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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    oops, did not refresh and see the new page, hi Cam hi 4! talk latah!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2015

    back and in work! Still on kindle so see you all later

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Another lovely morning, all the deck veggies and plants are thriving.The raised bed plants were very happy yesterday afternoon when I got home from work.Sadie is running herself to exhaustion supervising all the neighborhood activities and sleeping like a log at night,she was so deeply asleep last night she peed the bed and then didn't wake up while I was stripping it to wash the sheet and mattress protector!Her hooman forgot her anti-incontinence pill this week.Poor baby!

    Goldie--that was a very pretty salad, glad it tasted good, too!

    Genny--Your MIL is a pip, that's for sure!Have fun painting!

    Cammy--I celebrated Cinco de Mayo with a big Margarita when I got home from work!It was good!Love the Pinata filled with likker idea!Sadie likes digging in the dirt, is that the doggy equivalent of gardening?She did "help" with the deck pots but standing nearby and supervising, and inspecting everything to see if it was edible.I hope she doesn't figure out she can eat the lettucebefore I get to harvest some!And I don't think there's anything wrong with posting food pics on a drinking thread, we all have to eat, too!I get a kick with the way you describe the brothers, too funny!And you are not boring, I look forward to your updates!


    Collett--welcome to the world of diverticulosis!I think most of us of colonoscopy age have it.Have a nice nap!

    Dara--one of the nice things about Yoga is you pay attention to your body.You take a stretch just to the point of discomfort but no further, and you can even back off just a hair, hold itthere, breathe into the posture and let the stretch lengthen as the muscles relax.Over time you get much more limber, if you do it regularly, which I don't really.It's not competitive, which I like.Yoga stretching can actually help ease muscle aches from overuse.

    Julie--Welcome Back!!!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Cinco de Mayo Recipe Ingredients

    2 oz Tequila

    1 oz Lime Juice

    1 oz Grenadine


    Shake well with lots of ice. Strain into glass. Garnish with fresh lime wedge if desired.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning Ladies---up to early had to pee, now I'll be muggy all day,well worse than usual.

    OK someone clear something up for me when u'r planting what does speg. stand for. First thing I thought of was speghetti I can't even spell that word. Jees to bad we're not neighbors.

    Nancy I'm glad that horror of drinking that stuff is over, it makes me gag, one time I got pills and it was great, then I herd that isn't done any more and it was just 2 yrs before the next one I had. I didn't quite understand why--the pills were great, maybe there was something wrong with that method, but not to me. OK now u have divert., oh great, u'll have to watch certain things that u plant that u can't eat I think. I know my SIL has to watch some things--just what u need now. Well as long as everything else is OK cuz that's what we all want.

    Dara it's HUMP DAY (I think) s u'r half way thru the week, u'r first full week, I hope u'r energy level is good. U sound good anyway and I hope when u get home everything is good with u'r dad too.

    We're possed to get ner 80 this week?? and my other DD s opening up her pool, she's over excited, but it is heated so maybe she'll start enjoying it. As long as the humidity is low that's fine with me. Leslie has a big test tomorrow night, she's studying like crazy already. I'll be happy when this school is over, it's tuff around here LOL

    SusyQ hope u feel better today.

    I hope everybody has a good day today.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Cami, you are a genius! And you should be RICH with all of your great ideas! Love the likker filled pinatas! As for not going to the show, I have gone for many years and it's usually all the same stuff. And it's walking all day long, and I just didn't know how my hip would do. I don't need to aggravate the Rat BasTURD. Andj your life is anything but boring and we love your stories.

    Oh I forgot to comment to Mary about her MIL's comment. That is just too funny. And Mary is not big at all!! I can vouch for that.

    I think I want to wear a sombrero!

    Nancy, what is this Suprep? Glad all went as well as expected for the heiny scope. I don't much care for spaghetti squash, but I do grow some butternut. I just love getting food from the garden! Just wish I could have it all year around.

    Wacko, as long as you show up in de lounge I will not mess wif your JD. I hope your dad continues to do well. Has the nurse been there yet?

    Julie, home and at work already??? You need a little vacation time from vacation!

    NM, I think Sadie digging in the dirt is her way of gardening, and I hope she doesn't get into your lettuce!

