how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Good Morning Ladies---OMG Lori don't take my brandy away--see I'm here.

    So much going on too.

    Nancy I hat that those seizures are coming back and things seem to be goin better for u now. I too am sending prayers for u this has to stop, it's like u'r so disabled by this and u'r another one with a wonderful attitude and I really like the pic of the pills and wine. Good combo.

    Mary so glad this all went well, now make sure u take it easy anyway (I think) I don't know anything about this so listen to whoever does. And things sound pretty good at home for u and that's a happy thing.

    Oh wait whose husband didn't want to see Cinderella--Jeez I don't wsnt to see it--I like Lori's pick, but then again I love violence and scary movies--Even tho I'm not for violence some reason the more bad guys that get killed is great.

    NM I love that kind of car, I hope u can get exactly what u want, I don't think they are easy to find tho.

    lori how could u not call u'r Dr. for some relief before u go. Oh it's all over the place they must have something u can put on it to relieve u--the stuff that I'm using is helping and least I'm not scratching so much so most of the bleeding has stopped. I am glad Tammy is coming over to help u tho, u need to accept help more Missy, there's nothing wrong with that --said the laziest woman on earth. Who also prays for u daily. U'r a wonder to me.

    SusyQ what's going on? Is u'r Pot. low too, that's harder than most people think, it can be debilitating I know only because I take 3 pills a day for it now and I does paralyse u when it gets bad, I remember rhinking I had a stroke that's how awful it feels. And then spend 8 days in the hospital tying to get it up, that's happened a couple of times to me, now I have low mag so I'm on meds for that too. It's kind of funny when all these "little things" happen and it royally takes u down.Of course me being who I am, was always reminding them to s l o w drip it cuz that's what they use when people are given the death penalty and they kill them. I know something else has to be added but hell maybe someone didn't like me. I'm a terrible patient---u'r another amazing one

    Julie how can u keep up with all that, u must have that little bunny drumming along with u. But Thank God there are people like u or where would anyone be in the hospital. U deserve any time away that u can get, that's for sure.

    Dara when do u go back to work? U should look into having someone for u'r Dad--I'ts so not easy for u and yet u make it sound OK I do hope u can figure something out, I know we had someone for my dad cuz I had to work and he lived forever LOL-she lived there tho since I lived upstairs, she could take the weekends off. But he needed help so maybe u can look into seeing what medicare offers for help, at least u'r mind will be at ease.

    4444 It's good to see u, boy u've had a lot of sickness in u'r home lately, I hope u'r DH is getting better. That's a lot of work and stress for u too.

    Well Marty still hasn't found a job, everything is on the computer these days, so he's learned the computer filling out forms and such and he's on it most of the day and nothing is coming back He did take a day and just rode around to see if anyone had any signs for help and did find some and filled out apps. but nothing. But had to apply for healthcare (u know how often he gets screwy things) and for Joey too. This is chit. Oh well this too shall pass. But like a kidney stone.



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    My little monkey! I got to have facetime with them last night, not as good as the real thing but better than nothing. Isn't she getting big? Haven't seen her in a week and next Friday I have to work, it's gonna drive me crazy.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    I see my neurulogist for my seizures but not until April 24. They probably just need to go up to 400 mg on my Trokendi or add something to it. Thats my seizure meds. Im just a little down and discouraged today. It just seems like I wont ever get back to driving or be able to go on the Mission trip I want to go on, or be able to be a part of the dragon boat row team I want to be on. I am an active independant person and I hate that I am so dependant and tied down right now. It makes you almost feel like giving up. My husband said I had a seizure that lasted about 7 min or longer last night where I just stared at him and it was like I was breathing funny but didnt shake any until the end for just a min but my eye lids trembled and he said I left him for a bit.

    I saw the new Cinderella movie with Samarah and Camille today. It was really really good. Julie you will have to see it. And thete is a new Pan movie coming out that looks good too.

    Gotta go I will check in later

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015
  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good snowy Morning, Loungettes!Waking up to snow, snow and more now.Sigh.Ran myself ragged trying to find a car yesterday.Discovered that the on-line inventory for most places is a form of bait and switch.I got really tired of being told that there are no PT Cruisers available, that they are all over priced, and I need a new car (with a big loan)and I needa big down payment.Like if I had all that.Sigh.And being told that I'll get a call back in 15 minutes at 8:30, and not getting a call back until 2:30.Havementioned that I HATE car shopping?Really, really do NOT LIKE car shopping?

