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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2015

    Hi girls, wacko here again, reporting for dwinking dooty! I jest got back from the dentist, had to have a tooth filled. My jaw is still numb, hate that so much. I do like my new dentist a lot. His office and practice is so much more modern than my prior dentist's office. As much as I miss my deceased dentist, taken by the Rat Bastard, I like the new place better. And the dentist is pretty cute, nothing better than some eye candy for me!

    So.....happy THirStdey thursday, mi ladies! I might have to pass on the DOTD as it has slow gin. The last time I drank that, some 35+ years ago, I was sick as a dog. Seems I made bad choices of things to git dwunk on in my teen years.

    Julie, bon voyage, hope you are able to report in while you are at home. Sorry about the issues with the blood draw. I too have had issues recently and it is scary when they have trouble threading the needle. Anywho, I know you wil have a wonderful time, enjoy every minute! Oh, I forgot to comment on the infected needle, yikes, hope everything is ok for you. What a mess, you did not need that to happen just before your vacation.

    Lori, I is reporting again cuz they is running out of JD in de lounge. Hmmm, I wonder if you have anyting to do with that as the lounge is usually fully stocked with every thing. Any updates on the building? That IS a lot of rent money, yikes!

    Sue, have a good time wherever you are going. You is always on de road goil, good for you.

    Nancy, omg, your Ginger was attacked by a coyote?? That would freak me de hail out. Glad you have her staying elsewhere for her safety. I am so glad that we do not have coyotes in this area. Lol on jacking taking a leak then streaking around the neighborhood. Tail your DH to take responsibility and start using the bathroom for goodness sake. Jack and Samarah are such good looking kids, you are so blessed. Too bad that little Samarah thought you died when they took you away in the ambulance, that breaks my heart, poor kid!

    NM, love the idea of the Nurses home too! But can people like me come and stay with you nurses? I promise to help with the gardening! lol. Do you have to bathe Sadie everyday or are you able to jest wipe the mud off her with a towel or something easier than the bath? Glad she is happy but you have to keep yourself happy too.

    Karen, so sorry you were feeling a little cruddy. I hope you are able to indulge and enjoy a little wine to make yourself feel better. Do listen to the other goils and take their advise. There is so much help here on the boards. Sending you a special hug (((Karen))).

    My cousin is still here with me but she commutes back and forth to work. She is a pharmacy tech and works near the beach giving her over an hour commute. She did have a nice talk with her DH on twosdey night and she is thinking about working on reconciling her marriage. her DH told her that he loved her which made her cry and realize that she loves him too. I will miss her like crazy when she leaves as we have such a blast together. We have made such fun life long memories together since we were so close growing up. Ok, enuff about me, I wanna here more from all of you. Hoping to hear from Cammy, Lara, 4sew and Mrs. Goodman soonliest. MIA goils, git in here!!

    Peace girls, knkow I llove ye all berry berry much. Have a grand night, after all it is friedey evening day eve (or sumting like that)!!!!

    chEErs ( beers, jack and wine too)!

  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited April 2015

    Hello ladies- feeling well enough today to go to work- still feel a little spacey but I managed- PET scan tomorrow so I'm on the crazy diet for that- sadly no wine tasting at all in 2 weeks😞 thanks for all the support girls it really does mean the world!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2015

    Hi goils, jest checking in to see if any of mese other loungettes are here dwinking. Karen, so sorry you are not dwinking with me. Sending up some prayers that the pet scan turns out the way you want. I hate that you are at the beginning of your journey, trust me, it does get better.

    I jest gave mese widdle puppy a bath and she is so soft and snuggly. And she smells wonderful. I used baby shampoo on her. Dis was her first bath and she did really good. I also cut her nails, I was skeered but all went well. I will dwink to that! See ye all tomorree, it's friedey, a reason to smile Happy


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Would you believe it's spitting snow, again?Temps right at freezing, it'll all be rain in a little bit, but really.Ah, well, this will pass!

    Juliet--have a great trip!

    Goldie--the Old Nurse's Home will definitely have Tenders!And a bar and a spa and a travel agent.Gonna be a crazy place!Codeine cough syrup decreases the cough reflex and decreases the amount of coughing making the person feel better.It doesn't really change the COPD condition at all, and can even make it worse but slowing down the movement of phlegm which increases the likelihood of an infection.Mostly, though, it gets people into the doc's office for an evaluation.Hope your Mom does get into rehab.

    Collett--Poor Samarah, she must have been so scared!Smart of her to go get your DD, though.

    Dara--Eye candy at the dentist is a very good thing!Makes a hard thing easier.Fortunately Sadie is good about coming in and going to her crate until the mud on her feet and legs dries off.Then I can rub her down with a towel or vacuum her off if it's really heavy dirt before we go to bed.And I put up with a bit of dust and grit in the bed this time of year and have to change the sheets a couple times a week instead of once a week.I'll have to check with the other nurses about having a non-nurse in the Old Nurses' Home, but probably if you can pay your share you can come!

