how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Still Good Morning Ladies.

    OK Lara glad u didn't get that job now and I was LOLing about u'r description anyway--U silly. Besides u do have another operation so u have to be ready for that.

    Nancy that dog is beautiful---if u can use him as a service dog then u'r DH will prolly agree. And I too am so glad things are better for u 2.

    NM 3K, jez that doesn't sound like much to me, but then again I never ought a car so I don't have a clue, I just hope u find one u really like ASAP and payments are reasonable for u. And the kid who sued the school, see I never understand really all these things. I mean ok he wanted to use the girls bathroom, well at that age I would think the girls might freak out and they did make reasonable arrangements for him that is all they are legally required to do and they didn't throw him into the boys bathroom, which would have been another catastrophe--I'm loosing my legal skills, not that I had much.

    Lori I assumed those were u'r hands but if u'r hands look anything like that still OUCH, that has to hurt. Again u'r off and running but I'm glad u can enjoy all of these trips, it's good the the soul and that's important for u'r health.

    MY GF said she felt pretty good yesterday so she went to the restaurant and did some stuff, well today she could hardly move--she didn't listen to me  course, now she's sorry. Her PT comes to her house 2x a week with just basic movements--she's a goof.

    Oh the way jobs are here is terrible, there are no construction jobs, no one wnt to have a business in IL anymore so Marty is looking again for anything, and it's all done on the computer--all day he stays on that thing and every so often someone calls back, he runs for the interview with at least 50 others ther, younger of course==al of his friends are in some type of construction but now they are doing anything but no one can help him, they are just hanging on but their wives all work.--Since Leslie is going to school there is no way she can handle even a part time job now. Oh BTW I think I'll have another Governor wanting to put me in the nuthouse.--They're stacking up now. LOL


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!IfI say Good Morning often enough it will turn into one, right?Dear Sadie has adapted to the time change already and is trying so hard to help me get up without hitting the snooze button 2 or 3 times.She can be VERY insistent.

    Collett--Golden doodles are gorgeous dogs!Especially as puppies.Hope you can convince DH soon.

    Goldie--that looks SO uncomfortable!

    ORLA--Boring but pays OK is good for a job to have while looking for a better one!Sounds like not getting the job you interviewed for is a good thing this time around.When you are blatantly lied to in an interview, you've got to wonder how you will be treated as an employee.

    Cammy--The $3K is a lot more than I was expecting,and will allow me to find a car without a taking out a loan.I don't drive new cars, I'm too hard on them, too many miles a day for work.I located a couple possible cars online last night, things are looking good for find a good ride pretty quickly.I thought the arrangement the school made was pretty reasonable, myself, but apparently the only person whose feelings and reactions really count is the kid's (or maybe the kid's parents') and using the unisex faculty bathroom was not good enough.I wonder what would happen if one of the non-transgendered girls felt really uncomfortable and sued the school?And I see your record with the Governors of your state is still holding--good for you!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Arizona Sunrise (Cuz it's got to be sunrise SOMEWHERE)

    1 1/2 oz Tequila

    1/2 oz Lime Juice

    4 oz Orange Juice

    1 oz Grenadine Syrup

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.


    Add ice into a tall-stemmed cocktail glass, pour grenadine over ice, add enough that some settles on the bottom of the glass Add tequila, orange juice, and lime juice into shaker with ice. Shake thoroughly. Garnish with a straw, lime wedge OR orange and cherry.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    Lala, I HATE the FU pills too! I too was laffing at your comments about the biotch that reveiwed your resume. And all the botox. I just don't know how they think that is attractive. But Dolly Parton, well she has an awesome PS. But look at Kenny Rogers, Presilla Presley, Joan Rivers, etc. And someone who I think is gorgeous, Marie Osmand. But you can tell, she has had botox. Not looking bad yet, but she needs to quit!

    Cami, I am off and running next week and the following week. Ya, not my hands and not my feet, but that IS my chest and I think my back, below my neck looks the same. I'm wondering if any of it has to do with radiation. Sorry your friend did not listen to you, I hope she recovers quickly from over doing it. And praying for your family that Marty finds a job...and SOON. That has to be so stressful for everyone.

    NM, this rash is very uncomfortable! Especially when it starts to itch. You will adjust to the time change soon. Not quite "sunrise" here yet, I'll have to check and see what time that happens. During the summer it's around 4 am! Glad you are happy with the $3000 you might get for the old go buggy.