    Goldie--5FU is known for causing rashes.Ask your Med Onc if you will be able to get rid of it without stopping the 5FU long enough to let it clear up completely.It's just starting to get light here around 6:30 am, can't wait for it to move earlier again!

    Genny--No PT Cruiser yesterday. Gonna have to expand the search to other cars now.It's great you realize how insecure your MIL is.Poor lady, I feel bad for her, she must live a hard life with so little filter and recognition of other's feelings.

    Mema--sounds like a great combo for sleeping well!I was surprised to learn some libraries will accept passport applications, too.But it was a lot easier to get to and there was no waiting, well worth the library's processing fee.I imagine the PO charges a processing fee, too?Great infoabout potassium, thanks for posting.

    Dara--I'll be paying the rental out of pocket starting Tuesday. The big problem right now is that the insurance company sent paperwork that was supposed to arrive no later than last Thursday, I need to deal with that and send it back, then they send my check.That paper work hasn't arrived yet.And they stop covering the rental 5 days after the offer is made, not 5 days after the paperwork is done.I keep reminding myself this is just an annoyance and it will pass over in a little while.Just got to get used to the idea of having a car payment again, I guess.I bet your Dad will love Adult Day care.Many seniors do.Do you have anyone helping you find a Day Care program?

    Cammy--This too shall pass, like a kidney stone--GREAT LINE!I may have steal it!The frustrating thing is that I can find PT Cruisers but either I can't afford it or it doesn't have cruise control.No cruise control and I don't buy.Spend too much time on the roads and the cruise control is a great help with gas mileage--most people don't know that, but the steadier the speed you drive the better the gas mileage, so I use cruise control quite a bit.Also prevents speeding tickets!


    Collett--this whole seizure thing is way depressing, I can see how it would be hard for someone as active as you.Wish I knew some way to fix the whole situation.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:


    1/2 shot Irish Whiskey

    1/2 shot Irish Cream

    1 pint Guinness Stout

    Best served in a Shot Glass.


    Combine (proportions of 50/50) Bailey's Irish Cream and Irish Whiskey into one shot glass. Drop the shot into a mug of guinness and chugg until empty.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Well good morning girls, looks like I'm the only lounge lizard around these part, geeze it's quiet in here, guess I better go back to work.

    Nancy, I'm so very sorry, this shit just sucks for you. And it has nothing to do with the FURB. You overcame that, you're done... you had the seizures before the accident right? So is it the TBI that made that so much worse? It's a shame you can't get in until the 24th of April. Nothing they can call you in before then? I don't get it, I don't think your neuro would just sit home having seizures for a month and putting his life on hold waiting for an appt, just doesn't seem right. I get you about wanting to do....well... your life! I'm praying for you. Glad you enjoyed the movie, I suspect I'll be seeing plenty of those types of movies in just a few more years, altho Nora may end up more the Bad News Bears type. We shall see.

    Lori, so sorry the rash is getting worse. Have you tried any old time home remedies like a baking soda paste? I used to get hives from everything as a kid and that brought me a lot of relief. Just baking soda and water, thick and pasty, paint it on, let it dry. Also, Fels Naptha soap, lather it and let it dry on the skin was good for itching, altho I don't know if you could find it where you live. Those are just my 50 year old remedies that I think work as well as commercial stuff. I hope the onc can offer you some relief when you see him. Oh, and tanks for pushing me into the pool. I had a nice swim. I might hafta have some more of those mimosa's after coffee this ayem, tenders been making them extra special good lately. Too bad about that little boy at that movie, and then they wonder why their kids are swearing and getting into fights at school. Why can't they just let them stay children at least until their ages hit the double digits...geesh. My ex-husband had a sister and she had a little girl that was same age as my DS. They were 2 and we went for a visit and the kid was sitting in front of the tv with scarface on. I wouldn't let my son go in the room till she turned it off and she said ..oh, she doesn't really pay attention to the tv. Right... she ended up the mother of 1 by 15 and 2 by 18. Her brother had 3 from 3 different girls before he was 21, then went to prison for drugs and was dead by 40. Don't know what couldda gone wrong there??? They are such little sponges at that age, what is wrong with people??? Anyway... hope you have a good Sunday. My DH and I are both self-employed, I suspect the disability thing can be tricky.

