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  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015

    Hi girls, been real busy but I'm back now. Think I'm pretty much caught up. Had a great time with my little sweetie and may I just mention again that I know why parenting is for the young....phew, what a workout, and I only had her for a day and a half! Tomorrow I'm hoping to get out and start my garden. Cray cray weahter here, broken records last 2 days in the 90's! guess I sneezed and missed spring!

    Dara, so glad your dad is accepting his new home, sounds like you are having a harder time with the adjustment than he is. Sounds like work is ok too. Have fun with your cousin tonight, how are things going for her and DH? Nora is a joy for sure, I hope you get to wrap your arms around little David soon. Any new news with you and your DD?

    Nancy, wow, I'm impressed, sounds like you are really determined! Good luck with the qualifying race! And the wedding venue, beautiful! And the dress, you'll be able to show off those nice rowing arms! Great photos, your DS and future DIL are such a good looking couple. Yay for clean hineyscope!

    Sue, glad to hear you're feeling better, oh my 24/7 with DH?..Does he have any hobbies. Molly's DH is retired and he would be perfectly happy to be joined at her hip, drives her crazy. My DH would always be doing something, golfing or therapy dog stuff. Hopefully the 2 of you can have fun together and it'll be nice.

    Lori, so, hoping the BS is not too bad. Wow, 30 degrees at night? Meanwhile we are having a crazy/hot spring, all of a sudden. Hope your mom is doing ok... one day at a time I guess, huh? Still have to get those pics of my kitchen, everything is done but the window tx's, having the same guy that did my living room come and do them.

    OK, started this yesterday, now gonna finish up.

    NM, glad you enjoyed the play even if the seats weren't the best. Yay for spring, I've heard the hummingbirds are here and I haven't even gotten my feeders out yet. It happened so fast! Hoping to spend today in the yard, altho it is sposed to rain at some point.

    Karen, sorry to hear about your SE's. I hope this LFT is much improved. Chemo sucks, there is just nothing good to say about it except that eventually you'll be done. I remember when I had my last round and everyone was so happy for me and congratulating me and all I could think was that I still had to feel like shit for the next 3 weeks. But then I started to feel good again, so hang in there, it does end.

    Cami, kids concert sounds nice, yay for no squeaking! I'm sure Joey is looking forward to the summer. Yes, not only was I born in the last century but it was the middle of the last century. Hard to believe how much the world has changed since even the 80's. None of us would have been able to meet back then. Hope you are feeling good and no D. How's it going with the 2 phones?

    Juliet, glad to have you back, you've been so busy you prolly feel like you need another vacay by now.

    Lynn, glad to see you pop your head in. School out soon, does that calm things down for you or make things even more busy?

    Has anybody heard anything from Lara?

    Happy Mother's Day to all you moms and Happy Belated Nurses Day to all you nurses. Have a wonderful Sunday, love to all!!

    Got a cute video of her and Emma I'll be putting on FB soon


    Her 1st ice cream cone, she about had a fit when I took it from her to remove the paper.


    Papa and Nora watching cartoons together.


    This is Junior's pool, (she calls him Neenee) she saw him get in and thought it was a pretty good idea. She ended up naked and playing in it with her bathtub toys by the time it was over.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015
  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015
  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good foggy Morning, Loungettes!Actually, the fog is clearing off pretty quickly and it's already hit 50 degrees, so going to be nice today.Supposed to get some showers, but that's not a big deal.I picked up stuff yesterday to make a fairy garden, that's going to be today's fun project.The plants are doing nicely, and I've got plans to make a bulb garden using Sadie's old wading pool.It's cracked so it won't hold water--we got 3 summers out of it, not bad for a $10 piece of plastic--and needs to be replaced anyway.So I'm going to cut the bottom out and use the rim to make a raised bed for bulbs.Got to do some research so I have something blooming from spring through summer.

    Goldie--It snowed there?Yuck!You officially have worse winter weather than Maine now!Glad you got everything covered.Hate to see you lose all that work!I am constantly amazed at what I find when I do my DOTD searches.I usually put in a key word, trying to relate to the conversation on the thread or something relevant, and up pop the darnedest things sometimes.I've never heard of Licor 43, but it sounds interesting.Not sure what it would taste like, let alone with milk!


