how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good lazy, snowy, Saturday morning, Loungettes!Yup, snowing, again.I think spring is not coming this year, just teasing us by still being on the calendar.Sigh.

    Genny--Spring?What is this thing you speak of?

    Julie--Good to hear only on polyp, and you're feeling OK!

    Collett--glad you are home, praying for answers for you, please stay safe!

    Dara--hung over this ayem?

    Cammy--yup, sleet is worse than snow.I'll keep that in mind when I look outside today.

    Dara--Pearl, hmm, seems to fit.Will have to try it on for size!Your poor Dad.Praying for him. Nice pic, didn't know you were here in Maine recently!Just kidding, but that is what it looks like here most of the time.

    Collett--the new car and I are growing on each other. Sadie approves, at least she didn't bark at it and sniffed all over the inside the other evening.She did give ma funny look, like "where is the leftover fast food bags and stuff?"Love the flowers!

    Genny--Cruise karaoke, yes!Can't wait, have to start practicing!

    Goldie--some inhalers are steriods, but not all.Same with the breathing treatments.If she has COPD she's probably getting steroids that way, less of it gets into the bloodstream, stays more in the lungs.Here's praying the prednisone helps the rash!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Piss in the Snow

    1 oz Vodka

    2 oz Peppermint Schnapps

    1 can Mountain Dew

    Best served in a Highball Glass.


    Pour mountain dew into a large glass with ice cubes. Add vodka and avalanche schnapps, both pre-chilled. Stir and serve.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Happy Sa-turd-ay!!!  It looks like Spring has arrived here, was 82o yesterday.

    Julie - good advice for Lori and her mom.  My urine was dark and stank to high heavens.  It has calmed down since I’ve been on the potassium tho.  I went shopping on line for bathing suits and new bras.  Getting ready for my DW cruise..woohoo.

    NM - that’s what I hated the most…no cream in my coffee..LOL on the hills, but I knew you could do it.

    Dara - LOL on urs n willie experience.  I’ll help bail ya out ifin u get hauled in. LOL.Be careful but have a good time and win lots of muney.  Love the name Pearl for NM’s car.  Yahoo for another month off, glad you made it home.  Now u have another month to help get you dad situated b4 u back to work.   And yes, Lynn is all booked, so all good.  I get to see her on Monday…woohoo so fercited!!  Loved the pic of the icey road.  But id b skeered to drive on it for sure.

    Cami - You say the nicest things to Lori and Dara, well everyone.  Love ya! Whats a Doppleganger?  I might google it late idk.  Poor Joey, give him a big hug fers me.K?  Yay for Leslie making some changes, takes courage.  Thanks for the desserts too, yum

    Mary - still praying Marty finds a job soon.  Gotta be taking a toll on him.  ((Marty))  Hope the ins lady follows thru and bixes up situation.  I find it funny how some family members like to ‘replan’ our trips, good for you for telling her what’s what!

    Nancy - this seizure stuff of yours is scaring da bejesus outta me.  I pray the doc finds the cause and can treat ya soonliest.  Want you at your best come Jan.  WoW 28 years in May.  Congrats on that!!!  Good luck with mom’s move, hope no glitches.

    Lowee - They had me on labs every week, gottem to make it every 4 weeks, the Monday after a treatment is when I go bleed for em.  Sounds like a heavy dose there but thinking it’ll work.  At least he having u try sumpin for it.  They ALWAYS deny 1st attempt for ssi.  I forum here has lots of info for those of us applying like putting “Compassionate Consideration” on the application.  Some of em were immediately approved, some had to get atty.  Good Luck girlfriend and don’t give up!

    lubslubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Hey girls, jest poking my head in for a quick minute, have a hair appt at 2pm and have to leave in five minutes. jest wanted to sa hello and that I enjoyed reading the morning posts. And love the DOTD "piss in the snow".

    Here is the link of the bit that Jimmy Kimmel did, iffen you find the time, check it out. It is freaking funny as hell.

    Gotta run. My cuz is still sleeping, we did not go to bed until 6 aye em, yikes, I need toothpicks to keep mese eyes opened.

    love you all, will try to report in later and address you wonderfoil goils.


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Evening everyone we got my mom moved in. I should say my family moved my mom in and I sat on the couch and watched and then went home and slept the rest of the after noon

    Lori - I have seizures sometime while I walk and I do fall but my husband or who ever is with me catches me which is why Im not left alone for right now. This disability crap sucks. It takes a long time and you have to report every little change. But whatever. The doctor who gave me my physical said I was suing the US govt.

    Genny cruise kareoke will be fun after a few drinks of course! That wasnt very nice of your DH sister to say if I understood it right.

    Memaw I just need a tune up I will be good to go come January. I promise. I might have a few seizures but it will be nothing like what I am going through now. We just have readjust my meds maybe add one to the Trokendi I am on and go up to the 400 mg. Epilepsy is kinda hard thing to manage I think. At least seems tob

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Well, my peaceful weekend just went up in smoke.I've got back up call and the regular on-call just called and wants me to see some patients so she can have time to write up the admission she did yesterday.Was really hoping to get lots of stuff done around the house today.Oh, well, such is life, right?

