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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    Julie, I think you are safe from the lightning, as you are such a such a sweetheart. Funny, I thought about skip to the loo also.

    LDB, I had to look up LVEF. I knew it had to do with the heart, ie the muga. I see it's how much blood is ejected after each heart beat. Yours is at 73%, does that mean the heart is functioning at 73% then? Woo hoo for a little trip. Are you flying? Going alone? I miss you when youse bizzy.

    Julie, good luck with the new doc and the cross is very pretty. Is it a necklace, something to hang on the wall, hard to tell in a picture.

    OMG Cami, not flushing the terlet and answering the phones. I'll bet they loved you, no wonder they had you coming in so often! I hope you and Joey feel better today. At least he is home for the week. And Yippee again on Marty getting a job. And glad you got your ride to the doctors office. As for the hair, it's funny how all of these chemicals that they put in us changes our hair. Your hair was long when I was there. Do you want it cut, or do you like it long?

    Wacko, I will buy you anudder bottle sincin you showed up. And that is bizzy for anyone! You and your cuz will be up all night mese tinks. Is your dad handling things any better?

    Lala, praying that all things good from your surgery and I hope you can be pain free! You are one that has been known to OVER DO IT. DON'T! You will compromise your results.

    NM, glad you didn't think I wuz bustin on ya. Since I rarely eat fast food anymore, it doesn't even taste good. I do like a whopper or a big mac on occasion. I think a few places are trying to introduce healthier options, but really, how healthy are they? As they have to be made to last. I really don't even like eating at restraunts even. I think you and Julie skippind down hall ways would bring a smile to the patients!

    No Easter plans here. We don't really celebrate any holidays. Of course it's town day. And everyone can have their booze back...........but beware!!! I'm always ready to snatch it away!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2015

    Hi ladies, I'm here with my Nora, babysitting while her mom and dad at work. She has been sleeping (in her new nappy chair) for over an hour so I expect she'll wake anytime. Junior is getting his teeth cleaned today and the vet just called and said he has to pull 6 teeth! It's going to cost $600. He said no reason for it, dogs are like people, some have good teeth, some do not. I had a schnauzer mix before I got Junior, got him when he was 4 from a really bad home. I took him to the vet and they had to pull 33 teeth, I had him for 4 years and he developed congestive heart failure which was most likely caused from the bacteria in the teeth. Anyway, I don't want that to happen to Junior, he's only 4, poor baby. Vet just now called again to say he's waking up from anesthesia and breathing on his own and I should be able to pick him up at 5:30. Phew! DH at hospital visiting patients with Emma today. Kitchen coming along, counter tops went on yesterday, back splash going on today. Sink in but no faucet yet. We are having MIL, DS, DIL and Nora for Easter. DH making duck, salmon and rice. We'll have to do the dishes in the utility sink. Wow, Nora has been sleeping for 1 1/2 hours, that's a record nap on my watch. I have been watching this 3 part series on public TV called "Cancer: The Emperor of all Maladies" I missed the first part but the second part was really interesting and talked a lot about BC and the discovery of the oncogene and the discovery of HER2 and herceptin. I've got the 3rd part taped, gonna watch it this weekend.

    Lara, so happy your surgery is done, I hope you turn the corner on this and will soon be free of pain. Glad you were able to pop in and update, hope to see in the lounge soon.

    Nancy, now ear infections? Yikes, so sorry to hear that, hoping and praying that things get better for you soon.

    Well Nora just woke up so I'm gonna fix her some lunch. I'll pop in later to ketchup with the rest of you. Bye for now

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015

    skippy checking in,been to pick up my ticket for the colour 5k tomorrow,i'll be ok as they have loos halfway round, going wiht a 6 year old and several others from work so we will be walking because of the child Winking

    joey- no easter bunny huh,! did you tell him no chocolate then! hope your both resting and feeling better! and that goes for you lara no overdoing it, rest and feel better

    lori- i read that robin cook book and slaughter houses and still eat hotdoggs ,nothing takes away my appetiteBawlingwish i had your will power and your slim body

    nancy love that cross

    roomie- enjoy your trip

    have fun ladies ,need to find some safety pins for my runner's numberSmile

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2015

    Hi girls,

    Happy Good Friday to all of mese goils. Another busy day, spend the afternoon with my Dad. Today was a diamond day, he was sharp and he was happy :)

    Lara, so glad all went well. Listen to the other girls and take it easy. Hoping and praying that this surgery will give you gorgeous results and no more pain. Hope we did not make too much noise!

