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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Hi girls,

    I had a busy day, for me anyway. I spend some time with my parents then went to a church Cantana this evening for Palm Sunday. I really enjoyed the singing. It was a full chorus. Dad is doing alright but not great. He is still confused but not as bad as he was yesterday. And he had to pee so I hit the button for the nurse. By the time she came, he had peed his pants andd got pee all over the floor. They had him in a diaper but he took it off. It is just so sad seeing him fail.

    Yay for Lori and Genny having facetime soon. I can't wait for pics and to hear all about it.

    Lori, hope you had a good time away, I guess you are home and sleeping, hope to see you in de lounge tomorrow.

    Genny, great job on the nappy chair, it looks awesome. I love the material you used. Mese is berry impressed. Love the doggies photos and Nora, omg, she jest gits cuter and cuter. How sweet that she is calling your DH Papa, that is cute. The pics of her are all so adorable. She looks sleepy in the last photo. And you girl, you look awesome. oh, I love Nora's pj's, so cute.

    NM, I miss having a clothes line to hang my sheets. I do have one but it is in a soggy corner of my yard, would need boots to get to it. I love the smell of outdoor dried bedding. I do hang my comforter over the deck when the weather is nicer but have been using my dryer lately as it seems it is either too cold or there is rain or snow out there. I have had snow on my deck since the last storm. There are only small piles left but it keeps me from drying on the deck. I passed your kisses to my parents from you and Sadie, we tank you. I hope tomorrow is a smooth transition back to the work week for ya.

    Julie, we are all torn as to whether or not we want my Dad to stay at the home permanently. I have POA for him and could make him stay there but still hoping to get him steady on his feet before coming home again. I know that the best thing for all of us would be to have him admitted permanently but the thought is painful. He often talks about coming home and I do not say a word about him staying there forever. You make some very valid points on the reasons he should stay. Funny you were skipping, I could skip two times on a good day. You go girl!

    Lara, I hope today is a better day for you. I can really relate to what is happening with you. I can't believe that your foob drooped into your armpit after so much time. I told you that mine have drooped three times and were bixed two times. Then I got rid of the implants and went with the DIEP and they slid and drooped again. I pray and I hope your PS can get them back i place and make em stay straight. And I hope your pain is more manageable. From looking at the pic of your swollen fingers, I would demand that they treat you now vs makig you wait for your surgery. I do not see the point in waiting to treat LE and it sure looks like LE to me. Hugs to ya ((((Lara)))

    Hello to Sue, Lori, 4 , Nancy and Cammie and anyone I may have missed. I gonna try to unwind with some vitamin V and get some sleep. I have been awake since 7am which is very early for me to get up. And I did not feel like going back out to church tonight but am glad i did. I really love the choir, especially when the men sing, then the ladies sing, then they all sing together for the finale. The pianist was also very good. I was waiting for her to mess up so that I could have a silent chuckle, is that sinful?? If so, God forgive me!

    I have to remember that this is Holy week and try to behave myself and remember the meaning of each day.

    Have a stellar week goils and remember, dwink up!


    ps...great dwinks around here today, tanks NM and Julie. Love you all ♥

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!How is every one this dark morning?I actually got up before the alarm this ayem, which is unusual for me.I'm going with this being an omen for a really good day!Still got a bit of a cold, but not bad, and getting better, so that's good.And so much snow has melted, it's starting to look like spring!YEAH!

    Juliet--skipping?I haven't done that in years, was it fun or weird?Is working with a personal trainer a good thing?I've never done that, wonder what it's like.

    Oooh, Love the Lemon Peep Martini!

    Genny--Nora is so adorable!I'm sure you'll figure out her language quickly enough.And facetime with Lori, Yeah!My dryer hasn't worked for more than 10 years now, so ambition is not part of the picture, it's just what I do.I expect to have to start hosing off Sadie in another week or so.Still got some snow to melt before we see ground.We are starting to see some of the stuff IN the snow showing--mainly doggy doody, going to be a really fun spring clean-up session.Oh well.

    Emma is beautiful!Junior is adorable.Nora is just too sweet!

    Dara--So sorry your Dad had that episode, I wish the staff could respond quicker to calls, but the laws of physics won't bend.Give your Dad a week or so to settle in.Parkinson's dementia is harder to manage than Alzheimer's or vascular dementia, and needs longer to adjust to changes.It is hard to see our parents aging, isn't it?My clothesline runs from the house to a tree across the yard, I just need to step out onto the deck to hang up laundry.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Palm Breeze

    1 oz Vodka

    1 1/2 oz Peach Schnapps

    2 oz Orange Juice

    2 oz Blue Hawaiian Punch

    Best served in a Highball Glass.


    Pour the vodka and peach schnapps into a highball glass almost filled with ice cubes. Fill with equal amounts of orange juice and blue hawaiian punch, and serve.



