how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Boy is it quiet in here today. Well until mese got here...I gonna stir tings up! I dwinking already (well not really but for portend).

    Lori, such a difficult question regarding telling your Mom. I think it is a very personal decision and yours only. I would not let what others say influence your decision. I say to follow your instinct. Girl, I feel so bad that you not only have to endure all of the drugs and the FU pills but having to see doctors, get labs, scans etc. And it has to be hard with you living off the grid. Thanks for telling me that my daughter reactivated her facebook page. She must have blocked me as I can't find her. I have a fake facebook page so was able to see what she has public and see her page. I did sumting a little bad. I unfriended her dog Lana. Yup, the dog has a facebook page. I figure if I can't see her stuff, I will not allow her to see mine. And since I was friends with Lana, she could see my page. And I have everything private so she can't see chit. Dat'll bix her. I really am hurt over her actions. Anyway, good luck in finding a way to protect your skin. I would think sunblock is the best. They have newer stuff now that you jest spray on, no rubbing. That should make it easy on you. ((((Lori)))

    NM, allow me to show off some more pics of your SUV that I found. I am super happy that you feel confident in the car. And you will get used to the clutch and stick again in no time. When I got my DL, my first car was a stick. And at the corner of my road was a sleep incline. The worst was the bank drive-thru. That was also steep. I once tapped the car behind me when I was trying to get to the drive thru window. If you tap someone, it won't hurt anyting, trust me I have done it more than once lol. I drove my brothers car last year when he and his wife had two cars here and his wife got picked up. I cracked up, I was so rusty.

    So here are some more pics of your car, this time in white (Lori, she posted that her car is white with black interior)


    and a pic of the interior but with automatic. VERY sharp looking car! And very reliable too.


    Is this what it looks like NM?

    Well hate to cut this short, have to get in the shower and start packing for tomorrow. I swore that I would have been done by now but as usually, I procrastinate. I still have to do my nails, pack and do laundry. And also get my wheeled luggage outta my attic.

    Love to all of you. and lots of ....


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Hi guys, a little late today, this computer got upset with me again, but it seems better now.

    Lori whatever u decide to do like Dara said it's so u'r decision, it's how and what u feel--I know that difficult but none of this is easy for u, damn even the drive is forever. I hate that u'r feeling so bad, for u to take a nap is unbelievable to me so u must feel all draggy. Lori u'r mom really looks nice in those pictures, it looks like shes been taken care of tho. (((PRAYERS)))

    Oh Dara is leaving tomoree--Have a good time and we know u will.


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    well I started to have major seizures at 3am went to ER at 830 am Admitted to neuro unit at 4 pm will be here for video EE G for 48- 72 hr

    Love you girls image

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2015

    well i hope they can get them under control nancy and you rock the stockinette hat

    congrats on the ned dara, and still pray for the best for baby david

    nm-woohoo on the car very nice!!!!!!!!!!

    cammi ,wierd callers , not good ,as long as you still have your morning coffee,maybe you ought to make it a double!

    sue-i love the word b9

    happy anniversary mary

    lori-its a personel decision what to tell your mother, , she could be retaining fluid from the steroids or could have some heart failure from the smoking,if she does not see the stains or care that she has not bathed,then has she had a memory eval recently ,as from her lung condition,she could have chronically low oxygen levels affecting her thinking or from the smoking could have small blood vessel disease of the brain which restricts blood flow which again alters behaviour. hard to say without seeing her med list

    ok really busy in work especially today when could only have full liquids ready fro fridays heiney scope but now sat eating a bowl of ice cream becaus ethat is allowed on a full liquid dietHappy

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    oh nooooo, so sorry Nancy. I am sending up tons of prayers for you. I think though that you are in the right place. Hope they are able to give you relief and stop those pesky seizures. Julie is right, you rocking that hat. lol. I will be thinking of you girl and praying praying and praying some more. Thanks for letting us know vs going MIA on us. You know we are a bunch of worriers when one does not check in. (((((((((((( NANCY ))))))))))))

    Julie, you have to start the liquid diet two days before the scope? Chit, I am honestly planning on scheduling one after Friday when I find out my return to work date. I can't live for two days on broth and freaking yellow and orange freaking jello, ick. Hope and pray that all goes well with your colonoscopy. And thanks for the prayers for baby David, your prayer is spot on....what ever GOd find best for the young lad is what I want.

    I am showered and got my nails done and got my lil suitcase on wheels from the attic. Typically, Steve will help me haul my luggage but he is meeting me there now that he lives closer to the shore. I am gonna be prepared for a change and not stressing at the last minute.

