how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Hi girls,

    Sorry I have been MIA, been suffering from a tooth ache, got it all bixed up today and it feels a lot better. It was an injured ligament in my back molar, ouch. Tank God for good pain pills, oh hail yeah.

    My Dad is getting better but had a fall at the hospital. He tried to get up to pee and slipped. He did not want us to find out but the NP called my sister and told her that they were sending him to get a scan on his head (the name of the scan fails me right now). I am glad they are seeing him as he really is, so ornery and determined to keep moving when he should be calling for help. I have to often remind him that he is not a young man anymore and tell him to slow the hell down. Thank all of you dear girls so much for your kind words and prayers. I have heard from my DD, we have been commuting more over the past few days. She is moving out of the house, long story for another time. She said she is going to give me money for the security deposit that I will lose, we will see.

    Genny, glad to hear the kitchen is coming along well. And horray for an overnight with sweet Nora. Good luck at fininshing the chair, I hate when the instructions say a half hour and it takes turdeen weeks lol. Your doggies are so spoiled, would love to be able to afford to take mine to doggy day care, sounds so fun for them. And how firciting that you are all done with all of the crud and have bootiful foobs. Are you happy with the results? I am envious, wait until you see mine, they are an eyesore foah shoah.

    Cam, good that you are not picking up the phone in de middle of the night, that is crazy. Great suggestion for you to call the number during the day and wake the person up. Jest breathe heavy and hang up. Or put on a voice of one of your creepy scary movie peeps and say I know who you are lol. Praying for Marty and Les, hope he can find suitable employment. I have a feeling his break is coming soon.

    NM, so happy that you and Pearl are bonding so well. I also enjoyed driving a stick back in the day. And the other girls make a great point in the fact that so many miracles happened on that very horrible day. God is good. Tank God the snow is starting to melt there, it will just get better and better from here girl!

    Lara, sweet Lara, damn it, you jest can't catch a break. I am so sorry. I hope and pray that the surgery bixes you up so that you can get back to life as you knew it before the FNRB took over. I have missed ya lil sis.

    Hi Julie, no one will throw stones or snowballs atcha. I do envy you and the great Florida weather. Yikes on the weight gain, I can relate. But you can work out and get it off again. Can't wait to see your face again, jest ten months lol. Time flies though.

    Sue, glad you had a nice time with Lynne, maybe she can pop on and post a pic? I wish I had gone to that street that begins with an F I tink, having a brain fart and your post is on the previous page. (I copied and pasted the text from that page but de format is all effed up so can't really read what I copied nor remember all you wrote, sawry. Muah to you!

    Lori, OMG OMG OMG!!!! What a horrifying thing to find out about your daughter's ex. Are they still married and jest separated? I read the articles and just gasped. And I found some very graphic photos of the victim. Saw another article that said it might have been a love triangle? Yikes. I got a little kick out of the Cambodian writers stating that "he had the nerve to have an opened alcoholic beverage in his car). I am so sorry, this must be really weighting heavily on your heart. Prayers to you and your DD too. Hope you continue to feel well, girlfriend, love you.

    Nancy, glad you got yourself to the ER, got your appointment moved up, wtf is wrong with people? Hate that you are going through all this with the seizures, it has to be frightening. Sending lots of love and hugs to you. Thanks for popping in.

    I know I am missing someone here, I am a little high on de pain pills. Taking 10 ml percos, hey meet me at de perco fountain for some rounds of dwinks, k? And hope you will be seeing your widdle loves soonliest.

    All have a good night. Lots of love to each of my goils!

    Peace out!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Hi Ladies,

    YIKES IS RIGHT Lori, what an article OMG u'r DD must feel horrible. No matter what their situation is it's a scary feeling reading that. Cambodia yet, what a place to do anything wrong let alone that.  I hope u'r doing OK and feeling decent.

    NM interesting DOTD, I've had beer with diet Dr. Pepper (which I don't like) and it was incredibly good, so who knows? I'm glad u'r really getting to like Pearl, but don't get to comfy with spring yet, ours was supposed to start, now they're changing everything around--but the snow has melted for now anyway.

    Lara I'm so sorry uve been thru so much, but April 2nd is next week so I pray all goes well.

    Nancy I'm sorry u ended up in ER again but I'm glad u went now u'll see u'r Dr. much earlier and had some med. changed and they can figure out what's best dor u. This is the worst it's ever been isn't it? They better dind out why too.

    SusyQ we were all waiting to see the pic, but maybe 4 can get it on. It sounds like u had a good time too. I'm glad u had some good face time.

    Dara u'r poor dad, but good thing he was there and good they saw that too. And I'm so glad u and u'r DD are really talking again. Remember just go along with anything she says. And when is the court date? I know it's soon, but it can't be soon enough. U'r cousin is sure having a difficult time with her DH, but there are so many ups and downs in a marriage--It's a hard job, I think.