    NM, glad to hear it is warming up there. I hope you and Sadie have a wonderful and relaxing weekend.

    Lori, tanks for not taking mese likker, you are too kind. Good for you in being so disciplined in what you eat.

    Cam, omg, just love that Joey. Glad your hair has gotten soft over the years. I am sure it looks beautiful on you. How are you feeling? Thanks for your very kind words and suggestions. I have heard from my daughter but it has been a few days. I am not sure when her court date was/is, it might have been today. I can't remember and I will not bug her bout it, will wait for her to reach out to me. My last communication jest said that I loved her and am here for her.

    Genny, glad you had some baby time, glad the bean bag bed is working out so well. Sorry about your furbaby. My Bella had all of her teeth extracted and does just fine without them. Hope Jr is feeling ok. Enjoy your weekend. and can't wait to see pics of your kitchen. GOod think you have the laundry basin to use. I have one too and just love it.

    Skippy (I like that name for you), good luck on the "run" tomorrow. Reward yourself with some chocolate.

    Sue, so happy to hear you got good results (and tanks to Lori for essplaining about it). Hope to see you in de lounge as soon as possible. You sure are a busy goil.

    I have to get ready for mese meatless dinner. Mese cousin will be back again shortly, she is commuting back and forth from the shore most days. She is going to talk to her DH about marriage counseling.I am hoping they can work things out.

    Hello to anyone I might have missed, I am rushing here as I do not want mese JD taken by the alcamahol natzi hehe!

    Love you all, peace and lots of warm cheers to you all.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2015

    High gals, yes that's what I am.

    OK let me get this straight, Mary ur kitchen is almost done so all week it's been being worked on and u'r having EASTER??? R U MAD woman LOL I wouldn't even think about it for one second. Wow--Oh I know u'r having a ball with Nora so u'r feeling good now. Nancy has it too I love those ages--My aunt used to tell me when they so young keep a journal of all the funny things they say and as years go by u'll LOL all over again, of course I never did, but it's a great idea.

    Lori I'm so furcited to see you. I get so confused when u'r home or gone, u busy lady. Lori I'm sure I'll get my hair cut soon, but right now I'm flabergasted at how straight it is, like I said I had brillo hair forever, but I am getting it colored soon. Leslie has been so busy lately with school I almost hate to ask her, of course Joey said he would help.

    Oh Skippy u'r really going the distance tomoree, u'll get that weight off in no time I know that.

    Dara I really think u'r on the right course with u'r DD. The less said the better, just about love is good. And I hope u'r cousin gets some help for her marriage but she's lucky to have u to come to that's for sure.

    Oh Chit I want to live by all of u. Of course I'd drive u all crazy but what are friends for. I'm not doing anything for Easter, I don't think, the kids are going by Marty's sister's house, I was nicely invited but I really don't like going there. I enjoy the summer parties more by his moms cuz she has a big pool so a lot of people show up and then I can talk to who I want to. I know I'm bad, but u don't know these people like I do Cuz some of them are really nice.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Gonna be a gray day here, but at 44 degrees I'm expecting only rain.Temp got up to 60 yesterday, I can see the ground in places in the yard!And the drifts in the front yard have melted to the point that the solar lights I didn't get brought in last fall are getting enough sun to shine at night!There is hope!But on a sadder note, can I ask for prayers/good vibes for one of my co-workers?She lost an adult child to a drug overdose a year and a half ago.Day before yesterday her adult son died.I don't know what happened, only that it was sudden and unexpected.Her name is Gail.Thanks.

    Cammy--Regarding Dara's DD's stupid SD, I've wondered if he thought he was better off without the baby, too.A dominating egotist person like that wouldn't want to share DD's attention with anyone, especially not a baby, even if it is his.I am glad for the rain and not snow, too!So good to see the snow melting.And I'm not on call this weekend, yeah!Long silky hair sounds like a lot of fun to have.Funny how the color changes, isn't it?So Joey doesn't believe in the Easter Bunny, but believes in Santa?Too funny!

