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  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2015

    Morning DahhhLinks!

    Well what a SNAFU yesterday.  Wasn't supposed to get AM til today and Maddy on Monday, Sommer is not coming this trip.  Yest I just sat down to rest my back after a trip to the grocery stores which ya'll kno I hate.  And I get a text from AM's dad that they are about 25 mins away.  WTF, not on Fri.  So since they were 1/2 way to the drop off point I rushed out there to get him.   I planned on going out and dwinking my last time til the kids go home, oh well.  They ate some lunch while they waited for me.  Anyway, AM is 9 now so I put him in the spare bedroom.  He had the tv and his I-pad for his games, well when I checked on him an hour later, he asks 'can I sleep with you?'  So I had my AM snuggle with me all night....I'm liking this.  Got to figure out what jes the 2 of us are going to do today, mayb the splash pad.  Anyway got to get him some breakfast. 

    Where is everyone?...Will try and check in tomorrow...lubslubslubslubslubslubs!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Good Morning Ladies---

    SusyQ the start of the weekend sounds hectic, but by the end of the day sounds lovely. So it's all good. U'll be busy busy the next few days now. Do u ever give us pics? I never remember u know that. But u also know I love to see them.

    OK Lori I just think of u a lot and I hope u can get these FU meds more regulated so u feel as best as u can.

    Not much since last nite---Joey went to some kind of field trip thing for 1//2 the day and Leslie is at school nd Marty's driving everyone around--I didn't sleep well last nite, some crazy anxiety stuff going on with me--Every so often I seem to go crazy within my head and the meds come out screaming, then I'm really tired the next day--haha I wonder why.

    Oh Joey was asked to go to some religious camp by our next door neighbors, it's just for 5 days at he end of July--(these are the older ones) yea my age, anyway the pastor ame over to explain everything and the neighbors offered to pay for it cuz hey think it woud be fun for Joey and they care about him so much. See I told u he's jusr o nice, i's not normal--They are super people and Les always does their hair for them--they insist on paing so her charge is very little--they love how she cuts exactly what they like--their eldest DD lives with them. I know I watch loads of crime shows so I always think crazy--Oh my brain needs big time help. LOL

    OK I hope everyone has a great day--and I BBL


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    Hello goilies, happy Saturdey!

    It sure has been quiet in de lounge, where is ebberybuddy? I see Sue, Lori and Cammy but otherwise, it berry berry quiet.

    NM, hope you have a terrific time at the wedding and hope the weather is nice. It is crappy here todey, cold and have not seen the sun for a week except for late afternoon yesturdey.

    Lori, hope your onc will allow you to take the break you want. I hate that you have rashes all over and now in your mouth, you poor goil. Did you git your DH's truck all bixed up? I bet that widdle kid felt torrible for what he did. Kids, gotta love em. Sorry I lied about posting daily, had good intentions. This working crud gits in the way of life. Maybe I will commit to posting weekly? That way I will not let ye all down.

    Cam, you crack me up. You hate ebery letter in the word insurance? Even the a? OMG, you are a hoot. I also watch a lot of crime shows on channel 111, ID TV. Do you watch that? No news on baby David, next court date is July. I have gotten several photos and videos of him, he is crawling now.

    Nancy, I hope you are honest with your doctor about having some seizures. Iffen you feel them coming on, maybe you can still drive. How much time is there when it starts until you go into one? WOuld you have enough time to pull off the road? And when is your next dragon boat race? that is jest the coolest ting you have dere.

    Sue, sorry you got surplized by having AM sooner than essplected. I am glad you had a good night with him. Wow, he is 9 now, omg, how did that happen? I thought he was still a widdle toddler. HOw old is your Maddie now? Hope you enjoy the kiddies, sorry you missed gittin g yer dwink on before the kids started to arrive.

    Mary, you must be in Nora heaven by now, can't wait to see updated pics of her. Dey grow up so fast, it amazes me. I will wait for your call. well actually not, cuz mese phone is not working right, it only rings when it wants to. it has been phucked up sincen a few months ago. I have to git to the apple store and I hate hate hate going there. If you call, I will call you back. But yes, time to book that flight and the room. I git so furcited when I tink about our trip.

