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  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015

    Karen, wow, that is amazing! That's the most natural looking wig I have ever seen! Thanks for sharing. Hope you continue to feel ok and I will def have a glass of wine for you tonight.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited May 2015

    Oh my gosh I am so sorry I have not been on here. I have been looking at wedding venues with my DIL and been tired and sleeping. Sorry everyone!!.

    My DIL has had some wierd things going on but the OB said that the blood work she did is negative as well. Couldnt see anything on the ultrasound but she thinks its too soon. Good news is that all the blood work she drew for diabetes, thyroid, lacting etc.. are all good, nothing bad is showing up. She said if it happened once with Samarah it could happen again. She wants to see her again in two weeks. And then do another ultra sound and more blood work. She told her that she does believe she probably is pregnant.

    My Oncologist wants to read my chest CT that I had in Feb and schedule me for another CT soon. I was supposed to call yesterday to see how soon he wants me to have it due to the nodule in my left lung and I forgot to call. So I will call on Monday. He doesnt want to wait a year to rescan.

    I got out on the water today with my team. It was the most awesome experience! I didnt want to quit. It was so peaceful and calming. It was great to be in a competative mode again. I loved every second of it and wished each and every one of you were there with me.

    Here are some pictures.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited May 2015



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good Sunday Morning, Loungettes!Sadie and I slept in until just before 8 ayem, almost unheard of!It was a beautiful day yesterday.I didn't go to the circus cuz I got stuff for the garden after doing visits, plan to get the garden put in today if at all possible.At least get the garden plot put together and filled, I can plant the plants tomorrow after work if I have to.I did get morning glory seeds started to put along the fence,and got the pot that hangs by the deck done--red ranunculus and yellow pansies this year.Very pretty already!And I got the hammock chair hung up and got to enjoy a book and a margarita before dinner.This morning I took my first cup of coffee and the yoga mat out onto the deck and did the Sun Salutation series and some stretches, with Sadie's help, of course.I haven't gotten my knees so close to the floor in the butterfly stretch as I did today when Sadie crawled into my lap for tummy tickles!I think I'm going to walk funny all day today!


    Karen--is that the wig? It is!Wow, that is fantastic work!Here's praying your second round is SE free!


    Morning, Genny!


    Collett--I can imagine how busy you are right now with the wedding planning and baby planning and everything else going on.Wow, the dragon boat is AMAZING, and those are great pics!You must have had a blast!And the truck pic is adorable!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Dragon's Blood

    3 oz Vodka

    4 oz Cinnamon Liqueur

    3 oz Club Soda


    In a twelve ounce glass, mix all ingredients and serve.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    HA! All the pics came through!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Sunday Funday! Just going to jump in, instead of replying to all previous posts.

    Everyone can have likker too! Aren't I nice? Even you Wacko.

    4, you too...drink away!

    Cami, my onc said to go at my own pace with the chemo pills. If it gets bad, I can go back to 4 pills a day. So tomorrow I start again, 5 pills. Have I told  y'all how much I hate this!!!

    Nancy, that is just so bizzare about your DIL. Love the Dragon Boat pics and of course sweet lil Jackson.

    Karen, good to put a face to the name and your wig is amazing! I happen to have some wine here. Iffin I have it today, I'll be thinking of you!

    NM, the garden is only a lot of work in the beginning and the canning in end. Just fertilizing in between. But the rewards are so great!

    Mary (Genny) you had that beet salad when you and I went out, did you see the one I made, on FB? And I'm having Nora withdrawls.

    LDB (Lil Doity Butt, aka MemaSue), I hope you are having a goot time. Well, of course you are.

    And Julie too. So glad you are with family. I know how it is being so far away them.

    Garage sale went well, started to rain around 3 so we had to shut it down, but made about $500.00! Mom continues to do well, I talk to her everyday. My biggest concern is the fact that they have her on Prednisone, which I'm sure they will take her off it when she goes home. So how much will she actually be able to handle without it??? I will just continue to support her and tell her how proud I am of her.

    Cheers Lounge Lizards!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning,Goldie!Race you to the pool bar now that we've bumped each other into the pool!Glad your garden isn't a lot of work during the growing, it is here if I'm going to have anything but weeds.Hence the new approach this year! They may not take your mom off the prednisone when she goes home, some people with COPD need an ongoing dose of it. You might want to talk to her doc and find out what the plan is.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    NM, been awhile since you and I have been swimming together. Meet me over at the bar for some Dragon's Blood!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    You're on! Last one to the bar pays!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    YEAH! Just got a call from the Weekend Nurse, today is good, so unless there are crises in 2 counties I won't need to go out! Garden here I come!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    Hi girls! Happy sundey fundey!