    Love and prayers to all of my girls, and some cheers, especially for our Nancy!!! CHEERS!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Hiya girls, went to the PS today, he says everything is good but he wants me to keep wearing a sport bra all the time for another week. I go back next Wed then he will take off the dressing and steri-strips.

    Lori, so sorry for all your chit. I agree with Dara, it's a personal decision. My first thought was that you should tell her but then when you splained how poorly she was doing I thought, well maybe not. Does she go to the doctor regularly? Is her left hand or foot puffier than the right, is she short of breath? Sometimes congestive heart failure will really cause a lot of fluid build-up but if she goes to the doctor, they'd know. Also if the electrolytes are out of whack, especially sodium, but there again a blood test would show that. I see a lot of this where I work, pretty common in the older folks. Can cause confusion too but I don't know if your mom has that. Do you know why she is so weak and can only walk a few feet? Too bad you're so far away from everything, such a drag that you have to drive so far for every treatment. So you may be going to Michigan next month? I really would like to try and get together. We'll be in Myrtle Beach from 4-15 thru the 21 but other than that week I hope we can make it work.

    Dara, Joseph was just another pseudo name, trying to mix it up so you can stay under cover. Praying for you and your DD and little David and that everything turns out the way it is meant to be. Who is Steve? Have fun with Steve, glad to hear you're getting some time away..and much deserved I might add. Bet you'll miss your furbabies.

    Julie, good luck with the hineyscope, hope everything is clean as a whistle.

    Cami,Hope you had a good day and I'm praying Marty gets a job

    NM, Hope, work went well and I hope you don't get anymore snow... good DOTD!

    I'm tired, need to sleepnow....nighty night

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    Ok a quick pop in for some drinks! And some good news.

    But first, Nancy...I'm so sorry about the seizures and sending you to ER. I am praying very hard for you.

    Julie, I do not know what all drugs my mom is on, but you hit so many things, but my moms mind is perfect! Congestive heart failure, yes, COPD yes, high blood pressure yes, diabetes yes, pulse has been like 44, no exercise, lots of drugs, bad eating habits, still smoking like a chimney, etc. etc.

    Ok back to my good news...I got an email from my onc's office, at 6 pm no less, just to let me know my tumor markers are still going down! I'm in tears, I'm so happy. DD wants to come and visit me.

    Dork, I mean Wacko (for Cami) our friend "Lucy" is friends on FB with your DD, so she could tell you what you need to know.

    Love you all, I'll see you Friday morn......long day for me tomorrow, heading to Phoenix, docs and test and then back home.

    CHEERS...........lubs y'all!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Morning girls, quick pop-in before work.

    Nancy, I somehow missed your post last night, I'm so sorry you had to go to the ER but maybe a good thing having to get admitted so they can figure out what's going on and maybe get the seizures to calm down..or stop! We're all praying for you, keep us posted.

    Lori, guess I knocked you into the pool last night, hope you enjoyed the swim. I am so so so happy to hear your good news! woohoo to tumor markers going down and woohoo to DD coming to bisit.... Mimosa's on me for the whole house!!

    Cami, hope your phone was quiet last night.

    Have a good day all, time to hop in the shower and drag my lazy butt to work.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Quick pop in, had to start work  very early this ayem to get paperwork done by 8 ayem, will be back to ketchup later. 

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    The pub crawl was during the day.  Not unusual to see peeps drinkin at early am hours, but they were.  I had a bloody mary at one of the bars.  I walked ¾ of the entire thing.  About 3 miles.  Yest was lazy and tired, so I jes lazed about.  Still pharting the cabbage.   Ewww tmi.  Sawee!

    Dara - Any word on getting you dad placed somewhere or in home health maybe?  I cudn’t eat anything but jello and clear liq’s starting at 7p on Monday and my scope wasn’t til Weds.  I almost freaked but turned out not to b too bad.  Where r u going? I missed sumpin?

    NM - Wish the snow would stop for you and Sadie.  I had a Jeep Cherokee when I lived in MT, I really felt safe in it.  You’ll get used to the hills, piece of cake.

    Mary - Happy anniversary!  Hate all the crap with the inurance.  Like the right hand doesn’t kno what the left is doing.  I’ve made many a phone call when I get a bill, it’s a PITA! 

