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  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    Julie, glad that your CEA went down. That makes more sense. NM probably understood what you are saying.

    My DD dropped by yesterday for a short visit whilst she was in the hood visiting one of her goil friends. She sent me the sweetest pic of baby David. The baby will be six months old tomorrow, they grow too fast. Here is the pic:


    I espayshally love his huge almond shaped eyes, I can't wait to get my hands on him and kiss him all over. The next court date is July, that is all I could get out of Jennika.

    Have a great night goils!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Hi Ladies---I'm sorry I'e bee MIA I'm just getting some energy back now around midnight--crazy.

    Oh NM all that work--I know when I go to the hospital or any of my drs. it's all one system so they can see anything when I walk in and fill in everything at one time and they're done.--The print eerything out and give me my copies and they are done before I leave--so it must be maddening for them to do every patient but when the patient leaves they're all done--so no more pper work, they don't realize how lucky they are compared to all the work u have to do.

    OK u guys know I know nothing about anything so Julie is that a good number or should it be closer to another and I don't  know what the letters even stand for. Whew another DW vacay I'm telling u something's going on over there.

    SusyQ I hope u sart feeling better, now what is it that u'r feeling, again I don't get all this.

    Nancy u sound so so good and sounds like things are under control--That's wonderful and I swear Jackson and Nora look like brother and sister--their coloring is identical--beautiful children woth wondergul Grandmas. I really can't wrap my head around this pregnancy, sounds insane, I'd be going crazy.

    Genny u sound like u'r energy level is on top too--great--now save it up for Nora too. I didn;t get all the pics everyone was printing but did get some????

    Lori u alway catch me trying to sneak something over on u---I should know better, u catch everything. How was u'r time away? I think everyones plants here are OK, cuz it's geting down pretty chilly at nights around here anyway a cold front is coming thru. And u know there will be no pics of me til I get these damn teeth fixed and my sister and cousin both yelled I'll kill anyone who pus these on FB so dem de breaks--and they look great.

    Karen we told u u'd get there and hope u'r doing well.

    Dara u'r baby is beautiful bless his heart, Oh u just have to start seeing him, I pray for u and this awful situation, and I just think that the SD is crazy for starting all o this--who's the winner? No one that asshole. But I do hope u'r mom and dad are comfortable and u.  are too. Yes get the time right after all u'll be really ready for a good vacation. U'll all have so much fun.

    Joey ets out of school June 8th and now he's getting excited for that and Leslie graduates in October and is really doing well--this week she has to learn about chemistry stuff so this should be interesting, it really is very detailed and medical too.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    I was afraid I was going to loose that one so I sent it. Thank u for all u'r happy wishes for me--I'm just getting some energy from the weekend. I told my kids Oh everyone will leave by 9PM well they stayed til after 11PM and we all had a great time and some were swimming and some not---the food was great and plenty of it--plenty drinks and more people than I expected, so that was a surprise. My 2 cousins stayed overnite at zjJodie's and of couse Joey and me, but we stayed up til almost 4am---I just never do that anymore, that's why it really took me forever to recover but I did work today and it was kind of busy and that's all I did and today was my BD and I really forgot, Joey reminded me this morning--My sisters DDs sent me a big bouguet of all the fresh fruit today, Oh I love that--they were thinking what I like. U guys know how much I love being with my family and friends we LOL so much and then debate politics aand LOL all over again for hours. And DDs are so good to me I complain, but I've been so blessed they completely serve me and help me when I have to do stairs and always hug and kiss me, believe me I don't know how this happened cuz I have so much bitchyness in me and they seem to forget it or just ignore it by now. Oh Leslie nd Joey are both learning chemisry this week so hey can srudy together LOL and now Leslie starts taking clients this week and snce it's a school it a fraction of the cost, of course so what normally costs 150.00 is like 15.00, so everyone want to go now. No makeup or anything just spa features, she's all nervous haha, but she'll be fine.

    OK see when I go MIA I have so many things to bore u with it excites me to share everything with u. U wonderful women.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!I think I'm going to take Pants AND Jock, and 2 cups of coffee and two floaties and get my two feet massaged whilst floating in the pool today.Yup, that's my plan for today.Right after hitting up the Tattie Tender's breakfast buffet.

    Goldie--I should pull up the glads, too?Good to know!I haven't taken the time to research the fall care yet. I 'm wondering if the day lilies should be taken up, too, but I'll find that out before fall gets here.I may take up everything that I planted and redesign the garden for next year.This year I'm really mostly guessing, going to keep notes and pics so I have a better idea what to do next year.Sounds like the new toy is a lot of fun to play with! Good for you!

    Collett--it is so good to hear you sounding enthusiastic and happy!So glad you found the dragon boat team!Getting a part of your pre-bc life back is a wonderful feeling.Enjoy!

    Mema--is there something behind the malaise?Something that your doc(s) can help with?Or some spring fever?Whatever it is I hope it clears up fastliest!