    Looks like NM and Lori been hanging out and having some fun.

    NM, I love when you do the picture posts. I am glad you did not have to work today after all! woo hooo for a sundey off! It is a beautiful day here, gonna be in the high 70's/upper 80's all week. Spring is here!

    Karen, I absolutely love your wig, it looks so natural. What a really neat thing to have done. I have never heard of such a thing either. You are jest beautiful, thanks so much for sharing a pic of yourself. It is nice to tie a name to a face! Praying that you continue to feel well.

    Nancy, glad to hear that your DIL is likely pregnant. I have heard of odder things. saying prayers for her. Love the pics of the dragon races, good for you. I could not be happier for you. Love the pic of Jackson's car next to the big car, made me smile so big!

    Cam, how are you doing? Prayers for you and your family. Say hello to sweet Joey. I am not working too hard, truth is that I am hardly working. I had to take some compliance training courses and tests and they are all behind me now for another year, woo hoo. I went back to work on THirstdey of last week, not Friday. Muah to you!

    Sue, where ya been? I miss your sweet face.

    Lori, what a harvest you planted wow. When I first saw the pics, I was not tinking clearly and thought OMG, that little town looks just like Lori's little town but it was yours, duh me. Love the pics of your compound lol. But really, thanks for sharing girl. Please leave mese likker alone, I is here. I have been biddy, mese Dad is home now so taking a lot of time. And mese cousin is still here too. We had a nice day yesterday working in the yard

    Mary (Genny), (for Karen, Mary is her real name, jest an FYI for ya), so happy that all is well with your girly parts. Have you seen Nora lately? I tink you are having the same nice weather as we are having. Good golfing weather, foah shoah.

    Hello to anyone I missed. Where is Julie, when does she come back? Should be soon. I do miss you goils when I am not here and I do read. I apologize for not posting like I used to. Life jest gets in the way. Have a great day all..

    big CHEERS!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited May 2015


    This was us coming into dock

    Good Sunday Everyone! Loving the sunshine and warm warm weather!

    Dara you are right life does get in the way sometimes but I am glad to see you on here. Love ya! Hows your dad doing? Dragon boat practice was awesome! Our first race is the 30th of this month. I will miss it though because my nephew graduates that day :( but I need to be there for him and I am so proud of him :) Its the competative person in me that is sad not the Aunt.

    I have a colonoscopy on Tuesday so tomorrow will be a fun fun day for me of strickly clear liquids and then then the dreaded prep starting at about 6p tomorrow night so no practice tomorrow night.


    we are pretty much all in sink here for the first time lol this is all of the Rookies


    Great picture of my ass getting in the boat


    Both of our boats


    Beautiful picture against the sunrise, We practice at 745 am. Yep that is 745 am on a Saturday at Giest Marina

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    Nancy, love all of the pics. I can tell you are furcited for the actual races. I am so glad your doctor is letting you do this. Seems it is helping you relax. Have you had any seizures since you are back in the saddle? We have all been praying for ya. My Dad is doing ok. He is not using his walker and at times not even using a cane. He is obstante, does what he wants to. We have thirty days to send him back if he does not do well at home. Thanks for asking, goes for all of you. I appreciate the love and support that I get here.

    I hope you are all having as nice of a day as I am. I am nice and rested and ready as can be for work tomorree. I will try to poop in from the office.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!I am feeling very proud of myself today!Got my first raised bed put together, filled, trellised and planted!


    It ain't terribly fancy, but here it is:

    My back and legs are telling me that I really did something different today, but they're just going to have to get used to it!

    Dara--It has been a gorgeous day here, temps in the 70's, sunny, no clouds until this pm and they blew through without fanfare.I got the garden done, got the sheets washed and dried, got to relax and take a nap in my hammock chair, Life is Good!Just a wonderful day!

    Collett--Dragonboat rowing looks like fantastic fun!Wow, a lot of rookies and you got synched up on the first practice!Your team is going places!And you have 2 boats, wow!

