he doesn't get to see a lot of Nora or his wife. They never get to have date night and she has had to shoulder most of the responsibility with Nora so they are thrilled. Did anybody ever hear from Lynne? I called her and left a message about getting her deposit in but I never heard back.

    Cami, love the story about you speaking drunk, I must admit I know that language pretty well myownself. Cut about Joey doing your hair.. I won't tell. I didn't realize that you had him fulltime in the beginning, no wonder you two are so close. Hope you get your cumesquama issues resolved, sounds very unpleasant, sounds like good cause for a swig or 2 of brandy.

    Lara, when do you think you'll hear about the job? I hope you get it and your implants stay put.

    Lori, I definately tink shart should be in the dictionary... I mean everybody's done it and what else would you call it? I pray your D goes away soon.

    Nancy, hope you get some money back, I hate thinking about getting our taxes done, it always gets my DH down in the dumps cause we always owe and he hates parting wif the $. You sound like you are feeling better.

    SuzieQ, glad you got yer taxes done too, and yer DS's. Hope yer having a good day.

    NM. Hope your hot bath and candles and good smelling stuff did the trick. I'm sure you're prolly very sore today, rest up, so glad you are here with us.

    Love to all, have a good weekend.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2015

    Mary that such nice news about u'r son. What a difference it will make for all of them. And I hope he gets used to the new way of sleeping, of course when u'r young it's different.

    OK I did it again I think this might be the 2nd dr. I did this to--She asked me about sleeping and I told her I sleep to much lately, I can fall asleep sitting and then I said I think I have necrophilia, her head went on the computer board as she was LOLing and I knew I said the wrong word, but honestly couldn't think of it, when she finally stopped LOLing she said I know what u mean, but now I can't think of the word that's all that's going thru my head. Everything was about the same levels are low so more meds and I have a yeast infection--and I see my Onc next month for a lump on my head--I said that's soon enough I wasn't worried, she always rolls her eyes at me and my hernia was sticking out I was LOLing and told her to ignore it, it's been there for yrs. But she is so nice she said u know to call me if anything gets worse or u just don't feel right. Oh and I had a fever, who knows why.??? haahaha And I only spun out once on my cane, I really concentrated this time.

    OK my day is done for work and now it's time to ignore my phone and everyone else, except Joey

    Mary as everyone else knows my DD was very sick and in the hospital for months so I took a FMLA for the whole yr. and yes I think that's why we're so close, my whole day revolved around him, not that it was fun, I just felt a lot of responsibility. Then it got fun.

    Sweet night everyone

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    Hi girls!

    Me and mese cousin is partaying. She left me for "a minute" as she calls it. She brings a months worth of clothing and is hauling it in from her van. So I figured I would poop in and tell you all what is happening here, it is all fun.

    I creeped all of your facebook pages and told mese cousin about all of you goils after receiving an email confirmation for the cruise. Mese cuz is so sweet in enjoying hearing about all of you. Mary, we came across a video of a dog with a sweatshirt and human hands and wese watched it thrice times and she made me share it to her facebook page.

    Cam, love your Joey stories. And glad the issue with the ugh tingy is jest yeast. Yikes, you had me skeered.

    well woops, mese cuz is back so I write more latah. Hopinig all mese goils feeling alright or better yet, feeling good. i will take good. Love you all, cheers!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    woohoo got my email from kathy!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Goodmorning everyone its official we are on our way to a great cruise! It will be alot of fun. You can go on the Disney cruise site and view the excursions Kathy was talking about in the email she sent you. Let me know if you have any questions. I still have not heard from Lynn but her spot is still there. Gotta go for now Ill check backlate

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015

    Wacko, I will put the Prep. H on my grocery list. I do believe things are starting to solidify! It's the cramping that is the bugger. Have fun with your cuz!

    Mary, I don't really need the lip to be numb, they don't hurt too bad. The bag balm seems to be working the best. I'm not noticing any new spots popping up, so just need to get it cleared up. Your poor family and poor Nora. Just breaks your heart when little ones are sick. Thanks for posting that study! Like I said, my onc was not aware of it and it willing to try it. And maybe not just on me! As for your DH being bullheaded when he's sick, don't be complaining about it! Mine is HUGE baby, and you would think it was the end of the world! Thank goodness he hardly gets sick. With your son on days, I hope it doesn't cut into your Nora time.