    Mema--I did have to the stop on a hill thing, did just fine, didn't stall out, but the car behind me started honking at me a nanosecond after the light changed and kept honking until I got through the intersection.Some people have NO patience!I want to get out and go back and ask her to back up so I wouldn't roll back into her, but decided that would get her too upset.

    Dara--Too funny!I wonder if there will be piñatas on the cruise?

    Collett--the whole disability thing must really suck.I can't imagine how hard it is for you.We'll take care of you on the cruise not matter what.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    After Work Special

    3 oz Amaretto

    2 oz Coconut Rum

    1 oz White Rum

    6 oz Orange Juice

    6 oz Pineapple Juice

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.


    Pour the Di Amore amaretto, Malibu rum and Bacardi rum over 5 ice cubes in a hurricane glass. Fill the rest of the glass with orange juice and pineapple juice, to taste, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    NM, my goodness! I don't think you are gonna get any spring either. Amazing how much snow has fallen this year. I'll see if I can't get a list of meds that mom is on, whilst I'm there. Pearl...hmmmmm. Dat's cute.

    Sue, I would go nuts if I had to do labs every week. I only have one arm to poke and I am not an easy stick! How did your bathing suit shopping go? I'm so excited for you girls and can't wait.

    Wacko, you and your cuz are party animals fo shure! I can't watch videos on my puter, as they take up too much of mese bandwidth. Unless I do it before 5 am, but I am just getting up then.

    Nancy, your mom moved in with you? Again on those dang seizures, praying you get them under control. Can you feel them coming on? I'm thinking not. Or do you know when you come out of when, that you even had one? Of course you wouold iffin you have fallen!

    The steroids seem to be helping the rash. I don't like taking them, and I think the rash may have cleared up on it's own. I don't see where it would help on the very first day! I think that heavy dose of chemo I did on my first cycle is what caused it and it was still in my system, even during my second cycle. Start my 3rd cycle tomorrow, vacation is over!

    Thanks again Mary, NM and Julie. So nice to have our personal nurses in da lounge!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2015


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015


    will pop in later tonight. hope you are all having a wonderful day.

    Peace and love and ....


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Hi Guys.

    Left yesterday for my other DD's home (with Joey) and just got back not to long ago. And it's snowing now and we're supposed to get a Few inches--who knows. And Marty thought he go a job and they never called back, we all want to cry believe me.

    Nancy I understood u'r mom moved a block from u or did she move in with u? Either way it's better if she's close. And for sure for now don't be alone, u'r taking this so well, just take care of u'rself really spcial.

    Mary u cooked up a storm-Jeez-energy abound and all the work starts tomorrow. Oh Leslie got a B on her last test and she was sad--shit she's stupid, that's the frst one--oh she's already been to beauty school years ago and 2 things she's excellent with is cutting and foiling, now she going to Estatician school, Like I said before she has a lot to learn about skin, rashes and botox and how to get ready to administer it, but of course she won't be able to, she can just assist a PS if she chooses to work like that.??? Who knows what she'll do with this. But as she says a lot of women are trying to look younger and she's learning how, well she hasn't shown me any tricks.

    SusyQ sometimes I know I zero in one some and not others at the time but honestly I find all of u women strong and simply amazing--and u r the busiest along with Lori and I always think those thoughts.

    NM I like the name Pearl Dara can come up with A LOT of names for different everything as we know, And Dara it sounds like u had a long weekend doing all fun stuff--OK now get down to business about u'r Dad, this is a hard thing to do especially if he's falling, he needs constant company. Good thing u have more time off for u to get some PT too.

    Lori don't get upset with me, but u can only do what u'r mom will let u and it sounds like she really doesn't want a lot of help right now. I know u'r worried, but a lot of u'r worry is cuz u'r not there, but she would be the same. She sounds like she's going to do what she wants anyway so all u can do is kind of go along and take care of u'rself. She would want that for sure. Then again maybe if u told her she might want to take care of herself better?????

    Oh still getting the poltergeist calls on my phone and I think my computer caught it too.--it's acting so cheeky. Good thing I can watch scary movies and they don't interfere with my reall thinking.

    Well what scares me now is tomorree I go to the Dentist to start all this crap and if he wants to take x-rays he's crazy-I've got about 6 teeth let in my mouth all have o come out and start anew. LOL I hope soom I won't e qualifies to be on Deep South scary movies. I could have been doing that all the time. I have loads of paperwork to fill out for them, so I have to do it tonight--I know I have to have an oral surgeon do the pulling, BTW dentists used to do that years ago but I guess it's just to hard for them now. Another Specialist and I HAVE to remember to call my  Dr. and ask her what anti-B to be on on the reg. one they give u is just not strong enough.

