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how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2015

    pretty hair ,you both would look good with that colour

    lori,one of the cna's took my tree and so its still alive!

    can't go to disney until later, saw mo today,she said i'm a mystery! wants to talk to gi before deciding on next step, so after to wait for call backs!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning Ladies--How did I miss NM's post I don't see it......

    Julie, How did I miss this, why are the Drs. saying u'r a mystery? Are u all right--WTF I don't like this terminology, but honestly I've been told that too, which by now I don't pay much attention t it cuz for me it's not any cancer mystery so I can ignore them, but what exactly is going on with u? I worry about u gals so much.

    Lori u can always make me LOL and always make me teary eyed, u'r so kind. Lori u have to watch Botched it's on Tuesday night, it not just the entertainment alue of some very quircky people, it is interesting how these Drs. (there are just 2) fix what others have screwed up and I can not believe all the screw ups from so many PS. Any they seem so honest, some surgeries they will not do bccause by now it's dangerous, but they know the people will find someone to do it. Anyway it is interesting.

    Oh time line is crazy I don't know if I'll get my hair done this week--Leslie is so busy with tests and she has a big one Saturday which will make her a senior (as they call it) so she has a lot to work on the next couple of days. Well we'll see.
    Oh my phone system is crazy I'm letting one go to voicemail while on the phone with another, This is crazy, then i's quiet and then boh ring around the same time.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2015 docs are not sure what's going on either!had blood work depending on that what happens next

    Hope you have a fabulous we

    Now at my happy place disney

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good evening, Loungettes!My apologies for not getting on this ayem, but headed in to work early to get some overdue paper/computer work done before I got into trouble.I swear, it takes as long to enter data into a dozen places in an electronic chart than it does to sit down with a patient and family, listen to what is going on and what they need and what is important to them, give them some info/education and lots of emotional support and get a problem fixed!And none of what I actually DO gets put into the electronic chart cuz that's all about billing and regulations and policy and procedure!Some days it drives me Buckin' Fug Nuts!

    BUT--in my garden the peas, carrots, and spinach have broken the surface, one tomato plant has three, count them, THREE flowers on it!I also just finished filling a planter with herb seedlings, so now I have lemon thyme, rosemary, summer savory, white sage with a "surprise" chamomile right in the middle!

    Genny--Busy Lady!Good for you!

    Goldie--Have a safe trip, a fun visit with the friends, and more fun playing with the new toy!

    Dara--we do have a regular Ceremony of Remembrance where we read the names of all the patients who have died, been discharged, or moved away.And a handful of us get together for an occasional adult beverage and bi#ch session when the pressure gets too high.How great your roses are thriving!Sorry you lost a couple rhododendrons, hopefully it's a really small part of all you planted.A tornado over a rainbow?Sounds scary to me!Not what I picture being over the rainbow!It has been a rough ride for your family this last year, hasn't it?It's about time you past the hard part and got some easier times!

    Cammy--seeing and spending time with family and friends is really great, isn't it?I'm praying you have a fantabulous Saturday coming up!

    Dara--working at home has it's advantages, but also has it's disadvantages.Me, I like putting info into the computer whilst sipping a glass of wine!

    Juliet--And where are you going?I'm thinking it's not to work!

    Cammy--I've heard the state was getting into advertising Maine for vacationing.I haven't seen any of the commercials yet, keep waiting for one to pop up!

    Goldie--great explanation of the FU drug!Yummy sounding dwinky, too!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015

    Hi girls, looking everywhere for my computer charger but can't find it at the moment. Hada post going but the gremlins got it so quick pop in then I'll look for cord. Anyway, I called Lara today, she is ok but she texted me to tell me she's been having post surgery issues. I told her we were thinking of her and she promised to be back in the lounge soon. Love you all but computer is outa juice and ready to shut down. I get colposcopy in the ayem...cross your fingers, I have a good feeling that all is well. See ya when I find that damn cord.... sweet dreams!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes! TGIF! This Loungette is sooooooo looking forward to a sleep in tomorrow ayem!

    Genny--Good luck with the scope today! Thanks for checking in with Lara, I've been worried about her. Good to know she's recovering.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Friday Freeze

    1/2 cup Vodka
    1/4 cup Rum
    1 cup Orange Juice
    4 scoops Orange Sherbet

    Blend all ingredents in blender at highest speed. Consistancy of the mix should be "semi - thick:" not so thick that a spoon would stand by itself in the mix, but not as thin as juice. If the mix is too thin, add sherbet, if too thick , add equal amount of juice and alcohol. Pour into glass and place in freezer for 15 minutes.

