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  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    LDB, I have not told my mom and she did make it to rehab. Medicare will pay for 20 days. However, they charged her $50 dollars to turn the tv on and then it's $3.00 a day! She's on a fixed income and can't afford that. What robbery to get money out of people. She wants to just be able to walk again. They are working her pretty good, and I'm affraid she will not follow through when she gets home. Have fun in Cali.

    Nancy, I too applied for disability. At first they denied me, then we got a letter this week saying that I will probably be approved, but they have something else to do and for me to wait for a second notice. I will get retroactive pay from Sept. 1st 2014. But I think they are only going to give me $500.00 a month. My biggest concern is what happens in 2 years when Medicare kicks in. Can I still keep my insurance? Will they cover all my meds and treatments? Try to get as much stuff from your docs as you can, stating you can't work. Good luck with your onc appt.

    NM, I got that about the polio vaccine as I read further. And I understand about us having breast cancer in other areas with metastsis. Oh well! Like for me, I don't have bone cancer, I have breast cancer in my bones. As for the pictures, I can usually get ones to post that I search for, it's the ones from FB that don't post for me. And once in a while, there are some good ones that I would like to post here, but they don't show up. They used to!

    Mary, one second??? Too funny, but you did it! Oh that sucks about your satelite and losing all of your DVR stuff. Maybe you can still find them to re-record? Who do you have? Ours is Direct TV and I thought one time I found one of my shows, that had already been on, but it was on there to be recorded when I searched for it. Abnormal pap, why didn't she tell you how it was abnormal, what was it showing? Nothing new with my DD, she thinks I'm over reacting about her getting that darn divorce. And nothing more on her husband. I told about mom above. As for the new business, I don't stress over it. I have enough of my own problems to worry about. But we still do not have a building. DH stresses over it ALOT! Is your kitchen done? It was you, wasn't it?

    A "POP IN" may save Wacko's JD this time, but not always! Get in here girl! Have you talked to Lara?

    NM, it rained all day here yesterday and only in the 40's, so we are now in a muddy mess. But it was well needed for sure!  We even got some snow in elevations higher than me. Temps to be in the 80's by mid week and triple digits in Phoenix. But you should still be able to plant some cold weather crops, iffin you got your raised beds up. Did you say you are making your own?

    Cami darling, come on in. I promise not to take your Brandy. I think you are the only safe one!

    Oh ick, it's Monday! But the good thing....NO FU PILLS THIS WEEK! See my onc on Thursday.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2015

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Oh confusion has set in--Mary do u still have ovaries? I don't understand this one so of course u have to explain all the way about this abnormal pap test.

    Oh SS I swear they have a contract with Attorneys, I feel like no one should have to pay for an attorney when their bodyies are getting screwed up, getting screwed twice is awful. And when  a Dr. fills out their report for it all they need to do is look p the Dr.s credentials and that should be that. I should be President. I have to say it took only about a month or me to get SSD, with no lawyer and back pay a couple of yrs ago. It did only make about 150.00 a month difference in my own SS but it's better than nothing.

    Lori paying that money for a turn on for TV is recockulous, altho 3.00 a day sounds normal u figure in a month that's a lot of money and if they get that for most people they're making some good money for a tv. Please don't take this wrong but in a small way I think it's better that u'r not with u'r mom everyday. it's so stressful and doubly for u now so we'll just pray things work out the best they can or her.

    Oh SusyQ is on the road again--hope it's all good. And Julie is in a whole different world there how exciting--well for Julie it's home for me it's another world.

    NM that's how I interpreted the Polio vaccine but I think they do have high hopes for it in the future for all kinds of tumors--but who knows the length of time that will be. And stop getting snow there, it's almost May.

    I thik we're all wondering how Laa's doing, I hope this time it's so much better and she's working and busy.

    Dara u've got a lot going on now and don't worry even Lori can't find all u'r likker u have so u'r safe.

    Today I just see the dentist which is just the first step, cuz they don't do much these days and he'll have to find me an oral sugeon that is so kind their own mother can't stand their sweetness. I fear the dentist like crazy, in fact it's so bad that one time I had emergncy surgery and I was so happy cuz I got to cancel my appt for the dentist--just giving u a measure of fear---I am better now but not great.

    Lori I hope u'r week is better not having those FU meds.

    OK I'll check in later for the latest on everyone.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2015

    hi girls, I am at the reconstructive dr office to get clearance for return to work. I was so lost getting here and was late. Ughh. I need that note.

    Can, glad you got your ssdi without too much trouble. Nice to see you here.

    Lori, enjoy your week off of the FU pills. I will try to visit here more often, don't take mese likker! Hugs to u jest because!

    Nancy, woo hoo on driving again. Good luck with getting ssi. Hate that u have to jump hoops. Odd thing with your dil and negative pregnancy tests.

    Julie, miss you here but glad u got to chech in. Keep having fun.

    Genny, sorry about your pain. And praying that there are no girly issues. Damn, you do not deserve this crud.

    NM, hate that it is still so cold there. It had been unseasonably cool here too but going to 70 tomorrow. And NO more snow, geez, it is almost May, time for Spring to kick in for you. Have you checked Sadie's crate lately for cooking stuff? She is a riot, gotta love her.