    Goldie--I actually don't like the taste of most fast food burgers and such, but I get so hungry that I just want something I can get fast and eat in the car between visits. And fast food places are many and conveniently located.And fast.And inexpensive.And brown bagging doesn't seem to work for me.Pretty pathetic for someone who (technically) gets an hour lunch break, huh?

    Genny--Ah, time with Nora, what fun!A 1 !/2 hour nap?What did you do to tucker her out that much? ;)Sounds like the kitchen is coming along nicely.The dinner sounds lovely, hope it goes really well! Sadie says "hi" to Jr and get well soon!

    Juliet--Walking a 5K?I didn't even know that was an option.Not that I'm in any shape to walk that far.Gotta work on that.

    Dara--love the "Diamond Day" description!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Breakfast Martini Recipe

    3/4 oz Cointreau

    1 1/2 oz Gin

    3/4 oz (fresh) Lemon Juice

    1 tsp Marmalade

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.


    Shake ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a piece of a slice of toast.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2015

    Good morning lovlies! A dusting of snow on the ground here, old man winter just doesn't quite want to give up. It is going to get in the 40's tho and sunny, DH wil be golfing later.I've got a lot to do this weekend, my house is an absolute mess and our vacay is less only about 10 days away so I need to go thru my summer clothes and see what fits. Junior doing just fine after his tooth extractions, we fed him hamburger last night and he ate this morning and he's as chipper and crazy as ever. The backsplash is over halfway done and it looks so purdy, I just love it! Nora was lots of fun yesterday, she was sitting there holding a book in her lap, upside down and just reading away, nonstop gobblygook coming out of her mouth. I think she's going to be quite the talker, which would definitely come from my son and me. My DIL is more the quiet type. She started to cry when i was getting ready to leave, wouldn't let me put her down. Her mom had to bribe her with crackers.

    Cami, I was just telling one of my customers the other day about wanting to write down the things she says and does. Wish I would've done more of it when DS was a baby, but who had the time? Now I do so I want to be better about it. Of course now you can get just about every moment of it on video so that helps. Yes we are having Easter here, DH doing most of the cooking. But there are only 5 of us and Nora, and just DS and wife and MIL so no need to have house all pretty or anything. DH is a wonderful cook just as long as I clean as he goes cause he usually uses lots of pans. When Lezlie gets around to doing your makeover you need to post before and after pics. She can show off her talent. Here in Ohio when you go to cosmetology school you are licensed for hair, nails and esthetician. Is it different there or is she just getting further education for esthetician work. I wish we all lived by each other too. One of these days I may take Molly on a road trip to Chicago and meet up with you. Maybe next time Lori makes it your way. Love your stories, I'll bet the chemo nurses still talk about you, sure you made their days.

    NM, love the breakfast martini, altho I'd have to use vodka instead of the gin. Got deathly sick on harvey wallbangers when I was a teenager and haven't been able to drink gin since. So sad about your coworker, just said my prayer for Gail and her family. Does she have any other children?

    Dara, sounds like lines of communication are slowly opening up between you and DD. Baby steps... Glad to hear your dad was having such a good day. Hope your cousin and her husband work it out. When do you go back to work?

    Skippy (I like that name too) good luck on the race. I can't wait to start doing them again, just waiting for the weather to get a little more predictable. Hopefully I can get moving on vacay, I'd like to run in the morning while DH is golfing. Anyway a color run, isn't that where you get all painted up? Get some pics please, altho by the time you read this, you'll be all done.

    Lori, you don't celebrate any holidays? Not even Xmas? Hope your energy level is bouncing back. 6 days till facetime! After we get done I'm going to stop off in PC (my old town, on my way home) and get together with all my girls and spend the night there, so like a little pre-vacay vacay. Gonna be a fun day!

    Nancy, hope you are feeling better and have a good weekend.

    Lara, hope your foobies are healing up and pain is almost gone. Best be reporting in soon before a certain someone steals your drink!

    Sue, So glad to hear you are feeling good. You are an inspiration for sure. You are so busy, busy. Hope you have a nice Easter, when do u get to see Maddy again? Woohoo on 73% EJ, that's fantastic!

    Well, time to start my day, hope you girls have a good one!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    Mary, so sorry about Junior losing so many teeth, poor baby! And that other baby of yours, the aNORAble one,
     must really like her nappy bed! There is a thread here about that show you are watching, I haven't read it though.