    Dara--go to bed at a decent hour tonight, have a good Monday at work!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good morning, Loungetttes! Happy Monkey Day! This Loungette is feeling a bit sore and stiff this ayem, wonder why? Ha, no mystery there! But very pleased with myself. Got a little sunburned on the back of my neck, though. But I'll deal!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Naked Sunburn

    1 1/2 oz Coconut Rum
    1 1/2 oz Creme de Noyaux
    1 1/2 oz Melon Liqueur
    1 splash 7 Up
    4 oz Cranberry Juice
    4 oz Pineapple Juice
    1 splash Sweet and Sour Mix

    Pour the melon liqueur, Malibu rum and creme de noyaux into a hurricane glass 3/4 filled with ice cubes. Add the 7-Up and sour mix. Fill with equal parts of pineapple and cranberry juice, to taste, and serve.

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015

    Morning girls, jest a quick pop-in, DH left at 5ayem for Columbus so I'm on dog duty and it's a work day. Got to golf on Saturday, had MIL for dinner last night. Got a bit done outside, hope to get the garden planted next weekend. Still haven't painted the kitchen either. I signed up for a BC golf outing yesterday, it's in June. The lady I talked to said they had 250 women last year, all dressed in pink with golf carts and bags decorated. Sounds like great fun, DH said he'd drop me off and pick me up so I don't have to worry about dwinkin mese wine!

    Nancy, love the pics

    NM. love the post with the pics and yay for getting so much dine this weekend. Good for you on the yoga, wish I could get myself back into it.

    Dara, good luck with your dad on coming home, and hope work goes ok.

    Lori, hope your mom does ok at home, love the old west town. I'll have to go on FB and check out that salad, I didn't see it.

    Hi to everyone else, gotta run!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning Ladies---

    Wow busy weekends, u know I love all the pics and those boats are huge.

    Karen u look beautiful and u'r hair is gorgeous and it was done so ast too. I thought it wouls be a couple o weeks. I hope u feel wel today.

    Nancy my fav is Jackson with the other car. And the puzzle continues with u'r DIL This is a strange case. But planning the wedding is so much fun.

    Whenever anyone' is on vacay seems like they're gone so long and I'm sure to them it goes by quickly.

    NM u really got a good start on u'r garden and of course u'll feel it today, that's how it works, but u'r weather is finally good.

    Lori I know u'r worried about u'r mom, but u do call eveyday and find out what's going on, I'm sure that helps. /and I know u'll watch thos FU pills so u will feel as well as u can.

    Dara work again, Ohh it's got o be difficult. OK now who takes care od u'r Dad during the day. Nurses come in. but those are a lot of hrs.? Or did I miss some  explanation for this. But u'r cousin is still there too?

    My weekend was pretty full and wonderful---Sat Joey programmed my new phone and I was a bit busy, and yesterday I went out with a bunch of cousins for lunch  at a Greek restaurant absolutely great and everyone asked why Joey didn't come? Their all adults My cousin got lost picking me up took a wrong turn even with her map thing and called and I had no idea where she was thank goodness Marty was here to guide her--2 weeks ago she was code blue and u'd never know it and she's so much fun  so it was  a long day but we both enjoyed it  and then Joey and I cuddled and talked for a while and he had a good weekend too. So all in all we were happy. Oh and of course my boss was there (my cousins grandson) Everyone was teasing him about trying t boss me around.

    So tody is a new day and hope I'm not to to busy or I get confused easily. LOL
    I hope this week is a good one for all of us.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    NM, YAY for getting to play in the dirt. And it doesn't have to look fancy. And I hear about the muskles complainin! We got most of our irrigation in and planted beans. I'll find out more about mom when it's time for her to be released. I'm hoping they can say she needs more time there and medicare will cover it.

    Wacko, you too got to work in the yard. Glad you are getting some nice weather. Oh dear, your dad is home? I am so affraid for him, being there alone whilst you are at work. Praying for no accidents! I will leave your likker alone when you bisit with us.

    Nancy, I am just so proud of you on that boat and it must make you feel so proud. Love the sun rise picture!

    Cami my darling, where are you? We miss you and I really hate taking your Brandy. Not as fun as taking Wacko's JD!

    Mary, the BC golf outing sounds awesome and seeing everyone in pink and bags and carts decorated too. Sweet of hubby to be your designated driver. I hope you get lots of pictures. The beet salad I did is as follows.

