how about drinking?



  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Im in for pre cruise Disney fun. I dont mind sharing either for that either. I may have some points to use by then too. We have a Disney vacation club membership. I will have to look and see but i might be able to hook us up on that end with a room.

    NM what is a Rum Chatta? We are in for a Winter Storm Warning again too. Supposed to start tonight around 1am and go until tomorrow night 8pm. We are supposed to get 3-6 inches from Just north of Peru to just South of Indy. So it figures my grandpas funeral is tomorrow. We have to travel up North all 21 of us. Hopefully no White outs this time.

    We went to my nephews Senior night tonight at the high school. He is the mascot for the school basketball team. Well he is Rocky and the other teams mascot was a Trojan and Rocky went to Mr Trojan who was standing facing his team in the middle of the circle and asked him if he wanted to do a skit with him. So Mr Trojan said ya sure. And you could tell they were talking having a conversation at first. Well next think you know Rocky is trying to take off the Trojans Helmat. Well next here comes the athletic director and tells him that the other teams coach is ticked and wants a tech foul or to have my nephew thrown out of the game. Mind you the game had not even starte

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    From Kathy our Travel Agent

    Hi Nancy,


    In order for me to hold staterooms, I need the full legal names, dates of birth and legal address for all guests – much like when booking air travel, all official information must be on record with Disney Cruise Line for the port authorities as you will be coming/going through a US port. I will also need to know which of the 2 guests will be the "lead" guest on that stateroom.

    When we hold the staterooms for large groups/multiple staterooms, the reservations are "linked" internally for dining purposes.

    As for payments once I have the reservations are held, each person can call me or 1 person can call me with all the information. Whatever works best for you.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    Nancy do I need to email the travel agent or do you and 'm have the info needed

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Everyone here is standing outside looking up at the sky.It's really, really strange, almost scary.The sky is blue.Yes, blue.Not the normal gray or white.In the east is this big yellow ball.It's so bright it's making shadows!Is it the end of the world?What could possibly be causing this strange phenomenon?Is it global warming?Even the wind has stopped blowing.The temperature is in the double digits ABOVE the donut! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!


    Dara--take it easy on your elbow, give it time to heal before you start abusing it again!Just log in and type "HI" for a while, we'll fill in the rest.Drug prices are way out of control, but it's money making business so that's how they operate.



    Collett--Yeah!Another pre-cruise Disneyer!Rum Chatta is like Baily's Irish Cream but made with rum instead of whiskey.It's white and sweet, which I like.Had to look it up when it was in one of the DOTDs, then saw in the store and had to try it.Winter Storm Warning up for Maine, too, for this evening through tomorrow evening.Dive carefully to the funeral, give yourself lots of extra time.The skit sounds like a it was a hoot!


    I have almost all the info Kathy needsand will be sending it to Nancyas soon as I have it all so it will all be on one package as it were.Any preferences for "lead" guest in each room?Not sure what that entails but it sounds like not much work involved.


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Big Blue Sky

    1/2 oz Blue Curacao liqueur

    1/2 oz light rum

    1/2 oz cream of coconut

    2 oz pineapple juice

    1 cup ice

    Blend ingredients in a blender until smooth. Serve in a red wine glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2015

    Oh Lordy Lordy I've missed so much and I truly apologize--I love u all so much and I'm so lax on my computer lately.

    Mary I love the picture of u and Nora smiling up at the camera, u both look beautiful.

    Nancy I'm sorry about u'r grandpa, He was loved by so many and really a ver nice looking man, especially with and again I loved the picture of great great grandpa and your gorgeous grandson. He's a doll. Didn't care for that white out u were in--I would have stopped in the corner and just not moved, well until someone would probably hit me.

    Dara is this supposed to take this long to heal? So sweet of u'r family to give u a hand, since u really only can use one hand--oooo Rumchatta so good, but it's stronger than it tastes to me, But I bet mixing it would be better, cuz I just drank it straight, but it was so good. I do hope u'r getting good rest with all that's going on.