    SERIOUSLY....only 4 posts in 24 hours???

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Good morning everyone! I am so glad it is finally starting to warm up!! It makes me very very happy!

    Lori - I know what is wrong with us... Only 4 post in 24 hours we must be passed out from too much drinking or something right? I hope you can get some relief soon. I know how uncomfortable itching can be. I don't know if I can talk my DH into a cute dog now. Little Cole is being such a stinker with his barking right now my DH says he doesn't want to take care of another dog right now. But I will keep trying just wait a little while then try again.

    Cami- I will keep praying that Marty finds something soon. I know its hard to find jobs now a days especially when you get to be our age. Well even when your younger things are just hard now a days. My nephew has a college degree and probably wouldn't have a job if it wasn't for my brother owning his own business.

    NM - My brother in law never buys new cars. He always buys slightly used because of the depreciation factor. He says you loose money buying new. I hope you find what your looking for soon. What color are you wanting? Is your snow gone yet? Ours is all melted and it is finally feeling like Spring!!

    Dara - How is your dad doing?

    Laura - I don't think I would want to work for an old hag like that. She reminds me of an old witchy biotch I had as a teacher when I was in school. Old hag. I love Marie Osmond too. Of course I love Donny too always have(lol)

    Genny - Hope your feeling better

    Memaw- How are you feeling? I hope better

    Lynn - get your butt on here girl (lol) we miss you!

    If Im missing anyone love you all and anyone missing on here get back please we miss you!!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015



    And they called it puppy love!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2015

    good morning all, well in work yesterday someone asked me how was my day, my reply- not enough expletives to describe it! she said me too! another day of 70+ patients in er, and being pushed to do more and more to relieve pressure on them, one day off before going back but have a 3 hr class on basic life support whicg used to be 90mins max

    lori-can onc suggest anything for your skin,this must be a problem that others have had?

    lara-good luck with your job hunting

    cammi-its hard to think we are now classed as unemployable when we reach a certain age! nursing especially the average age was 40+ years because the young don't want to stay with it?would marty consider healthcare,cna etc?

    nancy the pooch is adorable, you need a service dogWinking

    ok need to finish stuff up,

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Julie I dont miss those long days at the hospital! Dont miss those days at all! Being called to the ER multiple times for breathing treatment after breathing treatment and code after code and oh hey while your here we have another heart neb in Trauma room 2. Oh and then ICU calls and they are getting ready to intubate and need you stat . Uhhh na I dont miss it. .. ok maybe just a little :)

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2015

    just tlked with Shannon about my revision its on april 2

    I know goldie wtf

    well my mom is still alive 2xsurvior they just knocked of 3 D mammograms hereIM sry I do not support the cause

    that's bullchit if u want one they have to approve and no ins covers it

    my friend last chemotomm

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Hi girls,

    Sorry I been MIA, had a busy few days. Yesterday I met my cousin half way to the shore, she lives there. She left her iPad at mese house and I met her at a state park and hadda nice chat with her whilst sitting on a picnic bench and enjoying a bootiful day. Then last night I went out with a former coworker. Todey mese had an appointmet with mese shrink. Always a good ting.

    NM, I am glad you got enough dough back from insurance to buy another car. Wish you all the best. And glad Sadie is assisting with you getting used to daylight savings time. Need I say jest eight days til Spring? I felt it yesterday with temps at 60, did not need a jacket but had on a tank layered with a sweat shirt.

    Nancy, whatta cute puppy, looks adorable. I sure hope your DH gives in. Do be sure to tail him over and over that this dog could potentially save yer life. Glad you are not missing the days in the ER too much. Try n focus on the positive aspects of being outta work.

    Julie, sorry you hadda day from hell. I give all of you that work in de health care field kudos for doing so. I could never handle such a job knowing other peoples lives are in mese hands. Hope yer day got better and that todey was a good day for ya.

    Lara, how is Shannon doing? Let us know and tail her I wuz asking about her. You also had me lol'iig in talking about the boss lady and her botox. omg. Your revision is not too far from now, ya know we will all be with ya there. I sure hope the doctor bixes ya up and gets everything jest right for ya.

