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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes! Yesterday's snow melted away tonothing, as expected.Yay!Now if only the next storm didn't have the "s" word in the prediction.Old Man Winter just doesn't want to let go.Eventually summer will evict the old man, right?

    Goldie--I guess snow would be better than a bad fire season.How long is fire season for you?All summer?

    Genny--April showers are good, but heavy rain, not so good.Glad you go to golfing, it's the fun and not the skill that's important.And face time coming up, and vacay, you've got lots of good stuff going on!

    Karen30--Welcome to the Lounge!Please do not feel guilty about having a glass or few of wine.Medicine does NOT know enough about how cancer starts to be telling us that a few glasses of wine, or a few grams of fat or anything else we eat or drink is the cause.Especially since non-drinkers and vegetarians also get cancer, including bc.It's medicine's job to fix the cancer problem so we can live our lives, not make us feel guilty for being alive or live restrictive lives out of fear of recurrence.Why survive bc treatment and merely exist?Especially since they don't know what triggers recurrences or new bcs.The American Cancer Society sponsored a big study that ended up showing that a low fat, high fruit and veggie diet did NOT change the risk of recurrence after bc.So, have your wine, live your life, and do not feel guilty!OK, getting off my soapbox now.

    Juliet--I wonder how much of that saying is true?LOL!

    Genny--well said!

    Mema--have fun seeing the sites!

    Dara--I actually can copy pics from the web, or at least from Google Images, most of the time.I love doing that but it is time consuming and I do have a time line in the mornings.But I get to do it once in a while!CPR class was pretty painless, and I'm now legally CPR-ized for another couple of years.Telling your Dad he's not coming home is a very hard thing to do.Heartbreaking, really.But you have to think about his safety, and it doesn't sound like he would be safe home alone while you are working.Give it a bit more time, some of the staff will connect really well with your Dad and he'll start getting some TLC and start loving it there.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    April Shower

    1 oz Brandy

    1/4 oz Benedictine

    1 oz Orange Juice

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

    Publish To Facebook


    Shake over ice in a shaker. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass, and serve.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2015

    Morning girls, quick pop-in cause I have to get ready for work. Pooches are going to doggie day-care today.

    Nancy, I am so sorry to hear about this latest seizure. WTH is going on? I sure hope they figure it out soon and this new neuro lady can help, they need to get better not worse. I'll bet it was really scary for your husband. Your dog is so cute! How much does he weigh? Anyway, hope you have a good seizure free day.

    Karen, you should probably talk to your MO about your nails. I iced my fingers and toes with bags of peas while getting the Taxotere and got nothing more than a few ridges on my nails. I put the peas on my feet and my DH would wrap them in ace bandages and I did not have any neuropathy. One of the other loungettes here could not do that because of a medical condition and some of her nails fell off. Sorry you have to go thru this, it sucks but you'll get thru it.

    Dara, hope your dad is adjusting. Any new pics of little David?

    Morning NM, yay to CPR recert. Hope work is easy on you today.

    Hi to everyone else. time to jump in the shower. Love and cheers to all!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2015

    Hello girls!

    It is a rainy day here, been raining since yesterday and going to continue through Friedey.

    Karen, I think you should have at least two glasses of wine today, you deserve it. Great advise from our NM (Native Mainer).

    NM, love how you freely give advise to us, so grateful to have you around here. Never get off the soapbox. Sorry about the snow, we were supposed to get some but it is staying just above freezing. It is freaking cold for spring, in the 30's. Congrats on the CRP recert!

    Nancy, dahling, I am so sorry these damn seizures are still kicking your ass. You are in my prayers. I too hope that the new neuro can do something to give you relief and confidence that they will stop. There has to be something they can do. A big hug for ya ((((Nancy)))

    Genny, hope your work day went well and that the pups had a good time at doggy day care. I get a kick out of that, wish my dogs could do that while I am working. Does it cost a lot? I do not think I have any pics that i have not posted. I might post the video she sent me a few weeks ago on facebook, jest have to figure out how to get it from my phone to facebook.

    Lori must be in MI by now, hope it is nothing but fun fun fun. Miss ya goil!

    Hope everyone has had a nice hump dey. Speaking of humping, where is my tenders, I need some loving hehehe!

    chEERs all!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2015
  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2015


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2015

    one good pic deserves another....

    NM, thanks for telling me that images post without uploading...yeah!