    Hello to Julie, Bip, Karen and anyone else I missed. HOping ye all having a stellar weekend. Don't foyget to dwink lots o likker and say yer prayers!

    I try to come back again when time permits. to all of lovely goils....lubs lubs lubs and ...


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    oopsies, Cam, did not mean to bump ya into the arms of that hot tender, he suits you well.

    Does Joey want to go to the camp with yer neighbors? What a nice gesture inviting him. But I tink ebberbuddy loves Joey, I mean how can they not? Sorry you had a bad night. hope you git to catch up on yer z's and feel rested and relaxed. lubs ya honey bunches!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Whew tanks dara I just got done wid the tender. Nice push.

    I don't like the whole idea of camp, but remember I watch scary movies and real crime shows. so........

    Oh and BTW I forgot before there is a procedure for the adam's apple, it's some kind of trachial shaving (spelling), that must be kind of new and sounds like it would hurt, but other things would hurt too so it's just part of that. That has to be a terrible place to be in the middle of 2 sexes, born one way and think another. Botched is on tomorrow nite, that's where I learn all these trivia facts--it's really so interesting how they xplain why som mistakes happen to people with PS and when they're operating explaining what they see might be a potential problem if they get it wrong. And they do time their ruff cuz they don't like anyone to be under to long cuz they think it's dangerous. I remember years ago I didn't mind being put out the first couple of time and then they would tell u to count from 100, well I figured that out quick, so I would tell them I can make it to 32 and I was told no one ever made it to 32 so when I was being put out I remember saying 100, 99, 98, 97 and I knew it was going into me and I'd yell 32 I did it, then I don' remember anything, but when I'd wake up I would say I did it. One of my Drs. said I cheated and all I said was I never said how I was going to make it to 32.  What a stupid story I remember, well most of mine are stupid.

    OK enough of my silly stories--I'll say goodnite----And NM u must be having a good time tonite cuz I feel u are.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015

    Hello, hello, hello to my breasties! I am on my own puter and it is fully charged! Yay... got mese new cord and that's all that was wrong. OK so it's Sunday morning and DH is golfing and I'm drinking my coffee and I do have to get the pooches out but time for some ketchup. I had my Nora, will get some pics here today. She is talking like crazy, most of it sounds like babble but a lot of sentences coming out now when you can decipher it. Moose went into the woods and she stood there yelling " Oose, air are oo... Oose ome ear!" Junior is neenee and Emma is meema. She is learning to say I love you but it comes out "I you" And she still loves to eat, everytime you walk into the kitchen she follows you in saying bite? She loves her papa, and asks "air papa?" whenever he's gone. oh, and I saw her kind of squatting and pushing and I said.. are you pooping and she said "yes" just plain as day. so then she goes and gets the wipes and hands them to me and says "eee...oouu" for pee you. So she's only 17 months but I'm thinking it's time to start introducing the potty chair. Her mom says she's trying but can't ever catch her in time. I'm hoping to go to her house and watch her next Friday but her other grandma might have called first dibs on her. That's the problem here, too many grandparents to compete with! We golfed in an outing yesterday, a wine and 9. It was fun, we came in second and then I won the grand prize in the raffle which was free golf and a cart for 4. Today is gorgeous, I'm going to spend the day out there ifin it lasts. Insurance woes continue, such a long story and I have to tell ya all about might meeting up with and old girlfriend from Florida but will have to do later cause I have to walk the pooches. But this afternoon I'm going to set my big ole behind on the lounge chairs on my patio and get on this computer until I get caught up with each of you and tell ya all about this stuff. Wish I had a puter I could just talk into and it would type all the words.

    So....bye for now but I'll be back in awhile....have just a wonderful Sunday!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    LDB, how sweet that AM wanted to sleep with, and glad that you let him. After all, he is getting to an older age. I hope he always wants to come to Mema's though. Also glad you were able to stop what you were doing to go and get him. Was there a miscomunication there? Did you go to the splash pad?

