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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Cami, yes MY daughters husband. She is still in the Virgin Islands. He left her and went to Hawaii, got a girlfriend and talked her into going to Cambodia, and she has a 10 yo little girl. I just feel so sorry her and her little girl, getting snowballed by this idiot. But she is blind in love with him. I am affraid if there are fines, and he doesn't pay, they can come after my daughter. And you are not a PITA. *rolling my eyes.


    OMG Lala, so good to see you and you've been in the hospital, had more recon?? All is good now, I'm so happy for you and I hope it stays that way. My gosh!

    Daaaang Cami, more parties? I think you party the most out of all of us. Well, Wacko is right up there with you!

    NM, yes DD was drugged by her husband, right before he left her stranded at a bar and he went out to get cocaine! He has a brother in TX that is single and makes good money, so he is the one that has "loaned" him a lot of money. I also think it is the brother that has paid for the lawyers, that the girlfriend talks about in her blog. Says they have 2 lawyers! So, in my opinion, he IS in the right place! Taking money from people and always bragging about how they are living the good life, life is good, living in paradise. All while he barely worked and my daughter works her butt off. She even got him a job at one of the places she worked at. He wouldn't go to work and would tell her that they said they didn't need him. She found out later, that was a lie. He has had sooooo many jobs. And he would tell all kinds of stories about his life as Marine. He's never been in the military! Have you seen his mug shots and criminal history!

    Oops, sorry! That was just a!

    NM, careful of the mint. It's a wild one! And spreads like crazy. I have some chocolate mint, that I am trying pull out, and it just keeps popping up! I need to pick some and put it in my coffee.

    Mary, sorry that you won't see Nora for a bit, waaaaaa! I remember your family gathering and yes, you will be able to enjoy it more. Ya, I feel real bad for you, having to work 3 days a week! And a new baby to cuddle, how fun. Poor Junior, I'm sure he will be ok, but still. Puppy hugs for him.

    Nancy, good for you paying off your cruise. That day will be here before ya know it! Looks like you will be getting lots of Samarah time! And so glad you like the new doc.


    Hmmmmm...........where is that JD at. I WILL find it!

    Here is a picture of the girlfriend and her DD. She has it on her blog, so I don't feel bad posting it. I'll remove the pictures tomorrow. Working in the garden today and working working, but only answering the phone iffin I feel like it! I think we are gonna redo the irrigation system.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    LARA--it's so good to see u back and sound like u'r doing so much better--finally u can start the normal life and we can share our crazy movies again, we all missed u.

    OK Lori I do have it straight now, OMG that poor girl and her DD, this guy is crazy--I hope u'r DD gets the divorce on the road so she can just not have any involvement with money issues. He must be one hell of a charmer to talk someone to go to Cambodia with no jobs. Whoa---Virgin Islands sound like the place to be now, but I know u miss her. Oh and when u plant peppermint then u can use it or taste too? U people are to much for me, I'd be in fear of the dog pee or rabbit stuff --oh I think I've gone loopy. My DD (Jodie) grows all her ownthings like spice things and dries them out (never thought he was the type) but she likes to garden certain things. Leslie, is into flowers--they didn't get anything from me--I think my dad cuz he used o teach them about all this stuff.

    Letme just say all of u who work u all deserve an extra day off, it's such a good feeling on Sunday to know u don't have to work the next day.

    Oh Mary no Nora for a while, that's chitty, but she'll be so happy to see u and u too it will be great.

    Nancy so glad u went for the 2nd opinion, u'r fast, sounds pretty good. I admire u gals for going for that 2nd opinion if u'r not happy about what's going on. And I don't like when they say we'll keep an eye on this, sounds a little why??? to me and yet I go along with it--so far they're keeping an eye on my rib and now my skull, I honestly don't think it's cancer related but my bones are so bad I think that's what it is, I just don't like the headaches I get from it.

    Wow NM u and Lori are both really garden women now, doesn't peppermint have a good fragrance tho--but now Lori says they go like crazy--oh maybe that keeps things away I think. Just thought of that. And u'r outdoing u'r DOTD'S every day.