    Mary---u'r MAKING A CHAIR--- OMG u must have taent, someone could be standing right next to me and showing me how to do it and I'd still screw it up. But Nora will love it, and no wonder u want it done, u'll be sharing u'r time with her and she'll be so excited. And u'r kitchen sounds like it's going well really fast.

    Well Marty starts a job Wed. (God willing) they had to do a criminl test first and it was fine so he got hired--it's taking care of an upscale apartment complex and he's absolutely fine with that--we didn't care at this point and it sounds pretty OK, moneys not great but it's better than nothing. I figured next Wed is April first (oh oh April fools day) chit, anyway it must be the start of a pay period.
    Remember how much I LUBS u all and thank u for all the prayers for Marty.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Hi girls, Got some updated info on my Dad today and am quite concerned. He has fluid on the lungs. They are going to first try a trial of a drug called Lasix and if that does not work, they will use IV diuretics. I am skeered for him. Nurses, do you think he will be alright, how serious is this? Oh, I found out today that he had yet another fall on Saturdey while with my other sister ... mind you, he took my other sister down during his fall last week. So I was a lil bent that I wuz not told about this. Anywho, my sister has a very swollen knee, she said it is the size of a football. She finally got it checked out and it is some kind of a tair, sounds like she is going to have a lot of recovering to do.

    Lori, I am still having a hard time with the kind of creature your ex SIL is. I tailed you already that it makes me tink of my own DD. Such fn ugly people in the world. I will never eber understand how people can be so vicious towards another human. Makes me FN sick. Sending you and your DD more hugs and lots n lots of lubs.

    Yay for Marty. So happy for your family Camille. ((((Marty)))) - congrats and well done.


    Gonna git to bed, so I say now.... It has been a long dey for this slacker and another biddy dey tomorrow. See you all latah!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Mud season is fighting it's way in around here, there are lots of puddles in the roads and melting snow, and the weather guesser is talking about RAIN, not snow!Yeah!

    Genny--Not taking diuretics is a common issue with seniors.Many, many do not take them if they are going out that day, for fear of not being able to get to a bathroom in time.And that usually isn't a problem, it's when someone doesn't take them at all that we see people getting into trouble.

    ORLA--OUCH!That must hurt like he##!Why are they making you wait to take it out?

    Goldie--Fires don't sound like a lot of fun to deal with, either.I complain a lot about the cold and snow, but I really do not function well in the heat, so I've always been a bit leery about moving to a place that gets really hot.Maybe someday I'll move to a warmer place, but not right off.Holy cow, what a pickle DD's ex is in!Must be scary for everyone involved.

    Mema--the phlebotomist won't draw from your port, not allowed, but if you ask (you may have to insist) they must bring a nurse down to access the port for blood work.That is 50% of what the port is in place for.Insist they use for blood draws, that's what you have the port for, after all!The weather here is, finally, getting better.Rain predicted, not snow!Yeah!

    Collett--Glad you get to see your neurologist sooner, and got your med increased.Praying that works quickly.Had sun all day yesterday, it was WONDERFUL!

    Dara--how did you injure a ligament in your back molar?Glad you got good drugs, though.That does make a huge difference.So sorry your Dad had another fall, glad it happened at the hospital where it has to be addressed and taken seriously.DD moving out of the house?Is sperm donor still living with her?Is he pushing her tomove, do you think?I bet he found someplace less expensive to live, assuming you aren't paying the rent there anymore.And yes, God is VERY good!

    Cammy--I'm not counting on winter being down and out yet, but I am going to enjoy the springish weather today and maybe tomorrow!HOORAY for Marty's new job!Security is a good field to get into, bet he can work his way up in the company as time goes by.

    Dara--Lasix is a commonly used diuretic (water pill).Not unusual to try the pill form to see if it will shift fluid on the lungs, and often is very successful.The IV form is a bit more potent.Sounds like your Dad has a bit of Congestive Heart Failure, not uncommon, and when flaring up can cause a lot of falls and other issues.So sorry your sister got hurt when they fell.All this is building a good case for him going to rehab for a while, though.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Brevann Springwater

    2 cl Vodka

    2 cl Banana Liqueur

    5 cl 7 Up

    20 cl Sweet and Sour Mix

    Best served in a Highball Glass.


    Everything goes in a highball glass with ice. Pour Seven Up or Sprite on the top Garnish with lemon and some other fresh fruit. Drink with a straw.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Morning girls, wow, I popped on here last night and no one was around, I wake up dis morning to all kinds of new stuff. I don't have long cause I hafta get these pooches out and it's cold and raining so not looking forward to it.