    Lara, I didn't mean work and change surgery date. If you didn't take the job, you would not be in any place different if you took the job and then took time off for surgery, and they let you go. Which I don't think they can do that anyways, like someone else said. You know your body the best, and if you think you need more time before more surgery, by all means...TAKE IT! I just hate that you are in so much pain.

    Cami, we shall call you Daisy! Driving Miss Daisy! And I bet if Joey is in the car, he sits in the back with Funny about the drunk caller. Oh dear, I'm not sure I know what cumasequama is, so I Googled it! Well, because it's a "Cami" word, it's not there, not even in the Urban Dictionary! Maybe we should put it there? WACKO???? Ooooh, your doctors muc love to see you coming! You necrophllia you!

    Good one on the Eharmony for Dara!

    NM, your car is a mess ALL THE WAY AROUND. You prolly wouldn't want to see a video of how it played out. Did all go well yesterday?

    I sent the following email to the Medical Assistant at my onc's officem along with a pictuer of my lips...

    Good morning Eloisa,

    I’m writing just as an update as to how I am feeling since my visit there last Monday, since I am suppose to start my 2nd cycle of Xeloda this coming Monday.

    Tuesday when I got home, I went to bed.

    Wednesday, I had a very low grade fever of 99.5 and slept pretty much all day.

    I am still having diarrhea, with the cramping, but it seems to be less frequent.I’m taking the Diphen/Atropine, 2 in the morning and 2 at night.

    My face and chest are slow to heal.

    My lower lip continued to get worse, yesterday being the worst day. I’ll attach a picture. I think it’s starting to improve today.

    Energy level is pretty low. I’m not able to eat a whole lot, but try things that are higher in protein, such as eggs and tuna. Also making my own sort of a Gatorade, using fresh oranges, lemons, honey and tad bit of sea salt mixed with water.

    Would there be any reason to hold off on starting my next cycle come Monday. Doctor also reduced it from 4/3 pills to 2/2.

    This is the email I got back....

    I was informed that this is not a secure e-mail and no patient information should be exchanged on it. If you are having any problems it should be discussed with Dr. Buresh or the RN if it is medication related. Please do not send information to this email. Call the office please and speak with Jen or Lyndsay with any updates. Thank you.

    Now mind you, they send me my labs and results of my scans via email!
    I'll see if I can't find a DOTD, brb.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015

    We have the Bon Voyage Cocktail


    1 shot gin 
    1 shot tequila 
    1 dash lemon juice 
    1 dash blue curacao liqueur 

    Pour tequila and gin over ice in a cocktail glass. Add a dash of lemon juice and blue curacao, and stir lightly. Serve with a straw.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2015

    yes I gott it goldie

    cam u crack me up.. My mom does things like that I say something and shes so off base ..she says I mumble lol shes been like that her whole life

    omg so my friend going thru the chemo her dad is dying he goes in for a skin removal to he has cancer through out his whole body. WTFFFFFFFFF I swear ill demand a body scan every 6 months. How these things go unnoticed is beyond me her father is her everything.I might write some people should I cam they might take me away ........Things need to be changed

    genny thx hope I get it as well I will be a career director for a school its managment. I place the students, grads and alum in positions, help them with resume review, how to dress and get the rap music off there ring tone.

    I will be in charge of two people as well also making presentations at companies that place are students three programs; drafting and design, electrical and computer network high demand fields.

    big sis waz up

    Im sad I cant go on disney my parents took my step bro and sis when they were young and they said mickey mouse would b right there all the time, the kids well they are adults now loved it. You know I did not go to disney until I was in my 30s I loved it.

    I made up with PITA cleaning girl, she apologized still not cleaning

    They have this testing thing here I am going to do that until I hear from the school. Still like 2 more rounds. situational questions I hate those.

    Today I am cleaning its freezing here.I always have my socks on the floor wtf how they are always there no clue

    Hi mema

    hows prn

    NM just happy u r ok'

    ncollet good booking mybe travel agent in the future.................. I always wanted to that

    I still want to teach overseas I lived in thailand for 6 months and loved it

    Hi mema




  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2015

    Good Morning Ladies---

    Oh Lori after u poor u heart out now the site is down. Jeez, I like the idea of talking on the computer with the nurses, personally I could care less who knows what, but I guess the do have to guard this thing. Now what? U have to wait til Monday morning to talk to anyone? Which is crummy---But I do hope u'r feeling better today--that a tough one to take.--but u still crack me up.