  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited April 2015

    love it!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2015

    hey all! How's evetykne?? I've missed you all. Such a whirlwind. Busy at work and hone. Had a vacation planned but DH grandma passed. 92. Beautiful. So instead we were in Queens. My oldest getting ready to graduate high school. And I arimidex. Still hurting so much. On Femara now. We will see how it goes.

    Miss and love you all

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2015

    Easter imageat my home. Next to me is my sister who went to every appointment.

    Our finished custom box logo and ribbonimage


    The graduate.


    Nice whole body radh after washing with vegan natural soap. I need the chemicals back. Lol

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!How is everyone this, yet again snowy, ayem?Another 2 inches and still falling.Sigh.

    Genny--glad to get the CPR thing over with.I really don't like the way they change things up every few years.I swear it's just so they can justify making us take the course every couple years.Now they've gone from ABC to CAD.Really? I'm waiting for the day they drop the CPR part and only treat AED use.I wonder if all home care nurses will be required to carry an AED someday?Just what I need, another piece of equipment to clutter up Pearl's insides!

    Dara--Can you send some of that rain this way?We're in the 1 step forward, 2 steps back phase of the snow melt right now.I will be able to put a garden in sometime this year, right?

    Genny-- I vote for sit down and work on the sofa!

    PRN!!!So good to see you again!Sorry about DH's granny.Congrats to the oldest!Praying femara treats you better.Great Easter dinner!Love the boxes and special ribbons.Handsome DS!Wow, quite the rash from the vegan natural soap!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Cadalac Margarita

    2 oz Tequila

    3/4 oz Grand Marnier

    1 1/2 oz Salt

    1 (wedge) Lime

    1 1/4 oz Sweet and Sour Mix

    Best served in a Margarita Glass.


    Combine first 3 ingredient into a shaker with ice. Shake well. Pour into a salt-rimmed margarita glass and garnish with a lime wedge.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    Hey there from rainy Michigan.

    Karen welcome! We will be by your side for treatments. I do my own nails, and ALWAYS have polish on, and never had trouble with mine during treatments. So not sure if the polish attributed to that or not. I had the same chemo as you, but mine were every 3 weeks, 4 of the AC and then 4 of the Taxol. Worst days were day 3 and 4. I was also seeing a naturopathic during my treatments and was on lots of supplements, so that might have helped too. I never got sick either. Good luck!

    Nancy, so so scary that seizure. I am so sorry! Hoping this new doc can help you.

    Wacko (Dara) prayers for you and your dad. I'm sorry it hurts your heart, but like NM says, his safety is more important.

    LDB (lil doity butt aka MemaSue) Glad you are having a goot time girl!

    Princess, good to see you. Sorry about grandma, but she lived a good long life. And your son is hot hot hot, and look at those curls! Don't ya  just love em. I hated it! But they should grow out in time. Candies look gawgeous!

    NM, summer WILL come eventually!

    Mary (Genny) I will call you in the morning about an hour before I leave. Will that be ok?

    Julie, ms Skippy, that just cracks me up! You go girl, with that personal trainer!

    Ok, must run...haven't had my shower yet. Hard to get mom moving!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    CAMI, I knew I was missing someone! Girl, get in here or I'm coming after your brandy!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015

    i woke up 0330am on my day off, was in the gym at 0510, so now ready for a nap, have fun lori and mary.

    nancy-hope the doc could help you

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited April 2015

    I just had the best news ever!! Not only is my DS getting married but he and his finace are expecting!! I am going to be a grandma again!! 3 grandchildren!! But this will be my sons first. I cant wait!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015

    congratulations nancy and to ds and future ddil

    so sorry for your loss prn but son is very handsome

    nm-thy have got strict on our renewals too, you have to have the book for the classes ,we still don't open them! make you do a full 2 mins of all the cpr's ! acls next year is going to be such fun

    have fun people ,working today

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Freezing rain here.Not sure this is better than snow.Supposed to warm up and be all rain soon.Right now it's freezing on contact with the ground in places, like my back deck.Enough, Father Winter, I give up!

    Goldie--are you SURE summer will come?Really sure?I'm beginning to have serious doubts!

    Julie--up at 0330 on your day off?YUCK!Been to the gym already, IMPRESSIVE!

    Collett--CONGRATULATIONS!Congrats to your son and fiancé, too!