    I am now in waiting for the dr. Hope I did not miss anyone! I was so skeered that I would have to reschedule this appt since I was so late, yikes, Mese heart is beating so fast!

    Cheers my loves!!

  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited April 2015

    Hello ladies, finally feeling human today, and actually able to function at work so yay!! I got my genetic testing results back and sure enough the BRCA2 is positive , so rather than my original lumpectomy, i will now be having a BMX and reconstruction. I leaning towards the DIEP , anyone else have any experience/knowledge about it, i dont really know much about plastic surgery but i figure if i have to go through all of this then i best end up with cute boobs and a flat stomach!! Fridays the big day for the hair to come off and be made into a wig, should be interesting thats for sure!! Hope this finds you all having a great week. Dara hope you got your clearence:)

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2015

    Good evening girls, laying here in my bed with no TV. Getting all caught up on my books on tape and working on getting my closet cleaned out. I've got one huge bag for Goodwill and have a lot to go. Throwing out everything that is more than just a little tight. If I can't get into it within 10 pounds, it goes. Didn't wear any of it last summer and this one not looking much more hopeful. I still have 2 big bins in the basement that I'm going thru tomorrow. DH outta town so it's a good time for it. Hopefully I'll get mese tv back tomorrow too, altho, with this mess in Baltimore maybe I'm glad I don't have to watch. My DH said they burned down a brand new senior center right in their own neighborhood... I just don't get it, how does that help? OK, so let me splain about the pap. Well, I haven't had one in over 10 years since I don't have girly parts but my PCP was pretty insistent about it. I do have my ovaries but they were scanned with the PET when I finished the chemo. So last week the PCP's nurse called and said my doctor wanted her to call me to let me know that my pap was abnormal and she was referring me to a gyno. So me being me I drove right over there to get the path report myself and it says.. Epithelial Cell Abnormality: Rare squamous cells of undetermined significance. Inflammatory smear. I have researched that and near as I can figure it is not cancer but if left untreated could become cancer but would take many, many years. I had cervical dysplasia when I was 28 which they have now pretty much figured out is a virus. Once exposed it sits dormant in the body, often for 30 years or more and is not usually a problem, unless the immune system is compromised. So my thinking is that the chemo is the culprit. We'll see, I go Friday, I don't think it's anything that'll kill me, just the idea of the colposcopy and biopsy and tx...ugh.... Hopefully, they'll just tell me that they are going to keep their eye on it and she'll just be another doctor ending in ologist that will be on my hit parade of people I get to see each year.

    Nancy, hope the disability will go thru this time around. I'm dying to know what happened with your DIL, I'm praying for good news.

    Dara, glad you got to see the Dr even tho you were late. Do you go back this week? How's your dad? Anything new with DD and David?

    Lori, hope they are able to get your mom back on her feet, charging for the tv is terrible, I didn't think they did that anymore. Good to know you are not letting the building stuff stress you out. You do have enough on your plate. Woohoo to no FU this week! Hope you feel super dooper. Yes we got our kitchen all done and it is beautiful but we still need to paint the walls so I have not taken pictures yet. Got the paint yesterday and hoping to knock it out this weekend.

    NM, so hope you get more seasonal temps, I took the pooches to the dog part today in full winter gear... so tired of it.If you get a chance check out the dog video I posted on my FB page.. so cute. I still have to get my plane ticket booked for the cruise. With so much going on I keep forgetting to do it.

    Nancy, glad to know you're getting thru it, so very sorry about the BRCA news. I just had the tissue expanders and implants which for me was a good thing because I had so much damage from the rads, I don't think I would've been able to have the DIEP. Do you have to have radiation? If so, I would definately make that part of your decision. So you're having a wig made out of your own hair?

    Cami, good luck with the dentist chit, not my favorite thing either. Whenever they ask if I want novacaine I always say yes. I can watch em stick an iv in my arm but tooth pain?.. No way!

    Julie, hope it's fabulous!

    Anyone I'm missing? Hugs and kisses.... Night girls.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Well, I'm up, I've got coffee going, I seem to be moving kinda slowly this ayem.Ah, well, I'll get going as soon as the caffeine hits.

    Collett--"snow" is the new 4-letter word around here.If I find out who's been asking for the s-word stuff I will have a very serious talk with them!The weather is supposed to get better for the weekend, of course, since it's my weekend on back up call.That was predictable!Good luck at the Oncs, and for your DIL at the OB!

    Goldie--I'm glad your Mom got into rehab.$50 to turn on the TV?And $3 per day after that?It can NOT cost them that much, it just can't.Highway robbery indeed!Unfortunately we can't control what she does or doesn't do at home, we can pray that she sees theneed to follow through and carry on at home when she gets there.It's very odd what pics will post and how much work it takes to post any particular pic on any particular day, isn't it?I bought a couple kits to make raised beds this time around, will be able to get them put up quicker when I get an evening or weekend day that is dry enough and warm enough to work outside.I plan to use my plant protectors and start with seedlings for some of my plants this year.If these work well I'll probably make more in the fall to be ready for next summer.HOORAY for no FU pills this week!

