how about drinking?



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2015

    O mese is tooopid.  I see u will let us kno about paying.  Muah!!


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Hi Nancy,

    Happy to help!

    Deposit can be paid using any major credit card. It is completely up to you all – you can gather the information and provide or each guest can contact me individually. Whatever works best for your group. And that deposit would be divided by 2 so 235.20 % 2 = 117.60 per person. except for NM unless someone else joins in.

    I have to head out a bit early today, but I'm in all day tomorrow and Wednesday.

    Thank you!

    Until then...

    Have a Disney Day!


    What would you ladies like to do? I think it would be easier if you all contacted Kathy with your credit card information your selves. That way you know it got to her and neither NM nor I have that information. Not that we are not trustworthy but the less that kind of information is out there the better. Let me know what you all think. I will do what ever you all want.


    Welcome Aboard!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    just spoke to kathy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so deposit in, so fercited

    hello rebecca, sorry you had to join the group. but initially i did not like alcohol too much but 4 years out now and taste coming back

    a certain person had a birthday on the 20th but as she is suffering today will hold the cake until she feels better, ps have you seen the cakes at disney? do you mind waiting until then for your birthday cake

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    I just got mine booked too!! Yippie!! Kathy wanted me to remind everyone that we only have until the 26th of this month to get our deposits in. Just give her a call with your credit information and she will answer any questions you have. She is really nice. Let her know if this is your first cruise with Disney or not and she will take care of us from there. After that we can start looking at the type of shore excersions they have and look at what they have to do on board the ship I have my naviagtors (activity sheets) from our cruise I can give you some ideas but if your interested in the spa I would look it up and save some for tha

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    we should let them know, we are celebrating birthdays, belated for me and early for nm!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    We sure can. We can tell our servers. They will sing to us and give you a nice dessert at dinner time! Nummy!! Also Palos which is one of the Adult only resturaunts has a fabulous champange brunch for $25. It is extra but I highly recommend it. It is a buffett and it is really really good!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    ok brunch it is!

    is it too early to start shopping for clothes!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Heck no girl its never too early to shop for anything! Lol

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015

    Good evening ladies!

    Well, I am not going to reply to everyone, altho I have read everything since I have been gone. I'm not liking this treatment! I have sores on face, chest, hands and some on my back. Inside of mouth has no sores, but is very tender. Saturday afternoon I had to call it a day, wasn't feeling too good. Went to hotel room and to bed, and pretty much slept until this morning. Diarrhea and cramping. Left nipple and area under the nipple hurt, very sensitive, but only if you touch it. This is not the breast that had cancer in it. I only have a week until I start it again. First cycle took me until about day 11 to feel the SE's, but as for the face and the sores, those started last Monday. I thought it was the allergies and drying of my skin.

    I left this afternoon to drive half way to Phoenix. Winter storm coming in....did I already tell this? Anyways, din't want to drive across the mountain in the dark in bad weather. Onc appt. is at 10 am. I may decide to do one more cycle, then quit. I have gone from feeling perfectly normal, to feeling like shit. I think I already told that too!

    NM, you sneaky pete you......Happy Birthday love! Please don't keep something like that a secret, it gives us a reason to sailabrate! And those sneaky farts, remember they are SHARTS. I have had a few too, but have made it to the rest room, as I was afraid they would be SHARTS!

    I won't have time in the morning to check in, so prolly Wed. morn. Love to all!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Lori sorry you are having such a hard time with your treatment. My thoughts and prayers are with you and I hope it gets better real soon. I wish I could make it better.


    Hope some pretty flowers make you feel better real soon or maybe one of these might help



    Love you Lori

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2015

    Hi girls, real quick pop-in, Nora has infections in both ears and pink eye so she can't go to babysitters tomorrow. Her mom already took today off work and I am off tomorrow so I'm going to PC to watch her. I have to take dogs to daycare cause DH is out of town so I hafta be outta the house at 6. Dwinking my wine now, got myself down to 1 glass right before bed most days, has helped me to cut down knowing I get 1 at the end of the evening. Poor DH is in a Red Roof in and getting sick. Running a fever and has chills and has a great big busy week ahead of him. Is this winter and flu season ever going to end?

    Lori, I hate what you're telling me, so sorry it's making you sick...this whole thing just sucks. I just keep hoping and praying for you. ((Lori))!!

    Dara, so sorry about your DD. Good advice from the other girls, no reaction I think a good way to go. I'm sure you're really hurting. How's your dad? Is he back home?

    NM, so sorry you are sick, that sucks, hope it's just a 24 hour thing.

