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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    Hi goils,

    Mese popping in to say happY friedEY! wooo hooo, pinch me. I is bizzy. ese having two partays tomorree for mese dad's 80th birthday. One is at the home and the other will be at my house. The reason we are having a family partay at the home is that Dad wants my Mom there. Then we have a bigger party with all the relatives.

    Cam, to make the music notes, hit the alt key, hold it down then hit 13 or 14. You can do it! The alt key is next to the space bar.

    Genny, nothing new on David or Jennika. I have not heard from them all week except that Jenn sent me a pic of David, it is really cute. I love that baby, wish I could see him. It sucks.

    NM, glad you got to see some good thunder and lightening claps, woo hooo. Not my idea of fun but I know ya like em.

    So yes, mese cousin is here, not sure how long I tailed her she can stay as long as she wants. I am glad she is here, I would be so lonely And we get along fabulously. I turned her into a dwinker though. oops, did not mean it Happy

    gotzta run, time to mop my hardwood and kitchen floors now.

    Hello Julie, hope you had fun at aminal kingdom, keep your arms outta de lion's mouths, k.

    Hi Sue, hope you staying outta de rabbit hole.

    Time to take Lori's likker away hehe, jk Lori.

    love you goils and miss you all. I will try to poop in sometime over the weekend. Until then.........


    Love n hugs too~~~~~~~ ~~~~

  • Bippy625
    Bippy625 Member Posts: 602
    edited May 2015

    wicked cool, nativemainer!!! We have good friends in all those places! Our place is very neat the Lucerne Inn. Maybe we shall mee for a drankie in Bangor or nearby! Small world. We cannot wait to arrive. Ayuh!

    Hello all my babahs, how are we? Bipster had a herceptin infusion today. ONLY TWO MORE!!!! !!!! Will not miss the achey ass joints. Will miss my nurses very much, yet never wanna see em again too.

    Tonight we are drankin Coors light, cuz price is no object but carbs are an issue.

    Genny! Moose would love Princess Chunk. She is hefty too, like a furry car battery. Sweet natured, so loving. Hell yea I wanna cruise. Only issue is of course money....hmmm I do want the info, someone plse send me the travel agent name, etc. and the Bipster will see. Celebration time wenches! Remember though.....what happens on the boat, stays on the boat. Unless you need to puke, that goes over the side of the boat.

    Got an interview again Monday, If the money's right I may take it just for 6 months to get some cash together. I just don't have any stomach for these asshole attorneys. Whatevah! It is a gift from the universe---His name is DICK.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    I would love to see a video of Moose getting down and dirty on the stuffed animal. that is soooo funny.

    Bipster, here is the info for the travel agent:

    Small World Vacations.... where the magic begins!
    Authorized Disney Vacation Planners – Platinum Level
    Dedicated To Your Dreams and Your Dollars

    Phone: 508-835-2498
    Toll Free Outside MA: 888-677-8333
    Fax: 508-340-4947

    Office Hours:

    Monday - Friday: 9:30am – 4:30pm EST

    Saturday - No office hours; however, I check email and voicemail messages as time permits.

    Saturday and evening hours are available by appointment only.

    She is very responsive on email. I will PM you my reservation number and name so that she can pull up the cruise we will be on. We would love for the Bipster to join us! Good luck on yer job interview. Hey, my plastic surgeons name was Dick hehe, that is what I call him ennyway. well actually I call him Dr. PRick. The cost for me was 779.00 I tink. You would have to find someone to share a cabin with you or the price would double. I hope you can find another breastie to join in to make it more affordable. I know another loungette who is interested, for the other goils, that is our CyndieLouWho, she expressed interest in going.

    Ok, back to work for me. the floor is all did, time to dust and vacuum. I have to rest between chores, mese old body not up to all this work. I am asking mesedernself why I volunteered to host this partay. Ugh. I work so hard to git eberyting in shape to have it messed up so quickly. But I know mese Dad will enjoy being back home again for the day.

    more cheerS! and a toast in sailabration of friedey night!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    ps goils, mese five year cancerversary is on 6/1, next week. so hard to believe it has been five years. can we have a partay? well I am havin one with or without ye all. ok, gotta fly for real dis time. lots of love to all!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    yay Cammy, you did it! good job !!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Well my usual diarrhea got me up this morning--I'm a mess with being tired, Sorry I had to complain.