    NM, how'd the car shopping go yesterday? Hope you find the one you want. Have you entered the mud vortex from hell like we have with Emma yet. She's like a walking mud flap, she goes around the block, stays on the cement, and ya get home and her underbelly looks like it's been out on dirt bike trails. I had to rewash the towels 3 times yesterday.

    Dara, hope you find some daycare for your dad, sounds like a chore, spacially with his frequent falling. You sure do have your hands full. Take care of that hand and good luck with the onc appt. Hope you get a little more time off work. I was standing right there when DH was on the phone and made the comment, he just laughed and put the phone aside and told me. It's a joke with us, I honestly don't ever get offended... we just wait to see what stupid, inappropriate thing is gonna come out of her mouth. I could rattle off a list of shit.

    Sue, sorry about your itching too, glad you found the perfect sleep combo. Hope all this GI stuff turns out to be somtin wif an eazy-peezy fix. We saw American Sniper last month, very intense but good. It just leaves you kind of speechless at the end.

    Cami, still praying for Marty and the job hunt. It's a shame, the 50 year olds make such better workers than lots of the younger people. I hope sometin turns up soon. Cinderella wouldn't be my thing either, I like to be on the edge of my seat, and I already know the ending of that one. How long till Leslie is done with school? How's our Joey doing? Only a few more months and he'll be off for the summer, will give him lots of time to practice his clarinet!

    Lynn, Tobi, Lara, and everbody else, hope things are going well.

    I'm gonna get up and about more today, ready to get out of the house. It's our anniversary tomorrow and I gotta get ou and get my DH something. !3 years. He's getting ready to take these very impatient pooches for a walk, no more runs in the woods for a long time, way too muddy. I hate this velcro bra thing I hafta wear, I had to cut up a t-shirt and put it under the thing, it just pokes me all over. Been sleeping like a dream in the lazy-boy, I go to the PS on Wed then I think it can come off. Prolly gonna go to work on Thursday if he says it's ok. Oh and we booked a vacation.... yay, I'm so excited!!! Last time we went anywhere (besides Molly's) was Key West, 1 week after my biopsy and dx. Our heads were reeling then. We are going to Myrtle Beach, I found this gated golf community and they rent the condos. Away from the main hubbub, DH can golf at sunrise, I can run, then we'll golf together in the afternoon. It's 4 miles from Calabash South Carolina which is the seafood capital of the world they tell me. Plus DH had United Airlines credit from a flight he had to cancel that we had to use by the end of May and it covered the flight. Plus they have an indoor pool and jacuzzi. I'm super excited.... now if I can just lose those last pesky pounds and my husband can lose "his gut", we can go without being and embarrassment! Just kidding!!! MIL not going with us anyway...we can let it all hang out. I know this is long, but this is what happens when I'm forced to slack. Love you girls, have a great day!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    NM, thanks for the bump, water is nice...

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2015

    Morning all from way down under. I am feeling the effects of a good evening last night and a little too much good Kiwi and Aussie wine. So playing on iPhone and having a cup of tea.

    Big hugs to all.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    Mary, glad you can just blow your MIL's comments off! And yippee for going on vacation! And ya, the little boy in the movies was just terrible!

    Sue, glad your RSO and Xanax gave you a good nights sleep. Insurance is my biggest concern in applying for disabilitly. As for the potassium, I thought you meant too much of it.

    Wacko, I din't say "if" I was here in 2 years. I said "with the hopes"! I do hope you can find an adult day care center for your dad. What time is your appointement tomorrow?

    Ah-hah! Now we know how to get Cammi in the lounge! Threaten to take her Brandy away! I'm LMAO! I am itching, but it's not bleeding, thank goodness.

    Nancy, I'm so sorry the seizures have you so down. And the feeling of giving up, I understand that too. Will be praying that you can do your Dragon Boat, drive and get to do your Mission trip.