    Julie, eating in the cafeteria only...sounds like typical management to me and a big part of the reason I'm no longer in the field. Those people made me crazy!

    Rebecca, welcome! My drinking has been up and down the past year but I do believe initially I drank more, ate more, pretty much had a screw it attitude for awhile. Anyway, hope you come back and meet us at "The Lounge", this is a great group of ladies and have been a huge help to me over the last year. Love these girls.

    Nancy, thanks for the info, I will try and call her tomorrow if I can, if not I'll do it after work on Wed. Jackson getting cuter everyday.

    Sue, glad you got the taxes done, sure it's a big relief. Glad you and Jock had a good time.

    OK, post not so short after all....Well gotta go, busy day tomorrow...sweet dreams girls.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    Hi girls,

    Thanks for your advise on the situation with my DD and the FNSD.

    I am a bit overwhelmed at de moment with getting booked. I dug out the phone number and reservation number and emailed it to my damn self. I will try to call tomorrow but have a busy day with two doctor appointments for myself and caring for my Dad. He is struggling.

    Nancy, thanks for your hard work. It is appreciated. It gonna be soo fn fun.

    Welcome to Rebecca. Come into the lounge and dwink with us anytime. We are here for you. lol that you wrote this was bumped up, this thread has been quite active for a number of years, perhaps one of de most active here. Come on back, you will love these girls.

    Lori, you breaking mese heart, hate reading you are struggling so. the decision to continue treatment is yours and your alone and I will respect whatever decisions you make. I jest hope all these bs se's go de hail away. You are in my prayers.

    Suzie, nice to see you again. Can't wait to spend time with you again, our third time meeting wooo hooo!

    NM, Happy Birthday, it is today? Sorry you got the nasty bug, hope you feel better and I mean immediately.

    I am tired and have to git to bed. Have an early am appointment. Forgive me for not addressing you all. Know I jest lubs you all so berry much.

    Sweet dreams all goils. dwink up!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    ok, I emailed Kathy and hope I can reserve without making a call. I hate conducting bidness on de telephone.

    over and OUT. dwunk too. cheers!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2015

    Hi goils' the cruisesounds fun I just have to much going on

    I pulled my back out could ot walk then started throeing up 4 days later still sick

    went and saw GP will not give me pain pills for my implant until surgery

    still have no idea what I have a flu I guess

    did give me a refill or a encongrologist refferal

    I hate her I am finding a new doc now she told me to leave her office I was hysterical she gave me a panaic attack

    nothing got resolved

    not cleaning anymore its to much the pita went off on me very vile words I blocked her

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Feeling much better this ayem, can't believe how much I slept yesterday, all day long! Then went to bed around 8 and pretty much slept through until just before the alarm went off.I do keep anti-D stuff in the house, but that stopped on it's own by mid morning, the rest stopped shortly after that.I think it wasn't infectious, I think it was a mild case of diverticulitis.I wasn't running a temp, and haven't been eating well recently, so it all adds up.Anyway, I feel fine today, so back to work I go!

    Cammy--I spent the biggest part of yesterday sleeping in the recliner with Sadie on the ottoman warming my feet.Flt more worn out than bad.Lots of sleep fixed that.

    Rebecca54--Welcome to the Lounge!I think you will find that just being allowed to have a drink or two, and being able to talk about drinking is more fun than the drinking itself.Most of us here are of the mind that there is no point in surviving bc treatment to live a life full of restrictions and limitations out of fear of a recurrence or mets down the road, so we live life and don't worry too much.There is virtual as well as real drinking here, we're not judgemental!

    Goldie--safe travels, wise of you to avoid the really bad travel time!

    Cammy--I'm not sure if things are exactly the same where Dara is, but in Maine whena child is surrendered by a parent (like SD did)there is a plan set up for the parent(s) to follow to prove they are fit to raise the child, they have to complete it before getting the child back (under close supervision) and then an plan is in place for the parent(s) to follow to keep the child.It takes years before the parents get full custody back and Child Protective steps out of the picture.The plan in Maine includes things like having a job, having a home (apartment, space in someone else's home, NOT a shelter) and keeping up with rent, can include random drug testing, usually includes counseling (individual and family), keeping visitation appointments with the child, sometimes includes not getting pregnant again (Maine provides free birth control, including abortions).Depending on the circumstances there may be other conditions, like not having any police calls to the home for domestic violence.It's not a matter of the courts being backed up, this is the normal way things work.It's only when a child is removed due to suspicion of abuse, and the lack of abuse is absolutely proven at the first court date that the child gets returned to the parents (fairly) quickly.It's a crazy system.With SD turning the baby over to Child Protective after being given custody it's going to be a long, hard road for them to get him back, andI doubt it will happen.SD's action constitute abandonment, he's known to them to be abusive to Dara's DD, there is no way baby is going back to that situation.SD's control over Dara's DD means the conditions will be broken over and over.It's a sad situation.