    Oh Dara I was LOLing at myself cuz I couldn't find the numbers 13 and 14 anywhere, I finally figured it out, it dawned on me it was 1+3 and 1+4--I told u I'm difficult to teach anything to. No one would ever guess I have 140 IQ, which I know by now it has decreased way below the number for freezing rain.

    Mary that's a long time to wait to see Nora, She'll be a whole different person. To me they change at that age so much.

    Dara I was thinking --Bong, well that a good thought---anyway, In u'r Sate do letter to the County u'r in have any weight with what the Judge will rule? Just a thought.

    Nancy u r one busy gal and I'm so happy for u.

    I hope Karen comes in to tell us what's going on.

    Bippy 2 more treatments YAY for u or shore. I remember when u started this crazy road and if u can see if u cn go on this cruise these gals are a blessing in so many ways. And so much fun and on top of that smart about so many things, u'll enjoy it and u'r worth it. They are all so different and all so wonderful, if I had to choose people to talk o and confide in this is one hell of a group--And I tell them everything.

    NM isn't in yet--we are supposed to get horrible storms today and possibly tomorrow and turn so cold that the heat will be on. WTF--I planned on swimming this weekend but with my D and the weather that'll never happen

    Jodie is having a BD soon and I can not believe she'll be 49--Joey and I started singing Sunrise, Sunset ♪ ♫ last nite. LOL And I got all mushy, where did this time go? H'ell be 11 next week, damn he was just a baby not long ago Oh well I'm here to enjoy it so I'm hppy about that.

    Dara I love the idea of having 2 parties for u'r dad and that he wants u'r mom there. That's so sweet,, and then u whole family can celebrate together too. I'll be so good for u too. I'm glad u and u'r cousin ae doing well together, it's so good for her to have u--it'll give her time to decide what she really wants.

    OK I'll be back later and I always miss Lori when she doesn't check in.

    ♪ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♀☼►◄↕‼ ♂ I had to do all the numbers


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015

    Just a quick pop in, my power cord is on the fritz again. Just ordered on from ebay. The one I got last year is done I guess. If I go to the Mac store they charge $80, so I guess I'l try another ebay one for $15. I may be able to play around with it to get it to work but otherwise I'll just be using my phone till it gets here. Anyway red light is on, meaning I'm outta juice so love to all, have a good weekend. DH and I are doing a 5k obstacle run tonight, should be interesting cause neither of us have been running. Proceeds go to local women with BC.

    Dara...WOHOO on 5 years!!!!

    Gotta run before it shuts to all!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Soapbox warning! NM is getting up on her soapbox again, feel free to skip this post!

    Unproven Dietary Guidelines, or Is fat and cholesterol really the enemy?

    For decades we've been told to decrease our intake of fat and cholesterol, do lower total cholesterol levels, then to lower "bad" cholesterol levels, then to take statin drugs to get cholesterol levels to "healthy" levels while putting up with muscle aches and pains and liver damage in order to avoid dying of a hear attack. "the research proves" is a common phrase. It's also a common lie. The research doe NOT prove any of this!

    "Reuters Health Information

    U.S. May Lower Cholesterol's Level of Threat to Health: Report"


    What? How can this be? Is the US, in all it's infinite wisdom now condemning all it's citizen's to death from cholesterol clogged arteries and heart attacks? Um, no. The US is admitting "they" got it wrong from the beginning!

    "For decades, the government has warned against diets high in cholesterol. But now many nutritionists believe that cholesterol intake may not significantly impact cholesterol blood levels or increase the risk of heart disease in healthy adults, according to the Washington Post." (

    What? Cholesterol is NOT a deadly enemy? Again, HOW CAN THIS BE???? Doesn't the research prove that cholesterol intake is killing us all? Well, actually, the research has NEVER "proved" or even strongly linked cholesterol and heart disease.

