how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2015

    hello people from sunny disney, it was cold for florida over the weekend, so today was the first time i've been in the pool and sunbathed, hope my cruise package is waiting for me when i get home, hoping to meet up with my cousin tomorrow,he and his partner are going to here for the week, he said he would bring me some's hoping cyndie lou who can come too!

    sue-here' hoping you had a better day

    nm-praying for safe travels for you everyday.

    cammi-joeyHeartThumbsUp, what a treasure of a boy! teeth falling out! is marty out of work permanent or is it temporary?

    mary-glad miss nora is feeling better

    nancy-hope the siezures have slowed down or even better stopped

    dara-hope your dad is feeling better, and his blood sugar is behaving ,don't want that going screwy again

    thank you for the prayers for my friend, julie was 57,loved to travel ,i was planning on picking her brains to maximise my cruise experience, but another friend posted on fb that god needed a cruise director! she was a wonderful smart,funny,compassionate lady. i felt so bad first praying for her to live and then started praying for a peaceful passing as the news was she would have been severely brain damaged and totally dependent on others.

    have a good weekend people

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2015

    bumped nancy-what great photos

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Thanks for bumping me into the Grand Floridan pool Julie! :) Its nice and warm! Have a great time with Mickey and I am sorry about your friend.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited March 2015

    Hi ladies..I am just popping in. Things are going ok. All treatment completed. Herceptin is done. I had my first mammogram and it was ok. We are selling and things are very busy at Goodman Sweets. I became a great aunt and have had some conjugal visits too. DH's grandma went into hospice. Busy things.

    I miss and think of you all often. Please know I read and that you are in my thoughts and prayers....

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Evening girls, just a quick pop-in before bed. Yesterday I cut my MIL's hair and then was just finishing cutting my DH hair and suddenly felt really nauseated and put the scissors down and ran to bathroom and threw up. Took a hot shower, threw up 2 more times, took a compazine and a xanax and went to bed. Ended up running a fever of about 100 and slept for the next 20 hours. I'm ok now, don't know what the hell that was all about, I finally even brushed my teeth and just took another xanax and going back to sleep, hafta work tomorrow. Anyway, I've read all and will ketchup later.

    PRN, good to see you.... sweet dreams girls

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good Oh Dark Hundred, Loungettes.Black assin out there.I do NOT want to be out of bed.Sadie went back to bed.After giving me a very dirty look for making her go out and piddle.Argh.Miserable time change.

    Mema--You can download the form off the internet, too, that's what I've done.Got my birth certificate the other day, now I just need the photo (probably at AAA, I think I get one with my membership) and get all the bits to the Post Office.Glad your weather is getting better, that means there is hope for ME!Thanks for the prayers.I'll take all I can get as I move forward on the car issue.

    Dara--Adorable wiener pups!Sadie jumped up and kissed them on the computer screen!Cyn Cyn coming on the cruise would be great!

    Collett--Happy B-day to Mr. Jackson!That looks like it was quite the party!Love the way little kids cock out like tired puppies.

    Julie--Don't feel bad about praying for your friend to live and then to die peacefully.God understands you were asking Him to be with her and arrange for the best for her.With our limited human understanding we have no way of knowing what that is in any given situation.

    PRN!Good to see you!Sounds like you have been very busy, good for you!

    Genny--sounds like you caught one of the stomach viruses going around.Not fun, glad you're feeling better!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Frosty Dawn

    4 oz White Rum

    1 oz Maraschino Liqueur

    1 oz White Wine

    4 oz Orange Juice

    Best served in a Highball Glass.


    Mix all ingredients together in a highball glass, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    Julie, I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your colleague. One of my very best friends was found by her teen son, same thing. Brain hemorage, and had to be taken off life support ata the very young age of 39. Also a SASSY angel, but a CLASSY one too. Hugs for you (((((JULIE)))))

    LDB, we HAVE to find a pull through, DH not too good at backing up! And we don't do campgrounds, we want to be by ourselves. How sweet your son wants to go to DW. I'd bet he would make it lots o fun tho. Tape allergy? Is this something new? Isn't there something else they can use when someone has that allergy?

    Wacko, you gots lots o snow, but you had to enjoy that dude that was shoveling it! Hopefully by now it's mostly gone and you got yerself some JD. Bella and Lucy are too cute and exakery the same color. Is Lucy a different breed? I see she has longer hair on her ears. And how awesome that Cyn might be going with you girls on the croooooooZ.

    Oh Cami, I'm so sorry about all that's going on in your household, with your teeth and Marty not working. I am sending out some huge prayers for you girl. And who found your bottle!!! Sorry, but that's funny. And you are NOT old and haggard. The eyelashes should be fun, as well as the haircut. Oh mese gooness, LOLing at you taking a swig from your bottle. You go girl!

    Oooh Mary, I don't know about the range of motion and I'm sure some of the girls will chime. It certainly can't be a week, nor do I think you would be ready for work after a! So glad Ms Nora is feeling better. Sounds like you and DH had a good weekend and he's feeling better too.