    Collett--I will bleach down the bathroom when I get home from work this afternoon, just in case.I don't think what I had was a virus or bacteria, but it can't hurt to give everything a good cleaning.The air freshener needs the help!Anyway, I am much better this ayem, and heading in to work in a bit.

    Yeah, we are moving forward!Can't wait to get the payment info so I can get my deposit in!

    Mema--Hooray for done with taxes!I am waiting for one more form, then I can start doing my thing with the taxes.Yuck.I did call off sick yesterday.I don't think it was the flu, I think it was a bout of diverticulitis since it's over and I feel fine this ayem,I was tired yesterday and slept all day, no fever, butI will give the bathroom a good bleach down this evening.

    Collett--Aha, I see we can call Kathy individually!I think that would be best, not that you or I would do anything with the info, but the fewer people who have access to the info the better, and each of us gets confirmation that payment is made.

    ORLA--So sad you aren't feeling well AND have to put up with PITA's vile words.No fun at all, not right at all.

    OK, Now I've got to head in to work.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle says pick one of Collett's great drinks for the day, or drink both!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good morning, again, just put in my time off request, taking 2 weeks from Jan 20 through Feb 3rd. The boss has it, and hasn't said "no" so I should be good!


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Good Morning everyone! It is a very cold -2 here in Indy today. DH and I both going to doc today. He is sick and I cant breathe. Probabably the stupid scaring on my lungs from rads. Oh well.

    NM I am so glad you are feeling better! Glad Saddie kept your feet warm. There is nothing like having your puppy lying next to you keeping you safe and warm when you dont feel good. Glad to see everyone putting their deposits in with Kathy. Im getting excited.

    Dara I did the samething with Kathy just emailed and she got mine just fine. Hope your appointments go ok. How is your daddy doing? Are you getting any help with him?

    Lori how are you doing today? I hope not too bad.I have been praying for you. Keep strong. Like you told me you got this. (((Lori)))

    Lora I am sorry you are having troubles too. I hope you find some caring doctors who really want to care for their patients. I am sorry you have to go through all this. ((Lora))

    Genny poor little Nora. I hate it when these little ones get sick like this. Jackson just had it too and had little eye boggers too and I just hated it. He was so miserable. I hope she gets better soon.


    Ok you all here I am with my can of Lysol spraying the lounge down. We should all start to feel better soon. I hope. No more bugs! Come on Spring!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinKs!

    I'm booked....hooray!!  Should get my confirmation by Friday...time to think about shopping.  Oh and I have to find and book a flight to Orlando. 

    Julie - can you recommend a decent but not costly hotel/motel by the airport that an a/p shuttle will take me too.  I want to fly in at least a day before we embark so I'll be more rested and ready to partay!!! 

    Happy belated Birthday Kim - glad you are feeling better today, had me worried.  Hooray the boss didn't say NO....can't wait!

    Lara - sorry your still fighting these issues.  Keep praying for you girl.  Mayb u need to come on a cruise...heehee. 

    Dara - woohoo right???  Hail yeah!!!  This will be 'da bomb' mese tinks.  I'm still saying prayers for u n dd, and of course that precious baby boy and your dad too.

    Mary - Poor Nora and DH too...hope they both get better soon. 

    Lowee - ahhh I wanna gib u big hug!  Did the doc indicate any of these sores and stuff being an se of your tx?  I can't believe this is happening, I mean I can, but I'm really upset about it.  Can only imagine how upset you are too.  I'm praying for you and gib u BIG HUGZ!!!

    Rebecca - come back and tell us a little bit about yourself, pull up a bar stool, order a drink from the tenders and git happy....LOL...I'd b pleased to join ya with mese coffee and brandy!

    Hugz to anyone I missed....lubslubsllubslubslubs!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    oh lori-hope today is a better day for you,

    dara-still hoping for the best outcome for baby david

    nm-glad your feeling better

    sue-don't stay at hotels at the airport area , so i can't give you any reccomendations. but my plan is once kathy books ,i will contact disney and i want to stay there before and after, and see if i can leave my car there in between as would prefer to go to the cruise in their transport , so your welcome to share AND i can pick you up a the airport

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    imagehappy belated birthday nm

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Ok every Disney cruise has a Pirate night so here are some things to get your mind going




    Adults really get into this night as well so plan on what your gonna bring. It's a really fun night.