    Lori I'm sorry u have to be on those meds, it seems like u don't like them at all--but if it does the job I guess it's best. Personally I love them, Anytime I have to take them I get a little to happy for my Drs/ liking, but I get them anyway. I just hat that his has been so hard for u.

    OK gottsta get my paperwork done, that's all I seem to do lately for the IRS, the state or Drs. And they all know more about me than I do. A$$ES

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2015


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Single digit temps, howling winds, Spring has sprung in Maine!Getting downright ridiculous.Someone send Mother Nature some prozac, and slip Father Winter a big dose of xanax or ativan or valium.

    Goldie--Glad the steroid is helping the rash, but I hear you about not liking being on them.But sometime they are a necessary evil.

    Julie--one word says it all!Hope you have a calm shift.


    Cammy--still praying for ajob for Marty, I can't imagine how hard this is on him."Pearl" is growing on me as a name for the new car, too.Dara is good at naming things.Love the idea that watching scary movies means poltergeist calls don't interfere with your REAL thinking!Good luck with the dentist.


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Pearl Diver

    1/2 oz Midori Melon Liqueur

    1/2 oz Triple Sec

    1/2 oz White Rum

    Sweet and Sour Mix

    Best served in a Highball Glass.


    Mix all ingredients together, shake, and strain over ice in a highball glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Morning girls, frost on the ground, cold enough to take the dogs to the park, mud is frozen...but no snow. Kitchen demo sposed to start today, we spent yesterday getting the rest of the stuff out and hauled to the basement. I did most of it before surgery so it wasn't to bad. Now lets hope the workers show up. Gonna be a disruption for awhile but hopefully the end results will be worth it. DH dropped off some stuffed peppers for MIL and he said she was sitting with her feet up with support hose on and her ankles were all puffy and full of fluid. So I call her later and leave a message that I'll call the cardiologist on Monday(this was new, she never had more than very slight fluid retention). So she calls my DH and says.. don't get mad but i haven't been taking that pill (diuretic) he gave me last time cause it makes me have to go to the bathroom too much. Her last appt was 5 months ago and here she only took it a few days and then stopped. Ugh.... Anyway, foobies are doing fine, dressings to come off Wed. Haven't seen Nora for over 2 weeks, going thru withdrawal.

    NM, so sorry about your weather, yuck, I hope the snow gets outta there soon!

    I'll catch up with the rest of ya later, gotta run and get the pooches to the park

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    Cami, it's a good thing you came in and had a good excuse for not. I was coming for your Brandy! I'm so so sorry about Marty on the job front, maybe he should call them? I don't think my mom will change, whether I tell her or not. I just don't think she physically can. Of course with some exercise, it would help. But it just takes too much out of her. You should see her when she gets from the bedroom to the kitchen, you'd think she was gonna die right there, and that is just scooting in a wheel chair, not even walking. You like steroids? I don't like any pills, none, nadda! But the rash is clearing up. So sorry about the snow, dang. And it's been so nice here all winter. We actually planted a tomato plant yesterday to see if it will make it.

    Love the drunk poem Julie.

    LMAO NM, good ideas for Mother Nature and Father Winter.

    Mary, before and after pics of the kitchen pweeze. My DH is suppose to take diaretic and does not because of that same reason. I hope you get to see Nora soon, cuz that means we get to see her too! Glad the foobs are behaving.

    Alright Slacko Wacko, iffin you can slack, you can post!

    LDB, how often is your treatment? And how is it administered? And I think you get to see 4 today?

    I can't believe the snow some of you are getting...crazy! I made skettin for dinner last night, with my sauce I made from the garden last year. DH says he likes it a little more "saucie". I said I don't know how to add chemicals to the sauce to make it like that, and that if he didn't like it, why should we go to the trouble of growing all the tomatoes and me slaving over the kitchen sink for days on end canning and processing? He doesn't eat the canned tomatoes either, only if I make salsa, or a few other things that I cook with them. And he hardly eats the beans I canned. ARHG....MEN! Well, I got my trip booked for Michigan, April 8-15. And Mary, you leave on the 15th, so we can do this!

    Well, vacation (as I call it) is done, back on the FU pills for 2 weeks. Leaving for Laughlin on Thursday, temps to be in the 90's, oy vey! Happy Monkey Day!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!

    Yes yes yes....I have to hurry,  gotta drive to LV today for face-time with Lynn.  Have a safe trip see you soon...woohoo!!!

    Lowee - I am every 4 weeks.  I still have my port so that is where the drip of Kacyla goes.  Takes about 45 to an hour once I'm hooked up.  Then on the Monday after tx I go in for blood work.  I only have my left arm that is a good sticking far so good.  Hope things go better for you on this round of FU pills.

    Mary - Not good not to take the diuretics, hope you can convince her to start them again.  Yay for the dressing coming off on Weds, bet it'll b a relief not to fight with that Velcro.