    Juliet--um, I think I need a translation, apparently I don't speak Kindle Lab. . . .

    Dara--Good point about not letting Monkey Day ruining half the weekend.I haven't heard anything yet about the late paperwork.I figure they'll see that report yesterday or today.When/if I do hear about it I will just point out that I drove over 400 miles last week, which, at an average of 50 miles per hour represents 8 hours of driving time.That's one whole work day of driving time.They can cut me some slack on the paperwork this one week.Yes, cruise leaves Jan 25th.I think some of us will be doing a Disney pre-cruise package, too, so keep that in mind if you want to be in on that!

    Juliet--Yeah for the CEA going down!Boy, the Kindle has it's own spin on lab results, doesn't it?

    Dara--Oh My Goodness, Oh My Goodness!Baby David is ADORABLE!Praying for July court results.

    Cammy--hospital electronic medical records systems are a lot more efficient that home care software, apparently.We did find out that we are scheduled to get the new software, and the new equipment (we're switching to tablets) in November.I'm trying to get excited about that, but I've been hearing something along this line since I was hired, and have yet to see it actually happen, so I'm skeptical.I'm trying to believe,I really am.It does get harder to recover from late nights as we get older, doesn't it?Glad you had such a great time, though, so worth it.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Party Girl

    1 part Current Vodka

    1 part Raspberry Liqueur

    2 parts Cranberry Juice


    Mix all ingredients in a shaker. Serve over ice, and garnish with a lime wedge.

    Best served in a Champagne Saucer.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015

    Super quick pop-in to say good morning. Hve to go have some fasting blood work done, just routine and I'm dying for my coffee. So leaving now to take pooches and then bloodwork and then COFFEE!! Have a good day, I should be able to stop in later...lubs to all!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning Ladies---

    Wow I really went on and on last nite.

    What a difference in the weather this morning, it's so cool and I have my blanket around me, so I always think of NM and Maine, but u might not get this.

    Energy is screaming off the page this morning so I hope I get ome of that.

    I'll BBL nothing new since lst nite.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Nancy, YAY for feeling like you have your life back. And I forgot to mention about the no siezures. That is awesome!

    LDB, I so sawry you are still feeling under de weather. Have you gone to the doctors? Big hugs and lotsa luv comin your way chica, I love you.

    Julie, my DW...I have to say, I have no idea what your post is saying. Ha ha, I see Wacko is right there wif mese. Ok it was your CEA, which should be less than 3.4. Mine went up a tad at last labs. All of your other labs are ok?

    Wacko? Am I esscused from de lounge during my absence? Hell ya I am! OMG, that baby adorable! He is beautiful! Oh Dorothy, I mean Wacko, I hope you can get your hands on him soon, and kiss him all over. Could you tell if there is anudder one in the oven?

    Cami, cracking up telling Julie there's something going on over at Disney! CEA is a protein found in the blood, and it is up there with Tumor Markers, or as Mary calls them, the BS. And yes, they should be lower. Lots of Joey time coming soon! And when will those teefers be bixed? So glad you had such a nice birthday with the ones you love, no better gift than that. Wowsa, 4 am? You party animal you!

    NM, I like your idea for today, and I will join you, sincin you have 2 of everything, me tinks you will share? I planted glads, and I only get the little babies that come back up, and of course they don't bloom, too young. I'm pretty sure it gets too cold there for them. Especially if the ground stays frozen. Mine doesn't stay frozen and they still don't come back. I have given up on them, don't feel like digging them up every year. I did it for awhile, same with the Dahlia's. Your Day Lilies should be fine. I like the Pary Girl cocktail.

    Good luck on the labs Mary, and good to see you. You gets to keep your wine that way!!!

    Nuttin new going on here, another cold front coming in tonight, getting down to the mid 30's, so may have to cover everything again!

    Cami, join NM, Pants and Jocks at the pool!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Here is a blog that my DD's husbands GF has been writing. Her story of what is happening, and how it went down. But she wasn't even there! But the reason for going public is to ask for money/donations.

    Hopefully the link works. If your bored! I just wish she would get on with her life (my DD) and get that damned divorce!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2015

    good afternoon all, yes cammi,only the cea has showed up as abnormal, so will have it done in again july, kindle,-i type what i want to say in it and its changes most of it! so its nonsensical

    lori-you can be absent especially if your playing with your new toys.

    nm- you must post a photo of your garden when its in bloom,when i was at disney i hi the store at pirates of the caribean ,so i'm ready for pirates night.

    nancy- good for you,have fun racing ,with the gym,i have been so lazy,recently, and the weight has gone up and up. when is dil next appt ? that is so crazy . they can't confirm her pregnancy

    dara-baby david is gorgeous,hope its soon when you can hold him,so glad your dd is talking ,laughed at your dad having to get back to watch tv with his buddies,so glad he's settling in

    cammi-no pics off you at your party! sounded like you had a wonderful time . dd has done well hasn't she,funny her and joey studying the same subject

    sue-you are allowed to be unmotivated on occasions you just can't do it permanently,says me who finally got up at 1120 this morning

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    I’m here albeit still struggling.  Am supposed to go to Urgent Care see PA about poss uti but I have no desire to go.  I don’t think I have one anyway as the symptoms only lasted 2 days.  Heading to LV tomorrow very early.  Have PET and Brain MRI.  Thurs we’ll chill by my sons pool and then Fri I see my MO for results and tx.  I don’t want to do any of it but I will.  Will ask MO about uti, see if she can handle it. 

