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  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    Oh Nancy, how exciting for you son and your family! A wedding and a new baby. We just love our lounge babies! Little Samara and Jackson are also so cute. We sure don't have any ugly babies around here, dat fo shoa.

    PRN, good to see you yet again! Glad the Femara is working better for you.

    NM, I told you summer would come! And good advice to Dara about her dad, Yay for sunshine!

    DW, Biggest Loser at work? Sounds fun, good luck on that! Skip away!

    4, good to see you too, sorry you are so fricken busy.

    LDB, Sounds like you had a nice time. I know we have been looking at things in CA for our fall travels and you are so right about expensive! Even parking. Hope all went well with DH's heiny scope!

    OMG Dorothy, I just can't believe what you are going through with your dad and DD. Of course it is not bad of you to not respond to everyone! And yet you still have your humor. I love your posts. Just sending you lots of love and some JD.

    Cami, what can I say, that Joey is just a sweet lil angel. We don't need your pictures, we know how beautiful you are, inside and out. Haven't seen you posting much, but always so glad to see you. Just worry when you're not around. And you know I will come after your Brandy girl!

    Mary, it was so wonderful to spend time with you, can't wait until the next one! Nora and your son, my goodness, so so cute! And I liked your hair!

    I am having a wonderful time, flying home tomorrow. And as Mary said, we had a wonderful visit. And so easy for us both to do. She is a beauty too. My mom said several times how pretty she was! Sorry to be so short. Love you all!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2015

    NM, I did some research on the LBD and it does seems fitting. I am not sure if I told you all about the days that he was really off. One day, he asked me and my sisters if my mom was his mother. He has also asked me to go into his bedroom to get things for him while he was at the rehab. It really is sad. We had a family care meeting today and the staff thinks that he will be okay at home for a little while longer. If it does not work out, he can easily go back to the rehab or stay there long term. They plan on keeping him for another 7-10 days to further evaluate him before releasing him to me. They do know that I will be back to work around that time. Thanks for the suggestion. Glad that Sadie is loving the mud. I sure hope that it dries out soon and that you can start working on cleaning your yard for summer. I cleaned up a lot of small branches and sticks from my yard yesterday to prepare for the lawn service. My yard is a mess. I have two lawn chairs on the top of my pool cover that were blown in. I have to figure out how to get them off. I will start thinking about opening my pool. This is the latest I have ever opened.

    Lori, nice to see you post, I miss you so much when you are not here. So happy that you had a good time at home with your family and a good time with our Mary!

    It has been quiet in here. I tink the goils took advantage of Lori not being here to take our likker away.

    Have a good day girls and thanks all for your support. Love you goils so much!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2015

    Hi girls, just popping in so Lori won't steal my wine right before vacation. Got all 3 furbabies to Molly's yesterday, house is so wierdly quiet! May get a chance to pop in before bed but I got a few more things to take care of. We are flying out at 6 so have to be to airport at 4....ugh... Not taking my puter but will check in by phone...see ya all later!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good Wednesday Morning, Loungettes!Another sunny ayem, another easy up out of bed, life is looking good!It's amazing how much of the snow has melted, and how quickly the mud is drying this spring.I think Mother Nature is in a hurry to get to summer!Sadie is having so much fun playing in the mud puddles it's hard to get her inside in time to dry off before bed!Ah, spring!

    Goldie--Yup, you did say summer wound come.And I've got a couple kits to make raised garden beds coming.Starting to switch over to those this season.Going to try square foot gardening, too.So glad you and Mary got face time!

    Dara--It's good that your Dad can go back to rehab if needed, and I hope he really will be OK at home with you a while longer.Dementia is a horrible, sad disease for everyone involved.Lawn chairs on top of the pool cover?Must have been some wind that did that!Can you lasso them and drag them off?Or will that rip the cover?My yard is a mess, too, but that's typical.

    Genny--Have a good trip!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Midnight Flight to Malibu

    1 oz Blue Curacao

    1 oz Coconut Rum

    1 oz Creme de Bananes

    (Fill to Top) Pineapple Juice


    Build with ice. Can be shaken, or left layered.

