how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2015

    good afternoon all, one daay off before going to work again

    lori-you know the travel clothes with the spf built in would that help?

    cammi- i to had tears in my eyes,joey is one special kid.lots of prayers for marty to get the perfect job

    nm-i bought my car from enterprise, it was a former rental but it was fixed price and i did most of it over the intenet, like you hate dealerships

    nancy-do they check your blood levels for the seizure meds? wonder if you have had a manufacturer change on your meds because sometimes that can effect absorbtion because of the difference in inert ingredients.some people are very sensitive to the slightest change in the ingrdients, its disney of course i like your pics

    mary-nora is growing up looks like a toddler now not a baby, enjoy your vacation

    dara- heres hoping you get to hold the baby soon

    sue-hey roomie

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Afternoon everybody!

    Julie- No they have not checked my blood levels or an EEG or anything else for the last 2 years. I called the neurologist this am and am waiting for a call back from them. My mom and I went to the Cancer Center today and did some chair Zumba and I am telling you what it wore us out! Easy chair nothing! It was fun though. We also were working a big mosaic piece that they are doing that is going to a Cancer center over in Isreal. I will try to take a picture of it on Thursday when we go again.

    Lori - would the high spf lotions help you any? I Arizona it's so beautiful. I want to go back and show my husband Sedona that was my favorite place when I went to see my cousin last year. We might plant a garden this year too. I am not sure yet but we like cucumbers and squash. The only thing is we have weeds really bad and I need to find a way to keep them under control especally since its hard for me to weed them right now.

    Cami - I am sorry you had trouble with your phone calls so late at night and didnt get much sleep.

    Dara - I tell my kids all the time to stay off of Craigs list because of all the wierd creepy people on there. I just dont trust it. I saw that movie about the Craigs List murders and that was it for me. Hope your appointment goes ok

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    HI girls,

    Checking in to share my great news. I got the NED report today. And also great is that I will be stopping the arimidex as of Labor Day. I was on tamoxifen for three years and will have been on arimidex for two years. I am so excited, can't wait to get rid of the crippling feelings in my fingers and the achey bottoms of mese feet!

    I gonna sailabrate from now until forever!

    Nancy, glad you had a nice relaxing day. I sure hope that your neurologist can help you with your issues. I am still praying for you girl, take it easy.

    Cam, sorry you had a rough night, that is crazy!

    Love you girls, thanks for letting me share mese wonderfoill news!


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015


    Yay Dara Congratulations I am having a Jack and Coke to celebrate wif ya!!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015


    These are some of the mosiacs that are already up in the Cancer Center and in the Hospital on the Cancer floor that some of the patients have done. This is kinda like what my mom and I are doing for the one that is going to Isreal


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Thanks Nancy, jest made one my damn self! The mosiacs are beautiful!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Thanks Dara Im a gonna have me anoder one. And they are pretty arnt they. They are fun to make too. Hope you all are enjoying the weather today. Or at least I hope your having good weather. Its sunny and 70 here today.

    The DQ here is givning away free small ice cream cones. We were going to go get one until we saw the freeking line that was way down and around the corner almost to the street. Nope not waiting in that just for ice cream.

    Watching the Green Mile with my honey. That is such a good movie. Tom Hanks is such a good actor. I love just about anything he does

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Nancy, I jest feel asleep on my third dwink, no kidding. I was drinking, next ting I know my head is down on my table. oops. I tink I had a rough night last night due to worry about my onc visit. And I forgot to mention that I will graduate to annual visits in September. I loved the green mile, a very intense movie and very good acting, oh yeah!

    chEErs all!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Ugh to getting up in the dark, again.I know, I sound like a broken records.Did you known there is a whole generation of kids growing up that don't know what that phrase means?

    I am now the owner of a 2011 Jeep Compass and a new car loan.I do feel better having my own vehicle, and a bit bigger one than the rental I was driving ( and did not like but was very grateful to have).It's been a while since I drove a stick shift, but I'm doing well, only stalled it out twice on the way home.Learning to back it up will be an experience, the Jeep is bigger than the PT Cruiser.But I will adapt!Now to see how fast I can get this puppy paid off and get back to work on getting out of debt.

    Goldie--yup, Sadie can carry a LOT of mud, good thing she doesn't mind baths and getting vacuumed off at times.Wacko didn't scare me out of getting a car, just reinforced my decision to go back to the dealership I have used before.

