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how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2015

    I lost my posttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

    I have a beer stopped @ perco fountain

    Now in the pool..........

    Who has the shots>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>??????????????????

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    My sincerest thanks to all service men and women, current and past.  God Bless you all.

    Nancy - what a great video.  I’m so exited for you and all the other dragons too.

    Mary - love the posts….YES, let’s get this party started!!!  I’ll b taking a dip with the nice bod on the raft…mmm mmm mmm!

    Dara - sorry to hear about ur cuz, so sad when relationships go south.  Gib her hug for me.  So nice you are there for her.  I do so miss the fire at night, sitting around dwinking and laughing are arses off. 

    NM - I have never heard of those fiddleheads.  What do they taste like, green beans or sumpin?  Did you have them with ur lamb?  U prolly sed so n I missed it.  Thanks for the reminder on monies due for our cruise.  We’ll be on that boat in no time, so fercited.  I’ll start with 3 ‘red, white n blues please!

    Lowee - I got a plant while in Vegas.  It should ‘bud’ in another month or so.  I don’t have a green thumb….hope I don’t kill it.  As far as the FU pills, mese tinks u need to take as directed, that said….life’s too short - do whatever you want girlfriend..muah!

    Lara - meet ya at the swim-up bar for those shots.

    Hope everyone has an excellent Memorial Day….Party Hardy!!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    I gots some shots for us Lala....cheers!

    LDB, I took mese FU pills this ayem, like a good lil (innocent) goil! And you need to chime in on the thread I posted.

    Muah and lots love and huggles to mese breasties.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2015

    good morning all, its 0503am ,haaaaaaaaaaaaaa! wish i was still in bed, work busy, now a bad resp virus going round!, hopefully nobody gives it to me

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!After lugging lots of water out to the plants on the deck yesterday it rained last night!Not enough to thoroughly water the plants, but still.Big long meeting this ayem at work, not so much fun to look forward to but necessary.

    Goldie--Fiddleheads taste like very mild asparagus with some earthiness, maybe like some mild mushroom with just a bit of crunch when not overcooked.Only mentioning it cuz you asked!Maybe you can use the skipping a day to negotiate dosage with your MO.The higher the dose the more days you skip each cycle.Nah, probably not a good idea.


    ORLA--Ooh, that post gremiln, we need to do another exorcism, apparently.Shots are in the floating, radio controlled drink tray, headed your way!


    Mema--I didn't get fiddleheads into the lamb stew, and that's gone now.So I'll pick up some this week and have them as a side dish with the steak I have to grill.Green beans is a good description of how fiddleheads taste!Some one asked when the final cruise payment was due, and I have all that info stored on my computer so I can find it easily since I forget stuff a lot, so it was easy for me to look up. I have been looking up Pirate Wench costumes for ideas, going to do all my costuming through Good Will or Salvation Army or other thrift shops, except the boots.I have a black pair and a brown pair I can use, just need to see what I end up with to figure out what color will work best.


    Juliet--yikes, nothing like a bad virus going around to make you not want to go to work!Praying you don't get it.


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    A Day To Remember

    1 oz Captain Morgan Spiced Rum

    2 oz Jack Daniels Whiskey

    2 oz Gin

    4 oz Ginger Ale


    Mix the Gin and Whiskey Then Mix the Ginger Ale and Rum Then Mix together on the Rocks

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015

    Good morning girls, ugghh... long weekend over, it was nice but time to go back to reality. This should be my day with Nora but I have fill in for Tina at work cause she is still on vacay... wahhh! Poor me. Junior is putting more wt on his injured paw now so I think within a day or 2 he'll be back to normal. DH fixed a very nice dinner yesterday and MIL didn't even comment about our weight! She did mention that she had a magazine with some very healthy recipes and wondered if I'd like to borrow it but that was it. Emma is going to a private academy school today to help de-stress kids taking exams. Can you imagine such a thing when we were in HS?

    NM, I did look up fiddleheads right after you mentioned them. I've never seen them here, sounds like they are available for only a short time in your area of the country so enjoy! We were promised thunderstorms and lots of rain so I told DH not to water when he was getting ready to last night. Well the weather guessers really screwed that up...not a drop. Oh well, better than Texas!