    Karen--Praying for an easy scan and good results!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Overcast Friday

    1 1/2 oz (chilled) Vodka

    1/2 oz Lemon Juice

    1/2 oz Lime Juice

    2 tbsp Corn Syrup


    Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake vigorously. Pour into a highball glass over several ice cubes. Add a maraschino cherry, and serve.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2015

    Hi girls, sorry to be MIA so long. We landed in Cleveland Tues at 5, then stopped at Costco to buy crab legs and wine and a gift card for Molly and Rocky as payment for watching the dogs since they wouldn't take money. Then we had to drive the 1 1/2 hrs to their house and didn't get home till 10. I worked all day Wed and Thur so I've been popping my head in the lounge to see what's up but no energy to type. Dogs and Moose are happy to be home and everything is back to normal. Molly and Rocky are glad to be able to sleep past 6 since that's what time the doggy alarm clock goes off. Today is my day off and I have lots to do. My one and only cap fell off of my tooth last night so I get to go have that glued on. I have not gone to the fitness center in 6 weeks so I want to go work out. Then I am driving the hr to PC to see my sweetie at 2 and watch her while her mom runs errands and then my DIL and I will go to our favorite Japanese restaurant and meet up with 4 of my fwiend for sushi. One is working early in the ayem so she is our dd and I will spend the night at DS's. Tomorrow my DH and I are sposed to golf in an outing but it will depend on the weather. Still feeling like winter here but everyday is getting a little warmer. Sunday is the Love-a-stray 5k and we are doing that with the pooches.

    Karen, I haven't yet chimed in on the getting to know you stuff. I have been married (2nd time) for 13 years and have a 33 year old son, DIL and 15 month old granddaughter, they live an hour from me and I try to go babysit once/week. I have a 26 year old stepson, he is single. I live in a suburb about 30 minutes from Cleveland, OH. I have been a hairstylist for 40 years and worked as an LPN for 7. Now I do hair in a retirement/assisted living home and my clients are all 80-105. I have 2 dogs, Emma and Junior and a cat named Moose. I got dx with BC on Valentines Day, 2014 and finished tx in Nov and had my exchange surgery last month. All done, it sucks but I got to become a part of this wonderful group of women. Please share your ups and downs as you go thru them as one or all of us will surely be able to relate. Sounds like you have had quite and interesting life. I was wondering if you have that beautiful accent from South Africa? It is one of my favorites accents, I hear that Julie's is beautiful but haven't yet heard it. Anyway, talk about droning on, I tend to do that, so happy to know you and hope your tx's pass quickly for you without too many side effects. We will be here along the way, and you can have some virtual drinks with us anytime.

    I am going to post this and then catch up the rest of the way a little later as doggies are getting impatient and it's my day to walk em'. See ya soon.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    Just checking in so I don't get mese likker taken away. I have to scoot, have some work to do and then leaving here by 8 to head to town. So hitting the shower earlier than usual!

    See y'all Sa TURD ay morn!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2015

    sitting in my dentist office waiting for the novacaine to kick in, he said he has to drill off the old glue so the cap will stay on, ugh!

    Dara, as much as I know you will miss your cousin I hope they work it out if they still love each other. Do you like her DH? Hope your dad starts cooperating but I suppose hard to change a lifetime of stubbornness. Any new news about your DD? Have you seen her at all? Would she go to lunch with you if you invited her do u think? Gotta go, back late

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2015

    Oh my stars. trying to catch up--whoa busy women on here.

    Karen I do hope each time u have chemo goes better, it's not easy we know so hang in there and hope all tests go well as u go. Let us know.

    And Julie is gone (sigh) like I said I read her posts pretending to hear her accent, it's beautiful. But this needle thing is aeful, I'm sure she got ahead of it tho, she knows what she's doing--another smart woman ere--like all o u.

    NM I never ever thought in all my many years that Maine had any ire hazard, I've never heard on the news either. U enjoy Sadie so much but she is funny. And I love the idea of a retirement nursing nurse home--u would need very little outside help, just someone to cook and clean and all medical equipment  sent right there. And u'r DOTD'S are sounding great too. I've been watching Bar Rescue lately and I love their new drinks which I can't copy fast enough and it's a fun show. screaming and yelling and action, just with the owners and staff. Good drinks tho.