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Good morning ladies, just got back from walking the pooches, not bad out, around 37 and sunny.

    Dara, glad you enjoyed church and the choir, sounds nice. So sorry about your dad, seeing them fail is rough for sure. My parents died at a much younger age and I see my customers (most over 85) and their families where I work and I think how nice that they have all those years with them, but then when they start to get dementia or lose their ability to walk, I don't know, either way is rough I guess. I hope the confusion is temporary, nice that they are in the same room. Does your mom still recognize him? Thanks about the chair, it'll work for awhile, she had grown out of her swing and she just seems to nap better when she can't roll over. She tends to flail about in her sleep and wakes herself up.

    NM, now that you mention it I do remember you saying you didn't have a dryer. Glad to hear the cold is getting better and spring is in the air.

    Lara, sorry to hear about the LE, I wonder if it's related to the dislodged implant. Hoping they can bix you up soon.

    Well got to run, time to jump in the shower and get ready for work, hair to be washed, nails to be filed, curlers to be slung, have a great day everyone!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    Hey girls! Good morning. Oh my gosh did I sleep last night, 11 hours I think! Man, the fatigue from these FU pills sure gets to me. We had a good time, the concert was good and maybe lost $50.00, so not too bad.

    Nancy and Lara, I hope you both can get fixed up very soon! Good Grief!

    Wacko, you have to be sure your dad is ready to come back to your house. I can't imagine him being "home alone" whilst you are at work and having accidents of falling and wetting himself and perhaps worse...if ya know what I mean? Glad you got a video of the baby. Just remember, be nice, no harsh words. I just hope she doesn't waste too much time with SD, like my DD did with her husband. Wasted 15 years of her life.

    NM, I DO have a dryer, but rarely use it. I have hung laundry for about 30 years. I hope your day is as good as you predict.

    Cami, after Julie (I think) mentioned about how odd it was for the teacher to assign such a project, I think I agree. Why not ask the kids where they think they will be in life when they are 40 or 50, instead of having them do a eulogy! And Mary, your son had to do something similar?

    Julie, our bodies don't work like they used to and to me, running or skipping just seems like the body just hits so hard, and I'm sure we would look pretty funny skipping in public!

    LDB, where you be? You too Lynne?

    Got to talk to Mary on mese way home and yeppers, wese gonna have lunch together, prolly on the Friday that I am there. And neither one of us has to drive much more than an hour or so. My mom is so excited to have me coming this early. Gonna be a bizzy day, lots of orders and emails to answer. Tis the season to start gardening!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Hate that when I’m busy and don’t get my words in on this site…LOL.   Miss all my breastie buddies!

    Lowee, thanks for posting the pics.  Glad things are going better for you.  Very cool you’ll b getting some face time without hassle with Mary. 

    Dara - Yay for dad being with your mom,,,boohiss that he may have Parkinsons.  I will send up some more prayers.  Where are SD and DD moving to?

    NM - hope you had a wonderful weekend, glad old man winter is taking time off.

    Lara - sending hugs (((Lara ))), glad you got ahold of Shannon.

    Julie - thanks for the kudos, can’t wait til Jan…can’t believe April almost here.  Liking the looks of that martoonie too!!

    Mary - I can remember the talking stage.  Mine are both growing up so fast, I wanna em to stay little…wwaaa!  Love love love the pics of you, Nora and the pooches.  When is face time with Lori again?

    Nancy - it all sounds so scary and frustrating.  Not being able to go and do by yourself has got to be hard to take.  At least you get a little fun with the row team, prayers!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2015

    Good afternoon girls!

    NM, Thanks for letting me know that it will take longer for my Dad to adjust to the rehab. He was a little better today but still somewhat confused. Wow that you woke up before your alarm clock on a monday too! A great idea to run the clothesline from the house to a tree. We had some snow here this morning, it was a clipper system that probably came from Mary's way. I will blame her haha, jk!

    Genny, for the most part, my Mom has not recognized my Dad for quite some time. Every now and then, she will say his name. When I was visiting with my sister, she would look me right in the eye when I was speaking to her and do the same for my sister. That is a rare occasion for her to even make eye contact. I love when the unexpected happens. I am sorry you lost your parents so early in life. It is definitely debatable which is easier...losing them too early or watching them decline. EIther way is difficult, I am certain.

    Lori, glad you got a great sleep but sorry the FU pills are kicking your ass. Nice that you got to chat with Mary over the weekend. I have also had that distinct pleasure. So you are getting busy now eh? I guess it is that time of year. Hope you are feeling well today, sending you some hugs. I promise to keep the peace with my daughter. I might even send her a text just to tell her I love her. Yeah, good idea, will do that now. DONE...

    Mema, thanks for the prayers. And you are right, the babies do grow too quickly. It hurts that I have missed so much of baby David's firsts. I am debating on sharing the video of him on facebook where he is making a lot of sounds. My DD described it as him learning his vowels, too cute. How have you been feeling? You rarely complain girl, sending you some hugs too. Heck, rounds of hugs to all mese goils.