    Good morning to everyone else, got to run and get ready for work, I'll try and pop in tonight..Have a great day!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Oh my stars-good morning Ladies.

    Oh yes I partyied right in my room, sick--I missed everything, but it did rain like crazy all weekend so a lot of outside stuff was screwed up. I started feeling better late yesterday, but Joey stayed home with me Sat. night, sometimes he's to sweet, I think that yrs from now they'll say things like OMG he was the last person I'd ever think could do such a horrible thing--I watch to much TV.

    SusyQ u got most of us mixed up--but now that it is cleared up YYYYYAAAAAYYYYY I love NED, now u sound better too.

    Dara I don't blame u'r cousin when kids get older u really realize how u'r partner is and sometimes it's not so good. I'm glad she has u. And Iubs how friendly u are with u'r Ex--it's a good thing, my first ex used to call me alot, but that stopped when he died--sounds stupid I think., but his wife really didn't like it much. And I sill think my DD's should have gotten something from his money--Oh well.

    Lori I got over to u'r new thread, wow lots of people see? And Unless u'r Dr. is dr. God and u hospital is called Jesus, Mary and Joseph Hospital, don't pay any attention to time--no one Dr. knnows anything about that, expecially now--to many new things are going on all the time.

    Oops I'll be back gottsa to some work. 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Oh Julie, you don't that infection. Shoot! Please be very cautious, but as a nurse, I'm sure you are. Maybe wear a mask?

    NM, I skipped my pills last Sunday, so I got an 8 day vacation in stead of 7. I won't make a habit of it, but I don't see where it would hurt. I have read on here that some of the gals are 1 week on and 1 week off. And one other gal was 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. I think I would like those fiddleheads! Love the remote drink tray! I see you found Wacko's JD and used it in the DOTD!

    Mary, glad that Junior is starting to heal. Sorry you are gonna miss your Nora. And yep, back to work! Me too. Tons of orders to fill today, so I'm hoping the phone won't be too busy. Did you get your garden in? You mentioned DH watering, was wondering if it was veggies.

    Cami, thanks for chiming in on my thread. You and your sister are 8 years with stage IV, amazing! I am so sorry you were sick for all of the parties. And that Joey, I tell ya, you don't need an angel, you have  him! And I am not going by what my doctor said about 2-3 years. That is just not acceptable! You are too funny, your ex quit calling when he died!!! LMAO!

    I didn't get out to take pics of my garden, it was cloudy all day. So worked in the house and then went to our other warehouse, where the toy hauler is, and pulled it out and cleaned it a bit and took inventory of what we need to take back to it. Leaving Thursday.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Had quite the busy morning already.  Only got 2 cups of coffee down b4 I had to take pooches for their grooming and then the grocery store.  Had 2 scripts ready but the px didn’t open til 9, so I walked and around a lot while shopping.  Did I tail ya’ll I hate grocery shopping.  Ugh.

    Lowee - I chimed in b4 I left the house this morning.  Thanks for the push.  Glad u a good lil (haha innocent) goil.    If all those other girls can take that FU on diff time tables, don’t see why u can’t.  I push it on ur next doc apt.

    Julie - that is just waaayyy to early for me.  PuLeese watch out for that bug going around.  Am sure u kno to wear a mask and other precautions to take.  Hang in there girlfriend!

    NM - we did same….watered and within an hour rain the other day.  All gone now, should be close to 90 today….and hotter each day.  Fiddlesticks sound OK, if I ever see em in the stores I may buy a bit.  Love the remote controlled dwinkie tway, very cool.  Hmmm, that is a good idea to check the thrift stores for costumes.  I’ll bet as Halloween approaches there’ll be some avail.

    Mary - good morning, but sawee u have to work.  Glad Junior’s paw is healing without problems.  Ur MIL sounds like those moms who think no one can take care of her son like she can.  Needs to cut that apron string.

    Cami - awwww hate that u were sick during the parties, hope it’s all past.  Joey jes wonderful for keeping u company.  ((Cami))

    lubslubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll....big hugz to those I missed...have a wonderful day...MUAH!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    OK I'm back, those damn phones were going like crazy and I had voicemails and did all the filing so far. Chit So I'm on my 3rd cup of coffee, but I will still be ready for a nap.