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited April 2015

    Goodmorning everyone!! I hope you all are having a great week!

    Dara I pray that everything is going good for you family. I hope your daughter is not pregnant this soon and that things get all worked out with little David first for the good of everyone before another little one is brought into this World. I hope things go well with your daddy. I know its hard when they are confused. My mom has Dementia. Its not real bad yet but she does get so forgetful and sometimes just downright mean. Shes not the momma I had growing up sometimes but at least shes still here. I know somewhat what your going through.

    NM I am so glad you are starting to see some ground! :) We have tulips finally coming up. Now if I could just have some sunshine that would be awesome!

    Cami and Memaw hope you girls are doing well and Cami hope your not having too much Brany in your coffee. lol

    Lori I am really glad you had a good trip to Michigan and got to meet up with Mary. You both are so pretty.

    I just cant wait to meet everyone on our cruise. And just remembered that my new grandbaby will be here by then. :) If its a boy they are going to name him Leonard Michael after my dad. His name was Leonard. My sons name is Michael Leonard and his fiance wanted to name him after my daddy. If its a girl her name will be Mikensay Yvonne after my son, my daughter Lindsay and my grandma Yvonne who passed away from breast cancer. Now there is a chance they could have twins. My dad is an identical twin.

    If its twin boys thier names will be Leonard Michael and Cameron Lawrence after my dad and his twin brother Larry. If they are twin girls it will be Mikensay Yvonne and Jasmine Ann after me and Camilles mom both our middle names are Ann.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2015


    Here is a pic I got today of baby David. He is looking more like my side of the family in this pic. Love that big smile! Will pop back latah!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2015

    Hi Everyone--I'm so sorry I bery bery bad.

    Mary and Lori u both look beautiful and I love all the pics, LOL on the nipple.

    And Nancy u'r pics are so cute, and how exciting with some good stuff going on there.

    NM we had some pretty scary weather last week, but we were lucky a lot o it missed us so we were blessed,and I'm sure Sadie loves her mud, we've been getting some of that in the house too. Sox loves the outdoors as long as he can see Leslie (brat dog)

    Lori it must have been great with u' visit home to see u'r family, I hope u'r mom is doing better and I pray u are doing well too.

    Hey Julie I didn't quiet understand all u were talking about, but I'm loaded with meds so my brain is kinda farty.

    Hi 4 and Prn sounds like u'r all so busy, it's kind of good.

    SusyQ of course u'r tired but it's a good tired I hope.

    Dara I can't believe u'r reliving another PG time with u'r DD, OMG I hope they can get everything else taken care of first---And I know it's sad about u'r Dad I can't give u any advice cuz it's all we can do is pray for both of them to have some happyness some how--all I can do is pray for u'r family. U'r baby is beautiful, those lashes are WOW they're already so long, (eyes are a big thing or me) he has a wonderful smile too. Oh how I pray this gets figured out, u've got to get u'r hands on him.

    I'm still getting my D and I'm throwing up too, I did see my Onc. and need a test on my head--no not my brain, there's no hope there, it's my skull, but I've been so sick I can't even get to the hospital. LOL my cousin's been in the hospital with fluid in her lings, so she's all messed up and my sister I think is getting depressed some. All my strong ones are falling apart and I talk to my sister like every day now for 1-2 hrs, and then I'm just so tired so I haven't been on the puter at all except ffor work, which is picking up---I still have an infected tooth and can't eat LOL U'd think I'd loose weight but NOOOOO, never-- good thing I'm not so hungry but whatever goes in goes out pretty quickly, I'm not complaining, really I'm just trying to splain why I'm not here and I miss u guys and yet I just get to tired. It's never because I don't feel like sharing with all of u, cuz this is where I come to complain.

    And I'm so excited or all of u going on the trip u'r planning, u are going to have so much fun. OO OO u should film it all and send it in as a show for The women with breast cancer and carry a picture of me around with u and hold it up, cuz when I get my new teeth I gonna smile like crazy.