    Karen--YEAH for normal LFT's!Amazing what our livers can learn to handle when it's challenged!Hoping Taxol is easier.


    Juliet--Nice to have the Kindle as back up, even if it doesn't type as well!


    Mema--Wow, sounds like that business is heading for going out ofbusiness if mama keeps enabling sonny boy.But then, enabling mammas often thing their deadbeat offspring are better than anyone and anything else in the world and never do figure it out.Too bad your DH got caught up in it.I hear you about the FB account.I've got to go through and block some crap and delete some "friends" and get mine back under control.I'm getting stuff from people I've never heard of and really don't care to know and just want to keep up with friends and people I DO know.It can get out of hand really fast.Camelot was fun, I wish I had been close enough to see details of the costumes and facial expressions, but I loved listening to the singing and watching the tech people with their very fancy computerized music and lighting.


    Genny--I think we all blinked, or sneezed, or turned around and missed spring!Straight into summer we went!Playing with the little ones is so much fun, but very tiring.If only that energy could be bottled!Oh, boy, hummingbirds!I need to get my feeder out, they usually show up here in early May.What is it about toddlers and getting naked?Looks like she's having fun!


    Happy Mother's Day to all you Moms!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Mother Cocktail


    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz Gin

    1 oz Grenadine

    1 oz Sweet and Sour Mix


    Mix gin, vodka, grenadine and sour mix together in a shaker. Pour into a collins glass with ice, filling from half to three-quarters full. Top with beer, to taste, and serve.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Well, most of the pics came through!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Karen, the taxol is a bit easier to tolerate. For me, I seemed to have more issues with the nuelasta and taxol. Sometimes my legs would just feel like jello and I had a bit more bone pain. But we are all different, so don't "expect" these SE's for yourself.

    Julie, I hope you get a day off soon and can relax, enjoy and have a cider.

    LDB, that wind moved down my way. I swear, it's been windy all week, but that is spring in our neck of the woods. I hope all goes well on that 24/7 with DH! No more FB? How come? I don't play the Vegas game anymore, but no way could I delete my account, I love seeing pictures from my friends and sharing mine, which is mostly all I do on there. DH was in Vegas T/w. Have fun wif your kiddos, wish I could say the same thing.

    Mary OMG, I had to quit reading your post and scroll down to see if you had any pics of Nora, as I couldn't see them without scrolling. She is SOOOOO cute! And she really is getting into that ice cream! Weather has surely switched, cool for Sue and I, hot in the midwest and east, so strange. Actually it's typical for us.

    Gosh it's quiet in here. We know where Wacko is, sincin her cuz is there. NM and Sadie are prolly sleeping in. Cami, not sure. But I might have to go after her Brandy. I hope Lara is ok, I do not have a contact number for her. Nancy, we know you just have a lot going on. Oops, there you are NM. Glad I turned around to look behind me.

    NM, I used to buy plants from Bluestone Perinials. I believe you can look for flowers for your area, by color, and bloom time. Going to these trade shows, I have seen a bunch of the fairy stuff, and they are so so cute. Please share a picture when it's done. Hopefully Sadie will leave it along. Searching for a drink, you do the same thing I do. Cute kindle cartoon for Julie.

    DH and I went to the movies yesterday, saw Fugitive with Reese Witherspoon. Funny movie. The next one we will be seeing, and I can't wait, is San Andreas. 3D. Have any of you seen the comercials? I too wish you all a Happy Mothers Day! I think I'll do some cleaning, laundry and a little planting. Still have some seeds to plant for my squashes and cukes.

    Tits up and cheers!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Happy Mother’s Day everyone, or at least all us mothers out there.  Well, dh didn’t quit yesterday, the bosses want to talk to him 1st.  Yest was the bar’s 8th anniversary and they had a party and gave away $1000.  Things were jes too hectic yest, so idk.

    NM - DOTD sounds interesting, love all the pics.  You are so right about some parents and that ‘he’ can do no wrong is exactly how they feel.  Gr8 idea for the plastic pool rim, don’t think I would have thought about that.  Would love to see a pic of the finished planter.