    OK where was I???

    Mary I'm glad Junior is getting better--u have so many names for me to rememer. But I always know the most important one Nora--who's one of our angels, Oh BTW u;r kitchen looked great before, now it's gorgeous. Thanks for the pics. OMG I'm confused again it is u'r kitchen right? U can imagine what kind of employee I am. Well I have been the employee of the month every month for my answering phone calls..

    Nancy u are doing so well u water thing u. And I'm so happy u have things under contol. Now when do u see u'r kids? 

    NM It's still raining here today--all weekend so many people got screwed out of good weather in most of the state and it's always odd to me u have nicer weather. But u'r garden will look beautiful with all u'r doing. Now we do have bunnies here, there is  rabbit hole in our yard filled with the babies so Marty watches Sox super good so he doesn't bother them and now he doesn't and of course my cat stays inside or she wouldn't listen to anyone about that stuff.

    U know Lori when I first went to the Dr. the only real time I actually listened she said I'll be perfectly honest with u, u'r chances aren't very good, but there is always the chance that things will be goo o u. And I told her it wad up to her to make things good and that's when I said I really don't want to hear this chit. That's why I got so much Chemo, she just kept on going, I saw so many come and go and that again is why I would answer the phone I was there for so long and got to know the nurses aand the Drs. so well. And here I am, so don't take to heart what any Dr. tells u---please I worry about u so much cuz I know u do listen to u'r D. and really we should, but not for that. Never for that.

    Karen I hope the taxol is kind to u, I think it is different for every oneI must have had it, I don't remember anything but the red devil cuz I peed red, which I thought was funny. (my humor)

    Well back to work---OK no laughter anyone, I took a shower early and have clean PJ's on for work today. No make-up as usual and my hair in a pony tail, it's still straight. Yahoo


  • Bippy625
    Bippy625 Member Posts: 602
    edited May 2015

    hello my fellow drankers!

    lori invited me on over. She can spot drinkin talent! I love red wine and naps. I have been here for about a year and know some of you sisters--Hi Camillegal! Damn, all you guys schedules make Bippy tired. I aint worth a crap lately, still tryin to get a job. All they want is full time file slingers. I cannot take these Sarasota asshole attorneys more than part-time. Why is it that profession is filled to near exclusion with narcissistic psychopaths and deviants of the worst kind? So, for now, Bipster blogs, naps, sips wine, and blogs some more. Usually with a kittaeh on my lap..

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2015

    hey bippy,live in cape coral, and yes fl is wierd beyond belief! i work in healthcare so attorney is a dirty word

  • Bippy625
    Bippy625 Member Posts: 602
    edited May 2015

    hey Julie!

    Bipster has had wine and now it's time for tee tee nigh nigh. Sighs. Remember when we used to beat the night? Dusk kicks my ass. Drank on sisters.....

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited May 2015

    Morning loungets


    Miss Cami your looking beautiful this morning. I saw both kids this weekend. We had a slumber party in Nanas room;and I thought that I made a really cool bed for them with pillows on the floor right next to mecuz I was so wore out from practice and just from having two 3 year olds. and do you think they slept in that nice damn bed I made? Oh hell no! Nanna butI I want you....Nanna I scared(both Samarah) I told her theres no monsters at Nanas they are afraid of me. She said oh you show them your muscles and beat them up. I said you got it. she says Nana I so miss you and bats her little eyes and then Jackson chimes in me too Nana I miss you too. Ok climb in with Nanna two min later one in each am they are asleep and I am sweating to death but loving every minuye, lol

    NM never heard of fiddlesticks to eat just when your upset and you say oh fiddlesticks. Lol.Are they native tttto Maine?

    Mary I love your kitchen I really want to get mine redone sometime. Hope you had a good time with Nora.

    Lori maybe they will make a new video that I will be in some day. At practice saturday we did 1000 meters, 600 meters and 300 meter and after the 1000 meters race there was a rainbow above us. It was so cool. They have their first race this Sat. I have to miss it my nephew is graduating from high scool.