    Cammy--From your mouth to Mother Nature's ears!The ski resorts are still open here, almost unheard of for them to still be open in May but it looks like many will be.Good season for them!I'm afraid of the dentist, too, absolutely freak out just walking in the door.Takes being in a lot of pain before I'll let them do anything.

    Dara--What happens if you don't get a note from the recon doc?Do they not let you go back to work?Somehow that does not sound like motivation to get the note to me!I imagine you need to get back to work soon for financial reasons if no other.I haven't checked Sadie's crate since the last time, but I'm pretty sure some forks and spoons have found their way in there by now.

    Karen--Yikes on the BRCA2 positive result.I had a bilateral DIEP in 2010.The recovery is more than for most other recons, but, at least for me, the results a well worth it.I am obese so I didn't get the flat tummy out of it (I did get rid of a big fat roll, though, for which I am very grateful!), but I now have symmetrical breasts and do not need to wear a bra (I went smaller rather than the same size).I opted out of nipple recon, and didn't need any touch ups, so I only needed the one surgery.There' s a lot you can do to make recovery at home more comfortable, be glad to give you some tips if you want.

    Genny--sounds like you are getting lots done!I'm with you, I do not understand how violently attacking people, stealing and destroying businesses and property fixes whatever the perceived problem is.Don't they understand that kind of behavior CREATES prejudice, and does nothing to decrease prejudice?OH well.Sounds like you've been through this abnormal PAP thing before.Doesn't sound serious right now.I don't have plane fare yet, either, need to find out more about a pre-cruise Disney visit.I think Juliet is going to look into getting some info about that after she gets back from vacay.I'll look for the doggy video!You probably would have been able to have a DIEP, I couldn't do the expander/implant route because of the radiation damage, DIEP is actually a better choice b/c the transplanted tissue has a definite blood supply and doesn't depend on radiation damaged blood vessels to keep the tissue alive after being stressed.Dentists and novocaine, yup, but need nitrous oxide and xanax BEFORE the needle!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Cherry Tuesday

    1/2 oz Tequila

    1/4 oz Amaretto

    1 oz Cherry Vodka

    1/2 oz Dry Sherry

    4 oz (Cold) Cola


    Pour ingredients into an ice-filled collins glass.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2015

    Good morning girls, getting ready to get out with the pooches and then back to my cloth purging. Looks like a beautiful sunny day!

    NM, thanks for splaining about the DIEP, I shouldn't have said anything cause I know nothing about it. I had implant fully expanded before rads so it worked out for me. PS said for DIEP he'd have to use my belly plus backside and it sounded like too much to go thru for me. I guess it makes sense that you'd get better tissue in the end with the DIEP. Anywho, hope you have a good day at work.

    Nancy, what'd you find out about your DIL?

    Gotta run, have a good day all!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    Cami, I have no intentions of getting an attorney for SS! I'll do without, $500.00 a month is not much. And don't be telling Wacko there is more JD than what I can snag. It's a ploy to make sure she visits us here at the lounge. And I agree, Cami for president! And I also love your word recockulous! LMAO. Hope all went well at the dentists office.

    Wacko, I hope you got that letter girl. I think you could possibly lose your job if you did not show up cuz you did not have the letter, is that right? And I hate to ask, as I know it bothers you so, but what is going on with your DD? And tanka ewe for de hug.

    Hi Karen, glad you are feeling a bit better. Bummer about the BRCA, you have a daughter right? Well, it can be carried through the boys too. I have a friend who is BRCA positive and one of her daughters went right away and had mastectomy and hysterectomy! Wow, you are having a wig made from your own hair? Have not heard of that. There are a couple here that have had the diep. Just remember, everyone is different. Some breeze through, while others end up with complications, such as our Dara. Good to see you though.

    Mary (Genny) you must have some tiny clothes you are getting rid of, as I didn't think you were very big at all when we met! Strange diagnosis on the PAP, praying it's nothing that you will have to worry about. LOL @ the "hit parade" of ologists! Can't wait to see your kitchen. I love mine, it's huge too.

    NM, have not heard you mention working the weekend in quite some time. I hope it's quiet and you won't have to go in at all. What are the chances of that happening??? I'll have to take a pic of my garden. We started seeds back in January, and I probably have about 30 of the plant protectors out in my garden. I did tell my mom yesterday, that she has to be sure and follow through at home. Like getting up and using the bathroom, instead of the potty chair in her room. However, I do understand about not being able to make it, as the bladder doesn't hold. And for her to get up and walk in the kitchen instead of scooting around in her chair. Sadie is just too funny.

    Yep Nancy, we are waiting to hear the news on your DIL. What had you so frustrated yesterday. Hugs for you.

    Had rain most of Sunday, so I was out in the garden getting rid of some weeds. Hoping to get out there again today, after work of course! We are getting the new truck on Friday, then we will be getting a new quad! Can't wait for that! Getting so anxious over my labs, I hope they email today. I just hate this, the anxiety is horrible, just like with scans. I am also going to ask if I can have labs every 6 weeks instead of every 3. Like what difference is 3 weeks going to make???