    Mary - I just love the pics.  Nora and Emma so precious.  Papa nice looking too.  Sounds like you’re close to normal again, congrats!  DH has no hobbies…ugh.  So we will have to see how it goes.   Talked to my Maddy this morning….miss her so.  Got the time narrowed down for having all 3 of the kids in June.  For this I hope dh isn’t working cuz I am with you about how the kids can wear you out.

    Lowee - Thanks for the info on The Fugitive, never heard of San Andreas, will have to scope it out.  Today looks like it will be beautiful and sunny…a good day.  Sending you hugz, as I wish you could have your kids with you today (((Lowee)))

    To everyone I'm missing.....kno I love ya and pray for ya all....have a GR8 day!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2015

    good afternoon all and even more importently HAPPY MOTHERS DAY

    all spelling mistakes are now my own! ended up going back to factory settings on the computer so now have to re enter stuff~

    dara - or data ! have fun with your cousin

    sue-roomie -glad your feeling better, dh is going to have to find a hobby that takes him out of the house! its a shame how many of our addicts are funded by parents or even started by them!

    lori-love the garden and i want no se so make it so!

    cammi- how did dd test go? and any pics of joeys concert!

    nancy- i love the dress and if ddil loves it to then go for it! good luck with the dragon racing, sarasota is not that far away! how did ddil ob appt go?


    karen - don't you love normal labs,never had chemo so no advise there but i know it will end

    lara- how you doing?

    4- great pics

    in work next 3 days ,so lazy the last 2 i think the jet lag caught up with me

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!91 degrees on my back deck!I've tried to get the lawn mower started, but it's not cooperating.I've left it sitting outside in the warm to see if that will help.Did get dished caught up today, though.Really need to get my dishwasher fixed.

    Spent a little time making a Fairy Garden!My very first one!



    Here's the the succulent planter I got for Nurses's week from the bosses.They came from a little one-woman greenhouse in my town, so I had to go out and see it yesterday, and came home with awhole bunch of plants to play with, they are now my Fairy Garden and my leftover garden!


    Goldie--I'm pretty sure I found a place for the Fairy Garden where Sadie won't knock it over.I'll keep an eye on it, though, and put it up as a hanging basket if need be.I'll check out Bluestone Perennials, thanks for the lead!

    Mema--I actually saw the wading pool used as a plant bed on Pinterest, so I can't claim the idea for myself!

    Juliet--hope you get the jet lag out of your system before going back to work!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy Monkey Day! Happy back to work day!


    Chocolate Monkey

    1 shot Banana Liqueur

    2 shots Creme de Cacao

    1 piece Banana

    1 oz Cherry

    1 oz Chocolate Syrup

    2 scoops Chocolate Ice Cream

    1 1/2 oz Whipping Cream

    4 oz Chocolate Milk


    Blend liqueurs with ice-cream, milk and syrup. Pour into a parfait glass, top with whipped cream and garnish with banana and cherry.

    Best served in a Parfait Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015

    Good morning, no work for me today, yipee! Going to take dogs to the park and then Emma to groomers. Then to the gym for a swim and have to cut MIL hair, then home to gardening. Got the patio furniture out yesterday so I'm sitting out back having my coffee and it's a beautiful morning. Have a wonderful day ladies and I hope your workday is an easy one. Tomorrow I go to PC to watch my Nora while her mom works so maybe more pics. See you later...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning Ladies==

    I hope u all had a wonderful day yesterday. Mine was fine, westher is cool here and my SIL told me a lot of states gots piles of snow over the weekend==WTF we just got plenty of rain.

    Karin I'm so glad u have at least one good day, but happy too u can work now--that's not easy and it's great to work with nice people, it helps so much. And numbers are better that's always good.

    NM u'r garden looks lovely hope Sadie respects it LOL. U'r weather has been better than ours. And I'm so happy when u tell us u just get up and go somewhere just cuz u want to. And u always have a good time. I luv it.

