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how about drinking?



  • Bippy625
    Bippy625 Member Posts: 602
    edited June 2015

    hi my babahs!

    Bipster is excited to maybe come on the Disney trip!!!! Question: maybe it's a dumb one too, so tell me, is it us gals only? DH is fun, but not invited if no other SO's are. You would all luuuuurve him of course. I am emailing kathy tonight, Bipster hooked up a sweet job today. They threw cash at me and Being the ho I am, I accepted. I love it when they do not try to dick ya down on money. Wooohooo. Amstel light instead of Budweiser!

    Nativemainer, it is a date. My nephew and his girlfriend are movin to Rockport in a few weeks, so you may meet them too in September. i will let you know dates. The Lucerne Inn wine thing is perfect. betcha we know some of the same folks. Did ya know Stephen King lives here in SRQ and also in Bangor? He copied us.

    Camile, how went the appt?

    Hi Dara, memasue, juliet and Everyone else!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Hi gals...

    OK like susyQ said anyone who;s doing things pics. please, I love to see them. I am having a problem getting all the pics tho and I don't have a clue, but since I do give a chit I'll try to figure it out, well I'll get Joey to help me anyway.

    Bippy do I know who u'r having face time with-------and having it with NM, u lucky duck--she's great.

    Well my Dr. was the usual crap--she sent me into this other office and of course I read the words quickly and it said Confusion room--and I told the girl it's about time they had a confusion room this office is  really where most of us belong--and she said where? the CDH Infusion room, I think that's why my Onc has me there so I make other women feel better after they hear and see me. BTW I'm doing fine.

    Oh I can't believe I've been watching RuPauls' show and these guys/gals have great wardrobes and great figures, even when they're heavy. Chit so not fair. Oh well. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    Hello all, happy monkEy dEy!!

    Thanks for the congrats, today is the day. I have not focused much on it as it was quite an emotional day. I did tear up when talking about it yesterday but today has been good. I got my first loan approved and out the door to closing for a friday closing. My boss gave me some kudos since it was so quickly done.

    NM, glad you and Sadie enjoyed yesterday. I hope the rain lets up for you sooner than the weekend. It has been raining all day here and will continue through the next few days. And I too might have to put my heat back on, it is currently 56 degrees out. HOpe you had a good work day.

    Camille, so glad you were able to figure out the music notes, you go goil! Glad your appoointment went well. You crack me up over the Confusion Room, that is funny. Here is a little tune for ya cuz I know you'll like it. ◄↕♫ ♫ ♪ ♫♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪ ♫ Do you like it? It is called I love Cammy!

    Nancy, congrats on the win. Sorry about the seizure, hope it was jest one random one and that there will be no more. I am so happy that you are enjoying the dragon races so much.

    Bipster the hipster, thanks for making a yummy dwinkie for all of us. Really really hope you can make the Fl trip, let us know how you make out tomorrow. It is gals only, sorry. I hope your DH will understand, seems he will not have an issue with it. I wish I could meet up with you and NM, have not met her yet either.

    Julie, Data says glad you had fun at Disney, saw your room on facebook, looks great! when do you go back to Disney? I am not yet sure when I am going to fly in, depends on Mary as we will grab a room at least one night in advance of the cruise.

    Mary, sorry about your bum charger but glad you have another coming tomorrow.

    Sue, you are gonna have a blast with your friend. And I am sure I would like her, a fwend of yers is a fwend of mines lol. HOpe you are feeling well both physically and mentally. Tanks to you and all de goils for the birthday wishes for mese Dad da. He really had a good time and is still talking about it. The weather was good for the party, we got so lucky as there were storm systems around but there was a lull by the Delaware river that kept it on the PA side of the river. God is good!

    Hello to eberybuddy else, miss you all and can't wait to see many of you. Wish I could see ALL of you soon!


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited June 2015

    Hello all mez friends on the lounge side. I had another seizure today during my damn massage too. WTH.... I was not stressed what so ever. Just really tired. I think I am just verity tirel. I am goin gty to reseeet some tondithe if I can.

    I got the MRI back. It was nuormal

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good morning,Loungettes!Up and working on the first mug of coffee, probably going to need a lot more, it's gray and rainy again today.Don't mind the rain, but not sure about the chilly part.Oh, well, the heater works just fine in the car and Sadie works just fine to warm up the bed at night!

    Juliet--hope you had a good one at work!

    Genny--I've been skeptical about the whole cholesterol thing when I found out the company that developed the first statin also set the "normal" range for cholesterol levels.I mean, really, usually a problem is identified and THEN a med developed, not the other way around!Hope the power cord gets delivered on time!

    Cammy--It's the singing bc Sistah!I am hoping the weather is good this weekend for my friends' sake, but knowing them, it won't matter much as long as people are around them.They are very much people persons.Hope the doc appt went smoothly.

    Mema--At least when it's raining I don't feel so bad about working long hours, cuz I'm not missing much, right?And we do need the moisture.

    Bippy--Cash for work, sounds like a crazy new game show!Good for you!Yup, I did know Stephen King lives part time in Bangor.I drive by the bat fence once in a whilewhen on my rounds.Didn't know he copied you, though!Would love to meet your nephew and his GF.It's gonna be a big party!