    Oh Dara must be working hard or drinking hard, I hope it's the second. OK I'll catch u all later.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2015

    worked today, guess where i'm going next week?

    glad to see you lara

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    ♪ ♫ ♪ ♪

    mese so dwunk

    don't cha tink

    MESE so high

    don't I stink

    Dat mese goils, is mese song of de day! Ya see, learned how to make little music notes. and I will tail ye how iffen you want.

    will check in over the weekend, having a nice fire tonight with mese cousin and exhubs. love n miss you goils!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Cami, I believe my DD can get a divorce without any problems, she can file abandonment. I'm copying most of the blogs and taking print screens of several of the pages, just in case she needs them. He always took my DD somewhere, with neither of them having jobs. Florida, the VI and then he took this other gal to Cambodia. Travel pretty much with a couple of back backs and the clothes on their back. As for items in the garden, Ms Loopy...I don't have dogs and the wabbits can not get in! AND, you wash it before you use it! The mint would be good in coffee, tea or even to make some flavored water. Your DD Jodie, prolly is grown different herbs to dry. I have oregano, parsley, chives, basil, lemon thyme and sage.

    Julie, you are biggest DW in the world! So glad you get to go do something you love and you get to do it so much! Who are you whoring around Disney with this time?

    Wacko, love your song and I see you found the JD. I'm gonna have to find a better hiding spot. Glad you are having such a good time with your cuz and ex DH. Doing what you love, out in your yard.

    Ugh! Up at 2:30 this ayem. I hate when that happens. Usually I will struggle to go back to sleep, but that just wasn't gonna happen. So, mese got up!

    NM, if you can find any Pineapple Sage, it is beautiful! I've never used it for cooking, I just think it's so pretty. And the hummers love it too. Has red tubular flowers and can get pretty big.

    Suzi Poo, hoping you check in today, you have been in my thoughts.

    Heading over to our friends house to help with her garden.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good morning, Loungette!Nippy and windy here but the sun is out, mostly.Got some fresh rhubarb from the farmer's market so I made a batch of rhubarb scones,just out of the oven, nibbling on one with my mug of coffee #2. Got a leg of lamb and corn fresh off the cob in the crock pot, and plans to go find some fiddleheads later today to put in with them to make my favorite spring lamb and fiddlehead stew. Or soup, or casserole, not sure exactly what to call it except YUMMY! And a 3 day weekend all to myself and Sadie!

    Genny--OUCH, poor Junior! Sadie sends her sympathy. She cut her leg her first time ever to a dog park, had to have stitches, had to wear the Cone of Shame for a week until it healed up. She's telling Junior how to play up the limping and soulful eyes to get extra treats and petting and tummy tickles.The family get together will be a lot more fun for you this year, that will be good. Meeting a new baby is always a wonderful thing, and imagine Nora being big enough to need a life jacket this year. They grow up so fast. I am lucky that I can tire Sadie out just by tossing toys for her to fetch. She'd play fetch until she dropped of exhaustion!

    Collett--Your doc has a good point about the calcifications. WE all have them, it's when they are in certain patterns that they become concerning. It is so exciting that Jackson and Samarah are moving close to you! You will love that, I'm sure.Hooray for a paid off cruise! Now if only we could be paying on the little extras.But come November we can.

    Goldie--wow, the more I hear about crazy SIL, the more I think he is where he belongs. It amazes me how such losers can charm otherwise intelligent women into such stupid actions.Guess they've got to learn for themselves, if they live long enough.I'm actually counting on the mint being wildly extensive.I've got areas of the yard that are hard to mow safely that I want to "naturalize" with stuff that looks good unmowed and that I can get some benefit from.The spot I have in mind for the mint iswell away from the gardens.

    Cammy--peppermint smells absolutely lovely. I may pot one to keep in the house just for the aroma. I love putting some in tea, or on fruit salad, or in cookies.Hmm, probably should toss some in on the lamb, too, later today! Glad you are enjoying the DOTD's.

    Juliet--Is your legal residence a Disney resort??? You spend more time there than anywhere! I'm jealous!