    Hello Mema, 4, Lori, Karen, Bippi and Dora


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Summer has moved in with all its sun, heat and humidity!YEAH!On the not so fun side, my phone was acting up, shutting itself down, just not working, so I ended up doing the reset to factory settings thing.Well, the Google + that I've been paying extra for all this time did NOT save all my contacts, it disappeared, too!So now I'm starting all over with adding the (long) lists of contacts.Sigh.Could be worse, right?

    Genny--Wow, doggy therapy to destress during exams!Where was that concept when I was in school!Sounds like Junior is improving, that's a good thing.The weather guessers are talking about the possibility of thunderstorms this afternoon, hope I'm out where I can watch it if it does happen!Hope you had a good day at work!

    Cammy--Now just stop thinking such things about Joey--unless you are teaching him to do them yourself!Which I cannot picture happening, at all.He's a sweety!

    Goldie--I thought that radio controlled drink deliverer would be fun for the Tenders to play with, as well as fun for us.Pretty nifty, huh?

    Mema--I'm challenging myself to put together a Pirate Wench costume without buying an actual costume, but by buying the pieces, max $5 for any one piece, and using things I already have in the house.Going to try to not go over $25 total.Just a little challenge to myself to occupy my mind during odd moments.Although I may make an exception and buy some really neat pantaloons off Amazon. . . Anywho, just a little game to stretch out the fun and anticipation.

    imageAnd I really like these:


    Cammy--D@mn phones is right!Pain in the Anatomy!A baby bunny hole, how adorable!Do you have any pics?Or maybe you can't really get close enough for pics without disturbing them.Must be fun to watch.Too bad so many people got rained out, hope they get better weather soon!Good point about not talking what docs say too much to heart.Statistics only apply to groups of people, the only statistics that apply to an individual person are 0% and 100%.Either you do or you don't have cancer, are pregnant, have mets, are alive 5 years after diagnosis or 10 years or 20 years.Only God can really say what is in store for an individual, and He doesn't tell!

    Welcome, Bippy!Come on in, pick out a bar stool (or design your own) tell the tenders what your fav brand of red is, tell us the name of your kitteh and post some pics of his/her adorableness and share in the fun!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Welcome Delight

    3 parts Vodka

    6 parts White Wine(feel free to substitute Red Wine!)

    6 parts Sprite

    4 parts Orange Juice


    Pour ingredients into a bowl, and mix them together.

    Best served in a Punch Bowl.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    LDB, 2 cups of coffee is our limit. Used to be 3, but we cut back on one. Glad you are feeling better. Gonna be getting toasty in your neck of the woods, soon. Any other trips planned, besides DW? Thanks for posting on my thread. I think it was a good one, and I would like to hear from LOTS more ladies.

    Cami, I think I'm with you on being employee of the month! I like that! I am not taking the 2-3 years to heart, I know that no one can predict that. Your hair is long enough for a pony tail? I take it DD has not had time to do it for you?

    LOL, Hi Bippy. You will fit in  here just fine. We have a few others that imbibe in some wine, even me on occasion. But mostly beer or wodka. Sorry about the job front, what kind of work do you do? There aren't too many of us on this thread, so you should learn everyone pretty quick. Several of us have nick names. For instance LDB up there, that is memasue and LDB stands for lil doity butt. And Dara Diverse has many, but I just call her Wacko. We have 3 nurses, NM (Native Mainer) who is a hospice nurse, JulieT works cardiac I think, then there is Karen, she pops in every now and then, she is currently doing chemo. I think she is in anesthisia? Are you anywhere near Julie? This is The HTL, Hot Tatties Lounge and we have Tattie Tenders, instead of bar tenders. Here's a video to explain more.

    Nancy, loved your story about the kids wanting to sleep with you. I could picture it all in my head. And I'm with you, would have been sweating like cray cray, but loving every minute of it. Some day they will be too grown to have anything to with that! That is my favorite picture of the kids.

    NM, I believe I saw on FB where you got your phone all bixed up. And you have my permission to use more of Wacko's JD in another DOTD (Drink of the Day) sincin she is not around to drink it. Love the pantaloons and making this part of the fun, up to the actual trip.

    Bippy, there are several of the girls here, well most of them, that are going on a Disney Cruise in January. OH, and Julie goes to Disney just about every week. Well, not really THAT often, but a lot. So my nick name for her is DW, for Disney Whore.