    NM - yikes, too much snow.  if I could sleep them some drugs ya kno I would.  Knew ya could do the hill.  Was always my fear when I was 1st learning a stick.

    Julie - LOL on the drunk poem.

    Cami - Dentist does not sound fun.  Are they gonna fit ya for dentures too?

    OK gotta get ewwa in gear.  Won't hear from me again til Weds morning. Love you girls!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Hi girls, happy monkeydey!

    Lori, yay for being able to have facetime with our Mary. I am jest green with envy. Dern goil, you get to meet so many breasties and considering you live so far off de grid, that is just wonderful. There are times that I jest do not feel like talking a lot. I have been very worried about my Dad and keeping a close eye on him. I hope the FU pills are not as harsh on you. Are you taking two or four per day now? Sending up prayers for ya girl. Hang tough, you are a brave goil.

    Suz, you are another that is very fortunate to have had facetime with so many goils. I hope you and Nancy where able to get together and hope you goils had a blast. More on de smoke detector incident....I was sitting at a little round table and blowing the smoke up cuz DH does not like the smell. It was a legal smoking room. But unbeknownst to mese, de smoke detector was right where I was blowing de smoke. I really was skeered that I would get popped. I was relieved after DH told me that the alarms were not sounding in the halls but berry surprissed that security came to check. Lesson learned, I really was nearly chitting mese pants.

    Girls, I enended up taking my Dad to the ER today. His eyes were all swollen and he did not look right. His breathing was labored and his mobility was as bad as I have seen it. Tell tank God we did this. The real intent was to get him back admitted so that medicare will pay for inpatient rehab. Turns out they found he is in heart failure. They also did xrays of his spine, hip, pelvis and chest. Thankfully all of the xrays came out good. This is likely a blessing in disguise. We did not think that it could be a heart issue. I have also been bothered by his constant clearing of his throat, the sound is annoying. I feel bad for saying. Turns out that it is a SE from one of the new statin drugs he is taking. I am still quite worried but at least able to relax a bit more while at home. They finally admitted him into the ICU around 8pm. It was a long day.

    NM, sorry about your crappy weather. I hope that Ms. Pearl is handling the road stress for you. Sorry about your poopy weather. I too am tired of snow and have not had nearly as much as you have. Hope your Monday was easy. Sorry you ended up having to go in yesterday, rat turds to working on Sundey Fundey. How is our little Sadie doing? I bet she is also ready for the Spring. May it come soonliest.

    Mary, so firciting, the big reveal is this week, wooo hoooo, wishing you the best with them and hope that you jest love the outcome. Yer silly MIL and Lori's silly DH not taking those VIP pills because they make em pee too much. I take a combo BP pill that has the HTCZ in it and I have to pee every waking minute of the day, even when I git off de toilet. TMI, nah. Yeah yeah yeah, I too wanna see before and after pics of your kitchen. I usually forget to do that with things and regret not doing it so don't forget.

    Julie, hello, I hope you are having a wonderful start to the week. Are you loaded up on the good chocolate at the job? You are a woman of few words yet say so much. That impresses me. I am known to be overly wordy.

    Cam, I am so sorry for your SIL and your family about the job then it falling through. That blows big time. I liked your advise to Lori. You just tail it like it is and I respect that. Hope you are feeling well and good luck with the toofers. As I told all of you before, mese dentist died. Well todey, I get a wicked toothache in one of my back molars. Did not know what to do so called the surgeon that removed my tooth a few years back and got a referral to another doctor. He asked if I could come in right away, said no, I was at hospital. I have an appt for wednesday but he told me that if the pain gets bad to call back tomorree. I am so happy to have found someone, hope i love them as much as mese dentist. And goil, more of those toofers of yours, stop knocking yourself down over it. You are a beautiful woman in side and outside too and wese all jest lubs de hail outta ya. So be nice to yerself or I gonna come and kick yer ass. Yikes, I am making a lot of threats these days so belive me ma'am, be nice!!!

    Nancy, glad you got yer Mom all moved in and how nice that she is so close to your family. how are you making out with the seizures? Dey jest gottsta stop now, k? Did you ever hear back from de doctor? You too are in my prayers but you all are why of course-a-rous!

    Well iffen i missed anyone, foygive me, k? Mese cousin is coming back and may be staying through the week. She is spatting with her DH. I know there are two sides to every story but I do not blame her for not putting up with that mans BS. I gonna try mese best not to be a huge partay aminal. I iz only on mese first drink today and it is relatively late.

    Love you all, have a groovy kind of night, ya hear?


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Hi Ladies---oh mese puter is goofy again, I had to wait for Joey to fix it, I don't know what I do to it.

    Lori I hope u'r doing OK, now u'r leaving Thirstday (again) but I'm glad u'r rash is clearing up. I worry about u and SusyQ, u have so much going on and bless u'r hearts u gals don't stop.