    Lori and SusyQ I talk to my sister like everyday (as u know) and my mind always goes to u 2, cuz she's doing so well and I want both of you to do as well too. So there is that feeling I get that u will and are. And I've been going for years, but just not as well as my sister as far as feeling well, but I'm basically doing good. After all I still work---OK everyone calm down with u'r laughter. And I'm glad VD is over everyone sounded like they were talking about some sex disease for days--yes u know my mind goes directly there.

    NM all I hear on the weather is the coastal blizzards and wind and rotten weather, And true that bright ball in the sky rarely hangs over us so I think it's still safe to venture out.

    Julie since u got to DW almost weekly u should get a deal o this cruise, can' t u drop some names like u know Mickey, and the gang personally u never know, with 'r cute accent it might work.

    I was good this week--I actually got some tests done and saw my card. he said (whatever it is I have???) hasn't changed so that's a good thing, it's holding steady--so this time he didn't change any meds--I really don't remember what wrong with my heart, I just know it hasn't changed so that's good enough.Whenever I go to the hospital for anything I just have my DD drop me off and I call her when I'm done--so this rime I used my cane--Oh Boy I looked like I was drunk cuz I was LOLing most of the time, I kind of spun around and then I hit the wall, I tripped on one of the prongs, (I have huge feet) but I had to walk so much I thought it would be easier on my back and it was actually, but my pride was injured a great deal And people offered to help me even older than me, I thanked them but said I was fine--Oh well, And I was supposed to go to a party last night but that fell thru it got to be after 8PM and I was exhausted o I cancelled out and went to sleep. Oh u know my dr. remembered that I asked to see his Drivers License when I irst met him, and I assured him he looked a little older this time, which was a compliment I think.

    OK I need to get more coffee so then I'l be ready or my nap--I told u I was always tired LOL


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    Good saturdey afternoon girls!

    I nominate Nancy and NM to be in charge. And I nominate Julie to be the head whore hehe! All this talk of the cruise helpt with the dreary weather we are having. I love tinking of sunshine, sunbathing on a ship and dwinking. Well maybe not love the ship part but I am working on it. I talk to my dernself about it and tail mese self it will be alright. I was on a cruise ship once for my brothers wedding but got the hail off before it sailed. It was amazing.

    NM, funny about the strange ting in de sky. We are getting snow now, talking 3-6". It is a balmy 26 degrees. It really is relative. Nice to be out of the single digit temps. Need I tail ya how many days til Spring? I hope you and Sadie are having a fun n relaxing day.

    Cam, you made me spit out mese dwink tailing Julie to throw names out there such as Mickey lmao. Glad you are stable, love you and miss you. My elbow still stings when I use it. It is nearly impossible not to use it. A sling is not required and drives me nuts. My incision still looks beautiful, it is the quickest I have healed for a surgery. It will take up to a year for it to not hurt on the inside since it was a nerve that was affected. It is commonly called de funny bone but it ain't funny and it ain't a bone.

    Nancy, I really liked NM's message to you about a "Lifetime in a Day". I will be thinking of you, espcially tomorrow. you and your family are in my prayers. Glad you girls can get a room and have a big partay before the cruise. Try to remove some lampshades and have a hat partay!!

    It sure is quiet in here. Gonna have the tenders whip up some pitchers of NM' Big Blue Sky and have several rounds for all of us bootiful loungettes.

    I hope you all have an awesome day. Lift yer dwink and toast to the most wonderfoil loungettes ever....


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    speaking of ho's, did you hear about the goil who saw Santa and was forever traumatized? Why? Because Santa called her a HO, not once, not twice but three times. get it?

    tenders, send anudder round for all.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2015

    I am interested in the pre-cruise Disney stuff as well but won't know until I see about the flights.Had Nora overnight, she had a cold but it went into her chest and we ended up sleeping in the recliner together, everytime she would lay down she'd cough and start crying. Poor baby, all snotty and glassy-eyed this ayem. Then I had to drive on really crappy roads to meet her mom and dad. I was sure relieved to turn her over to them. She's too young for anything but Tylenol and she wanted to suck on her pacifier but couldn't breathe thru her nose. Anyway, I'm glad to not be responsible for her now, don't want anything to go wrong on my watch. Played trivia the other night and DH kicked my ass....again. We are going to do the indoor golf tonight. We've gotten about 5 inches of snow today, trying to cut back on my wine intake, trying to keep it to 2 glasses/day if I drink but it's perfect whether for a glass of red wine and I'm wanting one now. May have to make this a cheat day.