    Dara - Good for you for not letting Mondays ruin ur Sundays.  Reminds me of the Mama n Papas song.  That is the most gorgeous pic of baby David.  I wanna hold him and snuggle too.

    Julie - Thanks for clarifying ur posts as I was funcused too.  Yippee the CEA is going down…woohoo.  Keep me posted when you girls are about to book the pre-cruise DW day.  I’m thinking of doing it with yas. 

    NM - Sticking to your guns….ur the woman, show them how it should be done by-golly.  It might be spring fever, never thot of that.  What I really need is someone to shove me to the gym…exercise.  Ugh, but I think it wud help, now it’s jes the getting my ewwa in gear.

    Nancy - sooooo thrilled for you and love those pic of the crew.  U GO girl!  I agree with the cray cray of this pg or not pg.  Hope dil gets to the bottom of it soon.

    Cami - I’m in da wabbit hole is what I mean by malaise.  I’d pop out soon.  I can see the top of dat dern hole….now jes gotta crawl out.  Such really good news about Leslie and Joey.  Wish I was a fly on the wall as they study together the chemistry LOL.  4ayem!!!!  That is crazy woman….it’d take me days n days to recover if I did that.  Is that one of the fresh fruit in diff shapes bouquets?  I love those, enjoy!!

    Mary - hoping all blood works OK.  Enjoy ur coffee!

    Lowee - Thanks to you and all mese goils for the encouragement.  I will get thru it, we all do eventually.  I’m feeling the love and hugs…muah!  Having fun with ur new veh….keep on keeping on girlfriend.  Love you too.   That is a horrible story about ur DD.  Will send on prayers. 

    OK m’ladies….got things to do that I don’t want to do, so will have one more cup a jo and see if my ‘tude improves.  Thank you all for your kindness, compassion, and well wishes.  MUAH!

    Lubslubslubslubslubslubslubslubs to all!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2015

    imagealready for pirate night!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2015

    dimagedolly mae

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2015


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited May 2015

    Julie I love your Pirate night stuff! You will be styling for sure!

    Dara we leave on Jan 25 and return on Jan 29. David is so adorable! I really hope things get better soon for all of you. Yes Jackson is a little spoiled but that's what Nanas are for. He told me the other day I'm his girlfriend. Lol.

    Mema I pray that God gives you strength. I was running low myself today and came home after my neuro psychologist appointment today and slept for five hours. I work out with my trainer on M,W, F for 30 min then work out myself for another 30 min then every M W Eve and Sat morn I practice with team for an hour. We have 2 Boats and we race each other so yesterday the Rookies did our first 400 meter race and we beat the vets. It was a great feeling!

    I had my mamo yesterday and the Radiologist said he wanted to do an ultrasound so they ended up doing two. I have several calcifications in both breasts both large and small. He asked if I had been sick lately and I told him no just in Feb why? He stated that my lymph node was big and there was calcifications by them. So I'm not out of the woods yet. He wants to see me again in 6 months to re evaluate. He didn't think I had to have a biopsy right now. He says we just need to keep a close eye on them. My team wants me to get second opinion.Theres a new female breast oncologist I'm going to check out in Carmel. So I'll call her tomarrow..

    Gonna call Karen in the AM and pay off my cruise. Love you girls

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Sun is shining, birds are chirping,and a 3 day weekend coming up!YEAH!Definitely a hang out in a hammock poolside this ayem, with maybe a dip in the pool to swim over to the swim up bar latah.


    Genny--Ah, the first sip of coffee after fasting, what a joy!Hug the pooches, too.

    Cammy--I keep a shawl or blanket on my desk chari, often have it over my shoulders when it's chilly in the ayem.Better than turning the heat on!

    Goldie--of course I will share! Lots more fun in the Lounge with someone to share with!Are Glads one of those plants that bloom every other year, like Lupine?I can tell I've got to do some research on these bulby things!It'll be fun, though.The weather guessers are talking about frost in Northern Maine over the weekend, I may be covering up my plants, too, just to be on the safe side.