    Cami, you are right, it's spagetti squash. It's sort of stringy like spaghetti. And many vegetarians will use it just like you would spaghetti noodles. I just didn't think it had much taste. Only tried it once though. Good luck to Leslie on her test. How is Joey and the violin?

    Having a great time with my neighbor. She said she might just stay at her place tonight, she feels like she's bothering me. I told she was nuts and that I am really enjoying it. She is 74. Worked mese EWWA off yesterday, packing orders and going to the post office. Today shouldn't be quite so cray cray.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    Hi girls, happy humpdey!

    Julie, welcome home.

    Lori, where you be?? I gonna take yer Miller Lite away har har har!

    NM, congrats on the heat wave, woo hooo!

    Cam, I love and miss your rants.

    Well a sad day here, mese Dad is gonna have to go back to the home on a more permanent level. He took two falls yesterday, has peed the bed the past two nights, bled all over his clothes and my furniture and is having such a hard time. It hurts so much to do it to him but it is for the best :( 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2015

    will follow up later so tired tonight. got my nurses day gift today a bonsai tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    Happy Nurses Day NM, Julie and Karen, chEErS!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015

    Hi ladies, and a happy hump day to ya all. Got the kitchen painted yesterday, looks good, all we have left to do is hang stuff on walls and get new window tx's. Yes, MIL is funny, it really does cwack me up. Going to get my little miss Nora on Friday morning and keep her all night...can't wait!

    Lori, so glad you decided to stay home and not do all that walking. How's it going with the FU pills so far? I pray for you everyday and hope you tolerate the tx w/out too much BS. Glad you are having a good time with yer little buddie's mom. I'm not much for spaghetti squash either, I'd rather have julianed zucchini.

    Dara, so sorry to hear about your dad but it does sound as tho he can no longer be left alone. I'm sure it's a hard thing for you all to face. Hope work is going ok. Love the nursie weiner dog.

    Cami. yay for opening the pool, soon you can get in and keep everybody on their toes to keep you from falling over and drowning!

    NM, Don't know if painting was fun, but it's done. I took Emma to the park yesterday, we went over to the woods away from everything.. well I motioned that we were going back to the car and as I was walking there, Emma just bolted..all the way to the next field where there was a baseball game. Acted like she'd never heard the word "come" in her life. Anyway, she ran onto the field and stopped a little league game. Then I called again and she ran back to me...coaches did not look happy. Geesh I was embarrased.

    Anyway, I'm yawning and too sleepy to type...Hi Nancy and Juliet and everybody...fading fast. Love to all!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2015




    Funny nurse images facebook


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good morning,Loungettes!Going to get up to, maybe, 80 degrees today!Yahoo!And I'm going to see Camelot on stage this evening.Can't wait to see it, the previews look fantastic, and I love theater.Going to be such a treat!

    Cammy--I'd rather wake up in the middle of the night to pee that get up early to pee.Actually, I'd rather not get up at all during the night, but that goes without saying."Speg"?The closest I can think of is sphagnum moss, used to lighten garden soil and hold moisture, but that doesn't fit "speg".Good luck to Leslie on the big test. School can be stressful!

    Goldie--So far Sadie hasn't touched the lettuce on the deck.She's too busy getting things out of the kitchen sink!Yesterday I picked up 2 knives, a bowl, a casserole dish and a spoon from the yard.I have really got to get the dishwasher working again!Aha, you know what "speg" is, I knew someone would!Glad the business is busy, that means profit for you, right?Also glad today won't be so cray cray.

    Dara--Good morning!So sorry to hear your Dad didn't do well at home.I know it's a sad and hard time, but he needs to be safe, and you need to know he's safe.

    Juliet--A bonsai, how wonderful!Now get some rest!

    Thank you, Dara!

    Genny--Hooray for getting the kitchen painted!And a whole overnight with Nora, woo hoo!What a way to start a weekend!Sounds like Emma wanted to play ball!They are good at selective hearing, aren't they.I can call Sadie and she will wag her tail to let me know she heard me, and keep right on doing whatever she is doing.Infuriating sometimes.