    Julie--they do get crazy about little pieces of paper, don't they?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Wedding Bell Cocktail

    1 oz Dubonnet Rouge

    3/4 oz Gin

    2 tsp Cherry Brandy

    1 tbsp Orange Juice

    1 dash Orange Bitters

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.


    Pour the Dubonnet, gin, cherry brandy, orange juice and orange bitters into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2015

    Good Morning ladies--i'vd been MIA and I'm sorry-I had a super bad week of my D and thought I was dying cuz I didn't have enough energy to breath--u all know how dramatic I am--but it's eased off now so I hope it's all over.

    Nancy I can't stand to hear all u'r going thru, they better find out what's wrong or find someone to help them, this is crazy. But Congtats on all the good news, that's great to hear.

    Lori today is facetime with Mary--ooo that's so exciting and u know I hope u feel good and Mary too.

    WELCOME Karin--oops did I spell that right? Like Lori said we'll all help u thru this anyway we can and we're lucky enough to havd our own staff of nurses here so we're on board with u. I think everyones nails are different I didn't ice mine and at first I was going to the salon ad always had my nails done, cuz they were turning black so I'd wear dark polish, but after a hile they started coming off and my toes too, now they're hysterically funny, toes grew back sideways, really sexy in sandals and a couple of my fingernails kepp falling off. LOL Now u might not have any of that but if u want just get u'r nails done, don't worry.

    Dara I know this is all hard for u, it has to break u'r heart, but like NM said u really have to look over the whole picture, when u go back to work it might be to  difficult to be away that many hours. U'r grandbaby is adorable, keep those pics coming. 
    Hi  PRN what a wonderful table for u'r family and I really like u'r new boxes, some zing to them. Oh I loved the way Lori said u'r son is hot hot hot and Julie said how good looking he is. hahaha that just struck me funny--thanks for the pics. BTW he's both.

    Skippy--er Julie, u really are seriously trainin. u'r so dedicated when u make up u'r mind. U do look wonderful anyway.

    NM u sound like u had a Good easter with Sadie, I just love how u share her. and like usual u sound busy--SNOW OMG when will it stop? We just missed by 50 miles all the storms and tornadoes that happened last night, but the thunder and lightening were frightening. Joey and I were cuddling at the time and he said I'd rather have a snow storm, all that does is keep u in the house, where as this weather u'r luck if u have a house after. And I think that's true. My cousin was right in one of the areas and I called her late last nite and the worst didn't get to her but those alarms where going on a lot by her. I love rain, but not this crap.

    Oh Lori I haven't had any brandy or coffee all week, maybe that's why I've been so bad--haha now I know., see how I show up whenever u threaten to confiscate my likker. I'm having it now tho--yummy

    Joey taught me how to take pics with my computer, well he tried to teach me, I didn't really know I had one, so we took a pic with my furbaby, me and Joey, but I don't know how to upload and do the rest and plese don't waste time in trying to teach me, cuz I had this computer for 4 yrs and I didn't know there was acually a camera on it, so I'll never understand this. I hope Lori gives us pics. she's good at that tho.

    OK that's about it, I wasn't very busy at work this week, Thank God, I wasn't my usuall bubbly self LOL bubbly more like bonky self, oh I'm actually learning how to text, of course it looks like I'm high doing itstill, but I'll get better or just give up.

    Hey SusyQ




  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Got up to sunshine this ayem!Yeah!Above freezing, too!Snow is melting.Mud season has arrived!Yeah!

    Cammy--so sorry the D has been such a problem!So not fair, so notright you have to be going through all that.Praying it's over now and you get better ASAPliest.Dick loves dogs, and has had a dog almost all his life, but Mom doesn't want a dog in the house (too much mess, too much bother, makes it hard to travel, etc) so I take Sadie over whenever I can so he can get a doggy fix.And Sadie loves the attention.The weather people reported some thunderstorms in the last storm, but they didn't get as far north as me.I'd rather have thunder than snow!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Liquid Sunshine

    1/2 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Triple Sec

    1/2 oz Galliano

    1/2 oz White Creme de Cacao

    1/2 oz Creme de Bananes

    1/2 oz Orange Juice

    Best served in a Collins Glass.


    Shake with ice and strain into a Collins glass filled with ice.

    Where is everyone????