    OKey Dokey I'm signing off, oh u didn't see that, did u???? u know I LUBS U ALL very much and pray daily or us too. BTW I picture St. Judes' eyes rolling every nite.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning., Loungettes!Another pretty day starting up here.Got a woodpecker visiting the suet cage regularly now.Would be fun to watch but Sadie barks at him and then he flies off.I hope he'll get used to Sadie's shenanigans and will ignore her barking.I got my check for the former PT Cruiser yesterday, going to deposit it today, and when it clears pay off my cruise.I was going to put the rest on the new car, but I may use it to install a heat pump instead, if that works as advertised I'll save a ton of money on oil next winter and be better off financially.Got to do some more research and thinking about that before I decide finally.

    Collett--yup, seeing more and more ground, some places have spring bulbs beginning to poke up.I don't' really have any bulbs around the house, keep saying I'm going to plant some each fall and never quite get around to it.Maybe this fall will be the year?You better be bringing pics of the new grandbaby (babies) on the cruise!What wonderful names they have lined up.You must be so excited.

    Dara--GREAT pic of baby David!Love that smile.

    Cammy--what kind of scary weather did you have?Please, not tornados, the thought of tornados terrifies me.So deadly, so unpredictable, no chance to prepare or get to safety when they hit.And you have a deal, send each of us a pic of you (or one of us a bunch of pics and we'll distribute) and we'll make sure you are in all the cruise pics!Wish you were coming with us. And what's up with your skull, anyway?Did you fall and crack it?I'm praying for your cousin and your sister.Such a hard time for everyone.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    St. Jude's Summer Cocktail


    1 measure Pimm's (Blackberry and Elderflower)

    ½ 25cl bottle Orangina


    Blackberries, Strawberries, sliced Orange for garnish


    Place some ice into a hi-ball glass (or similar)

    Add the measure of Pimm's

    Top up with Orangina

    Garnish with Blackberries, Strawberries and an Orange slice

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2015

    Good morning girls, laying in bed with my coffee enjoying vacay. DH just left to golf. A lot of rain predicted but we'll make the best of it, right now the sun is peeking out and birds are chirping. I'm gonna go for a run soon and then check out the pool,. The condo is very nice with a balcony overlooking the golf course. Dogs and Moose are doing fine at Molly's although Junior insists on barking at her cat who hides under the bed and hisses, which Junior thinks is great fun, so she said she's going to lock them up on the porch and let them figure out who's boss so they'll stop. I have no doubt Buster the cat will win that argument.

    Dara, David looks so much like your DD, what a cutie-pie! I am so sorry about the probable pregnancy.... oh that's the last thing they need. I wonder how CPS will handle this? So irresponsible of them as a couple, just a shame. Guess all you can do is pray and wait to see what happens. Hope things work out when you bring your dad home, do you have someone to stay with him while you work, or do they think he'll be ok alone? Is he still unsteady? Anyway, thinking of you girl, hope the transition back to work goes smoothly. How's your cousin and her DH doing? Are they getting things worked out?

    NM, yay for spring and mud, after all that snow I'm sure it'll be awhile before it dries up. Garden boxes sound good, I hope to get mine started when I get home, maybe get some seedlings going in the house. Got plenty of PINK on my run music so I'll be ready for our karoke debut.

    Cami, I'm so sorry to hear you are not feeling well and we understand when you can't come to the lounge but we just worry when you're not here.Hope your onc can give you some answers and you get feeling better soon. We will take your pic with us and do plenty of virtual toast with you on the cruise fo shor!

    Lori, hope the rest of your vacay went well and flight home was good. You're prolly back to work by now, hope you get back to Michigan soon and we get to do it again.

    Sue, glad you had a nice vacay too. All things good with DH's heineyscope? Better report in soon before Lori gets yer licker!

    Hi Julie, hope the ER is quiet and you're not having to work too hard.

    Nancy, great names, such good stuf for you to look forward to, I'm very happy for you. Hope the seizures stay away and you get going on the road to recovery.

    Everybody I missed, time for me to get started with my vacay. Love and kisses to all!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    Wacko, I AM home now and will not hesitate to take likker away from those that do not show up for libations! I really think it would be a huge mistake to bring your dad home with you. It is clear that he should not be alone.