    Cami, sorry about the sleep and axiety. I hope today is better for you. Last night I only took 2 pills instead of 3 and I think I will do the same today. Tomorrow starts my FU bacation. How wonderful for Joey to be asked to go to camp. I think he will love it. There was one right by where we went camping. But that week was a family group, parents and children.

    A weekly dose of Wacko is NOT enough! And I won't have it! I will mention the break to my onc, but will base my decosion on the TM's. We have not been to the warehouse in town to do anything with the truck. I'm glad you are getting pics and videos of the baby. But DAMN, you are missing so much. I still can't believe you don't have any grand parent rights. I even checked mese own dern self, and nope, not much there for where you have any rights at all. I just hate it, and I know you hate it even more. What the hail did you do to your phone? I agreee with you about ebery one loving Joey. You just can't imagine how sweet he really is. I am so glad I got to meet him.

    Love your stories Cami, counting down to 32!!!

    Mary, I almost bumped ya...saw ya comin. Love the Nora talking stories and I LOVE baby babble. nuttin cuter, unless they are cracking up. Funny having other grands to compete with! Yippee on getting cord! My phone lets me talk to text and I do think there are programs for the computer. I can type reasonably fast, but I suck at texting!

    NM, mese think you are resting after the wedding.

    I think we should have RAZbeerITA's for our DOTD!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015


    Oh I was trying to google some drinks for a DOTD but my google stuff is so eff up, I don't know what I did.

    Mary I love bable too, that's so fun, funny about to many grandmas LOL--OK I've got the key to the mint for all the grandparents----when they're a certain age oh maybe three and they atart asking u questions always, always give them an answer right away even when u have no idea what the answer is make one up--they start to think u are the smartest person in the world, of course when they get older they know but they never forget when u were the smartest person in the world to them--well that was my key. LOL I think he's the smartest kid. What comes around goes around.

    It's pouring right now and thundering and I have some of my D today--maybe it's the weather so I already started my pills hoping to stop it in it's tracks, we'll see. Leslie just planted flowers so she's really paying atention to the rain now. Lori she hasn't started on any food planting yet but I think she's thinking about it--right now she's all about studying so we'll see.

    OK Dara Lori gave u notice so BEWARE, once a week is never enough for anything unless it's seeing u'r in-laws. And besides we all know what's going on and we're all upset with u'r circumstances with u'r DD.

    OK Sunday-Funday or crash day whatever it is.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Sorry I missed checking in yesterday.Sadie and I had a lovely sleep in, then I had to watch the time to do the hair/heels/pantyhose/make up thing for a friend's wedding at noon, with an hour drive to the venue.Beautiful spot on the ocean, the name of the Hotel/Restaurant is "Ocean's Edge".Sunny day, bit of a breeze, just beautiful!Small as weddings go, but very happy and lots of love and good wishes and visiting with friends.I had planned some computer time when I got home, but I just wanted to sit in the sun and doze, so I did that instead.All in all, a lovely day.

    Collett--I e-mailed Kathy about pre-cruise packages and she said they aren't open for booking yet.She'll e-mail us when they are.I'm thinking about flying down Friday, have Sat/Sun for playing at Disney, and possibly staying over in Florida one night before flying back.Flights into and out of my local airport are rather limited, and I would like to avoid getting into the home airport at 11 at night, which usually means an early am departure from wherever, but I'm still looking at costs and such. Will make final decisions when all the info comes available.I have this mental pic ofa seizure dog jumping up and down on the drum to alert EVERYONE that you are having a seizure!Pretty sure that wouldn't work so well.That paddle fest sounds like a great time!