    Cami, good to see you, glad to heart your heart hasn't changed cause we jes love yer big heart the way it is. Good words for our Sue and Lori, I know they're gonna be just fine for a long time to come. If I wasn't at a party by 8 I wouldn't go either. I'm a wimp. Funny about asking your doc for his ID.

    NM, blue sky with a golden ball, huh? Pretty sure I've never seen anything like that in Ohio, sounds pretty foreign to me. Like the funny posts, cute. My middle name is Ann if you need it. Our temps are over 25 here..woot...woot. Monday, back down to 8 tho. Do u have any more storms headed your way?

    Nancy, hope you get to Michigan ok. Enjoy your family, sounds weird to say I suppose but it sounds like he had a full and wonderful life for you to celebrate. Thanks again for all the time and work you've put in for our Cruisecation. I hope we can lock in those rates, let me know what to do, I can call and give a credit card number, then I'll start looking for flights. I'm funcused, was your nephew and the Trojan doing the skit when the head was ripped off, or were they having a disagreement?

    Dara, 7 of us now, gonna be oodles of fun I suspect. Keep resting that hand, don't want to screw up the doctor's work, glad you got so much time off. How's Lucy doing with this cold weather?

    I'm funcused, was your nephew and the Trojan doing the skit when the head was ripped off, or were they having a dissagreement?

    Julie, I know it's cold there now, but so short lived, hard to feel sorry for ya. Looking forward to the cruise, gonna be fun! Hope you have tomorrow off and that today wasn't too brutal.

    Lori, glad you are managing your se's ok. Sounds like you're going to have some reading to do when the new truck comes in, they get more and more complicated all the time. Men and their toys. I was hearing on the today show again about the new recently approved "cocktail " of drugs for advanced staged BC, supposed to give more time before IV chemo. It's 3 drugs together for women with mets. Says they are even starting to research it with stage 3. I'm going to get reading up on it as soon as I get some time, I'll let ya know what I find out.

    Sue, hope you're having a good weekend, I know you are always busy, busy. How's your hair coming alond, is it filling in?

    And everyone I didn't mention, hope you have a wonderful Saturday night and Sunday. DH and I gonna grab some dinner and then go do the indoor golf thing, I'll check in sometime tomorrow. Love to all!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Good evening everyone! We made it back from Michigan City. The roads were dicy this am but clear this evening. The funeral was just beautiful!. My grandpa would have just loved it.

    Julie I think NM has everything. I see I have a PM so I will check it out here in a second. I will let you all know what I am missing. I am going to give Kathy the information tonight and get those prices locked in.

    Mary my nephew was Rocky the other guy was the Trojan. So Rocky got kicked out of the game. I am sorry poor little Nora is sick. Jackson just got over the same thing and it is so hard to see them like that. Samarah had it too. It was so pittiful. The doctors said its going around real bad. I still have it some and so does my DD and now my DH has it some. Lord help me. lol Have you tried Trivia Crack yet? Its alot of fun too. Oh and they were not having a dissagreement just doing a skit and trying to have fun. (My nephew)

    NM I know what you mean about the blue sky and the yellow wierd thing in the sky today. I dont know what that was either. lol. Unfortunately its not going to hang around too long here either. We are supposed to go back to the single digits this week. Ugg

    Dara are you doing the precruise Disney with us?


    Church for grandpas service.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    good evening all, glad you got to celebrate your grand dads life nancy, owe you and nm a drink for all this work on the cruise. told my mother this morning ,was going on a disney cruise next jan, my mother then told my niece that i was going on a cruise around the disney lakesHappy.

    today was so busy,glad to finish unfortuantely it was the edison light parade tonight, so entire shift had to leave via one entrance plus with the barricades, you got to go on a circular route to try and get home,each year they put up the route into the hospital on the notice board but it seems to bear no relations to where you actually get sent by the police

    lori here's hopiing to feeling good for a long time, new truck is pretty

    cammi-your heart is so big,glad its working

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Well, the world didn't end.In fact, my world now has 6.2 inches more snow.As if we need this. Sigh.