    Here are some other things passengers do to there doors. They are metal. Etsy has these inexpensive cute magnets you can do if you and your roommate wish. It kinda helps you find your room is what we found when we we're on our cruise. Plus it's fun.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Happy Birthday NMNM someone has a birthday message for you.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    hi girls, I was up early, had my stitches out then had a shrink appt tonight then fell asleep. I am now up, latest I have been up in awhile. It is cold outside. I had Willie warm me up tehehehe, he is so hot!

    I booked the cruise today via email, same as Sue, Kathy the travel agent told me she would have confirmation later in the week. Wooohooo, this is happening. I gonna meet NM, Ms. Mary, Nancy and Lynn and see Sue and Julie again! This is surreal, it happening. SHould I start a countdown? Nah, not yet hehe! But I tail ye all this, time changes in jest 11 days. (sorry to those that do not like that). I like when it is light later at night, it means Spring and SUmmer are jest around de corner. That means outdoor fires, mese pool opens in a month, it does not get much better dan dat!

    I sorry I cant write to ye all. Hoping our Lori feeling better, hope NM had a better day after her birthday and hope Nancy feeling better too. And my wish for all of you is to smile and bese happy, k?

    I go now. I gonna crash mese head on mese desk if I dont.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2015

    Lori feel better

    hits keep coming I go see GP tell her I need help with my foob till surgery she freaked out

    called my pyschatrist gave her zero permission shes looking for something thats not there

    I have real pain and real medical issues she thought I was having a breakdown and because I said the ER said she could help with my pain she thinks im drug seeking then calls everyone I gave her no permission

    anyway I talked to my pychartist he agreed there is nothing wrong with me and there not

    I had a panic attack thats it I can not stand being in doc offices and can not stand when they do not help u

    what these kids get pills for what a strained neck its just gotten way out of hand I am pissed this GP is off her rocker

    she wants to talk tp my obgyn surgeron to make sure I  can not take hormone replacement after I told

    her I can not

    she wanted to call pain management they helped me enough because no one would and they want her to b the one to help me I gave her zero permission to talk  to them they are not my doctors

    Im having anxiety over this

    I have an interview today at a school very nervous if I get this position I will have to put off surgery, which I really cant because the f foob is really swollen and annoying me I cant sleep

    where I find these people are beyond my knowledge



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2015

    Morning girls, geting ready to take the pooches out, it's gonna feel tropical out there, temp is 23 degrees! DH in Michigan in hotels, trying to work with fever, achiness and the poops. Went to watch my sick Nora yesterday and my DS has it....I'm surrounded! I have to work today, after will get cruise booked. I've read everything but can't address all, will pop in tonight.

    Lara, so sorry about all that's going on with you Hope you get some relief soon. I know you don't have job opportunities everyday but maybe this is not the time to start a new job?? When is yor surgery?

    Kim glad to hear you are feeling better. Happy belated birthday.

    Dara, is your dad home?

    Have a good day all, see ya tonight...

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Another 2.5 inches of snow this ayem.Really.Another.This is getting crazy!BUT--I have my time off for next January.It's on the boss's calendar (made him dig out a 2016 calendar!) but it's all set!

    WTF?A guy left his truck on train tracks, it was hit and the train derailed, lots of people hurt, he was found a mile away and arrested.I didn't catch where it happened but the pics are pretty horrendous.

    OK, just e-mailed Kathy my deposit information.

    Collett--whatever I had was a 24 hour thing, I'm fine now.It is nice to have warm feet and puppy cuddles when I don't feel good, that's for sure.I bought another bottle of bleach when I went grocery shopping on the way home yesterday, time to do a full house wipe down again, and get all those places we don't think of cleaning--doorknobs, light switches, remotes, keyboards, phones, tablets, Kindles lamp switches, charging cables. . .

    Mema--Yahoo!Looks like most of us are looking at a pre-cruise Disney package, too!We'll have to be sure to get transfers included, shouldn't be hard. Most hotels have shuttles to the cruise ship and to and from the airport,so that shouldn't be a worry.But I know Julie will help us up with that part.

    Julie-- I am so looking forward to the pre-cruise fun as well as the cruise, thank you so much for offering to organize that part!

    Thank you for the GREAT B-day cake!Yum@

    Pirate night, hmmm.Have to think about this.

