how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Did the clocks move up today or is it next weekend?Gotta verify that before setting alarms for work tomorrow.Of course, they are calling for snow starting tonight.Going to take the longer road to work and stay off the I tomorrow.Did I tell you guys that I found my cell phone and it is unharmed and working just fine?Just needed to be warmed up, cleaned up and recharged.That would have been the biggest annoying thing to have to replace.One of today's projects is to get the phone backed up to the PC here at home in case of future calamity.

    Collett--they also made a TV movie based on Amish Grace. I can't remember now if it's in the book or the movie that there is a scene where one of the Mothers, one who lost 2 daughters, talks about her struggle with forgiveness.She spoke of giving the anger and blame and all those feelings to God every morning when she first woke up, and then having to do that over and over again throughout the day.That really resonated with me, as did the description of forgiveness not as "I forgive you for doing that, it's all OK" but as not judging the shooter, not labeling him as bad, not wishing bad things to happen to him, not wanting to get even but as "Judgment is Mine, sayeth the Lord."Over and over they said "It's God's place to judge, not mine."But what was truly amazing was the way the Amish community reached out to the wife and children of the shooter.The Amish recognized that the family lost a husband and father.They showed the same support to the shooter's wife as to the families whose children were hurt or killed.Many Amish attended the shooter's funeral in support of his wife and children, almost none of the shooter's church congregation attended.

    Collett--prednisone is yucky stuff to be on.Very necessary at times, but very yucky nonetheless.

    Genny--amazing how a dog can be so particular about doggy food and scarf down any rotten thing they find in the "wild" isn't it?So sorry your pups have the runs, hope it clears up quickliest!Getting the cell phone back is a relief, I don't feel quite so separated from the world any more--meaning I have phone numbers!Got to get that backed up to a secondary place today in case something like this ever happens again.

    Mema--yeah, I expect the car will be totaled by the insurance company.And I've got to go back to work Monday, I need to do something other than think about the pile up.

    Collett--I'd like to join the DW for 2 days before the cruise too, and for the same reasons.When I can look at flight prices I'll decide about staying after the cruise.I want to get home at a reasonable time, meaning before midnight, and that usually means being able to catch a flight out of Boston no later than 5 or 6 pm, and most afternoon flights out of Florida don't get into Logan in time enough to make the connection.I hate to end a cruise with a scramble to the airport and then spending hours on layover in Logan.Logan's a nice enough airport for a layover, but still can be a bit boring after a while.

    Dara--I think I'm doing OK emotionally, and I think I'll do better with sleeping at night once I get back to work tomorrow.Distraction will be a very good thing for me now.I haven't been past the site yet, but I have been on the Interstate (Mom was driving) and did ok with that.I'm thinking my first drive on the I will be on the way home from work one day this coming week, where I can get off and take Rt 2 if I get freaked out and not have to worry about time. And it will NOT be snowing the first time through.However, nothing I'm going through is terribly bad, so I am being blessed in that department, too.You can get Amish Grace on Amazon in paperback, hardback and Kindle formats, it's not very expensive.Most libraries have it, too, I'm sure.

    Aha, the time change is NEXT weekend!That's good. I can get it on my calendar and start preparing mentally.

    Goldie--Yes, I was stopped.I got hit directly at least once, that hit was from behind, my seat back went right down back flat, as far as a box of depends in the back seat would allow, so I didn't see anything but the roof of the car after.There was a second, very hard impact, a third just slightly less hard, then several of decreasing hardness.I'm pretty sure I did spin around, or at least slide somewhat sideways for a while.Looking at the damage and the way the metal peeled when my car was pulled out of the wreck I think the 18 wheeler slid sideways into me.When I first stopped I was near the top of the hill, when it was all over I was at the bottom of the hill.So several impacts, direct and indirect.I had taken my foot off the breaks when I realized the car behind me was going to hit me.So I was stopped, got hit and pushed into the chain reaction, damage is from multiple impacts.When it was all over the cars and trucks behind me were wall to wall metal.State Troopers and EMTs were walking on top of the cars to get to all of them to check for injuries and do triage.

