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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    Karen, I hope you can enjoy your wine, but as the AC kicks in, you might not even want it! My chemo was every 3 weeks and day 3 and 4 after were my worst. Hair took, I think, 3 weeks before it started falling out. I did cheap wigs, like $35.00. I also got one blonde to be different. Your immune system is being compromised, so be careful. Ahhh, and now we know you are in Seattle. May we hear a little more about you? And maybe even a picture?

    LDB (MemaSue), another get away! You go girl! Pun inteneded. But I so sawwy to hear about the headache and D (diarhea for karen). LOL at Whales. I tink you right, it's Wales. Scarecrow at it again!

    Julie, just a few more days until Whales...LOL! Don't you just hate being so far from family. I know I do, but I love Arizona! WHAT? I thought your CEA came down? Please let us know what the results are. I think I would wait until I returned from Whales. But that's just me. And you are packed already? Someone's anxious!

    Ok Wacko (Dara), you're esscused. But tell your cuz to share, and I mean you. she has to share YOU. Here is your JD back, cry baby! Is there anything going on with your lawsuit? And I hope your dad is handling things ok. I really don't think it is safe for him to be there (at your house) by himself. How is your arm doing?

    Nancy, glad the siezures are letting up, but they need to hit the curb! And good for you and DH for hitting the gym. You and Julie can go skipping together. Samarah looks adorable, but where is Jackson? I didn't see him in any of the photos.

    NM, just cracking up over Silly Sadie, our foodie fur baby! And then to get the skillet! And those mud puddles should dry up soon, eh? Hmmmm, liquid MJ. Sounds interesting!

    I am concerned about Cami, and my give her a call today. She has not even logged in since her last post, which was the 15th.

    Working out in the garden today and going to try and finish washing my living room and kitchen floor. Got about half of it done yesterday. Had a problem with a plugged terlet, so DH took the toilet out, we took it outside and flushed it out....ICK! But it's fixed. Now I have a leak in my washer!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2015

    Good morning girls. We have finally awoke to a day with no rain! Birds are chirping, it is cloudy but ya can't have everything. Th natives here in NC say it never rains this much...sposed to let up Tuesday...the day we leave. We did manage to sneak in 18 holes between the rain yesterday, ground was sloshy but ok. !8 holes is too much for me, I was ready to quit after the 15th but stuck it out. I was drinking wine the whole time and was completely schnockered by the time we were done. Then we went out for a very good dinner. I had she-crab soup that was out of this world. Dh out golfing now, I slept in till 9 now I'm trying to talk myself into a run. Dogs are fine, Molly and Rocky have renamed Junior LF for little f**ker. Wonder if they'll ever offer to keep them again. Oh and she got up in the morning to let the dogs out and Moose came in! She says she has no idea how he got out but he didn't run away so it doesn't matter.

    Karen, glad to hear you are still felling good, they are cumulative tho, you will get more tired with each one. I did work all the way thru tho and I even did 2 5k's just very slowly. I bought a very expensive wig and then only wore it about 5 times, I think Lori's way was better. I preferred a hat cause of my hot flashes. I lost my hair at 3 weeks also. So nice that your onc called you at home, I didn't like mine at all, she would never have done that, fired her as soon as I was done. I don't remember, are you having neoadjuvant chemo or have you had surgery? I'm with Lori, please tell us more... married? kids?

    NM, too funny that you found all that stuff in the crate! What a thief you have, guess you know where to look when things come up missing. We had a german shepherd once that used to open cupboard doors and remove everything and put them in a pile, toasters, blenders, you name it. We'd come home and there it would all be, had to keep our garbage pail good and locked up with that one.

    Lori, I hope you do call Cami, I was just telling my DH yesterday that I was worried about her, so not like her to not post, and she did not sound good the last time she did. Please let us know what you find out. It was nice of you to give Wacko her JD back, I'm sure she'll need it with starting back to work.

    Nancy, so glad to hear you are doing better, hope you get the ok to drive. Good luck with the rowing and yea for joining the gym with your hubby.

    Sue, I can't keep up with you, I know you are off somewhere again, have fun.

    Julie, enjoy Wales and you family, hope you have a wonderful trip, you deserve it after the work week you just had.

    Dara, hi to you, hope all is good with your dad. Have fun with your cousin.

    Everybody I missed, got to go...time to get on with my day. Where's Lara been?