    NM, so glad I was able to offer a suggestion for you, looking up the go buggy, but bummer you won't get more moola and will have to take out a car loan. I guess the only way to look at is, you would eventually have to do it anyways? And chemo running down our immune system, YES. And I am on it till the end! So it really sucks. It's been a year since our accident and I am still jumpy.

    Mary, the party pictures are so cute, and looks like fun was had by ALL. And so cute, lil Samara passed out after just 2 minutes. I forgot all about you not being able to dwive, and remember when MemaSue (aka LDB) couldn't dwive. Do you know when they will let you, or at least the criteria for when you can? Hopefully you are getting around ok when need be, or have someone to do your running for you.

    Julie, I sure hope your cuz brings you some chocolate, woo hoo for dat. And a week long bisit. Will you be enjoying DW with him?

    PRN, sounds like things are looking good on your end, keeping bizzy, conjugal bisits, no more treatments, good mammo and Goodman Sweets going well too! One can't ask for much more, can they?

    Oh wow Mary, talk about a 24 hour bug, I think he hit you good and hard. Glad it was short lived, but I'm sure lasted way longer than what you would have wanted! Glad you are doing better.

    We had a great weekend, drove over 1000 miles, but did find some camping spots that will suit us. I am doing much better on the 2/2 pills, but still have some SE's. My chest is taking the longest to heal, it's very sensitive and itches. Tops of hands and face almost healed, but now I think I'm getting the hand/foot syndrome, but only on mese hands. Skin is peeling off my right thumb, where the thumbprint is and then skin coming off at the webbed spot between thumb and first finger. It's also a bit sore from the skin coming off. So knowing I'm so sensitive to this drug, I'm thinking absolutely NO sun for this chickie. It gets so hot here, and how can one garden and stay out of the sun. No shorts and tees, no skirts?  Argh! Ok, enuf whining...mese is home.
    Happy Monkey Day!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Miserable night.  Up slathering hydrocortisone all over several times last night.  Think I’ll b back in the bed soon today.

    Dara - pooches jes too cute.  Hooray on Cyndielou joining us too.  I hope hope hope she does.  Glad it’s warming up in your neck of the woods too.

    Mary -  Sounds like a bad bug, hope you knock it to the curb soonliest.

    Julie - thanks, me too, hate feeling yucky.  Your packet should be waiting for you when u get home, just have tons a fun now.  Very sad about you friend but I too would pray for both.

    Lowee - yes, from now on I’m supposed to ask for paper tape.  Your skin peeling, sounds like soriasis (sp) or one of those.  My husb is red and raw on his elbows/knees and my gf hands peel red and raw.  They’ve both been given oral and/or creams that does seem to help.  Wish you didn’t have to go thru this girlfriend but glad some of it, albeit a little, is clearing up.  (((Lowee)))

    Nancy - still praying u get ur triggers identified and rectified, got to be so scary.  I remember what it was like not to be able to drive…a biotch it was.  Love all the pics of Jackson’s partay, looks like fun had by all not to mention wearing them all out.

    Prn - good to see ya poop in.  We miss you.  Glad the business is thriving.  Congrats on becoming a great auntie too.  Sending prayers for dh’s grandma.

    NM - hope you made it outta the bed today and to work.  Didn’t kno u could get the form from internet, makes sense tho.  And then I thought about how big some of the post offices around you girls are.  I have a small one, rarely busy, so it was easy, but if I were in LV I’d spend the whole day at one of the po’s there.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Good Morning Ladies-It's monkey day already and I feel all screwed up with the time now.

    Nancy the pics from the party look great and lots of fun--I love the way kids fall asleep in 1 minute, especially when they are eating their food and fall right into it. But still u have to worry about seizures, what a terrible thing to have, Im sure stress is not an easy thing to control--I hope they can get them under control so u can function better by u'rself.

    Mary sorry about the throwing up--I had the same thing this weekend, but (I know I'm cray) but I always have a barf bag by me, cuz there is no hurrying to the bathroom for me. Mine was funny tho, cuz my DD came in to tell me something and I waved her out of my room so she thought I was mad at her???? Cuz I know she'll get all hysterical so I explained later--I hope u'r OK now--it takes a lot out of u.

    Leslie got everything set up for my teeth, it took her 1/2 a day so I'll start t the end of March --Jodie knows someone who makes dentures and she's trying to tie all of this together, if it's possible, but my girls are both stubborn as hell to get their way so we'll see what happens. I do have ins. but we all know it's not like health INs. And I have to see an oral surgeon s they make a big thing of this and during all this I have to see my Onc. He has to dig out my roots from my teeth that fell out and he wants me on an antibiotic cuz as soon as they hear Onc. they don't really like it. OK since I fear Dentists like people fear dragons (if the existed) u will all be involved in this one step by step believe me.

    Julie I'm glad u'r going to have company this week, I think it will be good for u and both Lori and Julie--these poor ladies way to young and I'm so sorry.

    Oh I had to stop my post for a bit, now I'm back--but I guess I didn't have to tell u that cuz u wouldn't know.