    Great card!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Rum Sunday

    1 oz Dark Rum

    1/2 oz Sweet Sherry

    2 tsp Overproof Rum

    3 tbsp Vanilla Ice Cream

    1/2 oz Grenadine

    Best served in a Collins Glass.


    Blend briefly all ingredient (except overproof rum) with half a glassful of crushed ice. Pour into a collins glass, float overproof rum on top, and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2015


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Good Morning everyone! We are under yet another yes another WINTER STORM WARNING here in Indy. We are getting another 6-8 inches of snow. Nothing like our poor NM but definaltely over it!!! Good news is it is supposed to warm up into the 40s this week. Hopefully it will be over soon.

    I am having a good day with little Samarah today. She makes me laugh. My stomach is bothering me alot I dont feel like eating but am making myself eat due to all my meds and insulin but I really just dont want to and I feel so full and bloated. yuck. Ok I am done.

    Happy St. Davids Day Julie!

    NM I am glad you want to do DW with us. I think Julie was going to look into this for us.. Kathy said she can as well in a few months when Disney has those posted for her to look at as far as pricing. I also could look into it I have a Disney Vacation Club membership so whatever you all want to do doesnt matter to me.

    Genny hope your doggies are better today. Mine has the poops today too. What is up with that?

    Lori hope your feeling better today. Thank you for the full plate message and that is exactly how I feel.

    Dara how long is your cuz in town. Hope you all are having a blast!

    Gonna go lay down for a bit. Here is a picture of my princess.




    break between snow storms

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2015

    good afternoon all

    as i;m a fl resident and annual pass holder they offer special deals especially that time of year, will be looking into and booking when i come back from my vacation in the uk in may,

    lori-hope the d has gone and your mouth feels a lot better now, we use bag balm in work, its the best for excoriated skin.weird on the email, as all but one of my docs are online and have email.

    driving miss cammi!- i love it. well to make up for a lacking grandma he's got a multitude of aunts instead, that boy is so good , he's such a treasure to all

    stay safe and warm those having more snow,nm -lots of prayers tongiht for you that tomorrow is a peaceful and calm day

    nancy-samara is beautiful,glad you get to spend time together

    mary-woohoo for ds on the day shift!-hope all are well in your household now

    sue-hello roomieHappy

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    snow fun at my DS house


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Julie--Happy St. David Day!

    Collett--ANOTHER winter storm warning?NOT FAIR, NOT RIGHT


    Collett-- I think you are right, Julie has the inside line on that.I would like to stay in one of the hotels on site, but that is not a deal maker or breaker, meeting everyone and getting to relax and have fun together is what is important to me.Also, if I have travel plans a couple days before the cruise and flights get delayed/cancelled/otherwise interfered with I still stand a good chance of making the boat.If I miss the DW part but make the cruise, I'll be somewhat disappointed but it won't ruin the trip for me.Your Princess is SO pretty!

    Julie--Thanks for sharing your insider knowledge for the pre-cruise DW time!And thanks for the prayers.I am starting to feel a bit nervous as it's supposed to be snowing tomorrow and I will be driving a rental, I much prefer driving my own car that I've had time to learn the ins and outs of how it handles in inclement weather.But, I will do just fine, will give myself some extra time, and say lots of prayers.

    I LIKE the snow Princess!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Our Emma is pretty sick. She won't eat anything, she is drinking water tho. Very lethargic... I'm so worried, got an appt for 4 tomorrow at the cheap clinic. Wondering whether to call the regular vet and see if they can get her in earlier. Hope she's ok.

    Going to bed now, sweet dreams to all

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Hi girls,

    Just reading quickly to see what is going on in de lounge. Mese cousin is still here, weather not safe to drive for her as she lives down the beach. It has been raining ice all day and the roads, my deck and sidewalks are treturous.

    Mary, saying some prayers for sweet Emma. I am tinking it is jest a severe gastrointestinal ting going on with her due to changing her food and nothing more. I tink de vet will give her anti-nausea pills and she will get better quickiest.