    Lori I never realized u invested so much I really hope somehow this works out for u money wise, it's a big undertaking but somehow u and u'r DH might be ale to recoup and get this all straigtened out. And my sister is sad really because of cancer, her attitude is really more sadness cuz of my brother--they were very close as was my BIL wih him, so they did alot as couples over all these years too. They were only a couple of years apart and as I said she needs a knee replacement and usually she is the one that says u do whst u have to do and bravely goes on, but now she's just different. Saying she's not going to waste a year of her life in rehab and go thru junk and she's retiring in June as much as she wants to, I really think she's feeling she'll be lost without working--she's worked for so long--we are so diferent in that way. And my cousin who has COPD and a couple of heart attacks and had cancer --who works full time--is just getting tired of all of this chit--and cuz I'm so selfish I worry about them so much--we lost my cousin's sister (not from cancer) a couple of yrs. ago and that's been horrible so all of a sudden it feels all different with all of us now.
    Dara going back to work OMG u do have alot to get used to again. And I like the idea of u asking u'r DD out for lunch, just the 2 of u and just have talks about normal things nothing to upset her, u should ty to do it before u go back to work. I wonder why u'r dad is so stubborn (ahem) this must be very hard for him, but don't u think this is the best for all of u?

    SusyQ u sound tired, but bless  u'r heart u keep on going and seem like u always have a good time, and I'm sure u get everyone else to have a good time too. It's just u'r nature.

    Mary I don't think I realized u'r Nora lives an hour away, now wonder things have to be more planned than just dropping by anytime. But u'r lucky to have her on the weekends she is so adoeable and starting to really be fun with words. And a coyote (sp) sounds horrible I would have freaked out completely, but so glad u had a solution to that horror. And u'r still working. This week Leslie's is learning body wraps so again something new.And she still loves school, which is great, she's also learning about Botox--she still does hair for the neighborhood but she's not crazy about that.

    Oh Nancy that is hysterical about Jackson, oh I WONDERED how he learned that---LOL My niece (who has 3 grown boys) told me years ago, that for some reason boys think their "thing" is the most important part of their body and start life like that--so Jackson is just sharing what he thinks is important. And I'm sure seeing u have a seizure is so scary for the kids, especially with an ambulance, it's not fair to any of u and I pray this will be less and less for u to have to go thru.

    And I hope Lara is doing good, she's had so many problems

    But I have to say I'm still talking about Dara's vacuum, if I hadn't seen it I could not ever picture how horrible that hole was, even worse than what I've seen on the show Botched and they're pretty graphic.

    Oh I hope I didn't miss anyone I love u all so.

    OK I start my dentist this coming Monday finally, o course I wish it could e over in one day but I have no idea--but if I wait til Halloween I could wear an old housecoat, tease my hair and be the scariest one there. And I want to smile again and go out so I do hope this is done quickly. So I hope when this is all done u can still understand what I'm saying.

    I have to go and say Hi to some others, I have PM'd them cuz they asked me--I'm just so lazy and my work is starting to pick up and supposedly will have 2 phones soon Oh my stars if only I could handle one phone well this would be a lot easier. Well now we'll see what kind of mettle I'm made of--mostly tin I think.

    Oh and NM stop having snow now, enough is enough, but it is chilly here for this time of yr.



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday!I just paid the bulk of my cruise fare, can't wait until Nov when I can start filling out the forms and looking at activities and such.Sooooolooking forward to this trip!

    Genny--Wow, you are one busy lady!Glad you are home safe and the furbabies are happy at home again.

    Goldie--have a good day in town!

    Cammi--A lot of what goes on in Maine never makes the national news like it does in other states.Not sure why that is, but it is.I've seen Bar Rescue on the guide, never turned it on.I'll have to look at it.Your family has been through a lot in the last few years.No wonder everything seems changed.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Beach Cruiser

    1 1/4 oz Spiced Rum

    3 oz Cranberry Juice

    4 oz Pineapple Juice


    Pour spiced rum, pineapple juice and cranberry juice into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well. Strain into a collins glass filled with ice cubes, garnish with a pineapple wedge, and serve.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    Karen, your taste for wine will return, I promise. Just get through treatment girl. Praying for no surpises on the PET and that you don't have to wait long for results.

    Nancy, how aweful for you and the kids, with the siezures and ambulance. Has to break your heart. I sure hope they will eventually stop! Maybe they can tell Jackson that he can only do it at Papa's house, where no one can see him?

    LOL, Wacko trying to get into NM's Old Nurses Home! I was thinking the same thing, but then thought, "I'm not a nurse". Oh my, corn syrup in a cocktail? I tink maybe da Tenders is dwinking your JD. I would never take it all. But I have to threaten with something.

    Mary (Genny), You are posting whilst waiting for novacane to kick in? Now that's some dedication. Glad to hear you will get some Nora time!

    Cami, we watch Bar Rescue too! I am terribly sorry for the sadness in your family. I hope they can get past it. You all seem so strong. And I'm sure the loss of your brother has something to do with it. Give yourself and your sister a hug from me. And try to remember the GOOD things in life. I think Wacko's "puka" will haunt you forever! 2 phones? How are you, or anyone for that matter, suppose to handle 2 phones? You are so loved, that is why your friends are PM'ing you. Even had Spookie come over here looking for you.