    Well, I went out yesterday for pics of the garden, took one and battery died. I did count my beans and onions. Over 150 onions and about 120 bean plants. And not all of them are up yet. My husband is nuts! No need to have that many of those. Wish I lived closer to the farmers market, I'd start selling. CAMPING TOMORROW!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning Ladies--

    Hi Bippy glad to see u. It's time to admit what we all do and enjoy the DOTD that NM always has--and tell everyone about u'rself too. This is a wonderful group of ladies sober or not. LOL

    NM we're still raining here, pured yesterday and droopy out today, but accoding to my weatherman (Joey) it's supposed to be nice and sunny later. And I too never heard of fiddlesticks except in the saying, strange how we all (most) live in the S and we know so little about other states. Well I do at least.

    I kept on trying to get back here yesterday, I've never been so busy with work--I looked at the phone with hate and I did ake calls over the weekend. I hope that his business is really going off well, but I'm first on the list of people to welcome customers and we all know how I am--sarcastic as hell, I'm trying to be more pleasant.

    Julie I think u'r gone by now, I never in my life heard anyone going to DW aalallllll the time. I said u've got something going on there---Fess up.

    Oh I love thos pantaloones, or whatever they're called.

    Nancy how cute having a bedfull, I don't know how u did it, but those kids are so adorable I would do the same thing.

    OK I'll try to be back later



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Oh Lori I'm all wet, u bumped me right in our pewl, but I'll take it.

    Lori I love how u 'splain to anyone new, u just have it all together for all of us. Thank you

  • Bippy625
    Bippy625 Member Posts: 602
    edited May 2015

    imagewell, I am off to an interview. I sling legal files. Most recently in family law but trying to do another branch now, because domestic relations is nothing but negative. Crazy people crazy attorneys. Horrific hatred, greed, mental illness and STOOOPID chit. I have also done med mal, PI, construction, general civil all kinds, foreclosure, appellate, and employment/civil rights/government. State and federal courts. Phew! No wonder I hate attorneys.

    Native mainer! We are up there in September in Dedham. Near Bangor. Cannot wait, because last year the trip had to be canceled two weeks prior because of my diagnosis. That really sucked.

    Disney cruise in Jan? The Bipster may need to get in on that! I wanna be a DW too.

    Camile, WTF with the work?, you are amazing.

    Agree on the wench breotches! Can we start a new so we can just wear them as loungewear?

    This is my kitteh Bippy. She is my alias. See if you can pick out the real kitteh!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Cami - sounds like u were really busy yesterday, hope u have an easier day today.  I’m now on my 2nd cup a joe and still having trouble staying awake.   I tink you need a plaque touting u as the ‘employee of the month and every month’  hail…every day I say!!  But you cwack mese up with ur sarcastic ‘tude’.  U a funny lady!

    Bippy - welcome to our lair.  We have plenty of wine at the HTL and the most gorgeous tenders to serve our every whim.  Good luck with the interview, you are very well learned with the legal chit.  Love the pic of kitteh Bippy, so pretty.  Titties UP!!

    Julie - lol that attorney is a dirty word…I couldn’t agree more.

    Nancy - Did you ever decide on that beautiful dress for the wedding?  I kno I missed a gadzillion pages so you may have mentioned it already.  Sounds like my kinda grandkid sleep over.  I put out another text to the parents of mine for June 6-10.  They are dragging their feet.  I don’t feel like continuing to nag them, half my mind says ‘no more reminders’ either they come or they don’t.  Bummer u have to miss the 1st race, but family graduations are special.

    NM - That’s a PITA, losing all the contacts.  Did u contact customer service at Google, I mean u paid all that money, either they find ur contacts or refund ur money.  OK, done with rant.  Love the what, petticoat slips?   I have my neighbor, Pat, she’s 85y and works, well volunteers, 1 day at week at thrift shop here.  I’m gonna ask her to keep her eyes open for pirate gear. 

    Lowee - we drink ½ caff, so I don’t mind the 3rd cup.  If I used full strength then 2 wud suffice.  Thanks for posting the utube of the htl for Bippy.  WOW that is a lot of beans n onions.  More ‘put up’ work for you tho.  Have fun camping…muah!

    lublublublublublublubssss all mese goils!