    Dara--Drunken music notes, Yeah! How do you do those?

    Goldie--Mint flavored water, that's GREAT! I cannot imagine taking off for a foreign country with a child and no job, no place lined up to live, just nuts! Good for you for keeping the screen prints and copying the blog against future use. I did see some pineapple sage when I was herb shopping, didn't pick it up as I wanted herbs to dry and cook with, but a pot of that would be great on the deck, wouldn't it?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Chilly Chocolate Mint Recipe Ingredients

    1/2 oz Peppermint Schnapps

    3/4 oz Dark Rum

    1 oz Chocolate Syrup

    1 oz Heavy Cream

    1 oz Whipping Cream

    1 oz Coconut Cream


    Pour the dark rum, peppermint schnapps, coconut cream, chocolate syrup and heavy cream into a blender with two cups of crushed ice. Blend until smooth and creamy. Pour as much of the mixture as you can into a hurricane glass, leaving a little room at the top. Top with whipped cream and a maraschino cherry, and serve.

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!

    Haven't caught up but wanted ya'll to kno my test results.  NO NED on either, brain or Pet.  WoooHooo!!!  Thanks all for your support, Prayers and positive energy.  MUAH!!!

     ♫♪♫ ha ha Wacko!

    Will try and catch up later

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2015


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    Hi girls, I hope you are all having a fantastic Memorial day weekend!

    I am back in the lounge and boy does it feel good!

    Lara dahling, glad to see you back and so happy that your results are good. I am glad you got that uniboob bone shaved down, that was insane! You are sounding good. Please do not be a stranger and come on in as you used to.

    Sue, woo hooo, I tink. You wrote that there was no NED but I tink you met all was NED. So awesome, I could not be more happy. Hope to see more of you in de lounge as well.

    NM, yeeee haw for a three day weekend with Sadie, life sure is good. And you are a gardeninng and cooking guru today, awesome. Be sure to keep the utensils, crock pot, pots n pans and such away from that silly puppy of yours! To get the music notes, you hit atl 13 or alt 14 for a beamed 8th note. ♫

    Lori, I read the thread you created, wow I had no idea that your doctor gave you a time limit, my God, how freaking horrible is that? You gonna be around for a long long time. And yes, you better hide mese jack in a real good place cuz I will find it again and again. The girl that is with your SIL, and her daughter too, are very pretty. I feel sad for them too. That is just the freakist story ever. Your DD has to be shaken up with all that is happening. I hope she can quickly divorce his lying ass and be rid of him once and for all. She will do it if she knows what is good for her.

    Genny, how is your furbaby doing with his nail? Sorry that happened. Many years ago, my furbaby Britney was jumping off my bed and got her nail stuck in the eyelet of mese dust ruffle and yanked her nail out. I could not stop the bleeding so ended up calling out of work and taking her to the vet.. The vet wrapped it up and she also had to wear the cone of shame. The nail never grew back. Woo hoo for spending time with yer family at your friend's uber cool home. I hope you will have the time of your life. Woo hoo for enjoying it much more this year! Glad you are done with doctors and tests, hope all comes out clear.

    DW, enjoy your Disney time, I know you will. and yeah, I too wanna know who you are with....other than Mickey of course haha. I am praying for you girl, hope all is well and that you get over this hump soonliest.

    Cam, so sorry that life is beating the chit outtta you. I hope you are getting lots of rest and are not answering the effing phones for your boss until Twosday. Glad your party was a huge success. How does it feel to be 70? Good God, the years have flown so fast, I will be kissing 70 in a blink or two of the eye.

    Karen, please report! We need to know how you are doing. Sending more hugs to ya!

    ALL - have a great rest of the weekend and remember to DWINK UP!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Boy was it windy and was that wind chilly here yesterday!Re-seasoned some cast iron pans just to have an excuse to turn onthe oven.Never did get out to find fiddleheads, though.Maybe today.Hoping it will warm up enough to tackle getting the lawn mower started and getting some mowing done.Also gotta think about what to do with the rest of the rhubarb.When I was growing up I called it rhu "bub" instead of rhu "barb".Wonder how many other kids did that?Whatever you want to call it, it's good stuff!