    Wow everything sounds so set with the trip, I know all o u will have suck a good time finaly meeting everyone else and just having fun.

    I hope NM is ok today, I know she has lots to do--please don't push to hard- oh no one listens to me anyway. Just listen tho.

    My work has started already, poor people with no urnace, it's really cold here and Les just left for school, but Marty drives her on sat. so he'll have the car.

    Joey is sleeping over by his other granma's house tonite with his 2 cousins, she only takes Joey if she takes someone else. He says it doesn't bother him, cuz he has me, but she treats him so distant, well she's kind of like that anyway, but it's so noticeable with her other grandkids, specially at Christmas and yet he says he understands--oh this reminds me of a story----

    When my grandma died (this is the one that never spoke to me, remember) the tradition then for Italians was lining up and kissing u'r loved one good by--I was 11 and I was standing with my cousin and he went first and then I went and just stood there--I was not going to kiss her--he pushed my head down so I had to kiss her and I screamed and yelled why would I want to kiss this woman we never kissed when she was alive so why would I want to kiss her now we didn't even like each other--Well this was an extreme insult for the whole family---but my wonderful parents were fine and said don't worry--u were right and they didn't care what anyone thought---and my Dad (his mother) said to me she wasn't nice anyway. I thought I was in big trouble and my cousin did too and he was LOLing the whole time--well I got him. OK stupid story I know.

    I hope everyone has a good day.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Well, got a look at my car, or what's left of it, yesterday, and got my gear out of it.The hatchback part is crushed down to about 8 inches.The plastic tub with my work supplies is literally crushed.But now I've got my gear, got a rental car, the insurance claim is started, the State Police report isn't finished yet, and life moves on.But, I did find my cell phone, now that it's warmed up, recharged, and cleaned up it's working just fine.

    Collett--Getting hit by a drunk driver must be a horrible experience!At least I don't have that issue to deal with, nobody was really doing anything wrongexcept driving too fast for the conditions, but even I had trouble getting stopped and I was driving less than 45 MPH. But I do have issues forgiving the Rad Onc that screwed up my treatment so badly.But I work on it.Have you read the book Amish Grace?It's about the Amish community's response to the family of the man who held hostage and shot several school girls, killing some of them.I re-read it periodically.

    Goldie--The big problem was that the whole thing started on a hill.When I crested the hill I saw all hell breaking loose, and got stopped, still fairly near the top of the hill.Cars coming over just didn't have enough time to stop on the slippery road--it was morning commute and most people were going 50- 60 mph despite the snow.Cars couldn't even steer aroundother vehicles, everyone was just sliding.I hear you about fearing people won't stop, snowbanks are so high that I'm always watching for someone coming out who can't see over the snow.

    Genny--the helplessness is so terrifying.I'm doing ok, did have a couple of nightmares last night, but I was kinda expecting that.I'm actually looking forward to going back to work Monday and the normality of that.Oh my, so many sick in the family, please take care of yourself!

    ORLA--sounds like too many cooks in the kitchen and spoiling your broth!The medical system we have is so messed up in so many ways.Your body probably does need a break, but it needs a break from the pain, too.SO hard for you!

    Cammy--I can imagine why you don't want to sit in a passenger seat, I feel the same way about driving to work going that same route.Probably going to use another route for a while.So with your Wisdom you can translate drunkenese?What a talent!

    Genny--Poor Emma!Never thought of using Preparation H on doggy poopholes, but I bet it works great!So glad DS is getting off the night shift.That is just so disruptive to life.And yes, hot shower, nice candles and pretty smelling lotion made for a nice bit of relaxation.

    Cammy--necrphelia, narcolepsy--not much difference there!

    Dara--Have fun with your cuz!

    Julie--sounds like eHarmony has your number!

    Collett--gonna check out the links later today, so fun!

    Goldie--Seriously, they send lab results through a non-secure e-mail?I would really be questioning that!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Thanksgiving Special

    3/4 oz Apricot Brandy

    3/4 oz Gin

    3/4 oz Dry Vermouth

    1/4 tsp Lemon Juice

    1 tsp Cherry

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.


