how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    Hey now Cami, I'm not the only one that wants to what is going on. OMG, yeast infections are the worst, especially when they get outta hand! I remember being SOOOO excited when we could buy the medicine OTC for them. I thought I was coming down with one myself, from that damned "D".

    Good luck today LDB on getting the poop shoot cleaned out, and finding nuttin but a lil left over sketti. No snow for us, just some rain. You are spot on about Samara/Maddy, both dark haired beauties.

    Wacko, I so sawry bout you daddy. Can you call his doctor and essplain what's going on? New dose, I'm not sure yet. Monday night the "D" came back, but it was more like water. Tummy wasn't too good yesterday, and I didn't get my evening pills.  I'll essplain later. How cute that your dad wanted to go on the cruise! Junie and HD were one of a kind for sure. I was reading back when they were on the threads.

    OGM Cami, too funny the Leave it to Beaver comment.

    NM, no worries on no alcomahol in the DOTD, I put some wodka in mines. DH and I think that the freaking out when peeps are pulling up to stop signs or pulling out of parking lots, makes us more aware of our surroundings. So, I guess a good thing.

    Have fun in Disney Jules, I wonder if you should let them know what might be happening there next January. Naaaa, maybe not, they might lock the doors!

    Oh wow Mary, such great news for Emma, but poor lil Nora. And surgery just around the corner, are ya gettin nervous? And it sounds like you excaped all the sicknesses in your family.

    Nancy, I don't know iffin I wished lil Jackson a Happy Birthday or not. Sooooo.....Happy Birthday Jackson!

    Ok, I am in Phoenix! None too happy about it either. DH had to come down here, meeting the other guy in our new biz and hopefull signing a contract for a building here, as the landlord in Vegas is just pissed beyond means and wants him out. So DH had asked me if I wanted to come. And we are going to Moab UT. this weekend. So I told him no. Well he kept whining, well I'm not going to get a room in Phx, too expensive to stay by myself, so prolly drive half way home and get hotel in Payson. Ok, fine by me! Well he kept on and kept on, so I just gave in. Well, he had plans to also meet up with one of his ex sister in laws and her husband, and of course wanted me there. And I was so tired yesterday. These FU pills make my eyes sort of burn, you know like when you are really sleepy. My lip has healed, and pretty much my face too, but my just chest just doesn't want to. Do our local nurses have any advice? And this morning I POOPED! Real poop, actally had kids to drop off at the pewl! so any who, I will just hang out here at the hotel today, or do some shopping, I need some groceries of sorts. Then go home and pack for UT!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Good Morning, I really thought I was on here this morning--Oh well.

    Lori I don't know how u are keepin up with all that's going on, u really need to rest--so just relax in the room as long as u can---U'r DH probably doesn't want to leave u alone where u live cuz it's not well populated and he feels better knowing u'r around him, but I know it's still hard on u.

    Nancy I think too I wished Jackson a Happy Birthday but then I forget, so just know I meant to.

    Mary it's good to hear Emma is doing well now--I never realized changing foods could have such an affect on their tummies.

    Julie don't even mention about the trip there, u will all be banned--u lucky ducks.

    NM I think u'r brave--I could not drive a car so soon, but u did it. It has to be hard driving any street now for a while, u'r mind will live that accident til it starts to fade some so it's so common. Just be careful.

    I'm not complaining, but I always thought a yeast infection was mostly inside, I never associated it with all over the skin and bleeding from scratching--I know I'm a a little cra cray but I' m really earning more about nothing than usual.

    I hope u all have a good day.


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Hey everybody hope you all are having a good day. I am having a good day with my momma watching movies. The weather is a little warmer and the snow is melting. I am having some small seizures again. Im under a little stress which brings them on. Im trying to not think about things though so I wont have them.