    Dara-- thanks for the tip! Sadie's habit of carrying off utensils and such is pushing me to keep up with the dishes, which is a good thing.The counters are clean except for a pile of clean and now dry dishes, which Sadie is not interested in, and which only take a minute to put away.Sadie is definitely good for my housekeeping habits!Alt 13 ♪, Alt 14. ♫ Wonder what else the Alt + a number will produce?

    Alt 1 trough 25: ☺☻♥♦♣♠•◘○◙♂♀♪♫☼►◄↕‼¶§▬↨↑↓


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Dancing with NED

    25 tsp Vodka

    2 counts Rum

    15 tsp Scotch Whisky

    1 cup White Wine

    5 cubes Ice

    1 cup Lime Juice

    3 cups Peach Juice

    5 cups Strawberry Juice


    Mix fruit juices together in one bowl, place in blender with ice cubes. When slushy mixture is complete, stir in alcohol and shake until completely mixed. Place mixture in punchbowl, and float cherries in the bowl if desired.

    Best served in a Punch Bowl.

    Alt 26 thru 50

    → ← ∟ ↔ ▲ ▼ ! " # $% & ' ( - ./ 0 1 2

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015

    Ok, so I finally cleaned the kitchen so I could take pics... I always have crap on the countertops. Before pics of the kitchen. These were actually the reality pics before we moved in.


    During pics.



    And the after pics! I was so glad to get rid of the microwave, I love the new range hood, no more smokey kitchen!





    We still have to finish the window tx's, we have ordered cornices, they will be here in a few weeks.


    We put some of the old cabinets in the laundry room.


    My favorite pic, I had this hanging in my hair salon. It represented the 5 of us that worked there. I'm the blonde with the long legs.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015

    Poor Junior, he is so sad, he's not great on 3 legs and he won't put weight on it. He's having a hard time trying to lift his leg to pee cause he can't balance on 2 legs. I ended up taking him to the vet, she cut the nail off to the quick and wrapped it, put him on antibiotics. I can take the dressing off today. She said it should eventually grow back. Still sitting here in bed watching lifetime movies. DH is golfing. Have to get the pooces walked soon. Got the results of my dexascan. All is normal for my age with the exception of the femoral neck which shows osteopenia. Not a big surprise really. Cholesterol is fine as well. Beautiful day here, 70's and sunny, prolly go golfing later. We are having MIL over for ribs and beer can chicken tomorrow.


    Sue !!!!!! YAY for NED!!! woohoo, did that get you out of the wabbit hole?

    NM, Your weekend plans sound poifect...hope the weather cooperates. Rhubarb scones, yum! I don't know what fiddleheads are, gonna have to look that up. Have fun with Sadie.

    Lori, Hope you got caught up on your sleep. Hope you're feeling ok and you and DH are having a fun weekend.

    Dara, sounds like you started off the weekend right, enjoy the JD. Cousin still there?

    Cami, have fun with Joey, bet you'll be glad when he's out of school and there all day. I prolly won't see my Nora for a few weeks...whaaa!!! I sure do miss her.

    Karen...where are you?

    Lara, hope you are having the bestest weekend after all you've been thru.

    Nancy, kids and family around this weekend? Any rowing set up? Any new news on pregnancy?

    Julie, say hi to Mickey for me.

    Sorry if I missed anybody...Have a great holiday weekend all!

    Time to get out with the furbabies. Here's a pic of Moose out in the tall grass yesterday.


  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2015

    Hello ladies- happy memorial day weekend!!! Sorry I've been MIA - this 3rd AC knocked me sideways - I've been basically couch bound all week - I did go into work Friday but only lasted 6 hours and had to leave and then spent Saturday flat on my back again! I hope today is the day I finally round the corner-,on a positive note just one more AC to get through and then onto taxol- I'm told it's easier- I sure hope so- any one have an opinion on that?

    I'll go back and read all the posts today - haven't had the energy to do anything except watch endless food network shows!!