    NM no one would ever believe I worked or State Farm and American family ins. cuz I never understand crap. When u have an accident and it's not u'r fault I realize they look at a book for prices but somehow that doesn't bode me well--it never did--I think a car should be replaced or a newer car o the same style, cuz hat's what u'd like and why should u get an older car that someone else owned and u should never have payments. Hmmm maybe cuz I argued with big-wigs those jobs were always in danger for me, yet I did it for years. So I hope u get a nice car that u'r really comfortable with and once the snow melts I bet u'll start feeling better about driving. Plus u have Sadie to come home to.

    Lori's home, Lori I hope u'r resting and feeling decent--

    SusyQ I hope u'r feeling better today, please slow down when u need to.

    Dara u'r furbabies are soooo cute and sleep so adorably, they sleep together all the time? That's amazing. And yes the snow is melting, but don't get to comfortable about it--it's still March and crazy times happen in March. I hope u'r dad is doing better. U'r another one with so much going on--it's hard to fit a job in u'r schedule.

    Jobs--oh yes Marty is not working, time are not good here--My money ca afford all our luxurious lifestyle, like meds, toilet paper, food. LOL This was a quick thing that happened and he's looking everyday or anything for now--but being 50 and basically in the trades nothing is happening so that's why he's looking for anything and it's funny cuz these jobs are paying crap here cuz they know everyone needs one. I think that's horrible. And Marty has so many stupid things wrong with him--he started a job and they said it was a 10 hr. day and he was willing to do that, but it was salary and he did it anyway, well they were 16 hr days nd after a little bit he came home with such pain --he could not do that many hrs and breaking it down to hourly it was like 5.00 an hr and way to many hrs. for his body to take. So I'm praying to St. Jude and St. Anthony so we could find money--figured one might work LOL

    OK I guess I have to set up for work now--I took my shower and smell delicious--Joey always loves that LOL

    Oh Prn it's great to hear from u and glad things are going well and u must truly be busy.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Morning everyone! Its a nice sunny day here. I hope you all are having a nice day.

    Mary I hope your feeling better today. I know there is alot of the stomach flu going around. Get better soon.

    PRN glad to see you on here. Sorry about your DH grandma.

    Mema hope your feeling better soon. I know its miserable when you itch bad due to allergic reacations.

    Lori I am hoping to be driving again by the end of April when I go to see my Neurologist again. She told me that originally it would be 6 months before I could drive which would be about June but she may let me drive in March or April if my seizures were under better control. The criteria would be that my seizures are under control. She also told me that if I am sick I cant drive at all since that is a trigger. For the most part I have help getting to my doctor appointments and to my cancer support group with my DH and my DD heping. Its getting to things like working out and my dragon boat rowing team stuff I have not been able to do.

    Cami my meds are working for the most part I just have to get the stress in my life under control. I have learned some deep breathing techniques and some meditation things that have really helped. I am sorry about Marty not having a job right now. I will be praying he finds something soon.

    Julie hope your having a great time at DW.

    NM hope the snow is finally starting to melt for you. It is finally starting to feel like Spring here. I can see brown grass! lol

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2015

    back from disney to my cruise packageHappy, renewed my passport this year so i'm my cousin brought me a lot of cadbury flakes

    nancy fingers crossed that you get to drive .

    lori-glad you had a good time and the se are lessened but wish your skin was better

    will be an early night

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Hi girls!

    Sorry have not gotten on here today. Jest finished reading the posts.

    Lori, your posts are so thorough and thoughtful, I jest love you and hope and pray that the SE's only get better. Good for you in finding some great places to play in de toy!

    Cam, so sorry about you losing your teeth. Speaking of teeth, I have a story, it is a very sad one. Will tail in a bit. You keep on dwinking that likker and buy more when it runs out. Actually, best to not run out, spayshally when it snowing. I know it snowed there todey. BOO hiss, no SNOW MO FO! chit had enuff of de white chit!

    Tobi, nice to see you, glad all is going well with the biz and glad the RB TX is done, wooo hooo!

    Julie, so glad you got some great choco from your cuz, what a sweet ting. Nothing better than cuzin lub, eh? Glad you had a great time at Dw ho'ing with ye cuz! yipppppEEEE!

    Nanc, also hoping n praying that your seizures jest stop and you can drive soonliest. Sad that you do not get rides to de tings you enjoy most. I would gibs you a lift if I could. Love the pics of the birthday partay, looks like fun was had by all.

    Lara, where ye hiding, miss you lil sis.

    Mary, hate that you got the nasty FN bug, glad it went away quickliest but chit, that still sucks. Glad Nora is better.

    NM, saw on FB that you got your garage remote programmed, guessing that the remote was a casualty in de accident (((((NM))))

    Sue, your son can come on the cruise as long as he will serve as a poysonal tender hehe. Is dat too much to ax??

    Lots of lub to all mese goils.