  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited April 2015

    morning ladies- a little bit about myself- I grew up in South Africa did my nursing in capetown at UCT and moved to Seattle end 2003. I came over as an international traveling RN and worked in the main inpatient PACU at Swedish hospital which is one of the big ones here- I've worked in ORs for years - prior to that I worked as a midwife in my earlier nursing carrier,did a few years ICU and then moved to the OR. I had a 2 year contact at Swedish but after a year the hospital bought out my contract and I worked for them. I was recruited by one of the anesthesia providers to work at a mutispecialy ASC and that's where I still work today 9 years later I'm the clinical RN supervisor now

    I have 3 amazing kids Chase 22 finishing his masters in accounting this year, Andrew 21 in June 2 second year business degree and a daughter Megan 16 a junior in high school. Sadly my marriage didn't survive, my ex husband is an alcoholic and after many years of trying we divorced in December last year were married for 24 years - so that's my story sorry it's so long - I will try add a profile picture soon

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!It was beautiful here yesterday, if chilly.Turned the furnace off Saturday, had to turn it back on yesterday.55 is great outside, but not in the house!

    Goldie-Yup, Sadie is a foodie fur baby, that's for sure!The mud puddles, which is actually a small pond this time of year, is getting a refill with the rain predicted for this week.After that it will probably dry out pretty quickly.Ah, homeownership, always something to work on!

    Genny--Oh, my, LF and Moose getting out, what a saga!I can just picture the German Shepherd piling up the stuff from the cupboards.I also have to keep the garbage can in the laundry room with the door shut, or it's all over the floor.Sadie may be a foodie fur baby, but also a trash hound!

    Karen--Wow, you have lots and lots of OR and PACU experience!That's one area I would not be happy working.So glad for the nurses who do like working that kind of setting.Your children sound accomplished and wonderful, how are they coping with the diagnosis?And your story isn't long, not for this thread, anwyway.Wait till you see one of my posts when I get up on my soapbox about something!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Lemon Sparkler

    1 oz White Wine

    2 oz Sake

    1 cube Sugar

    1 oz Lemon


    Place the lemon wedges in a shaker and muddle well using the handle of a wooden spoon. Add ice. Then add Kyo-Onna Sake and sugar syrup. Shake well, strain into a chilled cocktail glass and top with sparkling wine.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    Mary, sounds like you are having an awesome time, despite the weather. Golfing and wine...woot woot! LOL at LF'er. I did not get a chance to call Cami, my bad, I know. I ended up getting super busy outside with DH in the garden.

    Karen, your story is not long at all. It's just nice to know a little bit of everyone. Me, I'm 56 with 2 children. Boy 35 in Michigan with the rest of my family, he lives and cares for my mom, and daughter 30 who lives in the Virgin Islands. We are self emloyed with an internet business selling drip irrigation and mist products at

    Had to laff at you NM about getting up on your soap box! We love when you do.

    Well another quiet day in the lounge. I swear they are going to shut it down! Karen watch this video, it will give you an idea of what The Hot Tatties lounge is!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited April 2015

    Good morning everyone! Its another rainy day here in Indy. Ugg. Oh well my flowers need the rain.

    NM that is halarious about Sadie taking all that stuff. I have never seen a dog do that before. Lol. Bones and toys yes but not bowls and spoons and forks and knives. It looks like she had her own little kitchen. She is so cute. Is she a golden retriever or a yellow lab?

    Lori Jackson came over yesterday. Everybodys name was Jack. I was Nana Jack, and mommy was mommy Jack.. He didnt want to share me with Samarah either. She was here to and he got mad because she was playing with me too and he pulled on me and said thats my Nana. My DD said Jackson you have to share your Nana. He said No I not she mine. I thought Oh oh were in trouble. But he was in a mood yesterday. Usually he gets along really well with her so.. I hope your feeling better. I hope to get my garden out soon.

    Mary that was some pretty darn good looking loberster you had there. I love me some lobster and crab legs!

    Mema glad you are off on another trip and feeling well. Hope you have a good time

    Juile have a great time with your family in Wales. I am sure your anxious to see them.