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2015

    Good afternoon all still on my kindle so watch out for the spelling

    Nancy how did your daughter in law get on at the doctor s 

    Data which doc were you seeing

    Had  a frost warning h e 're last  night

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2015

    Hi girls,

    Well the day has come, tomorrow is my first work day sincen February! And I have some adjustments to mese dwinking that needs to bese made oops, wuz suppozed to make thise changes a few weeks ago or at least a week ago but noooooo. Oh well, mese has to either fail or suxceed and hoping mese can be a suxcess!

    Cam, wishing you all the best with your toofers. I know it is hard to go through but you can do it! Glad you are feeling ok but wish you could feel good. Sending lots of hugs and saying lots of prayers for you love.

    Lori, you always so kind with mese JD. I had the boyz stock up the lounge with lots so iffen I have to be missing for a few days, well I can without warriing about mese likker. HA! Hope you still enjoying your week off of de FU pills.

    Karen, I had the DIEP flap surgery after numerous failed tissue expander/implaint failures. My surgery was a success although I still need a revision to fix my flopped foob. It has flopped three other times, dropped into my arm pit and also to my new naval. I had complications with it but the flap was not a problem. The five days in the hospital was rough, that is what I can remember of it. They had me really messed up on morphine. If I could do it again, I would have them give me a different drug. I got into trouble with my personal life and also here on BCO as I was the highest I have ever been. I hope this helps you. Let me know if you have questions. I think that only me and NM had the DIEP outta the girls that drink hereSmile

    Genny (Mary), good for you in purging your clothes. That is something that I need to do. But I want so bad to get into my old clothes again and have a hard time parting with my clothes. I had just gotten a new wardrobe after losing weight but I gained it and then some. CHIT! So anyway, hope you are feeling better, try to take it easy. When do you see Nora again?

    Julie, glad you are having fun. I hope that it warms up for ya! I was seeing the orthopedic surgeon. He did release me back to work, ughhhh! Enjoy the rest of your vacation goil !!

    NM,, I iwould have freaked if I was not released for work. Getting my disability extended would not be easy either. I am glad they did not send me home without seeing the good doctor. So you think Sadie hocked some more silver lol? She is really a silly little goil that one! Glad it is officially Spring for ya, yippee!

    Nancy, please do let us know how your DIL is doing and what the doctor is saying. I know you are enjoying driving here and there, awesome for you. I have to laugh when I tink of your grandson pooping in the yard. Did you make your DH clean it up hahaha, you need not answer that! I do hope you are doing well, you have had so much going on, too much. I give you kudos for getting through everything.

    Well it is time I go to bed. I was up relatively early on Twosdey morning. I took a long afternoon nap to compensate for lost sleep. I do not know how I will get to bed early tonight but I will. Or, I will be tired upon my return to work then tired again on frieday, oh well, I can deal with it, I often stay up too late. I hope you goils all has a great day, I will try to poop in a little later, that is when I git mese Ewwa outta bed!

    titties up, if ya got em .... chEErS!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Gray and dreary again this ayem, and my butt is dragging.Miss Sadie was up getting drinks of water barking at critters or something off and on all night.She is a VERY effective waker upperer!

    Genny--I'm beginning to think that who a DIEP is good for and who it isn't depends more on the opinion of the PS than any research!Not that it matters all that much, we all choose what is the best route for ourselves, and that's different for everyone.Didn't mean to be second guessing your situation.It was a fair day at work, averted a crisis, but spent most of the day writing up an admission from Monday.I will be so glad when we get a new software program for our charting!

    Goldie--With the way back up call is set up right now I can pretty much count on needing to see a few patients at least one day this coming weekend.But it's OK, they're usually routine visits that don't take very long, and I get extra pay for doing them, and it lets the weekend nurse spend more time with actively dying patients and families.Would love to see a pic of your garden with all the protectors!Getting anxious to get mine going.I hope your Mom finds motivation to keep moving when she gets home, too.Walking to the bathroom and in the kitchen are good ways to keep mobile.I used to encourage my patients who watch TV to at least stand up every commercial break, and walk a little if at all possible.Even just a few steps around the room, when done 3 or 4 times an hour adds up.But people have to be motivated to get up and move.Praying for good, and fast, lab result news!

    Juliet--Good morning, hope your toes and nose didn't get frosted last night!

    Dara--Happy back to work Day! Yeah, Sadie has a silverware fetish, but it must be dirty silverware, her fav is knives with peanut butter.But she'll snitch any silverware with any type of food residue.Then she "polishes" it for me.Her tongue is VERY effective!So you are going back to work with only 2 days this week, you can get through that even without getting your internal clock reset, and it will help you reset it, if you don't go nuts and stay up all night over the weekend!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    After Work Special

    3 oz Amaretto

    2 oz Coconut Rum

    1 oz White Rum

    6 oz Orange Juice

    6 oz Pineapple Juice


    Pour the Di Amore amaretto, Malibu rum and Bacardi rum over 5 ice cubes in a hurricane glass. Fill the rest of the glass with orange juice and pineapple juice, to taste, and serve.