    NM, bummer about the car and the bait and switch. Have you tried Craigs list? I will be defenatley, showing and talking to my onc about the rash. As for the rental, that is just not fair. It is cheaper to rent by the week, as by the day.

    Tammy is still here, and I really didn't need much done, so mostly we just visited. Perhaps this morning, depending how late she stays, we will get the onions in. She has a very old dog that she left at home, outside and she's feeling bad about it.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Mary the part that sucks is I did not have ANY seizures before my accident. The TBI caused the seizures. I will be ok. I just go through these periods. I just need me some Jackson time and I will be ok. I need to think about what I have and not what I cant do. Yesterday was just a bad day. I was thinking about my seizures and that nodule in my lung and having a woe is me day. Today the sun is out and I am going to see my baby. Plus a little prayer helps. Thanks giols

    Cami I am still praying for you and Marty. I hope things are going ok.

    Lori I hope you are finding some relief. I am glad you are having a nice visit with Tammy. I am hoping my friend Diane can come down from up North soon. Some girl time would do me some good.

    I am looking forward so much to our cruise! I really cant wait!

    NM sorry you have more snow! Thats just not right. Do they have a Carmax by you? Maybe you could find what your looking for there.

    Dara where you at my friend? I was thinking of you when I was drinking my Jack and coke last night. I said to my self I wonder if Dara is having one now and I was wishing I was there with you having a drink and chatting.

    Gotta get my laundry I will check in later. Love ya all

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good morning, again, Loungettes!Still snowing here.Heard the plow truck go by.Yuck.

    Genny--not really into mud season here, yet, there is still snow on the ground.Soon, though!Sadie will become a walking mud flap soon enough, she is just coming in wet right now from melting or falling snow.She has her own set of towels that I need to get out, and they can need washing a dozen times a day! Especiallywhen she gets to digging the mud holes deeper and bigger so she can roll in them.And I hear you about getting up and moving, I need to, too.Maybe now that it's light whenI get home from work I can start taking Sadie for a walk, maybe.Vacay--hooray, very good thing!

    Aly!So good to see you!

    Goldie--I haven't tried Craigs list, time to do that.Thanks for the idea!

    Collett--everyone, especially us, is allowed a down day now and again.Glad you can admit it and know how to turn it around!I'll look for a Carmax, doing a lot of online shopping.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    I loved American Sniper.  Had some popcorn too just a little tho, then gf and went for cocktails.  I was sober enuf to drive dh home so was a good day.

    Dara - glad to hear about the arm, jes watch yeself on picking up da pooches.  You dad is falling too much, I hope you can find help for him soon.  Glad to hear mom is doing ok.  Don’t miss that appt on Monday, glad you have backup reminders set.  LOL on Bella not liking to go out when it’s wet.  My Baxter hates it too, the little wuss!

    Lowee - yeah it’s low potassium that causes problems.  Mayb too much does too but my case it’s low.  I scratch myself raw in some places, then it bleeds.  I lather the hydrocortisone and still itch.  Might try Mary’s concoction.  Did I already ask you if you are going to apply for an mj license?

    Cami - wow you skeering me about the potassium, glad I’m on a pill for it and hope it works soon.  Not due for blood work til end of the month.  LOL about the kidney stone but not funny about him hunting for work, never easy and like u say, especially after 50 yoa. 

    Mary - adorable pic of Nora, what a cootiepatootie!!  Love the wine jokes.  The baking soda paste sounds interesting.  I was bawling at the end of Amer Sniper, ur right, very intense.

    NM - u r right about the cars not being in stock when u get there, pisses me big time.  My dh won’t even talk to em, we jest leave.  It’s stressful for me but dh seems to handle them well.  Had to chuckle about Sadie and her frolicking in snow and mud, but has to b a pain washing those towels all the time.  But a doggie has to be a doggie that’s all there is to it.

    Aly - glad you pooped in, you’re sounding good.

    Nancy - I forget what TBI means??  You are entitled to a ‘woe’ day, like NM sed we all do, jes stick with the Jack/Coke and you’ll be OK.