    Karen I love to hear about others. I will be 50 this August and am married. I have two children a son who is 28. He and his fiancee are expecting sometime this fall. She goes to the Dr this Thurs. This will be his first and her second. She has a daughter Samarah who will be 4 in August two days before my birthday. They are getting married next June 18, 2016. Then I have a daughter who is 26. She lives with her BF and they have a son Jackson who is 3. I am a Respiratory Therapist. I dont work right now because two years ago I was rear ended by a drunk driver and recieved a TBI which caused me to have seizures. Due to the seizures and some loss of memory and critical thinkking skills I can longer work as an RT.

    Dara I hope things are going well with your daddy and I am glad your having fun with your cuz but we miss you on here.

    Cami we miss you too and Im with Lori I hope your ok.

    4 Hope your doing well. I know your busy!

    PRN I know your busy too with your candy business and all!

    I see my Neurologist this week and my Oncologist next week. Lets hope for good appointments :)

    Love you all


    Jackson making his Papa face


    The Bride and Groom (Mommy and Daddy to be)



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2015

    Hi girls!

    Sorry I have been MIA, been busy with doctor appointments and physical therapy. The countdown is on for my return to work, jest ten days to go. I have been out since February so it will be a rude awakening.

    Nancy, I love the pics of Jackson and Samarah and that of your son and his fiance'. You should good, hope you continue to improve and are able to get your driving rights back soonliest.

    NM, I still crack up in thinking about your lil Chef Sadie hoarding all of those kitchen items. And I can picture her carrying the skillet, OMG, she is jest too funny. We had some wicked rain this morning, lots of flooding. we are currently under a tornado watch. And i too love when you git up on your soapbox.

    Genny, your vacation sounds like jest what the doctor ordered for you. Glad you were able to make the best of it considering the bad weather. you sure did a lot of golfing. Please be careful not to overdue it goil. Is your 5k run this coming weekend?

    Lori, sorry that I have not bee a good goil and reporting to the lounge on a daily basis. I will try harder. I really do not have a valid excuse other than just being lazy. You asked about my lawsuit, sadly, it is dead. I am upset so do not talk about it. It came down to the fact that is was my word against the surgeons word and since he is a "prominant" surgeon, is the chief of staff at a top ten hospital in the US, the attorney chose not to pursue the case. Ughhhhhhh!

    Julie, I bet you are so exciting to be getting home again. I know you will have the time of your life. Did you yet find out the results of your latest number for the issue you are having (can't remember the name). I hope and pray that all is well. Have a great time and a safe and easy flight, k?

    I too am very concerned for Camille. I thought about messaging her DD through facebook but I am fearful of the response and also feel a little funny contacting her. I am praying hard that all is well and that she is jest busy wtih work and such.

    Karen, thanks for sharing your personal information. You must be so proud of your children and have def done something right. A little about me...I am 54 years old, was diagnosed at age 49. I have had so many breast surgeries and still having issues with my latest which was the diep flap. My right foob drooped again into my armpit and also broke open from a pseudomonis infection. I have decided to stay away from breast surgeries to give myself a chance to heal more and feel better. I am also divorced x 2. I still see both ex's and have a decent relationship with both. I have a 23 year old daughter and a five month old grandson named Logan. We all call him David to keep my anonymity. He is in foster care as my DD was struggling with severe depression and also had pot in her system when she went to a hospital to get help for the depression while she was pregnant. Our relationship is strained due to her relationship with the sperm donor. It is a long long story. It kills me that my DDD only has 12 credits to go to finish her BS. She was planning on going to grad school but is currenly not in school. I work as a mortgage processor, have been with my company for almost 14 years. I have already PM'd you my real name. That is "all about me", in na nutshell. Once more ting for you to know, DOTD stands for drink of the day! I hope you continue to hang out in the longe with all of the awesome ladies here!

    Well that is it for now, time to get back to mese dwinking. to all, have a great night and a happy tomorrow!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015

    good early morning all, horrible day in work yesterday,so busy, and got stuck with used needle,hiv not an issue but hepatitis is,the good new it was an insulin needle so any transmission is extremely rare but i do have to have blood work done at 6 weeks ,3 months, 6 months. i hate getting blood done,they have to prod and poke now,well cea is 8.4 thats up but still not significant of frb ,but still too high to be normal,ct is tomorrow ,i get to skip out of work for the ct! karen,i also came here for travel nursing from the uk. and then 10 years ago took an assignment here in fl and stayed,never married but have lots of nieces and nephews

    going to email cammi dd make sure she is ok,i have her number but don't want to wake her up!

    dara- workBawling but you still have a few days to play before returning,baby david is so cute

    nancy -love the photos, so looking forward to the wedding and baby shower

    nm-love sadie

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!After a nice run of sun and pretty weather we're going to get rain for the next few days.I know we need the rain to bring the fire hazard level down, but I was getting used to sunshine! Ah, well, if that's the worst I've got to deal with, I should be happy!The weather guesser is saying there may be a thunderbumper in the all the rain today, would be the first of the season, yeah!