    Shake all ingredients (except cherry) with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Top with the cherry and serve.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    A few of the pics my Mom took yesterday:





  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    My gosh NM I am just glad everything is ok and you have your things. I have not read Amish Grace but I do remeber that story. I will have to look it up. I can understand why you would have trouble forgiving your onc. I would too.

    Cami you make my day. Love you!

    Lora I have always wanted to be a travel agent as well I tried to do it for a bit through a on line source called Outside Agents but I didnt have enough to invest in it and at the time was working full time. Maybe one day I can relook into it again.

    Genny I hope your family is feeling better. Im glad your DS got off nights I did nights for 4 years and it made me real sick. I had to quit my job that I really didlike but I just couldnt do anymore because of the hours. It was just physically hard on me.

    Dara hope your having alot of fun with your cousin. I know my cousin and I have a lot of fun when we are together.

    Lori your doctors office shouldnt be sending you anything over a unsecure email. I would be addressing that with them as well. Unless i missunderstood. Which is very possible, my blood sugars have been running in the 300s and 200 since i have been on this darn prednisone and Im about over it too.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2015

    Morning girls. DH still sick, Emma still has bad D and Junior has mild D. Emma threw up in the middle of the night, just a small amount but still. So we cooked up chicken breast, gave her a little of the old dog food. Little drops of blood coming out but I suspect it's just irritation cause they are bright red. So, what to do, they are eating, drinking and playing like nothing is wrong. Just got back from a walk and they were both happy and as full of it as always. I gave Emma some more probiotics and irritable bowel medicine my DH got from Petco. So I'm reading the label and all it is is Pepto Bismol. Just priced a lot higher. If we take them both to our local vet it's going to be well into hundreds of dollars. We have a low priced pet clinic nearby where Junior gets his vaccinations and I called them and got them in at 4 on Monday so I took that appt. It's not at all unusual for Jr to get a little D, he's super picky and doesn't eat carbs, no to potatoes, bread pizza crust, or really anything that is not meat. He doesn't even like lunchmeat, but just give him an old dried up rotted foot from a mouse in the woods and he'll scarf it down, then the D. But Emma is the one that's got me worried, with tomorrow being Sunday and vet not open, hopefully it was just the abrupt change in food and we'll get it to stop. So that's my dilemma for the day. It's sunny and pretty here but was a whopping minus 5 this ayem. Sposed to get a winter storm tomorrow around 6 inches but the way the radar map looks it's gonna be about a county south of us. We live right by Lake Erie and sometimes everything goes just south of us.

    NM, ugh, your poor car. Nice to see the driver's side pretty much unscathed. Glad to here you got your work stuff back and your cell phone, that must be a relief!

    Lori, so no way to get a hold of your doctor or her assistant? I would definitely make them change that when you go on Monday.

    Oh Cami, you just crack me up, necrophelia!! Haha... my mom always screwed up words too, all her life. My dad used to say no one could screw up the english language like Archie Bunker and my mother. One time and I may have told you this before cause it's my all time favorite... but my mom was telling me that she was getting my niece a tape for xmas by some singer named John Obie. So I told her I never heard of him before and she says " well I've prolly got it wrong cause he's sposed to be real popular." So I put on my think like Genny cap and asked her "mom, was it Bon Jovi?" Yep that was it, I said write it down, don't think they'll know at the record store who John Obie is. Then she said she was going to by my nephew some "Oh My Gosh Jeans." And she used to eat "It Can't Be Butter". And ya know what my big sex talk was? "if some guy ever tries anything, you just tell him to go stick it... up someone else!" So ya just got me walking down memory lane.

    Lala, job sounds great, got my fingers crossed.

    Dara, have fun, do a toast to all us girls tonight!

    Well, gotta run, have poop to clean up. prolly pop in latah..

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinKs!

    NM - OMG...ur car is a wreck!  To read your description raises the hair on my arms, so fricken scary!  Glad you think u'll b up to work come Monday.

    Loweee - pleased to hear that it looks like things calming down with ur guts.  Love the DOTD cept I'd use wodka.  LOL.  My PCP's ofc has an on-line portal that is secure where I can discuss my situation.  Tell em to get one up and running, it wud make things easier for pts, especially those who live in the boonies like you.