    Dara-- I had a bit of a light day for a Monday, and had time to hit the local dealership I've used before, find out the cars I was looking at weren't inspectable, gave in and looked at a higher price range and found a good used Jeep.50,000 miles,so still has some of the original warrantee.Not a whole lot of bells and whistles, but drives good and I feel more protected in it than I did in the rental.Yes, I know that's all in my head, but if my head can make my gut feel safer I'll take it!

    Cammy--yup, still have snow and more coming today.I don't think I'll see grass here until July!What odd phone calls to get in the middle of the night! I'd probably die of curiosity trying to figure out what the lady wanted.What a way to start a Monday!

    Julie--I never thought of checking the rental companies in the area!Oh well, maybe next time.

    Collett--I have a big weed issue here, too, so this year I am starting the change over to raised garden beds.Basically it's justa box withouta bottom put on the ground and filled with soil.You put cardboard down on the ground to kill the weeds and grass (it will decompose).Or newspaper.I've had good luck in the past with planting seedlings and then putting newspaper downwith a nice thick layer of mulch on top.If you use newspaper you have to make sure the ink is safe and you have to use extra water to be sure to saturate the newspaper and let the water get through to the roots.Some people shred the newspaper so they don't need to use as much water.I was too lazy to shred it!Kept the weeds at bay for a couple of years before it broke up completely.

    Dara--HOORAY FOR NED!!!!!!!

    Collett--what wonderful mosaics!Those are beautiful!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:


    1 1/2 oz Gin

    3/4 oz Vermouth

    2 cocktail Onion

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.


    Stir gin and vermouth over ice cubes in a mixing glass. Strain into a cocktail glass. Add the cocktail onions and serve.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Good morning girls, have a happy St Paddy's Day! Taking my car for a 100,000 tune-up and waiting whilst they do it so I'm taking my puter and catching up there. See ya'll later!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    Popping in real quick, as I have to leave to go and get my labs drawn. But have to have some JD and Coke in Wacko's honor in dancing with NED!!!! Wooo hoooo.............I will have lots of drinks foy today!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2015

    Morning DahhhLinks!

    NM - good for you for finding a Jeep, 50k miles ain't nuttin for the jeep.  Made well and last long long time, congrats!

    Dara - Congrats...doing the happy dance for NED...wooohooo!!!

    Gotta get outta here within the hour....It Happy St Pat's day and for the 1st time I am walking in it.  The ol pub crawl.  Expecting 120 peeps this year...should b fun.  Just hopin I can walk the whole thing, but there are 'rides' that will pick me up ifin I can't.  Everyone meeting at 8:30...gotta git the ewwa going. 

    Julie - Hi Matey!

    To the rest of you, have a wonderful day...will be back later ifin I'm not tooo dwunk.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2015

    OHHH, forgot to tail u all, got a letter yest in mail from GI doc....polyp was benign woohoo!!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Good morning again girls. I'm sitting here at the dealership, they said 1 1/2 -2 hours so I have lots of time to ketchup. Got my corned beef and cabbage cooking in the crockpot and MIL has other plans so we don't even have to have her over for dinner!

    NM... woohoo!! Congrats on the new car, I always loved driving a stick and hated when I finally had to give it up. Except in stop and go traffic jambs, then they are a real pain in the butt. So happy you got that chit over with, now you can relax a bit. I drove a jeep Cherokee for quite a few cars, I liked it. Has Sadie gotten a ride in it yet to give the final approval? When Emma rides she always has 1 paw up by her chin out the window. We call it the stabilizer paw. Sorry you're still getting snow, yuck. But we just have mud, mud, mud..yuck to that too.

    Nancy, good advice from Julie, maybe a filler in a med is causing problems, worth checking out. I once had a schnoodle dog and when he was about 7 he had this explosive grand mal seizure that came outta nowhere. Then the next day another one. So I was talking about it at work and someone asked me if I had given him any Beggin' Strips. And it just so happened that I had a coupon and had bought them for the first time. So this person told me that their vet said some dogs are sensitive to the dyes in food and Beggin' Strips had a lot. So I threw em out and only fed him organic after that and he never had another seizure, lived to be 16. I know I'm talking about a dog but ya never know what could aggravate stuff like that, especially with neuro chit. I think Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep are the best actors of our generation. They both can do anything and in any accent. The mosaic sounds nice and Jack and coke too.