    My DS and Camille have set a date for their wedding though. They want to get married Sept 26, 2016. So we have been talking about that which has been a good distraction. I am gonna start looking at things for the cruise too. When I can I will fill you all in on what is going on. Love you all. :

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    crud, I was writing mese little fingers off and hadda leave the computer for a bit. I come back and freaking hit refresh and walaaa, mese post nessapeared. and I strugglin to stay awake righten now. I gota git to bed at a decent hour tonight, have a doctor appointment for mese Dad in de aye em, weather permitting. we supposed to have a lot of snow, schools are already closed. but it is 42 degrees and raining hard. I am hoping de weather man is eggzageratiing again!

    hello to all mese goils, sorry not retyping what I lost. my bad! I sailabrate bad though....


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    ok, I am still awake. I had to wait to see if my employer has a delayed opening and they do. I hope the storm is a big flop!

    I am dwunk righen now, going to bed now (Lori),, I promise. and I hope you feel better.

    and nance, sorry about the damn seizures. they suck. I have only seen them happen, never had one. but so scarey.

    God be with you all. chEErs!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!I got just plain worn out yesterday, between no sleeping well and not really liking the rental car and just be edgy all dayI decided I needed some real pampering when I got home.Long hot shower, dose of xanax, a mug of hot milk, in bed by 8:30, finally slept through the night in my bed cuddled up with Sadie.Don't feel so tired this morning.Still wish I didn't have to be out driving today, but that will pass, right?It's only been a week since the crash, it's only natural to still be a bit nervous about the whole thing, right?

    Julie--The insurance agent said it will probably take a couple of weeks to get the settlement, not too bad all things considered.Just hopeget enough of a settlement to be able to get another car without taking out a car loan.The Kindle is a wonderful thing, but not easy to type on!

    Genny--Yeah for last blow up and Yeah for a surgery date.And even bigger YEAH for Emma feeling better! Poor Nora, to react to the Augmentin like that!Poor baby.

    Goldie--So hard to be dragged off on a road trip when you are tired and just want to stay home.Have you tried hydrocortisone cream on your chest?You can get it over the counter in most drug stores.Try a bit on a small spot first,the chemo can really mess up how your system reacts to things.

    Cammy--my certainly has been reliving the crash, and I have jumped so hard every time there is a loud noise.Hope it starts fading VERY soon!Yeast infections can also be on the outside, and can be very very miserable with the itching.

    Collett--Congrats to DS and Camille!How exciting. Glad you are having a good day with your Mom.

    Dara--Yikes, the Gremlin got you!I thought we evicted him from the Lounge!Nice to see the snow starting to melt off, isn't it?Have a nice sleep in!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Gremlin Fixer

    2/3 oz Vodka

    1/4 oz Apricot Brandy

    2/3 oz Dry Vermouth

    2/3 oz Pisang Ambon

    3 oz Pineapple Juice

    Best served in a Highball Glass.


    Shake and strain into a highball glass filled with crushed ice. Garnish with a mint sprig, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    Ooooh Cami, having the yeast infection on your skin? Have some extra coffee brandy's, that should help!

    Nancy, I don't remember there being a "will you marry me"? I remember you hoping it would happen at Christmas, but I didn't think that it did. Hmmmmmmm. Sorry about the siezures, damn it.

    NM, perhaps the accident is just really starting to settle in. Sorry you don't like your rental, that sucks! Have you looked up your go buggy in the "blue book" to see what kind of value it has there? I think I might have some cortisone, or at least similar. I will give it a try. I had tried some Clobetasol, but it's kind of greasy and I think it needs more air to heal. Plus as chemo does, it compromises our immune systems, so I know it will take longer to heal. I'm going to be scared to death to be in the sun! FURB!

    Wacko, I don't know how you say you are soooo tired and going to bed, and then 2 hours later you are still up! You CRA CRA woman!

    Suppose to take my pills with food and water. This morning it's with a muffin and milk! SCREW IT! I went yesterday and visited with my little buddy and his mom. They had bought a new house and I wasn't about to sit around in a hotel room and it was really nice to see them. I hadn't seen him since his dad passed. I had seen her for a brief moment when she came up here to get some things.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Oh Nancy u haven't mentioned seizures in a while, I had hoped they were done, but glad u were home or in a home.--I'm so sorry that they still get in the way. And when did the big question for marriage happen?, I don't remember--the time will fly by and this is such an exciting time--it takes a lot of planning so it will be fun.