  • Bippy625
    Bippy625 Member Posts: 602
    edited May 2015

    imagei am bookin the trip to HTL!

    Bipster decided to hang out in the iron skillet today. No reason

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited May 2015

    Mema Nope I have not decided on a dress yet but we are going shopping in August when my DIL mom comes from California. We are all going to go dress shopping together then so I cant wait!!

    Oh and my DIL started her period yesterday so no baby :( but they are gonna try again after they wedding :)

    Bippy we would love for you to join us. We booked through Kathy at Small World Vacations I can get you her information if you would like it. Just let me know.

    Gotta get ready for dragon boat practice. See ya all later tonight.



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    Hello ladies,

    Just popping in right quick for the DOTD (drink of the day for Bippie Bippy). Mese is berry thirsdey on dis thirsdey eve day.

    I am getting ready to move at work, then home to take both dogs to the vet. But I wanted to say hey and hi to all of you.

    Bippy, welcome to the lounge, hope you can join us on the Disney cruise. We will all be ho’ing around the ship.

    And for the record, I do not do dress up, I am already goofy looking so that will be mese costume. But I will talk like a pirate arrrrrr! is that good?

    Lori don’t give mese likker away, I trying. I do not take the time to post as I still have my cousin staying with me, it looks like it will be a long long time.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Welcome Thursday, gonna need to work my butt off today due to the short week, but so what's new, right?No thunderbumpers yesterday, but may get some "strong to severe" ones this pm.We'll see how right this prediction is!

    Goldie--Yup, got the phone back in working order, need to clean up the contacts list, but I can putter away at that over time.It's working much better, now!OK, I'll keep looking for DOTDs with JD, another challenge, yeah!

    Cammy--I think it's fun learning about the little specifics of various parts of the country.So much variety!Have a good day at work!Remember to smile when you answer the phone, people can hear the smile in your voice and that makes you sound friendly.

    Bippy--I'm a wine lover, too, currently have a batch of cranberry wine in first ferment.I live near Bangor, just outside Newport, my work office is in Bangor.My Mom and her BF live on Green Lake, physical address is Ellsworth, mailing address is Dedham.We willHAVE to get together when you are up here this year!Wench breotches as official Hot Tattie Loungewear?Sounds like fun to me!Tops, as always, are optional!I think the real Bipster is the black and white striped one!Love Bippy'seyes shining through the black face fur.I bet she's a handful!

    Mema--I considered contacting Google, but my time is worth more than $2.99 a month, so I just cancelled the account with a rather scathing note that they failed me and I have already mentioned the failure on FB and identified Google+ as a scam.Got a very nice (automated) "thank you for your feedback" e-mail.So no one will ever read what I wrote, but I feel better.And I found all my contacts in my calendar and figured out how to (1) create a CSV file and (2) how to import said CSV file to my no-longer-Plus-Google-e-mail address and then (3) how to export that new contact list to my phone.Very proud of myself!It does look a lot like a petticoat, doesn't it?But it's actuallybloomers with very wide legs and lots of lace that I think would be wicked fun to wear peeking out under a full skirt rucked up on one side.And fun is what it's all about, right! You can ask your neighbor to keep an eye out for peasant blouses, full skirts, asymetrical skirts and vests. Those seem to bethe primary pieces of a Wench costume, with a head wrap or hat, and maybe an eye patch, maybe a sword on a belt for trimming, and boots.Unless you are looking for a ready made constume, which is probably a lot easier, and very likely to be available after Halloween for next to nothing, and just in time for the cruise!

    Sautéed Bippy, what a delicacy!

    Collett--Dress shopping with the fam, what fun! So sorry DIL is not preggers.She must be very disappointed.Have fun paddling that Dragon!

    Dara--Talking like a pirate will be just fine, you are so unique that you don't ever need a costume!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Flamming Jack


    1/2 oz. Jack Daniel's Whiskey

    1/2 oz. Dekuyper Hot Damn 100 Proof Cinnamon Schnapps


    Combine in shot glass. Lighting it on fire is optional. Then shoot (it tastes like a candy heart).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2015

    Not much time this morning, have to get ready to head out camping. LDB, can't do much with the onions, but give away, and yes lots of beans to can!  I hope you get the grand kids when you want them. Nancy, no baby! Scared So so strange of a situation that was. Dress shopping will be fun. Dara, I can give your likker away iffin I want. The Tenders will find you more when you pop in. I hope all is ok with you and your cuz with her staying there. Too cute with Bippy in the skillet! Cami, are you feeling better? Mese tinks so, cuz you went swimming with me!   I don't know if we will have internet where we are going, so I may not poop in until Monday. So y'all have a great weekend!