    Mary, you will have a wonderful time. Safe travels girl. I hope Emma, or was it Junior, stays put at Molly's. Funny about Junior and Buster. And wow, you typed all of that on your phone? Not me, no way. I would read, but not post. Sorry, just can't do all that on a phone. Gosh, if we would have had time, we could have talked gardening. My seeds were started in January I think. We have some already in the garden, even with temps in the low 20's this morning. Protected by EZ Walls.

    NM, I have a lot of customers that do square foot gardeing. Have you looked up what plants and where to put them? Companion plants.

    Wow Nancy, how nice they have their names picked out and using YOUR family to name after. Is she close to her family? I saw something on FB, reminded me of you. Little girl having siezures for 33 days in a row and tried medical siezures! Did not want to share on your FB page, in case you don't share that information there, so here is the link.

    Oh Cami, I'm so so sorry you are so sick. I will NOT take your Brandy, but you prolly don't even want any. I just hate when they can't figure things out. Please take care of yourself. Funny you mention St. Jude rolling his eyes. My mom and I were talking and she says how she keeps telling God that she is ready, but knows He must have a plan for keeping her here. I told her He's keeping you here cuz he doesn't want you up there, you are too much trouble! Being waited on hand and foot, incontinent, coughing like crazy cuz of the smoking and just being lazy. She does hardly anything for herself. She wanted me to cut her nails, which are like an inch long and curling up like a straw. Says she wants me to cut her nails. I'm like, and why can't you cut your own???

    NM, I don't know much about heat pumps. DH says his mom has one, but other than he just said it helps his mom and does heating and cooling. Anything that saves us moola is good!

    Ms. Skippy DW, how and where are you. Your trip back home is coming up, yes?

    Sure has been quiet in here! When I arrived in MI, it took me 30 minutes to get to my moms from the airport. So I allowed myself 45 minutes to get there for my departure. Departure at 12:11, so I left at 9:45. Which I figured rush hour would be well over with by then. WRONG and there was construction. I have to stop within 10 miles of the airport and fill up with gas to show car rental receipt. I get off to get gas and when I get back on the freeway, I get back on going the WRONG way! I'm just freaking out! Anyways, I get the airport about a half hour prior to departure, they were already bording but I had time to get to the restroom before boarding, and even in tears just a bit, I was so stressed. Seems as though I always have a story about my flights!

    Calling all lounge lizards to the lounge!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015

    good morning all,just worked 3 days in a row and we had the inspectors in!!!!!!!!!!!!BawlingShockedSadSickTired, still busy in work

    cammi-feel better soon! don't like it when your sick, when is your next appointment? your d d put up a photo of young joey on fb so cute!

    dara - why do they feel your dad would be safe home alone while your in work? he's been confused at times ,he's fallen and his diabetes has been out of control plus with the chf if he starts eating and drinking the wrong things he'll end up short of breath! is there a daycare in the works or home care for him? on the bright side the baby is gorgeous, kind of scary that she may be pregnant again, will dcf take the baby because baby david is already in their custody?

    mary- have fun on your vacation- mine starts next thursday 23rd

    nancy-yes you must bring photos,hope the seizures have lessened

    nm-hpe your not working too hard either

    lori-Happyat your response to your mother,

    have a trainer session today!!!!!!!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2015

    Morning Dahhhlinks!

    Just a quick poop in.  DH heiney scope was just fine, no worries...yay!

    Dara - I'm shocked and speechless over DDs predicament.  And your dad on top of it.  Just cray cray life you're living.  Hope u feel my long arms around you girlfriend.  (((D)))  That is the cutest pic of baby David!!

    Lori - nightmare on the return flight.  I wud've been crying too, too much stress.  Glad you made it tho and glad you had a good time.  lovin the lounge!

    Mary - have a fantabulous time!

    Cami - so sorry you are sick...sounds icky...sending some prayers your way.

    Nancy - still praying for you too.  Any new with the rowing gig?  Congrats on the new baby the names too.