    Goldie--Pants and Jock keep a soapbox behind the bar for me, and pull it out whenever I start getting wound up!And they always bring it out with a couple of dwinkies, too!

    Collett--Sadie is a yellow Lab.She snitches the silverware and bowls off the coffee table when I'm not looking and "pre-treats" them for washing.Praying for good appointments next week! Wonderful pics!


    Dara--Back to work in 10 days?Yikes!Have you been practicing getting up in the mornings?What a change that's going to be!Rain I can take, tornados scare me silly!Thank God Maine only gets a couple a year, and so small/weak that it usually takes days to confirm that what happened was really a tornado.I'd live in constant fear if I lived in Kansas, I think, either that or I'd live in a storm shelter!The lawyer dropping the suit sucks.

    Juliet--Needle stick--YUCK!Royal PITA even without infection risk.Which reminds me, I need to do the PPD thing, very yuck since they can't use my arms.Makes for a long drawn out visit and lots of fuss and bother.Sadie sends woofs and kisses.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    April Rain Recipe

    2 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Vermouth

    1/2 oz Ice

    1/2 oz Lime Juice

    Lime Peel


    Pour Vodka, Vermouth and Rose's lime juice into shaker over ice. Shake with care not to bruise. Strain into chilled cocktail (martini) glass. Garnish with lime peel (zest).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    Nancy, how funny that Jackson didn't want to share you and especially when him and Samarah get along so well! I see Samarah got her hair curled, it looks gorgeous, as is she. And mommy and daddy are lookin good too. That picture is adorable of him. Praying for good appointments and that you can drive a get in that dragon boat racing.

    Wacko, I sorry for bringing up the lawsuit. It really is a shame that money wins over what is right, or prominence. It's just not right, you have suffered greatly. Not phucking phare. And quit being lazy and git your EWWA (ever widening white arse, for Karen) in here.

    Julie, how awful to get stuck and have to have your labs done to make sure you are ok. Seems to me I got a hepatitis vacine when I was working in the school district. I think it was 3 injections at 3 different times. Am I thinking of something else? CT eh? Will you get results before your vacay? Praying for you as well, that all is good.

    NM, I don't understand how you could have fire danger, with all that snow you've had! I'm so glad that Pants and Jocks keep that soap box  handy for you. You do such a good job when you are on it!

    I ended up swamped at work yesterday, so did not get to call Ms. Cami. I will try today. Things for that other business we invested in is not going good. Having trouble finding a new building with enough power and we have to be out in a couple of weeks. DH is not wanting to invest more money, we are already out 100,000.00. If we aren't out, we will have to pay back rent for the last 6 months! OH VEY!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015

    cammi's dd just messaged me,she's ok, will call her later after she has had a cup of her morning coffee

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    Me too Julie, I messaged her as well.

    Cami, don't be scaring us like that!

    I have no idea what I did to my font!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2015

    Oh I didn't catch up yet I'm sorry---I'm fine just trying to deal with things with my cousin and sister and my crap (litterally) I never tell Leslie what on my mind, she's got enought going on. My cousin got out of the hospital,(this one scared us) and she's got a nurse coming out every few days for now. My sister is so down, she doesn't even sound like herself on the phone. and it has me thinking how I planned my retiredment and I know life doesn't go like we planned, but I'm so off the mark--It's all been my choice tho so I can't blame anyone but me. I went along with whatever my DD needed (Leslie) fr her and her family, but I always lived alone and loved it And for some reason I've been thinking about that lately cuz I could have stayed alone even now--Like I said it was all my idea for them so they could give Joey a good neighborhood and school. This is now the only site I go on and I love u all, but no worries I'm fine. Ill catch up on all of u so I can find out what's going on with all of u, and pray everything is going good.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited April 2015

    Afternoon everyone!