    So about de dentist...mese so sad. I wuz wondering why mese dentist had not billed me after mese six month check up or left a confirmation message for mese next check up. So I set a reminder late last night to call to confirm mese own appointment. Got a message that the office was permanently closed. For those who do not remember,, mese dentist had a crush on me and asked me out once. I declined as I was in a relationship at the time and did not tink he was my type. But I cared for him berry berry much. He has been mese and Jennika's dentist for over 25 years. Going back, I got a call from him last summer to tail me that he was "in mese club" meaing the RB club. He not only got a cancer DX but had a heart attack a few days after learning that he had prostate cancer and then found he had a mass in his liver. He was stage IV but last wese talked, thought he was in full remission. He thought so I thought he was all better, chit mo fo chit chit chit. FURB! Do I need say that I googled his name after calling his office and found his obit? He passed in December. I am jest so berry sad. I spent some time looking for another dentist but jest know I can't find anyone as good as he was. I loved that he was a one-man show, no techs pinching mese gums with the sucky machine ting and no waiting long for appointments. He was a gentle giant. His death has hit me hard, jest assumed he would still be there waiting for mese call. And now feeling guilt for not knowing and tinking selfishly as in why do I have to find a new dentist? RIP Dr. Gross aka Bob as he made me call him. I will miss our chats. Tanks goils for hearing mese pain. I loved that man, I really did. And I can feel his light shining down on me. And made me realize that life is jest too short and we neer eber know....

    On a happier note, I had a nice dinner out with mese Dad. And he did not fall. Ok, on a sadder note....have not talked about the falls, he has had five falls in a week. I have a call in to the family doctor, trying to get him to rehab before he hurts himself bad. His balance is jest so off. He can only drag his feet. He is falling everywhere, took a fall while getting a pee sample at de cardiologist office last week. Falled outta bed, falled on mese foyer, in mese driveway and son on. Forgive me for not sharing this, sumtimes I jest stuff the tings that pain me most. Me and mese seester tinking he could possibly have Parkinsons but jest a wild guess based on his recent symptoms.

    I go now. Wishing you all peace in yer hearts and know I love you and tink about you all constantly. I jest not good at expressing meseself these days.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Dara I am sorry to hear about your dentist, I am sure that was a real shock to you. I am glad your calling the doc for your dad. Hopefully they can get hi, in to see a Neurologist and see why hes falling so much. There could be lots of reasons for it, Im still praying for you and your dad.

    I went and did prearangements yesterday for myself. Not because Im ginna go anytime soon, but a lady at my church who was only 32 passed from seizures this last week. She had Eplilepsy and went into cardiac arrest with one of her seizures. Now my seizures are not that bad but I have had a couple of doozies and you just never know, plus now I have that damn scaring in my left lung and now that nodule and I was thinking about all of this and thinking about my two kids and grandkids and my husband and sister.

    I am going to be 50 in August I have no life insurance. No one will insure me due to the factI have Asthma, Diabetes, Seizures, oh and now Cancer. The big 4 No Nos in the insurance world so the only way for me to get life inurance is to pre arrange through the funeral home and make payments now so when the time comes my family doesnt have to worry about it. I did drive myself to that, No one but you all knows I have done this yet. I will tell my DH when the time is right but dont want them thinking Im giving up or doing something wierd cuz Im not just trying to be realistic and take care of things,

    Ok enough of that our Dragon rowboating season is getting ready to start and I am really looking forward to that, Im gonna try to make practice this weekend at the gym.

    NM Im glad you got your garage door opener programed. Those can be tough.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Morning, Loungettes.Nothinggood about getting up this frickingearly.I'm going to be grumpy until I adjust to this ridiculous time change thing.Although it was nice having sunlight until after I got homefrom work yesterday. . .

    Goldie--I'm really glad you mentioned looking up the blue book value.I'm going to pretty much blow off the insurance bit and go talk to the credit union this week.Time to move forward and get out of this rental car.I keep banging my head and knees getting into and out of the darn thing.I supposed it had to happen, but I was so hoping to keep that car going until I got the mortgage and school loans paid off, and then a little longer so I could pay cash and not have any loans out.Oh well, a few more years to get to that goal.I'm sure you will find a way to manage your garden that will keep you out of the direct sun.Big floppy hats, gloves for the hands, umbrella maybe?

    Mema-- so sorry you were up all night.Not a good way to start a day!I've got to look up the local Post Awfuls that take passport application, not all of the around here do.Want to find one thatis not likely to have a huge line or require security screening to get to.

    Cammy--I hear you about dentists.Do NOT like them.Do NOT like the way they make my face hurt.So sorry you have to go through all this crap, but I can see why it's important.Those roots area big source of infection if left in place.BUT, the process required is a bit much!Thank God for good drugs.I've got insurance mostly so that I won't end up bankrupt if something like that accident happens.So I guess it's doing it's job.I'm so hard on vehicles that it's not worth the money for a new one, the depreciate so fast.At least with a used car I can get it paid off quickly and go back to work on getting out of debt. And I have a good idea of what kind of work it will need and about when.Makes planning for repairs a bit easier.I really do not like the way jobs are advertised as so many hours and never what they truly are, especially salaried jobs.Those long days can take a real toll on the ol' bod.