    I know I'm missing some of you girls, but kno I'm thinking of ya all and sending prayers and positive energy out to all...lubslubs!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015


    guess whoimage

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!It's amazing.Almost all the snow is gone from my yard.I found crocuses in the front yard yesterday ayem!


    Genny--we're supposed to get some rain, too.The big worry now is flooding with the ice jams in some rivers, but that happens every year.I bet the cat will end up being the boss, they usually do!Junior must be having a blast thinking the cat is playing.

    Goldie--I have looked at some companions plant charts and some square foot plot plans.Probably will finalize my plans this weekend.I don't know a lot about heat pumps, either, yet, but am working on it.The installation seems simple enough (not simple that I could do it, but simple in that it doesn't require a lot of carpentry/wiring/other stuff). They're also reversible, so that you get cooling inside the house in hot weather, which would be a nice bonus.Supposedly they can cut oil usage in half or more in this area.That sounds a bit optimistic, but I'm still researching.Talk about a stressful start to a flight!That would drive me crazy.

    Juliet--Surveyors, YUCK!

    Mema--Hooray for a no worries heiney scope!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Brain Candy

    1 oz Coconut Rum

    1 1/2 oz Alize

    1 part Orange Juice

    1 part Pineapple Juice

    1 splash Grenadine

    1 splash Ginger Ale


    Shake alcohols and juices. Add to glass with ice. Pour grenadine and ginger ale on top. Garnish with cherry and orange wheel.

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    LDB, glad DH's hieny scope went A-OK! And yes, stress level was through the roof getting to the airport. What are you up to lately, that you are so bizzy. I know you was away on vacay, but what about now? Me misses your lil doyty butt.

    NM, I don't have any crocus, but I did have some of the tiny grape hyacinths.  I hope the heat pump is right for you, like I said, my MIL has one.

    Julie,  I knew you were leaving soon, but I thought it was in May. I hope you stick to your guns on vacation, as you are skipping along so well. The guess who pic isn't working.

    WDF? Where is everyone. 4 posts in 24 hours? You know what will happen!!!! Mary is escused, she on vacay. Cami, I hope you are doing better, so you are escused too. Nancy, I sure hope you aren't having more siezures, if so you would be escused too. Wacko???

    Well it's town day here and dentist day. Time to get mese toofers cleaned. Did I tell y'all my hummers are here?
    CheerZ wif some Brain Candy.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2015

    Morning girls, DH golfing and I'm vacay slacking. Even got a little nookie this ayem! HappyWe  had a fabulous dinner last night, we split our dinner, swordfish and orange roughy, yum! And started it off with pomegranate martinis and fried green tomatoes, Sun is trying to peak out, tomorrow is the best day in the forecast. DH bought me the coolest pair of shoes I have ever owned last night, they are more for winter than summer but I'll have em forever. Dogs doing ok, Molly said she'll keep Emma anytime, Junior still running around barking and trying to get everyone wound up. We always say we should have named him Dennis as in Menace...little brat. So, I did a 4 mile run yesterday and my hamstrings are angry so today I'll just walk. We are doing a 5k next weekend for a local dog rescue, DH doing it with me cause we can take the pooches.

    Julie, yuck to surveyors...ugh! We had a night nurse named Brenda Bates when I worked in the nursing home. The code was Brenda Bates to station 1 and that meant they were in the house...everyone would be scrambling! So much stress. Glad you have some days off now, I'm sure you need them. Dare I ask where you're going on vacay? Will you be whoaring around Disney?

    Lori, sorry about the flight, I've had similar experiences flying, so stressful you almost feel like you need a vacay from the vacay! Glad you're home safe and sound.

    NM, Molly put a gate on the steps, cats fit thru the slots and Junior sits and barks at them, she said Buster now just looks at him like, "yea, whatever". Yay for flowers poking thru, Spring!

    Sue, yay for clean hiney.

    Dara, better pop your head in before you know who gets yer JD. Hope things are ok for you.