    My darling Skippy DW, good for you on the 5K, no matter how you get it done! Enjoy the day! Hmmmm, hotdogs. I can eat them, but not very often. Best with chili, cheese, onions and chopped maters. But I seem to always have a stomach ache after I eat them, which I usually eat two. Maybe I should stop at 1? Oh, and they have to be the all beef ones.

    My wacko friend, that is great news about your dad. Is he accepting the home better as well? And how much longer will he be there? I think it would be nice if was able to stay there with your mom. Does he interact with her? I wish you could spend time with baby David for Easter. Is there a way you could drop off a gift for him? Maybe on your next text you might add that you would love to see her.

    Cami, I have hardly missed any days, even when we were gone last weekend. And I am leaving Wednesday for Michigan. My mom is tickled to death! I hope when you get your hair colored, you get some purple in it, like you would like. It could be very mild, so only shows in certain light. I hope you get invited to LOTS of pool parties this summer. They prolly invite you cuz you're so damned fun!

    NM, of course you can ask for prayers and of course we will offer them up. Praying for your co-worker. I can not imagine the pain of losing a child and she has lost 2! There just are no words. There is not one pathetic thing about you, so take it back! We do what we have to do, and fast foods are def. convenient. And knowing you, you work through or are traveling during your lunch hour. We have all of them in town, and some we have 2 or 3 of! But no good places, like the chains. Red Lobster, Olive Garden, etc.

    LDB, have you left?

    Lara, how's it going? Are  you behaving?

    Oh, I forgot to mention, my hummers have arrived!

    Just refreshed, so I didn't bumb you into the pool Mary, but mese feeling like playing, so I'll just push you in!!!! Awwww, doesn't it melt your heart that Nora didn't want to leave. Means you are a good grammy. Tell us again what she calls you? Does she call your DH anything? Nice that you will get to see some other friends too!!! My next trip to MI will prolly be NOvember. And again prolly only a week, we'll see. I much prefer 10 days, but DH doesn't! And no, we really don't celebrate holidays. No family to share it with, just the two of us and DH doesn't eat chicken, turkey, ham, lamb or pork roast!

    Well, working most of the weekend in the garden. Not doing too much cleaning before I go, cuz it will be here when I get back!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2015

    Morning Dahhhlinks!

    Leaving early tomorrow.  Today is laundry and packing.  Supposed to have dinner w/friends tonite, hope I'm up for it.  Hell I been up for 2 hours and feel like I could go back to bed.  OH well, stuff to do so better get on it.

    Prayers to Gail NM.  Glad your weather is getting better and better.

    Lara - big hugz to you, like the rest of us, really hope this is the light at end of your tunnel.  (((Lara)))

    Dara - good news about your dad.  Sounds like it was a fab day.

    Cami - I find it weird about your hair, but don'tcha love it?  I'm thinking of waiting for at least 1 more mo before I color my gray head.

    Nancy, Mary, Julie err I mean Skippy and anyone else I'm missing, wishing you all a fab Easter weekend.  I'll try to keep in touch but don't kno what internet connections are like. 


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015

    imageme before the race

    imageme after, i walked,i skipped and i did break into a trot

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Easter to my Christian breasties,Happy Passover to my Jewish breasties, Happy Sunday to all my breasties that I haven't covered!We did get a bit of snow yesterday, but it mostly melted on contact with the ground.Going to Mom's for Easter dinner today, so Sadie will get lots of loving from Dick AND a car ride, she will be so happy!

    Genny--The gobblygook talking stage is so fun and so funny, love listening to them doing that, and with the book upside down, what a talent Nora has!Reading upside down is a real benefit in life sometimes! And she cried when you were leaving, how heart breaking!DOTD substitutions always allowed, fix 'em any way you want them.Gail does have other children, all adults.Thank you for the prayer.

    Goldie--thank you for the prayers.Yes, I usually work or drive through lunch, it usually just seems to make the most sense at the time.Hooray for the hummers' arrival!I've got another month or so before I'll see them, and expect they'll be late this year.Your poor DH, what DOES he eat for protein?

    Mema--thanks for the prayer.And travel safe, and have fun on your trip!