    Nancy, praying for ya hon. Hope the relaxation techniques stop the seizures. Glad that it is not epilepsy but sorry you had a brain injury, that is suckity.

    Lara, please report into the lounge. I miss ya here lil sis. No need to catch up, just jump in.

    Hello to Julie, hope you are doing well and not hurting too much from skipping around the lounge. The thought of any of us skipping is amusing to me.

    4, please report into the lounge. was glad to see a pic of your beautiful self, makes me confident that you are alive and well lol.

    anyone I have missed, sorry. sometimes my brain jest fails to function.

    Love you all.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Long day yesterday, dragged myself out of bed after 3 snoozes, working on my first cup of coffee.But, when I got home guess what was in the mail?My new Passport!Yeah!Now I can go on our cruise AND get back into the states when we dock!Me is happy!

    Genny--Spring is in the air, but so was about a quarter inch of snow yesterday.And black ice reports today.Taking the long way to work this ayem.

    Goldie--the day was long but in the end it was good.My dietary intake, on the other hand, was abominable.Need to work harder on finding healthier food that I can grab and eat on the run.A bag of Butterfinger minis and a soda was probably not the best choice, but boy did it taste good! Sorry the FU pills are wearing you out.So not fair.

    Mema--Sadie and I did have a good weekend, very lazy and accomplished next to nothing, but loved every minute!

    Dara--The clothesline off the deck is a great little luxury, makes it easy to hang things out, don't have to deal with muddy ground or feet of snow.I've even learned to hang the bed linens out in a certain order, then I can take one item off the line, take it to the bedroom and put it on the bed, go get the next item,until the bed is remade.Silly, isn't it?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Passport to the Sun

    45 ml (1 1/2 oz.) dry gin

    15 ml (1/2 oz.) citrus liqueur

    120 ml (4 oz.) white cranberry juice

    60 ml (2 oz.) red cranberry juice

    Lemon twist and wedge


    1 Pour dry gin into a Collins or highball glass followed by the citrus liqueur.

    2 Slowly add the white cranberry juice.

    3 Finish with red cranberry juice to create a layered cocktail.

    4 Garnish with a lemon twist and a lemon wedge.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2015

    Good morning ladies, cold and rainy here, gonna hafta get the pooches raincoats out darn it. Oh well such is life in spring in Ohio. Stayed up and watched tv with my DH and before we knew it we had plowed thru 2 bottles of wine. I was going to get my fasting blood work this ayem but think I'll wait for a day when I haven't abused my liver the night before. I go for a physical next Tuesday and want it done before then. Right now I have a headache and need some coffee, good thing I'm off today. Think I working on a cold too, Nora had one (again) so it doesn't surprise me.

    Dara, I forgot to mention how happy I am that you got to see the video of little David. I'm sure it just melted your heart. I hope the lines of communication will continue to open between you and your DD. I think a nice short text to let her know you are thinking about her every now and then is a great idea. Most of these kids would rather text than talk anyway so it's prolly a great way to reach her. Hope your dad is adjusting. When do you go back to work? Are you still getting hand therapy?

    Lori, glad you liked the concert. Sorry about the fatigue, that just sucks. Any new word on the disability? Did you talk to the lady at your mom's doctor's office about whether or not to tell her yet?

    Sue, good to see you in the lounge. The grandkids do grow up fast don't they, everytime I see Nora it's something new, wish I lived a little closer.

    NM, woohoo to the passport! We might get a little snowy mix yet this week. Does sound like the diet may be lacking a few key elements, but hey, ya only live once. Hope work doesn't kick your butt too hard today.

    Hi to Cami, and Lara, and Nancy and Lynn and Tobi and all the other lounge lizards I forgot to mention, hop you all have a great day.

    Got to run now, time for coffee and dog walks...lubs, lubs!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2015

    Soozie Poo/LDB, whats you so bizzy wif? Ya know, I didn't even look at your hair in the picture, I just saw two happy faces! I had to go back and look! And yeah, you gots lot! I am so glad it's coming in, and are you coloring it?

    Wacko, yes we are starting to get bizzy. I even had to help DH pack orders yesterday. Your sweet mommy and now your daddy, you are so right about wondering which is worse, to lose them (early or not so early) or to watch them suffer. Is your mom 100% bed bound now? I pray neither are in pain, I guess that would be the worst. And good for you to keep communication open with your DD and remind her that you love her. She will NEED you at some point. Are they telling you where they are moving to? How's lil Lucy doin and Bella too?