    Vroom Vroom!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning me Mateys!!!

    I love all this pirate talk, and as far as those ruffled pantaloones if they cme in a different color I would wear them out just like that, well a top of course. But that's the kind of crazy gal I am.

    Oh Bippy I love u'r little ones, that one is brave sitting in a pan--know u so well.--Yep and look up on the trip sounds like so much fun. Oh Bippy I'm not amazing at all, I work from my home and don't even have to get dressed and screw up calls like mad.,but SusyQ I'm so nice to people my phone sticks with sugar.

    Well Lori's camping now I think, hope she's having fun, that one thing I don't like doing--among others.

    SusyQ u sound better and I lke that, don't worry about catching up, just so u'r here.

    NM it's u'r turn for the rain, we're still getting it.

    I saw a commercial for nurses and thought of u gals and how underappreciated all of u are. Well I don't feel that way, like all of us. I'd rather deal with the nuses than the Drs. most of the time. It's an awfully hard job and u gals make it sound so easy.

    And then there's Julie back at the World she loves, I told u gals something is going on there. Hi HO Hi HO--they are always saying hello to her. Does that tell u something?

    OK I have to open up for work now--ick--- and we'll see what today bings. Well I do bring confusion to the table, I keep them on their toes. And I have to nap.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2015

    good evening all.I am on my spelling is going to be interesting. Popped in to animal kingdom today but find,t stay long so busy.was in my room by 130pink looked at prices for rooms but thy are all for Florida residents or annual pass holders.want I'd to book.maybe Kathy has access to good rates

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Boy howdy did we get a good Thunder bumper yesterday evening!Got an inch of rain with it, quiete the gully washer.Was fun to watch.

    Goldie--have a great weekend, remember to check in with a full report on Monday!

    Cammy--I'm sure those pantaloons come in other colors, or could be dyed.They would be fun to wear by themselves! And yup, we got the rain.Going to be beautiful today.

    Julie--How was Animal Kingdom?I loved it the one time I was there, would love to see it again.Would love to see Epcot center again, ah, heck would love to see ALL of it again!

    Princess Glittter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Friday Freeze

    1/2 cup Vodka

    1/4 cup Rum

    1 cup Orange Juice

    4 scoops Orange Sherbet


    Blend all ingredents in blender at highest speed. Consistancy of the mix should be "semi - thick:" not so thick that a spoon would stand by itself in the mix, but not as thin as juice. If the mix is too thin, add sherbet, if too thick , add equal amount of juice and alcohol. Pour into glass and place in freezer for 15 minutes.

    Best served in a White Wine Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Julie I love u'r kindle, it spells like I do all the time. I know u'r having a grea time, u lucky dick and I don't mean Donald--u find fun in so many things it's great.

    NM I knew the rain was going u'r way, now there is much more coming toward us--hope it's not thundery and TX is getting blasted, some of it is finding it's way this way. Not so good. I love drinks that have sherbert in them--they're so whippy tasting. Well it's TGIF, hope u'r not on call this weekend.

    OK Dara and SusyQ u both know how to do the note signs and I can't figure it out--U never know when I'll need them--so guide me thru it--if it's to complicated just tell me, I totally understand my brain is mush. And I never get insulted by anyone telling me that. In fact I think I almost made up chemo brain--Another boring story. After about 6 months of chemo I told my dr. my brain was not working right and she said that happens sometimes and I said no I think it's from chemo and she said Oh don't worry that's just a myth going around. And I kept saying I had chemo brain, but she kind of dismissed it, then Mayo clinic came out with the article that it is tru but probably only lasts for up to 5 yrs. And I told her they were wrong. Then about 1 yr. later another article came out and they said it could last for any amount of time, so far they said 20 yrs. I knew I was right from the beginning--Chemo brain is so true. So u see Drs. aren't always right which I reminded her often. I still don't have a clue why she liked me.