    Thank you, 4sew!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Nurse Recipe


    10 cl Vodka

    5 cl Licor 43


    Pour vodka and licor 43 over 2 - 3 ice cubes in a highball glass. Stir and fill with with root beer. Serve with a straw.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning Ladies==

    Ju;ie u'r back but have to work right away==oh I hope u get some rest.

    Oh Lori I've had that squash, not a big fan. I thought u being home meant u were taking it easier but it sounds like u did work u'r ewwa off. but I'm glad u'r friend was there. Please take some days easier than others, sometimes u have to. I don't like worrying about u, u'r to far from me.

    Mary I didn't think u were painting it u'rself? Holy chit that's a lot of work, but having Nora will make u feel great as it should.

    Dara I'm so sorry about u'r dad, but it's so much better than worrying about him every minute. U know when I was little no one could or would send their prents to a home, but all mothers were home and dgts were home to for mom and dads, then too no one lived as long either (sounds terrible) but like my parents they loved much longer and my dad had to go to a home, it broke  our hearts but it worked out for the best, we all worked and he was close so someone was always cheking up on him-I took care of him as long as I could and when I look back I never feel guilty cuz I did the best I could. That's all we an do.

    NM I like the DOTD sounds more like a fountain drink. ooo enjoy u'r theater tonight. And Sadie cracks me up. She's so much fun. Poosed to be 84 here today--kind of warm but we'll see.

    SusieQ I hope u'r feeling better really soon.

    Everyone have a good day--I lubs u all so much.

    Hey Nancy hope u'r doing well.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning girls! Off and running but wanted to poop in and send LUBS and HUGZ!!


    I appreciate the fact you all came into my life Happy


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Wacko, I wuz right dere above you, so you can not take mese alcohmahol. Besides, I don't buy Miller Light, dat was our sweet Junie's beer of choice. I just buy da cheap stuff, but currently do not have any, so nutting for you to take away. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad, but you are right, it is for the best. What is causing the bleeding? Will he get his spot back with your mom?

    Mary, "BS" is a much better term to use instead of SE's! I like it! I don't think I will know about the increased dose until my week off. That is when it hit me before. But so far, not too bad. I do get to feeling a little woozy sometimes, but I just pretend I am drunk! Funny about Emma running over to the ball game. Do you think she just wanted to see the kids? Please take some pics of Nora, and maybe some video??? She is such a little angel baby.

    NM, what a great treat for yourself. I know you do a lot of things by yourself, is this one of them? Do enjoy! DH is home, so NO, today will not be so cray cray, but yesterday was, more than I thought it would.

    Awww Cami, you are too sweet. You don't have to worry about me, I'm fine. And I do not do anything I shouldn't. I was just busy those two days with packing orders and of course answering the phone. Now all of you in the east are getting warmer weather than me!

    Karen, how's it goin?

    LDB, I too hope you are feeling better.

    Julie, I hope you got rested up. Do tell us about your trip.

    Bonnie and I have enjoyed each others company very much. She was telling me that her son (my lil buddy) wanted to send his dad a letter. And she tried to explain to him that you can't write to someone where his dad is. She tried to tell him that he was in a spiritual world, where they didn't have paper and pens. Well he was adimant about it, and said that his Aunt Naomi (his dad's sister) could send it and just address it to the "Spiritual World". He didn't write much, only about 3 lines, but one was asking his dad if he was going to be here for his birthday. Just breaks my heart, he just doesn't understand. His mom told him that I missed  him and that I would like to see him. He said tell her I said hi, but I'm not going up there.

    I guess I missed the "Nurses Day". I didn't know if that was for real or not. I did see stuff on FB, but sometimes you see that kind of stuff every week. Like daughters day and such, so I wasn' sure. But I do know we have the best nurses around.

    Almost bumped ya 4, this bitch is here and I'll take one of those brewski's!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Am starting to feel more like a human now.  Sounds like everyone just about is having decent days.

    Happy Nurses Day to all our wonderful nurses…love you all and sooo thankful you are with us. 

    Nancy - one thing on top of another, will it ever end.  I have divert too, it is a pita, pun intended.  (((Nancy)))

    Dara Dahhhling -  I’ll b a feelin better soonliest n will b able to join u in some libation….prolly killa.  Sounds like things going ok? At work for you. Eh?  Still sending lots of prayers for you dad and mom too…muah!