    Lori, hope the new FU plan works better and you git all better. I am sorry you are going through all this crud. FuRB!

    Nancy, great pics! tank ye for sharing.

    NM, glad you are ready to git back to life as you knew it pre-crash. You sound good, I am proudda ya friend!

    Hello to everyone else. Gonna git back to mese cuz and de parTay!


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Genny I hope your Emma's ok too. Keep us posted. Can't sleep tonight hot flashes are horrible with prednisone and Tami I chased my poor DH out of the bed.

    Dara we had a Winter Storm with about 6-8 inches of snow and then Tues we are supposed to get freezing rain in the morning and thunderstorms in the afternoon I think. Kinda cra cra weather round here.

    NM saying a prayer for your journey to work in the am. You'll be back to normal soon.

    Don't forget next Sunday to Spring forward with your time. If you change.



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Well, It's snowing.They're saying it will be "a little bit slick for the morning drive".I'm ready to scream.But, it's going to warm up later and start melting this week, yeah!And I 'll be driving an unfamiliar car.OK, time to quit being a worry wart, I'll take Route 2 instead of the interstate, I'll take my time, and all will be just fine.

    Genny--Poor Emma!Praying for her, hopefully it's justa passing tummy thing and she'll perk up by the time she gets seen by one of the vets.

    Dara--Freezing rain to thunderstorms in one day?Yikes!And thanks for the reminder that normal is just around the corner for me.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Shakin' Blue Monday

    1 tsp Brandy

    1/2 oz Blush Wine

    1 1/2 oz Canadian Whiskey

    1/2 oz Lemon Juice

    1 tsp Superfine Sugar

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.


    Add the whisky, blueberry brandy, brandy, lemon juice and sugar to a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well and strain into an old-fashioned glass almost filled with ice cubes. Garnish with a slice of orange and a maraschino cherry.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    NM, I just cringe when I think of the accident you were in. OMG, so glad you DIDN'T see that semi coming at you! Today is back to work and you can put your mind to other things. Safe travels with the weather and rental car. As for  your new car, do you have idea what you want? Maybe something with 4 wheel drive?

    DW, Happy St. David's Day to you. I have never heard of this holiday. Weren't you and 4 suppose to meet up sometime soon, or perhaps that time has even passed?

    Nancy, I hate when I have to force myself to eat. That's pretty much how I felt last week. Samara is just a little beauty. Is she dancing with the tulip in her hand? Now the snow pics...not so much! Love the spring forward birdie.

    Julie, Joey is a total doll. When I was there, he was like a magnet, and so full of questions and wanting to be a part of whatever was going and he really did not want me to leave.

    Oh Mary, I'm so sorry to hear about Emma, and you have to wait until tomorrow? I think I would just take her to her regular vet if they can get her in today. Please let us know when you find out anything. Sending prayers for Emma and hugs for you. (((((Mary)))))

    So Wacko, did you and your cuz party party party all weekend long? Glad she is staying put since the weather is bad. How is you dad, and how is mom doing?

    It still kinda pisses me off, that they didn't have anyone call me on Friday. Doesn't make sense to call and leave the same voice mail as I sent in email! If she would have emailed me back while the office was still open, I COULD have called. I felt pretty good yesterday, I even FELT like eating some. I'm still cramping and have the D, but instead of being like water, it's more like a very thin pancake batter. My lip is pretty much healed and my face not too bad, but my chest is taking the longest to heal, it hurts and it itches.

    Shakin Blue Monday's for everyone!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Quick pop-in, gonna take da pooches out before work. I'm happy to report that Emma woke me up in the middle of the night to go out and just tinkled, no D, then she came in and started licking the bottom of the empty cat bowl so I gave her a bisquit and she took it! Then we were awakened at 7 with the 2 of them tearing around here chasing the cat! So DH gave her a small breakfast and she wolfed it down. I'm gonna just keep the appt at 4 with the clinic. It's about 1/3 of what our vet charges, I think they're good for stuff like this, I just wouldn't let them do surgery on them.

    NM, praying for you on your drive to work.