    Dara, Dara, Dara u and Willie gonna get in trubbbble if yese don't watch out. But don't worry we'll protect u as long as we get paid with Willies, BTW is it legal in KANSAS? Oh u'r poor dad, now how long does he stay and what about afterwards--What a mess this is for u'r family, it's so hard to make decisions for our parents, we want the best but what is the best really? U have done so much so whatever u all decide I'm sure it will be the best thing.

    Mary yes before and after pics. we love that. And it's way to long not seeing Nora way to long. So we'd better see some pics of her very soon.

    Julie I had no problem reading that poem it made perfect sense. U'r so fun. And when I read it I read it with u'r accent.

    Nancy I think of u often hoping u'r doing decently and things will be figured out for u, I can't even imagine how u feel.

    NM thanks for veering the snow towards us for a while we got 5 ins. yesterday and kept the curtains closed. The dog was even hurrying up, he's even tired of it. And this week it's supposed to be like in the 60's--crazy March. It seems like u are getting used to u new "Pearl" is it  ? I knew u'd like a Jeep I know I like ours. And Sadie got used to it quickly. Sometimes when u and julie say u had an OK day I think for u it's OK, but I bet u both worked u'r asses off doing what u do.

    Marty came in to tell me he had his first facial today--Leslie has to start practicing what she's learning now--Ha then Joey comes in oh mommy gave me a facial---Excuse me I'm the one who can use this more than anyone--So I got one too, I never had one in my life--oh it was wonderful she has to practice certain strokes in different areas and know the names of them of course and it felt so relaxing, so now she startss practicing all she's been learning YYAAAYYY it's about time we can get some benefits.

    Oh I'm still getting the phone calls, I can't help myself cuz I'm still answering, I'm the stupid one.

    My GF is doing well and hopefully we'll get together next week and have dinner in her restaurant and she better not get up. She promised me we'll be served and not by her this time and I'm going to make sure-she's goofy as hell.

    OK I hope u have a decent nite.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Another Oh Dark Hundred, single digit temp morning.At least the wind had stopped howling.Supposed to get up to the 40's this week, hard to believe!I, for one, cannot wait!

    Genny--Your MIL sounds like so many people I've worked with. "That pill makes me pee all the time!" Well, yeah, that's how it gets rid of the fluid buildup.Just wait until you are in the hospital and you have to pee out so much fluid you end up witha catheter in.Glad the foobies are doing well, bet you can't wait for the dressings to come off.Nora withdrawal, I can imagine!

    Goldie--planting a tomato plant?I can't even see the ground yet!Temps in the 90's?Do they still make temps that high?

    Mema--Face time with Lynne--Yahoo!How come you aren't using your port for blood draws?That's part of the reason a port in put in , after all.If it's just because the lab doesn't want to arrange to have a nurse come access the port tell them your comfort trumps their convenience.

    Dara--You and willie get into so much trouble!I'm not surprised security came to check on the alarm, the alarms are usually tied into the security system in hotels and public places.You are really lucky you don't get your a$ arrested when you party with Willie!Holy cow, you Dad got admitted to ICU?At least he's where he can get the care he needs.The statin drugs have lots and lots of side effects, so many that one of the first things we do when we admit someone to Hospice is to stop it.People generally feel so much better after that.Glad he x-rays came back clear.Does make for a long, long day, though.Ms Pearl is handling the road quite nicely, I was impressed with how easily she dealt with one patient's driveway yesterday.Just powered through 6 inches of snow without a spin or slip.Sadie would love for spring to get here, she is very tired of trying to run through the rotten snow.Rotten as in it breaks up and she falls through what little crust there is, so she can't get a good head of steam goingwhen playing fetch.She gets pooped out really quickly.

    Cammy--nothing like a buggy compute to make life entertaining!Sadie does like riding in Pearl, but isn't quite so sure she likes the doggy seat belt--it's just a short looped leash, the seat belt is buckled through the loop, then clipped to her harness.She can sit up, lie down, and move around, but I don't think she really likes it.Too bad, after being in the pile up I realized that she needs to be protected in the car, too.If she had been with me I think she would have been killed, or seriously hurt.And I had actually thought about taking her with me that day, then decided it was too cold.Ooh, I bet the facial was LOVELY!I wish I was close enough for Leslie to practice on me. Good news about your GF!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Hot Springs Cocktail

    1/2 tsp Maraschino Liqueur

    1 1/2 oz White Wine

    1 tbsp Pineapple Juice

    1 dash Orange Bitters

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.


    Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    LDB, hoping you and 4 were able to hook up and have a great time. Are you on Kacyla indefinatley? I'm so glad these drugs you and I are on, don't make us sick. When I was sick at the beginning of the FU pills, I was  going to quit!

    Wacko, big hugs for you love. I am so sorry about your dad, and I know you are worried sick about him. I am taking 4 pills a day, verse the 7 a day when I first started. Oh my, dad had to go to ER. Well, mese tinking dis iz a goot ting. Try to keep him in for the 3 days and make sure no one gives permission for him to be released! Sorry about  your tooth. And you don't have to threaten to kick Cami's ass, just threaten to take her Brandy!!!