    Cammy--I think "confusion room" just about sums it up!Confusion, infusion, pretty much the same thing.

    Dara--Good job with getting the loan processed so fast!And Happy Official Cancerversary!It is an emotional time.I hear you about the heat, but flat refuse to turn it back on.Not until there is frost!

    Collett--Hooray for normal MRI!Putz about the seizure.Being tired will lower the seizure threshold, so don't let yourself get too tired, OK?Not that we have all that much control over some of that stuff most of the time.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    (I did a search for drinks with "rain" in the name, and came across this one, the name isn't a thematic as I would like but it sounds really interesting!)

    Black Ukrainian

    1 oz Southern Comfort

    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz Coffee Liqueur

    3 oz Coca Cola


    Pour the vodka, Tia Maria coffee liqueur, Southern Comfort and Coca-cola into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well. Strain into a highball glass filled with ice cubes, and serve.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • Bippy625
    Bippy625 Member Posts: 602
    edited June 2015

    morning sweeties,

    Bipster is in demand alluva sudden. Off to workie for a short temp gig for a few days, then the next week starts the new job. Haha, guess my vacation is ovah! And I thought my finest days of ho'ing were behind me...

    NM, yes my friends in Holden all had to pull over during an awful storm. Trees down all around our camp but it is unscathed. They lost power of course. Be careful up there!

    Well, gotta put on my t*ts and get movin. Will report about ahole attorney behaviours later!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015

    Good morning girls, I'm using my phone so it won't be too long. Mollyis coming today for hairdo, golf and wine, DH outta town and she is spending the night. She has to leave here at 6ayem so not late nite partying. Met with the local bco lady last night. Her name is Cheryl, she's very nice, we talked for 21/2 hrs over dinner. She finished tx just 2 months ago. Maybe stage 4, maybe not, a suspicious shadow on her lung that they are pretty sure is mets so at this time watching and waiting. Crazy....

    Cami, so glad all is good..YAY!

    NM hope the rain stops soon, ours is done, you have somtin going on this weekend I think, friends coming? Can't check back in this phone so easy.

    Bipster, hope u can come on the cruise, gonna be fun and yay in FaceTime w Kim. No husbands allowed cause Kim and I bin practicing our PINK karaoke and I'm not doing that in front of mine.

    Suzie q, nancy, korai and everybody else, my thumb is getting tired and I have dog to to all!

    Here's a pic of Cher and meimage

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    Hey chica's! Got home Sunday and Monday was just too cray cray for me to try and post. Also got a visit from our doctor and his wife, who live in the area. They came by for camp fire and smores. We had an awesome time, albeit a lot of things going wrong....

    1. One of the cabinets fell off the wall, jacked the couch/bed out of the wall, and pulled out wires.

    2. Because of that, fridge didn't work.

    3. Then the generator wouldn't work.

    4. Then toilet wouldn't flush.

    5. Friends dog was sick. Old, beautiful black lab/new foundland mix. I think she had her put down last night. She is coming over today, so will find out for sure.

    6. Friends son wrote on DH new truck in the dust!!!! 2 different spots, hoping it didn't scratch into the paint. He was not too happy about that! He went out and washed the two areas, then on the way out, of course lots more dust, and I saw it again. It came through the dust and you could read everything he wrote. Yikes!

    Anyways, a huge congrats Wacko on your 5 years and happy boifday to yo daddy.

    Cami, love Wacko's name for you "Silver Tongued Cami". (I believe that's it). And all went well in the "Confusion" room.

    Nancy, those seizures just have to stop! And a huge WOOT WOOT from me to you on the boat racing, no matter what place you come in.

    Congrats Bip on the new job. Time off, we call "slacking". But you can ho around iffin you want to! No hubbies allowed on our get togethers, but maybe you can find a GF to go with and share your room?

    NM, 6 hours of paperwork for newbies? That's crazy!

    Mary, you look as adorable as ever, you are just too cute. Glad you got to meet up with a breastie. How do you know her? Nora this weekend? I know you and Molly had fun.

    Julie, you da top ho, DW ho dat is. I won't let the Bipster take that away from you. Are you feeling ok these days and all is good from your labs and procedures???

    LDB, you and GF are heading to CA for 2 weeks? I am so jelly! Glad you are getting AM and then Maddy. I hope Sommer can make it too. I'm so glad I got meet Maddy, she is such a lil cutie. Why do they have to grow up?

    Not sure who I'm forgetting, I hate that! Having company today. Tammy (dental hygienist that went camping with us) and Basia (cocktail waitress friend from Laughlin) she will be spending the night. Of course my house is not as nice looking as I would want it, but just don't have the time. Was swamped with work yesterday and still not caught up. Also my lil buddies mom is up until Thursday, so I need to make time to visit her too. And OMG....have you seen Bruce Jenner. Not so freaky looking anymore....WHOA!! I think he looks like Cindy Crawford.