    Evidence From Randomised Controlled Trials Did Not Support the Introduction of Dietary Fat Guidelines in 1977 and 1983


    "Results 2467 males participated in six dietary trials: five secondary prevention studies and one including healthy participants. There were 370 deaths from all-cause mortality in the intervention and control groups. The risk ratio (RR) from meta-analysis was 0.996 (95% CI 0.865 to 1.147). There were 207 and 216 deaths from CHD in the intervention and control groups, respectively. The RR was 0.989 (95% CI 0.784 to 1.247). There were no differences in all-cause mortality and non-significant differences in CHD mortality, resulting from the dietary interventions. The reductions in mean serum cholesterol levels were significantly higher in the intervention groups; this did not result in significant differences in CHD or all-cause mortality. Government dietary fat recommendations were untested in any trial prior to being introduced.

    Conclusions Dietary recommendations were introduced for 220 million US and 56 million UK citizens by 1983, in the absence of supporting evidence from RCTs."

    Translation, courtesy of Yours Truly: There were 6 studies that the dietary guidelines were based on. All were conducted with men, none with women. 5 of the 6 studies were "secondary prevention" studies done with men who had already had a heart attack, and were looking at preventing a second heart attack. One study included healthy men who had not had a heart attack. The "interventional" group is the group of men who changed their diet to decrease dietary fat and cholesterol, the "control" group did not change their diet.

    "There were no differences in all-cause mortality and non-significant differences in CHD mortality, resulting from the dietary interventions." Translated, this says that the overall number of men dying of any cause during the study was the same in each group and the difference in the number of men dying of heart disease in each group was so close that, statistically, the rate must be considered the same. In this instance, with 2467 participants evenly assigned to the interventional and control groups means that each group had approximately 1233 men. 207 deaths from heart disease in interventional group is a death rate of about 16.8%. 216 deaths from heart disease in the control group is a death rate of about 17.5%. The 1.3% difference is not big enough to reliably be considered a difference mathematically.

    The proper conclusion is "There were no differences in all-cause mortality and non-significant differences in CHD (coronary heart disease) mortality (death), resulting from the dietary interventions." A correct secondary conclusion is "The reductions in mean serum cholesterol levels were significantly higher in the intervention groups; this did not result in significant differences in CHD (coronary heart disease) or all-cause mortality (death)."

    So how did we get to the place where millions of Americans are taking cholesterol lowering drugs with significant side effects on a daily basis?

  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2015

    Hello ladies- well AC4 done- now I just have to recover from it- no alcohol yet but we did celebrate with martinellis Apple cider!! On to taxol next June 12 my MO wants me to start on powdered glutamine now apparently it helps with the neuropathy so will need to find that he was adamant powdered not pills - he did assure me that 3 weeks or so I to taxol I should see a little bit more energy etcetera let's hope. Also he is going to see how I do on taxol and then may add carboplatin I think he called it- it's not standard of care yet but apparently a new study. A me out that says in cases of triple negative which I have it has been shown to reduce recurrence rates - he gave me the study to read so we will see- I guess as it's not standard of care yet not sure insurence will cover it.

    Beautiful day here in Seattle - 80 degrees later today- I have friend and her hubby coming to topsoil my flower bed and hang a wine rack one of my scrub techs made me- and then will have to see how I'm feeling energy levels not great today- hope you all have an awesome day - have a cold one on me🍷

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday!

    Cammy--Nope, not on call this weekend, YEAH!Speaking of on call, our week night on call nurse just handed in her resignation (she's moving to an overnight phone triage position with more pay) but a new nurse has already applied for and been given an offer for the position, and it seems very likely she will accept, so there will be very little time that we will have to cover week night calls while she gets trained.I agree that it's the small things that can make life better and that's worth getting excited about!

    Genny--Ooh, lettuce from the garden, yummy!And getting to have Nora for a sleep over, YEAH!I will have to do that tonight since my lettuce needs serious thinning out!Yeah, short week means lots of late night paperwork time.When You add in the fact that we are doing 25-30 admissions a month, and each admission takes at least 6 hours to write up and the paperwork load gets really heavy at times.Thank God that we're getting a new software system, scheduled to roll out mid December.Really looking forward to that! Glad you didn't get caught in the downpour, you would have gotten very wet if they were like the ones we got here.Fiddleheads turned into fiddlesticks?Must have been a typo!And definitely stay away from non-dog-tolerant lady in the league.Something wrong with her.