    Goldie--I went ahead and had my meltdown at work and got it over with.We've just hired 3 more full time nurses who are starting this month and will be fully up and running in a few months so there is light at the end of the tunnel, but until then it's 12 hour days and busting butt and praying I can keep up with all the patient and family needs. I'm gonna needs lots of hugs over the next few weeks, I think.We are hitting 1000+% of our budget goal each month since the new year.Yup, 1 thousand percent. Most are very late admission and die before we can even finish processing the paperwork.Once the person dies they no longer count in our patient list, so we can be working on finishing up 1 or 2 admissions and get assigned a 3rd without anything showing on our workload list.Sigh.They probably can remove Adam's Apples, but I think it would leave a scar--the Adam's Apple is cartilage that is part of the airway tube into the lungs, thestiff stuff that keeps the tube from collapsing on itself.It's bigger and thicker in males than females.

    Mema--Tap dancing on Ditzxy's head sounds like a good idea!I'm gonna start taking my stainless steal water bottle to work with me and fill it with the DOTD instead of water.That'll make the days go by faster!

    Cammy--I had some fruity beer a couple summers ago, can't remember the flavor but it was good, and I don't like beer!What kind of Schnapps are you looking for?A particular brand or flavor? Insurance is a very big, dirty, nasty word.That whole system is designed to create confustion, drive up costs and make money for investors my any means possible.

    Goldie--The beer I had before was a microbrew, not sure what to think about the Bud Light line. I suppose if I could buy just one I might try it. I was wondering if San Andreas was a good movie or not.I want to see that, maybe after work one evening as an excuse not to spend all evening on the computer entering data.Mouth sores coming back?$hi#!Definitely talk with your Onc.This is not fair and no way to live.

    Mema--What a Snafu, indeed!So hard to keep everything straight these days.

    Cammy-- you and I should get together and create a new crime/medical/insanity show to entertain the masses!

    Dara--God blessed my friend with a gorgeous day for the wedding.Sunny, breezy, blue sky, sparkling ocean backdrop.It was great!

    Cammy--I should have known they'd have a procedure for the Adam's Apple by now!Probably can't hurt more than having a penis and testicles cut off and a vaginacreated.Love the 32 story!You never did say HOW you would get there!Sleep and anxiety do not play well together, do they?When I get into that space all I can say isthank God for Xanax.

    Genny--Hooray for fully charged 'puters!Wow, winning the wine & nine grand prize!And Nora does sound like she might be ready to experiment with the potty chair.Maybe scoop her up and put her on the potty chair, diapers and all when she's squatting, so she begins to associate the chair with the pushing?

    OK, think I've ketchuped now.Amazing how much I can get accomplished spending 5 minutes doing housework alternating with 15 minutes on the computer!

    Prnicess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    My favorite drink recipe site's DOTD is Pllo Loco--the name sounds right for us, or at least, for me!

    Pollo Loco

    1 oz Tequila

    1 oz Coconut Rum

    oz Grapefruit Juice

    2 oz Club Soda


    Pretty simple recipie, but tasty as anything. Add ice, your preferred tequila, coconut rum, club soda and top off with grapefruit juice. (toronja soda, in Mexico is best) stir and enjoy.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    Happy Sundey FunDey goils!

    I am doing laundry and straightening up my DD's bedroom. I have emptied a few of her drawers to put some of my winter clothes in there. I am hoping to be done soon as it is a great pool day. The sun is out for the first time in a week.

    Genny, we gonna have to send those other grand parents to the swamp so you can get your baby Nora more often! No one will know! hehe! Glad you are back up n running with the computer. Look forward to seeing you back here latah!

    Cam, sorry about the D, hope the meds kick it to the curb. You never fail to crack me up goil, love ya!

    Lori, hope the tm's are down down down and you can take a a well deserved break from the pills that are jacking ye up, I tink it is the FU pils, right?

    NM must have had a good time and bese sleeping in? Tanks Lori for the DOTD and tanks Cam for trying!

    Lubs you goils so berry much! Sending a boat load of ............