    Dara,, the pics of little Joseph are so adorable! Oh what a cutie, I sure do hope you get to hold him sometime soon. If you got permission from your DD would you be allowed to go to the foster mom's house on your own and see him? Has she told you anything about what's going on with the custody stuff? Sure hope you figure out something with your dad, do you think assisted living is in his near future? Yay to NED!!! What great news, and to going off the AI's, and annual visits. What great news!!!

    Lori, Those ultra light UV clothes are nice, with my vitiligo I have to stay pretty covered up so I slather on the sunscreen and then the light clothing. Kind of a pain but beats looking like a calico cat for me. I only tan in splotches here and there. Hope you have a nice trip and I hope it's not too exhausting for you. 75 degrees sounds like a fantasy, we got up to 6o yesterday but cold front moved in, now it's gonna stay in the 40's for awhile. What month do you take your home to Michigan trip, do you know yet? I want to get together for sure when you do.

    Julie, Nora is turning into a toddler so fast, it's amazing how quickly they change. Enjoy your last day off, hopefully it won't be so crazy when you go back, full moon is gone.

    Cami, so strange about the calls, your descriptions of what you may have been saying, Ha, you crack me up! So sweet about Joey saying you will always be beautiful in his eyes. That boy... what a sweetheart he is, I hope to get your way one day and meet you both. I like the same kind of shows that you do, I watch all that cray cray crime stuff, all those crazy minds make me feel so normal I guess.

    Hi Lori, hope the itching is settling down. Is your hair still growing?

    OK, girls, I have to tell ya about my latest bunch of bullchit. I had my surgery Friday, feeling great, on cloud nine. So I call about the $1250 bill that was supposedly an improper code. Well the financial lady at UH called me and says that Medical Mutual listed it as an experimental or investigational procedure. The procedure was done during radiation and it's called intrafractional traction motion and is $250 a pop... but wait, there's more...... I didn't have it 5 times, I had it 31 times!!! So 1 for each rads tx. OK, so then I called MedMut and spent an hour on the phone and he tells me that all of October at this point has been denied to the tune of $45,000! I said, why am I just hearing about this and he said they are waiting for UH to appeal. He said all the other bills were denied, then UH appealed them and then Med Mut approved them but they have not filed the appeal for October!!! WTF?? So why don't they just approve it the first time, what a friggin' racket! So, I know it's all gonna be fine but my DH gets so freaked out. Anyway, I was on the phone all afternoon yesterday getting passed around at who to talk to. Then just a few minutes ago a lady from Seidman Cancer Center billing called and said she is on it and will be getting my Rads Onc to write the proper letters to file the appeals and that I don't need to do anything right now. Grrrrrr... this chit just pisses me off, we pay $1050/ month health insurance then have to play these games. OK, rant over...anyway, it was our anniversary yesterday, 13 years. I gave my DH a gift card for a 90 minute massage and made a nice dinner. He gave me a necklace and earrings. So, hope you all have a great day, love to all!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Image result for happy dancing For Dara---Happy dance with NED

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Image result for st. patricks day Our Downtown water on St. Patrick's Day--Crazy Chicago

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Image result for happy anniversaryA little late, but it's here.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Good Morning (I think( Ladies

    Well another few phone calls last nite, Leslie gets all upset like we're being spooked--I just get upset cuz they wake me up--but I do know lots of swear words in most languages so I used them last nite--so now we'll see.

    OK NM we have a Jeep and I love it, it's a little high which I like but really rides well.-I used to love to drive stick, just can't do it anymore. So Good Luck with u'r new car and it's good on snow too.

    OK Lori is gone and I hope she got to read some ways to take care of herself.

    SusyQ Yahoo for B9--good word to hear. And u'r on the go again. Good dor u.

    Mary what is going on with u'r ins.--U shouldn't have to go thru all this what a dirty shame that they can do this to anyone. I'm sure it will be settled for u, but in the meantime u have to deal with this chit. U sound like u had a super anniversary, which u deserve and I'm happy bout that.

    Dara I'm sorry I didn't join u in u'r signature drink but I drank to u this morning, with my brandy I my coffee, I notice I'm drinking more coffee than usual, I wonder why.

    Julie u'r so sweet, I can never say that enough.

    Nancy u sound like u've been busy, didn't know anything about all the fillers in meds reacting differently for different people, now u have to be u'r own detective and try to figure these things out.