    Goldie--I skimmed through the blog post, what a horrendous situation.But I have a question: is the Cambodian justice system truly corrupt, or is it just very different?The concept of innocent until proven guilty is unique to North America and part of Europe, like the US and UK.Most justice systems require the innocent to prove their innocence, and the concept of prisoner rights is absent in many places.I've read warnings about the differences in foreign justice systems, primarily regarding drug possession and use, not to expect the kind of treatment that offenders get in this country.I'm not doubting boyfriend's innocence of a crime by US standards, but do those standards apply in Cambodia?Our justice system was developed by men who left other countries to start a country where the police and justice system doesn't have all the power, where guilt would need to be proven, not innocence proven by the accused.It does make other systems seem corrupt when they are really just very different from what we have come to expect.

    Juliet--Hmm, I think there is a Disney store at the local Mall. I wonder if they would have pirate stuff there?I need to start thinking about pirate's night, too!I'm keeping a photo journal of my gardens this summer, to use for reference in the future, will definitely share some pics when there is something more to see than dirt with some lumps and a few shoots showing.

    Mema--Try to drink extra non-caffeinated fluids over the next couple of days, if you did have a UTI that will help flush things out so maybe you won't need antibiotics, might also make you feel a bit more energetic.Odd, but it works for me.Your MO should be able to manage a UTI if you have one.You can buy urine dipstick test kits over the counter or on line, that way you can check yourself to see if you need more follow up. Not sure you can find them at drug stores, but you should be able to get them at medical equipment (DME) stores. And I haven't heard anything about the late paperwork, so maybe I'll skate by on this one. Sorry about the being in the rabbit hole, that's a hard place to be, gald you can see light at the end of the tunnel!

    Juliet--Ahoy, Matey!Arrrgggh!Aw, look at the cutie pie!

    Collett--Aw, being Jackson's girlfriend is quite an honor! Oh, boy, just what you need, a questionable lymph node in the boobie. So not fair to have to go through even if it is probably an aftereffect of the surgery and rads. Just not fair.Good idea on the second opinion. Gives a feeling of confidence when 2 docs say the same thing.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is a classic:

    Old Fashioned Recipe Ingredients

    2 oz Bourbon

    1 tsp Sugar

    1 splash Water

    1 wedge Orange

    2 dashes Angostura Bitters

    1 Maraschino Cherry


    Mix sugar, water and angostura bitters in an old-fashioned glass. Drop in a cherry and an orange wedge. Muddle into a paste using a muddler or the back end of a spoon. Pour in bourbon, fill with ice cubes, and stir.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Julie, you are too funny with your pirate stuff! And thanks for having my back! Was that your brother with you at Disney? Dolly is def. posing to have her picture taken, how cute!

    Oh LDB, I didn't realize you were in that damned rabbit hole. Praying so hard for you and for all good results come Friday. Did DH keep his job? Is he going with you?

    Oh Nancy, that lil Jackson is such a little man. Too cute about him calling you his GF. Wow, you are getting lots of exercise in, you go girl! I too would be getting a second opinion. Waiting sometimes is not an option. I would just rather do a biopsy and be done with it. Why give it 6 months if it is something??? Sorry you are having to deal with that Nancy.

    NM, the Glads will bloom every year, and they make baby bulbs too, just like tulips do. I found them easier to winter over in the house than the Dahlia's. Never did have much luck with them, and have tried many times, cuz I like them so much. NM, I have no clue about the justice system in Cambodia, and he may very well be innocent, and there are only 2 people that know this and one is dead. Unless the 2 neighbors that came by witnessed him running into the glass, to try and bust through it to escape. Somehow that doesn't sound reasonable to me.

    Wacko, hoping to see you in the lounge during your lunch break.

    Mary, pictures of the kitchen please? And of course pics of Nora are always welcome. We have the cutest lounge babies around here!

    NM, how is office baby doing?

    Cami, you still recouperating?

    Happy Humpy Day, and yay for a 3 day weekend, thanks for the reminder NM.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited May 2015

    NM I love that Dragon Boat.! You go girl getting in on the Dragon Boat! Whoo Hoo! Now we just need to figure out how to paste you in there. Lol..

    Lori I agree with you and NM I will get a second opinion. I just want to go ahead with a biopsy and make sure there is nothing there. If not awesome!! If so lets take care of it! I dont know if I can go through radiation again though. If there is anything I will have them take both of them completely off. I am done worrying about this crap! I am not going to play the lets keep chopping on you game.

    Mary I agree we need kitchen pictures.

    It has been so damn cold here. Where did the warm weather go? Hey Mema and Cami Dora and Laura and 4 Hope you all are feeling well.

    Julie are you still at Mickeys having a fabulous time? Also were you still going to try to get us a deal for January?

    Love you girls.. Look what Jackson got last night from his mommy and daddy.




    So Lindsay said he insisted on wearing his flip flops lol

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    Hi girls,

    Just popping in quickly, getting very busy at work. I left the office yesterday and today and hadda log in and work from home, ahhh the good old days of making money is sweet but I have no life. I just logged off and gonna make mese anudder strong dwink, jest starting here. I was up too late last night, went to bed after Letterman, I wanna watch tonight but too tired. ANd mese DVR has a freaking error message so I can't record it. Dern cable company sucks. I do not have the patiece to call them as the calls go to India at night, enuff said on dat!