    NM, I think a lot of the excitment of the cruise, is the time leading up to it! So I want all of you to enjoy this time as well. I am having a hard time visualizing Sadie getting vacuumed! She sure was a blessing that came into your life.

    Date day in town, went to the movies, saw Paul Blart, Mall Cop 2. What a stupid movie! We'd seen the first, and I asked DH, was the first one this stupid??? It did have a few funnie scenes, but mostly stupid ones.

    Heading over to a friends later today for BBQ and take stuff to sell at her garage sale next week. Suppose to be rain and wind tomorrow. Rain unusual, wind NOT for us. That is our spring. Gots to get me something to eat, so I can take mese pills. I sure hate this. Monday starts my vacation week. I said to my DH last night, when I had to eat at 6pm, it's really hard to eat when you're not hungry!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2015

    Good morning Ladies

    NM it's raining and chilly here this morning. And u'r right no one on the weather really talks about Maine I know about it from u so now I'm always interested about it. Good DOTD today and Lori is so right 1/2 of the trip is the fun in anticipation and planning. It really gives u something to look forward to. U'll miss Sadie tho.

    Lori u'r sounding good--I pray u'r feeling that way too. I kind of liked the first Paul Bart, it wasn't hysterical, but cute--but 2 of them would be hard to take.

    I never did get caught up here but I'm sure u all talked about the Polio vaccine, and how it shrunk tumors until they went away. It always amazes me how anyone would say let's try this--the Polio vaccine--these minds are amazing--to rid the world of brain tumors is a huge find and then they'll start it with BC--I read about it at Duke U. but my sister watched it on TV, but I had to read it cuz her splaining it was totally confusing. (her fault)

    My curiosity got the best of me last nite and I watched the Bruce Jenner Interview, I knew he was looking different but I did not know he was actually going to transgender, but I did like his hair. Oh well.

    I hope everyone has a good day today and a wonderful evening too.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015

    Hello all ,I,m on my kindle as dads computer is slower than mine,had my fish and chips last night with some gin and tonics,good news ct of my belly is negative,made dad some bread pudding today,just waiting for it to cool

    Camino there is no timetable on grieving,glad to hear Ddr is doing well in school 

    'm I want the nurses nursing home.your right that half the fun of a vacation is the planning

    Lori h a 've a good week

    Ok the incorrect on this is going crazy. Or auto correct bbl

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited April 2015

    Good morning everyone it is very cloudy and cold here in Indy today.

    NM I hope this cold chilly nasty weather ends soon for you. I am sure it will as it will be May soon. I am soo excited that you have your cruise almost all paid off. I am going to pay mine off soon as well.

    Lori I never really liked that movie so I really dont want to see that one. The Cindrella movie was really good. But I guess only if your a Disney buff. My DD told me last night that Jackson pooped in the backyard all though he did go behind a bush. Oh my..

    Cami isnt that true that boys are just obssessed with that thing.. Lol.

    Well everyone I have good news!! I can finally drive but with restrictions. I cant drive on the highway or at night and aboslutely not if I am not feeling well. I can only drive locally but I am totally fine with this.

    I have a question for you nurses. My DIL is having some kinda wierd issues with her pregnancy. She took a home pregnancy test x2 which was positive. She was having some dizziness and vomiting and went to the ER. She was dehydrated. Well they did a pee test on her. That came back negative. They did a blood test that came back negative. Shocked What!!! She is having symptoms of pregnancy. She is lactating and here is a picture of her


    This one on the left was same dress this last December the one on the Right was the other day the same day she went to the hospital. Now if that isnt pregnant what the hell is it? And I would say she is due sooner than later. She told me that with Samarah same thing happened. She kept having negative tests and ultrasounds and the docs thought she was nuts and having tummy issues until they finally did one more ultrasound and finally found her at 7 months but she was very small like right at 6 lbs when she was born

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2015

    ooooquiet in here.

    Nancy I can't wait to hear from the nurses on board here. Of course I think we've all heard o false positive things, but wow tests show u'r DIL is NOT pregnant--then again she said this happened the first time too, so maybe her hormones are screwed up, cuz she sure looks pregnant. But  I thought an ultra sound shows everything, unless the uterus wall is super thick. BTW was this the first time she saw a DR. for this? This mystery continues til tomorree. Well u got the OK to drive even if it's just around town it will make u feel free--I'm so glad u'r doing better.

    Oh Julie u'r hving a good time aren't u? I'm so glad to hear that too. It's nice o hear good stuff. U know I've never had bread pudding, one o my GF's loves it (in fact she was here today) and she's always trying to get me to taste it, next time I will cuz of u.