    Cami, nice that  you all got facials. I have never had one either. I do hope you get to hook up with your GF. Why on earth are you taking those calls in the middle of the night? Are you just bored? I would just turn the phone off or put it on silent. If the number comes up, call them back during the day, and ask them why they call so late.

    NM, your weather is BRUTAL! Have you ever thought of moving? Temps in the mid 90's in Laughlin, not at my house. But we have been in the 70's and low 60's, poyfect foy mese. I never thought about Sadie possibly being with you when you got in that accident. Now I don't even want to think about it, and it's awesome that you have her buckled up and safe.

    Well, I called my mom's doctors office and spoke with this lady Ms. James. She remembers me and will discuss with the doctor today and call me and let me know what they think, if I should tell my mom or not.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2015

    cammi-tell dd i wish i lived close enough for her to practise on me! your being woke up at night, oh no i'd have an extra coffee-wink wink

    lori- hope you get the info today, its cloudy and overcast and really humid at 77f here, why am i suddenly ducking heavy objects being thrown at me!

    sue hope you have a good day

    nm- (((((((((sadie)))))))))), i'm sure the flashbacks will continue for a while but remember so few injured and nobody killed , a lot of miracles that day.

    dara- hope your dad is doing better now but icu! the current chf diet reccomendations are low salt diet and no more than 64oz fluid a day and that includes sauces,soups, puddings,ice cream, fruit etc unless the doc gives a specific fluid restriction. hope your dad can go to rehab so he can get used to the diet! or your jd needs will go sky high

    mary-so glad your doing welll, hope the kitchen demolition is going well

    have a good day ladies

    been to the gym have put on 12lbs in the last 3 weeks wtf!!!!!!!!!! so i need to loose weight to have some clothes to wear

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Afternoon everyone! We are having crazy weather here. 30 and cloudy today and tomorrow 70, then back to the 40's, Yep weird..

    Mary I am glad you are getting your kitchen done and I hope all goes well for you. You will have to show us the finished project for sure. Glad your foobes are doing well too. I am sure you are having Nora withdraw. I didnt see Jackson last weekend since I was in the hospital or too much this weekend either since I am still having seizures and I miss him a bunch!

    Mema have fun with 4. Give her a hug for me and you all have a drink for me too! :)

    Dara I am really sorry about your dad. I hope he is feeling better. My dad had heart failure and was in and out of ICU all the time. I know it can be scary. I wish I was closer and could help you. Maybe this is will help get him into a rehab upon discharge and get you some help.

    Cami I hope things are going well for Marty and Leslie. Has he tried signing up with a temp agency until he finds something perm?

    Still having seizures at least 3-6 a day. I called the neurologist and they cant get me in until April 24. I talked to her MA and told her how many seizures I am still having. She said she was going to relay message to Dr. That was at 930 this am. Its 330pm If I dont hear from them by 5p and keep having them I am going to go back to the ER and I guess I will just keep going back until they put me on something that works or increase what I am on. The MA said she was reviewing my EEG and video from the hospital which I know was 3 days worth but come on.

    Julie I envy you I would love to live in Florida. I just wish I could talk the rest of my family into joining me. I would be in heaven! I want to live in the Sarasota area. I love the Gulf area. The water is so pretty on the Gulf side not to mention its only I think an hour from Disney.

    Love you girls.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Hi Ladies---

    NM I never thought about Sadie being in the car with u, wow u'd better have her in protection. That would have been just horrible. But like Julie said no one was really hurt horribly so there were a lot of miracles that day. And it's still cold here, supposed to be warm in the next few days, then probably cold again. I like the DOTD u'r coming up with a lot lately. Such happy ingredients.

    Lori I hope u'r doing better. And hope the Docs get back to u about u'r mom. And then u can make u'r decision. I know things aren't good, but maybe the Dr. will let u feel like they are better than u think.

    I think SusyQ is gone for most of the week I hope ahe's doing well.

    Lori u'r leaving soon now--who else is going?  Well not me.

    Dara I hope u'r dad is doing etter and u'r geting some rest too. Now I didn't say sleep I said rest.

    Oh Julie u'll loose that weight in no time, u are very disciplined. Did u finish all the chocolate?

    BTW I'm not answering the phone at night anymore, I've finally had enough. Oh and I have to tell u what beauty product was used on my facial---virgin olive oil LOL My mom and aunt used to use this, but they don't actually tell people that cuz u can't use it all the time just 3 times a week. But Leslie is now learning the mixtures that u put together or all the different skin types and for the maks. Lots of stuff she has to learn, but olive oil?????