    Dara, I think you were absolutely right about Emma, that food change really did a number on her. Have fun with your cousin but I'm sure I don't need to tell you that.

    Lori, good luck at the doctor today, hope things continue to improve.

    Nancy, sorry about the hot flashes, I feel your pain on that one.Stay put ifin you can, weather sounds nasty, tink we're gonna get some of it. Love the cardinal.

    Gotta go, dogs to walk, hair to do.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    MARY! That is awesome news about Emma!!! Enjoy your day!

    No doctor appts. for mese today, I mightin call though.

    Some of you might remember our sweet HunkyDory who used to post here. Hilarious woman! Well I had been thinking about her and decided to "Google" her. I found out that she has passed away. Our sweet HD is now an angel. She went to be our Lord on April 5th, 2014. NM and Wacko, pretty sure you both remember her? If you would like to see the obit, I can private message you this information.

    My heart is sad!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Good morning everyone! I hope you all are having a good Monday.

    NM have a good drive to work and take your time. What kind of new car are you wanting to get? You will have to show us. I agree with Lori maybe a 4 wheel or all wheel drive would be nice for you. I had a Honda CRV and really liked it. It wasnt too big and not too small and it got around in the snow real well.

    Lori I am glad your are feeling better today. It is so hard to eat when you really dont feel like it. I have felt like that for months. I just dont have an appetite. If I do, all I want is fruit or ice cream. But only certain things. I dont even really want to drink like I used to. I am thirsty all the time, but I just dont want anything.

    Sorry to hear about your friend you guys. I know she is in a better place and is free of all her pain.

    Genny I am so glad Emma is feeling better. I think Cole is better today too. I think he just got into something he shouldnt have. He was scrounging around Jackson and Samarah's stuff and I think he got a crayon or something.

    So on the cruise one activity they have is wine tasting, margarita tasting, whisky tasting, martini tasting, etc.. I think there is a small fee for this I forget how much, but maybe fun to try.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Good Morning my lovely ladies, been trying to ketchup.

    SusyQ I lubs the jokes, made me smile, and u know u do rarely say about how u feel, I know u must have bad days, u make the rest of us always feel good.

    NM I know exactly how u feel and MOR SNOW on the damn streets for u--I know u'll be careful and fine, but u are totally a braver person than I, I so admire u and I do hope u feel really good, cuz I do know u'd go to work not feeling well--so not like me.

    Lori I'm sooo glad u feel a little better and when u can eat--EAT for God's sake, u't so thin u need protein. U know damn well how I worry about u and u'r another one that is just so up and u amaze me.

    In fact all of u do, I read all that everyone is going thru and it's like a side not for all of u.

    OK Samara's adorable, but no more snow pics---I tinks they're getting way to much attention--maybe if we ignore the snow, it will go away, like a bully usually does.

    Mary I'm so glad u'r taking furbaby to to whatever vet that is. Our furbabies worry us like our own family so we have to take care of them, but I always wished they could talk when they don't feel well.

    Oh I did see the Amish thing--Amazing people, I could never live like that obviously, but that's why they all live together no outside influence. BUT they do sell Fireplaces on the shopping channel and it does have electricity, which I find suspicious, but then again u know I find all kinds of things odd. And if anyone stole my identity they would fear the government so I think they would feel like she's done enough to herself no sense in getting involved with her. So that's on my side.

    My GF is getting surgery on Wed.she fractured or split her lower vertebrae---she the one who owns the restaurant, so my other Gf calls and tells me she has to open it for her and I should be with her so if she screws everythin up she could blame me and Carole would never get mad. LOL Bitch--we are supposed to have crazy weather too, but I'll try to get to the hospital, it's the one I used to go to for yrs. So at least I know my way around--maybe.

    Dara how are u feeling, u sound good and like u had some fun over the weekend. Which is a good thing.

    Lara I hope u'r feeling better ad u deserve the best job ever.

    Julie, u'r just so sweet and now I read everything u write with u'r accent in my head. I lubs it.