    Fun idea to decorate the doors!

    Hey, Mickey sang Happy Birthday to me!

    Dara--Hooray for stitches out, hopefully that will calm down some of the itching.I'm sure Willie helped warm you up really well!

    OK, I've got to head to work, just realized I'm running late.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is YOUR favorite libation!One for each hand!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    P.S. 334 days

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015

    Lara my goodness, you sure have a time with doctors, what's the deal? You poor thing. And for your friend to say mean things to you? That is no friend. Your doctor calling other doctors, I don't know, I don't think that is legal, but it might be if it involves narcotics.

    NM, glad you are feeling better. Wow, years before parents get their child back? I sure hope that isn't the case with David. I hope that ASSHOLE realizes that HE is the cause of all of this and Dara, I hope your DD realizes that too.

    Nancy, we don't need Lysol in the lounge. We are free from bugs here, and calories too! Cute ideas for the doors. Pirates eh? ...or is that argh! Glad Jackson is feeling better.

    Dara, don't get back in that bad habit of staying up late. Are you going to keep sick time until April?

    NM, don't forget micro wave, and fridge handles!

    Mary, poor lil Nora. I sure hope you don't get sick.

    Cami, we miss you girl. Gonna take your booze away.

    Ok, I started with sores in my mouth yesterday, and they are SE's of the FU pills. But I did have a good bisit wif my onc. I was taking 4 FU pills in the morning and 3 in the evening. He didn't like the SE's I was having. So he cut me down to 2/2! Said I shouldn't have any SE's at all. Also, when my TM's went up before, they went up 20 in 3 months. Current labs show they went DOWN 20 in just 3 weeks! I asked him why we had to do this when I was feeling perfectly normal and scans were pretty much stable, he said if we waited for things to progress, it would be harder to get it under control. He said it was his job to keep me comfortable and to keep ahead of the RB. I also took some information to him, that I actually got here on BCO. It's a new treatment for ER/PR positive and HER2 negative, stage IV with mets. He was not aware of this treatment and said if I hadn't already started the Xeloda, he would have tried that. So the plan is to try that when the Xeloda quits working. Once we see I am tolerating the 2/2 Xeloda, he may move me to 3/2, and just play with it until we have a happy medium and how much I can tolerate without all of the SE's. I went in with no make up on so he could see my face and chest. He spent 45 minutes with me. Gave me some "Miracle Mouthwash", has lidocane in it, but really only works for about 15 minutes, and some prescription strength Anti D. Here are some pics of the beautiful me....NOT! I guess it's kind of hard to see, since I have a blotchy complection anyways and freckles. Worse parts on my face are around my lips, nose and forehead, and I had picked off most of the flaky skin.

    Oh, here is the link for that new treatment, if anyone wants to keep it for a just in case.



  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Morning everyone! At least the sun is out here. We are supposed to get more snow and even colder weather. They are saying we may break more cold weather records. Really? I thought we did that last year.

    Lori - I know I am a hot mess with the Lysol thing going on arnt I? Lol. I am glad your MO is adjusting your meds. Hopefully that will help alot. Can they give you any kind of medicated lip balm, or something like Aquaphor for your nose? I dont know if that would help with the soreness around there or not. I know they keep making advances all the time. I pray for all of us they find better ways to treat us soon.

    Lora- I am so sorry your having a rough time with doctors. They dont seem to be very sympathetic. I do know that they have to report when they think someone is abusing narcotics but I think they have to have concrete evidence in that and still try to help you at the same time.

    NM- I know you are tired of snow. My gosh where are you guys going to put more snow? It probably wont all melt away until April if it keeps snowing. I am glad you got your deposit down. Yay! We dont need to worry about transfers to DW or to the ship. Disney takes care of all of that. If we book either with Kathy or with Disney they have Disney Express at the airport and at the resorts that will take us where we need to go. Its realy easy.

    Julie I cant wait to meet you. I am such a big Disney fan myself. I have been to Disney World about 12 or more times and hope to go back in a couple of months and then we are going to take Jackson, Samarah, my DD, DS and their significant others in October around Holloween. I cant wait! We should do the Disney trivia they have on board the ship. I think that is where I got one of my free drinks from.

    Genny- I feel your pain with everyone being sick around you. My DH is sick too and so is my DD. They both have double ear infections and strep throat. My PCP told my DH to stay away from me. So far Jackson has been regotten it from his mom. I told her to not be kissing on him either.

    Cami- How are you doing? Where you at? We miss you.

    4Sew - We miss you too.