  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    KAREN, I knew I was forgetting someone! I too did the glutamine, don't remember if it was powder or not though. Along with lots of other supplements. Felt like a walking pill bottle! Hoping it keeps the neuropathy away! Let us know when you get the first Taxol. Hang in there, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Are you doing radiation?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Good Morning Ladies---ick I'm so tired today, no reason just tired.

    Talking about tired NANCY I think u really have to watch for that u'r systems are geared so that ttired is not just a feeling it directs u'r brain for u'r body.  Maybe just slow down a little in order to feel better.

    NM I love the name of the DOTD it's so u to find something about wha's going on.

    Dara, Dara, Dara----u are so musically talented, what a song u made up for me--such patience. And I missed wishing the the very best for u'r cancerversary--but it really doesn't feel like 5 years, but I'm so glad it is. I think I told u this already but I watched botched and this women had what u had when u used the zac the Vac and I knew exactly what it was, but he had 2-ick they show them too and i anyone has any real problems now they should write this show and have a paid trip and paid surgery so nothing bad happens again. I'll never forget that pic of u and u'r puka. But now u'r doing so well and u never complained, not that complaining is a bad thing, cuz that's why we're here too.

    Nancy u'r starting work quickly, are u nerveous attorneys are a PITA always, they always know everything, show them up. LOL My first full time job was for an attorney that was prominent in our area.. He was a Saint with me cuz I was so imcompetant, it was sad using thetypewriters of Yore--he had a partner that never spoke o me so they decided I was just for the attorney that hired me, and I was glad--but my Brother who passed away retired as a Justice in the Apellate court and I'd love to debat cases with him, He used to tell me, I read up on something just to aggrevate him and of course I did. But they are as a group goofy, my DD1 has worked for the same man for at least 15 yrs and he climbed the proverbial ladder to one of the chief partners and they always argue, but they love each other. See how I just go off on subjects?

    Hey Julie my love, are u back working?I most admire what u, NM and thr rest of u do. That's one tough job with not a lot of accolades---but I accolade u.

    Where's Lori, I though she'd be back, boy do I miss her, she cracks me up in such a subtle way.

    BTW Dara I was LOLing when I saw u'r song really Loling out loud. But I had a song running in my brain all day. It was--It's all about the ase, about the base, no treble--sang it all day so, Jodie got the song on that thingy and played it for me last nite. Joey and I were alone last nite and he said I love being alone with u, u always let me be me and don't treat me like a kid. I told him I never treated him like a kid, cuz I really don't like kids so that's why we talk the way we do, then he said I can tell u anything and I love it. Made me feel good--even tho he's said it before u can never hear enough about love. Oh I'm going off again.

    OK I'll let u all relax and some of u relax more than others.

    Oh I loved the pic. and Mary it's almost Nora time.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Oops Lori pushed me right in the pewl, but it felt good---cuz she's back===YAY--Lots of suff going for u Lori crazy and good. And u'll be super busy for  while.

    Oh I couldn't get over the pic of Bruce Jenner, lot of work went into that pic. But he/she looks great in them. Such a strange world sometimes---Oh well


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Bip - yes, we’d surely love him, but sorry, no mens allowed on this trip.  So thrilled you’re considering joining us on the cruise, you will have jes too much fun.  Congrats on the job and good money….here’s a Amstel fer ya….bottoms UP!

    Cami - u tell such funny stories.  Love the ‘confusion room’ LOL.  THANK GOODNESS you are doing fine…woohoo!!!  RuPauls’???? can’t believe u watch it either…LOL.

    Dara - Hoooray on 5 years…u spunky woman you!  And double Hoooray for getting your 1st loan approved…yay.  U just so damn smart.  I couldn’t do what u do that’s for sure, make my brain hurt.

    Nancy - I’m thinking like NM, rest rest and more rest, praying you get them back under control (((Nancy)))

    NM - love the DOTD, leave it to you to find the word ‘rain’ in a cocktail.  And you getting more rain, just not fair!

    Mary - Yay for a new ‘do’.   Did ya invite Cher to the HTL?  Love the pic and your hair looks really good now.  And u mention PINK karaoke….this must b something I missed when I was in da wabbit hole, please splain.  Will say some prayers for Cher that the spot is nothing.

    Lowee - What a nite!!!  Did you get everything working again properly?  YIKES is right on the writing that won’t come off.  I take it was on the body and not the windows?  Airbrushing….that’s why Bruce looks pretty good, and ur right about the resemblance to Crawford….scary if ya ask me.  But if Bruce is happy that’s all that matters.  Does anyone kno what he changed his name to?

    Oh, I've been meaning to ask those of you who are post-menopausal or have had all 'parts' removed if you still are required to see gyno, have paps, etc?

    Got a dinner to prepare for, having a couple over later.

    Lubslubslubslubslubslubslubslubslubs and prayers too!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015

    it will be lovely to see you Billy on the cruise

    Sue planning on going up on the Friday before the cruise

    Data 5years workshop

    Camino confusion room.I live there

    Can you tell I.m on my kindle

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Rain is supposed to taper off today, that will be very nice to see.Yeah!I e-mailed Kathy the travel agent about pre-cruise Disney packages, she answered that the 2016 packages aren't bookable yet, expect to be this summer, she has us on her list and will contact us when booking starts.