    I love to have all this crap thown on us to answer for---I have a load of paperwork to fill out cuz I take Xanax, I've taken this damn pill since it came out and before anyone knew what was wrong with me I took tranquilizers--I was in my 20's when they told me I had nervous things happening--No Name LOL-I'm almost 70 and now they want to know about this chit, I understand they can be overused, but I never do or ever had, just thankful for them-since before I take it I feel like a locomotive is going thru my body and going to my head and it feels like it's going to explode-that's the only way I can describe it LOL

    OK I'll check back later--LUBS U ALL 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Hi Goils!

    Happy St Patty's day to all my Irish sisters...we are all Irish today :-)

    Cam, thanks for dwinking for me this morning, I am proud of you. Are these calls coming into the home phone or the business phone? I was under the impression it was the business phone. Weird and creepy foah sure. I have seen picturs of the river there in Chicago painted green on the news, I think that is really cool. Thanks for the NED happy dance.

    Mary, Happy belated Anniversary, sorry mese forgot to give you my wishes. Sounds like it was a nice sailabration. Tell me more about your jewelry gifts! I love getting jewelry. My ex's still give me Christmas presents lol. That is why I keep them around. HAHA. I really hope you get to meet Lori when she goes home. You will jest love her. Sorry about that BS with the medical bills, I would be ascreaming at someone no doubt. I hope you get it straightened out.

    NM, yippee, a new Jeep. I always liked Jeeps, they are cool vehicles. I wish you many many happy miles in the new vehicle. Sorry you had to finance but I think you did the right thing. It is great that it has some manufacturer warranty left on it. What color is it? I looked it up and it is a sharp looking vehicle. Glad you had a pretty easy day at work yesterday, hope today goes smooth as well. And I wanna know too if Sadie approves of the new wheels!

    Nancy, hope you are having a good day. I failed to answer your question on our weather. We had two beautiful days, in the low sixties. But a cold front is coming in today with lots of wind and a chance of showers. Better than snow, dat be true! I hope that your doctor can adjust your seizure medicine and send those darn seizures to the swamp. Still praying for ya.

    Lori, I miss when you are not here. GLad you at least got a chance to show your face today. Good luck with your appointments, hoping you get good news on the labs and TM's are lower than before.

    Sue, great news on the hiney scope, I was waiting for that update myself. I have in my tings to do a note to schedule a hiney scope for myself. I am very late, I had my last one in approx 2008. I got a certified letter in the mail a few days ago telling me to get my ass there. I also had some pollyps so should take care of that. I am just waiting until Friday to find out when I return to work. Enjoy the pub crawl, I know you will. And I suspect that you will be jest a tad bit dwink hehe!

    Julie, hope things are running smooth at work. When is your next Disney trip? And your trip abroad is not too far away either wooo hooo for you.

    I am taking an overnight trip to Atlantic City on Thursday night with Steve. We are going to see the Egar Winter band. I am not a big fan but do like some of his music. My sister will be covering my Dad for me. It will be nice to get away. We are working on getting my Dad into some type of day program where a bus will take him to a senior center that is staffed with nurses each day. They have bus transportation. It is just a matter of figuring out the finances. My Dad has told me that he would rather die than go into assisted living.

    Not much news from my daughter. I know she has court on April 6th or 7th for baby David (or Joseph as Mary calls him lol). I have had very little contact from Jennika. She did text me last week with the two pics of the baby. He is getting so big. I can't express the pain of not seeing him. I am not allowed to visit him unless Jennika gives me permission to go with her. They do not visit at the foster parents home, the foster parent brings baby to the DYFS facility. That makes sense as the foster parents have to remain anonymous.

    That's it from here in windy Kansas. Wishing you all well. And a big hello to anyone I missed.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015


    Here is what NM's car should look like. Just not sure of the color, can't wait to hear more. I can picture Silly Sadie in the passenger seat!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    PS I am going to Mary's house for dinner. I miss the days when my Mom made ham and cabbage for St. Patty's Day.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Afternoon everybody! It is frickin cold out! The sun is out but what happened to the warm weather? It left!

    Dara - Would your dad consider a Retirement community? That is what we did with my grandpa before he passed away. He really liked it there. He didnt want to go to a assisted living area either but he did go to a Reitirement community. They are different then assistent living and a lot nicer too. They have nursing available if he would need it. Well some of them do you have to look into it. The one my grandpa was at did. Just a thought. Ok, Im confused, do you live in Jersey or Kansas? Lol

    Memaw have fun tonight at your pub craw and yippie for your hiney report!! I have to have my hiney scope this summer or fall as I turn 50 this August. My PCP keeps reminding me.