    Best served in a White Wine Glass.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited May 2015

    Just slipping to say hi.. Tonight it was good red wine after a day dealing with MiL who has just moved into a care home. Whinge I am the one doing it while DB and SiL 'work'.

    It's Autumn here and today has been cooler.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning Ladies

    Oh Aly it's always nic to see u pop in, doesn't sound like fun what u'r going thru. Happy Autumn

    NM u so deserve to sleep in--I forget sometimes all the paperwork stuff u gals have to do. It's hard enough to do the job, but hen everything has to be documented on top of that. I always thought nurses had a tough job, but it really is rougher than I thought--enjoy Sadie and just be lazy for at least one day.

    And Julie are u of again? Oh my just what is going on with u and one of the dwarves there' Come clean.

    Lori is gone now right, I like that she gets to get a few days away every so often, it's good for her.

    OK Mary I hope u find the jibbertyjob u lost. And thanks for letting us know about Lara, we all worry about that little chit, she just seems to have such a hard time wih everything they do.

    Dara it's TGIF day so hopefully u'll have a good weekend.

    Oh Marty has to work tomorrow and of course Les has school and Jodies' DH gets involved with this little get together tomorrow and screws everything up. Les has to cll Jodie and get it straightened out.-He's such an ass-I won't even go into it cuz he's so stupid and Jodie always listens to him first then she rethinks things and usually does it right. Oh well I'm just looking forward to it. And I'm not going to let him ruin it in anyway, but politely--Nicky will be there so he keeps him in better control than anyone. Cuz when he drinks (which I've never seen him not) he's obnoxiously a know it all and interupts everyone's conversation talking about nothin that we're talking about. Oh well it's her husband.

    OK I hope I can handle these 2 stupid phones today, cuz I got up way to early and I know I'll be tired.


    Have a good day. 

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited May 2015

    Mornin ladies hope everyone is doing fine,

    Cami I think the violet or purple color Lori suggested would look awesome on you!

    NM I have seen comercials for Maine too. It does look really nice and makes you want to come for a visit sometime. I do need to get up that way as I have not visited those states yet up there.

    Lori I hope your feeling well. I think about you often. Enjoy your time away.

    Dara how are you doing?

    Mary Good Luck with your proceedure!! I am glad you heard from Laura but sad she is having issues.

    My DIL went to the OB this week and her test are still neg for pregnancy (odd) so she is giving her a pill to start her period. She said if she is pregnant 1. it will not hurt the baby at all and she will not start her period and then we will know that she is most likely pregnant and will have to do further investigation. 2 if she starts which should be exactly on the 31 then we know she isnt. So at least we have an answer.

    Im going to the race track this weekend to meet Pipa Mann she drives the Breast Cancer car.Its pink and White in the Indy 500. I was choosen by the Susan Komen Foundation to be in the tower suites and watch her qualify on Sunday.


  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2015

    hello ladies- quick check in to say hello- off to the chemo spa today- after today will be 75% done with AC - can't wait to be 100% done with it- have a super duper weekend

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    Hi girls,

    Just catching up and reading the chitter chatter from de office.

    NM, sorry you had to go into work early yesterday, stinks about all de work you nurses have to do, Cammy is right. But tomorrow is de day to catch up on some sleep and jest relax and enjoy life. Tell Sadie that it is friday in an excited voice and I bet she will do a friedey dance too hehe!

    Julie, enjoy disney. And what is this about you ho'ing around with one of the dwarfs? That Cam is a trouble maker, eh? On a serious note, I am praying that your blood work comes out well and that you are all good. Here is some good Welsh chocolate for ya (((imagine yerself eating it)).

    Cam, have a wonderful birthday. Sorry about the crud withe Jodi's DH, smack him upside the head from me, k? chit, how on earth you gonna handle two phones at de same time, i struggle with one phone at de office. Mese cell phone is not ringing or making any sounds, need to git it to the store. sorta like it quiet though. well have a fun day tomorree and wese wanna see pics.

    Karen, woo hooo on being 75% done, it will be all over before you know it.

    Genny, I hope you found yer charger. I had a lost charger and ended up smashing my mini laptop when I could not find it on the last day of the warranty, that is a story for another time. Are you seeing your precious lil Nora this weekend? Thanks for calling Lara, she is always in my prayers. I hope your scope went well, muah!

    Alyson, hello hello, happy fall to ya. I am glad it is not fall here. We are fiinally having seasonable weather with temps into the 70's. I will take it.

    Nancy, congrats on being selected. That is such an honor.