    Bippy--Yup, we had a good thunder storm come through recently, brought down a lot of trees and branches, fortunately property damage was light.Still lots of clean up work for some, though.Can't wait to hear a$hole a$$orney stories!

    Genny--hairdo, golf and wine, what a combo!A friend's wedding this weekend, hoping Saturday will be sunny and pretty for them.

    Goldie--What a list!Very "for want of a nail a kindgom was lost" kind of cascade.Not nice of the friend to write on the new truck that way.Yup, 6 hours of paper nd computer work for each admission.It's the biggest reason we are getting a new software package, as well as new equipment, currently scheduled for Dec 13th for my office.Was November, then first of December, now the 13th. I'm betting we won't see it until after Jan.Supposed to be 90 minutes to process an admission with this system.Wow, those "after" pics of Bruce Jenner are nice!What is her name now, does anyone know off hand?


    Cammy--It's fun looking for a dwinky with an appropriate name AND has alcohol. Remember the times I posted DOTDs without alcohol?You ladies are VERY quick to pick up that goof! :)Thank you for the accolades!You and Joey have such a special relationship, it's wonderful to hear about it.

    Mema--The rain will be moving out today, and the fire danger is now pretty low, and gardens are very, very happy, so all is getting better weather-wise!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Arizona Sunrise

    1 1/2 oz Tequila

    1/2 oz Lime Juice

    4 oz Orange Juice

    1 oz Grenadine


    Add ice into a tall-stemmed cocktail glass, pour grenadine over ice, add enough that some settles on the bottom of the glass Add tequila, orange juice, and lime juice into shaker with ice. Shake thoroughly. Garnish with a straw, lime wedge OR orange and cherry.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    Yep Cami, I'm baaaaaaaack! Too funny about you knowing who Zac the Vac was on Botched! And bringing that puka that you so loved! I enjoyed our swim!

    LDB, yes it was on the paint. Driver door and back quarter panel on driver side. We did get everything working, but DH will have to do work to put the cabinet back up and secure everything else, much better than it was before. I didn't have all parts removed, only the uterus. Which was dumb, but I didn't know! However, doc said I didn't have to continue with paps or Pabst, as being married and only 1 partner. Maybe check every 3 years. A few years ago she told me I had HPV. I was shocked! But then she also said that sometimes they get the labs mixed up...WHAT! So on my next check up, she said I didn't have it! WTF! Air brush on Bruce. Dang, I need to learn how to do that!

    Julie, whether on your Kindle or a puter, we love having you here. They typos keep us on our toes!

    NM, I know it wasn't nice for him to wirte on teh truck, but he didn't know the damage that cold be done. Wow, from 6 hours to 90 minutes? I wonder why it's taking so long? Thanks for the ARizona Sunshine, for which we have plenty!

    Had a great time with Tammy yesterday. Well, what little bit I got to spend with her, DH had her working and learning about selling on the internet. He rode with her out to the paved road and picked up Basia and rode back in with her! Was up until 9 pm. That is late for us. But she is a coctail waitress, so I'm sure very early for her.

    Bruce Jenner is now Caitlyn Jenner. I can't believe you guys haven't heard that. It's plasterd all over TV!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015

    hi girls, still no computer charger, using my phone. Lots of catching up to do, lots of new stuff to tell but too late and too hard on my phone. Maybe tomorrow, sweet dreams

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy thirsty Thursday!Another day, another dollar, right?The gardens have loved the rain and are growing like crazy, got tomatoes setting on, herbs ready for harvesting, lettuce needing harvesting and thinning out, flowers being very pretty, now for some sun and I will be a very happy camper!

    Goldie--Crazy about the HPV results.I kinda chuckled when my provider did an HPV test on me years ago--never had any sexual partners (the word you are all looking for is "virgin"), so I wasnot surprised to get a negative result. Definitely airbrushing on the former Bruce, there are no hormones or surgery that eliminates the big male Adam's apple that is not showing in those pics.The current process takes so long because much information has to be entered in the computer system multiple times (the system doesn't do the enter it once and the computer puts it in all the places it needs to go), then all the data has to be filled in on paper forms, again the same infogoes onto 3 or 4 forms and has to be hand written.Then there are phone calls to our pharmacy system, the patient's pharmacy, the pt's doctor's office, reports to theother team members.Mostly the time goes to data entry and filling out the forms.

    Hope you slept well, Genny!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Warped Thursday

    5 oz Vodka

    1/4 packet Tropical Punch Kool Aid

    6 oz Cherry Cola


    Empty half a can of cherry coke, pour the vodka into the can, then pour in the kool-aid. Alternatively, use a 12oz glass. Stir. A kabob stick works well in the can.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015

    good morning all.class today.on stroke and sepsis

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Good morning my Ladies of day and night.

    Genny still no power thingy? It's got to come soon/

    Julie u'r getting  better with that thingy u use--and I don't care either, It's just nice always hearing from u.