    Gotta run before the sun goes away...oh wait, too late. Anyway, got to go...hi to everybody I missed.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2015

    thanks for the swim Lori, water is great

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015

    good afternoon all

    nm-real flowers woohoo,love the spring flowers,the daffodils are out at home, so looking forward to that. the weather is also supposed to be good,maybe i'll only need 2 layers! is sadie loving the mud season?

    lori- talk about stress in a dress, i always end up at the airport hours before because of the bridge traffic,you can;t just trust it enjoy your visit to town .love the lizards .roomie-glad your dh heiny scope was clear.

    mary-you look great in your photo, enjoy your vacay, i week to go for mine

  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited April 2015

    hello ladies sorry I've been MIA for a few days - had my first trip to the "bar" today- so far so good we will see what the next few days bring!! I was given a lovely gift today - it's called a prayer quilt- I will post a picture- if you look closely you will see lots of little blue threads- each one represents a prayer someone said for me and the idea is that I wrap my self in prayers as I travel through this - I was very touched . I don't think I mentioned that I am actually an RN and am a supervisor in an ambulatory surgery center- so when it comes to any surgery related questions I am more than happy to help answer any you might have - I on the other hand will be reaching out to you guys for info on the medical side - Wishing you all a peaceful and happy weekend😀🍷🍺

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good Saturday Morning, Loungettes!Sunny and bright this ayem!, yeah!Finally warm enough to turn off the furnace and leave the kitchen door open so Sadie and go in and out.So what does she do?She drags the bin the dog food is kept in out into the yard, breaks the top off it and eats almost 10 pounds of dog food! And she pulled one of my cast iron fry pans off the stove and took it out into the yard.NOTHING is safe!Got to learn to keep everything cleaned up and out of her reach, and pray she doesn't learn to open the fridge!

    Goldie-Grape hyacinth are pretty, I may need to plant some of them.I need to plant some regular hyacinth, too, I love the way they smell!Hooray for the arrival of the hummers, too!

    Genny--you get to do so much with your pooches!I bet they love all the activity, too. Good shoes are a blessing, to my mind.They last, they feel good and hold up.Makes them worth the money!A gate the cat can fit through but the doggies can't, that's genius!

    Juliet--My daffs are coming up , too, can just see them at the top of the crocus pic, I didn't even notice them until I was showing someone the crocus pic.Yup, Sadie is loving mud season.She's going to need a bath today or tomorrow.She won't be so fond of that!

    Karen--Good to see you back!The prayer quilt sounds lovely!I got a crocheted prayer shawl that I still use from time to time.It is very comforting to wrap up in.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Spring Fever

    3/4 oz Lemon Juice

    3/4 oz Mango Syrup

    2 oz Orange Juice

    1 1/2 oz Pineapple Juice


    Shake well over ice cubes in a shaker, and strain into a collins glass half-filled with crushed ice.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    My darling Skippy DW, I see you got the pic to work. Now I know Who!!!

    Ooooh Mary, a little boom chicky eh??? 4 miles running, wowsa. As for my flight home, I stopped at the store and bought home a bottle of wine and had 2 glasses! Bumping anyone in the pool is always fun. I see the DW didn't answer you. I do believe she is going to Whales, back home to bisit family.

    Karen, good to see you! I thought maybe you just gave up on us. Happens alot here. Gals come in, make a few posts and then never to be seen again. So we have another nurse on board! That gives us 3. Have you started your chemo? What a lovely gift you got. I have a quilt that was made at the cancer center I went to. But not as personal as yours. A group of ladies from a local church makes them for anyone that wants one.

    NM OMG, I hope all that food doesn't make Sadie sick. And I guess animals don't care about their weight! I too love the way regular Hyacinth smells. I did have some of those, but the squirrels liked them too!

    Where the hail is everyone. Can't have fun in an empty bar. I look around on the floor for Cami.

  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited April 2015

    morning ladies

    Looks like Sadie might of been planning to have a cook out with all her food and a skillet- has she been watching to much of the cooking channel???? Hope she wasn't sick.

    Yes I am officially 1 AC down 3 to go - so far so good lets hope this lasts - I will have 12 weeks of taxol after this lot but I'm only thinking about I thing at a time - wish all the tests could be over though this next week I have a PET scan and Echo - as someone who is never sick and barely ever see a doctor I've certainly made up for it in the last few weeks .