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2015

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Karen u went to work? good for u, there uusually are some days u feel better and I hope there re many for u/ OK splain the hair to the wig, I never heard of anyone doing that with their own hair, it must cost a fortune, or maybe not==I really don't know. I know nothing about recon so can't take an opinion from me, as I've said mine were retired anyway so why bother.

    Julie are u in the winterish time there? Oh u can still have fun.

    Dara back to work--wow it's been a while, I'm sure u'r body time has a lot to get used to but like NM said st least it's only 2 days then u can drink, oh I mean rest again.

    Lori u'r as busy as u always are and u'r another gardener which I wish I liked to do, never have--but u raise beautiul veggies. I hope u'r mom is doing better I'm sure u have that on u'r mind alot. (((HUGS)))

    Nancy that kid is hysterical poopin in the yard, at least he doesn't poop in his pants LOL Did he tell u where he learned that?

    NM the spring is coming soon, hang in there and keep the DOTD'S coming,

    OK I'll be back later--I'm up to early this morning--Oh I got my new phone--Joey was helping me with it last nite--I love the way my boss says oh it's not much different no biggy, yeah for him, but for me everything's a biggy. 


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2015

    Julie, I hope you are having a fabulous time with your family. How is the weather there? Didn't I see you say something about a frost or freeze warning? Is is spring there too?

    Wacko, da Tenders can stock up plenty of JD, cuz iffin you have to come here for it, den das ok, cuz you iz here. It's when you don't come for days when mese misses you. And anyone else that is gone for days. You are def. a night owl. I hope you can get to bed early too, so your first day back at work is not so hard. Too bad you couldn't just work at night!

    NM, I have mentioned similar "activities" to my mom. Her lack of bladder control, I told her to just go to the bathroom every couple of hours and see if you just can go then, instead of waiting until the time comes, and now you can't hold it, hence the diapers.

    Cami,is it a new phone or another phone? Glad Joey was able to help you with it. What kind did you get? Or do you even know??? Things go ok at the dentist? And what about Marty's new job? Are you guys doing ok? How is your sister and cuz doing? I talk to my mom every day, sometimes twice a day.

    Speaking of, just got off the phone with her and she said to tell everyone she said hi. Had to hang up, someone was there to do her hair. She really likes it there. She is not allowed to walk alone, they even have her walker tagged! My nurse emailed me yesterday with my labs. Tumor markers had gone down a tiny bit, so I'm good with that and can relax now! See onc tomorrow, so I won't be stopping in the lounge for my morning libations!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2015

    Hi girls, happy hump dey. tomorrow is d-dey for me, ick. I guess someone here has to work so it'l be mese!

    NM, happy spring girl, finally, I tink the snow shall be in yer past. yay! Ya know, I still laff when I tink of your Sadie and her obsession with utensils. She is so funny!

    Lori, awesome to hear that your tM's are down down down, hip hip horrah n horray too! and fyi, I gonna needs a lots of JD in de next few days. I gitting ready to go to bed. Although I stayed up unti lde crack of dawn dis aye em, I am going to bed early sincen I was up before noon todey. You have a great onc visit. And tail your Mom hello back from me. Hope she continues to do what she needs to do to git well!

    Cam, so nice seeing you in de lounge but sorry you were up too early today. Hoping that you have a great night sleep. Good luck figering out de new phone. I am with you in that technology is a pain in de anatomy!

    Hellos and big hugs to all mese goils. DorKester, OUt!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Thirsty Thursday has arrived!Had a wonderful moment yesterday, the sun was shining enough to feel warm and to throw a shadow while I was getting pelted with raindrops. Very odd.All I could do was look up and say "Really?"

    Cammy--Yeah for spring!The drinks help the waiting.

    Goldie--That's good advice for your Mom re:bladder control!Hope she takes it to heart.Maybe if your Mom likes it where she is she can stay there?Would she qualify for long term care?God luck at the onc's.

    Dara--I never thought of Sadie having a obsession, but that does describe her pretty well!Good luck at work, stay awake, or at least look like you're awake and all will fine!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Warped Thursday

    5 oz Vodka

    1/4 packet Tropical Punch Kool Aid

    6 oz Cherry Cola


    Empty half a can of cherry coke, pour the vodka into the can, then pour in the kool-aid. Alternatively, use a 12oz glass. Stir. A kabob stick works well in the can.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2015

    Morning girls, quick poop in, it's a work day.

    Lori, so happy for tm's going down, hip hip hooray!! Now enjoy the rest of the week off FU. I was thinking the same thing about your mom, could she stay there? They certainly will keep her up and moving. Your DS could stay in the house or get an apartment?

    NM, I can just see you looking up at the cloud and saying "really?" That would've been my reaction. Least now when stuff goes missing around there you know where to look. You're right about the choice of surgeries, I'd say my PS leaned strongly toward implants. Plus for me, I didn't like the idea of having to wait til I was all done with tx and then have a major surgery to face. And he said he'd have to take 1 boob from my stomach and another from my backside, sounded like a lot. Anyway, I'm happy enough with what I have and I don't miss the headlights, altho I still expect them to be there when I'm cold, wierd....