    Gonna spend the day with DH, hoping we’ll get the bed sheets changed out today.  Mattress too heavy for me to lift…hate relying on peeps to help but kno I gotta.

    lubslubslubslubslubs all my goils, have a wonderful Fun Sunday!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015
  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Hi Memaw! TBI means traumatic brain injury. I got that when the drunk driver rear ended me in my accident two years ago and that's why I have seizures. My DH and DD and I took Jackson to the park today. It's a little chilly but nice.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Hi girls,

    Happy Sunday. So nice to see so many posting here. I have been too lazy to post much.

    I went out to lunch with a "friend". I went to school with this girl but got closer to her as her mother was at the same home where my Mom used to be. All she did is talk about her mother and the patients at the home for two hours, I could not get a word in. I was dying to get out of there. As I smiled and nodded my head, I was saying to my damn self, God get me out of here lol.

    Nancy, saying prayers for you to feel better and may the seizures stop.

    Lori, my appointment is 1:30 tomorrow. I am still skeered that I will forget. There is something about going to an oncologist that I do not like. Girl, I am praying for you too, hate that you are going through all the se's from the FU pills. Sorry to complain about my visits to the onc, I really do not have to go often, every six months. I wish you and the other girls (namely Sue and Cam) did not have to go so much. I usually refer to it as "the aquarium" since they have a nice fish tank. I portend I am at the aquarium as being at an oncologist office bothers me. Seeing so many very sick people there makes me feel so bad. I never feel like I belong there. I know I am blessed with an awesome prognosis.

    Sue, sounds like a great time. I want to see that movie but will probably see it once it comes to regular television. I do not have the patience to sit through a movie. Hope you got the sheets done. I know how it feels asking for help, that is a job that I still have hard time doing myself. People do not realize how hard it is to just lift the corner of a mattress.

    NM, sorry about the old bait n switch. Sure hope you find something you like soonliest.

    Cam, saying prayers for your SIL, hope he finds suitable employment soon. Are you still dwinking outta de brown bag> lmao, you crack me up always! I hope you are feeling well.

    Mary, you sound great. I am so relieved that your surgery went so well. So many of us have had issues with the exchange. Please be careful not to overdo things. Nora is adorable, she is starting to look like a little lady instead of a baby. I just love her hair, it is getting long. I have a friend, or should I say an acquaintance who has a three year old with the most long and beautiful hair. What kills me is that this girl styles her hair and makes her look like an adult, I hate it. She has the side part and I am guessing she blow dries the kids hair. I can see doing it just to see what it will look like but keeping it like that everyday bothers me. Am I alone in thinking that a three year old should keep her naturally curly hair curly?? This is my rant de jour. lol. Awesome that you are going to Myrtle Beach. Tell me where you are staying, I am probably familiar with it. My parents lived there for over 35 years. I miss it soooo much. Can I please tag along?

    Hi Alyson, good to see you, stop by more often, love to partay with ya!

    Hello to Lara, Julie, Lynne and whomever else mese missed. Free money for a year if I missed someone, I always do and I am sorry.

    I just posted a pic to facebook of baby Logan and put the caption "Logan at three months". To my chagrin, just realized that he is four months old so had to edit the pic. For those of you not on fb, here is the pic. He is just so cute. I would do anything to hold him before he is an adult lol. But really.


    and another that I did not post, he looks so cute sleeping. But his mouth and chin look like like the SD's. Of course Logan wears it better than the SD! I just love his widdle face. I still have not seen him but at least got two pics of him this week. Baby steps, more of them.


    Love you all very much.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Hi ladies

    Oh Nancy I forgot too what TBI is, but so sorry for these awful seizures---can't u call the drs. office and tell them u need to get in earlier, cuz u are having trouble, maybe more mg's of u'r meds will help. And hell if we didn't feel bad some days we would be robots and most of us are not. I just pray all u'r dreams of what u want to do all come true. And u do need to see Jackson, that would be fun and relaxing just enjoying him.

    Lori u should really try all these old time things, it won't hurt anything, and it might just work wonders, I forgot about this stuff, I have to put my thinking beanie on (yes with the propeller) there must be so much more things we could do that we forgot. I'm glad Tammy stayed overnite, but I can understand about her furbaby.