    Dara--Happy B-day to your Dad, twice!Hope the partays go well.

    Bippy--Hmm, I can see a Wine Down Wednesday or a Wine Dinner if there is one while you are here!


    Wine Down at The Lucerne Inn

    Wednesday evenings, 5-9 p.m.

    The Lucerne Inn's Wine Down Wednesdays are a great way to unwind after a long day. Bottles of wine on our regular wine list are 1/2 price with your dinner on Wine Down Wednesdays. So come in and enjoy an exquisite meal, and compliment it with a great bottle of wine.Hooray for only 2 more treatments to go!Extra $4 is always good, too.

    Dara--Your Dad won't care how perfect the house is, he'll only care about who is in it, so don't tress yourself too, too much.And early congrats on your 5 year cancerversary!

    Cammy--I wish I could send that D gremlin running.So not fair.Yup, I'm late getting in today, keep getting side tracked with laundry, trying out a new recipe from Blue Apron, playing with Sadie. . .

    Genny--have a good weekend, hope the new power cord comes fast!

    Karen--HOORAY for no more AC4!Enjoy the energy today!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Energy Shot

    1 oz Vodka

    3 oz Red Bull


    Pour the vodka and the energy drink into a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake well and strain into a shot glasses for serving.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Bippy - yes, please contact Kathy at Small World, it gonna b a blast you shud def come if you can.  LoL the puking on the boat, well over the side of the boat, haha. Just love the pic of the Bipster, beautiful cat.

    Nancy - so sad dil is not pg.  Gotta be a let down for all, but mayb in long run it will be for the better.  At least they can have fun trying. Heehee.

    Dara - YAY, 5 yr cancerversary come Monday.  Do you have plans for any surgery in the near future?  And u r not goofy looking, quit saying that. Ur booTful!!!  U don’t have to dress up, however peer pressure from the rest of us mite change ur mind, at least to wear a hat or eye patch or sumpin.   Happy 80th to your dad.  That is so sweet u having 2 parties to keep him happy and family is very important.  Hugs to your cousin, gottta be so hard.  Good you are there for her and sounds like having her around is good for you too.

    NM - Sounds like something they wud say, glad you cancelled them and soooo good for you figuring out the contact list, don’t think I could have done it, I’m not that smart with these smart phones.  Good ideas on the costumes, and since my memory is so bad I’ve printed your paragraph to carry around when I shop.  Thanks girlfriend!  That Friday Freeze looks good enuf to drink on any day of the week.   And I am with you….mortified that the cholesterol crap is not highly in media, never heard a thing about.  All these people on pills that shouldn’t be…not right, but mese tinks big pharm comp and their endless greed!  Thanks for sharing the info.

    Lowee - hope u have a wonderful camping trip!

    Cami - no doubt your phone drips with honey and sugar.  I can’t imagine u being rude or impolite.   U make mese laugh on the chemo brain.  I believe it to be true, and the brain radiation messed with mese memory too.   Good for you and your calendar.  I have a desktop one, one on the wall in front of my puter, on in the kitchen, one in my phone…and I still screw things up…chemo brain for sure. 

    Mary - no Nora for all that time, I kno how you feel.  You should get alllll the time with her that you can manage, cuz soon she’ll be in school and it’d be even harder to see her.   OOOO y do they have to grow up????  LMAO on the Moose and Gloria, would love to see that action, lol.  I am feeling better, thanks.  Both feet outta there, now jes working on the fatigue.  I got a commitment for gs, Andrew starting the 6th, no word yet on Sommer, and Maddy will come on the 8th.  Only have them 2-4 days, but I’ll take it.

    Julie - hotels are that bad?  I wudn’t mind sharing the cost and sharing a room.  I’m thinking I better start checking flights and hotel rooms also.  Did you say you’d be avail to pick me up from airport?  I might of dreamed it.  They’d have airport shuttles to some of the hotels wudn’t they?

    Have a wonderful, relaxing weekend....lubslubs!

  • Bippy625
    Bippy625 Member Posts: 602
    edited May 2015

    imagenativemainer, it is a date!!!! Sometime in September, TBD. I am inviting my pal from scarborough and my best friend from east will love all of us.