    NM, seems like you are going to go right from winter to summer! Yippee on the passport! I definately don't feel like I used to, but it's better than the alternative, I just have to keep reminding mese self of dat. One of the things I hate most about going away, is I am not in control of what I eat. There are so many things that I won't eat anymore, and I just like being home where I can make my own, I have become obessed at looking at ingredients on things. Soda is someting I hardly ever indulge in and I am not really a water fan. So I have been taking the juice of half an orange, half a lemon and some honey, and putting that in my water. I have also used fresh pineapple, I put the core in the water and let it sit over night. Also have used mango, it's all really good. And sweets, just lucky that I'm not a huge fan of them.

    Mary, I often wondered how blood work might differ iffin one had imbided the day before! I sure give you kudos for getting up and taking them pooches out whether it's cold, raining or snowing. I think I'd pass! Oh, I hope you are not getting a cold, get out the zinc and Vit. C. Hmmm, I did talk to my mom's doctor, I thought I had reported that. Anyways, the doc first tells me that I should tell, she doesn't have to know the extent of it. I say to him that I am worried about her health if I tell her. He says, well your mom had cancer, so she understands. I'm like "HUH, NOOOOOO, my mom as never had cancer". He questions me and asks if I'm sure, I'm like WTF? He then says maybe she could come for a visit! I'm like, no way. She can barely stand let alone walk. She is on O2, C-pap and breathing treatments, can barely breathe as it is and I live at 6000 feet. Not to mention she is incontinent. He then says maybe we should wait until things change and hopefully I will never have to tell her. I am really not sure if he knows even who my mom is! But when my mom comes home from an appoiintment she is always joking aroung how she jokes with him, and just loves him to death and he tells her everything is just perfect, she healthy as a horse!!! I also forgot to mention your sweet Nora, and it looks like she likes her new bean bag, you did an awesome job, wow! I laugh everytime I see Junior or hear you talk about him and I think of his toy he humps. I forget what it is. I saw on tv a chiwowow (sp) having its way with a sock monkey, too funny. I think it might have been on the Bachelor.

    Cami, where are you? Don't make me come after your Brandy, or make me send one of the Tenders for it!

    Lara, you are having surgery SOON, maybe even tomorrow?

    Nancy, I hope you are ok and not having a ton of those darn siezures.

    Julie, how are you my DW? Hoping you did not get any infections and are doing good. When is your trip back home, I know it's coming soon...May?

    Time to get mese EWWA mobing. My kitchen looks like a tornado hit it, and my neighbor is coming up for the day, the one who lost her hubby. She is coming with her hubby's sister, so I will get to see her. But then they are prolly gonna turn around and head back to Phoenix. I certainly can't see making that a one day trip! CheerZ ma deerZ!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2015

    I'm trying to catch up==Mea culpa/

    Nancy I'm so glad u got some answers that in itself is relieving. But I think I would have slapped that nrse and said oops I still I to learn how to control it. Just litsen to u'r Dr., sounds like he's up to date with things. I do feel better for u now.

    Dara I'm also glad u'r Dad is with u'r mom and then u can see them together---and u can visit them toether and u can get some rest, that's not being selfish it's being practical and caring.

    Lori It's so nice to see u here and thanks for the pics, u girls look s happy and I love that.

    NM Mud season Yahoo for u, finally, u and Sadie have a good time.

    Lara I'm home a lot if u want my @ don't hesitate to PM me either, I'm glad u had Shannon tho. It always helps to talk.

    OK I'm going to the next page now.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2015

    OK caught up mses so happy/

    Lori whatever u'r mom's Doc said was so confusing to me, I think he might have been thinking of someone else. So just use u'r own judgement u will see her soon and I'm sure u'll know what to do. And Yes u'r gardening will start soon now and I know how u love that and I wait for i'r pics of what u reap. I'm sorry these things are hitting u hard, I pray u start feeling better every day.

    Mary I love what u made BTW==it really looked good and Nora is so precious, it's like u can't get enough of them then u get tired then u miss them again. U'r furbabies are so effin cute.

    And it's true u don't want to loose u'r parents, but u hate seeing them so helpless and vulnerable to how we never would have imagined them. I was so greatful to have my parents so long, but when my mom was suffering so bad it was horrible, I was thankful my dad didn't suffer, he's just get confused but nothing is the same again.

    Oh let's all sing Skip to my Lu my Darling Julie---SKIPPING OMG I could never do that again==U just get nvolved and do things, I love it.

    Dara Lori always says the right thing to u so just listen and enjoy these wonderful DOTD's tat NM and Juie are doing for us.

    Mary hahaha can't get bloodwork done--to much wine. hahaha

    Well Joey is off school this week and Leslie isn't so Joey asked if I would listen to him PrAcTiCe, What could I say===Actualy he is getting better and I asked him if he was getting tired o this cuz most o his riends quit and so far he loves it, and I recognieed a few songs. Thenwe listened to kenny G and he said wow he really knows all the notes--he can be so simple sometimes. And he activated my camera on my puter, but I don't know what he did yet. Oh Oh in May Leslie is considered a Senoir at school and can bring someone on Saturdays to practice wraps and mucsle alignments, messages, etc. All of a sudden everyone wants to go and she has to make her own mixtures for an individual skin type, So we're getting in on this.Yahoo

    OK I hope everyone has a good April Fool's day-I remember when it used to be fun. Npw just another day kinda of.