    NM SNOW--OMG ours is all melted and u'r still getting it. Jeez -I think car-max is a great idea altho I don't blame u for going out shopping for car--that's a biggy.

    Aly it's so nice to see u, glad u had some imbibing to help u thru last evening.LOL

    Mary Nora is so cute, I love her hair and eyes too. and Yes she is getting big, wow how they grow.

    Joey had a mock trial t school the other day and yes I coached him, He was the defense attorney--but he told me he was only 10 and he wasn't going to use the phrase (Side bar) or sanctioned hahaha I get carried away and he won, so got the poor fellow off. It wa for murder yet--5th grade--that surprised me. The teacher was the judge and he had to wear a suit--WTF -I didn't go and again he comes in my room closes the door and said why weren't u there I know it for a strange reason--Whoa--I told him the truth since my teeth look like I belong on Honey BooBoo's show I thought it might be embarrassing for him,' he started to cry--and said u can never embarrass me I look at u and all I see is a beautiful woman that I love so much. Now I guess he should get glasses but I thought maybe the kids would tease him-But the court was supposed to stsrt at 2:30 and they started way earlier so a lot of parents missed most of it Not happy people--so my kids didn't video it.

    Marty is still looking and going every day, he was ready to get a job cleaning up after furabies and taking care of them--well he does love hem_ but didn't even get that He said now I'm not good enuff to even clean up chit. Poor guy this is very hard for him, but he's still acting wonderful to all of us.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Hi Nancy, sorry I bumped ya but I bumped ya right into the warm pool. I will join you. I could use a little pampering myself. Ah, the water is beautiful!! lol. I hope Jackson had a nice time at the park. Yikes on the TBI, I am so sorry you have to deal with this. It is so unfair. The biotch that did this to you should have to pay with her life. She is probably still driving drunk and getting away with it. Do you know her name? I would look her up on to see if she has a criminal record yet. She certainly should. I hope somehow, someway, you were compensated for having your life changed forever due to her stupidity. I would love to make a vodoo doll of her and everything time you hurt, hurt her back. Probably not the way you roll but I can't help but want justice. Sending you more hugs ((((Nancy))))

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015


    How about a little static electricity!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Her mom did this one day, doesn't matter... no hairdo last more than 5 minutes, soon as she figures out there is something there, she reaches up and rips it out. Drives me and her mom crazy so we try to quickly take a pic. I agree with your rant Dara, kids should look like kids. And 40 year olds should never have pigtails!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    oh ma gosh Mary, love these pics of Nora. She has the most beautiful eyes and complexion too. Her hair looks beautiful in that braid. It is a shame she tears it a part. That should change in a few years or sooner. She will learn to love to look pretty and will proudly rock the hair do's you and her Momma give her. I am glad you agree with me. I am tempted to post pics of the little girl I am referring to but worry I would somehow get caught. It is bad enough that I steal my avatar pic (just kidding about that wink wink).

    Camille, I am so sorry for your son in law. He will find something, trust in God, it will happen. He is trying so hard, he will land something good. lol about him trying for the poopy job. It shows his willingness to work, that is foah shoah.

    NM, I do not like the idea of you looking for a car on Craig's list. There was a story a few months back about a couple looking for their "dream car", I believe it was a vintage Mustang. The couple found one, took off for a long ride to pick up the car then disappeared. They were found dead, the killer was caught quickly. They say to never go anywhere to make a purchase without someone with you. These people were elderly. IF you do it, be sure to take someone with you. I will try to find a link to the story.

    I hope you are all having a good night.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    I found the link. Not to scare you but please Kim, be careful.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    OMG Mary Nora is a doll!! She is just too cute!! They do get big so fast. Jackson just turned 3 and it seems just like yesterday that he was born. He talks so much now and his words are getting clearer and clearer. And Samarah I wasnt around when she was born but oh my does she have sass and she comes up with the funniest things. There is nothing better then being a Nana for sure.

    Dara Logan is just adorable and I just know he will be in your arms one day soon. I was compensated some but not near what I should have been. She didnt have the assets to go after supposedly. This is why I am having trouble forgiving. Not that I want more money that wouldnt even matter. Its the fact that she took so much from me. My job, my career, my driving, my boating, (not unless someone is with me) swimming, etc I have to deal with this for the rest of my life and all she got was 24 hrs in jail, community service,charged with a felony DUI with personal injury,and her ins paid me some money. Her blood alcohol level was 2.0 the police report said she hit me going 40 .