    Juliet--Love the colors!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    The Race

    1/2 oz Mandarine Napoleon

    1 oz Bourbon

    2 dashes Lemon Juice

    1 dash Strawberry Syrup

    1 oz Apricot Juice

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.


    Pour into a shaker and shake well. Serve in a cocktail glass frosted with tangerine.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    LDB, I didn't think your hair looked gray at all, more white or blonde. Anyways, have a super uber fab time girl!

    Love your pictures Julie, and you go girl, with that skipping and trotting! How'd the little one do?

    NM, DH eats hamburgar, hot dogs, pork ribs, pork chops, kielbasa, Italian sausage, eggs, White Castles! Enjoy your EAsTER SUNDAY with mom, Dick and Sadie.

    Ok, do I have to take likker away, yet again? But NM, Jules and LDB can have theirs!

    Worked outside all day yesterday in the garden, and chatted with Mary for a bit. Trying to decide iffin I want to do an over nighter with her. Prolly work outside again today. Hoppy Happy Easter goilZ!



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2015

    Good morning ladies and Happy Easter to ya all. DH golfing, doing some last minute cleaning around the house. Hope you all have a lovely day.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2015

    Hi girls, wishing you all a Hoppy Easter! Hope you all have a beautiful day. I hope the Easter bunny has been good to all of you. And I am thankful for the resurrection of Christ on this Holy Sunday. And yes, happy Passover to anyone of the Jewish faith.

    NM, enjoy your time with your Mom and Dick, give Sadie an Easter treat and a pat on the head from me.

    Genny, love the pic of Nora, she is indeed aNorable!! Glad you having facetime and a possible overnight with Lori, woo hooo!!

    Lori, glad you got to play outside yesterday, sounds fun.

    Skippy, hope you are resting today and not working, great job on the run, proudda ya!

    Sue, hope you having a nice Easter wheneber you be, not sure where you are off to but know you are out of town.

    Cam, I too wish I was your neighbor. Oh the fun we would have.

    Lara, what are you up to, please check in. Have a delightful day and hope you are feeling good.

    Hello to the rest of my loungette buds, love you all. I am going to mese oldest sisters house, other sis is in Jamaica, lucky gal! Have an awesome holiday!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2015


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday! If I say that often enough it will come true, right?Sadie went back to bed, wish I could.

    Goldie--Your DH has a pretty limited meat list, doesn't he?But he must be getting by.Did have a good visit with Momand Dick, Sadie got lots of tummy tickles and attention from Dick.She makes out like she gets no attention at home whenever she goes to visit Dick.Silly dog.

    Genny--love the way the tongue gets into the action!And the Peep-a-tini and the chock-tail!Way to celebrate!

    Dara--Sadie says thanks for the jelly beans!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:



    1/2 c corn syrup, light

    pink, blue & purple decorating sugar

    2/3 c marshmallow vodka (smirnoff)

    2 Tbsp creme de cacao, clear

    2 c seltzer, cold

    neon pink, neon blue & neon purple food coloring

    pink, blue & purple peep bunnies


    1. Spread corn syrup & decorating sugar each in a small plates. Dip martini glasses in syrup. Then place in color of choice decorating sugar. Let stand 5 minutes (in sugar) to set. Lift glass; tap to release excess. Stand upright to dry. Repeat with remaining glasses.
    2. In cocktail shaker, mix vodka & creme de cacao; fill with 8 ice cubes. Cover; shake. Strain into 4 glasses, dividing evenly. Tint each martini with desired food coloring to match decorating sugar; stir with toothpick. Add seltzer to fill. Cut slit into each bottom of peep bunny & attach to glass.
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    Mary, I don't think Nora could be any cuter!

    Wacko, hope you had fun at your seesters! Not sure if I will do the over night thing with Mary or not. It will be up in the air and a last minute decision iffin I do. I am only in MI for 1 week, which will FLy by! Sue went to Yuma and then to Coronado. I believe AZ and CA.

    NM, I don't think Monday is ever "happy". LOL on Sadie acting like she's ignored at home! I'm sure Dick knows better. Yes, DH manages just fine. I just don't know how someone can eat so much processed food......YUCK! Interesting DOTD, but sounds like a lot of work, glad we have Tenders that can make them!