    Sue, praying for ya dear, hoping you are feeling more like your normal. Dwink some killa and some wodka and you should feel better.

    NM, hope you did not get scolded at work. You raise some interesting points on the judicial system in Cambodia. That whole ting is jest freaky beyond words.

    Nancy, love the bicycle, someone is berry spoiled, eh? As NM sez, that is what grandparents are for. Prayers that the calcifications are jest that and nothing more. Hugs to you!

    Lori, love your new avatar. I skimmed through that web link you posted, not sure what to believe. I am sad for your SIL yet he skeers me. what a conundrum for him being stuck in that nasty stanky jail cell. I love your new avatar, where was that taken and when and what what were were you you doing looking so darn pretty? I hope you are feeling well too.

    Cam, ah ha, I knew you appreciate all your DD's do for you. SOunds like your partay was fun. I looked at the pics on fb but did not see any of you. I tink we should take away yer morning likker until we see pics of you at the party Come on, get Joey to post some here. Did you not allow your DD to post pics of you? YOu a bad goil and I gonna have a group of tenders give you a gang bang spanking hehe!

    Julie, love your pirate outfit. And I can jest hear you with your lovely accent talking like a pirate arrrrrrr! lol. Glad you had fun ho'ing aroudn Disney.

    chit, I know I am missing someone but I have to get moving, I have clothes to move out of the dryer and fold. I wish I had my folder person being mese Dad. He was an excellent clothes folder. And he always washed our towels and public items. I miss him a lot but I am so much more relaxed knowing he is in such good hands.

    Thanks for the compliments on baby David. My DD textted me today and told me that he said mama today. Chit, hate missing it all. It clearly sucks donkey butt, stinky donkey butt at that. hehe, hmm why do people say that ennyway?

    Hello to the mia goils and anyone I may have inadperpedly missed. I do not mean to skip anyone. And Lori, iffen I am not here for a day, do not take mese likker, mese really really really needs it super dooper pooper muchliest. I go now goils. I mighten be back before bed but who de hail knows foah shoah!

    cheerS mese ladies, love you girls.

    oh ps. tanks for the confirmation on the cruise date. I have to bremnember to put in for the time off of work.

    pss 2. i wore mese contact lenses for a half a day today and did well. I have not worn them in almost a year...since that nasty eye infucktion mese got. I did well with them.

    pss 3 does anyone remember when I thought my vision was miraculously restored? That was until I found a lost contact lens in mese eye ball, mese crazzzzzzzzzeeeee!

    ok, oodles of tootles to ye all. more CHEErS!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday!Happy TGIF Eve!Happy 3 day weekend eve!I am so looking forward to the long weekend, 3 whole sleep in ayems!

    Goldie--Do the glads and dahlias need special handling once they are taken up for the winter? I've been picturing digging them up, knocking off the extra dirt, piling them into a basket and popping them on a shelf in the basement until planting time in the spring. Obviously I need to do some reading up on this stuff. Office baby and big brother came in to visit the other day, was so much fun getting baby hair grabs, little guy ball bouncies, and hearing baby laughter. Office baby is doing great, pulling himself up and will be walking before too much longer. In the meantime he can crawl and scoot so FAST! That whole Cambodia situation is frightening, and who knows what really happened there. Going to be hard to ever figure it all out.

    Collett--you like the dragon boat hammock? I thought you might! I think it's crazy fun. I'm with you on the do the biopsy and get it over with attitude. Why wait? It just increases the anxiety and gives the beast more time if that's what it is. Jackson sure has his own sense of style! Flip flops with knee pads, elbow pads, helmet, quite the look!

    Dara--Yuck on the DVR error message, and the calls going to India after hours. Nothing like working with someone you can't understand. I bought a bottle ofCranberry cosmopolitan on the way home last night, it was a wonderful unwinder dwinky! I haven't gotten scolded at work yet, so either they haven't noticed or are cutting me some slack. Either way I'll take it, and finally got all the way caught up yesterday. Now to stay caught up the rest of this week! So your vision was miraculously cured by a lost contact? Only you could pull that off!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Baby Fingers Cocktail

    1/2 oz Gin

    1 oz Sloe Gin

    2 dashes Angostura Bitters


    Shake with cracked ice and strain into a cocktail glass.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

    PS--I finally figured out why there isn't a space after periods at the end of sentences. I was taught the old-fashioned 2 spaces after the period kind of typing way back in my High School daze, One Note just ignores that. If I can retrain myself to just use ONE space, One Note looks normal! So bear with me while I try to change a habit established 4 decades ago!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015