    Lori, Julie is ducking heavy objects because she had to mention to all us northern girls that it was 77 degrees, hence me being tempted to throw sometin meese ownself. Sposed to be a high of 28 here tomorrow..yuck. I'm so glad yer DD's husband is an ex! What an awful story, I will pull it up and read it this evening when I get home from work. I once was dating a guy and he had an exwife and 2 kids and she calls him one day to tell him that her DH (his kids stepdad) had been arrested for killing his mistress and their newborn child and then burying them in the woods! And he was found guilty and she had decided to stand by, sicko people out there. Anyway, I hope your DD is not to affected by this, does she have kids by him? Hope you continue to feel better.

    Gotta post this, doggie have to poop, try and pop back in before work

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    LDB, send me the pic, I'll post it. Glad you guys got to meet up and hab sum fun fun fun. I looked up your drug, for some reason I thought it was for you smart bwain, but I see it's to treat the Her2. I guess the WBR is all they can do for the brain?

    Nancy, I guess you are home now? Damn those siezures! But glad you are getting in sooner to see the doc and I hope the upped meds help you.

    Wacko, good ting you had toof ache, or I wuz gonna confiskate you JD. And yippee on talking to DD, it's a step in the right direction. Please do tell (in time) why they are moving. I assume it is "they"? Are you talking about Fremont Street, in Vegas? I tink you wuz sleeping, cuz you wuz up all night long. How long has your dad been in the hospital now? Please make sure NO ONE signs or oks for his release. This is your chance to get him into rehab. I hope the lungs clear up.

    Cami, that is great news on Marty, I'm glad he didn't have to wait too long to get a job, and hopefully Les will get finished with school and she can find one. You are visiting with your GF soon?

    NM, yeah for a little bit of spring weather! The real hot days for us is only for a month or so, and we've only had one little fire real clost to us. It was a lightning strike. I was actually the one who spotted it.

    Mary, your story sounds much worse than my DD's! And you get Nora tomorrow! Thanks for 'splaining about Julie ducking from heavy objects!

    Ok, my DD is still married to this idiot, but no children. She got a hold of his brother, brother says that the 2 of them were drinking and husband went out to get more beer, came back and the guy was on top of his GF's 10 year old daughter, That is when the fight started. Supposedly victom tried to get away and ran into something which caused the scull fracture. The family is trying to keep it very hush hush, cuz if the US finds out, he could be in more trouble. They are also trying to settle with the victims family with cash. I told her she need to get a divorce!!! She says she thinks she should wait, as she doesn't want him in even more trouble. I said "FINE" that is your choice! What if he has to pay and he doesn't have it and they come after you??? I guess I just have to keep my mouth shut and pray for the best. But it all sounds too fishy to me. I guess the prison there is not too nice....ha ha!!! If the little girl was molested, or an attempt made, I do feel bad for that, and perhaps the guy should not have lived? I guess the GF goes to see him like 2 times a day, and takes him letters that his family has written to her on FB.

    Leaving in a bit for Laughlin.......have a great weekend ladieZ!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Morning ladies I am home but didnt have a very good night.. I had some really bad seizures . My husband told me that my whole body arched and my hands curled in like a crab it scared him. Then I didnt respond for a bit. Im a bit foggy today so im not gonna be onlong I just wanted to say I love you all and share a video oaf Jackson from last nsight.

    Well I cant get the video on here you will have to see it on facebook darnit.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Good Morning my fair Ladies--yes it's morning.

    NM u'r right enjoy the spring days and hope it just stays that way. We were supposed to get rain, but never happened, but it's still cool out here. Good DOTD today.

    Dara I hope u'r toof is all better dis morning, I know after all u've been thru this sounds silly but to me a toothache is on the top of the list for pain I can't take. Wow u'r poor sister I hope her knee heals, to tear something is not so good. 'r poor dad I do hope they can help, but I'm a realist he might need 24 hr. care for anything and everyday things--so be kind of prepared. I don't mean to scare u, I just know what we went thru with my dad. And I honestly felt he was safer and they were very kind to him. I think of my dad and think al he went thru too and he was blind and he was never crabby, ever I don't know how he did it, I guess that's why I was so close to him he was so kind. Anyway I just hope things get straighten out.

    OK NOW Lorie is gone, got to get used to all these travelors. Jeez I never really thought of ramifications for her DD, but if money is involved there might be. Chit. My ex'x son murdered a woman and he left the state and the FBI got involved and it was a mess--WTF do we all know murderers, that was horrible what he did and how he did it and when I met him he was very kind to me but drugs and alcohol was way to much and he's in prison in IL for life.

    Well on thst not I hope everyone has a pleasant day and Nancy keep us posted and Mary tomorree is Friday.