  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2015


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    NM, your garden harvest and the meal sounds absoulutely awesome. Doesn't it feel great to be cooking/eating from the garden. Glad you about the mint! Good idea to put it on the lamb. I'm no garden expert, it's all just from experience! And you CAN use the pineapple sage for cooking, but it's pretty too. As for SIL, I too am happy he is where he is, might teach him a lesson. And if the story IS true, he was saving the little girl, then he shouldn't be there. I am just not sure I believe it went down like they are saying. DOTD....can we say SWEET?

    Wacko, shut it! We can talk food on occasion. Besides, I'm sure she had a nice cocktail with that awesomely delish meal!

    LDB, you posted NO NED, make me think at first you were saying that you were no longer NED, but after I saw the Woooo Hooooo, I realized differently and let out a big breath. Gives me some ting to sailabrate today! Just foy ye! Love you and so so happy! DAYEM, hate these times, but oh so glad when they are done! Like Mary said, I hope that got you outta dat hole.

    Wacko, I actually hide the JD in easy spots so yese can find it. Cuz I weally don't want to take it fwom ye. DD, just doesn't seem to concerned about getting that divorce. I tell ya I would be at the court or where ever it is she has to go, at day break. She does have to go over to St. Thomas to do it, and they don't go over there very often, plus she is a little work acholic, not much time off. So when she does get time off, she spends it enjoying her day. So I understand that. But still! I was the one that asked my onc, what kind of time I have left. And I know it is not written in stone, but I just had to do it. I am getting some great responses on the thread I started. I hope to get lots more. It's amazing how long some of the gals have been stage IV.

    Rhubarb, I had some in MI, and made a really yummy rhubarb crunch. I'll have to see if I still have the recipe for you. I think that is what it was called.


    NM, LOL at you trying all of the Alt. 1-50.

    Mary, I love your kitchen, both before and after! And the colors as well. Can't wait to hear what kind of quirky comments your MIL might spew out. OMG, look at that cute little Junior. He will have a hard time humping that....shoot, I don't remember what it is. Sock Monkey? I did get caught up on my sleep. Went to bed at 8:30, after having a few brewski's and a couple of night time pain relievers. I don't think I even got up to pee!!! Iffin I did, I don't remember it!

    Karen, we love the food network channel! Taxol IS easier. Mine were 3 weeks apart, as was my A & C. You are doing 2 weeks on A & C, how often will the Taxol be? Hope today is better for you too. Chin up, tits up, you can do this!

    Nancy, I just loved the pictures you posted on FB of Jackson and Samarah. And you go girl with all that rowing!

    Cami, I hope you are having a good weekend. Joey sent me a text, but I was too busy at the time to answer him. I think I will do that now.

    Got a lot done in Tammy's garden yesterday, she was very grateful and had no idea we had planned on doing what we did. However her garden is not protected from da bunnies, and she has them in her yard every morning, munching on her lawn. So we are hoping they stay there and leave the newly planted crops alone, until she can get a fence in. The pads of mese feet hurt today, did a lot of squatting, so balancing on them, so they hurt as that is where the toopid hand/foot syndrom is. Sorta feels like someone takeing sand paper to your skin and rubbing it just until it starts to hurt. More garden work today, but this is for ME~!

    I found this and posted on my brothers page, looks just like his new lil fur baby, Gucci.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Running and grabbing that booze with Karen, as we jump right into the pool!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015
    Oh how very interesting. I check on the blog from son in laws GF every day. How ironic I copied a lot of the pages yesterday and did screen shots as well....she has deleted the entire blog. Poof, all gone!
  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2015