    P.S. Lori was threatening to take away my brandy


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!What a pretty day yesterday, sunshine,blue skies, just very pretty.And so nice to see the snow melting!

    Genny--your poochies have raincoats?How cute!I'd love to see a pic of them all decked out in their rain gear.Ah, the joys of passing cold viruses back and forth.Nora time is worth a cold, though.Yup, my diet is lacking, alright, it's lacking common sense!Got to be more careful now that things are busy and stopping for lunch isn't an option.

    Goldie--I've flavored water with cucumber, and cucumber and mint, both are really good.I haven't done the fruit flavoring so much, need to try that.Anything to make drinking water more palatable, right?I do like sweets, that's one of my weaknesses. And I really do better when I don't drink soda, but it's so easy to grab a bottle when I'm on the go.Don't like the idea of paying for water buttoo lazy to fill water bottles at home and take them with me!

    Cammy--yup, mud season.Should see my driveway!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Mexican Mudslide

    1 oz Amaretto

    1 oz Coffee Liqueur

    1 splash Cherry

    Chocolate Syrup

    5 oz Ice Cream

    1 1/2 oz Whipping Cream

    Best served in a Beer Mug.


    Combine the kahlua, amaretto, and ice-cream in a glass. Swirl chocolate into the glass and add whipped cream on top.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited April 2015

    Morning everyone! I'm glad it's April now it just needs to warm up and stay warm.

    Cami I would have loved to accidently hit that damn nurse lol I just looked at her, my neurologist was going to have a chit chat with her and educate her a bit she said. I'm still having seizures but at least I know there is light at the end of the tunnel.

    Mary I love the nap bed you made for Nora,it looks so comfy. I want one lol. Nora is adorable and getting so big! Isn't it fun as they get bigger listening to them talk? My DD was running her fingers through Jacksons hair and he says no mommy my hair look nice. Lol he cracks me up.

    Lori sounds like your moms Dr is a little wacked. Hope you had fun at the concert. I am still having these damn seizures since they seem to be stress related I just need to de-stress some how. It also includes physical stress and that's the hard part. I'm doing good with the emotional stresses its the physical crap Im struggling with.

    Dara I hope your mom and dad are doing ok. I'm glad you got see a video of your grandson. That's awesome! Have you heard any more about if your dad has Parkinson's?

    NM yay on getting your passport. I'm going to have my mom take me to get mine soon. I can't wait to start planning more soon. I'm so looking forward to meeting everyone!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    Cami, I'm laffing my EWWA off at you telling Nancy to slap that nurse and then say I still need to control that! I'll have to try that sometime on someone! I'm really not feeling too bad, I just hate that I don't feel as good as I was feeling! Are you on any form of treatment? I know you take a lot of meds, but I think they are for other reasons, one being PAIN. That's right, I DID threaten to take your Brandy. And I'm going to threaten everyone, with taking their booze when they don't show up!

    NM, since I work at home, it's much easier for me to control what I eat. Unlike you, being on the run all the time. Glad you had a more spring like day. Poyfect DOTD-Mexican Mud Slide!

    Nancy, glad you can see light at the end of the tunnel, but it still sucks! Meeting a breastie is the best thing in the world! I have personally met 9 gals. Donna (used to post here), Sue, Wacko, Cami, Allison (used to post here) Cyndie (used to post here), Kathy (used to post here), Julie and Tobbi. Mary will make 10.

    Ok, I'm looking for booze and taking it away! Julies cider, LDB's tokillya and brandy, Wacko's JD, Mary's wine, who else am I missing? Lara you are safe, as I think you might be getting ready for surgery.

    I had a super nice time with my neighbor yesterday! Went over there and took a bottle of wine and we just had an awesome visit. But now it's time to get to work!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited April 2015

    Lori I hope one day we get to meet too !

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015

    lori after the last 3 days in work if you take my cider i will be drinking the hand sanitizer gel-60% alcohol

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2015

    Hi girls, thought I'd better pop in so Lori doesn't take my wine. Going to sleep soon, I have this cold and have to work tomorrow and they are going to install the counter top so I have to take the dogs to "school". Junior is getting his teeth cleaned Friday and may have to have 1 pulled. There goes the $500 cash I was saving for my vacation.

    NM, I work in a basement with no windows and no means to food. I never schedule time for lunch so if I don't pack I don't eat. I've gotten into a habit to pack the night before, has to be easy to eat food cause I usually grab a bite here and there in between customers. Salads and soup don't work, sandwiches, cut up apples and stuff like that keep my stomach from growling. Mexican mudslide sounds like a rich dessert.