    Well, since it was a holiday, I will not take anyone's booze away! I trust everyone had a wonderful Easter, just another day here.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2015

    wowwow, hiccup ~ it is quiet in here todey. must be monkeydey.

    NM, glad you and your gal had a nice visit with your Mom n Dick. How is yer weather, we are expecting more snow later in the week but it is over 70 now. I like these little teasers. We are in the month/season of Sprinter which is part Spring and part winter hehe. I like the countdown til the cruise on your FB page. Did you ever answer back to your friends as to what the post means?

    Lori, you are kind to foygive those that did not post yesterday. Goodness, if ya did'nt, you'd have a llot of likker for yerself. And looks like you will be gathering quite a bit today too. So what is the date of facetime wtih Mary?

    Hello to all mese goils. I had a nice Easter and hope you all did too. This day sure went fast for me. I was busy, had a dr appt, PT and hadda run into town to pick up paperwork for my disability. Did I ever answer that I am to return to work on May 1? I do not remember.

    Well I hope you all have a great night and a super week. I miss those that are MIA, get here, will ya? Tanks for listening to those I talking to.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Almost 2 inches of snow overnight.Sigh.Supposed to melt off, hope it does.Got to go to CPR recertification this morning, so exciting!Can you tell I'm not looking forward to that?


    Goldie--Yes, Dick and Mom know perfectly well that Sadie is not ignored at home, it's just funny how she makes out like she is.Anything to get a tummy tickle!That is a lot of processed food, but if DH is doing well health wise, I guess it's working for him.


    Dara--I like "Sprinter", it describes what is going on very, very well.The other day it felt and smelled like spring, now it looks and feels like winter.Arrggh.


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    April's Violet

    2 tsp Blue Curacao

    1 1/2 oz Gin

    3 drops Grenadine

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.


    Pour the gin, blue curacao and grenadine into a mixing glass half-filled with ice cubes. Stir well. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass, and serve.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    Wacko, I love  your "Sprinter" word, never heard that before. Sorry you are getting more snow. I think it has only snowed twice this year for us. So it will be a bad fire season for us. Facetime wif Mary is Friday. I don't think you told us your return date to work, so May 1 it is.

    NM, love the cartoons. Yep, that is my hubby in that isle at the grocery store. You should see my freezer!

    Hmmmm......looks like I can get lots o likker today. Wacko, you want help? I'll get Pants and Jocks to help too.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2015

    Morning girls, Molly came over last night, 1st time I've seen her in 2 months, she was in Florida. So, needless to say I'm a wee bit hungover. She is still sleeping, I have a physical at 11, she is going to go and workout then I'll do her hair and she'll go home this afternoon. We have heavy rain in the forecast for the rest of the week. April showers...better than snow. Got to go golfing with my DH yesterday...woohoo, really made it feel like spring. I sucked as usual but still fun. I get facetime with Lori on Friday, then leave for vacay next week on Wednesday. Molly is keepin the furbabies.

    Lori, I'll text you the address today, can't wait! You leave tomorrow? Bet your mom is getting excited. Thanks for letting me keep my wine, specially with Molly here. Does your DH eat fruit and vegies?

    Dara, glad you had a nice Easter, 3 more weeks left till you go back to work, enjoy every minute.

    NM, more snow? Yuck, time for old man winter to let go already! Good cartoons.

    Hi to everbody else, puter about to go dead, have to go plug in. Maybe I'll pop in to all!!

  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited April 2015

    thank you so so much for this thread - such a relief to find a group of positive people - I'm newly diagnosed- start treatment next week - I love love love my wine and yes I know I drink to much of it - I'm not sure yet whether or not it played a role im my diagnosis and so I'm terrified to have a glass- im off to my sons moms college weekend and really want to enjoy a glass or 3 without feeling so guilty - it's good to know that's ok and that I am not the only one who hasn't sworn off of wine for life after this shocker showed up!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015

    good afternoon all

    welcome Karen ,hope you have a fantastic weekend, i saw one day the post that if you live the vegan,exercise every day and no alcohol life style ,you don't live any longer ,Happyit just seems longer

    lori and mary have fun, want pics

    dara so a return to work dateBawlinghow's mum and dad? haven't seen any new furbaby pics recently,just saying!