    Goldie - my AC are 2 weeks apart and taxol weekly x12 - heading to Florida with my 3 kids end of July for 2 weeks so I'll be taking a 2 week taxol break but other than that they are every week! Thanks for the good news that they are easier- on some of the boards one hears about extreme bone pain, lethargy , neuropathy , nails falling off etc - all of which I know can happen but does not make it sound easier- so good to know there is light however small at the end of AC!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2015

    good morning all

    lori- your sil (hopefully soon to be ex) is a piece of work, wonder why she took the blog down? it is nice to eat fresh grown food and dara you can cook with alcohol you know! love the cooking shows especially the holiday based ones, got about 40 recipe books. so you you relax and enjoy yourself karen you have earned it! and speaking of kitchens love your new one mary, it looks great and can i come to dinner nm,i love lamb and mint or will use rosemary occasionly and i'm sure miss sadie is helping with the clean up,

    poor jurnior, my sister's dog mutley eats his cone of shame, last time he got through 2 in 2 days

    nancy - love the fb pics too and well done on the dragon racing! when you get to sarasota will have to come up and watch

    cammi- enjoy your parties this weekend, i should learn to text as i would " talk" to people more

    would save for my cruise and extras a lot faster if i quit disney but you all know thats not going to happen! we are short staffed next 2 months due to maternity leave and surgery so they said just sign up in the vacant slots ,its all pre approved!, so got 1 day so far ,got some classes to do but get paid for them

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015

    Lori, it is Moose that does all the humping. It's a ratty old stuffed dog named Gloria. Hmm, I wonder why the GF deleted the blog?

    Karen, I iced my fingers and toes with bags of frozen peas and did not get neuropathy and only minor ridges on my fingernails. I put 2 bas on each foot and then DH wrapped them with ace bandages and I just shoved my fingers into the bags and held them. The taxol infusions themselves only took about 30 minutes so it wasn't bad. Totally worth it to me. Sorry the tx's are knocking the chit outta you, hope the rest of the weekend is better.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015

    Juliet, thanks for the nice swim, the water is fantastic!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    I’m feeling much better.  Hey girls, when do we have to pay the rest of our monies for the DW Cruise?  I’ve mislaid my paperwork.  I thought she said she’d email us when the remainder was due.

    Lara - can’t tell u how happy I am that ur in a good place right now. 

    Mary - you have been so very busy what with golf and remodeling kitchen.  It looks soo nice now.  Bet ur happy that’s over.  Poor Junior, makes me feel bad for the widdle guy.  Hope he gets better soon.

    Wacko - u cwacking mese up with ur dwinkies.  I tail u already now beautiful baby David is.  I think I remember the stuck contact…too funny.  Just b careful u don’t get another infuction…muah!

    Lowee - I’m pulling myself out of dat hole.  Dem wabbits can be scary sometimes.

    Didn’t mean to scare ya with my wording.  You can breathe now, we’ll get thru this and any other crappola they wanna throw at us.  Glad you caught up on your sleep.  I don’t think anything works better than a few drinks and a xanax or unisom.  I love my nights when I can take that combo.  LOL, love the ‘I’m a flower’ !

    NM - I did discuss uti with MO….she was happy to take a urine sample.  Have not heard results, so must be good news.  Perfect DOTD…I’ll dance to that, and embibe too.  LOL on Alt 1 thru 25.

    Karen - love love the ‘booze at the finish…’ post.  Yay for only one more AC tx.  Don’t kno about taxol, just hope not tooo rough on you.

    Julie - u funny girl with the dw business.  I thot I wud hate texting, but the more I use the more convenient I find it.

    Nancy - Yippee, hooray, for the rookies winning the race.  Must b such a rush, fun fun fun.  So glad things finally going smoothly for you.

    lubslubslubslubslubbslubs ALL!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited May 2015
  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015

    Oh wow Nancy, very cool. Wish I had one near me...loved the video!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015






    I'm thinkin' we have everything we need...let's get his party started!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    Hi girls!

    I hope you are all having as nice weather as we are having here. It is 80 degrees with abundant sunshine and a nice widdle ole breeze, could not ask for a nicer day.

    NM, glad you were able to get the cooking mess cleaned up without Sadie taking and hoarding your stuff. How was your dinner of lamb? I bet it was uber delish! hehehe, that is an inside joke, the uber delish (Lori, your BFF used to say that)! (and yes, I am smacking mese own fingers). Take some more pics of your gardens, they sound lovely.