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Here is some fun I had with a new Disney App called Disney Side. Pretty funny



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Oh those pics are so strange, kind of creepy LOL but glad u'r having fun. U can never get paid enough for all she put u thru and I can't believe that's all she got with the courts--I'm sure u waited a long time too for all this to go thru--How awful.

    Dara I think u should learn how to express u'rself so we know exactly what u mean, u'r so vague.

    Mary right when Nora gets older her hair will be her pride, right now she could care less electricity or not.

    OK just pooped in for a minute.

    Sleep well

    Oh BTW Lori I still LOL whenever u say Wacko everytime.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    awe, thanks Nancy for the reassuring words. I already feel that I have missed so much of Logan's life. I will try to look forward to when he starts walking then talking. There is nothing sweeter (to me) then when a child starts putting words together and making sentences. You are indeed blessed to witness your Jackson starting to do this. LMAO at your pics, glad you found something to cheer you up. Sorry that the biotch that caused this did not do time in jail. That is just wrong.

    Sweet dreams goils! I go sleep now.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Snowy, still, gonna take the alternative route to work this morning.Was a total couch potato, well, the recliner version, anyway.Today it's back to getting up in the dark and earning money.

    Mema--It is annoying to have to wash her towels a lot during mud season, but less of a pain than cleaning mud off the furniture and bed!Actually, she's very good about going to her crate until she dries off, then coming out and asking me to clean off the dirt.I wish I could do the whole car buying thing online, without dealing with a pushy salesperson.Maybe someday.

    Genny--my old a$ knows better, but the rest of me doesn't care!

    Dara--sounds like you had a long, difficult lunch with the "friend".Amazing how long one can smile and nod and be thinking of something else entirely!Hope springs eternal, I've got my eye on a couple of SUVs on a local lot.Great pics of the baby boy!Like you say, baby steps.

    Cammy--I did look up Car Max, the closest one is in Mass.Too far away to be bothered with this time around.Maybe next time, though.Sounds like quite the mock trial Joey's class had--I remember doing those in high school during Civics classes, it was a lot of fun.Sorry so many parents missed out 'cuz it started early, but what can you do?And Joes upset you weren't there, he is such a soft hearted little guy!Praying for Marty's job situation.So hard for him, I am sure.

    Genny--she makes static look cute!And the braid is adorable, but I bet it didn't last long.Soon enough she'll be obsessed with hair and clothes and boys!

    Dara-- I did look at Craig's List, nothing advertised I was interested in, and believe me, I would have been VERY careful.I would have rented one of my friends' husbands to go with me if I went through anything like Craig's List or a private classified ad of any kind.Or take my Mom and her BF, both of whom have concealed carry permits, and both of whom are usually armed, and would be for an outing like that.And you are not scaring me, but reminding me, and as a single lady such reminders are a good thing.

    Collett--Those are very cool pics!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Trial of the Century

    1/2 oz Goldschlager

    1/2 oz Jagermeister

    1/4 oz Grenadine

    Best served in a Shot Glass.


    Layer in a shot glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    Hi Alyson, good to see you stop by, I hope for a drink!

    Nancy, I had to look up TBI (tramatic brain injury). Sometimes I can figure them out, but not always. Glad that seeing Jackson helps you, as well as a little prayer!

    NM, I can't even imagine the mud on Sadie, especially if she is digging and rolling in it! OH MY, what a mess. Bummer on no luck for the ride, hopefully one comes along soon.

    LDB, you did NOT ask me about da Willie license. As for now I am not applying, but not to say it is not in the future. We saw American Sniper when it first came out, so sad, but a good movie.

    Wacko, I too am glad that going to the onc's office is just a pain the butt for you. Does he do any testing? Blood work or scans? And YES, mattresses are HEAVY, especially a king bed! My grand daughter had beautiful long wavy blonde hair. Parents never brushed it, or wanted to keep up with her complaining about keeping it brushed, so they cut it shoulder length. I was hoping you got to see the baby, and not just a pic that was sent to you, darn it. Do you know anything about what is going on? Are you talking to your DD?