    Wine pick up at my winery this weekend will see how I feel and hopefully get out there today or tomorrow-

    Happy Saturday!!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2015

    Morning DahhhhhLinks!

    Think I have the whole day free...woohooo.  Woke up with big D and headache.  Have had 3 cups of coffee, still pounding.  Vertigo acting up too.  Will take adv of this free day and go back to bed....LOL...yea that'll b the ticket. 

    Lowee - woohoo for the hummers arriving.  What u gonna do with em?  I'm getting caught up on everything for this week anyway.  Am flying away again on the 28th.  Gonna fly to Burbank and spend couple nights with my aunts in Tarzana.  Then Sat my bff from highschool who lives in Long Beach will drive up and take me to lunch then to airport for home flight.  Looking forward to this little trip.

    Karen - I kno the feeling of all the scans/test/etc...can really b a pita.  Just hang in there, you'll soon b thru with it all and you'll be ok.  Yay to another nurse on board!

    NM - pretty crocus, so glad you can see the sunlight, literally and figuratively.  Was chilly here mon and tues, but warming back up to the 80's today.

    Julie - hey bunkmate...u leaving?  Going to Wales or is it Whales?  Have a good time and stay safe!

    Dara - Hope things are going OK...still sending HUGZ and Prayers.

    Mary - ha...a widdle boomchickywaawaa never hurt anyone...get em girl.  What a clever idea on the porch gate.  What kinda shoes did he buy ya?

    Where has Aly been, anyone heard from her?  What about Lara?  Anyone else I'm missing, forgib me!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015

    mary-good for youHappyThumbsUpHeart and new shoes! i'm going to wales on thursday for a week ,first time i've seen my parents since last july

    nm- sadieThumbsUp here's to spring ,

    lori-the hummers are here, so spring is definitely here,

    sue- feel better soon and a day in bed sounds really good right now

    dara and lara your going to have your booze confiscated

    nancy-hows the wedding planning and baby shower going? will you still be coming to disney for halloween ?

    cammi- good afternoon how are you?

    karen- what a lovely gift of a prayer quilt, you certainly will be wrapped in love and prayers, i work on a pcu so i cover cardiology and alcohol withdrawel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. have to have a ct of abd/pelvis hoping to get it done before i leave, brought my mo appoinmtent forward as gi still concerned about the cea of 7.0 and she orderd the ct, had some labs done but they drew them at the office so not sure when i'll get the results ,if i go to the hospital for the draw i can just go to med records for the results

    both suitcases packed first time with no moving around so have forgotten something very importent i know

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2015

    Happy saturdey goils!

    Sorry I have been MIA, been dwinking and having fun with mese cousin. She is still staying with me whilst taking a break from her DH.

    Lori, do not take mese JD away, I will cry! Can I be esscused too? It has been quiet in here. I will grab a few tenders and make some noise! woo hooo, dis place is hopping.

    Jullie, trip back home, woo hooo! Don't forget your likker, pack it up. Don't forget that you can take those little airplane bottles on the airplane and it is legal. I hope your labs come out good.

    Genny, you so funny talking about your furbabies. I laughed when reading your post on the saga of the cat and de dog. Glad you are enjoying your vacation. And yes, I too wanna know what kind of shoes you got. I hope they are dwinking shoes hehe!

    SuzE qT PIE, sorry you not feeling well today. HOpe that big D hits the curb soon. Glad that you can just lay down and have a day of doing nothing. Hugs and love back atcha goil!

    Karen, so funny to tink of Sadie cooking herself some dinner on de skillet, you made me laugh. Glad your TX is going well and hope you get through all of it with ease. Good to have yet another nurse in the lounge and one that specializes in surgery. It is good to see you back here, hope you keep coming back. GOod luck getting your likker today!

    Nancy, please report and let us know how you are doing. Saying prayers that the seizures have hit the road and stay away. And what an exciting time for your family with a new baby coming and a new DIL for you, yeee haaaw!