    Oh Mary u must be exhausted but such a nice feeling--love u'r pivs. Nora's so serious with her ice cream, I can't get over how blonde her hair is staying, just like Jackson--well being Italian o one sees blond hair with all the babies. U sound good.

    Nancy u'r another one that's really getting into shape and going well--that's wonderful- The beautiful couple looks great and the pics are beautiful. OK now that u have a date and a trainer u might be losing weight for u'r dress so keep that in mind, but the dress u showed us is gorgeous. I loe long dresses and remember Lori's which she was a knock out, like u will be---alll the pics were great.

    Lori u take such good care of u'r garden every year, I wish I had een a whisper of nature so I want to plant something. I did show Leslie a picture of cotton candy grass to put in with her flowers so that was something. U did get cold there which I am surprised, I think we all think of AZ as desert and how all the time it's just hot. I hope u'r mom is doing OK. And I really hid my likker so haha to u.

    Dara u are reacting to going bck to work so well, I'd be moaning all the way. And I know how it feels with u'r dad but really with u working u can't possible take care of him and I hope u do realize that. He's being taken care of every day now. It's Monkey day now so u'r back at work today, hope u didn't party to to much so u feel good.

    SusyQ I'm glad u'r eeling better, maybe u'r DH won't quit, at least for a while, but it would be nice when u have the kids if he would be home, Well one good thing u can spoil the hell out of them so u can relax about that. Just feel good, that comes first.

    Julie u'r back and ready to get back in the groove. I don't remember seeing many pics, but then again I forget easily. I'm so glad u got to go, it must feel wonderful to be back home. U so deserve a nice time.

    Well talking about nice times, my telephone skills have been lacking, Joey has taught me more about this crap but still I just want an old fashion one. But I have had so much paper work to do with the government and thinking about all the paperwork for my teeth, cuz I have my crazy ideas on how to pay for this but it's a fine line that I have to maneuver my crazy brain into this. My family thinks I'm insane o course they always have, but I know I'm not certified so I ignore all their thoughts. But chit I have been busy with work, I can barely leave my phone and forget my naps most days--but more importantly it's getting in the way of my TV watching and that's a problem for me. The other day I took one o my meds and the phone rang, when I said hello etc, I started choking and my first thought was OMG I'm going to die working no one will believe this, well I started coughing and had to put the person on hold and  finally got it under control, but that's OK cuz my boss thinks it's great to put someone on hold but no longer than 17 seconds (seriously) so I kept on schedule thru a near death experience. I surprise myself sometimes.

    Well I hope everyone's week starts great and goes that way all week for eeryone.



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Hey Suzie Poo, my LDB, you sound mucho better. Did you get any of that $1000.00? And you say 3 kids, I can only think of Maddy and AM? And not happy you left FB, I wonder if you can change your settings, so you aren't getting things you don't want?

    Jules, glad you are back posting and being lazy is just a necessity some times!

    Planter is gorgeous NM. And some of those succulents can really spread and take over, or hang off the side. They are so easy to grow. I wonder if all of those will survive the winter? I guess you could take it in. But lets not talk winter!!! Well, that DOTD doesn't have many calories, does it!

    Haha Mary, can't wait to hear what kind of comments come out of MIL's mouth! Have fun in the pewl.

    Cami, you sneaky lil Pete, hiding your likker! Now you are giving Wacko ideas! Sounds like you are super bizzy with work, but you take it easy and rest iffin you feel like you need it. My BS SE's are not too bad. I just hate the fact that I am on this til the end. SUCKS! Whenever I start to get the woozies, I just pretend I'm dwunk!

    Running late, need to hit the shower.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    Hi girls,

    I hope you all had a good weekend and that all mom’s had a good mother’s day.  I got to see my DD yesterday which made me very happy. She has court today, not sure if she will let me know how it goes although I have asked her ugh! I also had my Dad home for the day which kept me on mese toes foah shoah! Dad wanted to get back to the home right after dinner, go figure, he was missing his TV buddies lol. That makes mese heart happy!

    My pool is opened and filling now. I have to go out and buy chemicals afer work today else have a green pool. I wish I had opened before this crazy heat wave we are having. Hey I asked for warm weather but not quite ready for 90 degree heat.