    Oh and yes Marty has signed up with a couple of temp agencies but things are just starting to open up--so we'll see. If Les wasn't going to school she'd have some kind of job, but she can't do both at all and she's 1/2 way thru now so fingers crossed.. Oh I actually helped Joey with math tonite--it was % and since I know about that--only cuz I look for that in buying anything--I could help him. That's his weakest subject. Mine too but %'s I know

    Nancy and Mary u'd better see u'r babies this weekend it's been to long.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Evening girls, quick pop-in cause it's after 11 and I have to take pooches to doggie day-care in the ayem and be to PS at 8:30, then work at 9:30. I've read everything but can't address everyone tonight. Kitchen coming along fast, all the cabinets are in and crown molding up. Tomorrow they measure for the countertop then we have to wait for it to come in. I've been working on making a beanbag chair for Nora and it's been taking my puter time. It's taking longer than I thought it would. Pups both got groomed today and looking so cute and smellin so purdy. DH in Michigan till Thursday. I'm getting Nora overnight on Friday, it'll be 3 weeks since I've seen her.

    Lori, I saw your post about taking before pics after they started darn it. So I got midway pics, I'll hafta post them. Good idea about talking to the lady at your mom's doctor office. I hope she can help you come to a decision, I know it's been hard. Glad to hear the steroids are working.

    Dara, sorry about your dad but it sounds like a good thing, hopefully you can get him some rehab. I hope they figure out the heart stuff and get him outta the ICU soon.

    Nancy, hope you are doing better and get to see your babies soon.

    NM, I had a long talk with my MIL and used the phrase "to prevent congestive heart failure" over and over and I think she got it. She promises to take the pills and do her walking. Weather here is so cold but no snow. Sounds like you and Pearl are beginning to bond, glad to hear.

    Sue, Julie, Cami hope you have sweet dreams and a good Wednesday. to all!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Would you believe it got to 38 degrees here yesterday?There was melting going on all over the place! There may be hope for spring yet!

    Goldie--I've never seriously thought about moving out of Maine.Almost all my family is here.Of course, as time goes by the idea of moving somewhere warmer crosses my mind.Doubt I'll ever do it, though.Glad you called your Mom's doc's office.You'll get good advice there.

    Julie--I swear I am going to ship you a cooler full of snowballs to throw at yourself!I keep reminding myself how God and vehicle safety innovations protected so many people that day.I still have moments but they seem to be fading now.

    Collett--I wish they could get the seizures under control.That must be so scary.Amazing how long it takes to get things reviewed, isn't it?Hmm, maybe we should set up a bc survivors enclave in the Sarasota area.I'd worry about hurricanes, though.I suppose every place has it's hazzards!

    Cammy--Olive oil is good for all sorts of things!Good for you for not answering the phone at night any more.If the call is legit they'll leave a message.Good for you for being able to help Joey with %s, I struggle with that sometimes.

    Genny--I hope your MIL does take the pills.I know the peeing all the time is annoying, but the alternative is much worse.Pearl and I are bonding nicely now, thanks.I had forgotten how much fun it is to drive a manual transmission.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Happy Water

    1 can (ice cold) Beer

    1 can (ice cold) Lemon Lime Soda

    Best served in a Beer Mug.


    Pour beer and Sierra Mist into a beer mug. This is called happy water because of the fact that it tastes almost identical to water.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Good morning girls, it's raining heavily at the moment, glad I was already planning to take the pooches to "school". Dogs fed, drinking my coffee.

    NM, interesting DOTD, glad to hear you have spring attempting to poke it's head thru. I always thought it was interesting that when I go anywhere with my MIL I pea twice as much as her and I'm not on diuretics, I just have a bladder the size of a pee. It never occurred to me she wasn't taking them.

    Sue, hope you and Lynn have some fabulous facetime, can't wait to see the pics. Glad to hear your tx's are going ok and praying they continue to do their job.

    Cami, hope you have lots of fun with your GF. Enjoy your coffee this ayem. I sure hope the temp agency can find something for Marty and hopefully something that can turn into a permanent position. Hope you get your new choppers soon and then the process is quick and painless. Does insurance pay for that?

    Julie, hoped you ducked the flying objects however I have to admit one or two may have come from me. 12 lbs in 3 weeks? yikes! I put my gym membership on hold, hoping PS will tell me I can go back soon. DH and I going on vacay next month and hoping I don't have to buy clothes for it. I'm right in between my before and after chemo sizes at which point I did not buy clothes. 77 degrees sounds like a dream.

    Dara, praying for your dad.

    Nancy, praying for answers.

    Lori, praying for more TM shrinkage. Pleas let me know when you get your dates for Michigan, want to try my best to get some facetime with you.

    Lara, you ok? where are you?

    Everybody I missed, love you all, have a great day, I try and pop in tonight but I have a date with my sewing machine, gonna get this damn chair done if it kills me. DIY said it was a 30 min project, Ha!, Maybe only if you know what the hail yer doing? Gotta go, time to jump in the shower and get moving.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2015

    popping in

    anyone miss me

    I have been working all done now time to get pjs, sheets etc for surgery

    was in ER my hand swelled up and my implant is totally rotated with a hug ebump of fluid under my arm

    no infection just have to wait im miseriable april2 surgery

    gotta play ketchup





  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2015

    I want to pull this god damn thing out now

    so furicated

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    Julie, why are you ducking heavy objects? I don't get it. Oh no, so sorry about those 12 lbs, why don't that just suck! You can do this, I know you can, you have done it before. When is your trip?