    Lori Lori LOri, I so hate that you are having all these issues with the FU pills. NM makes a good point, talk to all yer doctors about this and hopefully someone can remedy the issues with the skin. I really feel for you. You doing a good job though, keep yer chin up goil, mese is so prouda ya. And yes, yikes, been so quiet in here, me does not like it eidder. I want to send you a hug cuz I tink you need it ((((((Lor)))))))

    Cam, prayers to your family and a special prayer that your sil finds suitable employment quickliest. I hope your girl friend hadda better day today. And I am sure you will keep giving her the loving lecture about over doing tings.

    Genny, glad you and yer DH been doing tings together, sounds like you are having a nice social life with him. Is your snow all gone yet? Yer dogs must get sad when the snow melts and they have to be on leashes. My dogs have always been stupid with leases. I have a fenced yard so they do not get much lease time. And when they do, they get all twisted and confused.

    Sue, hope you are doing ok, we are anxiously await ting yer lab results on the scopie ting. Praying that all is clear. Sending you the biggest DorKy hug ever ((((Sue))) jest because.

    I feel like I missing sumone here, if so, free dwinks for a year, k? Iffen you on the prior page, that could possibee bee a reason that I missed ya. Back in the day, I could count the loungettes that were posting and know how many people I had to address. But these days that number fluctuates. I should take notes when I read specially sinsen I read the thread earlier today and only two more new posts (obwhich btw, I am happy to see more posts). Try not to be strangers goils. If you have a minute or two to read, take turdeen seconds to just say HI I READ YA or sumting. And I should take mese own advice.

    My Dad is doing alright, has not fallen in a few days. I am not sure if I told you the reason that he could not get into rehab. We were ready to go but a stoopid thing with the hospital prevented him from being qualified for rehad in the first place. chit chit chit. He is eating a little better which is good but I still worry so much. Wese def gotta find Dad something to do during the day where sumone can watch him, specailly when i go to work. ick, that w word, ewe! hehe!

    ok goils, I go now. I need to dwink. and not eat, jest dwink. dis mese pledge du jour. i dwink now.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Hi ladies, meant to get on here earlier but I was busy on de internet twying to plan a vacay for next month for me and DH. Looks like Myrtle Beach may be the place.. golfing of course. Forgot to remind ya all about the spaceship, hospital at o 6hundred and new, soft comfy foobs at 7 turdy. Please bring me some mimosa's and lots of em' since it's so early in da morning. Oh, and a nice warm cinnabon too. And Dara, no goosing or playing grabby pants wif my PS, he needs to concentrate on giving my the purdiest nippless foobs eber seen, gotta be able to strut my stuff next January! So DH is sleeping, he's getting up at 4:30 to walk the pooches and I'm in the bathroom typing so I don't disturb him. Furbabies passed out too. So I see ya all bright and early before they put me under, you guys make sure he does a good job. Love you all, prolly see ya tomorrow night.



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited March 2015

    I'm pooping in quick to wish Miss Mary the bestest of luck foy de soygery. Exchange is easy peasy and you will do great!! I'll be on de UFO!!!

    NM--I am SO SO glad you were not seriously injured in that darn accident. SO scary, but prayers to the Big Guy and all the of our angles for keeping you safe. good luck car shopping. We bought a new one last weekend. well its new to us that is. But it is a convertible!

    Genny--sorry you got the crud. It is awful my DH is still on inhaler and AntiBs. Sending hugs for surgery! Glad the doggie is better too.

    Julie--so sorry we never got to meet up and that you have been working so hard. I am sure all this crap going around has you and NM hopping at work. Sorry to hear about your friend too :0(

    Dara--Glad yo uhad fun with your cousin and that mom and dad are holding their own!

    Nancy--hope the seizures have settled down and sounds like spring is headed your way! Be very careful if you go for that Golden Doodle!! We have had 2 and they are high strung and very smart but that gets them in trouble too. did I mention it was the psychotic doodle that yanked me down the stairs causing the ambulance ride to put my foot back on straight?? Anyhoo, they are really cute and we loved the first one so much. Even had him sent to sleep away boot camp for training. He was so friendly he just wanted to visit everyone. Problem was he flunked "come when you are called" class and took off to see someone one day and there was a speeding SUV, a cell phone and a couple of distracting kids in the car. You can see where this is going...... So my best advice is get really good intensive training if you get one. They are very smart but very stubborn too! The second one was just psycho from the get go so now we have no pets and my DH doesn't want any. Kids had to beg to get first one. Even did power points to sway dad!