    OK I'm wrapping up for now and I guess everyone is busy or tired--hope all is good.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited April 2015

    Hi girls, hope everyone's well. Been awhile, been very busy. Mom had an arduous surgery/recovery. And my elderly dad is keeping me on my toes, as he attempts to eat roach bait thinking they're cookies (smh). Anyway, a good friend has hinted that they'd like me to drop in to say "Hello." So here's me dropping. Of course I brought friends,cheers.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited April 2015


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited April 2015


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited April 2015


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2015

    Good early morning girls. Decided not to try and ketchup with everyone on the past week and jump right in on the present. I'm leaving in a few min to pick up our race packets, it's only 5 min away so I can do that and come back home. Race doesn't start till 9. We played in the golf outing yesterday, it was just the 2 of us so they put us with this man, Jerry that is about 80 and just getting back to golf after a stroke 5 years ago. Super nice guy that really knew how to putt. Anyway, long and short of it...we took first place! What fun, we won 4 rounds of free golf, and a package of golf balls each. This particular course is a non-profit org that has a golf pro named Treavor. Well they have this program called return to golf and all winter long, Treavor works with people like Jerry, with handicaps to get them golfing again. Jerry said they do 30 minutes of exercise then putting and chipping lessons. We golf there and knew of the program but it was interesting to talk to someone firsthand that had done it.

    Be back soon, hafta go get the packets, I keep getting on here in bits and pieces, just can't seem to find a big chunk of time but I should this afternoon.

    Nancy, woohoo on driving, what a mystery on your DIL??? Keep us posted on that one, may have to google it myself.

    So-cal, tanks for the eyecandy.

    Back soon

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!End of April and still need the heat running most days.Just not right.But, it is what it is, right?Makes cuddling with Sadie at night more fun!


    Goldie--Sadie just rolls over for a belly rub when I vacuum her, for her it's just another kind of belly rub or petting or otherwise getting attention.Of course, I usually want to vacuum her paws and legs and she's wriggling to get her belly under the hose. Have you got plans for your vacay week?


    Cammy--Yeah, I will miss Sadie while I'm on the cruise, but I'll make sure she's in a good place, most likely at Auntie's Bed, Breakfast and Kennel.Sadie and Auntie love spoiling her there.It is amazing what they are coming up with to treat cancer.The polio virus treatment for brain cancer is really amazing, there is very little treatment available for those people and none of it works for very long. And it can cause a difficult and miserable death.I really hope it proves out as good for a lot of people as it did for the initial 5 patients.Bruce Jenner is transgender?That must be a bit odd to see.But whatever floats his boat, I guess.


    Julie--Fish and chips, gin and tonic, bread pudding and a negative CT report, what a great list of good things in life!I'll reserve a room for you in the Old Nurses' Home, we can smuggle Dara in as our personal care attendant.She'd be a great overnight attendant, especially if she'll share her Jack with us!We can teach her enough medical lingo to pass, I'm sure.


    Collett--I'm hoping the chilly weather clears out soon, I wantto start cleaning up the yard and getting the raised beds set up.Switching over to raised beds and square foot gardening this season, since I can't keep up with the weedingand heavy tilling, etc with the in-ground garden.Going to continue working on some landscaping with annuals.Just keeping up with the mowing is bit of a job for me most of the summer.Hooray for lightening of the driving restrictions!Local driving will get you to the dragon boat practices, won't it?Not driving on the highway isn't too big a restriction for you, is it?Your DIL is an example of what can happen when medicine becomes dependent on technology and numbers.No test is perfect, and sometimes you need to listen to the person who is the patient and look at the patient and (God forbid) even touch the patient.If she's feeling the baby moving and otherwise generally doing well, then the tests are not important.The ultrasound probably won't be able to tell her the date she conceived, but who cares about that?Samarah turned out pretty good without benefit of all that testing, this baby will too!


    Cammy--given the way the normal range for tests is set, it's a given that about 20% of the population will be normal but have abnormal test results.Normal is determined by doing the test a bunch of times on healthy people and graphing the results.Remember the old "Bell Curve"?The middle 80% is used to define "normal".Ultrasounds are notoriously variable in their accuracy, with alot depending on the patient's anatomy (there are lots of normal variations of our insides), the skill of the technician, the quality and type of equipment, and skill and experience of the radiologist reading the results.


    Undy!!!Good to see you!Pull up your barstool and ketchup us on all that's been going on!Sorry to hear 'bout your Mom's surgery and your Dad's confusion.Ooh, nice eye candy!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Belles Of St. Mary's

    1 oz Triple Sec

    1 oz Apricot Brandy

    1 1/2 oz Gin

    2 tsp Lemon Juice


    In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine all of the ingredients. Shake well. Strain into a cocktail glass.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Well, not sure what happenned to the rest of the pics. . .

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    Cami, Bruce Jenner certainly makes for an ugly woman! Sorry Bruce, but it's true. I'm going to ask my onc about this polio vacine stuff. I did not watch the show.