    Well I gots ta git mese ewwa back to work. missing Lori I am. I thought about not popping in cuz she not here to take my likker hehe, jk!

    cheers all!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2015

    good morning all from sunny Florida off to the magic kingdom today

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday!Gonna start the bulb garden today.Got some Dahlia bulbs from a friend, picked up some gladiouli, day lilies and a couple other things.In the fall I'm going to layer plant tulips, daffodils and crocus. No color plan this season, just whatever I can get my hands on.I may do a color scheme next year.Have to wait and see,I guess!


    Alyson--funny how it works out that a few of us end up doing most of the work.The old 80/20 rule, 80% of the work is done by 20% of the people.Good red wine sounds like a good reward for a busy day!


    Cammy--Sadie and I had a lovely sleep in this morning.Still just puttering along, sipping coffee, waking up slowly. Gonna be a slow paced day today, I think.Hang in there with the phones.And good luck at the get together, hope everyone behaves!


    Collett--I'm glad the Maine commercials are good, I'd hate to think they were bad!Quite the saga with your DIL's pregnancy status mystery.Hope you get a real answer soon!Wow, that's quite the race car. Have a great time in the tower suite!


    Karen--Hooray for75% done!


    Dara--the work itself isn't so bad, it's the documentation burden that has gotten so much worse with electronic medical records. What we really need is ONE electronic medical record software package for hospitals, one for nursing homes, one for home health, one for Hospice, on for doctor's offices.That way EVERYONE would know where a certain bit of information goes, and can look there for it.As it is now, with literally hundreds of software systems, we nurses must put the same info into a bunch of different places.I have to put pain ratings in the pain rating section for the software to register it, type it into the free text box under the pain scale section for the company quality reviewer, type it into the summary of services box for the state surveyor, and type it into the medication section for the Medicare surveyor.It's crazy.Instead of teaching people were to look for a certain bit of info, we allow people to tell us where to put it regardless of it it makes sense with the software or not.Crazy.Just crazy.Sadie is very excited today, there is lots of activity in the neighborhood for her to supervise and she takes it VERY seriously.


    Princes Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Kori's Saturday Night Special

    1 oz Banana Liqueur

    1 oz Coconut Rum

    1/2 oz Dark Rum

    Vanilla Ice Cream


    Blend all ingredients until smooth. If it gets too thick, add some cream. Top with whipped cream and a cherry.

    Best served in a Parfait Glass.


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited May 2015

    NM I am definately with you on the DIL pregnancy mystery. I have a question. Is it normal to bruise when you start to work out without hitting your self on anything. I am noticing bruises all over my legs and my arms and my side since I have started to work out. its wierd.

    Not sure we will be going to the track in the AM it is supposed to rain most the day here and qualifications were cancelled today. Hope everyone is having a much dryer weekend.

    Its our 28th wedding anniversary today so hubby and I were out celebrating. I volunteered at the Geist half marathon today with my team today and Monday I have my first Mamo since I was diagnosed with BC.



    We have a lot of fun

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015

    Hi girls, sorry to be so absent from the lounge but I have been crazy bizy. Happy to report that I have a normal looking clean cootchie.. albeit with abnormal cells which will never cause me a problem because I have no cervix. That's what the teenage looking ob/gyn says. How is it that these doctors keep getting younger and younger? Anyway, after that I did a little shopping and then Dh and I went golfing then got home and cut his hair and was asleep by 9:30. Today went for a jog, knees feeling better then working on getting garden in. And then I washed every window, screen and sill in my condo. Good day, feeling really good. So enough about me...

    Dorothy, sounds like everting is copasetic with you . Hope you get to hold baby David soon. So glad to hear your dad is adjusting. Found meese charger so I'm good.

    NM, yes documentation does indeed suck.... a huge part of the reason that I am no longer a nurse. Love the garden stuff. Had my headset on and was practicing my PINK today...getting ready. Love all your cartoon posts..lotsa fun.

    Nancy u sound so good, congrats to you! Sounds like no baby but ya never will all work out as it is meant to be I suppose, the wedding planning sounds like fun.

    Karen, yipee on 3/4 way thru, it will be over in no time. Then you can have crazy ass curly hair like mine...I swear it gets curlier every day. Hang in there, any wine yet?

    Hi Cami, good luck with the phones, when is Joey done with school?

    Hi Ally, good to see you pop your head in...