    Dara, enjoy your last day off, git to bed early tonight, ya hear?

    Cami, good luck with that new phone. What would we do without children to educate us.

    Nancy where are you? I'm dying to know what's going on with your DIL! And how did your appt go, better popin soon elst Lori will be taking your JD.

    Karen, hope you're still working and doing ok, when is your next chemo?

    Julie, hope you're having the time of your life.

    Where's Lara?

    OK gotta go, have a great day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015


    Thanks goils for advice on my mom. Medicare or Medicade, which ever one she is on, will only pay for 20 days of rehab, and no she wouldn't be able to afford this place to stay there permanently. As for her house, if she went into a nursing home, she would lose her house. You see, she did a reverse mortgage many years ago. And unbeknownst to her, or to me, you have to pay that back. Well, she thought it was free money, free and clear. Which it is, but the bank owns the home now. So if she leaves, then my son doesn't have a place to live either.

    Onc visit went well. He is such a sweetheart. He spends time talking with me. I mean he asks me about my garden, our weather, all kinds of things, besides just talking about the cancer. He wants me to up my chemo, from 4 pills a day to 5, and see how I tolerate it. He wants me to take as much as I can tolerate. So if I tolerate the 5 pills, he wants me to try 6! I WILL NOT do 7. That is what I started with and was so sick and in pain, nuh uh, no way Jose!

    Tomorrow we pick up the new truck, Saturday is the garage sale, Sunday a day of rest....LMAO, what's that? Garden, cleaning and laundry Sunday.

    Anyways, here are pictures of my garden...per request from NM.



















  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2015

    hello ladies- I've had a good week felt fine worked all week- tomorrow is AC #2- and it's hair day!!! Yikes- hair is being shaved at 9 am then off to chemo and will pick up my wig ( made with my own hair) after- can't decide what to put on my head to get from wig man to chemo and back - I work in the same building where I have chemo and I've worked there for 8 years so know lots of people I'm bound to bump into some one and don't want to shock them to much- I guess I will just have to wear a hat!

    Goldie love the pix of your place

    Dara how was your first day back at work?

    Genny I'm still on the fence on which way to go surgery wise- either way it's all only going to happen after chemo - I guess I'll see what the PS suggests- I had 3 C sections and as a result my stomach has never been great which is why I would love to be able to " kill 2 birds" so to speak- either way I am determined to end up with perky boobs and a flat stomach!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!TGIF!Except that it's pretty much certain I'm going to have to work tomorrow and probably Sunday, too.Oh well, the extra $ will be nice.The Anah Shrine Circus is in town this weekend, maybe I'll go to one of the shows as a treat for myself.Haven't been to the circus in years.

    Genny--Our PS's give us info specific to our unique situations as well as their strengths and preferences, so we are all going to get a bit different info.I had a mastectomy due to complications of treatment, so I didn't have the waiting for treatment to end element.And I can totally understand not wanting to go through that big a surgery.I got focused on how DIEP was easier than TRAM, and didn't really understand how big the surgery and recovery would be, but I can be like that.And being happy with the result is what matters.Do you still feel like you have headlights when it's cold?I do and it is so weird to look down and not see them when I certainly feel them!

    Goldie--Wow, I knew there had to be a catch to the reverse mortgage thing, it just sounds too good to be true on TV.Sounds like moving to a facility or assisted living situations isn't an option for your Mom.Your Onc sounds like a real winner.WOW!Great gardens! I am definitely jealous! How do you keep all that up by yourself?Or do you have help?So nice!

    Karen--Good luck with treatment X2.You'll get your wig the same day?Wow, that sounds really fast, but that's a good thing!Will the wig look like your usual do, or are you getting something different?A hat or scarf should work in between, or you could go "commando" and see what reactions you get!Or take some face paint and have something painted on your newly bald head for fun and excitement.And it's a good idea to take time to research recon options.I had 4 consults when I was researching recon, 2 here in Maine, one in Boston, on in New Orleans. It was surprising the different info I got about the same procedures from different PSs.You will definitely be able to find a way to get your perky boobs and flat tummy!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Commando Cocktail

    3/4 oz Triple Sec

    1 1/2 oz Bourbon

    2 dashes Pernod

    3/4 oz Lime Juice


    Pour the bourbon whiskey, triple sec, pernod and lime juice into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Looks like Karen, NM and myself get ALL THE LIKKER!

    Karen, you work in a hospital, right? I know you are a nurse, but forget which field. Chemo does this to you, chemo brain, it IS real! Not sure what kind on come back you could use on any co workers you bump into. My husband shaved my head hear at home.

    NM, I hope you make it to the circus and your weekend isn't too busy. DH and I do the garden, no other help. Other than all the critters trying to eat my goods! I like the "Commando" cocktail for Karen.


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2015

    Happy T.G.I.F. Girls!!!

    I hope all you girls is doing well!

    Lori, can I git a dwink??? Hope you are enjoying your week off the FU pills and YAY for TMs being down!