    Collett--it was lovely sunny here yesterday, in between snow squalls, that is.Welcome to March!Getting out to appointments is good, wish there was a way I could help you get to the Dragon boat sessions and working out, those are important to mental health!Snow is starting to melt, YEAH!Getting muddy, not so Yeah, but a still a very good sign!

    Julie--welcome home from Disney!Cadbury flakes sounds yummy!

    Dara--yeah, the garage door remote went flying away in the crash, not to be found in the crumpled mess.It was a replacement, too!It is the little things like that I'm realizing I have been taking for granted.

    BTW, Lord, You could have just had me lose the old remote, or have it stop working to get me to appreciate it, the whole car crash was just a bit much for that lesson, don't You think?

    Dara--so sorry to hear about your Dentist getting sick and passing like that--just so not fair!Why is it every time we find a good doc he or she goes away for one reason or another?Your Poor Dad--so hard to see them declining.Is there Parkinson's in your family?Good idea to get him in to his doc, lots of meds can cause Parkinson's like symptoms, too, and rehab can be a big help.

    Collett--how scary about the lady at church.Something like that really brings home how fragile life can be.I made up my will and wrote out my funeral instructions before I had recon surgery, just in case.Haven't pre-paid yet, though.And I won't tell on you about driving to that appointment, don't blame you for picking your time for telling DH about it.Tends to freak out the family.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Muddy Water

    4 oz Amaretto

    1 oz Lemon Juice

    2 oz Orange Juice

    Best served in a Highball Glass.


    Pour the amaretto, orange juice and lemon juice in order into a highball glass almost filled with ice cubes, and serve.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Good dark morning ladies. It's my day off but I been since 5ayem, yuck. I was about half awake from another craycray dream (bin havin a lot of em)... anyway, so I'm moving around a bit and my DH says "you awake?" so I tell him about my wierd ass dream and he starts telling me about the different things really stressing him out at work and says I'm gonna just get up and go to the office. I said (trying to be the good wife) why don't you get us each a cup of coffee and wait 15 minutes and we can talk about it. So he gets us coffee, I turn on the light wake my raggety ass up and... he gets in the shower..?? wtf? I coulda stayed asleep for that. Then when he got out he did talk about it while shaving and drying his hair and such but not what I had in mind. So I spoke a bit quickly when I said I was all better. Still nauseated, I worked yesterday but no appetite. Ate tomato soup last night, did not agree and this ayem I took a compazine. Got so much to do before my exchange on Friday, our kitchen is being remodeled on Monday...what timing. So, today I hafta walk pooches, get boxes to pack up kitchen and make a bunch of phone calls to gather last minute tax info. Boring shit I know... Oh and get this. Do you all remember when I had to jump thru hoops for the insurance company to cover my rads cause the only place they could do it was main campus but main campus not in my network? So at the time I had made an appt with a different rad onc with Cleveland Clinic (in network) and 2 days before my appt the Univ Hosp people call and say they got it approved but only till end of Oct but would get me started and then extend the date. So I drove downtown everyday and then they tell my they got the waiver until the end of the year so I finished my rads. So yesterday I get a friggin' bill for $1250 for services from 11/1 thru end of rads for expenses not covered by insurance. Says bill was more than ins allowed, yet it was paid for first half of rads.... Again WTF???? Another damn money fight on my hands, if I don't win this one and maybe even if I do, I may switch everything to Cle Clinic. I'm tired of this BS, and not that crazy about my oncologist anyway. My Ps is independent and goes to both places. I figure only 1 more appt with BS, my PCP is with UH but I can just let her know what's going on. My cardiologist already moved to CC I'll prolly just carry my records around back and forth to the 2 places. OK, that was a bit of a rant and really boring, but it all has me aggrevate...grr... and Molly still in Florida and always busy when I call so you all get to hear me vent. Enough about me....

    Dara, love the pic of the snuggled pooches. They are so dang cute! I'm so sorry to hear about your dad and the falls, I hope you can get it figured out soon. Sounds like he really should be in a hospital to rehab facility for awhile but I know getting him to agree to that is prolly next to impossible. I'd hate to see him break something (like a hip) and end up landing there anyway. I see so much of it at my work, most will do just about anything just to get to stay home... can't say I blame em. Sorry about the dentist, I'm sure that was a blow. Finding one that actually works on your mouth himself is very rare indeed. The techs do everything where I go and then then dentist comes over, peeks in my mouth and says.."looks good".

    NM, hope you have good luck finding a car you love with a low payment. I should think you'd be able to find a used PC cruiser pretty cheap. They seem pretty popular with the geriatric set, at least where I work, maybe you can find one of those gems that's literally drive to the store and back. Or call a few retirement homes if you've got the time and see if they have any residents needing to sell their cars. Other than dry rotted tires they seem to make good cars. We have so my residents that have 8 year old cars with 30,000 miles on them. And they are usually super clean with nothing but little dents here and there. Anyway, a lot of the aids there have gotten their cars that way. Hope the drive gets easier as the weather improves and the threat of black ice goes away.