    Lori, why are you telling me to stuff it? I am not being obnoxxxious as I used to over the cooking posts. But do need to write mese disclaimer ~~ this is NOT a cooking thread hehe. I am cracking myself the hail up over here I am. Reading the posts from the thread you opened is a huge eye opener for me. Being a stage I goil is sumting that I forget to appreciate. You girls at stage IV are my heros. You are so strong Lori, I know you flipped the finger at 2-3 years, you keep flipping that bird and you will be hanging out for a long ole time! Love you!

    Cam, hope you are enjoying your holiday festitivies and hope you do not get to burnt out from all de fun.

    Genny, love your kitchen, new and old too. I am envious, would love to redo my kitchen too. I did it but over 12 years ago. Yours is really beautonimously gorgeously purdy, wishing you many happy meals (not to be funcuses with McD's happy meals HappyHope Junior feels better, the poor baby boy, not even able to lift his widdle leg to go pee pee, so sad.

    Julie, I do not think the final payment was due until November? You keep on ho'ing around Disney goil, you deserve it. Sorry bout the people outta work n you having to pick up some hours. Hope you are able to take some precious Julie time during this holiday weekend!

    Karen, hi, tanks for checking in ~hiccup` oops cuze me, been dwinking. Ennyway, I hope n pray that the next treatment is easier for you. Have you learned any new fun recipes? I will not crack on ya for posting them, jest saying. Hugs to you ((((Karen)))).

    Sue, mese is offically furcited bout your NED news. that is wonderfoil. I hope it makes all of the pain of de treatments all worth it for ya. YOu too are a hero to me. I jest love ya.

    Nancy, loved the video, I watched it twice cuz me was add'ing. I wuz looking for you but saw it was recorded before you were part of the dragon races. So much fun and such a great way to help git goils with BC back on dere feet physically n emotionally. I have to check out the FB pics you posted, musta missed dem.

    Who asked if mese cuz was still here, the answer is yes. She had a talk with her DH over dinner last week and it did not go well. She came back here crying her widdle eyes out. It is not looking like she will be going back to him anytime soon. He is too controlling and she does everyting he likes to do such as going to car shows but does not let her do the tings she enjoys such as hanging with me or other friends. She feels trapped. She handled that well while her kids where young but now that her youngest is 18. she wants some freedom to do things she loves outside the family. I really do enjoy her companionship. We have been friends forever!

    My ex will be back here soon after visitng with mese DD. We gonna have anudder fire if the wind calms some, can't wait! Nothing better dan a fire by de pool at night! Sue got to live the dream with me, wish you could all join de partay in mese yard !

    All, enjoy the rest of the holiday. And don't forget the reason for dis holiday. I tank all veterans who has lost their lives portecting mese and mese country, land that I love, mese n mese country, I talk ye God above (i wrote ye another song ♪ ♫ ~ cool beans those music notes are bdw!

    cheers me LUBS me all!

    PS Lara, come back in, meet me at de percotini fountain!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    ay, a partay! and I bumped ya, Genny! tanks for the invite, I am sooo here!


    The above is for our berry own Disney whore!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015




  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!My sincere thanks to the veterans who have served our country and given their lives in that service.My sincere thanks to the families of these selfless men and women.Always appreciated, never forgotten.

    image alt="">

    Genny--Wow, the kitchen makeover is GREAT!I bet you are very, very happy with it!Poor Junior, got his paw all wrapped up!.Give him some extra cuddles and loving today.I'm sure he needs it.Sounds like a great BBQ coming up!Fiddleheads are Ostrich Ferns just opening up,they break through the ground and look like the curled end of a violin or fiddle.I think they are a Maine thing, they are only available for about 2 weeks when they start growing, one of if not THE very first greens that comes up naturally in the spring.A sure sign that winter is (finally) over.

    Cleaned Fiddleheads:


    Ready to pick:


    Mature Ostrich Fern:


    There are a million ways to fix them, my 2 favs are in a stew with lamb, carrots, and new or fingerling potatoes, or sautéed in butter with garlic and a splash of white wine.