  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Hi girls,

    Quick pop in, busy day. Gotta see mese shrink at 2:30, visit mese Dad then have PT at 6pm.

    Lori, yes, I did mean Fremont St. And yes, I was up all night de night before with mese cousin. You know me well hehe. Freaky story, very twisted. I don't get how if the US finds out about the incident how he can be in more trouble. I would tink he will go to jail for life over the torturous nature of the murder. But den again iffen they find out he was molesting the child, could he get out in 20 years or so? I too tink your DD should divorce him but we can only make suggestions. Have fun in Laughlin girl, you deserve it.

    NM, hallelujah for rain and not snow. Happy mudding. I bet Sadie will love going for runs once it warms up. As for mese tooth, the dr said that the trauma typically happens when eatting someting very hard like popcorn or hard pretzels. But I did not consume anyting hard. He tink that it likely happened due to my grinding of my teeth. He bixed it by sawing down the molar (it is capped). It still hurts, i keep playing with it by biting down to see if it hurts and yes it does. Stoopid tooth. Many tanks for the info on the drugs my dad will be taking. You de bestest!

    Mary, freaky that you experienced something similar with an ex. This world is full of crazy people. speaking of, how about that co pilot that crashed that Lufthansa flight. Anywho, hope you have a nice day and wanna see you back, same place, later. Meet me up for some percotinis.

    Nancy, I really feel horrible that you are going through this. I wish they had kept you in de hospital for more observation. I know you do not want to be there but they can keep track of what is happening. Any word regarding the three day or so test ya took? I am praying for you.

    Back to Lori, you asked about my Dad. He went into the hospital on Monday so he has already done the three midnights required for rehab. he is just a hot mess he is. we want to try to get him into the rehab where my Mom is ... they have both permanent placement and rehab there. the people there all love him, it is always "hello Jay how are you" over and over. I comment quietly and say outloud "hello dorothy" what about me? lol.

    Well that is it for now. I hope I answered all ye questions I do try but mese brain is not doing too good in remembering. Too much alchol saturating mese already pea brain.

    Love you all and sending out prayers for all who need them.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    oops, Camille, bumped ya dear, hope Pants caught you and took you to his bedroom hehe. Still so happy about Marty and also hoping that Les is able to finish up school and move onto a wonderful new carreer.

    Forgot to tail about my DD and the move. The property we rented is in foreclosure and today is the day that the bank takes over. They did not have to leave, they are protected by law. BUt ahole SD wanted to just up and move so they are moving. I stand to lose the security deposit as they never paid the rent for this month. So my DD says that they are giving me money towards that. End of story ~ yawn~

    Gotzta git my ewwa in de shower. and I am going to try somethhing new with mese hair today. Gonna try to let it dry naturally and see what happens. It is mild and very humid todey. Mese sis tailed me to try to brush out my hair, wash it then just use a pick instead of brushing through then just let er dry so gonna try it. Mese hair is in transition, I am trying to grow it long. I have wanted long hair all of my life and it is close to as long as it has ever been. Ok, enough about me, sorry sometimes I feel I talk about me too much.

    more love and lots of peaceful thoughts going out to all mese goils!!!!!! Think sunshine and think Spring!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    me again, just got word that they are moving my Dad to where my Mom is. I will be transporting him today. Keep up the prayers. Talk to you all later, gotta run.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2015

    dara good news on your dad, hope it transitions to permanent for him,don't let him guilt trip you into smuggling food for him! salt is his enemy now, after the holidays we always get the people who snuck all the food they shouldn't eat in!

    nancy- the seizure pacemaker is that a possability for you , as they seem to be having a hard time controlling your seizures,

    sue and lynn ,hope you had a good time

    cammi- so glad marty got the job!

    lori-is your dd protected in case the us/cambodia come after any community property? i know a lot of the far east countries you can pay the victims family and get the sentence reduced, worried she;s still linked to him.

    lasix/furosemide is a diuretic aka "water tablet", it is very good for pulling fluid out of the body but it does pull out potassium as well, so that and kidney function need to be monitored, dara,your dad must have got some iv medication when in icu,as that is the first line when someone comes in who are fluid overloaded, and then they are transitioned to pills and monitored that the pills can do the job

    well ended up in employee health yesterday, when i peed 5 times in 2hrs ,it was ok this is not right, but my urinalysis was negative but they sent a culture as between the symptoms and the recent heiny scope,high risk for a uti, so currently on antibiotics! again, plus co worker as been diagnosed with the flu, so that still going around

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    hi girls, quick pop-in before bed.Days just go too dern fast.

    Dara, glad they are sending your dad for rehab. Hope they can get him bixed up. Too bad about DD and the house but at least your name and credit won't be tied into it now.

    Nancy, oh I hate hearing about these damn seizures. They have got to do something! and soon!. Answers and tx can't come soon enough.