    PRN--good to see you poop in too. I know you are cray cray busy with kid stuff and work like me. I have had several caterings lately! Yay for conjugal visits!!

    LaLa--bummer about the job. Good Luck with the new docs and stuff. We will have the UFO refueled and the tenders will restock the alkamahol in time!

    Sue--WooHoo jes a few days until FaceTime!!! Can't wait to see you.

    Lori--SO sorry the FU pills is giving you such a hard time. I thought of you when I saw this.............Feel Better!


    Cami--Hope that yeast is under control. Hope Marty finds a job soon. That is one of the worst feelings in the world. I remember when my DH lost his job and we just looked at the kids and wondered how long we could survive without it really taking a toll. I hope something turns up fast.

    I don't think I missed anyone, if so apologies. And I know I just skimmed the top of what's been going on here, please forgives.

    Ok, starting the morning with coffee

    quietcharms:i literally did the head-tilt thing

    And this might wash up on the beach in the Bahamas!!



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    oh Mary, thanks for de reminder. I got de UFO loaded with mimosas for ya tomorree. You will jest love yer new squishy foobs, so firciting! no more turtle shells yippeeeeeee! When you go to Myrtle Beach, please say hello to mese parents old place. It is across rte 17 at the Barefoot Landing complex.

    Lynee, yippee, glad to see yer face. Did you book the cruise yet? I have inside information that says the ship is booking very fast and there will not be any rooms left. I wanna meet ya girl!

    I am a tad bit dwunk so forgive me for being short. well I not short, mese 5'6". hehe.

    I gotta go to bed, have a big day since I will be piloting de UFO. Go ME!!!

    Sleep well loungettes, see you all in de aye em!

    more ..... chEErS!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2015

    getting ready for the ufo mary,

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    Julie, talk about over load at work! And 70 patients in ER, wow that sounds like a lot! I will ask my onc for something for my skin, as I have not been in the sun. I think it's allergic reaction.

    Lala, glad your friend is done with chemo. Is she doing rads? And you talked to Shan? So happy for your mom.

    Tanka ewe for de hug Ms. Wacko. Ize haf one fer ye too! (((((Wacko))))) Nice that you got to see your cuz again. Can you look into adult day care for your dad?

    Oh Mary....we all there for you dis morning. Wow, dats an early one. However, I do not, nor will I, be responsible for dat wacky one! I have Mimosa's for all of us and Cinnabons.

    4, what's this with you and Sue meeting up again? You hitting Vegas again?

    Julie, you are up early, but I'm up earlier! Up before 2 am! Can't go back to sleep, so might as well get up. Will have Mimosa's and Cinnabons with you, and NM should be around soon too!

    Heading to town early this morning. Then our friend (Hygienist) is coming over tomorrow morning, she wants to help me out with some things. She originally wanted me to come and hang out with her, but I told her we have been gone so much and I have so much to do, inside and out, before heading out yet again, next week and the week after, so she said she wanted to give me a hand. She is so sweet, Tammy.




  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Oh, how I dislike getting up in the dark.Yes, I like the sunlight when I'm getting home from work, but I'd much rather have some sunlight to get up with.Can't wait for that to be happening again.If they did the time change BEFORE I started getting some sunlight in the get up time it would go over a lot easier!

    Goldie--Rashes are bad enough, itching is a million times worse!So irritating!Praying it clears up soon.

    Collett--the snow is melting, still quite a bit around, but we need it to melt slowly and gradually to give it time to be absorbed and not cause a lot of flooding.I'd like to get a blue car, or maybe green, but the color isn't a big item.

    Julie--nothing like a busy shift to tire a person out.Shifts from he## seem to come more and more often over time, don't they?Think of all the shortages that could be made to go away if employers were willing to hire people "of a certain age"!

    Collett--you almost learn how to be in 2 places at once working those shifts!

    ORLA--that revision date isn't so far off now!3D mammograms?Haven't heard of that, can't see where that would do anything except increase radiation exposure.Hooray for your friend's last chemo!

    Dara--yeah, spring is coming, felt that way the other day, but not yesterday or today, apparently.But coming!Sounds like your Dad didn't have 3 midnights as an inpatient in the hospital, needed to qualify for rehab by Medicare.It's happening more and more often as Medicare is pressuring hospitals to decrease admission rates for certain chronic conditions.It saves Medicare lots of money, but our elders are suffering because of it.Medicare is so money driven these days.