    Again I'm not getting all the pics, I still have to work on this. Anyway I did see a couple of Bruce a/k/a now Chris's pics. Well first he could have got a name that didn't start with a C, but that family has a fetish for C's But the pics I saw, he looked like a model--They have really overdone their 15 mins. of fame when no one hs any talent to offer, well now they have Bruce/Chris going for them for a while--Honestly I do watch it on occasion and I thought I was boring, they are truly boring even tho someone is setting things up for them--even their husbands, I can out do that anytime. Jeez all that nothing for all that money.

    Lori so much is going on with u and u'r DH u must be emotionally exhausted too, and yet u'r here and happy.

    SusyQ u too, are so busy and play alot and I love it--I'm so glad u feel better now and my stupid stories are all true, my DD2 is telling me I have to stop and think and not talk so easily--like that'll ever happen, I've always been like this and now I 'm just worse. I yam what I yam--ARRRGH.

    Oh I wish I could drive again---I'm really starting to miss it---it's not for any reason except my legs, they don't move as fast as they should if u'r driving, so naturally I feel like I could be goofy for other people on the road and when u get out of our little area, u'r in traffixy streets, where u have to change lanes, another not strong point of mine. I'd feel better if everyone else had a Flintstone care and I had the regular one.

    Oh Les is finally working on the floor and anyone can ask for her--she's been nerveous but since she started with a nice lady she's fine now--so what costs like 150.00 and over as a treatment is like 25.00 and 35.00 So one of these Saturday. I'll have Marty take me--it takes at least an hour sometimes longer---she still has loads of homework but does cut the neighbors hair too--so she's been busy, and of course I do worry that she does so much and I just don't want her to be overwelmed and get sick. Right now I think Marty is keeping her based so pray it stays this way. Joey and I try to do things that lighten her load a little.

    I hope everyone has a good day today and I can't believe it's Thirst-Day today and Joey will finish school Monday at 3PM. And this  year he's having just a kid BD party, his BD is the 10---he'll be 11 OHOHOH--It's going to be next Friday NIGHT at this new place they have a coupon book from6:30 til 9PM--oh they are all getting old and it's 1/2 boys and 1/2 girls--not me for shoa just Les and Marty---hope it goes well.---Oh he was talking to this girl on Skype that he knows and I walk by saying words like a truck driver and I didn't realize she heard me and I did hear who's that??? And Joey never says words like that even with just the guys--so I apoloized and said I didn't realize he was on that skype thng--and as I walk away I hear Joey say my grandma is from the old school, which of course I thought was funny. Cuz some were newer words actually. Oh well.



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    Mary, I hope you get that charger soon. But at least you won't lose your wine for checking in! Nora this weekend?

    NM, please share some photos of your garden. Amazing what some rain can do. We won't get any until July, when the monsoon season gets here. I wish I could grow lettuce, it's just too hot or too cold. I can't imagine how much extra time you will have if they get that new program for you. I hear ya on entering the same information on several forms, they do that at the doctors too. LOL on the adams apple. And he/she has his legs pretty tight together, I wonder if he's hiding something there???


    Good luck on your classes Julie. Are they boring or do you like?

    Cami, you are not allowed to change and you can tell your DD we said so! So there! YAMmer away. Congrats to Les for getting on the floor. What are you going to go in for? And so sweet of you and Joey for helping out. I'm sure Joey will have fun at his party. As for school ending on a Monday, that is like a slap in the face!

    LDB, when are you leaving?

    I've been swamped with work since we were gone for 4 days, hoping to get caught up today! I need to get out and do some things in my garden. I may do that this morning, as it's so hot in the afternoon and I just don't have the energy, FU to the FU pills!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Julie - I think I’ll pass DW before the cruise.  Think I’ll look to come in on Sat, that way only 1 night hotel costs for me.  Would like some hotel ideas as time approaches if you can.  Hate for you to drive far to fetch me etc.  You do better on the Kindle than I do LOL.  Enjoy ur class today.

    NM - good morning.  I’m funcused, you planning another dw cruise in 2016?  I missed that somewhere, what I get for not checking and reading everyday.  Ugh!  Love the AZ Sunrise…mmm.  That new systems sounds worth waiting for, all that paperwork is sumpin else, I’d go nuckinfutz!!  Ewwww…I even like the Warped Thursday dwink.

    Lowee - yea WTF on the HPV, sometimes these places make me mad but then mistakes will happen anywhere.  Zac the Vac? Haven’t heard that in a long while, thank goodness.  Bet no one is happier than Wacko tho.  I don’t watch much news but did finally hear on NPR what his new 1st name is.  I’ll be flying to Reno on July 1, spend a few nights with gf b4 we hit the road on Friday.  Got hotels booked now for each leg of the trip, did I tail u that already? I’m nutz mese tinks.  I wondered why Bruce’s legs are so tight together too…but I’m sure we don’t have to guess do we?

    Hi Mary!

    Cami - Ur right, must be nice for him that he is back in the spotlight, making all kinds of money.  But then I do hope tolerance improves because he shared something so private.  1 of my old tax guys, married for years, with grown boys working in the tax office with him.  He went to Asia somewhere and had the operation.  The next time we saw him he was changing, like Bruce, not attractive.  He even showed us pics of the timeline as he changed.  Went from Rob to Robyn pretty quickly.  LOL on you talking so easily and your stories are not toopid.  I look forward to them cuz u make me laugh.  Yay for Les, will say some prayers that she doesn’t overdo.  Will this be Joeys 1st boy/girl party?