    Lowee - you going to Phx today to see you onco….be safe and prayers that ya git some good news.  Love the pics of you and your mom, but I can see what you’re saying about the changes.  Wish I could tell you best on ur secret but you gotta go with what’s in your heart.  (((Lowee)))  Jes read the good news…whooop whooop on the lower tm’s.  woohoo!

    Nancy - well poo chit chit chit.  Sawee u in da hosp.  Hope they can bix u up soon so u can go home.  Will send up prayers..(((Nancy)))

    Julie - thank ye…I love b9 too.  Quit taking so much lax thinking that may have dropped my potassium levels.  WTF…I cudn’t have no icecream, least no one told me I could.  I ate 2 boxes of Jello…oh yum right?  Will be praying all good with your heiney scope tomorrow.

    LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS to all and have a GR8 day!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2015

    well i had full liquid yesterday and its broth and jello today, i better loose some weight!

    ThumbsUpMedicatinglori on the tm going down.

    your mum's heart rate could be why she's so tired , she's got reduced heart pumping function from the chf and they get tired easily from that and have to balance activity and rest , that heart rate is too low to be pumping enough oxygen , and her bp is probably low too, so i guessing she is super tired,have someone called the doc especially cardiology, they will need to adjust her meds,a big concern would be her brain and kidneys not getting enough blood supply .for her kidneys that could be a big problem in causing them too fail, do you know what color her pee is? if its brown or dark amber,she is dehydrated and best thing would be if doc can't see her today then go to the er especially if bp and heart rate still low, plus brain wise her thinking might be slowed right down too. also when its that low,she's probably dizzy on any activity so high risk from falling. the company the aide came from, can a nurse come out and get vitals and make an assessment and call the doc. or if someone can take it and then call her doc and say this is what it is now, increased documentation i would hope get her more help. do they have a chf programme in her area, because thats getting a big thing too with medicare, hence my new job

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2015


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good evening, Loungettes!  Been a long day, started very early, an insurance company needed all the admission info on a patient in and unreasonalby short period of time.  Gotta jump through the hoops, right? 

    Goldie--the new ride is white.  Would have liked something more colorful, but couldn't justify borrowing more money for a ride with more miles and older just cuz it was sorta orange instead of white, ya know?  Did they leave you any blood to work with after all that?  Nothing like being tired from treatment and then having to go to the vampire's den and give away all your blood.  Your Mom's puffiness can have a few causes.  If she's on steriods for her breathing (very common) she could be puffy from fluid retention from that.  If she has heart trouble along with her breathing trouble, she may be retaining fluid due to poor heart function.  Hard to tell more without knowing what she takes for meds and what her medical problems are.  Not sure what to say about telling her about your situation. 

    Dara--keep in mind that your DD may have blocked you from her FB page by direction of the sperm donor.  He's got her all to himself, and he's going to be sure to keep you and her apart if at all possible so he will stay in charge.   And what's so wrong with a dog having a Fb page?  Sadie has a Fb page.  Maybe letting her see your FB stuff, so she can see that your life is going ahead despite SD manipulations, will someday help her break free of him.  Maybe.  WOW, you found great pics of my new go-buggy!  That's just what mine looks like, except for the stick shift.  The shifting is coming back to me, I only stall out a couple times a day and not in traffic (yet).  I did stop on the hill on my road yesterday, a couple times, and did ok.  Of course, no one was behind me, so no pressure, right? 

    Collett--oh my goodness, what a turn.  I am so sorry you are in the hospital, but part of me is glad someone is taking the seizures seriously and doing something. 

    Julie--ah, the joys of a full liquid diet!  I can live on a full liquid diet.  What I do NOT like is the clear liquids--no cream in my coffee! 

    Dara--good for you for all your planning and not stressing!

    Genny--a sport bra will be more comfortable than the one you went home in after surgery, won't it?  sounds like progress, anyway.  Glad all is going well with the recon!

    Goldie--HOORAY!  HOORAY!!! HOORAY!!! Love to hear good news like that! 

    Mema--Sounds like the pub crawl was a lot of fun.  And you did 3/4 of the 3 miles?  Good for you!  I do like how I feel pretty safe in the Jeep.  I feel like if I get hit again I'll walk away again.  And one day I will realize I just did the stop on a hill thing and didn't even think about it, then laugh at myself! 