    I have to go to the store today and get a few meds, one is new so we'll se about this one. LOL and I'll do a little shopping--the weather is OK here sunny but cool or cold however u look at it at this point,  I like going to stores with carts, what a difference even balance for me--I have to buy my own supply of private things. they get embarrassed--as my mom would say --spelling is all wrong---Aspet phillowmia- translated WAIT MY DGTR--as close as I can come to the translation--those little sayings always come to roost.

    OK I truly hope everyone's day is good and safe too.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    I forgot to make my announcement--u all know I bought a bottle of blackberry brandy, well I keep it in my bedroom and now I put a little in my coffee-hahaha and no one knows it but me--I am an official closet drinker and I am proud of it. It seems to warm me up in this weather too. And it does give the coffee a little kick.  YAAHOO 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Hi girls,

    I slept until almost noon today,, my cuz left at 4am and I went to bed. It was a crazy long weekend but lots of fun.

    Mary, so glad to hear that Emma is feeling better, sigh of relief for ya ~sigh~ hope you have a good day at work.

    NM, hoping your work day was a good distraction and a sign that life will get back to normal for ya. I hate that there is more snow, should be close to the last of the storms there ~ I can hope!!

    Lori, I am very saddened to hear that HunkyDory has passed away. FURB, dammit. I hope you continue to feel better and get your appetite back along with the ability to enjoy a good meal. I been praying for ya love. And I tink itchy means healing. Let the healing continue.

    Cam, you widdle closer dwinka you. YOu crack me up. I can picture you putting a shot into your coffee cup and dwinking it down with a big smile. You little devil you!

    Nancy, sorry bout the hot flashes, they are jest dreadful at night. Thanks for wishing me a mahvelous March, right back atcha goil.

    Hello to Julie, hope you having a wonderful day. Are you still on for Disney this week? HOpe so!

    Has anyone heard from Lynne yet?

    My Dad is doing alright, he is still very very tired and sleeps so much. He was to a cardiologist last week who took him off another medication that might have been contributing to his fatigue. The Dr said that it will take awhile before he is feeling like his old self again. Having been hospitalized, following the bout with pneumonia then the low pulse rate, will take a month or more before he is back to his normal. My Mom is holding on, not changing for the worse which is a good thing with her condition. Thanks for asking, I keep forgetting to respond.

    Have a peachy day goils!


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    I have heard from Lynn she is still going and they have been sick. Poor thing, they got sick when they got back from their vacation. But yay she is still going!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    Nancy, I have a little bit of an appetite back, made my dinner last night, but I find I can't eat as much as I used to, only about half.

    Cami, I'm eating, I'm eating! I know..protien, protien, protien....and fluids. I'm trying!!! I hope you are able to make it to the hospital for your friend and I hope all goes well with her. Too funny about your brandy coffee, Sue would be so Proud Mary of you! Just make sure Joey doesn't get a taste, you will be busted! What kind of new meds are you on, or what for? Sometimes I'm surprised that I don't rattle when I walk!

    Wacko, tanks for de update on your folks, sound like things are pretty good considering. Wow, your cuz left early, or had she not been to bed yet?

    Nancy, glad you heard from 4, but sorry they are all sick!

    I'm up early this morning! So, fewer posts to respond to! I'll perhaps check back later...

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    Ok, I say we all head over to Cami's and have Blackberry Coffee Brandy!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes! Just getting so the sun is coming up shortly after I get up in the ayem, and next Sun the clocks change.Yuck.Not that daylight in the evening isn't nice, it is, but I want AM sunshine!

    Goldie--I've just started looking around for what cars are available at a reasonable cost.I'd love another PT Cruiser.Never been impressed with 4 wheel drive, rather have front wheel drive, but that may not be something I get to choose with the popularity of 4WD now.I look for how the passenger compartment is framed and for roll bars, cruise control, CD player and blue tooth compatibility, in that order.Glad your healing up from the 5FU overdose, hope the new dose is better.

    Genny--Sounds like Emma's getting over whatever upset her system, that's GREAT news!A bit of a check at the clinic will help ease your mind, too.The drive to work was ok, except I forgot about the traffic that time of day.Took the interstate home last night.Not sure which way I will go today, no snow, sun's out, roads are dry, probably a good day to try it.