    Julie, I saw a lady on Dr Phil that drank bottles of hand sanitizer regularly to get a buzz, yuck! But if Lori took my wine maybe I'd have to rethink it.

    Lori, so happy that I get to be #9, a week from Friday! Oh and my cat, Moose is the crazy humper, his GF is Gloria, a ratty beat up stuffed schnauzer. Sounds like your mom's doctor didn't know who she was.

    Cami, glad to hear Joey is getting better, maybe in between curing cancer he can be the next Kenny G.

    Nancy, glad to hear the doctor is going to talk to that birdbrain nurse. Have you considered alternative stress therapy like yoga or meditation or acupuncture? Seems like it couldn't hurt. I used to do a lot of yoga, in a class, I've gotten away from it but it helped me with stress. Hope you get feeling better.

    Dara, hope you had a good day.

    Gotta go, time for bed, sweet dreams ya!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2015

    Oh I just woke up, but won't stay up. Joey and I fell asleep last nite together and he just woke up to go to bed. We haven't done that in a while.

    Nancy I like what Mary said about outside sources for relaxation for u, but u said like physical stress too which I don't understand. And yet another puzzle or me. But I love meditation personally, in fact the other day Joey was asking me about it and I was explaining it to him, but of course it didn't grab him, it really isn't as easy as it sounds but when u'r done there's a different feeling inside, that's just me.

    HaHa Julie knows what to drink in a pinch, I knew a woman that I worked with and she drank Listerine by the bottle, ick but her breath never smelled of liquor. She finally went to AA.

    Lori I honestly don't know what I take besides Aromasin, when I get my meds ready I do know I take 15 in the morning and 4 thruout the day that's not counting my pain meds, Xanax or vitamins--I decided not to keep up with anything I take, I do know I take 3 different meds for BP, I'm a terrible patient, that's why my chemo went on forever, every week for over 2 years, what a number it ended doing on my body but it got the results they wanted and I only worked the first 4 months  then I gave up working I was no superwoman and at one point in my junk that I was given I finally told my Onc. I was having hallucinations and she wasn't suprised at all and I thought I was becoming pshycic (sp) I was LOLing so hard cuz I did think I was superwoman hahaha. Oh well I thought it was funny. Oh I didn't mean to moan, but u guys know I'm one

    NM it was almost 70 tody rain tomorrow and then much cooler, of course

    OK I'm slap happy tired so I'm going to have sweet dreams and everyone lock up u'r likker.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!How is everyone this April morning?Sounds like more snow here this weekend, so what's new, right?A lot of the snow here has melted, there are places where the ground can be seen again!Not in my yard, yet, but there's hope!

    Collett--I agree, time to warm up and STAY warm!I can't wait for the cruise, either, can't come quickly enough!

    Goldie--working at home would give you more control.I actually have control over what I eat, I just need to use that control better!I tend to go for quick and easy to eat with one hand while driving, and there are choices that fit that description that are healthier, I just need to choose them!

    Juliet--Shifts from he##?

    Genny--I really could pack and carry lunch, but somehow it seems like too much work.I used to work in an office with no windows, it just about drove me crazy, how do you stand it?

    Cammy--Can you send some of that 70 degree stuff my way?Even 5 degrees will keep the snow away!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Coffee Crisp Recipe

    1/2 oz Amaretto

    1/2 oz Coffee Liqueur

    1/2 oz Irish Cream

    (Fill to Top) Milk

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.


    Add four ingredients and shake well, pour into old-fashioned glass. Do not use ice.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    Me too Nancy!

    Ha Ha Julie! Jocks, please give Julie back her cider, I think she deserves it! OMG, wasn't there someone well known, a long time ago, that was drinking rubbing alcohol?

    And Mr. Big, please give Mary her wine. Mary, I think you will be number 10, not 9. Oh, I thought it was your little pooch that was the horny one. Does Moose go after Junior like that?

    Cami, how sweet that you and Joey fell asleep togther. I had to chuckle when your DD told on FB that Joey threw her out of his class cuz he wanted to talk to a female. Do you know who the lucky little girl is? I wondered if it is the one he cooks with, there at home? Ok, so you take Aromasin. And WOW, 2 years of chemo? I don't imagine you know which one? My stomach would be such a mess with all of those pills in it! But HAIL ya it's working, you've done 8 years since a stage IV diagnosis. I want that!

    NM, I hope you don't think that I was dogging you for your eating habits, certainly was not my intention. I totally understand where you are coming from, being on the go so much and taking what is easiest to eat. I was not always this self concious, believe me. When I was in MI, and working, most days for lunch, if we didn't eat what was being served in the cafeteria for the kids, it was fast foods. More snow!!!

    Has anyone heard from Lara?