    Thanks for the Disney info. I am gonna get on it. Drankin little beer tonight, nothin fancy

    Today the Bipster and the Mikester (Bipster's DH of 25 yrs) cruised around thrifting and then to see dad at VA cemetery. It is beautiful there, so peaceful. Miss my dad, bit finally it is good feelings vs. sad. Here are some pics:


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited May 2015

    Good Sunday Morning, Loungettes!I see the Tenders and Wenches have set out a wonderful Sunday Brunch Buffet, as usual.I do love these buffets!Neighbors across the street had a yard sale yesterday, so there was lots and lots of activity for Sadie to supervise, today she is one wiped out pup!She is stretched out on the ottoman snoring after dragging her bones out to the yard to piddle after we got up.It's raining gently here, and Sadie's "runway" is muddy, so you know she's got to be tired when she's sleeping rather than mud running!



    Mema--I'll tell you a secret--I use for organizing and remembering my entire life.Calendar, grocery list, To Do List, contacts, and now I have a"Pirate Wench" shopping list!I can make unlimited shopping lists, and each can be titled, so I use them to keep track of things as well as keep info handy that I want to be able to reference quickly.Without it I would be VERY lost!


    I looked up the lacy pantaloons, not gonna get those.Special order item on an Esty site, and over $100!Beautiful, though.Of course I could clean up the sewing room and make my own, but that involves a lot of cleaning up work.Still, it's a motivation to get that project done.I don't expect the cholesterol thing to make much of a splash in the media, the big Pharma companies stand to lose a lot of $ and will block that info as much as possible.Sad but true.


    Bippy--YEAH!Looking forward to September.Let me know the date ASAP and I will make sure I'm not on back up call or schedule anything else that time frame.Beautiful resting place for your Dad.


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Summer Hummer

    2 1/2 parts Gin

    cubes Ice

    chunks Lime

    4 parts Lemon Flavored Iced Tea


    Mix Gin and (Newman's Own®) Lemon Aide-Iced Tea in half full glass of ice. Add Lime as garnish.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Good Morning Ladies...

    Bippy those pics are so moving with such peace in mind, how nice u go visit u'r dad--I never go for my mom and dad, I just don't do it.

    SusyQ I assure u I don't drip with honey or sugar, I have a naturally sarcastic attifude, for the most part customera think I'm kidding,,,I always said It's not what u say but the way u say it--so I get my jab in alot to almost everyone. I'm bad. Except when I love people, that's different. And u are out of the rabbit hole--Yahoo--I don't want anyone in there,

    Oh NM I read that whole thing and I am sick about it--WTF. One SE of thismed is no grapefruit and I love grapefruit, so of course I don't have it anymore. but it so much more than that. If there is money to be made then there's a pill to be made and like all of us we see a few Drs. and they all give us meds until we have a super long list with all kinds of SE's --U know when I went to the dentist and want my list o meds, he said Oh I don't want every med u've ever taken, just what u'r on now> It's no wonder people have a hard time feeling good ater the fact of whatever was wrong. I still can't get over what u wrote about---I haven't read that anywhere else like u said either.

    Oh I so need to get started with my teeth, but it's a mess with the type of Dr. I need cuz of my bones and my bleeding issue and there are some Drs. tha don't like the idea of working on me. They went to school, I hope, I don't know what their problem is, except fear. And paying is absurdly loads of money. They shoud use me as a practice case, but NOOOO, Asses.

    OK I'll be back later, I did take my shower and I smell good right now--hopefully my D is done--I took so many pills for it yesterday, I'll probaly be backed up all week.---Oh I was a little busy yesteday with work, people are home on Sat. so my phone was going.

    BTW it's chilly today and no sun. another crazy  weather day.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited May 2015

    Morning girls, using my phone, at the parking lot of the gym working on getting myself to go in. DH and I wimped out on the race yesterday. Got downtown and a huge thunderstorm moved in at race time. We sat in the car as the crowd huddled under an awning waiting for the race to begin. 5 minutes before start time we walked into the bar that sponsored it and ordered wine and burgers... HA! How's that for a workout! Of course the rain stopped and by the time we were done eating we felt extremely guilty for being such sissies. Hence me being at the gym now. Can't get computer charger to work. Ok time to go in, bye for no

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited May 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Happy SunDay FunDay!!!  Done with my sudoku’s and dh eating his breakfast, so I can concentrate now on my breasties. 