    Nancy, I can't believe they are still making you wait until April 24 to see you! Do they think that half a dozen siezures a day is ok??? I don't think so!

    Cami, the doctors office did not call me, so I will call back today. I don't want to bug them. And yes, I am leaving YET AGAIN! Tomorrow. I'll bet Joey loved having you help with his homework. And Olive Oil IS good. I use extra virgin organic coconut oil on my skin, then I smell like a Pina Colata! Still praying that Marty finds something.

    Mary, where in MI does your hubby go? Any chance he has to be there between April 8 -15??? This is when I will be in MI, which I posted before, you moosta missed it. Yay for the kitchen moving along quickly, MIL listening, pups groomed and smellin good...AND SEEING NORA!

    NM, it IS a great reminder to remember that no one was seriously hurt in that accident. I would not like hurricanes either. Here in AZ we just have fires to worry about. It was hard moving from my family, but I do love it here. Hmmmm, beer and lemon lime soda???

    Awww Lara, you are having a helluva time. I sure hope the surgery helps you. April 2nd just seems like so far away when you have so much to deal with. Is your surgery out patient? How long were you in the hospital. And of course we missed you. But don't go pulling nuttin out.

    Wacko, git ye butt in here, or I'm comin for your JD!

    Well, not sure if y'all remember that my DD's a$$hole husband had left her, went to Hawaii and then to Cambodia a few months ago. Well he was posting all kinds of pictures on FB, how wonderful life was, blah blah blah. Well, all things came to a hault. I kept checking to see if anyone was posting to his page and visa versa...well nothing! So yesterday, I decided to google his name and Cambodia, and what I found was shocking! He is supposedly in jail for murder! But the story says the man he beat molested his girlfreinds 10 yo daughter. But also says they were both in the house at the time and a report was made earlier in the day about the molestation. Just doens't make sense. My poor DD is just beside herself, and at looking at some of the articles and blogs, her name is brought up as well. He also has a pretty long list of arrests, one being in FL for domestic violence, which I learned was on MY DD! It was just a scuffle, but when cops got there, she had a scratch on her arm and marks on her neck, so they arrested him. Here is one of the articles, if you are interested.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Click for Options unselectable="on">

    Beautiful Lynn on Fremont enjoying the experience.  What a good time and I’m thrilled I got to meet 4’s DH….what a great guy!!

    Dara - am very sad to hear about you dad.  I will double my prayers and send you big HUGZ! 

    Cami - Hooray on the facial, they do feel sooo nice don’t they.  And now you’ll have ur very own cosmetologist.  That Joey is a smart one he can bix ur puter.  I am back home only gone for 2 days.

    NM - ugh ugh ugh on the weather, I feel so bad for you.  But am glad to hear you and Pearl are getting along marvelously.  The onco nurses will draw from my port but phlebotomist won’t. 

    Loweee - Yes, I am on Kadcyla indefinitely.  I’m so glad you didn’t quit, jes needed to tweak your meds.  Keep us posted on your mom, sending prayers (((Lowee)))  What a horrible story about you DD’s X…I mean he is an X right?  Hope your DD realizes how lucky she is, cudda been bad for her.  Did they have kids together?

    Julie - good luck on losing those pesty pounds, amazing how jes a little excess weight can mess up a wardrobe.

    Mary, yes I wanna see b4 and after kitchen pics too.

    Nancy - yes I am appalled too that they make you wake a!!  Sounds like a plan tho of trying to get them to move via the ER.  (((Nancy)))

    Lara - I missed ya, sawee to hear things not getting much better  (((Lara)))

    Lubslubslubslubslubs all!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2015

    Well Lynn pic showed up here until I hit submit.  I give up!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Afternoon everyone, well I went to the ER again about 2am today due to more seizures. I woke up with them about 12am and had 4 bad ones by 2 and then told my DH I had enough. He could either take me or I was calling 911. So he took me. At least this time I stayed alert. But the good news is that I did get my Trokendi increased to 225 mg and I finally got in to see my neurologist this Friday.

    Mema I am glad you and Lynn had fun. I am looking forward to meeting both of you soon. I am sure time will fly. In the mean time we can buy clothes and look at our excursions and think about what fun things we want do on the cruise!

    Lori that is horrible about your DD x. I hope he gets what he deserves.

    Laura you have been through so so much. We do miss you and so sorry you have so much you have to go through. I hope this surgery goes ok for you .

    Dara where are you?

    NM hopefully it will warm up for you soon! I know I am ready for some sunshine and warmth. Flowers and green grass and green leaves on trees would be nice too.