    Lori, Glad you are back home, 1000 miles, yuck, I hate riding long distances in the car. Glad you found some good camping places. So sorry to hear about the continued se's, I hate that you have to go thru that. We'll see what happens with the exchange, I am booked just 1 day for 10 days after the surgery. Maybe they just won't (God forbid!) get their hair done that week. It's just the diehard weeklys...we'll see.

    Cami, so sorry about the teeth, do you have dental coverage for that. Sure hope Marty finds something soon. Glad you're feeling better, I just hate being nauseous and really hate throwing up. I could binge but I'd be a lousy purger. Can't wait to see pics of the hair and eyelashes, please post some of yer purdy self.

    Nancy, good luck with the rowing, I signed my DH and me up for 3 mile obtstacle run in may, Dh doesn't normally run but this one is in the evening and it's for BC and ya get beer after so he agreed to do it with me. Sorry about the seizures, just sucks for you. Good idea about the pre-plannig, maybe you can just keep it to yourself? Love the pics of the party, looks like everyone had a great time.

    Julie, sorry about your friend, sad when anyone dies but esp the young. One of my good friend's who lives down by you called me last week to say her 59 year old DH went into the bathroom and just dropped dead from a heart attack. So sad. And so hard on the family when it's sudden and unexpected too. glad you got another vacay at DW. I don't really know Cyn but it'd be great if she could come.. the more the merrier!

    Sue. sorry to hear you're feeling itchy an crappy. Hope you get some sound sleep, can you take benedryl? I used to get hives from time to time from certain meds and it always helped me sleep and knocked me out. Anyway, hope you have a restful day.

    PRN, glad to hear tx is over and thing are going well, wonderful new!

    Well, sorry if I missed anyone, love you all but I got dogs to walk and phone calls to make and a kitchen to pack. Hope you all have a warm and toasty day...lubs...lubs!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Good Morning Ladies,

     Nancy what u did was marvelous, but I'm sure it wasn't easy and telling family can be worse sometimes. U'r smart for telling in u own time--I know u'r not going anyplace but I'm sure hearing a young woman dying must have had u thinking. But even tho that is rare u just decided to take charge. I give u loads of credit and a long life so maybe u don't really have to say anything for a long long time and u have lots of good things in u life to have fun too.

    Dara so sorry about u'r dentist, of all ways to find out. Sounds like u had a really special thing going on and that's even harder to hear--When u have to find a new Dr after that no one is really the same, especially a dentist in my mind anyway. U'r poor dad, there has to be something going on for his balance, that is so scary, I'm glad u got to go out last nite, but u know he cn have a number of things going on and hopefully get fixed.

    Lori I remember now about u'r skin peeling off, u'r really getting some crazy side effects from this thing--zi will say when my skin peeled it was really nice cuz after I had soft skin all over so that was kind of nice, not when it was peeling looked stupid but after I thought to myself people go to spas and pay big money for this. well that's how I got thru it. But Lori please, I know u work and u'r very busy all the time, but take u'r own time ad completely relax, make it a priority for u and set up time when u do nothing and keep u'r legs up-no not like that I didn't say wrapped, I said up and just do nothing. Let u'r body rest. Eat lots of food sourced with protein AND potassium and as I told u before electrolyte water and I'm sure u'r taking vtamin D, Oh I was thinking can u do u'r gardening toward the end of the day when the sun is not glaring at u? It would help u'r skin.

    NM I know after an accident there are so many things that u do take for granted and find u need them and it's a confusing time. But u always seem to have things together so I'm sure u'll be fine sooner than u think.

    OK Julie whatever that chocolate is enjoy--I have no idea. And back to u'r regular routine for a while anyway.



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    SuziPoo, I so sawry you are having such a time from that tape. My problem is what they call hand/foot sydrome. It's a SE from the Xeloda. Now for my chest, I'm thinking now it's an allergic reaction to the Xeloda, I mean the FU pills. FU pills, much more appropriate! I wonder which one of us has the smaller post office! Hey, did you sign up for disabililty?

    Cami, I hope all goes smoothly for you and your toofies. I don't think anyone is a fan of the dentists! RESTING? Me? oh hail no! I have too much to do! And only 2 weeks to do it! As we will be on the run, yet again! And next week, I have to do labs and drive to Phoenix to see my onc. I'm so sorry for the hardship your family is going through, I will pray to St. Jude and St. Anthony too. Did you get your hair cut?

    Oh Nancy, I forgot about your dragon boat thingy. So I hope your doc gives you the ok to dwive. LOL on the brown grass. And nuttin wrong with getting things in order. My DH and I did that many years ago, through a lawyer. Mainly did it in case something happened to the both of us at the same time. That is not right that you can't get life insurance. No one wants anything to do with us when we're sick, just when we are well!

    Julie, I saw your Cadbury Flakes, but what are flakes? Shaved chocolate?