    Goldie--HunkyDory is an Angel?NO!Please PM me the obit.

    Collett--I'm just starting to think about another car.Would like another PT Cruiser but we'll have to see.I have to have something with some weight to it for good snow traction, even though it means less gas economy.I'll keep you all up to date.I did a wine tasting once, it was a blast!I would love to do a margarita or martini tasting, not so sure about the whisky one, but willing to try something new and different!

    Cammy--I do feel fine, except the bruised area on my left calf is achier after being on my feet all day.But that's OK, it's just achy/sore and easily ignored.Your poor friend, did she fall on the ice and hurt her back?Isn't it fun to add a little something to your coffee!

    Dara--Good tohear your Dad is on his way to feeling better.And good to hear your Mom is holding her own.Yesterday was a good distraction.I am glad to be back to work!

    Glad Lynn is getting better, so not fair to get sick as soon as you get home from vacay!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Spring Fever

    3/4 oz Lemon Juice

    3/4 oz Mango Syrup

    2 oz Orange Juice

    1 1/2 oz Pineapple Juice

    Best served in a Collins Glass.


    Shake well over ice cubes in a shaker, and strain into a collins glass half-filled with crushed ice.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Morning everyone we are getting an ICE storm here in Indy land today. Isnt that fun! Kinda glad I cant drive today. Oh and tomorrow More snow with accumulations but the good news is I see nothing but sunshine and 40 degree weather for the rest of the week! We have a busy week ahead, I have Support Group tonight, Church and a Doctor appointment tomorrow and Jacksons 3 birthday party Sat. :) And my DD passed her Certified Medical Assistant test so I am very proud of her. She studied so hard for it so we are going to celebrate that too.

    Cami your coffee drink sound yummy I may have to come on by for a sip of that one! I know what you mean about the snow I am for sure over it myself girl!

    Lori I am glad your getting your appetite back. I know what you mean about not wanting to eat as much as you used to either. I am that way to. I love steak but ususally after just a few bites anymore I am done. I am glad your healing up too. I am sure that was misurable for you.

    NM my brother liked the PT cruisers too. He thought they would be cool for our RT's to use when I was working for him when we were out in the field because he thought they would be pretty good on gas but I told him I wasnt sure they would fit the vents and other home equipment we had to carry so we didnt get them and just reimbursed milage. I have a Honda Civic and really really like it. It gets great gas mileage and so far does great in snow but I have not had near as much as you.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Good Morning ladies----

    NM I'm glad u day went well yesterday, I was more concerned about u'r driving there than anything, but it sounds like u were OK. Oh now getting a car--Do u have to get a car of the year of u'r old car or how does that work now? OK I read the DOTD of the day what am I missing--did I see any likker that I don't know about yet.

    Oh Lori u always crack me up, u always have to know what everything is for, u'r so damn cute- I have a yeast infection and levels low so meds for some levels and powder or my infection--nothing bad at all. but u'r right so many pills every day it's a joke and yet when I miss one I know something is off count. LOL I'm glad u'r feeling a bit better and I know u know more of what to eat than I do, it just makes me feel better reminding u, cuz I can't really help u and I wish I could.

    Dara I'm glad u'r mom is holding her own , as they say, ( I remember when I was little I asked my mom what are hey holding? and she said it's just an expression--and I thought why don't people say exactly what they mean--sorry I got off point) but that is good and yes it does take our seniors--ahem--longer to recover from things and that's so hard for everyone concerned. But it's good the Drs. said that. BTW how long do u have off work this time?

    My GF works like she did when she was 20 in her restaurant and she's now in her mid 50's and she did some remodeling and had to do some herself, well she pays people but she has to have her hands in everything, this time she suffered for it. Her story of life is one crazy crazy story and the 3 of us re her only friends and her husband actually allows us to come over in the summer for a BBQ--cuz he likes us---she's never had female friends cuz her old fashioned DH? (Italian)  didn't like it so we did do a lot of sneaking around and he never knew cuz he never called the restaurant, he wanted no part of it and he didn't work she always worked and very hard and he lived liked a king, which apparently he thought  he deserved, but somehow we corrupted her and now she's ours too--only he doesn't know all of it. She's a smart business woman she not only owns the restaurant she owns the mall that it's in and the mall down the street and more property too. She did it on her own and she has a heart of gold so I love her so dearly I don't like her to be sick or hurting at all. OK enough I know.