    Cammy--That bright ball in the sky did wonders for dryng my sheets yesterday!Hooray for whatever-it-is staying stable!That's always good news.Good thing the doc looks old enough to work.

    Dara--Ah ,sunshine, sunbathing, and adult beverages, what a thought!


    Genny--Poor baby Nora, so hard when a little one has a cold like that.At least they tend to get over it really quickly.Don't know about any more storms, trying to no see/hear any weather reports, can't take it anymore!

    Collett--Beautiful church, and I'm sure your Granddad's services was just as beautiful and meaningful to all of you.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    In honor of the sun being up when I get up (today, anyway)

    6am Sunrise

    3 oz Gin

    1 tbsp Grenadine

    9 oz Mountain Dew

    Best served in a Highball Glass.


    Pour the mountain dew and gin into an ice-filled highball glass. Stir, add the grenadine (without stirring), and serve.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    Good morning girls!

    NM, glad you got your sheets dried. We also got about six inches of snow but then turned to rain. I have a slushy mess. I am going to have my exdh#2 come and shovel for me. It IS nice talking about the cruise, sunshine and likker, can't get enough of it!

    Nancy, glad your Grandpa's service went well. Love the pictures. The church is beautiful. and lol on the mascots, they are adorable, what a funny story. Jackson is getting big and is just so handsome. Loved all of your pics.

    Genny, sorry to hear that lil Nora has a nasty cold, poor thing. And poor you having to endure her while she was down. I do not think that little one will be down for long (as NM said). She will be up jumping, dancing and doing her climbing very quickly! Seven of us now, wooo hooooo. I doubt I will come in early. It will be difficult at home and I told my sisters that I need five days. I did get the official okay to book it so I am definitely in (sorry if I am repetitive, not sure if I mentioned it). Little Lucy loves the snow, she trudges right through it, eats it, plays, eats more. She is just so darling and precious to my heart. I try to give my Bella extra love as well. There are times when Lucy tortures her but I try to give her a rawhide or something to distract her when she thinks that Bella is a chew toy lol. Poor Bella!

    Julie, I do feel bad that it got so cold down there. Glad it is back up into the 80s. Oh how I wish I was there. I think I might have been there this time last year with you and Cyndie Lou Who does not visit our lounge.

    Lori, I miss your face here in the morning. Hope you are having a nice time away. I forget when you get home again, you are such the vagabond. Hope you are feeling ok. Great news that the treatment se's are not accumulative, I will dwink to that ~ hiccup~ !!

    The sun just came out and is just beautiful. Now for the countdown, need I say? Yes I do need to say it!! JUST 26 days until Spring (or mud season as NM calls it). Lift your glass and drink to that girls!

    My arm is doing pretty good. It does not hurt at all today so I am freely typing with both hands. I tink that is okay by now. As long as I do not bang it. One does not realize how much they hit the elbow on things until they are in my situation. I have hit it on the back of a chair several times and OUCH! Thanks all for your concern.

    Camille, hope to hear from you everyday girl. I know you are busy with your job but please try to visit. You never fail to make me laugh, I jest loves you girl. Well I love you all. Can't wait to see/meet you all, should I start a countdown on that? lol.

    Have a great day goils!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2015

    Morning DahhhLinks!

    Just poopin in for a min.  Gotta get dh his breakfast, he has been so patient.  I am altho ALMOST finished with my ds's books, then I can spend more time.  Scanned and saw Nora was sick...hope she gets better soon.

    Prayers and hugs Nancy, love all the pics too.

    Will address and catch up on all the goings on tomorrow.  LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS ALL MY GOILS!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    yippee, Sue, glad you are almost done with da books, whatta pain in de arse that must be. so good to see you and look forward to hearing more from you. Lubs lubs lubs back atcha!

    my ex cleaned the snowy/slush mess off of my patio furniture and the cushions are steaming so much that it looks like my deck is on fire. it cracks me de hail up.

    it is quiet in here. I gonna change that and make some noise. come on goils, let's partay! I made mese first dwink at 4pm on de dot. I wuz trying to wait until 5 pee em but foygot it is de weekend so no waiting needed. hip HIP HORRAY!!

    to all of you jest reading, drop in for a dwink with me. no need to catch up, jest tail us what ye dwinking and I have some with ya all. ok? pleeeeeeze? I on mese knees begging for company here. I have about worn out each and every tender today but I am sure they will be ready for you all when you come in, k?