    Lori you took the words right out of my mouth about the fire danger for NM. They have been covered in snow all winter. I hope you can find a building that will work for you where you wont be upside down. When I was working for my brother we had bought out another DME company and ended up in the negative because we couldnt get their patients to convert over to our oxygen equipment. Alot of them were used to the liquid tanks and this office was in a different location than where our main office was. They didnt like the new equipment we had so we lost a lot of them to a more local company, But we ended up getting more referrals from the hospital so it all evened out in the end.

    Julie I am so sorry you got poked by a dirty needle. I dont miss those days. I have been poked myself a time or two. I remember a couple of times being exposed to a patient with TB and having to be put on meds for that and also meds for whooping cough. It is a pain to be in healthcare at times but most rewarding all the other times.

    NM that drink you posted sounds very yummy may have to try that one. Does Maine have alot of fires in the summer? I had been looking at Golden Retrievers or Goldendoodles for a little bit but then decided we probably should wait awhile. We have enough going on right now with a new baby coming and the wedding. I think its cute though that Sadie is trying to help you, Lol. Notice I say that cuz shes not mine right lol,

    Dara Im glad you can go back to work but I will miss you on here during the day. I know I have not been on as much since I have been doing wedding and baby shower planing. Miss you though and will be glad to see you back on here more.

    Cami I am really sorry to hear about your sister and cousin. I know that it is hard to not be depressed about things and how our situations are sometimes. I just try to take one day at a time and thank God for the time he has given me to be with my kids and my grandkids. I will be praying for you all.

    I am really looking forward to so much this year. The baby will be here before you know it. I will have more news about that Thursday when my DIL goes to the Doc. I have the baby shower in August, the cruise I get to meet some of you which I am so looking forward to, the bridal shower and then the wedding and of course the bachlorette party!! And you know I will keep you all posted.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited April 2015

    Please excuse my butting in, Cami, we miss you too and wonder how you are??

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015

    i know spookie ,we missed her to we were getting ready to confiscate her morning coffee

    have a good day people,last day of work before vacation

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Lots of rain yesterday, some frost this ayem, very pretty.Did hear one roll of thunder yesterday!Spring is finally officially arrived now!

    Goldie--The fire danger is high right now due to a combination of things.The snow we got was mostly light fluffy stuff, not much water content.At my station I logged 104.6 inches of snow that melted to 10.33 inches of water.Most of that has melted and gone deep into the underground water table and isn't on the surface.There is a lot of dead vegetation on the ground, both from the usual winter die off and branches and trees that came down in the wind this winter, these are all very dry now and getting drier in the sun and wind.Add in springtime breezes and winds and you get a mix that, once ignited, can spread like, well, wildfire.Yikes on the other business not going so well.6 months of back rent sounds like a lot of $!Oy Vey, indeed!

    Cammy--I've been worried about you, glad to see you!Sounds like a lot going on in your world.That can really tie up your life and time.I hear you about living alone, I do and like it, and sometimes wonder what I'll do when I can't live alone anymore.Deal with that then it happens, I guess.


    Collett--Covered in snow, yes, but that snow didn't amount to much water and that's part of the problem.Maine can have a lot of fires in the summer, it depends a lot on the weather.Summer 1947 is called the summer that Maine burned.Near drought conditions that summer, a lot of lightening started forest fires.Mt Desert Island, where Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park is, had a huge fire that started at a local dump, burned underground in the peat for a while, then burned out about a third of the island.If you know where to look you can still see signs of that fire.We almost always have high fire danger in the spring with the winter blow down and dead vegetation are dry. That problem goes away when the grass and trees green up.Patients really do not like to change things, do they?I run into that from time to time, too. Yup, Sadie tries to be helpful, she really does.And I love her for it!A new puppy, a new baby and a wedding to plan sound like an awful lot to have going on at once, or the makings of a TV sitcom!When is Baby due?Will you have Baby pics to share on the cruise?That will be so much fun!

    Morning, Spookiesmom!


    Juliet--have a good last day of work before vacay!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    A Study in Pink

    1 part Cherry Vodka

    1 parts Raspberry Liqueur

    oz Ice

    3 parts Pink Lemonade


    Fill pint sized glass with ice. Pour one part Cherry Vodka, add three parts pink lemonade (I used minute maid already prepared), then top with one part Razzmatazz and stir!

    Best served in a Pint Glass.

    Drink Pink Pint Glass

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    Cami, so glad to see you pop in. We were all so worried. It had been almost a week since you were here last. Is your sister just upset about your cousin, or is something not right with her as well. I am so sorry and will pray for your family. As for your choices,  and life style, had you not made that choice, you would not have the relationship you have with Joey. So I think you made the right choice! You may have your Brandy back!