    Lubs Lubs, gotta get some stuff done for my gk's.  Have a gr8 day everyone!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2015

    Hi ya'll!  I just ordered 2 pirate costumes from Amazon.  $17.00 total for both after discounts.  One of them has to fit...WooHoo...DW here I come!!
    Been a busy day, had to complete some info on my July 4th trip.  Now that is all confirmed...can't wait.  GF is chomping at the bit.  She works for a prop management outfit and it is high stress dealing with renters, she needs a vacay.

    Ahhhh Life is good.  Having a coffee brandy...ok ok ok, it's my 2nd one...but who's counting.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Hi gals---

    Yoohoo SusyQ I drink coffee brandy too now, gives me a boost, then I get tired. OK now I'm confusticated--I thought u were going on a trip this month, then again  next month?  U gals travel like birds, or as Wacko likes to say like the stank of farts--haven't heard that in a while, well I hear Wacko all the time--which still cracks me up, and now DW for Julie---

    It's been hot today, a/c is on, but we're possed to cool off tomorree and get more rain. Oh I remember before someone asked about seeing a gynee anymore--not one Dr. has ever old me to go--I have nothing left but I guess they don't have a problem with it so I don't--One less D. to see and one less egg to fry.

    Well I've been a little busy today, with accents galore so whatever I wrote I wrote with an accent, I show them, let them figure it out. Oh Joey (as u know) is going to middle school in the fall, and he brout his yearbook home with pics from when they were just starting school and now and their dreams for the future-They are hysterical like I want to be an engineer or maybe work in the cicus as a cannonball. I was LOLing for some--the girls made more sense, but the boys were funny. except Joey--that kid needs more sense of humor--he said he wants to be a Dr. for cancer because his grandma has it and I'm so brave. Then he started crying again. Oh Jeez, I told him I'm not brave (and he didn't have to tell the whole school) I didn't tell him that tho--I just react like everyone else and talked about u gals, didn't mean to make him cry harder--U know Lori I never told him about u, especially cuz he met u and fell in love with u and still talks about u--but he's so talky about cancer to everyone. But he needs guidance to have a sense of humor, so now I have to work on that.

    Well that's been my day pretty much--Now I don't like this heat at all. Humph I'm never happy.

    see u all tomorree--I LUBS U ALL


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015

    Hi girls, I'm using my DH's ipad, computer cord never came, I'm gonna have to track it...arrgghhh.. Nora tomorrow after I fight with ins company and hospital. They are trying to f^*k me on my rads bills in a big way. I'll tell ya more about it when I get more info. I'm going to meet my DIL's been a month! Can't wait to see her! OK, I'm watching the Cavs playing basketball and it's making me crazy! Never watched this basketball stuff but Cleveland has never won it so I'm really rooting for them.

    Sue, I just when to the gyno and she said no Pap test if no glad you get to see Maddy. NM and I are practicing up to sing PINK at the karaoke bar on the cruise, hoping I can use the real word in spite of it being a Disney cruise.

    Dorothy, hope all is good with you and glad your dad is adjusting so well. We need to get our brains together soon and figger out what we want to do before the cruze. Tink we're gonna need some phone time soon.

    Lori, I met the breastie on a Cleveland thread on BCO.She lives about 5 minutes from me. Her name is actually Cheryl but I missed the last 2 letters whilst typing with my phone. Hope you DH's paint on the car is OK, I should think a rubbing compound would take out the scratches. Have funn with your company and please rest when u need to.

    Nancy, so sorry you had to deal wth more seizures. Ugghh! Hope the weekend is good for you

    Cami, I sure hope I can have a relationship with Nora like you have with Joe, he sounds like such a sweet boy. Glad you'll have your lil'buddy Joey with you.

    Bipster, hi to you, hope the taxol is not too bad.

    I have more to share but eyelids are gettin heavy, try and catch up more tomorrow, got to take a nap... everybody I missed sweet dreams!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good Friday Morning, Loungettes!TGIF!An amazing thing happened here yesterday.The sky turned color.Yup, the sky turned, believe it or not, BLUE!And the sun came out!There were even shadows!Amazing , huh?

    Juliet--ah, exciting topics.Is there anything new on either topic or is the class a review?

    Cammy--sometimes everyone else having a Flintstone care would be a great idea!Sometimes it's scary what other drivers are doing.Watching people passing me on the interstate without fully moving into the passing lane while chattering away on a cell phone in on hand and a cup of coffee in the other, just scary.How exciting for Les to have progressed so far!And I'm sure she appreciates all the help you and Joey give her.Joey's turning 11? Wow! Hope the party turns out good for him.Too funny about him Skyping with a girl and you muttering off-color language!