    I dedicate dis pic to Kimmy (NM). Here is to more sunshine! hear hear!!!!!!


    and this one to the rest of you goils!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    I just remembered something that I wanted to share with you girls, it is VERY hurtful. My daughter and the FNSD had my grandson's name legally changed from Logan Jay Diverse to Logan Robert Rodriguez Diverse. I have not told anyone yet. My exdh told me on friedey night. I am so hurt that she would do such a thing. If you remember, Jay is my Dad's name. Robert was her other Grandfather's name, he passed two years ago. WHAT A VICIOUS WAY TO ATTACK MY FAMILY!!! and if Logan ever finds out that his name was changed, he will have questions as to why. WTF is all I can say. Another drink down the hatch!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Dara honey I am so sorry . Just keep showing her unconditional love though. I know it is hard to do believe me. I have had some issues with my DS lately too but sometimes we have to let them know that what they are doing is wrong but even though we dissagree with what they are doing we still love them no matter what and always will. Nothing will change that. We dont have to like or agree with everythng they do we just have to have an equal amount of respect for each other which is what I told my son.

    I am ready to party though and I do love the sunshine pictures!! Lord knows I need me some sunshine and some happienss and some partying right now. I am tired of being stuck inside and tired of being cold.

    Cami hope to see you in here soon. Miss your sweet funny self.

    Lori how are you doing? Lora you doing alright?

    4Sew how about you?

    Julie it was fun putting the plans together. I love doing it. We will have many a drink together on our cruise. :)

    Speaking of... I just gave Kathy our travel agent all of our information so now I am just waiting for instruction from her on what to do next. As soon as I hear back from her I will let you all know.

    NM I am with you please no more snow. We got about just as much as you did and we are supposed to get more next weekend. I cant take it any more...............

    I will have a rum and coke on that one.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    Nancy, thank you. I texted my daughter again today and still nothing back. I have heard from her one time in nearly two months. I did tell her that I love her but not much more. I appreciate the advise. The name change is just too extreme. The SD is so misguided in his decisions. There is not much I can do. I will have some rum n coke with ya! And we will sit in de sunshine!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015

    good evening all, having my first cup of tea this morning when i got a call from work, with the you know you are working today right so late start, then the good news one of the local nursing homes had sent some one in with what they now know was norovirus, so floors quarentined,we can't have a drink at the station now only in the break room but the most bizarre news we have to eat in the cafeteria ,even if we bring food in we have to go down stairs,because of the hand to mouth transmission, why our breakroom is considered dirty but the cafeteria where anybody can come in is clean !

    oh dara so sorry.

    hope you all had a good weekend

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2015

    oh Julie, how incredibly suckity in so many ways. I am sorry you got called into work. What a bizarre rule in having to eat in the cafeteria. I need not say that there are more germs there than on the actual hospital floor??

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2015


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Well, morning, anyway.My tummy and my bowels are not happy this ayem, and I've already had to change my pants one this morning.What I thought was gas was liquid.Uck.I don't even want my coffee this ayem.Not a good sign.


    Dara--at least we haven't had the snow to rain stuff yet.It will be so icky when it does happen, but the snow is so fluffy that there isn't a lot of water in it, so maybe it won't be so bad.Maybe you need to put some sort of elbow pad on your elbow until it heals and isn't so sensitive?


    Mema--Hooray for almost done with the books!


    Dara--I can just picture the deck cushions steaming and smoking.Thanks for the pic, that is just like the funny thing that was in the sky the other day!Sounds like sperm donor is still seriously manipulating DD. I take it baby is still in foster care?Chances are good that he will end up with an adoptive familyand have his last name, at least, changed yet again.Best you can do is to not let them see you react.If they bring up the topic of the name change, say something neutral and move the conversation on."I had heard about that.Is he rolling over yet?Sitting up on his own?"Act like you don't care and deprive FNSD of any satisfaction from baiting you.