    NM, good advice for sue and the port. Why get those needle sticks when a nurse can use the port? Looks like we have spring coming next Wednesday. Any good weather news on your horizon?

    Cami, seems like everyone knows someone who knows someone that's a murderer! Wthf? Hoping things are looking up for Marty and Leslie.

    Julie, heiney scope OK... what next? Hope you get it all figured out soon.

    Hi Lara, good to dee you in the lounge again.

    Knowing I didn't get to everyone but mese eyelids are heavy and I have to work and then get Nora for a sleepover so I gots to go... Love to all!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!It's been a whole 24 hours since the temp has been in the single digits!We got RAIN!Much of the snow is melted off the back deck now.There is hope for spring!Yeah!

    Genny--Would love to have a high of 77, but I'll take the 48 we got yesterday.I truly do not understand women who stand by a man who has killed someone on purpose, especially a child.Makes me wonder if the woman is entirely sane herself.

    Goldie--Hmm, if the really hot weather is only for a month I could probably manage that.Lightning strikes I can understand, those happen in Maine, several times a summer.Just not near me!DD doesn't want to divorce the guys cuz he might get into trouble?Um, a bit late for that, he's already in trouble, and the US is already aware if the US Embassy is involved like the article says.Lordy.Hope you have a good time in Laughlin!

    Collett--take care of yourself, and I'll check out the Jackson video!

    Cammy--The world is getting to be a scary place, isn't it?And it is hard to keep track of the travelers.Maybe we need a thread calendar where we can post who's going where when!

    Dara--Have you considered NOT biting down on your tooth until it hurts again? I know, easier said than done.Something about a sore tooth that attracts the tongue and biting down.Foreclosure on the property makes more sense for SD moving out and taking DD with.I wonder if you really will see any of that money from them.If you do it will be from DD, not from SD.And I bet SD will try to keep DD from paying back anything.Yeah for your Dad getting into Rehab in the same facility as your Mom!

    Juliet--hoping you don't have a UTI, or that the Aunty B's knock it out fastest!Flu still going around some of the nursing homes up here, too, only it's H flu type A now.Been a long flu season.

    Genny--The good weather news here is that the temps are expected to stay "seasonal" meaning above freezing for the most part for a while now.And the snow pack has been melting gradually so the flooding problems isn't as big as it could be.I really didn't think we'd ever get to this point.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Karma Killer

    1/4 oz Triple Sec

    1 oz Dark Rum

    1/4 oz Peach Brandy

    1 oz Grapefruit Juice

    1 oz Orange Juice

    1 oz Pineapple Juice

    Best served in a Highball Glass.


    Pour the rum, triple sec and peach brandy into a highball glass 3/4 filled with ice cubes. Add the fruit juices, stir well, and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Good Morning ladies.

    NM I'm gad u'r snow is really melting, ours has but last night it snowed again. Not much for us but not far from here got almost 2 in. and some main streets are a sheet of ice with loads of accidents and now closed for a while. So spring is taking a little longer to get here, I guess.

    Mary Today is Nora time TGIF, u must e so happy.

    Nancy I hope the meds are working better for u.

    Dara what a relief to have u'r dad being taken care of plus he's where u'r mom is--which makes it a it easier to see them. Dara u'r DD's heart is in the right place but since SD is around don't cunt on any money. I think he gets pleasure from all this--sick so of a bitch.

    Missing Lori, she's usually right after NM. LOL I hope she's having a good time.

    Oh Joey had to write a Eulogy about himself, but in the future like far far away. What someone he would hope would say about him. Well he came across as 1/2 Superman and 1/2 Einstein. He is an extreme wordsmith but I wanted to LOL thru the whole thing--it sounded beautifully written, but come on he cured diseases (many) cancer being the first, and so on and so on. Wel he sure doesn't have an inferiority complex.Oh and of course he went to Harvard at the top of his class. LOL and now they write it on the computer and email their stuff to their teachers. In the futre no one will have to learn how to use penmanship for anything. Jeez.

    OK I'll check back later.


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Good morning everyone it is a cloudy cold dreary day here. I have a appointment this afternoon with my Neurologist so I am anxious to see what she thinks is going on.

    Cami I am so glad to hear that Marty has a job. That made my day. That was an answer to many prayers I am sure. We will stilll keep praying that things go well. Joeys Eulogy was sweet and of course hes gonna cure us! I hope he does.

    Julie I dont know if the seizure pacemaker would be for me yet or not will see what the doc says today. I hope you feel better soon. UTIs are horrible I hate how uncomfortable they make you,

    Dara I am glad they got your dad into rehab. I hope your mouth is feeling better soon too. And please you do not talk too much.