    Genny--Here's to soft, comfy foobs!You should be just about getting to the hospital now, hopefully getting some good meds, andeveryone ready for a good job!

    4--convertible, huh?Bet that's fun!Yes, God was looking out for me, big time, and lots of other people.They did finally figure out the first event, an SUV spun out and ended up stopped in the road, others going too fast to be able to stop.The traffic passing the "speed reduced to 45 mph" sign about 12 miles before the crash site recorded an average speed of 55 at the time, with a range of 80 mph to 35 mph.I barely was able to stop and I was only going a bit over 40 mph.

    Goldie--Mimosas and Cinnabons, what a breakfast!Hmm, wonder if we can arrange a Mimosa and Cinnabon breakfast on the cruise one ayem?Or several?Hmm, probably not a good idea right before work, though.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Hot Cinnamon Roll

    1 1/2 oz Cinnamon Schnapps

    5 oz (hot) Apple Cider

    Best served in a Irish Coffee Cup.


    Pour both ingredients into an Irish coffee cup or mug. Top with whipped cream. Garnish with a cinnamon stick, and serve.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2015

    Genny I'm loaded lets go girls for genny

    Perco fountain

    Love u all

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Itching has calmed down about 50%.  I am still fatigued but I feel a little better.  The potassium pills has fatigue as an se.  I’m getting thru it tho.  Gonna try and go have lunch with my niece (Kim) today.  She and her mom drove up from LV yest for a spa day/night at the Casa Blanca.  They heading back today.  Been trying to read to catch up but not working very well. 

    NM - security for post ofc?  Not heard of that, terrible what our cities are turning into when the po has to have security measures like that.  Hope the car search going well. I used Consumer Reports on line too, good advice from Dara.   Wow, middle school n already thinking transgender, I’m surprised but not, what with social media now all kids feeling the strangeness of their sex get all the answers they need.

    Dara - Very sad about your dad.  Got to be soo friggin hard on you, and now a good friend is an angel.  Just not fair….hope you feel my arms around ya ya need a hug!  My DS would love to be a tender for all of us, but it jes ain’t happening if I can help it.

    Mary - I missed the ufo, but u are in my thoughts this morning.  Am very fercited you finally getting it done…praying all goes well, and it will!!!  Hope you get ins figured out, like you need that right now…wtf is right!

    Loweee - I can’t the thought of you hurting from that hand n foot se or whatever it’s called.  Gotta be a salve that would help?  No I didn’t sign up, after looking into it I’m better off with the insurance I have.  They would ding me cuz I have a small pension, dh pension larger but he pays.  And, I’d have to find supplemental for my meds and with my FURB they could really gouge me.  I can stay with current until I’m forced to go on Medicare in 5 years.  Did I forget to mention that after 2 years on disability, they force you to go on Medicare?  So not worth it for me right now.

    Lara - sorry job didn’t pan out.  Glad to hear u a Mexican jumpin bean tho LOL.  Congrats on setting the date for the revision, it’ll b fine so don’t b esscared ((Lara))

    Nancy - good luck on seeing about driving again soon and your secret is safe with us.   Love that pooch!!  Yes, feeling better…muah!

    Cami - Hate that Marty is having such a hard time finding work.  Will send up some prayers that he finds something soon.

    Julie - sounds like horrid working conditions  ((Julie))

    Lynn - so looking forward to seeing you too. We’ll have a good time.  Hooray!!

    Got run...forgib if I missed anyone....know I love an pray for you all all de time....lubslubslubslubslubslubslubs!!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Hello everyone!! Sorry I over slept its raining here.

    Mary good luck today with your surgery. I hope your PS gives you a nice job.

    Lynn I will definately research those puppies more. Right now my DH is not wanting any more dogs. He is saying we have enough with Cole. He is a real good dog. He just demands your attention sometimes and then will bark ALOT which gets on my last nerve. Have fun with Sue and give her a big hug for me when you see her.

    Dara that is a good idea about getting an adult sitter for your dad while your at work or not home. I think MC may pay for that too. That is a shame that the hospital didnt keep him long enough for him to qualify for rehab. Damn discharge planner. I think sometimes they get in a bit of a hurry to get people out. Then they want to know why readmission rates are so high. I know it has to do with insurance too but come on. Someone pay attention to whats going on. You have someone working for an insurance company who is making decisions they dont really know much about. I might be wrong on that and I hope I am not offending anyone, but that makes me mad when someone at my insurance company is telling my doctor that the meds he put me on are wrong or the test he ordered isnt needed or no I can t be admitted because Im not sick enough.