    Karen--Don't worry about playing ketchup here, we all understand how treatment in all it's various forms can wipe a person out.Just check in periodically so we know you are OK!And nothing wrong with food network shows, either!Yeah--I'll run for booze, and I rarely run for anything!

    Goldie--'ve been trying to establish a mint patch for years, they say it's bad luck when mint doesn't take.So I must be really unlucky!So, to get this patch going finally, in yet another place, to reverse the bad luck.And not have to mow the steep bank that I hate mowing.I somehow never thought about cooking with pineapple sage,will have to look into that.

    Juliet--Sadie is definitely NOT helping with clean up.If I leave the garbage can unattended for a nanosecond she has ittipped over and the trash spread all around the kitchen floor!She sure is training me to be neater in the kitchen AND to keep the trash can in the laundry room!But she does do a great job at "rinsing" the dishes before I wash them! Pre-approved vacant slots are a good thing, you get to control when you work extra AND get extra pay!Yeah!

    Mema--My notes say the full payment for the cruise is due 60 to 30 days before the sailing date.That would make it due in November or December.If you haven't heard anything from the MO there probably isn't any UTI.MO's jump on any form of infection ASAP to keep it from becoming a bigger problem.

    Collett--GREAT video! I've watched it twice.That is just soooo cool!

    Genny--I'm with you, let's PARTAY!

    Dara--The lamb dish came out WONDERFUL!Had it for supper last night, too, and enough left for a couple more meals.Sorry to get off onto the cooking stuff, does it help that alcamahol is involved in at least one recipe?I'll be good and stop with the cooking stuff now.I hope your cuz can get herself to a place where she is happy and able to do things she likes and not feel trapped.Sounds like her hubby needs to be an ex, but I'm sure she'll work out what is best for her.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Red, White and Blue Shots

    This is a layered shot so each ingredient is poured on top of the previous.

    1. Pour the grenadine into a shot glass.
    2. Float the peach schnapps on top of the grenadine.
    3. Float the blue curaçao on top of the peach schnapps.
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Karen, Taxol every week must be a lower dose, than that what I was given every 3 weeks. At least I hope so! I couldn't imagine it every week, at what I was getting. So good luck on that! Glad you will get a break for your vacation! And, everyone is different with BS SE's! The only thing I ever had was the fatigue and a little nausea around days 3 and 4.

    Julie, love you telling Wacko she can cook with her alcohmahol! I'm thinking she would not want to waste it in that way!! The only alcohol I have cooked with is wine. And back to Disney she goes. You truely are a DW!! I am on the other side of the fence than Sue on the texting, I'm not a fan! Would rather email or just talk on the phone. Unless it's just a couple texts back and forth and done. Not a whole conversation.

    Ahhh yes, Gloria! For whatever reason, I can not remember that name. And it's the CAT that does the humping, I never knew cats did that too, never had one. It's still hilarious to me. Nice party favors, especially the ones in the pool...wink wink!

    Video is awesome Nancy, wish you were in it.

    My woverly fweind Wacko, I did not tail you to stuff it, I said SHUT IT...LMAO! I just like busting on ye Hug, it's too much fun. I hope the winds were calm for your fire. Sorry about  your cuz, but if it's time to move on, then it's time to move on. Will she move in with you?

    NM, I may have asked before, but what do the fiddle heads taste like? Ha ha, you don't have to stop talking about cooking, I'm not! (sticking my tongue out at Dara Loopy). It's not like we do it all the time, right? Ditto to your thanks to all of our service people. Thank you and God Bless!

    Cami must be out partying. I tail ya, dat goil goes to the most parties than any of us!

    Gonna do some more work in the garden today, and I will take some pictures Wacko to post. Then going over to our other warehouse and go over the toy hauler and make sure we have everything for next weeks camping trip, leaving on Thursday, but only going a little over an hour away. Then Tammy and her son will join us on Saturday. Vacation is over, time for round 6 of my FU pills. I so love my vacations, I was going to skip today and start tomorrow, but I skipped mese last day, so I thought I better not. But it might become a habbit to skip one day every cycle. Is that bad of me???