    NM, Sorry you have to work this weekend. Circus sounds like fun though. And I'm still laughing at the image of silly Sadie hoarding stuff from the kitchen! Great DOTDs lately!! thanks :0)

    Karen, Good Luck with Chemo 2 today. Sounds like you got the right attitude to kick it in the ass before it kicks you!! Wig from your own hair sounds awesome!

    Dara, Have a good day back at work. Try not to git into too much trouble on your first day. Hey is there an office pool about when you have to go back out again??? Maybe you should start one and let Stella enter wif insider info and then you can split the $$$ wif her!! Seriously though, I hope you have an easy day and that Lori lets you have some of yur JD tonight! Hope your parents are well too and that grandson of yours!

    Julie, I know you are having the bestliest time with your family on vacay! Mickey misses you, but he understands. Besides this way Minnie is not so suspicious of you two!! Have a great time and travel safe!

    Cami, I hope you are feeling better and have your teeth all bixed up. I was so glad Marty got a job and hope everything is going well for you and yours. We went to a 6th grade band concert last night and the squeaking clarinets made me think of you! How much more school does Joey have before you get him to yourself for the summer?

    Nancy, Roomie! WooHoo on the driving priveleges. So glad the seizures are getting better. I need to ketchup and see what the latest details are on that new grandbaby of yours. And have you been able to get to rowing?? That sounds like so much fun. I should look and see if they do that here on the Chattahoochee!

    Genny, You sound like you are having a fun time lately! So happy for you that things are on the right path for you and DH. Your pet stories crack me up too!

    Tobbi, we have less than 3 weeks of school left! How about you?? Of course they are 3 CRAY CRAY weeks! Any conjugals lately??? I just got an order for 400 cupcakes and a whole bunch of end of year lunch catering orders. Hope business is booming for you too!

    Mema! Happy travels! I know you is off having fun cuz that's just how you roll! Can't wait to hit the dance floor wif you agin!

    LaLa! COme out come out wherever you are! We miss you, how are things going? Good I hope! You deserve a break.

    OK, I think that's everyone?? Me, I'm good. Counting down days until school is out. Supposed to be having a garage sale today but my EWWA didn't get enough work done for that! Instead trying to clean house. Never make enough progress though. Saw my RO yesterday and he so happy he cut me lose for a whole year!!!

    Fin Enhancement is coming along. I should be able to hold up both sides of a swim suit by January!!!

    Bad ankle good. Good ankle bad :0( Achilles Tendonitis. WTF, never just status quo for any of us so we just keep on keepin on!!

    Anyhow, gotta run and git to my do list. Don't want the Gremlin to spot me either! I still need to read and ketchup some more! Love you girls! I think about and pray for all of us every day :0)



    And for Dara!!!


    and for Tobbi and Mema!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Karen u sound great. Did u have long hair so they can make it into a wig? like NM said wear anything u want on u'r head as long as it's comfortable. Good Luck on #2. Let us know.

    NM I haven't heard about a circus in forever, I hope u get some time to go cuz it sounds like fun===watch out for those clowns--they are always in scary movies.

    Lori u garden area is beautiful, it reminds me of an old western town that u'd find in the around there and I know how huch u love to work in there. OK u'r onc wants u to up u'r pills, well I think u know pretty much what u can tolerate now but give it a try and as soon as u don't feel well enough call u'r Onc. I don't want u to feel icky ever. Reverse mortgage, I knew that meant it no longer belongs to u, I think it's good in the right situation just so someone doesn't have to move, but if u did put a lot of equity in it before u'r sscrewed for other reasons.

    Dar's working--Oh I hope she got enough sleep and it's easy going for her. We'll find out.

    I hope she's heard from Lara--it's been to long.

    Oh I was so busy yesterday with my new phone things that I'm still trying to figure out--Oh what a day.

    And wouldn''t u know it, my oldest Dd had work to do in the court and she was talking to one of the judges and he still couldn't understand my brother's death cuz he golfed with him and had lunch with him and he was ine the month before and yesterday was his BD--so it was just kind of strange on that day she meets a friend of my brothers while she'ss working. So yesterday was a little sad and my sister is really sad, my cousin nd I were talking and she sees the same thing I do.?????


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Hi 4----we kicked each odder in the pool I think, well at least me----Its good to hear from u and as usual u sound so busy, but with u'r family how could u not be. Hope u'r feet heal, jeez it IS always something. and Joey' got the countdown going so he's all happy, cept he's got a lot of friends this year so I have to share him more. Good Luck to u for the summer.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2015

    OOPs Cami and I ended up in de pewl. Don't worry Cam, swim towards him and he will help you git back to dry land!


    And Lori, you need on of these in yur beautiful garden!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    Hi girls, jest poooping in right quick from work. I nearly chit when I saw the pics of de nearly nakked men and scrolled down real fast. I know this post won't count for maintaining my likker lol. oh well, life goes on. Gotta run, will try to poop in again over the weekend. Have a good one girlie girls!

  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2015

    AC 2 done - hair now a wig - looks just like it did when it was actually attached to my head- it's amazing what they can do!!!