    Cami, Joey is just so sweet and such a little man. And he meant every word he said to you. Just love him so much. And I am so sorry about Marty, gosh that must just be tearing him up. Praying he finds something soon. As for my itching, I can get help for that, I have stuff that works, it just isn't getting any better.

    Loving the Nora pics Mary. As for pig tails or even pony tails, I never did that to my hair. How are you feeling and are you taking it easy?

    OMG Wacko, you will have NM skeered to death to go look for a car!!!

    Your Disney pics are awesome Nancy, but a tad creepy too, like Cami says! But still fun.

    Got my onions planted yesterday. Was gorgeous out and the hardest part for me is to not be in the sun. It was almost 75 out and I have to be all bundled up. Hello??? I live in ARIZONA? How do you stay out of the sun??? Had me a few beers yesterday and I think combined wif me FU pills, made me sooper tired. Went to be before 5 I think! Have to go for labs in the morning. Local but still a 2 hour round trip drive, and then the onc on Thursday.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Hi girls,

    Happy Monday. I have not forgotten my onc appointment for a change. I would like to though.

    Lori, I only get blood work done which was drawn two weeks ago. The onc examines me, checks my foobs and my nodes. It really is not a big deal. I was not trying to skeer NM. I was heartbroken when I heard that story about the couple that was murdered buying a car on Craig's list. I remember first hearing the story then a few days later googled to find out if the couple was found. The killer was stupid, he wanted to rob them for the money they expected to pay for their dream mustang. He used his cell phone to communicate with the couple and they tracked him down by the phone. Can't you just slather sun block all over your skin in stead of covering up?

    NM, I wish you all the best in finding a perfect car. Glad you have a few in mind. It is a pain buying a car though a used car dealer but it does save you a boat load of money going used. I am sorry that I bought my last car, my old car was still in good shape. I ended up at the dealer after my car would not start coming home from Atlantic City. I was very hung over. I learned mese lesson, stay away from car dealers whilst hung over. lol. I hope you have an easy enough day at work today, I feel for you getting up so early. But you have a very important job to do.

    Cam, I had tears in my eyes reading what Joey said to you. He is an old soul in a little boy's body. Such a big heart on that child. Most children that age are not capable of such unconditional love. Give him a kiss from me. I am still praying that Marty finds suitable employment very soon. God will take care of him and Les and Joey too. Tell him to have faith. Heck, if needed, we can all send money! I know I would.

    Well I have to eat my lunch then get a shower so that I do not stink out my onc with my body odor. My arm pits will stink anyway, I am one smelly girl. I take alcohol wipes with me and wipe em down before he comes in the room. I can't help it, I sweat very badly. I tink I must wash my pits six times a day at least. TMI? lol. Love you girls, have a great day!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Good Morning Ladies

    NM I can't believe u still have snow, just take it easy and it's not easy finding a car when u have to. It's not like u were planning and then it's easier actually.

    Lori it's onion field time for u---lots of work as far as I'm concerned, but u know exactly when and what to do. That itchy stuff is so aggravating, I hope it gets under control. When are u leaving, I know it soon. But chit u have to go so far for u'r Dr. I feel guilty I go about 6 blocks and I still complain.

    Dara I did hear that on the news about the elderly couple, I watch every kind of true and fiction about these things, it sounds sick, but I feel like there is so much evil on this earth and I don't understand why and I get all involved.

    Segway into my nite--I had 3 phone calls aft 1:30 AM and at first it was static, then a far away voice whispering help me--then a lady came on talking in Spanish and said she didn't speak English--I used the best Spanish I had--Well I might have been saying do u have carrots in u'r house, but I tried. I asked her if she needed help?I would call 911 or why didn't she actually, but she said no and started talking and I asked her if this was about a furnace--but then again I could have been saying the dogs are barking. Well these calls came every so often til almost 3am--I really didn't think anyone was in danger jus stupid of course I had to have some cheesecake then and fell asleep. Ruined my whole nite sleep and I'm sre nothing was wrong or I never would have ignored this, but it was chilling listening to some f the phone calls.

    So that was my beginning of Monday.