    Mary I didn't realize it was Nora who was allergic to that med, maybe she's just to young to have that yet. I know they have other stuff to use, but it's rough when there is an allergic reaction to one of the most used med there is.

    NM, I'm sorry the fear u have and I don't mean to add to it, but it usually sticks around for a while, that is usually the way it is--I always call things like that after shocks and they do stop, but on their own time--I'm certainly not trying to sound scary about this cuz I'm not--since u do drive a lot it will probably not last as long with u, but it's so so common to have this strange feeling about driving and a car u'r not used to too. It will pass for sure, just hang in there. (((HUGS)))

    Lori I'm so glad u got to see u'r lttle buddy and his mom, u haven't talked about them recently--u must have lots of meds to take now and u really follow directions. Good for u, cuz they just upset u'r tummy. Are u getting enough rest too? I was on FB for 45 mins and never found a thing, neither did Les. How do things disappear on that thing.

    MY GF had her operation but they had to cut, which wasn't planned so I'm sure it will be harder than she thought for healing, her DH is going tonite to visit her--he wasn't there for the operation--ASS--I'm going to try to go tomorrow during the day--we'll see.

    OK I've to go get dressed and run to the store. tak to u later.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    Hmmmm, running to the store Cami? Is your Brandy getting low!

    Wacko, someone posted this on FB and it reminded me of our Louisbille Slugger and your posts about Nancy wawa Kerigan!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Good morning girls!

    I cancelled my Dad's appointment, snow is falling fast and furiously. It is supposed to snow into the evening. My employer closed, that is how bad it is.

    Lori, I knew you would scold me for not going to bed when I said I would. I jest wanted one more dwink. So I had two more hehe. I am sorry you have to travel, that sucks. Glad you got to see your little buddy. Hope you feel better, no more D, ya hear me? I also hope those sores on your chest clear up quickly. I also remember when it was a huge deal to buy monistat OTC. I used to get wicked yeast infections. The first time I got one, did not want to tell anyone or go to the doctor, I thought I had an STD or someting lol. I as so skeered and so relieved when it was finally diagnosed.

    NM, yes, it will take awhile. It was quite a collision you were in, not the typical fender bender. Keep on driving, things will get better in time. Glad you took some time to pamper yourself last night and get some good rest with your sweet Sadie. Give her a kiss from me and another from each of my puppies.

    Cam, I hope the yeast infection clears up quickly. Did the dr give you some topical monistat in addition to the pill (assuming he prescribed the pill, the name escapes me at the moment)? I hope you can get out to see your friend today. Don't forget the brandy while you are out! I cracked up at the Beaver cartoon, too funny. The pill I was referring to is difulcan, hope you got that, it is good stuff.

    Nancy, congrats to your son and to Camille on the engagement, wooo hoooo! I wanna be flower girl, jest saying. Sorry you are still dealing with the seizures, very scary indeed. I hope everything gets better for you and your family soonliest.

    Mary, I was waiting for you to come back to the lounge last night, sorry you could not make it in. (Lori, this is why I did not go to bed, I am blaming Mary hehe). Glad to hear that everyone is well now, hope the baby gets rid of the infection without the antib's. Did her rash clear up?

    Sue, how are you doing babe? I miss you when you are not in the lounge, please report asap.

    Julie, not long before you be ho'ing Disney, wooo hooo. Send me some sunshine and warm temps please, k? Tank ye tank ye lol. If only....

    Well I am going to taste test that DOTD, looks yummy. I will need plenty of it before attempted to start clearing the snow out. It is gonna be rough, we had so much rain first so there is a coat of a slushy mess out there. I am hoping that the neighborhood kid will knock on my door and shovel the snow for me again. I do not mind paying 35.00 for removal. It sounds like a lot of money but I have a long drive way and a lot of sidewalks. Otherwise, I have to shovel with my left arm and that ain't easy. Hmmm, I wonder if some hot tenders can help me?