    Julie, so good to see you while in WHALES! Funny about the auto correct, and yippee skippee on the numbers. Are these the CEA that doc was concerned about? Never had bread pudding, just doesn't look appetizing to me. How long are you gone?

    Nancy, YAY YOU CAN DRIVE!!! Now to get rid of the siezures! What a strange thing for your DIL. Def. looks prego to me. And if it happened when she was pregnant with Samarah, I say she is pregnant, regardless what the blood and urine tests say! Bring that baby on!

    Shan, good to see you and we are all your good friends! And of course we love your friends too!!!

    Mary, yay for the golf prizes! And how sweet that Jerry is back to golfing at 80 with the help of Trevor.

    NM, no plans for vay cay week, just glad that I don't have to take the toopid FU pills. Which I haven't yet done this morning and it's almost 7 am. No way will I be eating at 7 pm, so might just skip that dose, or take it early. Oh, the polio vacine is for brain cancer? I wonder if it works on mets of brain cancer.

    LDB, maybe that is sumting you should ask your onc about? BTW, where be you? I will come after your Brandy and tekillya!

    Julie and NM, I can just see Wacko caring for y'all in the nurses home, and that cartoon says it all NM!

    Sorry you lost your pics NM. They have just become so odd, how some post and some don't. I have a super easy times with the ones on my computer, but don't want to have to save each one I want to post, ya know what I mean?

    Saw this on FB, reminded me of the day with our louiebille sluggah.



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Guess whooo…, yep I’m back.  Been berry busy trying to tie up loose ends.  Forgot it’s the end of the month when I’ll b in Cali.  So working with dh to get him up to speed so he can handle while I’m gone.

    Julie - have a wonder time and stay safe.

    Nancy - I just came down hard on him and told him ‘no more of that’.  He paid attention.  And then made my bf stop encouraging him.  That relationship didn’t last much longer, long story.  And my DH still will piss in the backyard if he is out there working n the urge strikes him.  But thankfully he doesn’t do it around our gs.  That is strange about you dil.  Hope she goes with her gut…lol and mayb see a ob doc soon.

    Dara - ugh with the tooth.  I went to see diff dentist for a cleaning and mayb a root canal.  He was an arrogant prick….I will not go back except to ge copies of my xrays.  Gottta another name, will call for appt when I get home from visiting my aunt and gf.  Did you get to spend any time with DD or David?

    Karen - cool you’re feeling up to working, sawee u cant have wine.  I f’d up once the morning of  a PET….grabbed a dumdum sucker and yum yum, but bad cuz the nurse said NO test cuz of that little bit of sugar, had to reschedule.  Learned a hard lesson.  Good luck on the test. 

    Lowee - so sad to hear of your mom.  Did you ever tell her about your situation?  Praying she can stay 3 days and get into rehab.  Sending prayers.  Thanks for the info on Mall Cop 2.  The trailers look pretty toopid too.

    Mary - u having toof problems too?  I sawee, but glad you got Nora for awhile.  DH decided he will drive me to LV and we will try and see our Madison on Monday.  Gonna try and talk him out of it, not because I don’t want to see Maddy, jes that it messes up my time line  oyvey!  Congrats for taking 1st place.  Hope you do well in the race today.

    Cami - breaks my heart when I think about everything going on with you and yours.  Wish I cud b there to give u a big hug (((Cami)))

    Undie - HI!!!  So good to see you again.  Sawee to hear about your parents, just so sad.  Your plate sounds very full….sending prayers your way.  Don’t b so much a stranger, we miss you around here.  ChachinK!

    I love all the eye candy and the jokes and the DOTD’s, but gotta run.  Be leaving in the morning.  Will try to stay in touch while I’m away….LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS YOU ALL!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2015

    Hi girls! I am just poking my head in to the lounge to say hello. I have friends over today so not gonna stay long.

    Hope everyone is having a graaaaaaate day! Cheers!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!Boy Bruce does make an unattractive woman. Funny this came up on the boards this ayem and he was on the news on TV this ayem, too!He said something about living a fake life as a man, and is very happy as a woman, so good for him, I guess.

    Goldie--the polio virus treatment is only for glioblastoma, a specific type of brain cancer that starts in a particular type of brain cell.The polio virus was chosen for this type of cancer because the polio virus seeks out an attacks cells in the nervous system specifically, and so will seek out this kind of cancer.They added something to the virus that attacks chemicals and process that only exist in cancer cells, so even though the changed polio virus gets into all the nervous system cells, it only kills cancerous cells and does nothing to cells that are normal (do not have the specific chemical marker or process).It's been tried on 5 people so far, 2 became cancer free, 2 had tumors get smaller, 1 died after the tumor disappeared but then came back.This won't work on mets to the brain b/c those cancers keep the original tissue characteristics--in other words brain mets from breast cancer are abnormal breast tissue cells in the brain.Maybe I'm losing some of the pic cuz I'm copy and pasting from the web.Maybe they'd be more likely to stay if I copy them to my pics and then to bc.