    Goldie--I got some pics of the gardens yesterday, in the process of getting them off the phone and into the computer, will be able to post them pretty soon.If Bruce/Caitlyn has finished the gender reassignment he/she has had surgery to remove the man parts and make woman parts, so she/he shouldn't be needing to hide anything any more!Except the Adam's apple.But that takes photoshop or air brushing.Hear you about too hot to work in the garden in the peeyem, that's where I get into trouble during the summer.Too hot after work, too wet on weekends.So far the raised bed is working great, very few weeks, very easy to pick out, takes almost no time and no sweat!

    Mema--no, not planning another DW cruise, looking to book a pre-cruise visit to Disney to extend my vacay.And the combo of the paperwork and routinely wasting time (hour and a half yesterday) waiting for Ms Ditzy Head to get her butt into the office with the infoI need to go see patients is driving me VERY nuckingfuts.As in I almost had a meltdown yesterday and am seriously considering having one today.Not so sure I can hold on until Dec, but I don't have anychoice.Change jobs now and I'll lose vacay time and not be able to go on the cruise in Jan.So it's back to xanax and adult beverages for me!I wish I could get away with some coffee brandy in my coffee this morning!


    Genny--Effin hosptals/insurance companies/health care system in general.All need to be nuked.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Beach Cruiser

    1 1/4 oz Spiced Rum

    3 oz Cranberry Juice

    4 oz Pineapple Juice


    Pour spiced rum, pineapple juice and cranberry juice into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well. Strain into a collins glass filled with ice cubes, garnish with a pineapple wedge, and serve.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited June 2015

    Morning everyone

    Cami I know how it feels to want to drive again. I am almost afraid to tell my Neurologist next week that I have had a couple of seizures again because I dont want her to tell me I cant drive again. I think she really wants me to get a seizure dog but how do I put a seizure dog in a dragon boat? Lol

    Mema Where are you going for the 4th of July? I will have to get on Amazon and see what I can find for priate night.

    NM - Were you looking into going on Friday before the cruise? We can always ask Kathy if she can get us any good deals pre cruise too if you all want. If not that is ok too.

    Lori we just put our garden out too. We have watermelon, pumpkins (for the kids), green beans, cucumbers, hot pepers, green pepers, sweet pepers, speg squash, tomatos, I think thats it. Oh onions and Jackson wanted carrotts for his bunny. Lol.

    Mary I am glad you get to see Nora. I bet she is growing fast. I cant stand insurance companies either. They never do what they are intendended to be used for in my opinion.

    Hi Dora, Bippi, 4, and everyone else I may of missed. Love ya all.

    I was told this week that I get to be in the Cincinatti paddle fest on the 20th. This isnt a race for this we are joining the Kentucky dragon boat team and riding in their boat 8.5 miles down the Ohio River for a liesurly paddle with stops along way from what I hear. There is music and food along the way and is a lot of fun. So this one I am looking forward to plus I can work on my form. My first race will be in Chicago July 18 then I go to Washington DC in August., Then Kentucky and hopefully Sarasota in Sept.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    LDB, you have a few weeks left before your trip and the excitement leading up to it. You will have so much fun! Is it this weekend you are getting the grands? Good find on the Pirate schtuff! AND the brandy coffee's. Watch out for that Cami, she'll be snagging it.

    Cami, we shore don't miss another doctor to see, do we? I really only see my onc and then primary care once a year. I'm glad Joey doesn't know about me, but we sure did a lot of talking about it! As for giving him a sense of humor, I think he  has one, it's just subtle. He is just so sweet. And I remember you saying something about him before wanting to be a doctor and cure cancer. What is that? I don't have time to rest, but I can tell you I quit earlier in the day than I used to. Come about 5:00 I'm whooped. Plus I'm nearing the end of my 2 weeks of FU pills. And I know the fatigue is accumulative. I used to stay out in my garden until it was almost too dark to see. So glad you finally get some Nora time. And if you and NM are singing Karaoke, somebody BETTER record it. Ok, so Cheryl is from here. Good for you two. I think it's just so awesome to meet breasties. On my last mamogram, they did 3D and insurance isn't covering for that. Why would these places do something to us, without checking to see if it's covered by our insurances first?

    NM, yeah for blue skies. That is one thing I don't miss about MI, those months and months of gray gloomy weather. I can't stand it when we just get a day of it here in AZ. Can't wait to see your garden beds. Mine are doing quite well. I can't imagine what they would look like iffin we had rain. I guess they can't remove Adams Apple? So sorry about you wanting to melt down over work. Please try and remain calm and know what an awesome nurse you are. It is work, and you do the best you can do and nothing can be done about it until they change their system. Imagine all of us there with you, standing beside you with our arms around one another, waiting with you.

    Nancy, I wouldn't think you would need the siezure dog in the boat, as all of your partners there would be there for you. Of course they wouldn't know when or if you were gonna have one, but would take care of you iffin you did. And, we want to see your garden too. Woot Woot on the races and the leisurely one. Chicago? You will be right by Cami. You could not possibly go to Chi Town and not see her.

    Wacko, I thought you were gonna pop in daily? What happened to that? How is Lucy doing? Is she staying away from the pool. And wasn't DD due in court recently? I guess you aren't told much. Just hate that for you. And of course you have your cuz there.