    Hi girls, and happy Thursday to you all. Only a few minutes this ayem cause I do have to work. DH out with dogs, there is a lady with a lab named Clyde that loves to be chased. Well Emma's favorite thing is to be the chaser so they are having a play date this morning. She should come home plenty tired, hopefully Junior will find a squirrel or two to chase up a tree. Got my dexascan yesterday, then I see my BS next week and I should be done with Dr's and tests for awhile... I hope. I golfed on my new league yesterday and I loved it! Nice ladies, all about my age and the best part was they don't golf much better than me. You only keep score for yourself if you want to so it's just about getting out to golf. Plus they walk instead of using a cart which I like so I get a little exercise too. I like golfing with my DH but I always feel like I'm getting lessons. So enough about me, I have to work for Tina tomorrow and Tuesday( the other lady that works where I do) she is on vacay. The extra $ is nice but I prefer to work as little as possible.

    NM, yay for no chit about the late paperwork. Sounds like your garden is coming along nicely, enjoy your 3 days in a row of snuggling in with your Sadie. And yay for baby giggles, missing mine, don't know when I'll see her next. I never notice the ends of your sentence.

    Dara, your little David is so friggin' adorable, oh I hope you get to hold him soon. And I'm so glad the lines of communication are starting to open up between you and DD. Sounds like your dad is settling in, nice to know he's in a safe place.

    Nancy, you sound great! Dragon boat training agrees with you! I'm all for getting a second opinion and biopsy, waiting 6 months would NOT be an option for me, wouldn't be worth the stress, if it's nothing you'll know and if it's something you are ahead of it. Wish I could of caught mine before 10 positive nodes...just saying.... Jackson is such a cutie, and definately has his own budding personality. Love the new bike gear.

    Sue, sorry about the wabbit hole, glad to hear you are peaking over the top. I hope your MO can help. Enjoy the pool and I'm praying for good results on Friday. (((Sue)))

    Lori, love the new pic, you sound good, is your FU pill dose figured out? I will get pecs on soon, I promise, I have some of Nora and will get some of the kitchen, just takes time that I haven't had lately. Please don't take my wine!

    Julie, have fun at Disney, hope those cea's keep going down, down.

    I know I'm missing people but I've got to jump in the shower and get to work, love and hugs to all!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Oh Nancy, we don't want them chopping on you either! Love Jackson in all of his safety gear and then the flip flops! Do you have a date for the biopsy yet?

    Awwww Wacko, tanka ewe for doze nice words. That it from my step daughters wedding. I think I posted the original picture here, of me and DH. SIL story is strange and I'm not sure what all I believe either, but he sure has his girlfriend snow balled. I laughed when I read about how they never ask for help. He has borrowed money from family members to get to every state/country he has been in. Even when he and my DD moved to FL and VI. In fact, he told her that she was responsible to help pay his brother back for getting them to the VI. As she works her ass off over there and paid a bar tab he left. I'm glad he is in there, even if he is not responsible for that guys death. He as abused my DD and she even thinks he drugged her once.

    NM, I'll bet Sadie will be happy to have the 3 day weekend with her hooman too! As for the bulbs, I think they have to sort of dry up. Not sure I would stack them on top of each other. Just to be sure, I would do some research. Might even have to pack them in something like saw dust? 2 spaces after a period. I don't think we were taught that way. OMG, 4 decades ago, I don't like that!!!

    Mary, golf group sounds awesome. I like the keeping score for yourself only, or not! I will not take your wine, nor Wacko's JD...promise! My FU dose is still the same, 5 pills. I have a feeling after 2 cycles of the 5, onc will want me to try 6. Not sure if I'm up to it, in fact, I'd like to go off of it for a bit. The hand/foot syndrome is taking a toll on my hands and this stupid rash will not go away, so increasing my dose is not going to help that. Plus it itches, and then the skin breaks and takes forever to heal. I was bad and skipped my pills last Friday, so got an extra day for my vacation! My bad! But I don't think skipping a day is really going to do anything. Hope you get to see Nora soon.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning Ladies---again I'm MIA--believe it or not I'm still recupping, I don't get it --a few yrs ago I could party and be at work after the weekend and be fine, now everything is changed.

    First I feel so bad or that horrible story about Cambodia, it's disgusting and NM (I think) is so right other countries don't have our laws at all and this can go on for a long time--Now this is where my confusing starts--Now Lori this is u'r DH's DD kinda ex husband with his new GF. Right? So u'r Step DD is fine, I hope I'm right. Cuz in my head to go to a country that has turmoil with their laws and let's face it not a lot off countries like Americans is not a learning xperience for anyone--go to a place where our laws ar compatible and help can be given. I never understood why people go to some places---u can get into an accident and have so much trouble--they make movies about this so many countries are not kind to Americans and this is one--my opinion only, I feel very sorry for them Lori but it's not u'r husband's DD so thankful for that right?