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015

    good morning all, been for my walk now trying to get motivated to do some housework

    hope your doing better now miss cammi

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2015


    Hi girls and a happy Saturday to all you lovely ladies! Lori and I had a very nice day, we met at a little after 10 in the morning, chatted till 11:30 then went to lunch. Afterward we went to a place with a lounge type area and fireplace and each had a glass of wine. So nice to get facetime, no surprises for me, Lori is exactly as I envisioned, sweet and pretty and nice, and so easy to talk to. Glad we got to do it, and will do it again each time she comes to Michigan... only about 75 minutes for each of us.

    Juliet, have a nice weekend off, hope you got that house cleaned.

    NM, yeah for sunshine and melting snow.

    Dara, hope your dad is adjusting. I was thinking the other day as a train went by for the third time that if you ever come to my house we have to play train shots! Hope you're having a good weekend.

    Cami, so sorry about the D, hope it's gone now. I'm sure Joey could post the pics for you? Glad the phone took it easy on you.

    Lori, hope you're having a good visit with your mom and son and brother. Stay safe!

    Nancy, woohoo! You needed some good news! so happy for you and your son and his new family. Hope the seizures are staying far, far away.

    SuzieQ, hope you're feeling good and I know you're bizzy and on the run and having a good weekend.

    Tobi, so good to see you pop your head in, love the look of the caramels and boxes, good looking son and the rest of the family too. I've gotten all over rashes from hypoallergenic stuff too... weird. Hope you've had plenty of conjugal visits and all is well.

    Karen, is it this weekend you're partying at the college, or was that last weekend? Anyway, hang in there and vent to us as needed, we've all been there done that.

    Everybody else, dwinkin' mese wine, so...CHEERS! lubs to all!


    Ugh, I'll be glad when this hair gets straight again!


    She's getting so big!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2015

    oh man!!! You guys look soo great. Wish I had known. I delivered a couple of events today. Then just shopped.

    Genny, are you running? I am getting my nerve up to sign up for a big race.

    I switch to Femara. Seems a bit better.

    Ok hey to Joey and Cami. Damn that D!

    Dara. Think of you and your pookie baby guy. Hope you're ok.

    4... Thinking I'm missing you and your pictures!

    NM... Hope works not kicking your behind. We've been super high census and on bypass frequently.

    Thinking of you all. And Nancy my special prayers that you get some breaks!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2015

    Had to post one more, my DS and the pacifier on his chest....

    Tobi, I am not running, signed up for a 5k in 2 wks and an obstacle run end of May. We are leaving on vacay next week and I'm hoping to run every day. We'll see, I really want to get back to it.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Another sunny, if chillly ayem here, Yeah!Got warm enough to open some windows for a little while yesterday.There is hope!

    Juliet--nothing like housework, is there?No matter how many times you do it there's always more to do!

    Genny--GREAT PIC!Your hair looks great with the curls, IMO.Goldie, you look great, too, and you both look sooo happy!Nora's getting very big!

    PRN--Work is busy, but we're managing.We're budgeted for 12 admissions a month, as of last week we've had 18.In March we had 28 admissions-- a record high for us.Unfortunately most of the people we admit only live a few days, so we are working hard processing admissions and our overall census isn't going up very much.Feels like we're spinning wheels, sometimes.

    Awwww, what a pic!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Tailspin Cocktail

    3/4 oz Gin

    3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth

    3/4 oz Green Chartreuse

    1 oz Cherry

    1 dash Orange Bitters

    1 twist Lemon Peel

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.


    Stir all ingredients (except cherry) with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Top with the cherry and serve. (An olive may be substituted for the cherry, if preferred.)

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015

    mary love the pics of miss nora and so glad you and lori had fun together

    prn what's this bypass you speak of!!!!!!!!!!!!! as we are a trauma hospital they say they can't go on divert but we had 2 days when normal census then back to super high again, had 40 holding in er on fri when i worked, we are supposed to be a seasonal place but the last 3 years have been crazy busy in winter until easter and then only slightly slower in summer, when i went for my colonoscopy ,the check in clerk and i were talking , she had been asking all the snow birds when they were going home, most of them said end of may!,nm 18 admits already this month! everybody who works in healthcare have been super busy this year, wish those clowns in washington would see this and stop cutting money because it seems everybody but them is being asked to do more with less on a brighter note glad the business is doing well,will have to put off tasting the candies as we are doing the biggest looser in work

    hope everybody has a wonderful sunday, need to do the housework i didn't do yesterday! stated reading instead

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited April 2015

    Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!