    Julie--good info on CHF for Goldie! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    hi all! Reporting in from Atlantic city Nj. Having a nice time. But aunt ing a little bitsy stressful happened just before we lest fir the concert. Ya see, Willie was on the room and set off de smoke detectors. Mind you all, wese staying at Harrahs. It is exDh2 birthday. Well he left to get ice whilst the smoke detector made lots is noise. As he came in a security guy was at the sour knocking. I wuzbizzy chit ting my pants. He just til the dude I wuz smoking leaving thaecurity officer to believe or so he thought cigarettes. I was. Chit ting. Over the Willie aroma. Chit, he said ok then left. But goils listen .. If fun you do not hear from me by this time tomorrow, will somebody, anybody contact the city police and bail me out?

    I've been drinking and tried to read everything posted. Forgive me if I missed anyone, I never mean to. It is more difficult to catch up from my phone...

    Lori, OMG I had tears rolling down my face when I read about your tumor markers going down. I am so happy for you. You got this girl, I love you.

    NM, I can relate with wanting a different color car. I had bought a color that I hated then exchanged it for white. And now I realize that I do not love the white either. I liked my black car. But like you, it made sense based on the mileage and the price. I wish you many years of sleep and happy driving. Do you name your car? I have no problem with a dog having a Facebook page. My point was that my daughter could see my page. ..sort of regret deleting her dog as a friend. That sounds goofy doesn't it?

    Sue, the pub crawl sounds like such fun. I would love to try it someday. Do you literally crawl from pub to pub? Ha ha but really I was wondering.

    Hi Julie, I am sorry work has been hectic for you. I hope it gets better. You have lots of great advice for Laurie and the rest of us. You rock.

    Nancy, I hope and pray that they get to the bottom of the cause for your seizures and can fix him right up. Hope to hear from you soon and I want to hear all good news. You will be in my prayers .. Always.

    Camille, I read your daughters Facebook post about the dog hating when Joey plays clarinet. I laughed my ass off when I read it. Your daughter is funny, she said that she thinks he plays well but said she is tone deaf. I just cracked up. I hope there have been no more telephone calls in the middle the night. That is creepy.

    Mary dahling, I hope you are still healing well and feeling well too. I am sorry that you are stuck in that horrible Delco draw for another week. I guess by now you have seen your results, do you like your new foobs? I hope they are as beautiful as you are to me.

    I know I feel if you asked me some questions but I can't remember those questions right now. Feel free to ask again and I promise to take a note and answer them. My memory is shit.

    Well that is the update for now. I will talk to you fine ladies tomorrow. Cheers! Xoh "sto all!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Oh my stars, Lori I'm soooooooooooooo happy about u'r personal news. U know that. But I'm sorry about u'r mom having so so many difficulties . Oh Julie u can really explain this too wow I didn't feel so good after, u know how nervous I get about illness and I hope Lori u'r mom really doesn't feel that bad, well I'm not saying this right I can tell, but u must know what I mean. Lori with all these things going on does u'r mom really feel as bad as all of this sounds. Sometimes u actually don't and if she doesn't, that's actualy good. When they told my mom she had congestive heart failure she told the Dr. she didn't go there to hear that so forget it--she felt and walked and everything really well and died years later and it wasn't from her heart at all. But I bet she was up to 2 packs of 2nd hand smoke a day for many years cuz everyone in our house smoked all the time and we always had company-always and even after they retired. All that generation smoked--my mom and aunts were the only ones who didn't. Well my point is she felt OK til she got something else and didn't stop her from anything she wanted to do having all the heart and BP stuff and swollen stuff, so maybe u'r mom doesn't feel really horrible. Well I hope not anyway.

    Oh Julie now tomorree is u'r up-the-ass test so today is all jello. I love jello except when that's the only thing u can eat, but don't u want to eat red jello, I always made red jello, just because. Good Luck and that's the one I'm awake for cuz it's really fun watching, it's so strange cu it looks like the tunnel of love at the rides. Well it might be for some.--

    Dar my family saw u'r pic on FB and see I told u u look like my neice they thought it was Julie, and she she lost abut 15 lbs--so they were happy to tell her and she's all upset cuz u'r thinner but u 2 are the same age and u are Dopplegangers

    Nancy I hate to say this cuz it sounds stupid but I'm glad u'r in the hospital, u are worrying us a little to much and waiting til the end of April was absolutely recockulous to me. Now they can really get some kind of handle on this horrid thing that u go thru.Julie is right u do wear the cap nicely. Again some special prayers for u, I want so badly for them to get this down pat so they know how to handle all o this and u'll be better--we all want that for u and u'r family.

    SusyQ u did a long walk, I think and I'm proud of all u do. And partying is the next best thing. U r eally active and so many friends to do all that with.