    Hey now!!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    Hey now! Is right! And he only charges $35.00? DAaaaaang, I need some snow!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Tests went well.  I love love love that Propynol…gr8 stuff.  The doc snipped off a 16mm polyp which they will biopsy and then call me with the results.  Told me not to worry about the thickening of the wall wtf?  Also told me they don’t like to see polyps bigger than 11mm again wtf?  So glad I went and we shall see.  Got tons to do today so gotta keep this short.

    Dara - sending prayers out for your dad…jes so sad.  I love you girlfriend.  OH, my ds wants to go on the cruise…I told him no way.  He said he’d jes hang in the background…hahaha. 

    NM - yes is natural to be edgy for awhile after the crash.  Glad you took some down time last night and got good rest.  ((NM))

    Julie - woohoo…have lots of fun!

    Mary - Yay for last fill and then tada - da real surgery.  We’ll b there with ya girl!  Glad Emma is feeling better, now jes gotta worry about Nora. 

    Lowee - All came out jes fine.  I am glad some things are clearing up for you.  The rest should come in time.  Hope things go well in Phoenix.  Glad you got to see you friend and lil buddy, hope it put a smile on youse face.  LOL…git da bat girl, love dat poster!

    Cami - OMG I hate yeast infections.  I am sooo dry I itch all the time and use the generic vagisil and those wipes from some company.  Hope you can find some relief.  Oh and I also use gold bond powder now and again, it helps.

    Nancy - horray the kids set the date….it’ll b here before you know it.  Congrats!  Sawee to hear u still having some seizures…ya gotta relax girl!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    Well LDB, glad that is over! Hoping all ok on those that were removed. I think some of us are just more susceptible to those darn polyps. May they be B9.

    We are heading out in the morning for Moab UT, going to just take my lil FJ and check out campsites to pull the toy hauler into. We don't want to be in a "campground", so we will be out looking in the forest and such. That way when we do haul the toy hauler out there, we will have some ideas of where we can camp. Too much trouble to do that WITH the toy hauler, as sometimes you can find yourself in a predicament where you can't get turned around and backing up almost impossible.

    For those of you with snow.....I recommend Wacko's snow shoveler!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2015

    glad the test went well sue

    lori as usual good advice from nm about your skin

    cammi-you need more am coffee

    nancy-woo hoo a wedding

    mary-hope miss nora is better today

    dara stay warm and no shoveling the snow

    i'm at disney but have a heavy heart tonight, yesterday,having lunch ,opened fb on my kindle to find a dear colleague who was working at another hospital, was in surgery, having been found on the floor at home with a brain hemorrhage. unfortunatly the damage was too severe and she was taken off life support today, heaven has a very sassy new angel tonight. enjoy everyday people,

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    awe, Jule, I am sorry to hear about your friend/colleague. May she rest peacefully. Good point you make about enjoying each day and each moment too!

    Sue, also praying for B9.

    I am all dug out, we got a walloping of snow here. Hopefully, it is de lasst of the season. I am outta likker, boo hiss. Well I have some tequilla that belongs to mese cuz, if all else fails, why not? I tink she would be okay with it. hmmmmm.

    Hello to all mese other goils. Me sez lift your glass and sailabrate life!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Lowee - can’t tail ya how many times we got stuck with our RV trailer so you are smart to scope out the area 1st.  We learned to look for pull-thru areas.  And yes some of are more susceptible.  My 1st one was in the early 90’s, pre cancerous, next one was not.  Guess there are 2 types.  He also recommended Miralax and told me some pts have to take it 3 or 4 x’s a day.  Wants me to start with 2x a day…Ugh!

    Julie - sooo sad to hear about your friend, may she rest in peace (((Julie)))

    Dara - OOHHH NOOOO, out of likker….I don’t think ur cuz would mind if ya had a widdle of her killa…I’ll join ya for a dwink K?

    Have my nails and lashes today then should do groceries, will see how I feel later.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Happy Friday girls!