    Bip - thanks for sharing the pics.  (((Bip))).  That would be sooo gr8 if you and NM can get face time…woohoo.  I hope to meet cha on the DW Cruise.

    NM - I am stuffed from the buffet the Tenders layed out for us.  Watcha don’t kno is that Mr Big was layed out on the other side of the table and I was sneaking samples of his deliciousness….LOL.  Thanks for the tip on, I’ll have to check it out.  I agree with u on the pharm comp…they wud lose tons. 

    Cami - OK, I believe ya, shall we call you ‘silver tongued cami’?  LOL.  I miss my grapefruit too.  DH has it often and clucks in disbelieve when I tell him I can’t have it, he doesn’t believe what harm it does with certain meds.  He means well tho.  I’ve kept an updated list of my meds knowing docs want them.  Make several copies of that and my surgeries, which they also want.  Then on the paperwork I jes have to write ‘see attached’, hate trying to remember all that crap.  Have ur dentists recommended pre-meds(anti-bs)?  Mine did, I think if they are going to do a root canal and such they want me protected as much as poss.  I am to talk to my MO next time I see her.  In meantime, dentist is just going to replace 2 old fillings.  Idk!

    Mary - LOL that sounds like something my dh and I would do.  Burgers n beer more fun than racing.  Hope u got a workout in the gym today tho.

    Karen - wish I had known about the glutamine, u’ll have to keep us posted on if it works.  I have neuropathy in my feet.  They hurt all the time but it’s tolerable, unlike some ladies who have it worse than me.   Keep us posted if doc gonna put u on carbolated (damn auto correct)!!   I had TCH and it was pretty brutal.  But then I am triple positive so I shudn’t be second guessing, just do your research it’ll help with decision making I think.  (((Karen)))

    OK, now to snoop around hotels for my July 4th trip.  My gf and I planning another road trip, just the 2 of us this time.  3rd gal got married so she begged off.  I'll be gone from July 1 thru 13th.  We'll spend the 4th in Santa Cruz on a fireworks boat cruise.  Very fercited!

    Everyone have a GR8 Funday....Lubslubslubslubslubslubs all!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2015

    yes sue planning on picking you up from the airport, want to go to disney the fri before the cruise, ok working on irs paperwork,problem with previous return,yikes

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    Hi goils!

    Happy SUndeY fUnDeY! It is a bootonimous day here, hanging by de pool and henjoying life with some dwinkies!

    NM, love when you git on your soapbox, great information. Who knew! I hate the way that things are changed up over the years as to what is good and what is not good for you. Sounds like you and Sadie had a lovely relaxing day yesterdey. Give her a kiss from me. Tanks for breakfast, that was yummy. also loved de handsome n hot servers, oh baby!

    Bip, awesome that you and NM will be having facetime in August wooo hooo, I am jailous! Great memories of your dear Daddy, may he continue to rest peacefully. Love the pics of his gravestone. Many tanks to him for serving our wonderful country!

    Sue, that is quite a road trip you are taking,, wish I could come with you. lol on Silver tounged Camille, that fits well.

    Cam, hope the D stays the hail away and that you can enjoy some pool time. Is it still cold there? I hope not.

    Genny,, sorry about yer charger taking a chit, hope your new one comes soon. lol on ditching the maze run and eating and dwinking instead.

    Karen, wooo hooo for being done, hope you start feeling great. Can't wait to dwink with ya hon.

    My Dad had a wonderful time at his parties. we call him baby huey as he loves more than anyting when everyting is about him. It was a fun yet exhausting day for all. I had over 20 people at my house, the weather was gorgeous. It was hot but breezy and not too humid.

    Missing my Goldie, , hope to see her tomorree.

    To all, a great day. Dwink up and enjoy life!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2015

    bumped ya Jules, sorry bout that but at least I bumped ya right into the arms of Jocks. he looks like he wants you today, yep, he wanna take you into de pool cabana and show you how to swim * wink wink* sorry about the IRS crud, hope it is resolved soonliest.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    6 x's I lost my posts, my patience is gone and my brain is mushy and I can't believe this--I tried so hard to find them cuz the police can even when the computer is screwed up. My mom always said if someone else can do it, so can u----but she was never in the computer wold, cookies were to bake, tools were what my father used and favorites were from a song these are a few of my favorite things, which she used o hum alot--of course she was smart enough not to sing the words, cuz my name would never be mentioned.