    nm snow again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wtf. it got to 80f here the other day, we are currently in our dry season so you have my sympathy lori ,hope the idiots behave this summer

    ok i'm off to the gym for personal training, so skippy signing off

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2015

    Hi Karen, I got on this thread feeling the same way, is this somehow my fault because I like my wine so much. Let me tell you, these ladies set me straight. I'm so sorry that you find yourself here, but the further you go into this new world of yours, the more you will realize the answers that many health care professionals give you will be this: We think, "It may, It could, Possibly and......we really don't know", which seems to be the general concensus on drinking. I, personally have decided to attempt moderation but not to the point of feeling deprived. Life is too short. Hope you stick around, it's a wonderful thread with really great ladies so pull up a virtual barstool, order your favorite wine and tell us a little about yourself!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2015

    Hi Dahhhlinks!!

    just a quick poop in.  Heading out for some site seeing.  Read a little, sounds all are doing as well as possible. 

    Mary and Lowee....have fun...don't forget the pics. travels!

    Prayers and big hugz to those that need em..

    Hi Karen - Welcome to the lounge.  Besides our combined knowledge of this FURB (f' u rat bastard) there are also some wonderful nurses so feel free to ask anything and likely one of us has been there done that.  (((Karen)))

    Will try and check in tomorrow....lubslubslubslubslubslubslubs to everyone!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2015

    Hello loungettes, happy Twosday! I guess that means one drink in each hand hehe!

    WELCOME KAREN! Hang around, get to know us. The general consensus here is why not drink? I drink way too much yet not enough. I hope to see you again soon.

    Lori (Goldie), sooo fircited for you and Genny, jest three more days and you two will be together! Can I have a woooot wooooot?!?!?!!!

    Genny, glad you got to spend time with Molly, she sounds like such a dear. Nice of her to look after your fur babies whilst you are away. Hope you had a good work day.

    NM, love your picture posts. Goodness I remember when you made a pic for each person you addressed. It is such a pain in the arse that we have to download the pics to upload them here, takes so much more time then just copying from the web. How was your work day? I hope the class was not too boring and that you stayed awake lol.

    Julie, hello to you. When is your next Disney trip? Soon I hope. Mom and Dad are doing well, thanks for asking. Today my Dad asked when he is coming home. The question made me feel sick to my stomach. I have so many mixed emotions. I want him to be happy and coming home would make him so happy. If he ends up staying at the home permanently, he can come home whenever he wants. I would probably bring him home for the weekends once I am back at work. I just have a hard time telling him he is not coming home. Mentally, that is very difficult for me and for my sisters as well.

    Hello to the rest of my goils. Hope you are all doing well. And Lara, please report, you have been MIA too long. I miss ya lil sis!

    chEErS to all and don't foyget, titties up if ya got em!

  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited April 2015

    thanks for the welcome ladies- After I get my port placed tomorrow I'm off to see the wig maker- im pretty sure I will need a glass of wine after that!!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited April 2015

    Hello girls sorry I have been MIA for a bit. I have been recovering. I had a really bad seizure Saturday and my family had to call an ambulance this time. My seizure was really bad and I really dont remember much about it but I know my DH told me that it lasted at least 40 min and they called the ambulance at 330pm I got discharged from the ER at MN and woke up with oxygen on because apparently my oxygen saturation had dropped because I wasnt breathing very well. But they didnt keep me because my seizuers are non epileptic.

    So after a couple of shots of valium later I finally calmed down and woke up. Slept all day Sunday and most the day Monday and am better today. I saw a neuropsychologist today though who thinks she can help with some sort of biofeedback thing that tricks my brain into not thinking about the accident. They think its a post stress distress syndrome kinda thing. So Im game if it will help.

    Hello Karen sorry your here but I think you will find we are a good group to hang with. Sorry about my long winded message above. Hope to see you back.

    I hope everyone had a great Easter! I am so glad the weather is getting better!

    Love you all!image

    My baby Cole

  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited April 2015

    I have a question ladies- forgive me this vanity but I was wondering whether any of you have advice on mani pedis- I usually have shellac on my nails because otherwise they break and look terrible- I do keep them short but I just wondered whether anyone has had any Negative experiences with getting them done while on chemo

  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited April 2015

    I am so sorry sounds scary- glad you are ok and it sounds like you have a plan for follow up- take care get some rest