    Cami - God bless little Joey, he is jes such an old soul.  I'm glad you have him so close to you.  Puts a smile on my face every time you talk about him.  Funny story about your gramma, but not.  At your age then, that could have been very traumatic.  Some traditions need to be re-examined especially for the sake of the young.  Got a chuckle about the term u used for narcolepsy...LOL.

    Nancy - soooo much to peruse on the links Kathy sent us in our emails.  Glad I have time to really look at em as time goes on.  Are you and Julie doing DW before or after the cruise?  And if so, how many days? 

    Hi Lara - job sounds very interesting.

    Dara - Sounds like you and your cousin having a marvelous time.  Wish I cud b there to toast the airplanes with yas.  How is the arm?

    Mary - ewww poor Emma.  Never thought of prepH for a doggies heiny, very clever.  And changing the dog food will cause the runs.  Mix the old with the new gradually and that should remedy the situation.  Course u prolly kno that already.

    Well, gonna git all my goils...hope you have fantastic weekend.  Will leave u with a smile and hopefully a chuckle.

    A boy asks his granny, 'Have you seen my pills, they were labeled LSD?' Granny replies,f**k the pills, have you seen the dragons in the kitchen?

    Wife gets naked and asks hubby, 'What turns you on more, my pretty face or my sexy body?'  Hubby looks her up and down and replies, 'Your sense of humor!


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Memaw I am planning on going to DW 2 days before the cruise just to make sure I get there due to the fabulous weather that we always seem to have here in da frozen tundra of Indiana. Probably wont stay after the cruise. But we will see maybe I might. I know there is alot of informatio she gave but I have cruised before so if you have any questions dont hesitate to give me a call.

    lubs ya

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    i'm planning on going either fri or sat before the cruise and staying fri and poss sat after as i will have a 3hr drive from dw

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    Lori, smh at your doctors response to you, geeze, the person that emailed you back could have been more polite about it. How about a little sympathy? I hope you continue to feel better.

    Genny, so sorry that your pooches are sick, hoping they feel better too. It is hard to see them suffer. I am glad they are active and acting normal. I was worried about Lucy the other night, she did not eat her dinner and usually just loves her food and attacks it the minute I put it down. She was otherwise well and ate the next morning. Seeing the email from Kathy made this trip feel a little bit closer in time, sooo furcited to room with you and git to know you ever better. Good idea to have a toast to all of you. Mese cousin is still sleeping, we went in at 6am and she has been sleeping all day. I had a noon hair appointment so needless to say, I am going to be hitting the bed early tonight. And early for me might be 2am!

    NM, my heart goes out to you, it has to be very difficult emotionally to get over this horrible crash and the site and flashbacks of it all. You sound really good, you are a survivor girl. I would love to read the book you referred to about the Amish masascre. That is not too far from here. We used to take Sunday drives up to the Amish country when I was young and it was a lot of fun looking into their very unique culture. My Dad used to snap pictures of the Amish men and they did not like it at all. I think having their photos taken was against their religion.

    Lara, good luck with the job. It sounds about right for a girl with a masters degree and much better than cleaning housing. ALthough there is a lot of money to be made cleaning. My oldest sister has been cleaning for wealthy clients for over 25 years and brings home more money than I do. I hope you are able to get something to help with your pain. When all else fails, try some advil, that works well for me. I do intend on calling my primary care dr tomorrow to score some more percocet. He usually writes them but I did not want to ask too soon since I got a small supply with my last surgery.

    Lynne, where are ya girl? Are you okay? Miss you. I am glad that Nancy has a reservation in place for you but home to hear you report that you are booked.

    Julie, hope you are feeling better and able to make it ho'ing around Disney next week. I admire your stamina, I am too lazy to do the disney thing, jest not for me. I am berry furcited to spend more time with you and all the other goils too. Woooo hoo, NM has a countdown quackulator on her fb page. It will give us folks in the cold areas a reason to be furcited about the next winter. For now, just trying to get outta dis one. Time changes nexxt Sunday. I know NM does not like that but I think many of us do. Here is a toast for you jest because...cheers (I jest made some uhhh hair of de dog lol).