    SusyQ I feel so bad u'r down, maybe after all these tests u'll start to get out of that damn hole, which BTW I thought I covered, but not good enough--u have been so so busy maybe u'r just out of steam and need to sit back a while--oh I never have the right answer I just want u out of th hole, but I'm glad u told us cuz we totally understand just don't like it. (((HUGS)))

    Oh Lori u'r avatar is of course gorgeous I I knew the pic, cuz that's the one u looked like u belonged on the red carpet.

    NM I'm glad that paperwork is behind u. Now u'r really geting into u'r garden which is great and Lori knows so much stuff. And of course nowadays the computer tells all too, so we want pics. for sure. Oh and I love the names of the DOTD'S and they all sound yummy.

    I'll BB business calls.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Ok I'm back

    Nancy like everyone said 2nd opinion and u'll feel much better about everything. U are so busy girl, just feel good. And I love the bike and the cutey on it--he's getting so big and so adorable, how sweet.

    Mary u'r another busy bee and yes we all want to see pics--we love them, and I never like my pic. taken even more so now so that's why there are none of me really. But u gals have plenty to show.

    Julie u are so prepared it just makes me LOL. Now I LOL every time Lori says DW to u and Wacko to Dara. U'r able to go so often and it's great u enjoy it. Just feel good tho, that's so important.

    Dara u'r busy again and I know u miss u'r dad but at least u'r not worrying all day cuz u'r just not there--and like everyone else just praying David come in u'r life in person very soon so u can cuddle him like u want to. So just keep those doors open for u'r DD always--that's u'r driving force. This is u'r baby too so whatever happens with u'r DD just keep it inside and all communications will be open for u. U'r working hard now--how does it feel?  Funny how time just goes and we are back to what we do. Well I do nothing but I'm great at getting back to it.

    Oh my teef, it's costing a fortune and I have to figure WTF to do> I'm so mad they fixed me up with a peridontist that doesn't even take my ins.--why in this day and age would anyone do this, not that the ins. is so great but that's not the point-she acted surprised when I said that--Do they really think all retired people have money like thousands to spend? This is turning into my new nitemare. I told u lready I owe almost 2,000.00 out of my pocket for x-rays and a fitting for my teeth, my ins. payed 1,000.00 My new teeth aren't made, just for what he did and I only have like 6 whole teeth in my mouth and I just had my whole head exrayed the week before and told him I could get those cuz it show my whole jaw line, yes my 6 teeth LOL but they need specifics, What specifics the teeth have to be pulled, I don't get all this--there is nothing to see--I knew this was going to be a big problem and I hate this --the way I look, I'm no beauty (never was) but I feel awful Oh well

    Oh if I missed anyone I'm so sorry I never mean to cuz I love u all--I hope Karen is doing all right and I wish Lara would check in.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Well my sweet Cami, I'm taking you on the red carpet with me. You are beautiful, so don't say that again. Or for sure I will get your Brandy or your Schnapps. I'm so sorry about the teeth problem, that is just not fare. And I hope you get that resolved, send them $10.00 a month! As for the BS in Cambodia, it is MY DD's husband that is in prison, not my step daughter. Here he is the day after the arrest, on the phone with American Embassy.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Lori see how I get confused---her husband??? Holy Chit, but u'r DD is home, he was with someone else right? I hope I got that right. U'r poor DD. Lori make sure u make it clear to me please. I know I'm a PITA but I over ask things. Even my friends here roll their eyes cuz I want to know word for word what they're talking about and after all these years they're still my friends.Heart

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2015


    I am back, I was in a far away narcotic land. It was a tough one I am feeling great about 5 and half weeks out

    she did it fixed my bone, I guess i was one step away from a uni boob, thus the pain, I have smaller implants she even made the scar smaller, also lypo my sides.Truly amazing what a great surgeon can do.It was a rough recovery , I developed a fever and was in massive pain. But I am thru it and happy.

    Thank you Genny for the text.

    I am trying to catch up

    ugggggggggggg I am sore from walking but I am off everything just flexril as needed and I basically eat Advil.

    I missed everyone. My head is in a good space.

    I am so thankful for my new surgeon.

    Missed everyone



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Good morning Ladies

    I hear the birds waking up, but it's still mostly dark. Way to early for me so u know I'm going back to sleep thru out the day and I hate that. I have 2 parties this weekend, see how that goes.We're supposed to get a lot of rain this whole Holiday weekend, so there goes the swimming.

    Well TGIF, seems like I just said that the other day but the time is flying by. And I hope everyone is going to enjoy this weekend and SusyQ hope the hole is gone and u can't see it anymore.

    I will be back later as I work, so I'll catch up.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF!Happy 3 day weekend eve! Happy with my morning coffee!If I say Happy enough I'll b happy when when I really wake up, right?:)

    Genny--Sounds like the perfect golfing league for you!And a bit of enjoyable exercise is great, too.They say a tired dog is a good dog, that works with my Sadie, bet it works with Emma and Junior, too. I never heard a word about the late paperwork, and I'm caught up now so I think they're going to let it slide. I'm rarely late with paperwork, only when things are really tight time-wise, andI make it a priority to get it caught up ASAP, maybe that makes a difference. Baby giggles are just so much fun to hear!