    Collett--Good advice for Dara!Can't wait to hear from Kathy.And the snow is just too much!


    Dara--keep up your side of things.You can't control when or if she responds, just keep texting, telling her you love her, don't ask anything of her (like an answer), try to make it look like everything is normal and you are having a good life.Totally ignore any references to FNSD.Totally ignore any attempts to bait you or get you riled up.Even if you have to fake it.When FNSD realizes he won't get any reaction from you, or any attention from you, he'll move on to someone else, and maybe then DD will begin to see SD for what he is.


    Juliet--some of the infection control stuff they put us through just does not make sense. The floor is quarantined,but you have to eat in the cafeteria?Like your clothes and shoes aren't going to carry the virus to the cafeteria?Like EVERYONE in the cafeteria is washing their hands after touching the table, every time?Crazy.

    Beverage Container Left Open at Nurses Station, Three Dead as a Result

    OK, just texted my bosses that I'm not working today.Boy does my bathroom smell horrible.Even Sadie won't go in, and she usually has to supervise my every move.Now if only my stomach would settle down so I could sleep a bit I think I'd feel better.


    Steel Vomit

    2 oz Tequila

    2 oz Brandy

    1/2 oz Everclear

    2 oz Yukon Jack Perma Frost Schnapps

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.


    Pour all ingredients into an old-fashioned glass, stir and shoot.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2015

    Good Morning my lovelies.

    NM u must really feel bad and I'm so sorry, I hope u can rest, take some anti-D stuff (if u have it) and hopefully this chit will stop and u can relax, that can tire u out a lot. We are the coldest place this morning in all the states, that's wonderful to hear--but we never had to much snow, so I guess we're all having a goofy winter. I like the name o the DOTD today, and I still have my brandy haha--it's right next to me--I'm becoming a closet or floor drinker to warm me up. U cuddle with Sadie today.

    Nancy I love u'r pics too---Jackson has his eyes half closed, he's going for a new look--he's so damn cute. And I'm glad u made it safely or u'r grandpa--what a special man he was for so many people-I immediately saw the purple and remembered why, it's been a while since I've actually been in church, my brother was of a different religion and my dad was atheist so no churches.

    I'll be back, not done--phone call

  • rebecca54
    rebecca54 Member Posts: 67
    edited February 2015

    Thank you SO MUCH for bumping this up! Am newly diagnosed and a glass of wine or 2 is really a mental benefit! Glad to know there are others who feel the same way :). Funny thing is, I really don't want to drink as much as I did prior to diagnosis. Did anyone else find that to be true as well?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2015

    Hey all, and welcome Rebecca. I will be checking in later. I have to pack up and head towards Phoenix. I have onc appointment tomorrow morning, and we are getting a winter storm. I don't want to be traveling across the rim (where it will be the worst) tomorrow morning in the dark. Snow, ice, deer, thank you! So I will check in from my hotel later.

    Let me just say, that chemo kicked my ass yesterday!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2015


    Mary poor Nora, when they are so little there's not much u can do for them--I used to rub vicks on Joey's feet and put warm socks on him and a little on his chest--of course no Dr. told me to do that but it seemed to help him now he uses Vicks on his own. and I used to let him smell the jar every so often and then his nose would run and he could blow some out--But remember I was the one when he was tiny and had colic put the stem of parsley up his little ass to relieve him. so don't listen to me.As everyone knows since he lived with me for almost the first yr. f his life I tried so many things on that poor kid , he was my science experience that I never had--so my GF's and I decided to practice on him. He was fine. LOL My niece is a baby nurse, never told her a thing.

    Julie did u have to go to work or get called in? Jeez u'r too good at what u do, I tell u ladies u can do u'r best, just don't let u'r bosses know--just tell them what they need to know--cuz u'r nurses and nurses really have to work so hard and u know more than some Drs. I could never do what u do

    Dara NM had a great idea for u'r elbow, no wonder why, if a nerve was cut it's going to hurt for a while, just baby it as long as u can. And the advice of just emailing or texting u'r DD sounds great--Always be positive and keep it short and caring, and I'm sure she'll be coming around--cuz I think all they are doing is trying to make u mad so why play their game --BTW the SD is a bastard and honestly sooner or later she will see this-believe me--Mothers and dgtrs can have a very strange relationship for a while, but they do come around when they start to mature--all of a sudden u'r their bright star. Now I'm still confused, he's still not home with them? I don't understand what the hell is going on that's taking so long but then again all court systems are so backed up--WTF did that stupidass SD tell them anyway. I say special prayers for u and u'r DD and baby every day so I pray this is over soon, very soon and u DD will wake up and have a normal relationship with u, even if that SD is in the picture always be nice to him and his fun will stop.