    Cami how are you doing? Hows Marty and Joey?

    Lori those cinabons and Mimosas look real yummy! We might just have to have some baily's and cream to go with our coffee this afternoon if there is any left. Have fun with your hygenist this afternoon.

    Dara dont go too far out with that UFO now. We may need to take it somewhere else to escape from you know family or something some time soon. Lol. Just kidding.

    Its date night with my DH tonight. We are going to out for dinner and to see the new Cinderella movie that is out. If I can stay awake tonight I will let you know how good it was. Gotta go get my laundry out. Check you all later.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Hi girls! Foob job was a breeze, right on time at 7:30 and back home before noon. Drugs were good, and the mimosas and Cinnabon hit the spot.. thanks so much Lori! Got a pesky velcro bra, just got done cutting up a t-shirt to go underneath it, can't handle velcro and seams on my skin. So just took a Percocet and thought I'd pop-in and thank ya all for keepin those docs in line. Gonna take a nap soon since I got me a license to slack all weekend.

    Dara, so sorry about your dad, I hope they can figure somtin out soon. Thanks for staying up and getting the spaceship ready and being such a good pilot. I forgot, when do u go back to work? The warmer weather is so nice, glad you got to sit out and bisit wif your cousin.

    Lala, We'll be getting that spaceship restocked for you. Funny, I was just reading what you wrote about the 3D mammogram and my DH walked in with info he picked up at the pharmacy. Haven't read it yet tho. Hopefully your surgery will go as easy as mine, fingers crossed.

    Sue, so sorry about the itching, that just sucks. Glad the fatigue is getting a bit less, hope it continues to improve. Hope you and Kim have a nice lunch

    Cami, On another governor's list? You must really hit a nerve with the politicians! I suspect that must mean you hit the nail on the head a lot, otherwise I don't tink they'd pay attention. Hope Marty gets a job soon., what a shame to find himself in that predicament at 50.

    Lynn, so glad to see you pop in, can't wait to meet you, weez gonna have lots a fun. Thanks for showing up to wish me luck, I think often of your very encouraging words when I got the ... 10 positive nodes report. You helped me an awful lot at that time. Glad you're doing well and so busy as usual. Kids will be outta school before you know it.

    NM, hope you find the perfect car soon. I like the light in the evenings but I don't have to wake up as early as you.

    Nancy, good luck with the driving thing, I'm sure it must be hard having to depend on others, glad the seizure thing is getting better. My friend Molly just lost her goldendoodle to FURB at 10 yrs old. She was a great dog but super high energy till about 4 years old. They have 7 acres with a pond so it wasn't a problem but if not I tink she woulda needed a lot of activity.

    Lori, hope they can give you sometin to relieve the itching soon. You are always so busy.

    Well, I'm sure I'm forgetting someone but eyelids ar heavy and I keep screwing up my words. Maybe I'll pop in da lounge tonight. Love to all!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Wow, it sure is quiet in here... ahhh well, party for one....


    Nevermind, I'll just get ready for bed... I'm a bit sore


    Nighty night........

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Oh, but wait, almost forgot to tell ya....another from my darling MIL and her complete lack of filter. She called to see how my surgery went so Dh tells her that I was doing well and it went better than expected and I was very happy because PS was able to put in the 400 cc implants that I wanted. So she says, " oh that's great, once she takes the rest of that weight off she'll have a cute little figure!" Another one for the STFU thread. She truly has no idea that there was anything inappropriate about that comment, haha..good I have a sense of humor.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Mary, pop those pills and foyget about your totally insensitive MIL. and further, if there is a way you can insult her, go for it. I would be super proudda ya. So glad to hear all went well.

    I am dwinking. Surprise!

    hello to eberyone else, mese facilities is broeken so cant say much! I can say chEErs hot man REARS and love you dears!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    ps sleep well Mary. glad ya taking a dose of pills before bed. a good idea to have a pill and a glass o water at your night stand for when you first awake. keep that pain away, it will come once everything wears off. hope it is not bad at'tall! lubs you.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    One day after surgery and I am already so much more comfortable than I was with those damn expanders, velcro bra and all! So, so happy to be rid of my left softball foob...ahhhh what a relief..... The problem with being a slacker is that I am here all alone. This place didn't used to be this quiet, where is everybody? I'm sitting here in my lazyboy slacking away and have no one to play with. ??? Guess I'll head down to the pool and see if any tenders can help me out.