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    SPLASH! We're in the pool, Dara!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    oopzies, Kim, I bumped ya right into the warm pool, hope you were a planning on swimming! Glad the wedding was nice, sounds like a perfect day for you and for the bride, groom and all family and fwends. Glad you got to sleep in. Sorry you had the meltdown, having some likker in your cuppie sounds like an awesome plan. I hope that the new nurses are up and running quickliest.

    back to work I go! time is a ticking!

    more cheerS goils!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Yup, I wanted pool time. Just going to float my way over to the pool bar, Pants is manning that station today, gotta go supervise the boy!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    I know I'm getting there late, but it's pewl and likker time for me--and I want Peach Shnapps, seems like that's pretty ordinary, but hard for me to find. Oh the worries I have I should just put my worries in a sack.

    Well NM--u kicked up u'r heels, I'm sure not to far, but u sound like u had a great time. And beautiful day too. I'm glad u got to relax and enjoy it. I'm sorry aout all the hours the next couple of months, oh that's tough but like u said as long as theynhired someone, it'll be over--hope they catch on quickly. And oh will u enjoy u'r vaycay.

    DARA Dumpling u dropped by, so glad u did, OK housework or drinking? If u say housework get to a Doc fastlyest cuz u need it big time.

    It's still raining I pose some of u will be getting it too. So get ready for some good storms, well good storms isn't exactly how I meant it but u know what I mean.♪ ♫ see I member.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015

    sound like everybody is having a good weekend! peach snappes in short supply ,how much are you drinking cammi?Happy, do we get to see the wedding photos nm?

    dara-enjoy the pool, mary ,nora is talking ,when did she get so big!!!!!!!!, cammi-hope joey goes and has a fabulous time at the camp, and no people will not be saying bad things about him, he's too much of a gentleman! and besides that, how many character witness would he have!!!!!!!!!

    nancy-seizures not allowed,the dragon racing looks fun

    lori-hope the side effects are less today, can you sleep with the itching?

    sue-enjoy thee grandkids, pirate costume good to go. you are so prepared. i was talking to a fellow nurse she just came back from a european cruise on the magic and she said it was wonderful ,and that they give you scarfs for pirate night!

    nm- the class was very interesting, talked how the pt starts showing minor symptoms up to 12 hrs prior to crashing , and most of that is minor vs changes and ways to pick up the changes that could signal sometthing bad is about to happen and they are hoping to get the word out to try and prevent acs/cva and septic shock. the speaker is a arnp at shands in the cv unit, very good speaker

    well a fun fri and sat- ,don't have chest pain on a pcu they make you go to the er , everything was negative thought i was going to come off the treadmill with nothing but hospital socks on my feet, wanted to check for blood clots in the lung but they couldn't get an iv in my elbow so had a regular ct of chest,lab was negative for pe my doctor free june aint happening

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!Guess who has booked round trip air fare to Miami, First Class?For not a whole lot more than the cost of checking a bag I found flights that I could take First Class and grabbed them!I'll be getting into Miami on Saturday rather than Friday as I originally was thinking about, getting in at 3 pm, so will still have an entire evening to play AND will have had a comfortable ride!And I am SO worth it!So there!

    Cammy--Oh, yes, I will enjoy vacay enormously!

    Juliet--I'll see if I can get some wedding photos off Fb and get them posted here.Glad the class was interesting.I'm not looking forward to a mandatory wound webinar this coming week, but maybe I'll be surprised.I'm trying to keep an open mind.Oh. Lordy, what NOT fun that must have been for you.They could only use an IV in the elbow for the contrast?Couldn't use an IV somewhere else?How picky!

    Introducing Krista and Dennis:

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    image alt="">

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Having trouble getting a second pic to post. Gonna try something different.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    awe Julie, sorry you is having problems getting blood, prayers and puddin'shots for you and enuff shots for all goils! Hope you are feeling well! xo


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    bumped ya into the pool Kim, my second bump of de day...lovely pic of the bride n groom

    here's to them.....



  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited June 2015

    Hello everyone! Happy Survivor Day!!