    OK Lori's not here yet, when does she get back?

    And SusyQ is busy as a bee all the time--that's wonderful, I love it.

    OK I have to get a little busy myself, no 2 phones yet, Thank God. my cousin left for FL yesterday with her DD, cuz her other DD stays their during the winter months so she's going for a week and she'll miss this week of goofy weather. Bitch and of course I told her she was one, that's one of the nicer names I called her.

    I LUBS u all and Hey Lara I hope u'r doing OK, well better than OK of course.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    Morning ladies. Welcome Rebecca sorry you found us cuz of the RB but we like to have fun on here and we like to support each other. I think you will like it here. I know I found some really good friends here.

    Dara I like the elbow idea NM gave you. That should really help with not bumping your elbow and protecting it some. How is your weather today? We are really cold again in Indy but the sun is out which warms me up.

    NM I am so sorry you are not feeling well. It must be bad if Saddie wont go in the bathroom. Make sure you lysol down your bathroom and things. I know I did my things as my DH has a cold virus and I am still trying to get over mine. I am having more trouble breathing again just cleaning my house today. I have to stop and catch my breath while I am folding clothes. Stupid scared lungs. Anyways get better soon darling.

    Cami what kind of job do you do? Do you work from home? If I dont get my disability approved I am going to try to find something I can do from home.

    Julie I dont miss working at the hospital. I remember all the politics and rules about when and where you could eat and some people could eat at the in the break room and some had to go to the cafeteria and when you worked nights there was crap in the cafeteria to eat so we would try to send someone out to get something half way decent to eat. Of course in the RT department we really didnt have much space to go eat at so we usually ate in the ICU break room with our buddy nurses up there. If you were in the NICU you couldt leave so you were stuck up there eating in there breakroom

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    This is what I got this am from Kathy our travel agent:

    Hi Nancy,


    Below is what I have on hold for your group…

    4-Night Bahamian Cruise on Disney Dream

    Sail Date

    January 25, 2016


    Disney Dream


    Port Canaveral, Florida, Nassau, Bahamas, Castaway Cay, At Sea, Port Canaveral, Florida

    Confirmation #26320165

    Stateroom 1

    Price Details





    Taxes, Fees & Port Expenses:




    Vacation Information


    Room #2525

    Category 11C - Standard Inside Stateroom


    Magical Porthole with Real-Time Views


    2 Adults


    Dining Preference:

    Second Seating

    Ground Transportation:


    Vacation Protection Plan:

    Not Included

    Confirmation #26320166

    Stateroom 2

    Price Details





    Taxes, Fees & Port Expenses:




    Vacation Information


    Room #2523

    Category 11C - Standard Inside Stateroom


    Magical Porthole with Real-Time Views


    2 Adults


    Dining Preference:

    Second Seating

    Ground Transportation:


    Vacation Protection Plan:

    Not Included

    Confirmation #26320167

    Stateroom 3

    Price Details





    Taxes, Fees & Port Expenses:




    Vacation Information


    Room #2521

    Category 11C - Standard Inside Stateroom


    Magical Porthole with Real-Time Views


    2 Adults


    Dining Preference:

    Second Seating

    Ground Transportation:


    Vacation Protection Plan:

    Not Included

    Confirmation #26320168

    Stateroom 4

    Price Details



    Taxes, Fees & Port Expenses:




    Vacation Information


    Room #2519

    Category 11C - Standard Inside Stateroom


    Magical Porthole with Real-Time Views


    1 Adult


    Dining Preference:

    Second Seating

    Ground Transportation:


    Vacation Protection Plan:

    Not Included

    Price Summary

    Stateroom 1:


    Stateroom 2:


    Stateroom 3:


    Stateroom 4:


    Taxes, Fees &
    Port Expenses:


    Grand Total (USD):


    Deposit (USD):(due February 26, 2015 12pm EST)

    $235.20, $235.20, $235.20 and $215.20 respectively

    Remaining Balance (USD):(due November 10, 2015)


    Each reservation above qualified for $50 on board credit from our agency.