    OK I have to set myself up for the day and then take my nap.

    I lubs u all, all the time.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Back home in Mesq now.  Had left over spaghetti last night.  Was my last meal until after 11ayem tomorrow.  Yep the ol heiny scope.  Already took my poop pills, will start the colyte in about 90 minutes.  Made some jello too, as that’s all I’m allowed to eat today.  Thank goodness I can have my coffee.  I can handle it without creamer, but prefer it with. 

    Mary - scared me about Emma…sooo thrilled she is doing better.

    Lowee - I wasn’t around either when HunkyDory was on the thread.  I am sooo sorry she’s no longer with us.  Another star in the heavens…(((Lowee)))  Good news on feeling a tad better and that your sores are healing.  Did you get any snow.  News said Flagstaff was dropped on big time, jes wondered if you got any of it.  I drove home last night from Vegas, once I was about 5 miles So of Mesquite it was deadly dark clouds, lightening, rain….I slowed way down and made it fine.  Rained all day and most of the night.  DH had the pump going on the patio a good portion of the time too.

    Dara - WOW I’m thrilled you mom is not changing for the worse.  Did you take the fatigue pills away or switch them out with your dad?

    Cami - yes…Pwoud Mary is very pleased that you have taken to closet drinking…j/k I mean brandy in your coffee.  I have 2 everyday just about.  But that’s my limit unless I go out, then it’s wodka, sometimes dirty…yum.   Sending some prayers for your gf.

    Julie - very cool about DW.  My son said to pay the extra money for non-stop via American Virgin airlines.  Idk….I’ll have to check it out.  It will depend on cost of hotel and a day at DW.  I’m soo fercited…I jes can’t tail you how much.  I’ve never heard of St Davids Day either?

    4 - hope you get to feeling better, your whole family included.  It’s been a biotch of a winter for many of my girls, but light at end of tunnel now.

    NM - Am surprised that you didn’t have 4wd especially where you live.  When we lived in MT and then in No NV I felt much safer in a 4wd than just FW drive.  Hope the weather cooperates with you as you hunt for your new car.  Just BE SAFE as you can.

    Nancy - that Samara is jes tooo cute.  She reminds me of my Maddy.  I got to spend 5 hours with her on Sunday.  We snuggled a lot, and she colored and made cards for her mom, dad, me, Papa.  She is only in Kindergarten yet can print all her letters and sounds out words, very good phonics.  I am jes sooo proud.  It rained while she was visiting too, which explains the indoor activities.  Boy I miss her.

    OK...gotta run....literally....heehee.  LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Hi girls,

    We are having snow today as well. It is supposed to turn into an icy mix then turn into rain. There is another snow system forecasted for tomorrow night into Thursday. But the weekend looks great, no snow, no rain and into the 40's. Come on Spring, get here already!! Just 17 days to go!

    Sue, the cardiologist removed the pills from my Dad. I am worried about him as he is still very sleepy and has not taken those pills since Friday. He said he had a bad night last night. At one point he told me that my Mom spent the night with him. I hadda tail him he must of been dreaming as Mom was not here. It is so sad seeing him so down. I am glad you are home and did not have any issues due to the rain. It is always nice to see you here girl, love you back x infinity!

    NM, glad you made it back and forth to work ok yesterday and trust you did okay today. It will probably take a few months before you can get onto I95 without having flash backs of the crash. Good luck finding the perfect car.

    Cam, wow, I would marry your girlfriend, she owns the entire mall? That is very impressive. It is a shame that her husband does nothing and is possesive of her. SOunds like some douche bag I know! I hope the yeast infection is clearing up, those suck. I checked the DOTD and also found no alcamahol. I guess we can revert to the blackberry coffee for some likker. How is Joey doing? tell him I said hi. And I agree, do not let him sip your "special" coffee! hehe!