    It is quiet in here. where is NM today, hoping everything is well with her.

    I got a packet in the mail on the Disney cruise. I tink I have to git a passport, I have never had one. when I went to the bahamas a few years back, I did not need one. I will try not to procrastinate too long to get that started.

    Hi Sue, nice to see you. Let us know when you get the results of your scope. Still praying for all good news!

    I hope all of you are doing well. I miss Lori and NM's morning post, where is everyone else? Come on, it is Friday night eve, time to partay. I was out bright and early to git mese bottle of JD. Most schools are closed here today. We got about ten inches of new snow says the weather people. I think I got about eight in my yard but it is melting as the sun is shining bright. It is soooo bright out, hard to see!

    Ok, counting down the hours til I make a drink. I ended up going to bed early last night and sleeping late too. I love my life of being a slacker. It is somewhat boring but hey, beats getting up on the cold mornings and being bored at work.

    cheers my girls!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    OMG it's after 3pm here--This has been a stupid day.

    Julie what can I say but I'm truly sorry for u'r loss and so fast--it's a shock I know especially to read it.

    OK Lori u'll be gone for a while now BOOO for us, u r our reminder and remember things for us. Especially what gets us in trouble and es I've been found out with my hidden bottle, but I'm relly enjoying it and really needing it lately.

    Oh mese Oh mice--Marty's not working, OMG this is horror for us, another of my teeth fell out in my hand, Leslie and Jodie got things all straighten out (pretty much) with me seeing someone to get dentures--I do have ins. but we'll see what it's going to be-- Oh how I hate all this crap I wish I could put them under my pillow and get some big money, I just throw them away. They just keep on falling out LOL

    OK on a bright note LALA there it is--anyway SUSYQ U all know my DD is going to school and she will learn how to put eyelashes on--so I'm getting them--she's already a beautician so I know wht style I want for my hair (all of a sudden it has gotten so long and color, now all I have to do is loose weight big time and after all this is done, I'll still look old and haggard but I will have it done.

    Dara I am now a morning drinker but I heard on the news anyone who drinks red wine every nite it's the best thing for u'r body, I don't remember why tho, but I was impressed. I know there are wine drinkers here so keep it up.

    NM maybe u need more time off, it does take a while to get thru this, please take care of u'rself and remember to take all u'r meds.

    Julie (((HUGS)))

    Hi everyone didn't miss u on purpose just had to much to complain about today.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Hi girls, been a bit MIA lately, just took me about 20 minutes to ketchup on the latest in the lounge. 1st, may I say that I thought I was really sick of snow and was hoping and praying for no more but have changed my mind, I tink we need another 6 inches or so then I can hire Dara's shoveler.

    Nm, hope the drive gets a little easier every day. That was quite a thing to go thru, I suspect it'll take awhile to stop haunting you each time you get in the car. Maybe once you get a new car that you are comfortable in, funny how a car becomes part of you, every now and again my DH has to use mine to haul this machine that he sells and he has this very nice loaded Taurus but I like my car better. I have a toyota Venza and all the buttons and knobs are just where there sposed to be. Hope you and Sadie have a good weather weekend, Lord knows you deserve it. We are supposed to gradually get up into the 40's, hoping the snow will melt slowly but oh I'm so sick of looking at it, I can only imagine how you must feel.

    Dara, sorry about your dad, hoping things get better for him soon. Glad the weather didn't get so bad that you couldn't get out for your likker! I tink I passed out in da chair the other night, sawry you had to wait up for me and drink more! Yuck about the weather, but hey, with a shovelboy like dat who cares? You have what, about 2 more weeks of slackerism? Did you decide to stay at your company? Is the boss you didn't like gone?

    Nancy, so sorry about the seizures, do they have any sort of trigger or are they just random? Congrats on the engagement, that's just wonderful, your newest granddaughter will be official! Got my Disney packet yesterday, thanks again for all the work you did on arranging that for all of us. I had no idea that the disney cruise line went so many places.