    I don't usually do foody posts, but this was sooooo good! Romaine and Kale from the garden, organic raw beets, carrots, apples, celery, radishes. Dressing balsamic vinegar, organic honey (recipe called for maple syrup), lemon, red pepper flakes. Oh gosh, garnish with almonds and sunflower seeds. I might be missing something. But it was so good. I would want more dressing on it.! Here is the link...…/spring-clean-beet-carrot-and-apple…/


    Hubby is leaving tomorrow morning for Vegas, time for the International Hardware show, and I'm not going. I just can't do all of that walking anymore. He'll be home Wednesday night. Plus I start my increased dose of FU pills today. My lil buddies mom is coming up, either today or tomorrow and staying until Thursday, so I'll get to spend some time with her. Looking forward to that.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    There's my Cami! Glad is was a gentle bump in the pool and the Tenders are there to help if there is a problem. And they had your noodle for you! Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. So glad for that, as I think you really needed it, as well as some others. Glad you and Joey got some cuddle time. I'm just in awe at the relationship you two have.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2015

    Hi DahhhLinks!!

    I'm back from CA. with the flu I think, puke n poo all night.  Fell asleep finally about 2am, jes got up.  Ugh!  Anyway I have not read anything since I left so I'm just jumping in.  Have so much to do but wanted to check in first with my breasties.  Just kno I'm still sending prayers and of course lots n lots of lubslubslubslubslubslubslubs to all of you....muah muah muah!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    Hi all,

    I am just poking my head in from the office. It is jest so beautiful here, was tempted to call outta work. Hehe, not really but geez, the weather is so goygeous. It is at 85 degrees now but breezy and no humidity. I will take this every day!

    All is well with Dad so far, he had a good night and really really enjoyed spending some time in my yard yesterday.  Mese Mom is suffering from allergies. They had her on a nebulizer yesterday. It is so bad here with pollen. My poor white car is greenish yellow. And I washed down my table on my deck on saturdey and it was again green by yesterday. I was thawing some hot dogs outside and my cuz thought they had mustard in them, that was the pollen on the wrapper lol. Mese cousin is silly like me.

    Claire, er I mean Lori, your plate of salad looks so yummy. I give you permission to make a foodie post. Jest don’t make it a habit as this is a dwinking thread. Jest saying hehehe, you know I am kidding ya.  We are having a home aid come to help my Dad with showers and such. She is coming on Wed and I hope she will be able to spend a lot of time with him during the day. He has really improved quite a bit. I do worry though as he has been shaking more than before. His balance is much better. The rehab did wonders for him.

    Mary, woo hooo on the golf outing with some survivor sisters, should be great fun.  I tink you and me need to do some golfing one of these days. I used to golf now and then when I went to my parents place in Myrtle Beach. Ya know, you can’t jest go there and not golf right?

    Cam, so good to see your smiling face. Yippee on having such a good weekend. Glad your cousin is doing so well, prayers do work. Love our little Joey, he is not only a little doll baby and sweetheart, he is also good to have around for your techy needs. You are right that time flies when we are on vacation ourselves but drags when it is a fellow loungette. Seems like Julie has been gone a month already. Give Joey a kiss from me, please, k?

    NM, wow, you getting some really nice weather, sorry you got slightly burnt but it will tan quickly. And sorry you hurting from the yoga. As they say, no pain, no gain right?

    Sue, sorry you got the GI chits and pukeys, hope they go away quickly. I hope you were not sick whilst you were away and hope also that you feel better like NOW. Hugs to you, mese lubly goil.

    Karen, continued prayers to you for no s/e’s, we all wanta you to feela good and be able to dwink again soonliest. Iffen you need someone to dwink for ya, jest say the word and we will help. That is what friends are for, right? Hope you having another good day!

    Nancy, your pics always make me smile, I love how you share so much. I wish I took more pics than I do. 

    I am hoping to get mese pool opened soonliest. Yippee. I do want to wait a few more days for the “whirly birds” to come off the trees. Those are those things that we put on our noses as kids, the seedlings from an old fat oak tree. I wish my pool was open now, it would be warm enough to dip mese feet in.  I left a message for my little man named Willie who has taken the cover on and off for the past three years. He is not returning my calls, I mighten have to call someone else. I wonder if he knew we were laughing at him last year at the so called “Willie Show”. He cracked us up, I took a pic of him struggling to tighten the pool cover and he fell on his butt. He looked like he was squatting over an invisible toilet and taking a chit hehehehe! I guess you had to be there to appreciate it!

    Kk, back to work I go. Break is over. (or has is jest began)?? I am slacking some while I can. It won’t be long until I am working long hours from my home office! Ugh.

    Love you all, have a groovy kind of night!