    Julie I always plan on no seizures of course my damn body never listens Lol..:)

    NM I love the wedding pictures.. I cant wait to share my DS and DIL next June. I have a picture of a seizure dog knocking coach off the dragon boat lol Shocked oh nooooo!! Lol.

    Cami We are racing at Arlington Lake which is at Chicago I believe from what they tell me. The Race is July 25th This is where we are staying at. Hotel Name Country Inn & Suites

    Address 1401 North Roselle Road, Schaumburg IL, 60195 Local phone number: 847-839-1010. I know that we have a dinner we are doing Friday night when we come in but maybe we can meet up sometime that weekend. I will let you know our schedule the closer we get. I am driving up with my team. I cant drive long distance or on the highway or at night yet.

    Dara I see my neurologist on Friday. I will be honest. I started a log book so I can show her when I have a seizure. I have only had one where I stare off and go out for a few seconds. Sometimes I get a waringing and sometimes I dont. Sometimes its enough time where I could pull over. All the ones I have had lately have been small ones and I have not been driving. The one big one I did have made me real tired and didnt drive that day..

    Yesterday was a rough practice. We paddled 4000 meters. I only had to pull my paddle out about 4 times twice out and twice back. But I did pretty good I thought especially since it was windy goinig out. Today I did Title Boxing with my team. It was so much fun. It was a great workout and a great way to work out some frustration!. I am coughing again and its frustrating me. I dont want to go on prednisone again.

    Mema we are hoping to go to Dale Hollow lake in Tennesee for the fourth of July. a

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015

    Hi girls, watching the Cleveland Cavs NBA playoffs and cussing and making Emma nervous. She hates it when we watch sports. Went golfing with DH today and I am finally starting to show a wee bit of improvement. Then we came home and made chinese lettuce wraps and margaritas.. yum!

    Lori, so sorry for the rash... and sores in your mouth! Time to talk to the MO and adjust those meds I tink..ain't no way to hafta live! I sure do hope your latest scans shoe a big improvement so you can cut back on your dose. Sorry about the different snafu's on your vacay, did your DH get the writing off the car?

    NM, sounds like a nice wedding, so glad they got the perfect weather, love the pics. I got 4 snap peas from my garden today, and lots of lettuce.So sorry your job is so sucky right now, glad to hear light at the end of the tunnel. Woohoo on the 1st class plane ticket, and yes you are so worth it!

    Sue, sounds like a perfect night with AM, how sweet him wanting to sleep with you. Enjoy every second cause at 9 you don't have much of that left. Pink is a singer, fun lyrics and she seems like a pretty awesome person. A perfect song when your DH is hovering and driving you nuts is ...."I'm not dead" you absolutely have to download it and listen to every word. I think it is the most relationship perfect song from a woman's standpoint I have ever heard. And for our karaoke night we need to do a group version of "Raise Your Glass" which is the perfect song for us drinking girls.

    Cami, you do just cwack me up too. And yes insurance companies suck, every single letter of the word. I will tell ya all about it soon, maybe at the end of this ifin it's not too late when I finish. We have schnapp's everywhere here, wish I could bring you some. Love the story about the ether and the counting. Looks like your weather is coming our way tonight, t-storms are brewing. Yes, I will make her believe I am the smartest and funnest gramma, she will beg to come here! Apparently my DS asked her what she wanted for breakfast and she answered, " I love pizza" A chip off the ole block, that was always her daddy's favorite food. We had our "word" when he was little. If anyone ever wanted him to go with them sent by me he was to ask for our secret word, "pizza".

    BTW, Dh tells me that when he watched the Bruce Jenner interview he/she said he/she had no intentions of getting his man parts cut off. He said he was heterosexual and altho he was a women in looks he was keepin' his junk. So does that make the girls he's with a lesbian or heterosexual? Very confusing but I guess it doesn't matter except for those involved.

    Dara, sorry you r having to work so much, yuck. And baby David crawling? Wow, that just doesn't seem possible. our condo pool has been closed for repairs, they are finally putting water in it today. What time do you get done working on Tuesday, thought we could schedule some phone time to talk about our trip.