  • Bippy625
    Bippy625 Member Posts: 602
    edited May 2015

    hi my sexay babahs,

    Bipster's Bitch Punch:

    eppa Sangria wine (cheap!)

    Margarita drink mix (in a bottle)

    1 lime, roll on counter then slice thin

    Lotsa ice

    Mix it i. Whatevah proportions you need. I like 1/2 wine, then ice, then 1/4lime, then fill to top with mix. drank it. YUM! Also good in blender......just chop lime meat for that.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Dara I meant to tell u I use my ♪ ♫ all the time for work with a few word from a song that will start my conversation about the subject I'm writing about, good thing I know every song that was ever written. They did comment on it knowing I must have just learned it--how would they know? I just told them I want to share my songs with the people I work with but never ever see.
     Thank God no one hangs around here ever--Very strange relationship I've forged no one checks on me at all. LOL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2015

    Nice drink Bippy, sounds yummy. See how u'r kept on u'r toes around here.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited June 2015

    Good evening everyone. had a really busy weekend. My nephew graduated Friday and his party was Saturday. My team had thier first Race of the season on Saturday. We got second place in our divsion out of 25 which was really good. Espeically since we were the only all female team and only Breast Cancer Survivor team there. We even beat the Fire Dept. Lol.

    I had Jackson and Samarah today and went to church. I have not had a seizure for a month and wouldnt you know I had a good one in church. I had a small one while I was working out on Friday. So I think I am going to change up my work out days to Tues, Thurs , Fri so I am not working out on the same days that I am having practices. I feel great but my body is not cooperating. My best friend is coming for a visit on Tues. I cant wait to see her.

    Dara congrats on your five years! My first year was last week. I get my breast MRI results probably tomorrow or Tues. I cant wait to meet you and all the other girls.

    Bippy I do hope you get ahold of Kathy and can join us. The more the merrier.

    NM would be great if you and Bippy can meet up.

    Cami I hate when I loose my posts like that. It is so damn frustrating.


    My team at the Race Sat


    The two boats we had racing against each other Indy SurviveOar Legends and Stars (not our boats though)


    Here they are again racing against each other (These boats were loaned to us for this race)


    This was the first heat


    This is the entire team that raced on Saturday all 44


    This was the final race where we got 2nd place.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monkey Day!The rain started yesterday, apparently is going to go on for a few days, according to the weather guessers.But the weekend should be nice, as it's a friend's wedding.I am really looking forward to seeing a bunch of friends at the reception.

    Cammy--Drs did go to school, but one of the things they are taught is law suit prevention, which, unfortunately, means declining to work on some people.The American public has been trained to expect perfection 100% of the time and no side effects (except from chemo, and we are trained that SE s are normal and have to be endured to save our lives) and no bad results.And if there is a bad result, we sue.It's a wonder any docs keep working at all, sometimes.

    Genny--Burgers and wine?Sounds like my kind of race!Thunderstorms are good excuses for lots of things, aren't they?

    Mema--I've got a 4 page list of medications, surgeries, medical conditions, allergies, lab work, medical tests, dates of Dr's appointments, etc, and do the "see attached" thing as well!It makes life a whole lot easier at times.A fireworks boat cruise?Wow, that sounds like fun!What a great trip you have planned!

    Juliet--Good luck with the IRS stuff, sounds scary!

    Dara--Sadie had a lovely lazy day with lots and lots of kisses and belly rubs and rump roasts and I had a good time providing them and getting my hands and face washed.So glad your Dad had a good time at his parties, I bet he loved being the center of attention.And I bet you are tired, too, but happy!Good job!

    Cammy--OK, sounds like we need to go on a Post Eating Gremlin hunt and get this guy!

    Bippy--Ooh,nice Punch recipe!

    Collett--The breast cancer survivor ladies beat the Fire Department?Woo Hoo!Way To Go!Drat on the seizure.Sounds like the schedule change up is a good idea. Just so long as you don't have to give up any of your activities.Great pics!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:Bipster's Biotch Punch

    eppa Sangria wine (cheap!)