    Cami - I’m doing better.Thank you!  Praying Leslie does well on her big test tonight.

    NM - I’m cwacking up over what Sadie can get out of the sink.  Had a shepherd once that pulled a 13x9 baking dish out of the sink.  It was glass with no rims, always wondered how he got it out without breaking it.  Hope you get your dishwasher running again soon.

    Julie - congrats on the bonsai…lol.

    4 - lmao all the posts….too funny.

    Lowee - Sounds like u having a pretty good time and what a sweet lil buddy, poor thing, just can’t understand, gotta b so hard.  Your garden looks gr8!

    Got cleaning lady coming today so I better go clean before she gets here….LOL!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Well everyone is tired I suppose.

    SusyQ I'm glad u'r feeling more human, that's a nice feeling, u sound pretty good too.

    Everyone is so busy which is good.

    OK it was HOT here today, so I'm done with summer I was actually sweating a little, don't like that one bit, I'd rather be cold and cuddling.

    Joey's concert turned out good, for about 15 seconds the claraneters stood up and were on their own--no one squeeked, a shocking moment. I love how none of the kids watch the conductor at all. and he was so dramatic. He was fun to see.

    Well that's it for me--do u realize we were all born in the last century.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    Hi girls,

    Jest checking in right quick. Dad is all settled in at his new home and is enthusiastic about it! I can't help but have some guilt but I tink that is a natural feeling. and Yes, I am up late bcuz it is friedey eve! yippee! the weeks are going so fast.

    Sue, glad you starting to feel better, hoping you keep improving.

    Thanks all for the words of support, they feel good unlike mese non-supportive bra hehe. ok, not too funny, i twy but weak in mese funny stuff on dis solemn night.

    A big group hug to all mese goils. And Lori, please don't take mese likker or else I will have the dee tee's or whateber dey is. And hope you feeling good still.

    Cam, wow, you are right, we are all 20th centurians. hmm, interesting. Ok, I is tripping over a bunch of sleeping dwunks, time to grab a hammock and crash out with a hot tender. Have a great friedey goils. Peace be with you all. And so it goes......


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Dragging my butt out of bed after a late night last night.Went to see Camelot on stage, very good show, but my seat was so far away I really couldn't see facial expressions or costumes very well.I still enjoyed the show, and now I know where to get seats next time.But I am tired this ayem and had to pry myself out of bed after hitting the snooze button a few times.

    Cammy--Sadie is a lot of fun, I have to admit.I am very glad she chose me to be her hooman!

    4--Good mornng!

    Goldie--Yup, this was a solo activity.If I waited for someone to do things with I'd never get to do anything!Aww, your lil buddy is so sweet, and wanting to write a letter is so adorable and so heartbreaking.Yes, this really is Nurses' week and Nurses Day is also Florence Nightingale's birthday, if I recall correctly.

    Mema--hooray for feeling more human!I'm not sure how Sadie gets some of the stuff out of the sink, too!I guess the lesson is to keep the dishes caught upand put away!

    Cammy--tired is an understatement!Yippee for Joey's squeakless concert, and the mental picture of a dramatic conductor being totally ignored!

    Dara--So glad your Dad is settling in at his new home.Guilt is natural, but will fade over time.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Alarm Clock

    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz Jagermeister

    4 oz Red Soda


    Pour all ingredients into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Stir, and serve.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning Ladies!

    Happy Nurses Day Kim and Julie and anyone else I missed.

    Lori Suprep is a new bowel prep out there. It is two 6 ounce bottles of nasty tasting shit excuse me but it You take the first bottle and pour it in this 16 oz cup they give you then fill it the rest of the way with cool water. Mix it up and drink it. Then filll that same cup with two more cups of water that you have to drink in an hour. It taste like soapy salty cherry soada. The only way I got it down was to chase it with some La Croix Water.

    Dara I am sorry that your dad has to go back to the home. It will be better for you and for him though. I know how hard it is though. I have been there. Not with a parent though so I am sure it is much harder to put your own parent there than it is a grandparent. Love ya.

    4 Roomie!! Hope your doing awsomely well! Cant wait to meet up you will have to let me know when you are coming in for the cruise. I am wanting to come in a day or two early since our weather here is so unpredictable.

    Julie welcome back home! Hope you had a great time.