    Nancy, you do have a lot going on right now! So maybe not a good decision to get a puppy now, but I'll bet Jackson and Samarah would love it! You have a furbaby though, right?

    Spookie, you are not butting in, at all. And so sweet of you to check on Cami. Welcome!

    Julie, last day of work and vay cay...yippee skippee! What day do  you leave and how long will you be gone? Will you get to join us whilst away?

    NM, you are right about the amount of snow when it melts. 10" of snow = 1" of water. Scary how so much of Maine burned back in 1947. Back rent is a lot of money, since the monthly rent is $18,000.00! Yummy DOTD!

    Wacko, no excuses. Git your butt in here....NOW!

    Mary, you are probably getting unpacked and picking up fur babies. How is Nora? She was not feeling good before you left, certainly she is better by now.

    I hope Lara is ok, been awhile since she has posted!

    Nutting new to report from AZ. Just work!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited April 2015

    Morning everyone!

    NM I didnt realize there was that much of a hazard there. That is very interesting. I love learning about the different States. I hope to get to Maine one day. My goal is to see all 50 states one day. I hope to learn the due date tomorrow. My DIL goes to the doc at 1p tomorrow. So I should know alot more then. I will definately have picutres of the baby on the cruise. :)

    Lori I do have a furbaby. His name is Cole and he is a mini Schnauzer. I was thinking of getting a seizure dog but not now. I have too much going on now. Your right Jackson and Samarah love dogs. Especially Samarah. We have to tell her to be careful with them because she wants to smother them.

    Julie have a great time on your trip and have a safe flight.

    Dora time to get back on here!! We miss you !!!

    I have to tell you guys what Jackson did last night. My DD told me she went outside and found him with his pants off and he was peeing outside and then went over to the fence with his pants still off to the neighbor kids and was saying hey hey guys lets play. Lol he has a wittle free spirit going on there. Someone taught him to pee pee out here in the country where we live so now he thinks its ok to do it while hes playing outside at his house. So needless to say mommy and daddy need to break that little streakers habiit quick!Shocked

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    My bad being away, but am feeling better.  Missed you all!!

    Karen - Never had onco call me either, that I can recall.  How sweet of them to call and check up on you.  I do remember se’s hit hardest on the 3 or 4th day.  Praying you continue to tolerate it.  Wow, a world traveler….sounds like you’ve had a very interesting life.  Now u are in Seattle?  I might b going thru there in July.  I love Seattle.  Your kids sounds wonderful, sorry to hear about xdh.

    Nancy - so relieved to hear your seizures have diminished somewhat.  Good for you on the dragon boat racing, sounds like loads of fun.  Love the pics of Samarah and Jackson.  Cute about Jackson being jealous.  Did you get your garden set up?  Jes read about Jackson.  My son did the very same thing after a visit to his granddads farm.  Had to put a stop to that quick.  LOL.

    Julie - Nice…I have the same ‘don’t give up’ on my dresser.  LOL on the ‘big breaths’ hahahhaha.  OMG getting stuck with an iv needle and now all the jumping thru hoops to make sure ur not infected.  Saying some prayers for that and good results on the CT today.  Thanks for contacting Cami and letting us kno she’s ok. Have tooooo much fun on your vacay!!

    NM - LMAO over Sadie and all those items…too funny!  She sure is a beautiful pooch tho.  Rain is supposed to creep in today and tomorrow.  We definitely need the rain.

    Mary - I proud of you for jogging and playing golf.  I just can’t seem to get into an exercise routine.  I’m lazy mese tinks.  I had to tie my cupboards to keep a previous dog of mine from getting in them.   

    Dara Dahling - I’m guessing doc appts went well and soon you’ll b back to work?  Did you open your pool or is the weather still too chitty?  What’s happening with your Dad and how is your mom?  Truly sawee to hear about ur atty dropping the case…wtf!

    Lowee - UGH - not good.  Hope you find an appropriate building soon.  Where is this building you’re looking for, in Phx?

    Cami - YAY, good to hear from you.  Praying for your sister and cousin.  Can’t chastise you for being mia as I am often.  Just a matter of good days and bad days for me.

    Hey Spookiesmom!

    Lubslubslubslubs all ya'll!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2015

    Wacko here, report for dwinkies!