    Cami, do you want LDB's brandy? I'm having me some JD....yummmmm!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015

    its funny i talk to people about making healthy choices and a healthy heart diet, i thought after my last trip to disney that when i was encouraging someone to make healthy choices a bolt of lighting was going to come down for me!!

    cammi-joey<3HappyHeartThumbsUp, i too smiled when your dd mentioned having to leave the room so he could talk in private. that boy is fabulous i 'm so glad you share him

    nancy -sorry a colleague upset you, sometimes the mouth works faster than the brain.when you going to see the neurophsche again? hope they can suggest something that helps.

    mary- love the pics

    lori- lol at you confiscating our booze if we don't show up, , when i'm working ,i get to read but seldom to post. and definitely not awake enough to post before work. si i've met you , dara, cyndie lou who

    ok its gym time again ! so if you hear skip to my lou or in my case skip to the loo you know what i'm doing!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    GR8 news.  My MUGA showed my LVEF went from 64% to 73%.  That’s the highest since starting this herceptin, so about 4 years.  Am wondering if it’s just from weight loss or the cannibidoids.  Either way I am happy camper. 

    NM - Woohoo for getting your passport, now no worries come January.   The Mexican Mudslide sounds delish!!

    Julie - shall we call you Skipper on the cruise….LOL!

    Dara - am feeling pretty good.  Heading for Yuma and then Coronado Isl this Sunday.  Will be gone 8 days, will see how I fare, but I think I’m good.  Would love to see/hear video of baby David’s cooing.  Good news that mom looks you in the eye, but makes me sad she doesn’t recognize ur dad.  Sniffle sniffle…sending some prayers.

    Mary - think it good idea to postpone the blood work after 2 bottles of wine, well one each.  LOL  Hope your hangover not too bad.

    Lowee - glad you enjoyed the concert. I’m always busy at end of month plus appointments. Got dental appt this morning so gotta finish this and get ready. Seeing a new dentist, hope I like him. ((Lowee)) wish I could help with your mom but think as someone else did, mayb seeing her will help you decide what to tell her or not.

    Cami - wow on getting in on the massages…I’d volunteer too in a heartbeat.  Awww little Joey growing up and getting better with his music and that he likes it so much.

    Nancy - still seizures?  Wtf, sorry bout that, but glad u see light at end of the tunnell.  I can’t wait for Jan too.  Excited!!!!

    Lubslubslubslubs to everyone!!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited April 2015

    Hello everyone :)

    Cami physical stress would be like the effects of cancer or anytime I get sick, or if I dont sleep well or anything that would physically affect me would put stress on my body could cause a seizure. Right now I have been having double ear infections and struggling with trouble breathing from the scaring in my lungs from radiation. They think that is what is causing my seizures right now. And possibly the nodule in my left lung.

    Julie my neuropsychologist is on maternity leave until July but she did give some names and a treatment plan to follow while she is out. I did make an appointment today with one of the other docs that she trusts so that appointment is Tuesday. This doc also specializes in TBI so at least that will help.

    NM I am gonna send some warm sun your way

    Dara, Mary, Mema, Laura, Lynn, and anyone I am forgetting I love you all and hope you all get your Easter Eggs decorated for the Easter Bunny. Dont forget to leave him a little something something so he will leave you a nice goodie. :)


    This is a cross I made with mosaic tiles.


    Ok NM it looks warm and its Paris and theres no snow! Lol

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2015

    Hi gals,

    Nancy thats a beautiful cross that u made, but I hope u'r not takng credit for the 2nd pic. But then again go for it.  I truly pray that these seizures can take a rest forever, but now I do understand what u mean-Jeez u poor thing, but I'm seeing that lite u'r seeing cuz it sounds like everyone is getting on the ball with this.

    Julie I know u'r right LOL now it is really not skip to the LOO iy's try to make it there.

    SusyQ----YYYAAAYYY sounding good. and Wow do u have lots to do. U amaze me all the time.

    Lori, u'll see u'll do better than me and my sister, we're 4 months apart on that one--and I remember some chemo I was on the usual at irst but later I don't know I'm sure the would tell me but I never really was interested, but as I said before I did have fun with the red devil cuz I'd love to pee red then not flush the toilet and the next person would get all crazy--I remember stupid things like coming in 2x a week sometimes and some times I had to lay down for it, which I hated, cuz I couldn't yap to everyone--I was there so much that when I would walk around and the nurses were all busy I'd answer the phone and they would thank me, of xourse I would put the call on hold. I knew my limits then, now I would probably take a message or give advice.

    I was supposed to see my Onc today but couldn't get a ride, so I made it for a week from Monday and I already have my ride, my niece will take me. Now that marty's working, I can't count on the afternoon, but I'd rather have him working than lugging me around.

    Joey and I are both sick today with fevers and we're LOLing uz we slept together last nite, I know It doesn't mean anything but it's just funny. So Leslie made chicken noode soup.