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited May 2015

    imageIts raining today. Yuck but maybe that will settle down some of the dust and pollen. I have a colonoscopy tomorrow so I wont be talking long as I have started my prep. YUCK is all I can say! I hate taking that nasty crap!

    Mema I am sorry your not feeling well. Hugs and I hope you feel better soon.

    Dara I am glad your daddy is doing so well. I hope it continues and sorry you mom is having trouble with her allergies, I wish you lived closer and could do dragon boat racing with me. We would have a blast! I am glad you like my pictures. I love to take pictures. That is something I always wanted to do was to be a photographer.

    Lori your garden looks so good. We just tilled ours up and are getting ready to plant real soon. What all did you plant in yours. I do feel real proud to finally be on a team and to accomplish something. I feel like I have my life back.

    Cami we are having so much fun plannin g the wedding and it is a bizzare thing with my DIL pregnancy. She goes to the OB next week. Righ tnow its hard to be excited until we know for sure we can be.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2015

    on my way back.currently in amsterdam

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Another great day yesterday, so I went out and got stuff for a couple of containers for the deck.Now I have 3 kinds of lettuce and cucumber going on!Still pretty stiff this ayem, but not so bad as yesterday.

    Genny--The bc golf outing sounds like a blast!I bet it's something to see and lots of fun!Sounds like your pretty busy.I'm not doing the yoga regularly, yet, but working towards it.Feels so good to get stretched out in the mornings, or any time of day for that matter.

    Cammy--I'm hoping this will be a good garden year for me.Your weekend was really busy!Joey is so sweet and helpful, no wonder everyone wants him around!LOL at your cousin getting lost, amazing that she is up and driving!Glad you had a good time!

    Goldie--playing in the dirt, great fun for all ages!Glad things don't have to look fancy, cuz they don't, but it will work!Medicare covers 100 days of skilled care after 3 midnights as a hospital inpatient.I hope she takes what she learns there to heart when she is discharged back home.That is a great looking salad, sounds yummy, too!

    Mema--Welcome home, and so sorry you got the puke n poo.Not a great way to come home.Hope you had a good trip before the flu got you!

    Dara--Your day sounds like mine yesterday, only I got to the 70's.So sorry about your Mom's allergies, that can be so hard.Mustard on the hot dogs turning out to be pollen, wow!That's a lot of pollen!Happy rehab did so much good for you Dad.Praying he stays well and safe.BTW--the hurting is not from the Yoga, it's from the gardening.Yoga actually helps the stiffness by stretching things out, and I really should do some more of it but am too stiff!Here's to a gentle return to a full workload!

    Collett--colonoscopy prep, yuck, here's praying for a good result from the test itself!Planning stuff is fun!

    Juliet--safe travels!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Gorilla's Puke

    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz Bourbon


    Layer ingredients in a normal shot glass. Can be lit and shot through a straw.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Oh CRAP LDB (MemaSue) pun intended, he he he. But I iz sawry you mighten have the flu. No way to come home from a vacation. Feel better girl.

    No worries Wacko, I won't be posting too many foodie pics. Maybe some of stuff from the garden though. But you all see those on Facebook anyways. I only posted that cuz Ms Mary missed it. Glad your dad is doing good, I hope he keeps it up.

    Beautiful picture of you Nancy. So far in the garden I have onions, kale, parsley, oregano, thyme, watermelon, tomatoes and a variety of peppers.

    Julie's comin home! Safe travels girl.

    NM, that salad was yummy. I was affraid I wouldn't like it, but I did. The dressing is quite sweet.

    DH has left and I need to take my neighbor back home, she will be back later tonight.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015

    Hi girls, only quick pop-in, just got pooches walked have to do a quick straightenin up of my house then I'm gonna start painting the kitchen. DH gone for the day so I don't have to have him hovering and telling me the proper way to do it. Ha! It's such a guy thing. Forgot to tail you all that when I purged my clothes I found 2 nice tops in a small and had my DH take them to MIL dearest. She said, and I quote " why is she getting rid of these, is she getting bigger?" Ha!!..... though you'd all get a kick out of that one.

    Sue, glad to have you back, so sorry about the flu, hope you are better now.

    Nancy, love the pics, looks like great fun, and the wedding planning too.

    Cami, I just love your Joey.

    Juliet, see you soon.

    Hi to everybody else, maybe poop in tonight for a drink in the louge, I gotta a lot to accomplish to all!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning Ladies---Happy Cinco de Mayo, and I think we shold all have Pinatas filled with different types off likker in non breakable containers to celebrate. I should sell my brilliant ideas.