    Sue, glad the hineyscope went well, praying for b9 polyps. Tell your DH we'll do a toast to all our DH's and send some pics and that's the best we can do cause no boys allowed! I think we are all going to have one helluva time!

    Julie, so sorry about your friend, that's so sad. I like the idea of the sassy angel. Have fun in Disney, glad you got your doohicky and are ready to go.

    Cami, can't wait to see you with your new do, make sure you post some pics. Sorry about your teeth, that really sucks. New eyelashes, teeth and hairdo, you will be stunning!

    Lori, hop you get feeling better every day and hope you find the perfect campsite, camping weather just around the corner. Bet you'll be glad to get back home but have a good time in UT.

    DH took the pooches to the woods and is taking our neighbor's golden retriever, she is the one that fell and broke her hip. (the neighbor, not the dog) She has this beautiful dog with loads of energy and all he gets is an occasional walk around the block and she is having company today so my DH is going to try and wear him out. Can't let him run off the leash tho so we'll see who gets more worn out. Hope our dogs behave cause he's gonna have his hands full. We went and played trivia 2 night s in a row this week and last night we golfed 18 holes at the indoor golf place. My DH kicked my butt at all but it was fun. How long does it take to get my range of motion back after my exchange? I know it's different for everybody but a lot of you have been thru it, just wondering on average. We'd like to plan a golf getaway next month. Doctor says 1 week off week and that's what I gave myself, having it on Friday and working the following Friday so I hope he's right. Went and watched Nora yesterday, will post pics later. She is feeling a lot better, still has an ear infection but is getting back to her old self. She let me rock her for about a half an hour while I sang nursery rhymes to her. Then she got down and never stopped moving the rest of the day, she just cracks me up, she has so much personality for a 1 year old. Talking more and more, I see a complete sentence in her very near future. Well, I gotta go, have lots to get done today starting with dragging my lazy butt to the fitness center for a swim. I'll try and poop in later but Dara, don't wait up... well unless you find some tenders to drink with. By for now, have a great Saturday!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Morning, Genny!Supposed to get up to about 30 today, 20 tomorrow, and that is feeling like a heatwave!Loving seeing the sun, too.I think things will be better when I get another car.It will definitely be one that I can get in and out of without cracking my head on the door rim though!It is such a struggle to get into and out of this rental thing.So glad Nora's feeling better, and soon she'll be able to say so!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Hi girls!

    Darn it is soooo quiet in here, is it something I said?

    Hi NM, glad you posted today, I was a little concerned when I did not see you yesterday. No DOTD? Wah. Good luck fiinding the perfect car, hope you get it soon.

    Genny, I think you will need more than one week to recover after exchange. I have found that the PS's state a very short recovery time then when the disability papers are done, it is much longer. I have seen this time and time again. Just with my recent surgery, dr said 3-6 weeks and they gave me 8 weeks. I hope your DH did okay with the neighbors dog, how nice of him to help your neighbor.

    Not much to report here. I am counting down the hours until dwinky time lol. Jest three hours todey, starts at 4 pee em on a saturday!

    I hope you all have a wonderful day!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Image result for recipes for alcoholHere's a little something, somethin

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Hi everyone.

    Dara we change times tonite so u can start happy hour and hour earlier. TATA  I think I read all the posts, but sometimes I must miss something--so if I don't mention what's going on it's not cuz I really don't know, it's never cuz I don't care--EVER--so just remember that. And all this snow but u have the perfect shovel, I'm sure it works HARD or u.

    Mary don't overdo please. And isn't it just so sweet when u can hold Nora and rock and sing to her, it relaxing for both of u and I'm so glad she's feeling better--whenever Joey's been sick I always kiss his forehead to see how hot he is--I've never worn lipstick so he never got blotted, but now he kisses mine.

    Over the years I don't know why I don't wear lipstick but I've always bought it so I must have about 75 glosses and lipsticks, I used to love buying them, then I even bout the stay on and the clear cover o sray on LOL

    NM it's really sunny here today with some melting going on--maybe too when some of u'r snow melts it won't be so bad for u to drive. And my sister can't get in and out of the rental easily either, it's to low, she has to get knee replacements so she really get mad at my BIL everytime she has to get in that car. She holds grudges against him from 50 yrs ago--she's so funny to me.