    Lori, ha, I hid mese likker from you but I am reporting anyway jest because I miss you when I do not.  I have to type fast, taking a quick break before a noon time meeting.

    Genny, love all the pics, have fun with Nora today whilst your DIL works.

    NM, love your fairy garden, had never heard of such a thing.

    Julie, I hope you had a good time away, sorry that it is back to the reality of work.

    Cammy, glad you did not choke to death, I sure would miss ya. When you are getting your new toofers? You gonna be a hot momma you are!

    Hi Nancy and all other girls. Hope everything is happy today. Me, not since it is monkeydey, ick ick ick.

    Dwink up!  Cheers!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Another foggy morning here, but it's expected to burn off in a bit.We need the showers, it's bringing the fire danger down out of the red flag to moderate level.That is a very good thing!

    Genny--Hooray for a day off work!Coffee on the deck is a wonderful treat, isn't it?Will be able to do that regularly here in another month or so.Have fun with Nora!

    Cammy--I think Sadie will leave the Fairy Garden alone, she hasn't bothered the other pots on the deck. Right now it's inside on the kitchen table out of the rain.Succulents don't like too much water according to the lady who grows them, so I'm letting it dry out a bit.I thoroughly wet the potting soil to get it started.Good for you for staying "on schedule" through a near death experience!

    Goldie--The Lady I bought the succulents from said they would survive the winter if taken inside.This pot is small enough for me to move around, I've brought it in out of the rain so it won't get too wet, plan to bring it in for the winter, too.Not sure where I'll put it, but I'll figure out something, maybe hanging it in a window.Nope, no calories in that DOTD, posting it in the HTL drains all the calories out!

    Dara--Sounds like your Dad has adjusted to the nursing home really well!That's a good thing.A very good thing.Happy Twofer Tuesday!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    The Two

    1/4 oz Vodka

    1 oz Cherry Juice

    1 oz Orange Juice


    Just simply pour into a shot glass or any glass of small size will work. Pour the ingredients in any order that you wish.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Oh wow quiet. Good Morning Ladies.

    I hope everyone wakes up feeling good.

    Dara I'm so glad u got to see u'r DD Sunday and hope she calls and tells u how things are going, it's been a while and time heals usually and I pray it all does soon. And now that's cute about u'r Dad wanting to leave, that's a big relief or u--and yes hide de likker, sneaky Lori would be around. I hope work is going good for u. U'r getting u'r pool together now, my DD1 is doing hers this weekend and I told u it got so hot here, now it's chilly, but she loves to go in after work and I enjoy it too but this year I'm going to wear somekind of bathing suit --we figured out my capris make me sink cuz they get so wet,

    Lori u sound good I know how u hate the FU pills, I told my Dr. about u and she sounded very reaffirming about all of this but she did ask what u'r taking and I said all I remember is FU pills. She got a blank stare out of it.

    Saturdaay my DD's are giing me a smal BD party cuz I'll be 70 sooooon I really didn't want anything but I'll get to see my cousins and sister and that alone is fun for me. But Les can't get out of school, she's got a huge test but they'll be there about 5:30 with all the food so that's fine--we were talking last nite about it and she said by lw they can't give  back massage more than 10 minutes on someone's back and they are asked i if they ever had cancer and sign something cuz then they can't do it. Damn I wanted a full one, I can't cut any corners to get one. And they don't train for node massages, which are like nothing special Oh well--but she is dying my hair this week, it's so long and the gray makes me look sick cuz I don't have good coloring for this length of so much white---well my teeth are not done at all but this is a start.

    OK I woke up to early this morning which screws me up all day, thank God I'm screwy so it's not noticable.

    CALLING LARA, COME IN COME IN. Where is that lady.

    OH Julie I was watching something on T and they were talking about Scotland and England and showed a map so I found out where Wales is--U know I had no idea---so now I know--Yippee



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Oh Wacko, so happy you got to see your DD and daddy is happy. So cute that he was missing his tv buddies. Is he in the same home as your mom? You are copycat, hiding your likker. I knew you would steal that from Cami. Yay for opening the pool. I know how much you love your pool. Hoping you hear from your DD about court. And remember, keep your opinions to yourself! Did you find out if she is preggo again?