    Add $70pp to include round-trip ground transfers to/from Orlando International Airport.

    Add $94.08 to include insurance for each of the first 3 staterooms and $86.08 to include insurance for stateroom #4.

    I look forward to your thoughts!

    Until then...

    Have a Disney Day!


    Small World Vacations.... where the magic begins!
    Authorized Disney Vacation Planners – Platinum Level
    Dedicated To Your Dreams and Your Dollars

    Phone: 508-835-2498
    Toll Free Outside MA: 888-677-8333
    Fax: 508-340-4947

    Office Hours:

    Monday - Friday: 9:30am – 4:30pm EST

    Saturday - No office hours; however, I check email and voicemail messages as time permits.

    Saturday and evening hours are available by appointment only.

    I will monitor your Disney vacation reservation for possible, but not guaranteed, discounts.

    Like us on Facebook
    Small World Vacations Blog, A Spoonful of Magic

    *Kathy Atchue is not an agent, employee or affiliate of the Walt Disney World Co.

    *Kathy Atchue acts only as an agent for the travel suppliers named in your vacation itinerary. She is not liable for the actions or omissions of the said suppliers or any other event beyond her control.

    *Kathy Atchue is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions in any emails or quotes.

    Small World Vacations, Inc Customer Service:

    I asked her what would be the best way to pay for this.. I am awaiting her response and will get back to you soon. :)

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2015

    image Deck 2

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Well I am done done done, well cept for making appt and taking paperwork in to tax lady.  WooHoo!  Thanks for being patient with me.  Muah!

    Dara - Love the pic of the sun…sooo bright.  We got rain all night, suspect my dh didn’t get much sleep for trying to keep the pump going on our patio all night.  It floods with too much rain and I worry what its doing to our wooden facia foundation.  Still sprinkling but patio is clear.  I had some dwinks last night too…u jes didn’t kno I was here.  OK…I admit…I was busy with Jock and we didn’t wanna b disturbed.  LOL.  My heart just dropped this morning when I read about what dd and sd did.  Just not right, you have every right to be hurt and angry.  But I kno you still love her, and agree with the advice to just keep letting her kno you love her. 

    Nancy - again thanks for getting us set up for da cruise.  I just can’t wait but kno it will be here soon. 

    Julie - that is sooo unreal.  Public areas sooo much dirtier, I don’t get the logic for that.  Just puleeese take care of yourself so you don’t get sick.

    NM - ugh with the flu symptoms…but I had to LOL ove the ‘fart’ and what I’ll call ‘both ends’ pic.  I kno it’s maddening.  Stay hydrated and get lots of rest.  Hope u are calling off sick Lady.  And that DOTD would not make my bowels and tummy happy mese don’t think.  Oh I see u did call off work, good.  That elbow pad sounds jes poifect for ms. Dara too.

    Cami - morning girl.  Hate that u the coldest spot in da States, not fair.  But truth b told I’d take cold/freezing over a ton of snow like some of you gals.  Nice to visit but don’t wanna live in it.  U cwack me up with your home remedies and what you put that poor Joey thru…j/k, I kno u the best mawmaw ever.

    Hi Rebecca - welcome!  My drinking waned a lot the 1st year, now I’m back to normal if not overdoing it sometimes.  So just drink if and when u feel like it, lot of the girls are cyber-drinkers while some of us are real drinkers.  But you’ll have fun here whether you drink or not.

    Lowee - I’m not liking that the chemo yest kicked your ass.  Are u sure ur up to traveling?  Just take it as easy as you can OK?  (((Lowee)))

    Lubslubslubslubs all m'Ladies...have a gr8 day!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2015

    GR8 Job Nancy!!!   I will do the transfers and insurance is a must.  Does  Kathy want us to call her with payment arrangements or will she b calling us?