    I hope Julie is having a good time and trying not to think about to much right now.

    And I hope Lori is doing good, I personally don't like camping but so many do----Give me a nice hotel room with TV and a mini bar and I'm happy.--Hell I'm happy in my own room with my bottle of brandy next to me. I have had it straight out of the bottle to--It's mine only. LOL

    OK I'll prolly check in later-----



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Cam, thanks for posting the DOTD, it is very yummy. ANd patriotic too.

    We are having a lot of melting today too, currently at 38 tropical degrees.

    I am on my second dwink, jest made it whilst I prepare dinner. I am cooking burgers on de grill tonight. Having with mac n cheese and beans which are good for the farts, yippeeeee!

    Glad you popped in Cam, mese do not like it soooo quiet in de lounge. And I love yer stories, funny you buy lipstick but do not wear it. You are a silly silly goil. How sweet that Joey gives you a kiss on the forehead to check yer temp. And funny story about your sis and bil. I wanna hear about this 50 year old grudge, I bet it is funny too.

    Love you goils, talk later!

    more chEERS!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015


    TURDTEEN DEYS Til Spring!

    Don't forget to push your clocks ahead goils.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Looks like I got bit by the Gremiln, I wrote a post yesterday ayem, complete with DOTD, but don't see it!I didn't post Friday ayem cuz I was starting work very early to get lots done so I wouldn't have to go out this weekend.Which I did accomplish.

    Goldie--thanks to your suggestion I did look up the go-buggy in the Kelly Blue Book.Looks like I'll just about break even with the car worth just about what my deductible is likely to be.So time to look at getting a car loan.Which I really do not want to do, I'm trying to get OUT of debt, not further INTO debt!And you are right abutn needing more time to heal after chemo knocks down your immune system.

    Cammy--I know the fear and edginess will be around for a while, and will fade over time and is totally normal.I just don't really like it.And, surprise, the world doesn't seem to care if I like it or not!In the mean time I will take my time and give myself some breaks and cope.Praying for your GF.

    Dara--I'm surprised the doc's office didn't cancel appointments if the weather was that bad!Sadie sends kisses to you and your puppies!

    Now there's someone I would pay to watch shoveling snow!

    Mema--Don't you love the way they tell you something bad by saying not to worry about it?You never know if they really mean itor not. Glad you got it done, though and now it's all (ahem) behind you.

    Goldie--yeah for going campsite hunting!

    Julie--so sorry to hear about your colleague's unexpected death.So sad, so frightening.

    Dara--right now we can get back into the states through the same port we left from with a certified birth certificate and photo ID, but that can change so quickly that I feel more secure having a passport.The process is supposed to take 6 weeks, but I hear about a lot of delays in the summer when there is a lot of travel, and don't want to get into that mess and end up spending so much more money to get one expedited.

    Cammy-- a tooth FELL OUT?Into your hand?WTF is that all about???I am taking all my meds, and trying to take care of myself well, too.You see,I have these vacation plans next January to be all prepared for!

    Nice Captain America Drink!

    Oh, Lordy, it's time change time again.

    Cammy--some melting will be a very good thing around here.The snow banks are so high around intersections that it can be hard to see if there is a car coming through until it's half in the intersection.The go-buggy sat up a bit higher and it was easier to see over snowbanks, so I always felt a little bit safer when going past side roads and pulling out of side roads.I suppose I just need to get used to the new car more.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Time Killer

    5 oz Beer

    1 1/2 oz Tequila

    1/2 tsp Salt

    Best served in a Highball Glass.


    Pour the tequila and beer into a highball glass almost filled with ice cubes, and stir. Sprinkle the salt on top, garnish with lemon wedge, and serve.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Well, yest not a good day for me.  Took a mid-morning nap I was jes so tired, nausea hitting bad too, jes lethargic feeling mostly.  Also having terrible ‘tape allergy’ reaction, everything itches…maddening!  Hope everyone remembered to set their clocks ahead 1 hour.  Time to prepare for a SundayFunday!!