    Mema I am glad you are feeling better. Love ya!!

    My results came back from the colonoscopy and no cancer yay!! I was aksed to model in the Pink Ribbon Connections Fashion Show Lunchon this Fall so I will be doing that Oct 10 and they want my Breast Surgeon to Model with me, so we will see if he does. I have to sell a table of 10 for the fashion show so will see how it goes. I hope I can do it. I also joined LA Fitness yesterday and got me a trainer. I loved it!! It felts so good to be able to exercise again! I feel like I am getting my life back again! I am trying to qualify for a race in Sarasota in Sept with the paddle boat racing and we have to have 150 min of exercise above and beyond what we do in practice. So wish me luck!!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited May 2015

    Oh and the wedding is now set for June 3, 2016, (Date changed after we finally got the venue) and it will be at the RItz Charles here are some pictures of the venue and I need your opinion girls. I found this dress I like and need to know if you think its too much, like too overpowering.


    This is the chapel at the Ritz where they will be married in we will do flower all down the isle and a runner and an arch with flowers at the alter


    This is the Garden Pavillion for the reception



    This is what we kinda are doing for the chapel minis the stuff haning from the celing but we are going to do that in the reception and in the reception we do want the drapery maybe. Its alot of money to rent.


    Here is the dress I want tell me what you think.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    LDB, you're cleaning for the cleaning lady?? You goof ball. But I would do the same thing...hehehe! Glad you are doing better.

    Cami, making us all sound old, being born last century. I don't like sweating, but I don't like cold. I'll take the heat. So glad the concert went well and that you were able to make it.

    Wacko, is dad with mom? Glad he is happy about it. Not taking your likker, you being a good girl and coming to belly up to the bar.

    NM, I figured you would be going solo. But a shame you can't count on some friends to go with. Iffin I was there, I would gladly tag along wif you. Oh my on that DOTD, vodka, jager and red pop!!!

    Hmmm Nancy, soapy/saltly red pop...ick! The stuff I had sort of tasted like gatorade, also had to take a pill, which made me pukey. Just glad you gots it done and over with. You go girl, modleing, exercising and boat racing. Glad you feel like you are getting your life back. Picture of the dress is tiny, but it looks gorgeous. I wore a long dress for my step daughters wedding, so why not. Order it and see how you like it and of course you have to share with us. Then if you don't like it, send it back. But you better have a stand by!

    DH wants to leave this morning for town. Getting down to low 30's tonight, so have to cover all my plants, just in case! I would be REALLY BUMMED if they died!

    Happy FRIEDay.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    Hi girls,

    It is friedey, wooopie! Time to sailabrate the weekend. Hoping you will all sailabrate with me!

    I had a good day at work, did a few more courses and did well. I made contact with most of my borrowers. I have a few pain in the asses but most are nice people this round. My day went by very fast and I stayed awake lol.

    Nancy, I am so glad you are feeling so much better. You sound great. I love the venue you picked for the wedding. And the dress is lovely. Congrats on your modeling gig. You are really looking great. I could not be more happy for ya.

    Cam, congrats to Joey and his fellow band mates, specially the clarinet section for not squeaking. I too am glad you got to see him in concert. I hope all is well for you and with your family. Thanks for your support and love re my Daddy. It IS hard. Goes for all you girls, can't say enough how much I appreciate having you all to talk to.

    NM, wow, a heat wave in Maine, I will dwink to that. brb. ~ hiccup. oh yum! Your Sadie is such a character. She has a very unique talent in snatching cook wear and utensils from the sink. that is so funny. Are you working this weekend or do you have off?

    Lori, tanks for letting me keep mese alcamahol. I need every drop of it. I just made one, stopped and bought a big ass bottle on mese way home from work. Wow, it is going to be cool there. I would not think of AZ as being cold this time of year. you get some crazy weather. I hope your crops fare well in the cold. too bad you have to put the protectors on them but thank God you have them. How are you feeling? This is your week on right?

    Genny, I tink you have lil Nora this weekend. Do share some more pics of her. I jest love that little one and I am jealous that you get to hold your grand daughter. I will in time. I have a feeling that it is coming soonliest for me.What a funny story about Emma running on to the field and peesing off de coaches!