    And yep Dara, slept in the chair with a big glass of water and my Percocet, doin' just fine.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Good morning, glad to see your doing so good Mary! I had heard that it was a great relief to have those expnaders out!

    My DH and I didnt get to the movie last night. I guess Cinderella isnt a guy thing. But we did get some paint for our bedroom and bathroom. I am excited for that. And maybe Camille and Samarah will go see the movie with me later today. I will have to see though. Last night and this morning Im having more pretty bad seizures. If they keep up will have to go to the damn ER. Im not sure why Im having them. It is frustrating me. Im not stressed about anything right now. Oh well Im gonna go listen to some meditation stuff and try to whoosa a bit. Catcha in a whil

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!So nice to sleep until the sun came up (sort of) this morning.I've found 3 PT Cruisers I'm going to look at today.Hope to get this settled, I have to start paying for the rental on Monday.

    Mema--one of the local Post offices is in the same building as the Federal Court and various Federal offices. Technically, you can go into the PO without going through security, but it's a long walk around the building from the parking lot, the most direct route is in the Federal entrance, through the security screening, and then into the PO.Annoying at times.Fortunately, a local library takes passport applications and is much easier to get to!There have been transgender issues around this child practically since kindergarten.I really think it's the parents, not the child driving this.There wasbig ruckus about the child using the girl's bathroom in grade school, then again in middle school, and I expect there will be again when the child hits High School.

    OK, got one call out, no PT cruisers on their lot despite being listed online, she's going to call a sister outfit and see what they have and call be back.The game is on!

    Collett--health insurance is one of the worst things to happen to people in my not so humble opinion.When we stop paying directly for something we lose the sense of value and control.Nobody using health care knows what it really costs, doctor's don't know, insurance companies often don't tell.And someone who doesn't know medicine, the patient, or anything else about the situationmakes the decisions. Crazy.

    Genny--Hooray for smooth Foob job!Enjoy slacking this weekend.Be pain free! Oh, boy, your MIL has NO filter!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Operation Recoverer Recipe

    1 oz Lemon Vodka

    1 oz Peach Schnapps

    2 oz Mandarin Juice

    1 tsp Grenadine

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.


    Shake and strain into an old-fashioned glass three-quarters filled with broken ice. Garnish with in-season fruit, and serve with a short straw.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    NM, I have had this rash for several weeks now, and it's not clearing up at all, in fact it's spreading, further out a ta d. More so on my back. It's pretty light here by 6 am. That DOTD Cinnamon Roll sure sounds yummy!

    LDB, I had no idea that potassium caused fatigue. You and I are itching fools! I will talk to my onc on Thursday, when I see him. As for disability, if we stayed honest, in what I make, I would be declined. Can't make more than $1000.00 month. As for insurance, I think Medicare kicks in after 2 years. I guess I need to look more into, with the hopes of still being around in 2 years, right! (I see, you ARE aware of that) As for pension, I'm too young.

    Nancy, we should send you in for a spanking! Sorry, cuz you over slept??? As for Dara's dad getting dismissed. I believe it was HIM, and not the hospital. He somehow did it himself, but Dara would have to 'splain. Tammy is coming today. We went to the movies too, Run All NIght with Liam Nieson. Good movie, but lots of violence and language. I was quite disturbed to see a man with like a 5 year old little boy with him. Mom and daughter were in another movie, as they were there waiting when ours let out. Mom says, so how'd you like it? Little boy says something like "ya, it was good".

    YAY Mary, for easy peasy surgery! Now SLACK, and I mean it! OMG, I can't beleive your MIL said that! But how did you found out?

    Dwunken Dara Darling, how is that arm doing?

    I'm herer Mary, I think there are left over M imosa's and I'll have a Tender make us some Cinnabons, k? Ooooh, and I see NM and Nancy. So see, you not alone. Oh shoot Nancy, on the siezures. Not what we want to hear, nor you I'm  sure!

    Another great DOTD that sounds so yummy! And Cami, where is Cami? Mese tinks we gonna haf ta take her Brandy away, or at least threaten it!