    Lori, you might have taken mese likker but I get more in the lounge so there! lol. Sorry to hear about the issues with the new bidness, hope everything goes your way from here on out.

    Camille, so glad you are doing ok but sorry about the crud with your sis and cousin. Sending you big DorKy hugs (((Cammy))). And Lori is right, you would not have the relationship you have with Joey had you not joined your DD's family. Miss you around here, hope you report in more often.

    Julie, good luck with your scans. And how furciting, you leaving tomorrow for Wales! Have a wonderfoil time girl, I know you will.

    Nancy, I thought you had a doxie and a snauzer, whose dachshund do you visit? It is Ginger I tink. Hoping you get to drive again so that you can enjoy your rowing.

    Mary, mese bunk mate, looks like you had a grand vacation, well deserved indeed. Good for you. I bet you missed your lil Nora bug though.

    NM, I too am surprised that you have warnings of wild fires. But after reading your post, it does make sense. I also wonder who will take care of me when I get too frail to care for myself. I shirly can't count on mese DD, how sad is that? I hoping mese sisters outlive me and can help me if and when needed. I love the pink DOTD, berry tasty! Tank ye. say hi to chef Sadie and give her a kiss on the head from me and my gang.

    Sue, glad to see you poop on in here. Glad you are feeling better. You are quite the traveler you are. Are you going to stay put for awhile now? My Dad is still in rehab. He got in trouble today as he was caught walking on his own, no cane, no walker. He can be so obstanate at times. Mom is the same, doing alright as she is very content in her current state which is a good ting. Tanks for asking.

    Hello Spookiesmom, come in any time, the more the merrier! Sweet of you to check on our Cammy. She is so loved.

    Karen, hoping you are still feeling okay. Please report to the lounge and let us know how you are doing.

    I am already bumming out about returning to work. I am working on getting on a regular schedule, I got my ass to bed by 1am last night steps! I have another week and a day to get to a routine. I am guessing that I will not get to bed at a good time until the night before work which I will probably pop a vitamin v (for valium) to get some good rest.

    We are getting a thunder storm. Unlike NM and a few others, I am not a fan. The wind is gusting over 45mph and that scares me. I worry about a big tree hitting my house and crashing down on me or mese doggies.

    Well time to go, it is time to dwink. Gotta git my afternoon buzzes on whilst I can!

    cheeRs my loves!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2015

    wow hot doggie, the winds gusted up over 70 mph today. I am tinking that I am not in Kansas anymore ;)

  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited April 2015

    hello ladies- sorry I've been quiet- I had a rough day yesterday - thankfully feel better today and hope that I'm over the hump from treatment 1 which was last week Friday so 6 days ago. My Mo seems to think it may be decadron withdrawal so we will see and they may taper it next time - still have moments of suddenly feeling a wave of being light headed but at least today I was able to work from home.

    We are having wonderful weather here in Seattle - no thunderstorms etc -

    Sorry you are heading back to work Dara- never easy after being away for a while -

    Hope you are all doing well and looking forward to the weekend!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015

    now on vacation! ct -poor girl took 3 attempts to get an iv in,after it was in,she told me she was the only one able to start iv's that morning( our policy is 2 sticks) so i told her it was a good thing third time lucky as i was leaving tomorrow,left work to go there so was in my uniform! which is why she told me to leave work early tonight! and found a parking spot near my apartment.

    lori-hope the business gets sorted out , thats a lot pressure you don't need

    sue-so glad your feeling better,so off to seattle next ?

    cammi- we love you and miss you but i know your dealing with a lot of things right now, i live alone too and know it would be hard to share again but lori is right you lost some privacy but the reward is the wonderful relationship you have with joey

    dara -lmao at you practising your work routine, if your dad won't use his walker or cane all the time, then he will not be safe home alone! but glad your mum is happy

    karen-feel better soon ,do you need a fall precaution bracelet and a pair of yellow socks? don't have the yellow gown thats just for the baker acts!

    have fun people

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes! How is everyone this ayem?It came off pretty yesterday.Can't wait until it's warm enough to turn the furnace off altogether.

    Goldie--Monthly rent of $18K?WOW!Must be one big place.