    NM, I went to Google images and looked at Fairy Gardens, wow, some really pretty ones. I think the succulents are also easy to propagate. Just cut a piece off and stick it in the ground. Glad Sadie is leaving it alone.

    Cami, the pills really are called FU-5 or 5-FU. It's Xeloda and also called Fluorouracil, which is where the FU comes from. If she asks again, tell her it's a chemo pill that starts with "X". And please do get a bathing suit, we don't want you drowning! Gosh, seems like you just had a birthday! But nice that you will get to be with family. I think that's more important than gifts. Interesting about the massages and sorry you can't get one. What color are you going with your hair? I still think she should give you a hint of purple. Are you getting it cut too?

    Hi to everyone else.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Long day at work yesterday with a lot of work left over.Gonna be a bunch of long days playing ketchup now.Oh well.Lots of intense stuff going on at work, I'm pretty drained by the time I get home.Glad I've got Sadie to play fetch with andthe plants and garden to check on as decompression time.

    Cammy--you go swimming in your capris?When you said you were going to wear a bathing suit this year I thought you had been skinny dipping!Only 10 minutes for a back massage?Sounds odd to me.And not being able to give massages to anyone who's had cancer would mean that they can't give massages to an awful lot of people!Gonna get put out of work with those kinds of restrictions.Happy almost birthday party!

    Goldie--That's what the Succulent Lady said about propagating them, too!I have done just that with some pieces that broke off andfew that I broke off on purpose.So far they are all looking good!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Camel Hump Recipe Ingredients

    3/4 shot Butterscotch Schnapps

    1/4 shot Irish Cream


    Pour Butterscotch Schnapps into a shot glass 3/4 of the way full. Fill rest of drink with Bailey's Irish Cream.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015


    The full arc, horizon to horizon double rainbow I saw yesterday evening!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015

    Hi girls, no time for ketchup now, I have to go back and read. Busy day with Nora yesterday, came home, walked dogs, ate dinner and fell asleep. Got dogs to park early this ayem, now time for work. Might be starting in a golf league after work today depending on weather and have to cut DH hair tonight and work tomorrow so be back when I can. Please don't take meese wine Lori. Love to all have a great day.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    LOL NM, thinking that Cami was going skinny dippin! Beautiful ranibow. We actually get quite a few out here. Especially during monsoon.

    Mary, I will not take your wine! But I'm coming after everyone else's! Except NM and you. 3 posts in 24 hours, makes for lonely lounge. Maybe we should change the name?

    Well, we are leaving yet again!!! Heading to Laughlin on Friday, picking up our new quad on Saturday and staying with friends in Lake Havasu and home Sunday.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    Hi girls,

    Happy Humpdey!

    We have had the crazier weather, up to 88 yesterday. But then last night, a cold front moved in. I opened mese windows and mese house was down to 63 degrees this morning. I was embracing it. I was able to leave my sliding door open and put both dogs in the yard. I am still a bit nervous leaving Lucy out there with the pool but she seemed to quickly understand that the bouncy pool cover is now gone and now there is a huge pond instead.  She loves looking at the water as my old guy Mocha used to love to do.

    NM, sorry you are so busy at work but glad you have Sadie and your gardens to help decompress you. You sure do have a job that is difficult in so many ways. I would tink that the employer would offer emotional support or something to help you all cope with all of the losses you deal with. Your fairy garden is jest beautiful, I really like it. I am holding off on planting much this year. If you recall, I went nuts last year with buying perennials and they are doing mostly well. I even have my first rose. All of my rose bushes are thriving. I did lose a couple of my rhododendrons. Love the rainbow pics. I saw something on facebook where there was the most beautiful and very low rainbow under a spinning tornado. It was really neat looking. I forget where the tornados were but know they were bad.

    Camille, yippee, a weekend birthday partay, I can’t wait to sailabrate you! And omg, I thought that Lori’s FU pills were named by Lori to express how she feels about dem, I had no clue that they are really referred to as FU pills. Good luck finding a bathing suit, they are so expensive. But swimming in your capris is not de best idea lol, you crazi goil you! I can’t wait to see a pic of you with your new toofers and your hair all colored nice. I too tink that a purplish tone would look great on ye.