    Gotta go get ready for my Dr appointmet I will drop in later.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Hi girls,

    It has been real quiet in here, hope you are all having a nice Saturdey night.

    My Momma and mese Daddy are now room mates at the home. So far, it is working out well. We got some sad news today, his therapist thinks Dad is showing early signs of Parkinsons. His hands have been shaking and often, when he falls, he goes down backwards. I am really torn as to whether or not I want him to live at the home permanently. He wants to come home in the worst way but logically, he should stay there. It is just such a sad time for us. I am still hopeful that he gets better and can come home, for his sake. And I also know what is best for me and having him come home is not. I feel so powerless, all I can do is pray.

    Julie, so sorry you are having problems. I hope that you do not have a UTI, they are so painful. I hope you are feeling better. Thanks for the information on my Dad and his meds. Muah!

    NM, glad your temps are staying above freezing. This has been quite a cold, nasty and long winter. Last year this time. I had my swimming pool open. Did I thank you for the information on the drugs i had asked about? If not, then thanks and if so, then thanks again lol. Hope you are having a leisurely weekend, you deserve it.

    Cam, so cute and sweet that Joey will be coming up with a cure. I say, hey, the sky is the limit. He will certainly go far and it is great that he sees himself reaching for the stars. I received a video of my Grandson and he is looking more and more like the FN SD. But I guess that is par for the course, eh? Thanks to you and the others for the kind words, well wishes and prayers for my Dad. My sisters and I disgusted whether or not we should talk to my Dad about the impact his falls are making on others. My poor sister might have a torn meniscus (sp?) in her knee. She is in so much pain, she can not move. Please keep the prayers coming for our family. How does Marty like his new job? I hope he loves it!

    Mary, I hope you are enjoying your time with sweet lil Nora. I know you missed her so much. Three weeks is a long time not to see her.

    I am thinking about both Nancy and Lara and sending up prayers. And I too miss Lori. You are right Cam, it is like clockwork seeing her post after NM. Hope she is having a good time away.

    Hello to everyone I did not address, I did try mese best. I do not want Lori taking mese JD away!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2015

    Holy Chit quiet in here.

    Nancy u never told us what u'r Dr. said, U usually get right back to us I hope u'r OK. Maybe u

    r with u'r kids and having a good time. I'm going to think that.

    Well we know Nora's having a ball with Nora and she does 4,000 things all week and has Nora overnite and she's exhausted. So true.

    Dar I don't care who u'r baby looks like, he''s his own little person who will grow to be a wonderful person--This chit better get straightened out soon. And I do hope u can all decide the right place for u'r dad.

    Julie another anti=B==I never knew how painful those are until this last year--so I hope the culture comes out decent.

    My crazy boss (cousin) dropped by today and brought me something different--He usually brings me Starbucks. Andway he says now this is a surprise but if u don't like it I won't get it for u again. It was Chi (is that the name) tea, I never had it before and supposedly it is very good for u--I like teas, but this one was so good-Leslie tasted it and really liked it--I would have preferred a chocolate cake as a surprise but I take what I can get,

    Oh Marty doesn't start his job til Wed. so we're all scrambling to figure out how to get thru these next few weeks., but the tunnel is there at least. LOL/

    PK I

    ll ceck back later


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015


    My darling Wacko, it was not my DD's husband that was molesting the girl, it was the guy that died. I also read somewhere the the US Embassy was not responding to the incident, due to privacy. So the US is fully aware of his arrest! How awesome that your dad is going to be where your mom is. I hope he behaves himself, and doesn't go around saying your mom is having sex with someone else!

    Julie, as for my DD and community property, there is none, they had never accumulated anything. I think he drank most of their money away, and thank goodness no children. Dang, you can't catch a break either! UTi, and flu going around. I hope neither for you.

    NM, those couple of months of hot weather are for me in the high country! Phoenix and southern AZ is much longer and MUCH hotter. You couldn't pay me to live there!

    Oh Cami, that Joey is something else. I am just in awe over his eulogy. He wants those things to happen, so he made it himself to make it so. He is just so sweet. You all have done such an amazing job raising him. He will grow up to be an amazing man.

    Dara, leave it in God's hands for your dad. He is actually in the same room with your mom? We'll put our heads together and think of things you can tell him, as to why he needs to stay there.

    Waiting too, to hear from Nancy.

    NM, glad to see a little bit of spring for you, or should we say MUD?

    I have the pic of LDB and Lynne. Both ladies are looking good and so happy! Things here are going great! Alabama concert is tonight.