    Sue, thanks for the prayers for Mom and Dad. I tink they working sincen now they are both safely placed into a perfect place. Glad you feeling human, hope you start feeling good goil. Muah!

    Hello to Julie, please report when you have a minute. Your quick check ins are ok but watch out, Ms Lori mighten take yer likker.

    Hello to 4sew. Hope all is well with you and the family.

    And a hello to Karen, hope treatment is going well. Pleae report into de lounge and let us know how you are doing.

    I hope I did not miss anyone. Mese a widdle buzzed righten now. Well mese cousin jest pulled in,, time to partay! ... that is after we tell the dogs what day it is! I have a ritual on fridays where I dance and jump up and down when telling the dogs it is friedey night!

    cheers my lovlies!

  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2015

    hello ladies- Yay it's Friday- it's been a busy week- first few days were miserable I had absolutely no energy but by Thursday I started to feel better and today I had a normal work day which was good. I love these few close to normal days before next treatment- people at work all told me I looked good so that made me feel better as well- had my LFTs drawn today - no results yet but they were out of wack last week despite no wine for a month- ugh- ladies have a cocktail for me pleeez!!!!!!!!!

    It's MD ladies I hope you all have big plans- Dara I'm so sorry you have had such a difficult week with you dad- it's so hard to watch our parents age- both of mine passed away years ago - but I still remember the time before where there was a reversal of roles and suddenly I was the caretaker- so hard and heart breaking- it does sound like you have him in a good safe place . Glad to hear you are managing back at work as well.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited May 2015

    Hello everyone hope your Friday is going well.

    Lori I really hope it doesn't get too cold that would totally suck if you had to replant your garden. That would make you made wouldn't it? Do you live up in the mountains?

    Hi Karen I know it's hard when your going through treatment. Hang in there though there is light at the end of the tunnel.

    Mary I hope you have a great Mothers Day with lil Nora this weekend.

    Cami I think every Conuctor I've seen has been very dramatic with goofy hair and they always crack me up. I'm glad Joeys program went well.

    Sue I'm glad your feeling better.

    NM has all the snow melted yet? Remember we were joking it would be June before it would all melt?

    I took some Engagement pictures of the kids tonight. Here are a few of them





  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Everything here is greening up and looking so pretty, it's so nice to see all the buds and leaves peeking out.Looking to get some yard work done after Pearl's appointment for an oil change and tire rotation.

    Collett--that Suprep sounds absolutely horrible. I wasn't crazy about the Miralax prep, but at least it tasted like the Gatorade I mixed it in and not like icky stuff.HOORAY for no cancer on the heiny scope!And being asked to model at the Luncheon, what a compliment! And all that exercise, you must feel GREAT!Wow, what a beautiful venue for the wedding.I think that dress is marvelous!Elegant with some sparkle to make it celebratory.Very fitting to the venue and not at all bride-like so it won't compete at all with the Bride and her gown.I think it's a great choice!

    Goldie--If I bought 2 tickets for thingsI bet I could find someone to go with me,but after all these years I don't mind going by myself, and buying 2 tickets gets expensive for some shows.It would be rude to ask someone to go with me and then ask them to pay for the ticket, wouldn't it?Do protect those plants, be a shame to lose them after all the work of putting them in!

    Dara--glad the work day went fast and was filled with nice people!Sadie and I have this weekend off from work, except for a bunch of paperwork to finish for yesterday's admission.I plan to do that while Pearl is getting her oil changed.Have fun with Cuz!

    Karen--Glad you had a good couple of days!

    Collett--Most of the snow has melted. There are a very few spots left with snow still melting!Don't think they'll make it to June, though, and that's a good thing! Those are great pics, especially the third one.So pretty and so handsome!

    Happy Mother's Day Weekend to all the Moms!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Mother Moo

    4 cl Licor 43

    1 oz Milk


    Pour the licor 43 into a highball glass over two ice cubes. Fill with milk, and add a stirring pin.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

    Licor 43

    A sweet, bright yellow citrus/vanilla flavored spanish liqueur made from a combination of 43 ingredients, including citrus and fruit juices, herbs, spices and vanilla.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Wacko, I'm doing ok. Yes this is my 2 weeks on, I wish it were only 1. Next week will tell more, or even my week off. You mighten get to see and hold that sweet grandson of yours? Oh how I am praying for that for you. You have missed so much precious time. Ha ha, love your dance to the dogs. BTW, how is Lucy?