    Lori, you and  your DH are such vagabonds, away again really? Good for you. And yes, I did steal the idea of hiding my likker from de genious Camille lol. It was jest a great idea, can you blame me? You will never find it. And hmm, changing the name of the HTL?? I am all for it. Let’s git some ideas. The name jest reminds me of sumting bad. But dat a secret hehe!

    Genny, nice to see ye poke yer head in. A post is a post is a post no matter what Lori sez. I say it is enuff to not take yer wine. We do not all have time to always address everyone.

    Who asked about baby David? Kid said that court went well but said nothing more. So annoying that I can’t hold my grandson. He will be crawling soon. I did get a nice 8x10 pic of him for mother’s dey. I want a small print to bring to work so I can look at him but then again it might make me saddliest knowing I can’t cop a feel of him.

    Parents are doing well, thanks to those that ask. Our family, namely mese and mese sisters have made great progress over the past four or so years in getting both Mom and Dad into a nice facility. It has been a rough ride. My life is so much easier now.

    Julie, I miss you, try to find some time to post.

    Karen, hope that you are tolerating treatment well. I am tinking of ya (((((Karen))))).

    Where are de rest of the goils??

    Ok, back to work. It was nice to come in for a humptity hump-dey camel-humpy dwinky-dwink ~hiccup!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Haha Wacko, here is some JD for ye....oh wait, I think you deserve a Gentleman, GJ that is. And when I said to change the name, I meant to "Lonely Lounge" as posts are so few. Glad you did not pressure your DD after her only comment about court. You must be slacking at work? And yes, Lil Lucy needs to be beery careful around the pool. I can't even entertain the thought, please don't leave her out....Cheers!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning Ladies

    I can't contribute to anything about gardens, as u know, I can just look at them and enjoy. NM the rainbow is beautiful, those I love to see.

    Wait a minute, I'm not the only one who can't get massages--none of us can--and Les can only do 10 mins with an oil cuz she won't be a licensed therapist so 10 mins. is all that it allows. A therapist can only give a cancer patient a massage if they have the training to do it--and it's like a nothing one--I've had that, not worth a dime---

    Lori I'm going for a med brown, I really can't go lighter cuz my skin is so no color like, and I can still put streaks, witch I will down the front for more color. I'm anxious for saturday, not cuz of my BD, but just to see wo I love to see.I always found so much happiness in just seeing my family and friends and now it seems like it's even more so. Probably my age and stuff.

    Anyone watch Botched last nite? Oh what a show, there is so much personality on that show it's fun to watch. Oh and I'm really busy with work,  The most I've ever been, since he created a whole new site and suf it seems to attract more people plus I'm calling people after to make sure everything is all right. Ick for me LOL

    OK I'd better start waking up and Hope EVERYONE has a good day today.

    I LUBS U ALL and the weather is chilly here.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    Hi again goils,

    Well I am at it again, starting to get swamped and will have to pick up and continue my work from home. And ya know, dat sucks big time cuz I would rather be dwinking.

    Lori, I dunno, I am tired of the name HTL and the tenders. I say we come up with a new name for the lounge. And not de lonley lounge. Between you and NM, this place will never go quiet. If that happened, mese would cry for many days and night.

    Cam, so fircited to be sailabrating your birthday. Your hair gonna be bootiful, and you gonna have such a nice bday sailabration. I gonna come and crash, is that ok? Oh how I wish I could personally deliver a fat birthday hug.

    Forgot to state my distress that our Sue has deactiaved her FB account. like Lori, I love more than anyting loo0king at others photos, especially the kiddos. I get such a charge out of seeing people that I grew up with kids and grandkids and seeing my childhood friends faces again in their offspring. And I am particularly fond of a dashchund group I am in. Me and Lucy scroll together, she loves looking at pics of other hot doggies lol.

    Nancy dahling, please report in. I have pledged to try to make at least a daily appearance. Can't let Lori be too lonly!