    Wacko, funny about asking LDB iffin her dear son would be a poysonal Tender for you goils. I sawry tho about your dentist. That is exactly how I found out about our HunkyDory. FURB FURB FURB. Praying for your sweet daddy. I hope he is not hurting when he falls, and that you can get him the help he needs. Does anyone have a wheel chair you could borrow? Would he even use one? My MIL has been falling for years, and last year even ran into a building. Well, finally someone figured it out, and it turns out she was having mini strokes. But what I don't understand, is all they told her was to take a baby asprin every day! And quit keeping things inside.

    NM, sorry that darned accident has ruined your plans for being debt free. But I can only say, I'm so glad you were not hurt. That is, until you got the rental car! Hopefull you will adjust to the time change soon. And like Dorky says, spring is just around da corner. Do you live down a dirt road?

    Oh Mary, you don't need insurance BS now. Well, NEVER! It's such a PITA! Sorry DH basically ignored you. I hope things are still good between the two of you. Things are the same with my dentist, he comes in and takes a look when the hygienist is done. But we like our hygienist very much, and the dentist too. Give us a reminder on Thursday for your exchange, so wese can get the UFO stocked and ready to go.

    Cami, putting my feet up for anything other than relaxing is NOT a problem with moi! I am not a "relaxing" type person. I do that in the morning when I hang out with you special ladies. In between my thumb and first finger, it hurts where the skin is coming off! The weird thing with all of these SE's, is that when I did the "real" chemo infusions, I had NO SE's at all! Other than the hot flashes and losing mese hair.

    Good thing I refreshed, or would have sent Mary and Cam swimming! I've got gloves and floppy hat for gardening. But I really don't like gardening with gloves. Just so much easier to use my hands. Grrrrr!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    The picture of the hands is like what I'm getting. So far nothing on my feet....thank goodness. And nothing in my mouth, cuz it can go there too. I looked at some images online of that.............EWWWWWW!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2015

    Jumping in like a mexican jumping bean

    Goldie oh no that looks like pita

    did not get position thats a whole other story

    moving forward for revision april2 im very scared this will b a big one

    have not heard from Lawyer yet

    going to do the testing project starts thursday tilll the 28th

    Genny surgery yeahhhhhhhhhhh

    hi everyone

    Nm after that crash that is very normal to be freaky to drive


    hope everyone is well

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    One of the views from our weekend trip to Moab. Of course it does NOT do it justice.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Just pooping in

    Lara good to see u in here--hope u'r doing better.

    Lori that pic is beautiful. The first time I was in AZ (at 17) I never saw mountains in person in my life and I remember constantly just looking at them, they looked so beautiful to me. Oh ur' poor hands looks like u'r loosing more that just the top 2 layers to me, so that has to hurt. But on the up side u have beautiful feet, they are the perfect size and good toes. I just lost one to 2 layers of skin at a time and that didn't hurt,I would just peel most of it off, but u'r looks bad for u---I'm sorry.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Hi goils,

    mese a bit dwunk and up to late. I hadda wash mese hair cuz I am going out tomorrow night with a former coworker. Mese hair is as wacky as mese dernself and needs a day to calm down after washing. Interesting eh? ~~ yawn ~ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Lori, sorry about your skin. But I tink your feet are ok, right? Those pics are sumone elses purdy toes, not yers? You asked about mese doggies. Lucy is a long haired dachshund while Bella is a short haired. That is why you see the difference in the coats.

    Hello to all mese goils. Me apolloguys that I not address ye all. I read ya loud n clear. Love you all, please believe me cuz mese sincere.

    NM, saw sumting on the news tonight about buying the best used cars under 10k. Will try to find the report for you and PM. Lemme do that before i foyget.

    cheeRs n hot man rears!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    ok, got it. NM, here is the link for the top ten rated used cars... from coupes to suvs to trucks. It is from Consumer Reports which is a great source to check in buying a used car. Hope this helps.$10k/552736/

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Morning, Loungettes!After getting up twice to let Sadie out to pee and getting up myself twice to pee I feel like I haven't slept at all.Gonna be a long day, with lots of coffee I think.On the other hand I found out yesterday that I am going to get a bit over $3K for old, now officially dead, go-buggy.Now I guess I have to start shopping for real for a new go-buggy.

    Genny--oh, my, what a morning, and what a hassle!That insurance stuff was supposed to be all taken care of.Just when you don't really need all this crapola to deal with.And ranting is always allowed in here, so rant away.I never thought about checking at retirement homes for a PT Cruiser!I'll have to look into that.I have found several for sale in Maine, just need to make sure there is cruise control and get some money in hand.The insurance coverage on the rental will end next Monday, so my daily cost on that will go up considerably then, so time to get moving, I guess.

    Cammy--things are coming together, but it's such a hassle in the process, sometimes.But it's all getting better.

    Goldie--I do not live on a dirt road, thank goodness!And the debt free plan isn't going to be set very far back after all, it seems.And I am very grateful to have the rental to use, and will live with the knee bruises for a while longer!And spring is not far away.Adjusting to the time change?Yeah, right.Maybe about the time the clocks change again!No, I know it will be sooner than that.Ow!Not pretty, not comfy looking hand/foot syndrome.