    NM I knew u'd like the Jeep, once u have one it really is enjoyable and yes u'r a little higher which I always like--and white is a good color so why should u spend more than u need to. It has stopped snowing by now right??? It's coming up to Sadie muddy time. Get those towels ready.

    Well I notice nobody said Happy St. Joseph's Day-Joey wore red today he said he was the only one. Poor St. Joseph he's starting to be forgotten--Years ago they really celebrated it with all kinds of buffets of all Italian food and desserts and everyone wore red. Now he's just the man that found the barn that baby Jesus was born in. And since he was a carpenter he probably made the manger.

    OK I LUBS U ALL, I THINK U KNOW THAT--It's from my heart, even tho it's damaged it can still work for love.  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Oops I was bumped right into da puwl by Dara--I'm LMAO about the smoke detectors. way to funny. AHHHH the water is good, their keeping it the right temperature. Dara I have to tell this story. LOL Don't worry I'll change u'r name again to Lucinda.

    Nancy I didn't say hi u know I don't ever not mean to when I miss someone, and I do--I'm glad u'r app't went well and this week will go by fastly for u, yeah all of us.

    Leslie just got home from school and it reminds me when she was little she comes to me first to tell me what happened, it's kind of cute--There is so much that has happened to Les at that school it's a strange and long story but one thing I'll say is she has changed  a system that the school had forever cuz it didn't work well. Oh she's a character like her sister.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Image result for st joseph's day table A St. Joseph's day table

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Image result for st joseph's day table a few desserts

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Camille, very funny that you will call me Lucifer. That is what I call a little Lucy when she is a bad girl LOL. Happy belated St. Joseph's Day to you. I totally forgot that day was on Friday. Thanks for the feast. And I had a blast swimming in the pool with you. It's under store treated us right.

    And Julie, I am glad Camille reminded me that your scope is tomorrow. I keep thinking today is Wednesday but that is par for the course when not at work. No clue what day it is LOL. Wishing you all the best with your scope!

    I am going to go downstairs and do a little gambling. I only brought $40 and hope to quad droplet times 1 million ha ha

    Sorry for all the typos, I am talking into my phone and I do not have glasses to seeing what I am writing. Love you all

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy First Day of Spring!May the temps find the double digits today and the wind drop to the single digits and the wind chill factor go away!

    Dara--you can find more ways to get into trouble with Willie than anyone I know!I don't usually name my cars, but this one seems to want a name, I've got to think about it some.Maybe DD's dog will re-friend you?Sometimes all the drama gets goofy, doesn't it?

    Cammy--Not snowing right now, more coming this weekend, though.So tired of white snow right now.I'm actually looking forward to seeing mud on Sadie!OK, I never heard of St. Joseph's Day, pretty interesting!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Spring Fever

    3/4 oz Lemon Juice

    3/4 oz Mango Syrup

    2 oz Orange Juice

    1 1/2 oz Pineapple Juice

    2 oz Citrus Flavored Vodka

    Best served in a Collins Glass.


    Shake well over ice cubes in a shaker, and strain into a collins glass half-filled with crushed ice.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Morning goils, and Happy St Joseph Day and Happy First Day of Spring to ya all! I'm off today and DIL not working so no Nora, got too much to dao anyhow. They are finally starting the kitchen remodel on Monday so I wanna cook a bunch of stuff and put it in the fridge in the basement for next week. DH sleeping in right now so I'm gonna take the pooches to the park since the ground is frozen up again. Crazy ass weather, we're sposed to get frozen rain and snow today then 60 tomorrow then back in the 30's on Sunday.

    Dara, you crack me da hail up and I'm here ta tail ya, no smokin da willie in da room on the cruise, I can just picture the sprinkler system coming on and flooding our stuff. Now if we have a balcony that be different, sure you could sneak it out dere. Hope you win plenty of moolah and have just the bestest time.

    NM, sawry about the weather, hope spring gets there soon.

    Nancy, hoping to hear from you soon and hope they are figuring things out. Praying for you girl!

    Lori, hope everything still going good with the rest of your doctor stuff. Any idea when your DD is coming to see you? That will be so nice, must be hard not seeing her in so long, bet you can't wait! Praying for your mom too, can you get some more frquent and reliable home health care? Maybe someone to get her bathed a few times each week? Gotta be hard trying to handle it from so far away.