    Cami - They always say you have to be your own advicate. I just never thought about my meds maybe causing more problems. I have a call into my doc. I still havent heard back so I am calling back again. I wonder if you late night caller got the message when you used your sware words. If they call tonight maybe you should do some deep breathing. lol.

    Gotta go to support group be back lata

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Nancy, we can't afford to put Dad into a retirement community. It is very pricey and he does not have insurance that would cover that. I wish that was an option for him. Have a nice therapy session.

    And I live in Kansas (not really, that is part of my cover lol). I saw on facebook that you called me Dara, made me laugh.

    I hope you are all having a pleasant evening. It is windy as hell here. I was outside and poor Lucy got scared of the wind. She is so tiny, I think she fears getting blown to Kansas ;) The temps are dropping rapidly here, dropped ten degrees in the last hour. Stay warm girls and here me now mother nature, NO MORE SNOW please!

    more chEErs!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Dara my heart breaks for u and u'r baby. U know I understand it, but I kind of don't. Praying all goes well in court for u'r DD then things might start getting back to a normal situation  cux Grandmas are the bestest babysitters and everyone needs that. Great for u going away Thursday and have some fun and something else I'm sure.==Wacko--see it just doesn't work when I do it--Lori always cracks me up.

    NM whatever color u have that is once good looking car and I think Sadie will love it.

    I had 1/2 of a beer this afternoon and now I'm sick to my stomach, better just stick with my brandy.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    awe, Cammy, sorry your tummy is sick. I guess it is best to keep with the brandy as you know your body tolerates it well.

    so of all the good news I had from my onc visit, I also had a widdle bad news and that is my weight. I am nearly up to my pregnancy weight. I thought it would be good if we do some yoga in de lounge on dis St. Patty's Day hehe!


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Dara I know Im a dork lol. Thats what my sister always says. Well we will just have to keep thinking of something that will help you and your dad. I know how hard it is. When my dad was alive we were struggling to figure out what we were going to do with my mom and dad too. My dad unfortunately has passed on, my mom however is still here and can live on her own but she has to be close due to she is so forgetful.

    NM my son loves Jeeps. He swares they are the best cars ever! I think you will like it. I am glad your found something that you like though.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    awe. Nancy, dork or not, I love you. I am a DorK too. That was my first screen name here. The DOR for the first three letters of my first name and a capital K for my last name! We have that special dorkery connection! Thank you and Cam too for your kind thoughts. It was hell getting my Mom placed. My Dad took care of her waaaay too long. And when he broke his hip, he was still caring for my Mom and refused to go to rehab. I hope that when the time comes, you can find suitable living arrangements for your Mom.

    whose partaying? It St ~hiccup~~ Patty's ~ burp ~ dey!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!61 hours till spring.Winter weather advisory and wind chill warnings up until this pm.3 inches of snow overnight.Wind has just been howling all night long.I mean, really!

    Genny--Love the 4 leaf clover!

    Goldie--Good luck with the lab work!

    Mema--the more I drive the Jeep the more I like it, I've got to admit.I'm not looking forward to the first time I have to stop on a hill in traffic, but what's the worst that can happen, I'll make a fool of myself and give someone a good laugh, right?The Jeep feels really solid. How'd you do on the walk?Bet it was fun! HOORAY FOR B9 POLYP!

    Genny--great crock pot meal, and even better the MIL has other plans!Sadie hasn't gone for a ride yet, Got to do that soon.I'm pretty sure she'll approve, lots of backseat room for her.Happy Anniversary to you and DH!What a pain in the anatomy about the billing thing, and so much work to do just to get what you've already paid for.There should be a law against that kind of run around and crapola.

    Cammy--love the green river--what do they use to dye it?More middle of the night phone calls?What a nuisance.One of the things I like about the Jeep is being up high enough to see over snowbanks and such.Don't you just love the weird paperwork that comes out of nowhere?

    Dara--the Jeep is white, black interior.That will change as soon as Sadie gets into, she's started her spring shed.So there is hope for spring after all!I'll get some pics of the Jeep soon and post them.

    Collett--call your pharmacy, too, and ask If they changed manufacturers for any of your pills recently.They don't always tell us, and so many pills look alike nowadays it can be really hard to tell if there is a change.