    Nancy I hope u'r butt invasion is over by now and everything goes well. I'm still in awe if u'r DIL sounds like a TV movie. Just get back on track and feel good.

    Oh SusyQ I hope u'r better today, lots better and u weren't sick on vacay at all. Just rest it out. And drink plenty of vitamin water.

    OH Julie's on her way home YYYAAAAYYYY

    Dara u sound like u'r acclameted to work fast getting a good post in without a worry. And like everyone I hope all goes well with u dad and it's good to have a nurse come out for him. And I always think u'r talk about u'r DD and baby when u can so I don't like to ask u all my usual questions, but u'r in my prayers.

    Lori I'm glad u didn't go this time, it might just make u more tired than u need to be and to have u'r friend come over is great for u. U'll feel better. That salad looked great, I love salads all kinds  but as was said this is a drinking thrad so tempting with food (except for me) won't happen.

    Now NM knows how t tempt the majority wit those grear DOTD'S and they are getting better, altho the names are quite intersting. NM I'm glad u weather if garden proof now--it seems like everyone loves to garden her which is great--One with nature, but does Sadie like to???

    Karen I hope u'r doing OK and can drink a little anyway. I't normal to loose u'r taste but a shme when it's lost for likker.

    Mary u'r MIL is a crak up, u have to enjoy her remarks by now. And I love all the pictures u gals put in, I'm not a pic person as u know, but I really enjoy everyone's family pics.

    Anyone know about Lara? It's been a while now.

    Well as I predicted the new phone is a distraction of my normal phone use. Boy give me the old fashioned one when u pushed a button and put people on hold, now I'm mastering in disconnection, I should be getting my PHD in no time  It's really not easy that I work for a genius and so is his brother who just invented something for Drs. to use for (I think) bladders and Dr.s want to invest in this, he's the younger one. They are wonderfully nice but really figure telling u once is more than enough No one knows where this came from, my cousin (their grandmother) is the one who got lost picking me up and she has that thing in the car and she's been here before.. But at least my boss never bothers me or get mad, he just laughs at the things I do--they're not funny to me but that's fine But seriously it's not easy working with a genius, I have to tell him to dumb things down. And socially he's way behind in daily talk. I'm teaching him how to talk like regular people otherwise he's boring to most and he didn't know that. He's so sweet he tries hard to talk about everyday things and he takes it well and doesn't get mad or upset with me.--Thank God. His mom (my cousin) says he's actually geting better- The brothers remind me of Sheldon on Big bang theory---but really handsome LOL Oh I did it again I made this all about my life and it's absolutely boring I know.

    OK I'll close for now---i lubs u all very much all the time 

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2015

    imageHappy Cinco De Mayo Girls!!! Terrific idea about the pinatas Cami!!!






  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited May 2015

    Afternoon everyone!

    Colonoscopy went as well as you can expect. The prep, OMG gross!! It was Suprep and it was very very nasty. I will stick to my Myrlax prep thank you. They found some polyups and took those out. Probably nothing. They also found Diverticulosis. I am supposed to call in 4 days for results.

    Lori your garden sounds yummy. We are going to plant cucumbers, green beans, green pepers, speg. squash, tomatos, onions, pumpkins, cabbage

    Julie glad your on your way back. Hope you had a great time with your parents.

    Mema how are you feeling? I hope better.

    Lynn hows your spring going? Any of your boys go to Prom?

    Im still sleepy from what they gave me and falling back to sleep so anyone I missed just know I love youall

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    Hello goils,

    Happy Cinco de Mayo goils! I am gonna grab me a few of those dwinkies, yummy!

    NM, glad you are not sore from yoga, I would think that muscles could hurt from doing it but what do I know. Good for you in getting all of your plants in.

    Nancy, you look awesome in that pic. You really look relaxed and happy, so glad for ya. What a difference a month makes, eh?

    Lori, tanks for not messing with mese JD, I needs ebery sip I can git. Ya know I was jest kidding about the food pic, messing with you for old times sake. Remember our Allison posting her recipes in busting on a prior loungette, one we tossed out hehehe! No names will be mentioned. oh am I bad, nothing new.

    Genny, good luck with the painting. It sounds like you prefer doing it alone. I hope it goes fast and turns out perfect. Don't foyget to post pics of your new kitchen, your fans are anxious!

    Julie, you visiting Willie there in Amsterdam? Damn, I sure would.

    Hello to everyone else, hope your day is going well. I gotta run, time to git back to work!