    Cami, creepy phone calls have stopped? Sounds like Lezlie is mixing things up there at cos school. When I went 200 years ago, it was a joke, they taught you exactly what you needed to know to pass the test. We just sat in the breakroom all day smoking cigarettes waiting for the occasional bag lady to come in and want her hair done. I had to get all my training in a shop after I graduated. I think the state finally removed pincurls and finger waves from the test about 20 years ago. We didn't even have blow dryers or curling irons when I went...not that they weren't invented but the instructors had no idea what they were. Hope she enjoys her new profession, how long till she graduates? Don't know if you have a Costco close by but we just had a new one open close by and I guess they start you at 20 $/hr. Not bad, just thinking of Marty. Hope he finds something soon.

    Hi Julie, enjoy your day off.

    Sue, yes insurance stuff is a pia. The lady I talked to the other day said to put it outta my head that she will take care of it so that's what I'm doing. glad the pub crawl was fun, haven't done one of those in years, would wipe me out now too. Hope you have a good day.

    Hi to anybody I missed, got to take care of these pooches, love ya...latah

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2015

    happy st Josephs day and the first day of spring

    dara-you know if the alarms go off on this cruise,we are just going to think its you.have fun at the shore

    sue-well done on your pub crawl

    cammi-glad the phone calls stopped, i had to laugh when i saw dd fb post,all i could think was the herd of animal beggin to be put down.hope your having a good day

    nancy-how was your hospital breakfast?

    mary-enjoy your nora time, and that your kitchen remodel finishes ahead of schedule

    well heiney scope over, 1 polyp removed but oherwise clean, he's not concerned about the polyp,currently having cauliflower cheese and tea,i counted the cranberry juice they gave me as my clear liquid start ! gave me proprofol , out for 35 mins! have fun as my bed is calling ,4 hours sleep last night

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Hello everybody I am home. I got released tonight. I am still having seizures and dont know much as for now. My Neurologist is reviewing the last 3 days of EEG and videos and I will have an appointment with her hopefully sometime this next week. I had to leave a message for them to call me back. So I hope to hear back with an appointment time next week. I am defianely not to drive anywhere and I promise I willl be good and probably shouldnt be alone. That right there is gonna be the hard part since everbody works.

    What I do know is that I am having about 4-5 or more episodes a day. Sometimes I black out, sometimes I cant move if im walking in the middle of it. Kinda wierd. I will get caught up later just wanted to let everyone konw I was home and that I love you al

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Hi girls,

    Just poking my head in here tonight to say hello. A few too many long island iced teas for me last night into the early am, no dwinking tonight, uh noooooo!

    Nancy, good to hear from you, I was getting worried. Thanks for reporting in. I hope and pray that your doctor can stop the seizures from happening.

    Love you all.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Hi guys---

    Nancy I'm glad u'r home and I pray they find an answer quickly, it seems like they've gotten worse in a short time so maybe they can find out more cuz u were attached the whole time. U are another trouper.

    And crazy Wacko I never said Lucifer, oooo I said Lucinda--u'r money ags are getting in u'r way. U'd better have fun and make much money.

    Julie I'm glad things went well and I hope u get a good nite's sleep and yep I like propanol best. U wake up much quicker.

    Oh Mary u'r going to have a mess on u'r hands and u still think about cooking things or the week--Jeez u people don't know the basics of how to get out of things. I should open up a school to teach everyone.

    NM we're supposed to get snow Sunday after tomorrow being around 50, they are still not sure what we're going to get (how much) or if it will be sleet (worse) So we wait for the excitement of spring.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    sorry Cam, I thought I read Lucifer, very close to Lucinda lol.

    I am so tired but waiting for my cousin. She had a disagreement with her husband and is leaving him again, well just for the weekend and coming her for refuge. I took a short nap whilst waiting. Mese eyes are watering from yawning but time to wake up and partay! No more LI Iced teas though.

    Julie, glad all went well with your heiney scope. I love me some profefel or how ever you spell that...I call it milk of amnesia!

    NM, a suggestion for a car name would be Pearl. "she" looks like a Pearl.

    Mary, you are simply amazing. GOod luck getting meals prepared. I hated having my kitchen redone and I did not even replace cabinets, just resurfaced and had the floor and back spash done. What a pain in the ass. Glad you are well prepared. You made me laugh talking about the days when you got your hair license. Funny pin curls and no curling irons. Geeze, am I really that old too? lol.

    Suz, still working on finding a solution for my Dad. He took another fall today. My sis was going to take him to the ER but the roads were horrible. It took me 2.5 hours to get home from the beach, regularly an hour and 15 min trip. We got 6" of snow but it came down fast and furious and turned to slush then ice. It was a hairy ride. I envy that you do not have to worry about snow. It sucks. It was so heavy to shovel that I gave up.