    Goldie--DD's hubby may have drugged her?DD paid off his bar tab? DD "had" to pay for SIL's brother for money BF borrowed? This guy sounds like trouble, maybe he is in the right place. Makes it seem more likely that he did hurt that other guy. Really got to wonder what actually happened there.

    Cammy--amazing how much we used to be able to do and bounce right back the next ayem!I know I can't do anywhere near as much as I used to without recovery time. I got some pics of the deck garden yesterday, will get pics of the yard garden this weekend.And I found some peppermint plants at the Farmer's Market yesterday to start a mint patch with!That will go in this weekend, too.I'll try to get them up this weekend.

    Cammy--Oh, Lordy, what a problem with the dentist!I flat out refuse to have dental x-rays now. Don't see any point, they just find problems that need expensive fixes for things that don't bother me. So I just say "no." I get some funny looks, but eventually they move on to the next step and I get done and out of there. Why do these things have to cost so much?Just not right!

    Goldie--the more I hear the more I think DD's hubby is where he belongs.Let the American Embassy do it's thing, they have people who understand the Cambodian justice system and how it interacts with the US system.

    LARA!!!!!!!So good to see you back, been so worried about you!It's ok that you were in narcotic land, sounds like that's where you needed to be. Sorry it was a rough recovery, but glad the end result is good and you are happy! And off everything but Advil and flexeril, FANTASTIC! Hooray for the new surgeon!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Welcome Delight (AKA Welcome Back, Lara!)

    3 parts Vodka

    6 parts White Wine

    6 parts Sprite

    4 parts Orange Juice


    Pour ingredients into a bowl, and mix them together.

    Best served in a Punch Bowl.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015

    Good Friday morning to you all. I have to work today, I am spoiled and get every Friday off but am working for Tina today. But I guess I can't complain cause I get Monday off instead, then work Tuesday for her. Hard to feel sorry for someone that only works 3 days/wk, isn't it? Took doggies to the park yesterday and 1 minute into it junior was holding his paw in the air. He had blood on the end of it so I scooped him up and drove home. Well, he ripped his toenail about halfway off, right at the base of it. I wrapped it good and waterproofed it, don't know if it will heal or if he'll loose it. Have to wait and see, he's walking on it, but limping. No plans to see Nora in the near future, prolly gonna be awhile. Molly is going out of town in July so we are going to use her house for a family get together like we did last year, should be lots of fun and I'll feel so much better this year. If you remember we did it last year right after my last chemo and I was pretty much in a fog. My niece has a 3 month old that I haven't met so it'll be nice. Nora will need a life jacket this year.

    Lori, does seem there is more to the story but if he really was molesting that little girl, he got what he deserved. I should think with the girl being 10 she should be able to tell what happened. Now if your DD would just divorce him and close that chapter of her life. Glad to here you are handling the dose, so sorry you have to put up with those SE's.

    Sue, hope you get out of the fog and pop up from the wabbit hole this weekend.

    Lara Is in da lounge !!! YAY...glad to have you back, and so good to hear you found a good doctor! Enjoy your weekend!

    NM, our pooches are a pain in the butt if not tired, they are so spoiled and expect long runs everyday, thank goodness we have a place to let them run so close by. Enjoy your 3 days, you deserve it.

    Cami, I get confused too, sometimes I just don't admit it. We will splain stuff to you anytime...hope you get some pool time in between raindrops.

    Hi to everyone else, got to go and get ready for you goils!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited May 2015

    Laura I am so glad you had a good experience this time. I hope now everything heals nicely. It really makes a difference when you have a good surgeon.

    Lori I really like your new picture. You look great! I do not have a biopsy date yet. I did see another surgeon who I really llike alot! She also felt what I feel on my right side and she did an ultrasound. She said that it may be a ligament but she wants to do a MRI first on both sides. If the MRI shows something then she will go after it surgically and biopsy it that way. If not she will just follow up with me in 3 months and keep an eye on things. With the calcifications she explained that I do have many in both sided but they are scattered and they only worry if they are in clusters or if they branch out. I will always have calcifications and if they went after each one it would be torcher.

    Dara I hope you do get to hold your sweetie soon. I am glad your DD is communicating though. Seems like its happening more and more so hopefully soon baby will come too. Yes Jackson is spoiled but he is a good boy. Lol.He and Samarah are both spoiled I just dont get her as much because shes in school during the week, but they are moving down the road from me today so I am really excited!

    Mary isnt it fun having a sport that you really enjoy and can do with a group of people? It feels good too doesnt.? Aww sorry about poor little juniors nail how did he do that?

    NM that hamock is awesome!! Hope you have a awersome three day weekend!

    I paid off my cruise!! Now just ready to have some fun!