    Hey Karen, I will be more than happy to drink for you. What are LFT's? I guess I could look it up. I'm thinking liver function...yep, I am so smart! How many more treatments? I think you are every 2 weeks. I did every 3 weeks, made it much easier.

    Nancy, I do live in the mountains, at 6000'. Wow, those pictures are so good. You must have a really nice camera! Gorgeous couple too.

    NM, I hadn't thought about buying two tickets, nor asking someone to go and then they pay their own way, but I certainly wouldn't expect a person to pay my way if they asked me to go somewhere.

    Well it fricken snowed here this morning! Of course it melted as soon as it hit the ground, as the ground is so warm. Temps got down to 25. We covered everything yesterday, so all should be fine. No plans here for Mothers Day, how about everyone else?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Was just looking at that DOTD NM, quite interesting, to say the least. I wonder what it really tastes like, or if it's expensive. Mixing alcohol with milk just doesn't sound right, unless it's like a White Russian or sumting.

  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2015

    hello ladies - what a beautiful day it is here in Seattle !!

    Ncollet - beautiful engagement pix!

    Goldie - you got it - liver functions- today I am celebrating yesterday's test was back to normal so yay!! I have 2 more of these harsh chemo a to get through and then 12 weeks of taxol but I'm told that is easier than this one so I'm hoping that is true!!

    Have a wonderful weekend- I will join the toast with my tea for now but look forward to happy hour one day soon!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2015

    good news Karen

    Love the dress Nancy

    Glad your dad is in the best place for him data

    Back on the kindle as computer is playing up so bbl

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Woke to dreary skies and rain.  At least it’s not crazy windy like yesterday.  My DH sprang on me last night that today is his last day.  WTF!!  Nah, I really don’t care, that place is running down and one of the owners insists on a son working there.  He is an immature little jerk with absolutely no people skills.  Already lost 2 employees, 1 been there over 10 years.  It’s a mother ‘enabling’ her son to hell with the bar or it’s customers…a real shame.  I say I don’t care now, but mayb after a few weeks of us being 24/7 together I might start to unravel…heehee.

    Oh and ladies….I deleted my FB account.  Was jes getting on my nerves.  Threw away 4million coin and then over 400,000 loyalty points.  But I cudn’t see a time when I’d use em…so no biggie to me.

    Cami - u wouldn’t like it here if u don’t like warm weather.  We are rainy and in the 60’s now but our summer will b coming on like gangbusters soon.  Loved hearing about Joey and his concert…congrats!

    Dara dahhhling….really!?! Dad is enthusiastic….hooooraaayyy….gotta make you feel a little better.  Glad your work week went well….but it’s Sa-turd-ay…time for dwinkies…bottoms up girlfriend!!

    NM - sounds so cool, Camelot.  Never seen a live professional play, bet it was exciting.  Good for you for going solo.

    Nancy - Yippee on no colorectal cancer.  Know what a load off the mind that is.  Exciting news about joining LA Fitness and the modeling gig….you’ll be terrific!!  OMG, that Ritz chapel is gorgeous.  I love the dress, it’s stunning, only rule is you can’t have a prettier dress than the bride.  Am sure the whole affair will be beautiful!  The bride and groom pics are gorgeous, will make a beautiful couple.  Is Samarah going to be a flower girl?

    Lowee - LOL, I know, but I have to straighten up things or I don’t feel right.  Hope you got your plants covered.  And here I thought nothing but warm to warmer days so I put up all my warm clothes.  Ahh but the heat will come that’s for sure.  Did dh get to LV ok yest?  Oh I see u did get plants covered.  My kids are coming here tomorrow take me to dinner and visit. 

    Karen - you sound like you’re doing pretty good under the circumstance.  Glad to hear good news on ur LFT’s.  You sound positive and that is important, so try and stay that way k.  When u’r able to dwink jes let us kno and we’ll partay at the HTL.

    Julie - Ahoy bunkmate!  I will have to see if I can remember my password to this site and see if I can get it on my kindle. 

    Have a GR8 weekend....cHeerS and tits up!!