    I saw my doctor, four more weeks off of work, going to start PT on my fingers to get em moving again. I really do not think I need it but need to find a solution for Dad.

    Gonna try to take anudder nap til Cheryl comes. Poor thing has a great husband until he gets in his moods. I call it UMS, Ugly Man Syndrome.

    Saw Willie Nelson on Kimmel show tonight, he cracks me up. Dude is over 80 years old and still loves his pot. He is my hero! Has anyone been following Kimmel from Austin TX this week? Very funny. I died last night laughing at him and his side kick drinking shots of tequilla anytime anyone in a party store said the word Pinata. You would have had to see it to appreciate the humor.

    ok, over and out. Hello to all mese goils, Hi Sue! Where has 4 been? Has she booked her cruise yet?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015


    This is a pic I took on my way home from my doctor appointment today, this is just two turns from my street. I had to go around the block to avoid a huge limb that was just hanging over the road. The snow was so pretty as it was frozen a bit and sticking to the trees. I was soooo skeered driving but made it safely. Thank you God. For the girls that have been here for long, they know about all of my crashes, six in five years, two snow related. NONE of them were my fault. I swear!

    cheers my loves. You are all in my heart. Cam, you are so sweet, I am sure you could teach us all many many life lessons. You are a woman of wisdom and I am serious.

    ok cheers. I might be back in a bit. I am playing a new game on the vegas game I play. the game cracks me up. It is called CADDY sHAQ and is a spoof of both the movie and of Shaquille O'Neil. He is animated and so freaking funny (to me anyway).

    Lori, sending some extra prayers to you too. Just because. and rounds of hugs to all.

    I must a put on de indent button, gonna turn it off or at least try. I am not dwunk. But Willie did just POP out of the TV and join me. I will be a good goil on the cruise but will find a way to endulge. If Lynne does not come, I can ask Willie if he can take her room. And share with who? I forget. He would make a find room mate. Heck, I kick Mary outta my room for him cuz she will not let me set off de sprinklers hahaha, jest kidding Mare. Love you.

    • ok, this is crazy. I go now. for a bit. I said that already so will just STFU for now. cheers! (again and again and again)
  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Dara you be careful driving on those icy roads now. We dont need another shaker in here lol. That damn snow needs to go away for you girls out East darn!! Well so far only 2 seizures this morning :) Its a pretty day today. I love Willie Nelson he cracks me up. Hes so damn old and doesnt even know it. He is still partying like its 1960 or earlier lol.

    Forgive me but I tried to catch up and then I got lost lol. But just know I love you all and I will just start from here.

    Wheres my roomie Lynn at has I dont think I have seen her on here I will have to email her and see hows shes been.

    Cami have you had any more wacky calls lately? Hows Marty doing?

    Lori how are you feeling?

    Memaw I hope your feeling well.

    Genny I saw you had a good anniversary. Mine is coming up soon. We will be married 28 years this May.

    NM how do you like your new ride? How does Sadie like it?

    Julie any more trips planed to see Mickey soon?

    We are going to move my today to an apartment around the up the road and around the corner from me. She will be less than 5 min from my house. Im going to supervise while everyone else moves. Gotta go love you all.


    Here is some sunshine for you NM and Dara



    and some spring flowers to make your day. Love you all

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Good morning to all my girls. It is 40 here and sposed to get to 60 and my DH is golfing! First time of the year! Yea! Golf makes DH very happy and a happy DH makes for a happy weekend! He took Emma and the golden that belongs to the neighbor that broke her hip so I'm getting ready to take Junior for a nice long, slow jog. Feels good to go out without boots and gloves and such. So I posted on FB that my DH and I are going on vacay to Myrtle Beach and my DH's sister writes in there "it'll be good to see you" ...may I say when pigs fly! She lives 5 hours away in Florida, it never occurred to me that she would think of it as an opportunity to see each other. I mean, they don't even really like each other! This is the one with the 14 yr old triplits and the putz husband. So I just wrote back," sorry, this is a romantic trip for 2, been waiting over a year for this." Let's see if I get any backlash on this...damn, me and my big mouth!

    Dara, so sorry about your weather, that just sucks, we were supposed to get that front but it missed us. Hope it all melts this weekend. So you had a goodtime in Atlantic City? Did you win any money? Have fun with yer cousin, I know you will. Yay on getting another month off work and I hope that gives you enough time to find a place to help with your dad. Keep willie away from smoke detectors.