    Julie, yes Nora is talking, it goes by so fast. I'm funcused bout what test you were having. Suspicion of a PE? You had chest pain or you didn't? Please splain and tail me you are ok. Sorry you have to work and can't go to Disney. Damn work, gets in the way of all the fun.

    Nancy, dragon boat stuff sounds like a blast, hope your seizures go away and stay away. Sounds like you are doing everything right and yer feeling a little more like your old self every day.

    We are missing so many from here, Lara never checks in much, or prn, miss them. And our newest girls, Nancy and Bippy, going thru tx, thinking of you girls and hoping yer feeling ok with few SE's

    Ok, Cav's game 71-66, Cav's winning....arrgghhh... hope they can hold the lead...oh no, Lebron just got hit in the nose, if we lose him it's all over. Sure this means nothing to you girls but it's big news here in Cleveland.

    K, I'm gonna hit send so the Gremlins don't get it but plan to follow with more shortly.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Good morning, Good morning!If I say it often enough with enough enthusiasm it will come true, right?

    Dara--Oh, my, don't those Chocolate Pudding Bomb shots look YUMMY!Think we'll be able to get them on the cruise?

    Collett--Happy Survivor Day to you, too, a little late.I've only met the Bride a couple of times in passing, but the second pic is so much like the Groom and what he has said about the Bride.I do hope they will be happy for rest of their lives.4000 meters, wow that sounds like a long ways!Hmm, that works out to about 2 and a half miles.Lots of work!Praying the coughing calms down promptly.

    Genny--Emma doesn't like it when you watch sports?That's different, but then, she's a unique fur baby!This is the first time I've bought first class seats outright, I have upgraded a few times, just enough to get a taste of the comfort of the bigger seats and attentive service.I was so surprised to see the prices of the first class seats so low.The price was what I was expecting to pay for the flights anyway, so what the hey, I thought, why not indulge a little? When my mother finds out she will go on and on about how I am wasting my money and being foolish and won't get there any faster than anyone else in the plane, and think of all the stuff I could do with that money, yadda yadda yadda.Probably won't tell her about the first class seat and just avoid the whole thing.Aha, I was going to ask if Pink was a song or a person.Pick a couple of songs and I'll go to Youtube and start learning to sing them for Karaoke night.Aha, Raise Your Glass, definitely one I will look up!Boy, theBruce Jenner/Caitlyn thing is confusing to me.I can understand the concept of feeling like a woman in aman's body, and considering yourself heterosexual if attracted to men, but beyond that, I just don't get it.But like you say, I don't need to, not really my business as long as everyone involved is adult and consenting.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is Dara's Chocolate Bomb Pudding Shots!

    image alt="">

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    So Cami, Joey thinks you are the smartest person in the world? I hope you got a handle on that "D" yesterday. I don't understand why they can't figure that out! I love my flowers and I love my veggies. Leslie could just try a tomato plant maybe? Herbs are easy too, if she likes to cook.

    NM, you are entitled to miss a day every now and then! The wedding sounds beautiful. Oh my, your work load! Patients dieing before you even get the paperwork done! They definately need a new system! Glad you had your meltdown and got it over with. The mouth sores are gone, I only ended up with 2 of them. But you are right, no way to live. I ended up in bed last night around 5, and slept until 4:30, of course being awake several times due to hot flashes. but the fatigue is horrible.

    Dara, yes it is the FU pills jacking me up. I think Beans took them, but I don't remember her complaining about them like I do!!! Cleaning DD's bedroom? I thouhgt your cousin moved in and just assumed she would be in there? I hope you were able to enjoy your pool.

    Hey Jules, my DW. Yes, I can sleep with the itching. I'm used to that, as I have very sensitive skin, I can scratch and right where I scratch I will get welts, which of course make it itch more. So now I have rash and still get the welts. What bothers me is if I break the skin, it takes forever to heal. YOU WERE IN THE HOSPITAL?

    NM, wooo hooo for booking first class. And damn straight you are worth it! Beautiful wedding pics, thanks for sharing.