    Nancy, I think we get the weather you are having, it seems our snow storms mirror each other. I hope the ice stops and everyone is safe. How are you doing with seizures? I am guessing you have not had any for awhile? I sure hope so. I am praying for you girl.

    Lori, glad to hear that you are able to get a little more food down the pipes. How are you feeing with the lowered dose of FU pills? I still am having a hard time knowing that our HunkyDory has passed away. I am angry at the RB. And I still miss our Junie. She has been an angel for several years now but I tink about her often.

    Hello to Mary, Julie and to Lynne. Sorry to hear that Lynne and family have been sick. that just stinks. I am glad to hear that she is coming on the cruise. Not sure if any of you watched wheel of fortune last night but it is Disney week. They were showing some footage of their cruises. I telled mese Dad that I will be there in January. He asked if he could come, he is too cute. I had to tell him no but let him know he can have some big ass partays whilst I am away. He laughed!

    I hope I did not miss anyone, if so, dwinks on me! Have a super fantastic night and a great humpdey too. Love you all!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Julie, I forgot to mention that I had not heard of St. David's day until you posted about it a few years back. Thanks for doing that. I googled it and it was interesting. Quite ironically, my brother's name is David and he was born on St. David's day. I thought you would get a kick out of that. I sure did! Happy Belated St David's day to you! Happy


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Image result for funny goodnights

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Snowed overnight,still snowing a little, temps supposed to get up to the 40's, gonna start getting melt off, pot holes,ponds in the roads, mud, mud and more mud.Better than ice, though!

    Collett--one of the reasons I like the PT Cruiser is the surprising amount of room inside the thing once the back seat is folded down.I could even fold the passenger front seat down and put the kayak in the thing!Congrats to your DD, Happy Birthday to Mr. Jackson!

    Cammy--I don't know much about what's going to happen with insurance yet. The PT Cruiser is/was a 2005, I would like to get something a little newer with bluetooth, but time will tell.Hmmm, there isn't any likker in the DOTD, not sure how that snuck past me!Many apologies!Your friend sounds like a hoot and a half!Gotta keep that from her hubby, for sure!

    Mema--Having the coffee is a good thing, I have it weather it's allowed or not, do not want to deal with the caffeine withdrawal headache for a stupid test.Have had 4WD cars in the past andthink they suck in the snow.Give me a real front wheel drive that can pull a car througha short berm and still have traction enough to steer.But that's just my opinion.And I am being very careful and will be as safe as I can be.I can just picture with Maddy having a grand time coloring while the rain falls!

    Dara--I was surprised when I was more uncomfortable on a local road than I was on the interstate yesterday.So much traffic moving so fast and coming so close to me, and so many cars coming up to intersections and not looking like they were going to stop.So it will be a while before I'm really comfortable driving again.But not the end of the world, right?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Spicy Buttery Nipple

    1/4 oz Butterscotch Schnapps

    1/4 oz Cinnamon Schnapps

    1/4 oz Irish Cream

    Best served in a Shot Glass.


    Mix Hot Damn and Butterscotch Schnapps in shot glass first, then carefully add the irish cream without mixing.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2015

    Good morning all,my 3rd work day,then disney. So busy here.    'm here,s to an early insurance settlement and the car of your dreams.

    So glad Emma is ok.did the vet say anything?

    Happy birthday Jackson

    On my kindle so exercise the spelling

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Super quick pop-in, I hafta go to PS this ayem to get my leaky foob blown up for the last time!! Yay, surgery on Friday the 13th, can't wait. We never did take Emma to the vet, she was just too happy and energetic. Her poops kinda like Lori splained, little better each day and today she actually had real turds! I suspect that food change really did a number on her. DH better, out with pooches now. Nora still working on getting better, broke out in hives from head to toe after 1 dose of Augmentin. Now they're just hoping the ear inf just heal on their own. I'll be back tonight to truely catch up. Have a good day all!