    Mema--lots to do to get ready for a vacay, isn't there?Wow, sounds like the prep for PET is pretty ugly and very strict!

    Dara--Have fun with your friends!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited April 2015

    NM I agreee with you poor Bruce was a much nicer looker man than he was a woman but I do hope he can find his happiness. I think it is so sad to see how unhappy he really and truly was. He he was this amazing athlete, and all this money and fame and so alone and truely unhappy. Poor guy.

    Julie fish and chips sound real good.

    Lori I agree with you on my DIL.. She goes to OB tomorrow so I pray she has a good visit.

    Dara have fun with our friends girl.

    Cami I finally heard from diability and of course I was denied. It was the first time through which I was told everyone gets denied the first time. So I will call my lawyer in the morning and get the appeal going. They agree I cant be an RT anymore but they say I can do something even if its a limited job. Ok I will just excuse my self everytime I have a seizure and oh by the way it will have to be something near my house since I can drive too far or at night or on a highway.. Hope SS knows that

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2015

    Hi girls, sitting here in bed with heating pads on my knees, ugh, I hate these AI's. Dh actually beat me by 1 second, I had to work to keep up with him! In the good old days I woulda been standing around for 10 minutes waiting for him. Oh well, that's ok, Emma and Junior seemed to enjoy it. Then I went to Trader Joe's and bought a bunch of stuff and came home and got on a crazy cooking binge so now I'm pooped. Been wanting to tell you girls that last week my PCP called to say my pap test was abnormal and she wants me to see a gyno. Yuck, I did not expect that, I mean I don't have a uterus or a I go on Friday, hopefully it'll be no big deal but I've got a feeling I'm going to be looking at a biopsy. As one of you girls once said, I'm getting pretty tired of these doctors that end with the letters ogist. Anyway, cross your fingers for me. OK, so I'm sitting here watching TV and my sattelite just went offline and wouldn't reconnect and it gave a number and code to call and he tells me my hardrive took a chit and they will send me a new one which I won't get till Tuesday and then I have to reconfigure all the boxes myself. Plus I have lost everything on my DVR. Contract up in July, think I'll go back to cable. Least my internet still works!

    NM, still pretty cold here too, the temps aren't bad but we get this wind off the lake so 45 feels like 35. Sposed to warm up by next week, sure hope the weather guessers got it right. I did not see the polio thing on tv but have heard a lot of chatter about it. Thanks for splaining it to us. Funny about Sadie and the vacuum cleaner, I can just picture her on her back while you do that. Do you have an end in sight to the cold?

    Sue hope you have fun on vacay, seems you are always going somewhere, can't keep up! I just had a cap fall out, no big deal, just inconvenient. Hope you get your dental stuff squared away. And do I hope you'll see Maddy or not, I'm funcused.

    Nancy, my brother was just about in a wheelchair before the disabilty went thru. I believe he got it on the third try but it was retroactive to the date of the first denial so that was good. Hope your seizures continue to lessen and lessen till they are gone for good. Yea on the driving. So funny about Jackson pooping in the back yard! Think I'd make your DH work on that problem since he's the one who originally dood it! Well not the pooping, but the peeing.

    Cami, sorry about your sister being so down, and the other family stuff. Hope things start to turn around soon. Did you get your second phone yet? Does Joey still have his gf?

    Julie, hope you're having a good time. Can't wait to see pics.

    Lori, any new developments on the building and the business. Sure hope you can salvage it, what a lot of stress that you don't need. What's the latest with your mom? Anything new with your DD?

    Hi Dara, just a pop-in saves your JD.

    Karen, glad you're doing ok, I usually wanted a glass or 2 of wine the few days before i was due for chemo. Got my chemo every third Friday and would have a few the Wednesday before. How's your hair holding up? Hang in there.....

    Well, now it's after 11 and I need my beauty sleep so I can't finish saying hi to everyone. I'm on pooch duty in the morning and then work but I should be able to pop, DH is traveling and I cancelled out on watching Nora Tuesday cause I just have too much to do. So good night and sweet dreams and love to all.

    Has anyone heard from Lara? She hasn't been here in a really long time.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2015

    Hi girls, sitting here in bed with heating pads on my knees, ugh, I hate these AI's. Dh actually beat me by 1 second, I had to work to keep up with him! In the good old days I woulda been standing around for 10 minutes waiting for him. Oh well, that's ok, Emma and Junior seemed to enjoy it. Then I went to Trader Joe's and bought a bunch of stuff and came home and got on a crazy cooking binge so now I'm pooped. Been wanting to tell you girls that last week my PCP called to say my pap test was abnormal and she wants me to see a gyno. Yuck, I did not expect that, I mean I don't have a uterus or a I go on Friday, hopefully it'll be no big deal but I've got a feeling I'm going to be looking at a biopsy. As one of you girls once said, I'm getting pretty tired of these doctors that end with the letters ogist. Anyway, cross your fingers for me. OK, so I'm sitting here watching TV and my sattelite just went offline and wouldn't reconnect and it gave a number and code to call and he tells me my hardrive took a chit and they will send me a new one which I won't get till Tuesday and then I have to reconfigure all the boxes myself. Plus I have lost everything on my DVR. Contract up in July, think I'll go back to cable. Least my internet still works!