    OOO and I got my DW cruise packet in the mail….woohoo!

    Cami - good for you for getting lashes and some color.  Some peeps notice but I don’t care…I do it for me.  And I’m not buying you looking old and haggard…u bese bootiful to me!  Awww sweet Joey, he thinks ur bootiful too, giving u kisses on your forhead.  Priceless!

    Mary - glad u back, been missin u.  And it’s my DS that wants to go not DH, DS was jes pulling my leg. LOL.  This trip will b a blast!!!!

    Dara - u funny, nuttin u sed…I had a coffee dwink, 2 actually, last night…so I was here in spirit.  Muah!  It’s like spring here already.  Rain gone, yest was mid 70’s, 1st time I didn’t wear my hoodie to the doggie park.  Gotta get on that passport.  Hit the post office for the paperwork and I think places like Walgreens take passport photos, so check them out too…the sooner the better.

    NM - Sorry u lost ur post, damn gremlins!  I hear ya about not wanting to get behind a car loan.  But mayb this will turn out better than you expect.  I’ll say some prayers that you find something reasonable that you can handle.  LOL - behind me’ heehee.  Love the DOTD, my dh used to pour his killa into his beer, I tried it….not bad.

    Missing some of you girls…please check in soon!

    Lubslubslubslubslubslubslubslubslubslubs all of yas!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Happy Sundey Fundey girls!

    NM, sorry you will have to take out a car loan. Hopefully you will find something awesome that you love as much as your go buggy! Sorry that the gremlins ate your post. Lucy and Bella thank Sadie for the kisses, give some back to Sadie.

    It is a balmy 47 degrees here. I was able to break some ice on my deck and make a wider path. I am enjoying some fresh air, opened my window just a crack.

    Here is a pic of my puppies snuggling. They were sleeping, I woke them up to take the pic, my bad! It is a little blurry. Lucy is growing so fast but still cute as a button.


    I hope you are all having a super fantastic Sunday!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    oops, Suz, I bumped ya, sorry about that. Glad the pool water is warm. Sorry that you are having the itchies and nausea, hate that.((((Sue)))) I am jealous of your bootiful weather, please send some of that warmth here.

    I forgot to mention that I spoke to our Cyndie Lou Who (an MIA loungette) and she is considering coming with us on the cruise. I really hope she comes, she is so much fun!

    Talk to you all latah!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Hello everyone! Its been a busy weekend with Jacksons birthday. I had both Jackson and Samarah Friday night and this is one worn out Nana! lol. Jackson had a super hero party and it was alot of fun. My DD had all kinds of stations set up for the kids to play and do different things at.

    Genny my seizures are both stress related and epileptic so any kind of stress triggers them. So like emotional, physical and environmental stress is what triggers my seizures. That is why I see a neuropsychologist to help learn how to control those stressors so I dont have the seizures. It has helped but I have a ways to go. My epilepsy meds help as well and that is why I cant drive or work right now.

    Dara I love your pictures of your babies snuggling. They are so darn cute! I think I want another puppy but I know my DH probably wont let me get one. Besides if I do it would probably be a service dog for seizures since I am having more and since we have cyotes out here. I couldnt stand to loose another dog to those damn things.

    NM I hope you get your car situation settled soon and get the car you are hoping for. I hear you about the car loan deal.

    I got my cruise package too! I am really looking forward to this cruise and meeting you guys! We will have a lot of fun. You dont have to have a passport unless you want to get one. We just had our birth certificates when we went. The only thing is if you have to be flown back for any reason you would need a passport so they highly suggest you get one. I am going to try to get one this time as I want to travel more and do some mission trips with my church.

    Here are some birthday pictures.


    Super J


    Super Princes


    Making Masks


    Super Great Grandma


    My nephew and sister


    Happy Birthday Jackson


    Super punches



    The Grand Prize Game


    All tuckered out only 2 min down the road after the party lol