    ORLA--didn't get the position?Oh, dear, hope that will end up being a good thing in the long run.I'd be scared of the big surgery, too, normal reaction.


    OK, big news item just on:a transgender student won a law suit against a school, cuz the school had him use the uni-sex faculty bathroom rather that the girls bathroom he wanted to use.Keep in mind this was in a middle school.Do kids that young really know if they are a" woman born in a man's body"?And why is it the "men born in a women's body" never seem to want to use the boy's bathroom?

    Dara--thanks for thinking of me, and I'll look for the report!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Bloody Nightmare

    1 oz Vodka

    2 oz Lime Juice

    7 oz Cranberry Juice

    Best served in a Collins Glass.


    Pour the vodka, lime juice and cranberry juice into a collins glass 3/4 filled with ice cubes. Stir, and serve.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Good dark morning. DH taking the pooches today so I thought I'd pop in and say hi before I get ready for work. He's taking dogs to the woods one last time before the last of the snow melts, then it's gonna be a muddy mess they're gonna hafta become leash dogs for awhile.Might go for a swim after work and then I can put my fitness membership on hold since I'm having surgery and not have to pay for a month. Still trying to empty the kitchen before the remodel but need stuff for the weekend so DH will hafta complete it.

    Lori, ouch, hands look so sore, I'm so sorry, hope your feet continue to stay free and clear. Mountain pics look beautiful and I'm sure they really didn't do it justice. So where are you are busy and then off again? Where to? DH and I are fine, it was funny more than anything, I was trying to be a good wifeypoo and let him get stuff off his chest and he got in the shower... that was all. I just woulda slept longer. We are doing really good on a personal level.

    NM, good news I think, I called Med Mut and they said there are 5 charges of $250 that have an invalid billing code so I called UH and left a message with the financial counseler that helped me last time. Hopefully it will just be a matter of fixing the code and sending it back through. Just a bit of a hassle is all. Glad to hear you won't have to go too far in dept, good luck with the car search. You are starting to sound a bit more relaxed.

    Lala, sorry about not getting the job, maybe timing was wrong, good luck with the surgery planning. Hopefully you'll find the perfect job when the timing is just right.

    Would love to say hi to each of you but I gotta jump in the shower so I'll just send out a group hug. Love to all, have a good day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    Lara, good to see you "jumping like Mexican bean". And good to see you. I sure hope this new surgery fixes you right up. What are "testing projects?

    LOL Cami, those are not my hands and feet! I just posted cuz the hands resmemble what is happening to my hands. I don't have any problems on mese feet....yet! Would like to keep it that way too.

    Wacko, I thought maybe Lucy was long hair. One of your other babies was long hair? Maybe Mocha? And you have very beautiful thick hair! Any word on when Baby David will get to go home? And have you got an appointment to take your dad in? Hate that he's falling so much.

    NM, glad your "debt free" will be in the future sooner than you think. Bummer you will have to pay for your rental come Monday. They sure didn't give you much time.

    Genny, I'm so happy (and relieved) that things are good for you and DH. I have to have labs done next Tuesday, then head to Phoenix (8 hour round trip drive) to see my onc on Thursday. Then to Laughlin on 27th, seeing Alabama in concert.

    The picture is a place in Bluff UT, it's called Comb Ridge.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Morning everyone, its really foggy out here today. You can hardly see across our field.

    Lori Im sorry about your hands and feet. There is a guy in my support group who is going through the same thing. He was saying his feet really hurt, but he found some kind of lotion to put on them that has really helped. I will have to ask him what it is. That picture of the bluffs is really pretty! I just love it out there in Arizona and Utah.

    NM glad you are car shopping. I hope you find what your looking for soon.

    Genny I can be very aggravating when our DH don't want to take the time to discuss what is on their mind. Mine will do the same thing. He will laugh about something or I can tell he's upset and I will ask him whats wrong and he just says nothing and then its like pulling teeth to get him to talk. It really burns my butt when he does that.

    I am thinking of getting a golden doodle puppy they are so cute! I just have to convince my DH. They are very intelligent and I could train it to be a seizure dog too. They are really good with kids too which would be good with Jackson and Samarah.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    Nancy, my GF in Michigan has one, she is so cute, her name is Harley.

    I tried to take a picture of my chest, but because I'm so freckled, it's hard to really see how bad it is. The red spots are raised and itch and are very sensitive. When I was out in the sun a few weeks ago, I had a tee shirt on, so my chest was not exposed to the sun, which makes me thinks it's an allergic reaction to the FU pills. It's large so you can see it better.



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2015

    FU pills hate them

    love u all

    oh goldie I correct tests for middle school age students boring but pays ok

    screw the job the women critiqued my resume to show muscle

    I hated her she would of been my boss plus I brought up their lawsuit issues she lied google ITT tech lawsuits 2015 nope not putting my name on that school. She had so much botox in her face I could not read an expression with yellow hair, red suit on boob job say 65 really? she reminded me of an ewok that was th eonly thing that moved on her face was around her nose