    The gremlin just got my huge ketchup post :-( and I will have to do it again later. Lacrosse practice carpool now.

    Just know I LUBS you all and miss being here more often. I even had my confession as to why I have been AWOL in that post.

    OK, gotta run but will try to get back no later than Tuesday. Last day of Spring Break here and we gotta get back in gear! And DH leaves for Toronto tomorrow.

    LUBS<, HUGZ and PRAYERZ for all you girls!

    For Skippy!


    For Tobbi!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!So nice getting up and seeing a glow of sun on the horizon.Much easier to get out of bed and be able to see my slippers without turning on a light.Good start to the week.

    Juliet--Everyone seems to be doing more with less except the yahoos in DC, they seem to be doing OK.I still think they should have to use Medicare and the same retirement savings available to us.Things would change pretty quickly when one of them has to jump through the hoops they set up for us to get what they want.Don't blame you for reading instead of doing housework, that would be my choice, too!

    4--Uggh, the post gremlin strikes again!Love the Sunday, day of REST pic!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Gremlin Fixer

    2/3 oz Vodka

    1/4 oz Apricot Brandy

    2/3 oz Dry Vermouth

    2/3 oz Pisang Ambon

    3 oz Pineapple Juice

    Best served in a Highball Glass.


    Shake and strain into a highball glass filled with crushed ice. Garnish with a mint sprig, and serve.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited April 2015 everyone!

    Lori and Mary I am so glad you guys were able to meet up! You look great! Mary I love the picture of Nora and your DS.

    Cami I am glad you survived the bad storms over there in Illinois. My seizures have slowed down finally. I have been busy with baby shower and wedding planning. Which is awesome:)

    Dara I hope your dad is doing better.

    Mema hope your doing well.

    Julie I have to get motivated to do some house work myself. I need to get outside too and do my flower beds. I am just glad its warm finally.

    4 hello roomie glad to see you on here :)

    PRN glad to see you too hope your doing well.

    Hello Karen

    Hello everyone else love you all

    Here are some pictures of Jackson and Samarah from this weekend.




  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!
    We are finally home.  Nothing like home sweet home.  Slept well last night but still worn out today.  But ton of laundry and other things to catch up on.   DH going thru heiney scope prep today.  His appt early tomorrow morning.  No cooking for me today yahoo, cept for making hubby jello LOL.

    GR8 pics of Mary and Lori, I too love the pic of Nora and Dh.

    Prn - good to see you again, love the new candy packaging.  Sounds like things going ok for you.  My sympathies for your loss.  Love the pics!  I never did like natural soaps, seemed to dry my skin out more.  Hope the rash goes away soon and throw that soap away K?

    Nancy - glad you are feeling better.  Love the pics!  She is so pretty that widdle Samarah is!  Have fun with the planning….jes don’t stress over it K?  Congrats over becoming a new grandma and MIL again.

    Karen - I kept OPI Nail Envy (clear) on my nails.  I didn’t do ice.  Mine lifted and weakened but ended up losing only ¼ to 1/3 of the nail.  The beds remained healthy.  When all was said and done, nails grew back but very very weak and thin.  I do acrylics now…all good.  OH and never an issue with my toe nails so I continued to do pedis.

    Lowee - hope u having a good time with ur mom and brothers.  Stay safe!

    NM - Saw more horrible weather on the news while I was away.  Thot of you and some of the other girls in the midst of the crap.  And yes, I believe Old Man Winter will be gone soon.  Sorry to hear Sadie ate the upside down cake.

    Julie - Looking good on that race girl.  Can jes see u skipping part of the way, LOL!

    Dara - My easter was traveling. We spent 5 nites in Yuma and 2 nites on Coronado Island. EXPENSIVE!! They charge for everything….outrageous! Hope you had a good time at your sista’s house. Back to work May 1.…well that not too bad….muah! My heart breaks for you and the daddy situation, wish I could be there to give you both big HUGZ!!

    Cami - I hope you’re feeling better.   You cwack mese up with Joey and the picture taking.  Don’t give up…u’ll learn ur puter and texting, jes keep at it.

    4 - hate that gremlin….u sooo busy.  How often does DH have to work out of town?  Got a giggle outta your posters and da nekkid man…hubba hubba!!

    Lara - how are you feeling?