    It's now midnight and way past meese you all but I'm fading fast...sweet dreams girls!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Got my bulb garden put in yesterday.I've got Dahlias, freesia, lilies and something I can't remember right this moment all crammed in there.Now to wait and see what happens.The Dahlias are quality bulbs from a friend that I will be taking up this fall, the rest are dollar store (AKA very cheap) bulbs that will get me through this year, and if they survive the winter, good, if not, no real loss.Will give me a good idea of how big thevarious plants get so I can plan better for next year.In the fall I will be layer planting crocus, daffodils and tulips around the edge.Oh, gladiolus, that's the other bulb I planted!Rained last night, going to be showery today, so gonna concentrate on some inside housework today.

    Collett--Yes, those bruises are pretty normal.You probably are rubbing or bumping yourself repeatedly in those areas, not hard enough for any one bump to cause a bruise, but repeated bumps with movement in between can cause tiny blood vessels under the skin to break or leak, and leaving a bruise.Happens more often to people who are just starting out with an activity or exercise, especially if they are a bit out of shape.Nothing to worry about, and proof you are moving the ole' bod, which is a GREAT thing!Good luck with the first after-diagnosis mammo.How long do you have to wait to get the results?Looks like tons of fun!

    Genny--Hooray for a good day and getting so much done!And documentation REALLY sucks when you realize on Saturday that you didn't finish the Friday notes and have to type them up and transmit them on Saturday.I'm going to hear about the late notes on Monday, I'm sure.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Bull Frog

    1 shot Bacardi Anejo Rum

    1 shot Vodka

    1 shot Tequila

    1 shot Blue Curacao

    1 shot Gin

    1 can Red Bull


    Add all the shots of Alcohol to a pint glass, turning the mixture Blue then add the Red Bull to create the BULL FROG...Happy Days

    Best served in a Pint Glass.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    Happy Sundey fundey girls!

    NM, sounds like you are having much fun with your planting, good for you. Isn't it nice to get your hands in God's dirt after the nasty winter you had? Yikes, so much paper work in nursing, I would not have known without meeting you. I have a new respect for people in nursing.

    Genny, glad you found the charger, where was it hiding? Right were you left it prolly lol.

    Nancy, happy Anniversary, wishing you both many many more LOve the pics. Glad the bruises are nothing, NM knows her chit, eh? I hope you get a firm answer soon on the pregnancy.

    Well I tink today is Cam's birthday. Time for a partay in the lounge!




    wHEN is the HtL partay gonna be? We need a big partay here!

    Hello to all of my breasties, please report MIA goils.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015


    chit, my pic did not work :( will try again!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2015

    70th Birthday cakeBirthday Cake 70Th, 70Th Birthday Cake, 70 Birthday, Nan Birthday, Birthday Cakes

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2015

    70th birthday cakeBirhdaj Cake, 70Th Birthday Cake, Cake Decor, Girls Cake, Decor Cake, Cake Glorious, Glorious Cake, Bday Cake, Birthday IdeasHAPPY BIRTHDAY CAMMI,/See the lady in the cake is wearing a swimsuit

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015

    Happy Birthday Cami! I hope it's every bit as fabulous as you are!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited May 2015

    Yay Happy Birthday Cami whoo Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! Ok I was gonna make 70 zeros but that is ALOT of zeros Lol. :) Happy Birthday girlie!! Love ya!!

    NM I will get my mamo results right away. I go to get my mamo first at 2 and then go right down and see my Breast Surgeon Oncologist who is one floor down and he will read my films. So I will know tomorrow. I am a little nervous. Especially since I still have some pain.

    Mary I do feel awesome lately. No seizures really since Easter. Just a very small one when I had my colonoscopy. I am just sore from working out but that is it! Otherwise I really feel fantastic! I was taking this hydroxicut stuff I got at GNC though to help me loose some weight but I am going to have to stop taking it because after a week on it now I feel some palpitations so I am going to stop taking it. So not worth that.

    Look what Papa gave Jackson



    Bad Papa Bad

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monkey Day!Another Monday, another work week beginning, another chance to make a difference.


    Dara--Yup. Lotsa paperwork in nursing, and all of health care, nowadays.For a lot of people the documentation has become the focus of care, not the patient.It's a change I've watched happen over the years, and it's not for the better. But what can anyone do about what the government mandates in order to play the Medicare game?


    Love the Yoga vs Vodka pic!Too true!

    Happy Birthday, Cammy!