    Dara--Luv the Irish yoga!A little weight gain doesn't sound like such a horrible thing, but then, what do I know, I've been fat all my life!I celebrate losing a single pound!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    St. Patrick's Day After

    3/4 oz Creme de Menthe

    3/4 oz Irish Whiskey

    3/4 oz Green Chartreuse

    1 dash Bitters

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.


    Stir all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    Cami, EVERYTHING is far for us. I went for labs yesterday, 2 hours round trip, tomorrow is visit with onc, mammo and US, 8 hour round trip. And why in the hell are you answering the phone at those ungodly hours woman?

    Julie, my husband has one of those shirts with the spf in it, and has never worn it. I intend to give it a try. I just can't imagine wearing long pant and long sleeves when it's 90+ degrees out!

    Nancy, I love having my garden! Weeds are not my problem, it's critters and the bugs that get on the plants, aphids and squash bugs mostly. Can you try putting black plastic over the weeds to kill them? Or get some raised beds? Doc told me to use spf 50.

    Wacko, I'm so happy for your NED results. My onc was going to put me on annual check ups, and I said no way, I want to see you every 6 months until I reach 10  years. Chit, now I have to see him every 6 weeks! Did you get a copy of your labs? Ha ha, I too looked up NM's new ride. Great minds, ya? Good for you taking a little get away and sis is taking dad. You need this! How is your arm? And is dad ok with the adult day care place? I too would like to go to Mary's for din din. DH doesn't eat corned beef and cabbage. Court for DD in just a few weeks, praying so hard it all goes well and the baby will get to go home. I see she has her FB back up and running.

    NM, a new ride for you...yeah!!! What color did you get? So glad you finally found something.

    LDB..woo hoo on doing de pub crawl. You said it starts at 8:30, is dat am or pm? Hope you had lots o fun and were able to make it all the way. And no probs from da hieny scope, even more reason to drink!

    Mary, had to chuckle at the fact that you don't have to have MIL over! I'll be heading to MI within the next month. I'll know more after I talk to my onc. I was thinking of going during my week off of the Fu pills, but it doesn't really seem like that's ideal, as I'm still feeling the SE's, if not even more so than when I'm taking the pills. So maybe my first week on is a better choice...IDK! As for my hair, it's fine. I was having a lot of it come out, but that was from the low thyroid. I'm back on my meds for that, and it's fine now. Happy Anniversay to you and DH. Oh my, WTH is it with these insurance companies! And like you said, we pay so much on our montly premiums, and then have to deal with all the BS.

    Cami, when I get calls that are sales calls or automated BS, I write them down and keep them by my phone, so I know which ones I shouldn't answer. I will also Google the numbers too. Some phones will allow you to block numbers. Unfortunatley I don't have one like that anymore. LMAO at drinking more coffee! And yup, stay away from the beer.

    NM, stopping on a hill in traffic with a shift. That only gets bad iffin you have someone on your arse! My first car was a stick, was a Pinto. Bummer on your weather, but I guess you are used to it.

    The fatigue is getting to me. I'm on my "vacation" (from the FU pills) and had to come home and take a nap. Slept for 2 hours! That is NOT like me at all. Oh how I hate these pills! They took a ton of blood yesterday, as I had to have some for my PC too, to check my Vit D, thyroid and colesterhol. 6 large viles and 2 small ones.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    Still struggling as whether or not to tell my mom. My kids say not yet, and my brother I am closest to says that he has also asked close friends of his what they thought, and they think I should tell. My mom's health has gotten so bad. She can only stand for 4 seconds, she can not bathe herself, and her aide has not been there in over 2 weeks, so no shower in 2 weeks! She went to a wedding without having had a shower in prolly a week. Oh how I wish I could be there to help take care of her. She wears diapers and has a port a pottie in her room. Mind you the bathroom is just across the hall from her bedroom. The house smells of urine and cigarette smoke. she is constantly getting bladder infections, sleeps all the time, etc. And this is mainly why I don't stay there when I'm in MI and I get a rental car, stay at my brothers and drive to her house every day, 45 minute drive. Here are some pictures, which I will be deleting tomorrow. But you can see how she has changed in just 8 years. It's so sad. She is soooo puffy. So I ask my nurse friends, what could cause this?

    The picture with the black hat, she has a wig on,  her hair sticking out....the hat is too small. I can't believe my brother let her go out like that! Oh how she loves her hats, purses and sun glasses! But they are so old, and some of them stained. Oy vey, my poor mom!