  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    Morning ladies hope you all are doing well. Its sunny here today. Well my the good news is my Neurologist said that my seizures were not Epileptic they were all stress related and probably due to the prednisone Tamoxifen mixture that I was on for my bronchitis flare up, plus the fact that the radiation is still working, and my lungs are irritated and scared and my body is still fighting cancer and the fact that I learned that I have scaring and a nodule in my lung doesnt help and I lost my grandpa on top of it all etc.... She said I may not think that it has stressed me but since my accident and since I have a brain injury my brain doesnt work and handle things like it used to so it gets overloaded when I have any kind of emotioal or physical stress and it comes out as a seizure.

    So the plan is to keep seeing my Neuropsychologist, she increased my Ativan to 1mg to help when I have the really bad seizures, I still cant drive since I am having more seizures, she said they are just as serious as epileptic seizures and I shouldnt feel bad or let anyone make me feel bad because I cant control them. One nurse in the ER the other night told me that I can control them and I really should try to. And my Dr is going to keep a closer eye on me and see me every two months instead of every 4 and increased my Trokendi, she is allowing me to do the dragon boat racing but only on good days and only as long as my coach and everyone on the team knows I have seizures and what to do for me. And she is letting me go to a gym and I can swim but not alone and I cant go to the gym alone. I have to have someone with me.

    Dara I am glad your dad is with your mom. That may help. I think in time maybe he will get used to where he is and see that it is better for him there. My grandpa did. You just have to explain that it is a hazard for you girls and for him to be at home. Its hard I know I have been there.

    Lori I love the pictures of Sue and Lynn thanks for posting them for Sue. They do look great and it looks like they had a great time! Cant wait to meet you girls!

    Cami I dont like Chi either. I would rather have my Carmel Machiato or a Vanilla Late any day. I am glad that Marty got his job.

    See you all later on.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Sadie and I had a lovely sleep in until almost 8 ayem!Felt so good to just relax and sleep, despite the stuffy nose and sinuses.I would catch a cold just as soon as the weather starts getting better!The snow is melting nicely.Mud is accumulating every where.There's talk about flooding now that the river ice is beginning to move, sounds like spring to me!

    Cammy--sorry you got ice, I expect I'll get at least one more go round with ice and snow before Father Winter gives up for this season.Be careful out there!I'm not so sure what to think about having children writing a self eulogy, but it sounds like Joey, at least, exercised some imagination and had fun with it.

    Collett--praying you got good news at the neurologist.

    Dara--hmm, I know I took a xanax last night to help me sleep, but I'm pretty sure TODAY is Saturday.UnlessI slept through Saturday?Or are you in another time/date zone altogether?Oh, no, Parkinson's?Your family just can not get a break!At least there are treatments that can calm down the symptoms for a time, hopefully they'll be working on that whist he is in rehab.Such hard situations and such hard decisions.Yes, you said thanks about the drug info, and I am having a VERY leisurely weekend, and planning to love every moment of it.

    Cammy--I've had that kind of tea before, and I think it's really good!But chocolate cake would be better.And seeing the light at the end of the tunnel is good!

    Goldie--Your DD may want to consult with a lawyer to find out how much she may share in her hubby's problems--the rules are very different in other countries, like guilty until proven innocent, unlike our system.A divorce, or at least a formal separation may protect her from a lot of grief down the road.Aha, you are in the high country, I thought AZ was generally pretty hot.


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Maine Mud Season

    2 oz Allen's Coffee Brandy (Maine's most popular alcohol)

    1 scoop Gifford's Muddy Boots ice cream (Maine special ice cream)

    2 oz Cold River Vodka (Maine made potato vodka)

    Blend, serve, repeat

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Cam, I've had Chi tea and liked it. But would prefer a cup o javo. I hope you are all able to get by until the first paycheck comes in and beyond. Always nice seeing your purdy face in the lounge.

    Lori, I knew that it was the victim accused of molesting the child. Still such a twisted story. Glad to see you back posting, always miss you when you are gone. Awesome pics of Sue and Lynne, thanks for posting them. Glad they had a good time. Very pretty girls.

    Nancy, I am relieved that you are now getting some answers. Hope the right meds and the right relaxation techniques can toss those seizures to the swamp.

    NM, glad it is finally mud season. Before you know it, the mud will be drying up and it will be warm again for you. Like you, I would miss the seasons if I moved to Florida or somewhere else without winters. And I hate the extreme heat. And woops, I did say happy Saturdey, goes to show you that I do not know what day it is. Thanks for setting me straight.

    I gotta get ready and visit mese Dad. My brother is coming over and we will visit together. Will poop in later.

    Have a good day girls.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2015

    IM having achit day dara tryed to call  u

    can I talk to someone plese pm me your number

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2015

    never mind I called shan showed her pics she cant belive it

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    sorry Lara,, had my ringer off while at the home. So glad Shannon was there for you. You are in my prayers.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Another sunny weekend day for me to enjoy, YEAH!Only 25 degrees right now, but even that feels nice.Got clothes on the line ready to come in, sheets and a duvet ready to hang out, the bed is going to smell so nice tonight!