    Happy Sa TURD day goils!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Nancy, so sawry about those damn heart breaks for you, praying the meditation helps.

    NM, hope you find the PT cruiser today, would be great to get that settled. Yep. MIL has no filter, she truly is clueless about so many things, good little catholic yet so able to point out the negative in everything and everyone. She's one of the most insecure people I've ever met which is where it stems from. I've never taken any of it personally.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    I tail u whhaaa….Rick Simpson’s mj concoction and ½ a xanax makes for a very restful night. 

    Mary - congrats on the successful surgery.  MIL can take a trip to the swamp for a comment like!!  You’re not alone, not ever, jes sometimes gotta play with the tenders til the rest of us sober up.  So glad you feeling OK.

    Nancy - o no, more seizures…not right, jes not.  Hope the meditation helps. 

    NM - Woohoo….hope you find one you like, but don’t rush too much, gotta find just the right one for the best price.  WOW, lots of maneuvering to get to the PO but guess if you got nothing to hide, tis the best entrance.  Never heard of librarys doing passports but that is cool, especially if it makes things easier for ya.  I checked the expiration on mine…I’m good…woohoo.

    Lowee - lack of it does and a host of other things too, I had no idea either til I googled it.  Here are some listed

    Symptoms of low potassium in women

    Some of the symptoms of low levels of potassium in women are listed below:

    Potassium is needed to release energy from the cells in the body as well as to re-energize them. Low levels of potassium in women prevent this functionality of the cells. This results in increased weakness of the nerves and the muscles. In addition to muscles weakness, there may be cramps of the muscles as well as muscles aches and increased fatigue and tiredness. Women with low potassium are prone to twitches and ticks of the muscles. The heart is also made of muscle tissues and decreased potassium in women may lead to palpitations or life threatening alterations in the rhythms of heart beats or arrhythmias. Potassium determines the retention and absorption of fluids by the intestine as it passes through it. Low level of potassium in women increases the level of fluid absorption. This results in constipation, irregular and problematic bowel movements and tiny, firm stools. In addition, it may lead to cramps in the abdomen as well as bloating and stomach pain Other symptoms of low potassium in women include tingling or numbing sensations of the muscles, low blood pressure resulting in fainting, vomiting, paralysis of the legs and arms, nausea, and abnormalities in behavior such as increased confusion, psychosis, depression, hallucinations or delirium.

    A certain kind of polyp and other things like diuretics and laxatives can b causes too.  So we shall see.  Still haven’t heard from GI ref biopsy of the polyp. 

    Dara Darlin - I miss you...and how is that arm and yeah, when do u go back to work again.  What's the latest about dad and mom?

    Gotta get the dogs to the park, then later going to go see American Sniper I hope.  Have a Fantastic Saturday my beauties....lubslubslubslubs!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Good afternoon girls -happy saturday!

    Lori, will not hear any of this "if I am here in two years", ok? You will be here, trust me and trust God. You gonna be around for a long long time. I am sorry that you are still having the problem with the rash and break out. I hope you can get something to cure it.

    NM, hope you find the perfect car. I understand the hurry... you are paying the rental out of pocket now right? Thanks for the drink, it is yummy.

    Nancy, sorry about the seizures, damn it, happening even whilst you are relaxed. Is there a specialist you can see to try to get some relief? Maybe a new drug to take or sumting? I wish they would jest go away.

    Genny, glad you had a good night, I am so so happy that you you so comfortable. Just take it easy, ok?

    Sue, my arm is healing nicely. I did hurt it some lifting my old Bella up to go outside. It is pouring rain and she was refusing to go out. I am mad at her as the arm was not hurting at all until I picked her up. Mom and Dad are holding on okay. Dad did take another fall yesterday while coming out of a restaurant with my nephew but only hurt his hiney. Thanks for asking. I see my surgeon next Friday and get the return to work date. It is tentatively the 24th but I am hoping to get more time so that we can find some kind of adult day care for mese Dad.

    I see my onc on Monday, seems like it has been forever. He moved one appointment out on me then I missed it, totally overlooked it. It takes time to get an appointment. I will be sure to make it on Monday, have all kinds of reminders set on my computer and phone.

    Hello to everyone else, Julie, Lara and who else did I miss? I have to run as my seester is on her way over and I want to get myself dressed before she comes. I am still in my night clothes, mese a slacker!

    Love you girls!