    Forgib me ifin I missed anyone....kno lots of lubslubslubslubslubs and prayers go out everyday to my girls...MUAH!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2015

    Hi girls,

    Geez, it has been awhile since I have posted, I am so bad. Jest been busy. I had my cousin over for the weekend and through this morning and she will be back home soon.

    My Dad is starting his nonsense again, he thinks that one of the male aids is having sex with my Mom. I can't believe this is happening again. And speaking of bad tings happening again, I have a strong suspicious that my daughter is pregnant again. Why you ask? Two things: I got a piece of mail addressed to her and since she has not been around in over three months, I decided to open it as there was no return address. It was a note telling her that she is late to show up to the dr for results of ultra sound. And the dr is an ob/gyn. And 2, I told her father about my suspicions and he told me that he just asked her yesterday if she is pregnant again as he thought she is gaining weight in her belly. I just can't wrap my head around all that is happening again with my Dad and my Daughter. I wanna slap them both silly. So asking for prayers.

    I have read and caught up but not going to address everyone. I just do not have it in me right now, is that bad? Lori and Mary, loved the pics of you goils, you are both so purdy. So glad you had a nice time together but knew you would. Duh right?

    Nancy, sending more prayers that the seizures continue to lesson. Loved the pics of Samarah. A big congrats on the new baby that is coming. So much to look forward to.

    NM, wow, heatwave there, eh?I hope the S word does not happen, it is time for it to warm up there so that Sadie can play in the mud. I know that is her favorite thing and yours too haha!

    Cam, I am praying that the D has gone away and that you areL feeling better by now. Say hello to Joey for me.

    Julie, you have been up really early lately. I have seen you on facebook around the time I am getting to bed. Needless to say, I had a few allnighters over the weekend and again today. LOL about the clowns in Washington, you are being too kind in calling them clowns. I say no more.

    Sue, glad to see you back in the lounge. Thanks for the kind thoughts and cyber hug, needed it. Hope you are feeling well, love. I wish your DH all the best with his scope.

    Lori, hope you are enjoying the time with your family. I miss ya around here. I forget when you come back, hard to keep up with your coming and goings, true dat!

    Genny, the pics of Nora are adorable. I too love most the one of her sleeping with your son. Your son sure is a hottie ~cat whistle~. I will behave myself and not write my next thought hehe.

    Hi PRN and 4, nice to see your faces.

    Lara, please report in girl. I miss your funnies you used to post too. We miss you and love you.

    Who the heck am I missing, I know someone. My brain is fwied and I am very tired. Tonight will be an early night for me, lets jest say I will be in bed by midnight and that is very early. I have to start getting ready to return to work, getting on a decent schedule is the first step. I am bumming that most of my work clothes are going to be too small for me. And I can't afford to buy an entire wardrobe. Chit on my weight gain but it sure was fun eating every fat thing in sight! Oh, I misspoke on my return date, it is 4/30 not 5/1.

    I wish you all a lovely evening and night and a wonderfoil day tomorrow. I have missed you all and think about you all everyday. I will try not to stay away for so long.

    chEErS girls!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!So much easier getting up with the first alarm when there is enough light to SEE the alarm clock!Sprinkling a bit, but I'll take that, it hit the 60's yesterday, not quite so warm today, but still sooooooo nice!

    Collett--Baby showers and wedding plans, what fun!Glad the seizures are better.Great pics!

    Mema--Father Winter had a fling the other weekend, but seems to be shuffling along his way now, here's to hoping he doesn't get lost and backtrack!

    DARA--oh my goodness, what you are going through with your family.Have any of your Dad's docs considered he may have Parkinson's Disease or Dementia with Lewy Bodies?Both forms of dementia often have strong paranoid elements.I had a patient once who thought she was being taken downstairs to the pool to be drowned at night (the facility didn't have a downstairs or a pool), or that she was kidnapped and flown to Africa at night.And the letter from the ob/gyn for the daughter does sound like she's expecting again.Wonder what SD will do to get rid of this one?Sadie has found mud in the yard and is a very happy puppy dog these days.All the melting snow is revealing a lot of junk and crud in the yards, though.Hopefully things will dry out enough to start raking and clearing up soon!Back to work soon, hmmm?That will be a culture shock for you!Better start turning your days and nights around now!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Winter Garden

    1/2 oz Peach Schnapps

    2 oz Canadian Whiskey

    1/4 oz Sweet Sherry

    Best served in a Champagne Saucer.


    Shake, strain into a glass filled with crushed ice, and serve.