    Well time to close down mese systems and go home to open em up! All and all, a good day for me and hope it has been for all of ye too!

    Buckets of likker and huggers for/to ye all goils!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2015

    good evening all,guess where i'm going tomoroow! still very busy in work ,its like snow birds please go home! with my nurses day present -bonsai tree i said thank you very much and then said who wants a plant? i've killed a cactus! and these are too pretty for me to kill. i'm with you dara i love looking at all the photos of all the flowers and families

    nm enjoy your down time,love your fairy garden,wish i had a green finger

    cammi-i just thought you were swimming nekkid! have fun this weekend

    lori-stay warm and dry

    will be on mykindle tomorrow so the spellings should be interesting

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Hi gals--u crack me up, if I went nekkid in my DD pool, first she wouldn't be my DD anymore and 2nd she would never see her friends again, cuz they'd die LOLing.

    It's kind of late, but I just saw a commercial for visiting Maine, NM I'm sure they must have showed them last year, but I didn't know u as well so I immediately thought of u and Sadie. U know out of all my friends no one knows anyone that lives in Maine but me.--so I really am lucky, just knowing u I'm lucky and then I talk about Maine too.

    Dara I thought FU was Lori's name for the pills too, maybe that's why the Dr. just stared cuz I didn't finish the name, but I did mean FU.

    I hardly ever go on FB anymore and I don't know why, that's where I started on the computer, the only place too. Now I just come here, but I did hear about the ice cream truck from people that Les wrote, for those who don't remember the story I used to tell Joey when the ice ceam truck came down the street and played music it meant that he was out of ice cream--so Joey asked me this morning if I remembered that, and I said of course he did laugh and told me he was so gullible then I actually took advantage of him--that was 2 yrs ago too. He believed it for many years. So everyone saw how mean I was. Oh I do get my email every couple of days and then it's a whole big thing full of ads and crap. And I do cheat and do a little shopping on it, I love doing that, takes me forever to buy 2 things but it's fun for me.

    OK I'll stop now for now, my bottle is half empty so next time I get paid I'd better make sure I get my Shnopps--no compromising.

    I LUBS U ALL, but now I have to think of a new name--u jus mean for the lounge right now the name of our topic. Cuz that would be drink no matter what they say, and the Mods would have a fit.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Cami, birthdays are over rated. I'm with you, would rather see family and friends. To hell with the birthday! Are you goint to keep your hair long? Oh please get some purple, or plum. Just a suttle color, to where you almost have to be in a certain light to even see that it has a purple hue. I have not seen botched, when is it on? And please don't over work yourself.

    Hmmmm, I see our DW loungette is on the go, yet again! Well, did you find someone to take your Bonsai? I know nothing about them, so I am of no help.

    Cami, you are drinking Schnapps now, and not Brandy? Cute of Joey thinking how gullable he was. We can't change the topic name, we would have to start a new thread for that. But I can't imagine calling this anything other than The HTL....sorry Dork. And it was me that came up with the Tattie Tenders, in place of Bar Tenders.

    Wacko, how much time at home do you have to put in for work. And do you get paid for it??? I will be looking forward to seeing your purdy face ebbery day.

    Nuttin much going on here. Been windy and this weekend, I think Saturday night, it will get down in the 30's again at night, so I guess we will cover our plants before we leave.

    Some medical jargon...
    Capecitabine (INN) /keɪpˈsaɪtəbiːn/ (Xeloda, Roche) is an orally-administered chemotherapeutic agent used in the treatment of numerous cancers.[1] Capecitabine is a prodrug, that is enzymatically converted to 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in the body. Only 3 more days!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Cami, this is the color I was thinking of. Dork, you would look good with this color too.



    DOTD-Berry Grape Recipe (For Cami)

    ◦3/4 oz Grape Schnapps
    ◦3/4 oz Raspberry Schnapps

    Shake Pucker Grape Schnapps and Pucker Raspberry Schnapps with ice in a cocktail shaker.
    Strain into a chilled shot glass.
    An alternative to shaking is to store the bottles in the freezer, and pour directly into a chilled shot glass.