    Cam, so sorry you are not feeling well. you are always in my prayers. I hope to see you pop into the lounge soonliest, ok? we all miss you when you go missing. Sending you lots of love and some hugs too


    NM, saw the pic on facebook of Sadie's collection of cooking items that she was hoarding in her crate, bout spit mese dwink out laughing! For those not on facebook, Sadie had knives, forks, spoons, a few bowls and a storage container in her crate. Your dog is a total trip. Glad you are having a nice weather day. It is bootiful here as well, up to 80 degrees and sunny.

    Hello to anyone I might have missed. And lil sista, Lara, please report into de lounge ASAP dern it, I mean now! Or you git a spanking from the hot tenders!

    Have a great night everyone and a wonderul Sundey fundey!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015


  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited April 2015

    Hello ladies

    Well so far my luck continues - no SEs other than not sleeping great last night but I'm sure that's the decadron- it's a beautiful sunny spring day here In Seattle I had a lazy morning went for a long trail walk with a friend and then we sat in the sun on the patio chatting- all in all a lovey day - we will see what tomorrow brings - my oncologist called me this after noon to see how I was doing and when I said fine in the sun yada yada yada- he said glad to hear you are doing better then some of my others- I can't tell you how much that cheered me - silly I know - anyway wishing you all a happy Saturday evening

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited April 2015

    Evening everybody!! I am doing better. Still have small seizures but nothing at all like I had been. I go to see my Neurologist this next Friday and I am going to ask if I can drive agian. Dragon boat racing starts May 2 with practices every Monday, Wed and Sat and we have our first race May 30 so I need to be driving soon.

    My DH and I joined a gym so we can workout together. Its supposed to rain all day tomorrow so I think we will stay home from church so he can get the painting done in our room. I love the color. I will take pictures when its done.

    Well I am kinda fading away to sleep here so I will post more tomorrow. Here are some pictures of Ms Samarah cutie pie at my cousisn party and I know my cousin know s i am gong to be usind


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Another sunny morning to get up to, Yeah!Did have some rain last evening, but gone quickly. Neighbors put on a fireworks show last night, had a great view from the bedroom window, it was a treat!

    Goldie--Sadie doesn't care about her weight, she just likes to eat! I cleaned out her crate yesterday and found a whole collection of spoons, forks,a couple of knives, a couple of bowls, you name it!I can understand her snitching spoons and forks off the plates and bowls I leave on the coffee table, but taking the knives off the counter?Not sure where that comes from.But she's getting lots of exercise running through the mud puddle in the yard.


    Karen--If eating all that made her sick, she threw up in the yard and not in the house.And given the way she is still chasing food I'd say she wasn't sick at all!Silly dog.Hooray for 1 down!Did you know there is a thread for nurses with bc?It's intermittently active, many of us have it on our favorites list so it pops up when someone posts.Here's the link (hope it works)

    Mema--a day off and the D and a headache hit?So NOT FAIR! Sounds like a fun trip you have coming up!

    Juliet--spring has definitely sprung!Have a safe and fun trip, enjoy your parents' company and seeing some of the old hangouts!

    Dara--Yup, Sadie is the canine version of a hoarder.Every so often I have to go in and clean out her crate so she can fit!She is definitely a foodie dog!


    Juliet-- I think I have been itchy, bitchy, sweaty, bloaty, sleepy, forgetful and psycho all in the same day!

    Karen--Hooray for no significant SEs!Nice to get good news from the onc's office, isn't it?

    Collett--Praying for the OK to drive, and that you have a great time at the dragon boat practices.And win some races!What a sweet pic of Samantha!

    Juliet-- I used to have that very same card in my wallet!I wonder what ever happened to it?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Liquid Marijuana

    1 oz Midori Melon Liqueur

    1 oz Malibu Coconut Rum

    1/4 oz Captain Morgan Spiced Rum

    1 oz Amaretto di Amore

    1/4 oz Blue Curacao

    1 oz Butterscotch Schnapps

    1/4 oz Melon Liqueur

    6 oz Pineapple Juice


    Pour all ingredients into a glass and stir together. Then enjoy the deliciousness.