    Collett--Can't wait to see the baby pics, so exciting!Forest fires are an issue around here some summers.It all depends on the weather any given year.Does your furbaby Cole react to your seizures?Many seizure dogs started out as pets and showed an awareness of their hooman's condition and then were taught to alert on that.Oh, boy, isn't Jackson just a little handful!How did the neighbor kids, or more importantly, their parents, react to Mr. Jackson's little streaking adventure?Too funny!

    Mema--country living sure is different from city living, isn't it?My cousin lives in Las Vegas, when it rains there it pours, is it the same where you are?Sadie is a good girl and pretty, but last night when she came in head to toe mud I was less than impressed!But she was happy, so I coped.

    Dara--Sadie says Woof and thank for you for the ear scratch and kisses.One of the nurses I work with keeps kidding about opening and Old Nurses' Home when we all get old and frail and take care of each other.The more I think about that idea the more I think it might be workable!Can you just imagine a house full of old, crotchety, strong-willed and strong-minded nurses living together? Dogs and cats would definitely be involved, and gardens and who knows what all else!Glad your Mom is good, sounds like your Dad is being a typical man.Baby steps are the way to go with changing your routine.Keep working at it, you'll get there!

    Karen--hope you're feeling better today and over the hump.And praying the next one will be easier.

    Juliet--3 tries for an IV?I'd have freaked out after the first failed attempt, but then I'm a total needle wimp these days.By now I expect you are on your way to the airport, or already there, I am praying for a wonderful trip for you!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Baby Fingers Cocktail

    1/2 oz Gin

    1 oz Sloe Gin

    2 dashes Angostura Bitters


    Shake with cracked ice and strain into a cocktail glass.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015

    Good morning all at the airport.have a wonderful day

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    Nancy, you have a busy, yet exciting, year coming up for sure. And I'm so glad you will share it with us! LOL @ Jackson peeing outside, my DH does it ALL THE TIME! I just knew you had a furbaby!

    LDB, what's you up to girl? Glad to see more of you. I miss you. And anyone else that goes MIA.

    Wacko, I knew you would find a way to git yerself some JD! Your dad being a bad boy doesn't surprise me! Good news on your mom, well as good as can be I guess. As for your DD, hopefully she will change as she gets older and matures. You know, she is still quite young and immature.

    Karen, good to see you pop in. How's that wine tasting these days. It does sound like some withdrawl there, I'll bet some of the other goils will chime in on that.

    Julie, my lil DW. Poor girl?? 3 sticks? I think YOU are the poor girl in this situation, not the sticker! What's with the yellow socks? You must be at 30,000' by now! Safe travels my friend. How long of a flight is it?

    NM I know, pretty high rent eh. And yes, it's big. Love your "Nurses Home". I think it's a great idea! Especially since you can garden and have your fur babies. Perhaps some Tenders too?

    My mom had to go to the doctors office to get her script for cough syrup with codiene, doc put her in the hospital. O2 very low. So we are hoping she can stay for 3 days and get into rehab. I sure don't understand how that kind of cough syrup can help with COPD coughing.....nurses???

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited April 2015

    Good morning everyone!! It is beautiful today!

    Dara Ginger is my dauchshound but she lives with my son due to the cyotes. So I only have Cole my mini Schnauzer. Hes my sweetie. Ginger comes to visit or I go there to visit. Shes my baby girl. Do your girls piddle when they get excited or scared? Ginger does all the time but mainly since her cyote attack.

    Lori my DH is the one who taught Jackson how to pee outside and I could just hit him for that because Jackson doent live in the country like we do. Lol. My DH does it ALL THE TIME too and it DRIVES ME NUTS!! :) I tell him all the time there is a bathroom inside you know. I am sorry about your mom. I believe Codine has a supressent in it so that she wouldnt be wareing herself out coughing as much am I right Julie and NM? I know with COPD they need to conserve as much energy as possible so if they supress her cough that would be best for her. Her nebs would open her airways up. Is she on any steriods or inhaled steroids?

    NM Cole hasnt really reacted much to my seizures that I recall anyways. I will have to ask my husband. Jackson and Samarah do. They hold my hand. Poor babys. I hate that they have to see that. Then Samarah asks me if I am done shaking. She was here when they had to call the ambulance and it scared her. She thought I died because they took me away. My DD didnt say what the neighbors said she wentand grabed him and brought him in right away.

    Julie yay your on your way! Have fun!

    Mema how did you stop your son from streaking and peeing outside? Jackson did it again last night. My DH took him and told him he cant do that and Jackson says well you dood it papa. There you go...