    OK I'm done I guess I LUBS u all and pray daily for everyone.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2015

    Hi girls,

    Sorry I been MIA, been busy, for me anyway. between visiting my Dad, physical therapy and overnight visits by my cousin, dr appts, hair appts, keeping busy.

    I jest wanted to tail you all that I went out and bought anudder bottle of JD sincen Lori conficrated mine hehe.

    Cam, sorry you and Joey are sick.

    Nancy, beautiful cross. Sending more prayers that those darn seizures take a long long walk.

    I have met I tink 8 breasties but will confirm at anudder time. Everytime I count, come up with someting diff.

    Julia, stop dwinking hand sanitzer, it interferes with your skipping ability hehe.

    Hello to everyone else. Trying to read back and find out when Lara's surgery is and not finding it.

    Gotta run, it is mese cousin's birthday, wese sailabrating!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2015

    I got home from surgery 8 last night. I am in a surgical bra...Hard to type they shaved my chest bone cant move arms, extreme pain but im out and alive, she put in smaller implants shaved the bone because I had that mono boob going cut out my tat.Ive beeninand out of sleep

    sry cant type

    no genny I do not have your number and NM I have yours just did not know if u were wking

    Im oknow that surgery is done.hope and pray they stay in and theresults is better so I can have a life with out pain


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Gray and drizzly today, but rain is better than snow, although the weather guessers are still saying snow for tomorrow.Sigh.

    Gloldie--no,I didn't think you were dogging me about my food choices.That's been on my mind recently, that's all. I've got to get back in the habit of logging what I eat and start making some little changes.I just wish the stuff that was inexpensive and fast was healthier and tasted as good as the bad stuff!

    Juliet-- I wonder what people would think if I started skipping through parking lotsand down nursing home hallways?

    Mema--YEAH for better LVEF numbers!So looking forward to the cruise, I am.

    Collett--I'll be looking for the sun, thanks!The cross is beautiful!What a stunning pic of Paris and the Tower!It does look warm there.I'm hoping that's a sunset, since the red would indicate warm weather--"Red sky at morning, sailor take warning, Red sky at night, sailor delight."Praying the seizures go away very soon.

    Cammy--so sorry that you and Joey are under the weather, glad you got some chicken noodle soup.And glad that DH is working again.That's important!

    Dara--sounds like you've been very busy!Is your Dad starting to adjust yet?Happy Birthday to your cousin!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    April Rain

    2 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Vermouth

    1/2 oz Ice

    1/2 oz Lime Juice

    Lime Peel

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.


    Pour Vodka, Vermouth and Rose's lime juice into shaker over ice. Shake with care not to bruise. Strain into chilled cocktail (martini) glass. Garnish with lime peel (zest).

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015

    ((((((((((((lara))))))))))) but very gentle ones,hope we didn't disturb you with our partying

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    ORLA--Welcome home, and go ahead and sleep as much as you want! Praying for GREAT results from this revision.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2015

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Lara I'm so glad u checked in, now rest and don't do anything that will hurt u, just relax u'r body and take u'r time it will all come together with patience.

    Dara u have so much going on, I hope when u do have u'r nails done u really relax a bit, u'r mind needs a rest too. And I'm sorry u'r mom isn't sure who u'r dad is, but none of that is unusual, just sad. I hope he does better there. And of course I always hope u'r communicating with u'r DD cuz that means so much. I have to ask isn't that stupid SD sorry he made the phone call like every single day, I don't get it. I'm sorry I just don't get how anyone could be so cruel because they're mad about something else altogether, unless he figured he's have a better chance without the baby there, u never know how people think. I told u I watch to many crazy shows.

    NM I'm glad u'r having rain not snow, we had rain and now it's getting colder again so beware, cuz Mane is stranger than IL. I hope u'r not on call this weekend and can just enjoy some down time.

    OK how's Skippy this morning? I still LOL thinking about skippng to the Loo.

    My hair is so long it's at my shoulders and right now I can't get it cut---It's staight and silky, I never had that in my whole like straight hair and it always felt like Brillo, not easy to take care of believe me, I can comb it, never used a comb and comb it forward and just let it fall back and it looks full and I barely have to use hair spray or mouse. I don't understand it gows in perfectly silver then it changes to dark brown and silver, almost like foiled, Oh I don't look great but my hair just feels great. Joey loves to put his hands thru it cuz he says it's so soft. That's a first for me--I remember people getting their fingers caught in it, kind of ruined some moods then.

    OK I just got my coffee from Marty, he's so nice and he's getting ready for work. WORK I love that word. and u all know I ike the word cupcake and of course what it stands for.

    So what's happening Easter for anyone--Joey told us he doesn't believe in the easter Bunny anymore, after all what kind of bunny could do all that, it's not like Santa, he a real person. I told u he's not that bright.


    I LUBS U ALL and pray daily or u.