    My liver functions were elevated( and I haven't even had any wine) so I'm watching everything that's going in my mouth and they will re check next week- no emergen C or Tylenol etc for me!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015

    Good morning girls, beautiful weekend here in Ohio, going to be 70 and sunny! Yay, finally! Went golfing with Molly yesterday, it was a gorgeous day. I also went to the gyno and she didn't understand why my PCP wanted to do the pap either, go figure. So she's pretty sure it's just abnormal cells maybe sturred up by chemo, maybe not. She wants me to come in for a colposcopy just to get a look around to be sure but she thinks that will be that, no tx needed. I really liked her and she can remove my ovaries if I decide to do that so at least I've got someone for that now.

    Karen, I am amazed by the own hair to wig thing, I've never heard of that. How long was your hair? And they did it in a day? What's the name of the place that did it? Was your hair really long? I'd love to see a pic but I don't know if you like posting pics and if you don't that's ok. #2 out of the way, hope elevated liver functions are just a fluke and I hope you continue to tolerate tx's ok. I'm sure you and your PS will figure out which recon is best for you, make sure you get one that you really like cause you'll be seeing a lot of him/her. Luckily my BS sent me to a 2 and told me to make sure I made a connection with him. One I really liked the other one not at all.

    Dara, hope your first day back was ok, only 1 day then the weekend off so good way to ease back in. How's your dad, is he back home?

    NM, I think I've only been to the circus once in my life, I remember taking my DS when he was little. You are working this weekend, hope it's an easy one, think we have a full moon coming tho.

    Lori, wow, those are some big garden beds, looks like a full time job, I don't know how you do it. And then all the canning at the end of the harvest, whew, I get tired just thinking about it! Especially in the Arizona heat!

    4sew, good to see you, it's been awhile. Bet you can't wait for school to be out. Glad to hear the fin is coming along, what a process! Yay for the bad ankle good. sorry to hear about the other one. Wow, that is some kinda eye candy, wonder if moderators will pull any of em'. Try not to be such a stranger, you know with Lori confiscating the licker now you've got to pop in more ifin you ever want to dwink agin.

    Cami, bet Joey is gettting excited about the school year ending, glad to hear he's got lots of friends, but he's such a sweetie how could he not? How you doing with the 2 phone lines? Keeping up ok? So sorry about your sister being so sad, it's just hard. I think about my brother all the time, I would have been so much more understanding of the way he was feeling after having been thru the last year. I wish I could talk to him now and when i feel sorry for myself I think about all that he went thru, my stuff is nothing compared to what his was. Hope you all start to heal and your sister gets to feeling better soon. It takes time.

    Juliet, sure you're having a great time.

    Nancy, where are you????

    Lara, where are you??

    Well, got to get going with my day, love to all, I'll try and pop in the lounge tonight, tho it's been awful quiet lately. Have a good day all!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good Saturday Morning, Loungettes!Almost 50 degrees already this ayem!Yeah!Just put a batch of cranberry wine up to work. Hoping to get the garden bed put up this weekend, will have to wait and see how much I end up working first.Stopped at the grocery store yesterday to pick up stuff for taco salads and would you believe that ground turkey was $2/pound cheaper than hamburger? So I've got ground turkey browning with onion, garlic and sausage. Smells yummy!Makes eating veggies fun!

    Goldie-- I cannot imagine being able to do all that garden work all by myself, it would be a full time job for me!Hooray for New Truck Day!

    4sew--Now you know one reason why Sadie is known as Silly!The mischief she gets up to is so much fun, though.Isn't is just amazing how the housework never seems to get done and stay that way?

    Cammy--I am lucky, I never encountered a scary clown until I was an adult, so I still enjoy clowns.Love seeing them in the hospital and nursing homes.They make me laugh!Important dates after a death are hard, and bring all kinds of emotions.Especially when the death seems sudden. Amazing the coincidences that happen, too.

    4sew--all I can think of looking at the eye candy is that boys never really get over the habit of holding onto their privates!One of my co-workers has a 4 year old boy and she is working with him to not hold onto himself all the time.She keeps telling him "it won't fall off if you let go of it!":)

    Dara--Glad you survived the first days back at work!Bet you are tired, though.Get some rest and come on in for some pampering this weekend.

    Karen--Wow, it really is amazing they can make a wig that fast!I always thought of that as a long and detailed process. Here's to liver enzymes returning to normal!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Saturday Night Special Recipe Ingredients

    1 oz Bourbon

    1 bottle Bacardi Breezer Orange


    Pour Jack Daniel's whiskey into a pint glass. Add Bacardi Breezer and serve.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2015


  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2015

    so here is me yesterday with my wig - the wig makers name is Anton and is his located in Bellevue Washington- it took him 5 hours to make it- and honestly it looks just like it did when I walked in there - he has said not to style it at all so this is just how it is naturally- but I can use product on it and straighten or curl now that it's made - I think I mentioned. When I walked in the door my kids weren't even sure if I had actually had it done yet or not .

    Day 2 and so far so good- let's hope this continues.

    Happy weekend my friends enjoy the great weather have a glass of wine for me !!!!