    Missing Karen and Bippy too.

    Heading to town in a bit. Going over to see Tammy for awhile and take some garage sale stuff over, as she is having another one, and after groceries going to see San Andreas in 3D. Maybe take some Beach Cruisers in with me!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Cami - I promise I won’t steal ur brandy, heehee.  It gives me a boost too.  I’m having 2 of 3 gkids, have a test and doc appt later in the month, but my road trip is July 1 to the 13th.  FUN!  Thanks for info on gyno.  I don’t have anything left either.  Accents, you cwack mese up.  That yearbook sounds delightful, lots of smiles and memories.  Hate that he crying, gibs him a big hugz for me k?

    Mary - gonna hafta look this PINK up, never heard of it that I recall.  Thanks for responding about no pap…I shall rest easier now.

    NM - LOL….soooo glad ur sky turned blue, lol, it is amazing!  Thanks for clearing the dw cruise, but sorry to hear you almost had a meltdown.  Hoping things go better for you today.  You can do it, you can hang, you very strong lady jes do a tap dance on Ditzy’s head, that shud do it.  I’ll have 2 Beach Cruisers please Mr Tender.

    Nancy - will b in Santa Cruz, CA on a 3 hr boat cruise and watch the fireworks over the water.  Prices were good at Amazon, I finally signed up for Prime, so I got $30 off my order, woohoo.  Sounds like the rest of your year is pretty full with the boat teams river adventure, sounds like tons o fun.  Wow and then all those other cities, u the busy one mese tinks.

    Lowee - yes, picking up AM at the ½ point.  Sommer can’t come.  Maddy will come out on Monday.  So I’ll have 2 nights with just AM and then 2 nights with he and Maddy.  I think I’m liking it, It’ll be easier on me.  Can’t keep up like I used to and they are both older and stay up later and don’t take naps…ugh.  But I wudn’t miss it for the world.

    HEY….Shout out for those missing ….


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Hi guys--Jeez are u gals busy, everyone of u. How do all of u do it?

    Nancy are u just going thru Chgo, or are u stopping, well what the story--word for word.'

    Lori I know u love gardening but slow down just a little more so u won't be out as much and u'll have to can so much too remember that.

    SusyQ u'r another one, well at least u'r going on a vacay soon. I can't even belieer it's June already, July will be here before we know it.

    And u know u gals are going to be just as close to u'r grandkids, u can't help it, u all love and spoil them any time u want, remember that part.

    NM u'r right, take pills and drink--that' what I do. But because I wok at home I can start with my coffee-

    I want to try that beer with either rasbery or some kind of fruit, has anyone tried it yet??? I still can't find my Schnapps. WTF--I never looked at Jewel, I know they have lots of stuff but 2 liquor stores didn't have it, just pepperment.

    OK INSURANCE==I hate every letter of that word--OK OK I do have decent ins. but I end up getting a bill for 12.41 after something that costs 3,000.00 and I think are they nutbags. Well add up 12 1,000.x now it's getting to be a problem--then my teeth I told u that they got a periodontist and I wouldn't be put out -FINE--except she doesn't take my dental--which isn't that great but why would anyone even suggest someone who doesn't rake u'r ins. So everything is at a halt--those damn people like I told them it's like saying go whore u'rself and see what u'll make and we'll keep the money--It still adds up to nothing. Now I'm getting all the pperwork for all kinds of things with ins.nd I don't understand anything--forget that I worked for ins. companies for about 10 yr. I didn't get it then and now it's even worse And I too am fighting with the ins. people and the dentists--I can not stand the way I look (who would) and they wear me out--those carnovorus monsters.. I don't even know if that's the right word.

    OK where are the rest of the drinkers, playing with the new pool boys? Well that's all right then.

    Well I think I'm geting tired, I'm not sure actually. Whatever


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    LDB, glad the kids are getting a little easier, but boo on them getting older. Have fun with them. Any special plans to do with them?

    Cami, there is not much to do in the garden right now, except watch it grow and pull weeds when they come up. I still have a few things to plant and a little irrigation to put in. DH does the fertilizing. I haven't planted any butternut squash or beets. Beer with fruit, Stawberita. Not sure if I have had that or not. I know I had the Limerita, wasn't my thing. I did not know about the Raz and Mango. Can't believe you can't find your Schnapps! Grrrr, I hear ya on the insurances. I am so sorry you having to go through this. I would hate the way I looked if I didn't have any teeth either. I hope you can get that cleared up and get your teeth. So not fare.


    Wow! 3 posts in 24 hours??? WDF? Went and saw San Andreas 3D yesterday. Awesome movie. Amazing what they can do with computer graphics. Of course we are planning a trip up that way late summer!!!! Did my labs yesterday, see onc next week. I am going to ask him if I can have a break. This rash is driving me crazy, I'm getting sores on my arms, shoulders, chest and back and they just don't want to heal. The fatigue is getting me too, although I am getting near the end of my "cycle", which is Sunday. A week off just isn't enough, but I guess we  have to wait and see what my TM's are doing. AAAAAAnd, I think I'm getting the mouth sores! Thinking that just staying drunk all the time is the answer!