    Dara--I am starting to think about gardening and such now that the snow is melting and driveway is full of puddles and mud.Winter is finally letting go!And I was just making sure I wasn't totally confused as to what day it was.I get funcused easily, you know.Say Hi to your Mom and Dad for me and Sadie!

    ORLA--do you still have my number?I'll PM you just in case. What's going on?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    A Sunny Delight

    1 oz Triple Sec

    3 shots Lemon Vodka

    1 whole Lemon

    1 shot Club Soda

    oz Sunny Delight


    Using shot glasses or a cannery style mason jar, pour the vodka and the triple sec together. Squeeze the lemon lightly, and place it on the rim. Fill the glass with sunny delight, then add a shot of club soda

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2015

    good morning from cold fl 58f but sunny, had personal trainer session yesterday, and he had me skipping! not a pretty picture

    lara-hope today is a better day for you , glad shannon could help you,

    cammi-good morning,love joey's plans for the future, just tell him to remember us for the inaguration, i want an invite. he will go far

    nm-here's to mud season

    nancy-stress related are better than epilectic siezures but is there a way to improve the control on them? does biofeedback etc work on them? hope you can get some real answers soon.woohoo for the dragon boat racing

    dara -how lovely your dad is in the same room with your mum, is there a possibility for this to be a permanent placement?if he does have parkinsons, he would be safer there, especially with the falls he has been having. your poor sister,joints injuries take a long time to heal ,and you can't afford to be injured , you have arm ,chest stuff going on now. plus the chf diet he may take it better from someone else!

    lori-glad there is no link except the marriage between dd and the convict!, the tax people came after my friend for her ex husbands debts but they had legally separated before these debts were run up so she told them that so they backed off but said if the law changed they would be back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.plus them being in 2 separate countries helps. hope your having a good weekend

    sue and lynn you both look great , looking forward for jan!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2015


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Hi girls, sorry to be MIA for so long, just been busy but I have been taking the time to catch up each day. My crazy DH is golfing, it really cold out but supposed to finally warm up a bit this week. It was 18 degrees this ayem, but getting up to 35 today. Had lots of fun with my Nora, she is talking in sentences now but it all sounds like jibberish, pretty sure there are words in there but impossible to figure out what they are. She calls my DH papa, he walked into the other room and she goes looking for him yelling PAPA!!! My DH sneaks her some milkshake and she rubs her stomach and mmm...good! So I just hung up from Lori and we are going to meet for lunch in a few weeks when she comes to Michigan...yay.. my first facetime!

    Dara, hope your dad is adjusting, I hope he can open up to the idea of staying, at least until they can get him more independent.

    NM, sounds like you'll get a good nights sleep tonight on your fresh sheets. Mine are in the dryer now, I'm not quite as ambitious as you. Had to put Emma in the shower to hose off her underbelly and legs yesterday and today, tis the mud season for sure.

    Julie, sounds like you're feeling better, skipping? I'm sure I wouldn't look very graceful doing that, not since I turned 13 anyway. Hope the peeing issue is all cleared up.

    Sue, wow you really are getting a head of hair! You both look great, hope you had lots of fun.

    Lara, hope you're ok, sorry to hear about your chitty day, today is better? I'll PM ya my # too, I thought you had it, sure I have yours, anyway, won't be long now till you get your surgery and get those darn implants put back where they belong.

    Nancy, glad you get to do the rowing, wow that's a lot of restrictions, hope they can get these damn seizures under control. You sound like you are handling it like a trouper, I'm so sorry this is happening to you, I hope the changes in your meds will help.

    Cami, your Joey, what a great kid, wants to cure cancer, he may just be the one to do it someday. My DS used to write stories all the time, weird stories.. I used to call him the world's next Stephen King. Anyway, he had this weird imagination(still does) and when he was a freshman, the health teacher had them write their own obits. Well that particular teacher got my DS's sense of humor and decided to read his obit out loud at parent night. It was something very weird that I believe ended with my DS getting the electric chair. All the parents turned to look at me like I was raising the next Charles Manson! I starting sinking down trying to melt into the chair and know I turned bright red. The teacher came up and apologized after and said he really thought it was well written and funny but he guessed that everyone didn't have that kind of imagination. I was so embarrassed! Your Joey's obit sounds like a much nicer story.

    Lori, hope Laughlin was fun, have a safe trip home.

    Gotta run, sheets are dry, gotta remake the bed. Pics to follow. Love to all

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015


    Emma fresh from the groomer's


    Junior trying out the new nap chair I made for Nora, I think he approves.


    Yum, tangerines!


    I think Nora likes her new nap chair too!



    Couldn't get her to smile, too busy wanting the phone.