    Collett--I'm glad you get the results the same day.I used to get the mammogram done, and then take a copy of the films to my BS to look at and give me the results the same day, cuz the mammogram place doesn't have radiologists on staff, they use the hospital radiologists who read mammograms when they have down time from hospital stuff.Last time I had a mammogram they were all in a tizzy cuz there was a new reg that mammograms had to be read within 72 hours and the results reported to the order doc within 7 days and they didn't know how they would be able to pull that off.Scary for a place that calls itself a breast care center.Work out sore is a good sore, isn't it?I've got sore bum and leg and shoulder muscles from lugging around planting mix and cutting the bottom out of an old wading pool and running up and down stairsSaturday.But it's a good sore!HOORAY for no seizures since Easter!The colonoscopy one doesn't count, that's the medical field's fault for making you mess up your lytes and then giving you funky meds.I've heard about hydroxicut, wondered if it worked at all.Guess I'll pass on that one.Jackson is SO adorable!And driving already!T


    hey grow up SO fast!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Garden Fresh Recipe Ingredients

    1 oz Gold Rum

    1/2 oz Melon Liqueur

    1 tsp Pear Liqueur

    1 tsp Kiwi Syrup

    1 1/2 oz Grapefruit Juice

    3/4 oz Pineapple Juice


    Shake and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a maraschino cherry, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Gosh, not much to catch up on, after being gone for 3 days! Julie, glad to got to Disney and when do you find out what's going on with you? NM and Mary, yay to gardening and playing in the dirt. NM, besides pulling up the Dahlia's, you might also want to pull up the Glads. Nancy, I still can't believe that your DIL is NOT pregnant. Is she feeling anything? Tummy getting any bigger? LOL at my Wacko friend, tinking she did not have to come in as I was not here to take  her likker! You silly goil. Mary, glad you called Lara and she is ok. Karen, you're getting er done, yay for you.

    Well, we got our toy. Wow, it's a huge difference in riding than our old one. This one has power steering! Will be a very busy day here, after being gone.

    Cami, my darling. Happy Birthday girl. And how come no one posted pictures of you at your party???


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited May 2015

    Lori I know it is crazy with my DIL. She does feel pregnant and she has like morning sickness. She still has not started her period so that is all good news even on this pill they gave her so.. so far so good.

    NM work out sore is good sore I am also so tired but I know that I am also still recovering somewhat from radiation and surgery and seizures etc.... but my gosh does it feel good to exercise and be competitive and be out there doing what I want to do. I love being apart of this team. They are so uplifting and I feel like I have a piece of my life back. Now I just need to get with my friends on here and I will be a very happy person

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2015

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAMI!!!  Hope you had a great birthday weekend.

    Been in a malaise for what 2 weeks now.  Still struggling.  So forgibs me for being absent for so long.  Takes a lot of talking to myself to get me to do anything.  I just read this page and it sounds like everyone is doing pretty good. 

    Still sending prayers and BIG HUGZ and lots n lots of LUBS to all my girls.  MISS YOU ALL!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2015

    car down to 7'3'this what happens with kindle selors my lab work

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    NM, we need MonkeyDey to get to Friedey, right? I have learned to stop dreading monkey dey's on Sunday's, seemed that I was ruining half of my weekend. I hope you are not scolded for doing some of the dreaded paper work over the weekend. I can relate to all of that paperwork, in my job there is so much reporting to the federal government to assure that we are in compliance with so many stewpid laws. Good for you in working so hard in your yard, I am so behind this year.

    Lori, glad you are enjoying your new toy. And you are esscused from the lounge during your absence. Hehe.

    Sue, glad to see your face but sorry you lacking energy and such. Try to come in here and vent away, I promise it will make ya feel better.

    Nancy, I am so so happy that things are so improved for you. The dragon races sound like such a great thing for you. I am praying for your DIL and hope that she is preggers, dumb tests could still be wrong wrong wrong. I hope so. Love the pics of Jackson, he is so spoiled but that is a good ting.

    Hi Genny, tanks for stopping in. Stop in again and meet me at de percotini fountain, we need to practice for cruise time, wooo hooo.

    Julie, I am not quite clear on what you are saying about de lab work. I hope and pray that it is good news.

    Hello to all mese goils I did not talk to. It HAS been so quiet in de lounge. That jest means more likker for me.

    Hey, can someone remind me of when that cruise is in January? Is it de 25th? I need to put in for time off. Speaking of, gotsta git back to work. Jest wanted to pop my head in sincen I will be biddy tonight gitting mese hairs did. Every three weeks like clock work, those dern whities keep poking through, ugh.

    cheeRs goils!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2015

    i was trying to say my cea had gone down to 7.3 ,you can see what my kindle did with thatShockedso on watch and wait, repeat blood work in 2 months.hope everybody had a good monkey day