    Nancy, I hop you get some anwers soonliest! Oh, I feel so bad for youjust so not fair to get thru the BC chit and now have this! Take it easy and let everybody wait on you, if you need ant tips on slacking I'm sure Cami will be happy to offer advice.

    NM, I was in a real good mood yesterday, and I made stuffed peppers and bread and meatloaf and roasted cauliflower ( I'm a lousy slacker)... anyway, I had my headphones on and was home alone and PINK came on and I was justa singing at the top of my lungs and was thinking about our karaoke on our cruise...can't wait! Hope you and Sadie have a spiffie weekend and spring comes soon.

    Lori, see ya in the louge soon, hope all the rest of your appt went well and all news was good and no more se's.

    Julie, I tink you're off dis weekend, what with the heinyscope and all, yay for b9 polyp, so glad all is good!

    SusieQ.. hope all is well and you and willie have a great weekend.

    Cami, enjoy your coffee (wink,wink).

    Gotta run, I'll try and check in you girls!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    Julie, thanks for all the info on my mom. I don't think she is on steroids and there is not a darn thing wrong with her mind. Plain and simple, and I hate to say it, she is lazy! She smokes a lot! Is on oxygen when she sleeps and a c-pap. Diabetes and high BP are controlled by drugs, fybromialgia, obese, eats everything she shouldn't! I feel bad not telling her, as I feel I am betraying her, but I also feel like I am protecting her by not telling her. I may call her doctors office and ask a gal there that I have met. Oh oh, I see you had a hieny scope yesterday, praying all is just fine!

    Mary, I hate my mom's doctor. Every time she goes there, he tells her how wonderful she is doing and that everything looks good. I think he tells her this as he knows she isn't going to change, so no sense beating a dead horse. Also told her that her labs were perfect...HUH! Can't walk or stand cuz she doesn't everything the EASY way, so no muscle. She scoots either with wheel chair or by sitting on her walker. Then gets to the kitchen which has chairs on wheels, so more scooting. Only stands if she absolutely has to.

    LDB, wtg on walking most of crawl. 3 miles is a pretty good jaunt! I can't do Bloody Mary's but will have jes wodka and mater juice.

    Julie, I see more info from you, thanks. My mom does have a nurse, but things have been a tad better, and most of the time she might be sleeping and so the gal can't even get in. Her urine is very strong, that's all I know. And I would not look in the diaper to see! She has been tring to drink more water, as she has said she gets horrilbe leg cramps when sleeping if she doesn't. CHF, there is NO ACTIVITY and LOTS of sleep!

    NM, thanks to you too. She does use an inhaler for breathing and does breathing treatments, would those both be steroids?

    Cami, I don't think mom feels as bad as she looks or acts. Some times it's hard for her to talk, but I told her that I thoght that had to do with the COPD and the lack of air in her lungs. She thinks she needs her esophagus stretched!

    Wacko, getting caught with Willie....OMG. And why would a little smoke set the alarms off? They have smoking rooms at hotels and they still have smoke alarms. Oh well, I do hope you stay outta da pokey! And Cami called you Lucinda, not LUCIFER! LOL, I see she corrected you! I sure hope you can get your dad some help, and yippee on another munf of slacking. You are the Queen o dat!

    Mary, you are doing so well, I keep forgetting that you just had your recon done! My mom is on Medicare, which is NOT the best health care. And she is suppose to have an aide come in 2 times a week. The problem is they don't show up! The insurance lady that said she would take care of everything, I hope you got names and dates of your conversations.

    Nancy, you have siezures when you are walking and you don't fall?

    Ok, appointment went well. Doc keeping me on the same treatment, labs still every 3 weeks (which I think is dumb) and I see him in 6 weeks. He gave me steroids for the rash, a z-pack? Prednisone for like 6 days, 6 pills the first day, 5 the next, then 4, 3, 2 and 1 and done. I think the rash was starting to let up some on my back, so I'm thinking I still had lots of the FU pills in me from that really high dose on my first cycle. Took my FJ in yesterday for check up, dang place had it from 8 am until 5 pm....long day in town. Also went to SS to drop off more chit for the disability, but got a letter in the mail saying I was declined due to the fact that DH and I have stuff that values over $3000.00 WDF??? They also said I would prolly get $1000.00 a month if I am approved, this was before we saw the letter declining me. Off to Laughlin next Thursday, seeing Alabama and of course our friends. I will start my FU pills on Monday for 2 weeks, so no dwinks for this gal, unless just a couple right before bed. They make me SOOOOO tired!