    Nancy, can you easily PM or FB message me a copy of de itinerary, just dates and times for arrival and departure. I want to git my flight booked. I tink Mary and I are going to come in one night early and have some goil time together, so furciting. I hope you are feeling better. Do you have a meter to check your blood sugar? I know that the prednisone will def elevate your levels. I do not want to see you do any damage to your body. I saw someone on FB today about forgiveness and thought of you. I will try to find it when I finish up with this post.

    Cam, what can I say? You never cease to make me laugh my ass off. I love your stories. I love that you have the gift to be able to speak and interpret the language of Dwunkease, I tink that is what we used to call it. Funny but sad story about your Grandmother. You have balls girls and that is what i love about you. And I bet Lori is right in that Joey rides in the back with you.

    Mema, my arm is healing beautifully. The scar is very minimal. It only hurts when I overdo things and i have been good today. I have had more pain in my left elbow which again, had a similar but more intense surgery on that one in Oct 2011. I have been using it so much instead of my right hand and am feeling it. How have you been feeling these days? You do not talk much about yerself and I guesss no news is good news? HOpe I am right. I lubs lubs lubs you right back. And I will toast you next time I toast an airplane. Jest have to get Cheryl outta mese bed. I tink it is time at 5:55 pee em lol.

    Who AM I missing? I know i missing someone. SO that person gets an award of a large sum of money. Jest PM me for it hehe. And good luck collecting.

    Ok, off to try to find that photo post for our Nancy about forgiveness. It was well said and I want to memorize it for my dernself.

    Cheers and lots of love to all of you onederfoil ladies!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    I can't find the photo I was looking for on Facebook, sorry Nancy. It was such an inspirational quote on forgiving. Damn mese!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Tender is making me a drink, tink I'll head down to the pool.

    • Kinda lonely, any of you girls want to join me?
  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Oh good, I found some other red wine lovers to drink with!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    Cami, I do have to wait until Monday, and I'm like you, I don't care who knows what about me. Doing it on the computer is easier for me. Besides, when you call, you are usually sent to someone's voice mail, then you have to wait for someone to call you back. I don't feel good and I might be napping. So to be able to just look on the computer is easier. Breaks my heart that Joey's other granny won't take him without taking someone else, she treats him differently AND HE KNOWS IT AND HE'S OK WITH IT!!! That boy is something else. I can't imagine kissing a dead person.

    NM, you were already stopped, someone hit you and caused all of that damage? They must have hit you hard and sent you spinning. As for my labs and such, I don't mind it coming over email, hell if someone wants to steal those, have at it! I know, I know, there could be information there to allow someone to steal my identity.

    Nancy, I don't mind the information being sent. As for the labs and scans, I requested they send them that way. Sorry you are having sugar issues, as if you need more on your plate. May I suggest a smaller plate for you?

    My goodness Mary, even the pooches are sick in your household. Hopefully they are doing better today. I am not going anywhere tomorrow, I have to call into my doctors office. As the MA didn't email me until 5:30 in the evening, so office already closed when I got the email. I sent my email in at 10:15 am. Love your Genny stories, I don't recall you telling them before, but that's not to say you didn't!

    LDB, I'm prolly the only one at my onc's office that lives, not only out in da boonies, but so far away. And it's just the "D" that is somewhat getting a tad better. Not having any sharts at least. Love the one liners, especially dragons in the kitchen.

    Oh Wacko, dat was not my doctor's response, it was the Medical Assist. Everyone there is really very nice, and I'm sure it reads worse than what she meant for it to sound. You know how things are taken out of context. As for making money cleaning, my DD makes $25.00 an hour cleaning the Villas on St. John's. The draw back, it's is not every day, only when guests leave, but she does have several that she does.

    Ha ha Mary, glad you found someone to share your wine with! I had the most wonderful dream last night, but only cuz it had my DD in it and Cami and Joey. Cami, I got to give you and Joey 3 hugs each, and your DD too. And I was so excited to introduce my DD to all of you. I won't go into detail of the dream, cuz it was dumb, had to do with shopping.

    I'm still not eating much, I am so sick of my tummy cramping up, which is the reason I am having trouble eating. Suppose to start my next round of FU pills tomorrow, and you have to eat when you take them! I'll take them in the morning and put in a call to the good doc and see iffin he will let me wait anudder week.

    DOTD....I say some Red Wine with those dere smokin hot guys that Mary invited in!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    For Nancy, but it really applies to all of us!