    Oh Lori when u read this I have to tell u---I haven't had my hair touched yet--Les has been so busy, but more importantly it feels like silk and I haven't had longer hair since I used to straighten it all the time and now it' straight all by itself so to me it's a luxery just to feel my hair. and Joey loves brushing it and feeling it cuz it feels so good. HaHa I told him my hair is newer than his that's why--

    OK I'm opening up my work area now---with the hope of not crazy busy--I'm so effin lazy Oh I actually found an everyday calender I have so I can keep track of things--I have an Onc. app't Monday morning and I don't have to be reminded, I'm so excited I found this thing.And I keep it by my computer--see the little things that excite me. I still live up to my high school name EASY--


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015

    Good morning to my lovely loungettes, it's a beautiful day here and I am not working and DH outta town so I'm sitting here drinkin my coffee and enjoying da hell out of the morning! I have not seen Nora in weeks, I was working for the other lady at the shop and Nora's mom and other grandma have taken her to Columbus, so not fair! I am going to get her next Friday for a sleepover, This is the longest I have gone without seeing her I think, except for when I had my surgery. So today I'm going to take the pooches for a long walk and clean my house and maybe take myself golfing. I had a giant salad with the lettuce straight from my garden last night...delish!

    Bippy, welcome to the lounge, my beverage of choice is wine also. Love your kitteh, he resembles mine. His name is Moose, he weighs 17lbs and he is the boss of the house. He has a stuffed dog named Gloria which he assaults at least nightly despite having been neutered at 3 months. Poor Gloria has been rode hard, one eye, had to sew her head back on a few years ago. I washed her once and he gave her the cold shoulder for a month so I let her be. He likes his girls dirty I guess. If you are serious about the cruise Nancy has the info on the travel agent, altho you'd prolly have to room alone cause I believe everyone has paired up already. My BCO name is Genny but real name is Mary so they call me either here.

    Nancy, love the pic of the kids, they are so cute! And I love the story of the sleepover, I can picture it. Nora sleeps between my husband and me and she thrashes around all night She can take up half the king size bed. Your son and DIL certainly have plenty of time for a baby, now she can concentrate on the wedding. Hopefully at this time next year you'll be waiting for another bundle of joy.Love the Dragon boat pics as well, please keep them coming.

    Lori, sounds like you'll be doing lots of canning again this year. Any new word on the GF and soon to be (I hope) ex-SIL? I know she shut down the blog but wondered if you found anything new. Hope you have a great vacay with lots of fun on the toys. Love the video!

    NM, short workweek means overload of paperwork I'm sure. Love the pirate gear, I'm not much for dressing up like a pirate either but maybe I'll change meese mind. I was just thinking that I need to book my plane flight down there, haven't done that yet. The weather guessers said rain at 8pm on Wed which was my golf league. So I started at 5, was hitting the ball the best I've done this year and got to the 4th hole and the thunderstorms moved in and we had to make a beline for the bar.... got there just in time. By the time I finished my wine the sun was out but by then we all had our rain checks and had put our gear away. Ah well, maybe next week. Met one new lady on the league that started out talking about her neighbor and his dog and how she doesn't like dogs and blah, blah, blah....I tuned her out and realized there was at least one on the league I want to stay away from! Hope you have a nice weater weekend, I think it's sposed to rain here. How did fiddleheads turn into fiddlesticks?

    Cami, Joey is a sweetie and I do not see criminal in his future. He is going to be a scientist doctor that cures breast cancer, remember? So when are you gonna get your cut and color? I think Leslie should give you your new look by the time you get your new teeth... and THEN we get a picture!

    Dara, moving at work? Are you switching offices or what? Pooches just getting vaccines? What's going on with DD and David, any new news? Too bad about your cuz and DH but who needs to be controlled! Hope she finds lots of happiness with the split, is she moving in with you? Hope your dad is still liking his new home, love that he was anxious to get back after the bisit at your house.

    Sue, you sound better, you got both feet outta dat wabbit hole? Hope your DD gives you a commitment on the dates that would surely keep you out. Make sure you get lots of pics, can't wait to see little Maddy again.

    Ok, I know I'm missing people but time to get out with the pooches...hope you all have a fabulous Friday!