    NM, still pretty cold here too, the temps aren't bad but we get this wind off the lake so 45 feels like 35. Sposed to warm up by next week, sure hope the weather guessers got it right. I did not see the polio thing on tv but have heard a lot of chatter about it. Thanks for splaining it to us. Funny about Sadie and the vacuum cleaner, I can just picture her on her back while you do that. Do you have an end in sight to the cold?

    Sue hope you have fun on vacay, seems you are always going somewhere, can't keep up! I just had a cap fall out, no big deal, just inconvenient. Hope you get your dental stuff squared away. And do I hope you'll see Maddy or not, I'm funcused.

    Nancy, my brother was just about in a wheelchair before the disabilty went thru. I believe he got it on the third try but it was retroactive to the date of the first denial so that was good. Hope your seizures continue to lessen and lessen till they are gone for good. Yea on the driving. So funny about Jackson pooping in the back yard! Think I'd make your DH work on that problem since he's the one who originally dood it! Well not the pooping, but the peeing.

    Cami, sorry about your sister being so down, and the other family stuff. Hope things start to turn around soon. Did you get your second phone yet? Does Joey still have his gf?

    Julie, hope you're having a good time. Can't wait to see pics.

    Lori, any new developments on the building and the business. Sure hope you can salvage it, what a lot of stress that you don't need. What's the latest with your mom? Anything new with your DD?

    Hi Dara, just a pop-in saves your JD.

    Karen, glad you're doing ok, I usually wanted a glass or 2 of wine the few days before i was due for chemo. Got my chemo every third Friday and would have a few the Wednesday before. How's your hair holding up? Hang in there.....

    Well, now it's after 11 and I need my beauty sleep so I can't finish saying hi to everyone. I'm on pooch duty in the morning and then work but I should be able to pop, DH is traveling and I cancelled out on watching Nora Tuesday cause I just have too much to do. So good night and sweet dreams and love to all.

    Has anyone heard from Lara? She hasn't been here in a really long time.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Monkey Day!More rain, with some snow mixed in being predicted for today, but today will be the wettest day of the week.Hoping for more sun by the end of the week.Need to get the temps out of the 50's so I can turn the heat offi!

    Collett--I hope Bruce finds happiness, too.That's got to be a difficult situation to be in.I've heard that SS denies every disability application the first time pretty much automatically.Apparently logic doesn't figure big in their processing.Glad you have a lawyer to help.

    Genny--Sounds like you and DH and the pups had a great time!Sorry you're knees are complaining about it now.If you don't have a cervix WTF did the PCP pap test?That may explain the abnormal results all by itself.Hear you about not wanting any more ologists in your life.And the satellite hard drive died?And YOU have to wait for parts and then fix it yourself?I'd be a bit upset with that and demand to be let out of the contract now, unless they are going to charge you less this month for the days of no connection.Don't really have an end in sight for the cool temps, last year I think it was almost or into June before we got seasonable temps on a regular basis.Hoping it won't be as long this spring.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Ginein's Raspberry Surprise

    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz Triple Sec

    1 oz Coconut Rum

    1 oz Peach Schnapps

    1 oz Raspberry Liqueur

    1 oz Cranberry Liqueur

    1 cup Ice

    1 slice Orange

    1 dash Strawberries


    Combine the vodka, rum, raspberry liqueur, triple sec, peach schnapps, and cranberry liqueur in a cocktail shaker filled with ice.Shake well for about 1 to 2 minutes. Pour into a highball glass half-filled with ice. Garnish with a strawberry and orange slice.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited April 2015

    Morning my friends! Very nice sunny day I just hope it gets warm.

    Genny I am sorry your knees are hurting and am really sorry about the pap, but I hope they are wrong. I will be praying for negative results for you. I knew that I would be denied the first time through . Its just aggrivating.

    NM my gosh honey I so hope some of that warm air from the south would come up there and just stay. I am sure you have got to almost want to vomit everytime you hear the word snow. I know I would by now. I have told my DH that if we ever move it will be South not North. I dont care that it is warm. The cold just hurts any more.

    I go to the Oncologist this Wed. I am going to ask him about the nodule in my lung and the scaring. My DIL isgoing to the OB today so I hope she gets good results today too.

    Lara I hope your doing ok