    Margarita drink mix (in a bottle)

    1 lime, roll on counter then slice thin

    Lotsa ice

    Mix it i. Whatevah proportions you need. I like 1/2 wine, then ice, then 1/4lime, then fill to top with mix. drank it. YUM! Also good in blender......just chop lime meat for that.

    Copied From Bippy's post

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015

    good morning work today

    Well done Nancy.beating the fire on the seizures tho

    Data so glad your dad had a good birthday Joey 11 where did the time go

    Billy you fit in well

    Have fun on monkey day

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015

    Good morning ladies. Popping in super quick cause my battery is in the red and still can't get the puter to charge. My new cord will be here tomorrow. I have my DH's ipad to use tonight so I will catch up then Have to get out and walk the dogs and go to work soon. I got on a Cleveland thread and am meeting up with a BCO lady for dinner tonight, she lives about 10 minutes from me. DH is traveling so it's a good night for it. Molly is coming tomorrow for hairdo and hopefully golf but we got a ton of rain over the weekend and it is only about 50 degrees this am. I even had to turn the heat on which I thought sure I was done with.

    NM, interesting reading, I have not thought cholesteral was the problem for a long time. I think Atkins started with the right idea, just was too extreme. I went off the statins some time ago and my cholest. numbers are still fine. Of course we do know that I have a lot of plaque but I have never had high lipid numbers. My DH lipids are thru the roof and he has arteries an elf could skateboard thru so go figure. Just like always, it might , they think and it could be.....who knows.

    Nancy, woohoo on the race!

    OK thie thing just flashed that my puter is gonna shut down, I'll pop in tonight...gotta walk the dogs anyway, gonna have to put on my long johns!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Good Monkey Day Ladies ♪ ♫--I can't help myself.

    Nancy Wow that race u gals worked hard and beat the fire Dept. Jeez that's great--Sorry tho about those damn seizures, I hope changing things up will do the trick, I don't mean u have to be a trick, just do the trick ♪ ♫

    Mary, u'r another busy lady, and I hope u get in some golfing too and this weekend is for Nora right????? ♫ I'm glad u have u'r DH's thingy to at least read what u like too and tomorree u'll be all fixed up.

    NM like Mary said we got cold last nite, but I think the rain has gone and it was possed to rain this coming weekend and they already changed that and I like how u say the weather guessers cuz that's how it is lately.But I bet by this weekend u'll be fine, so u can enjoy u'r wedding and be with u'r friends--which is always fun--

    I have an onc app't this morning, so my niece is picking me up, and I'm so glad it's morning to get it over with--it's no big thing just a PITA

    Well I'll catch up later and hope everyone has a good day.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Julie - oh good, thot I might be losing it…some wud say it’s been gone tho…LOL.  OK, I check flights to arrive Thurs Jan 21.  Since my schedule it open, tell me what time frame(s) for my arrival that might work best for you to fetch me.  Also let us kno what hotels you’re looking to book for T/F night.  I don’t want to end up in a sleezebag.

    Dara - wish you could come too, you and gf would get along gr8, well all 3 of us wud b a riot.  Glad Dad (baby Huey) had a nice bday.  That’s a lot of peeps for your house, hope the weather was good.

    Cami - How’s the D?  I love your little ♪♫☼♪!!  Good luck at he onco this morning, will b saying silent prayers.  (((Cami)))

    Bip - How you feeling?  Loving the dwinkie recipe.  Not much of a wine drinker but I’d not refuse a taste or two.

    Nancy - congrats to your nephew and especially to you for taking 2nd place…woohoo.  You gals look so intense, bet it’s a rush.  I hope and pray that the seizures will stop as you change up your workout routine.  Enjoy your visit with your bf Tues.  Praying for good follow-up results…keeping my fingers crossed for ya too.

    NM - rain and more rain.  Just not fair but prolly typical in your area.  I just hope it stops for the wedding and that you have a fab time.  

    Mary - Good for you for reaching out to a BCO breastie.  Gotta let us kno how it turns out and pics too, thems the rules.Happy

    OK, Got a busy day today.  Will try and poop in latah.