    Nancy, you sure have lots going on. And you go girl with that boat racing. I sure hope you get to meet up with Cami.

    Mary, I had a dream last night, very short, but I was helping you babysit Nora! I have not had any scans of late, only blood work. I will ask if I can take a 2 week break or go back on 4 pills a day, instead of 5. Or maybe 5 pills the first week and 4 the second week. I don't know, will see with the good doc has to say. We are planning on washing the truck next week. It stays at our warehouse in town, which takes almost a half hour to get there. I had to chuckle over 4 snap peas. I don't have anything to harvest yet, except some herbs. Bruce keeping his junk....LOL a girl with a penis!

    NM, at least it's not O'dark hundred morning, or what ever it was that you were posting. As for first class, I am with not telling mom.

    Well, I woke up this morning with my right eye almost swollen shut! We have these gnats here, you can't feel them bite. They are much like mosquitos, except you can not feel them bite you. You get a bump and it itches like crazy. Then it breaks open and weeps. I can feel the welt, right above the left corner of my eye, by the nose.

    Yep, missing Lara and the new gals Karen and Bippy.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2015


    Here is my AM...Andrew Michael.  Farm house down the trail from the splash pad that we went to yest.  I can't believe he's 9 either.  Maddy should be here tonight.  So excited!  Ck back in latah ladies!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Oh NM u deserve 1st class all the way and u don't have to tell anyone, if u don't want, but good for u. I am so confusticated with Bruce/Caitlyn--Male/Female-Man/Woman-Masculine/Feminine-Jack/Jackass. Anyway it goes it will bring more money in for them--hmmm maybe, just maybe--no none would go that far.

    Oh Lori just what u need another itxhy swollen thing on u--I'm sure u'r skin is very sensitive U can see that.  Hey how about the centuries old calamine lotion, I wonder if that would help u. I just hat all u'r going thru.

    Nancy u'r a wonder and let me know u'r exact schedule, I'm not to to far from Schaumburg.

    And NM and SusieQ love dem pics.

    Mary cracks me about about u'r enthusiasum with sports. good for u too.

    OK Julie I'm not versed in nursy things at all---but they use u'r elbow?? I never heard of that what are they going for Blood? U'd better be fine Julie and stop all these tests so u feel good and are good.

    Dara I know u'r back to work, my stupid phone range this morning before coffee or my pee---I had to really put some "acing like I care" stuff into that call--Not that my job compares to anyone's cuz mine is so nothing but I thought it was Sunday morning, then I realized it wasn't--I can't get days straight. But when u ladies work u really get the days straight cuz it's always on a countdown. U know I couldn't wait to retire, cuz u all know lazimess is my strong point--but I planned everything for it--my plans went awry but I'm still glad I'm retired.

    OH today is Joey's last day of school, but he'll be busy with his friends I know--he'll be 11 in a few days and I'm lucky he still cuddles alot with me, I'm expecting for it to end soon, so I'm hanging on as long as I can and yes Lori joey still thinks I'm a very intelligent woman--just cuz he loves me I think, but he does say I do silly things all the time.

    OK I'm going to do some filing now---well when I really feel like it--I have to vacuum first and maybe staighten my office/bedroom.


    I hope Bippy and Karen are doing OK and Lara I miss u too.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    LDB, AM is sure a lil cutie. Gonna be a handsome man mese tinks. Enjoy Maddy and if you read this, tell her I said hi and give a hug from me. She is such a little sweetie.....and NO ATTITUDE! Never will forget that!

    Cami, you always crack me up...jack/jackass. You really should be a writer for comedians! Because the rash is always there, and always itches, I can't imagine walking around with pink stuff all over me! Just like I can't imagine taking Benedryl daily. It's ok, I'll deal with it! HA, I don't have much of a choice now do I? AND, you are NOT lazy, you are SLACKING! As for the cuddles, my son who is 35 and lives with my mom, would lay and bed and cuddle (somewhat) with her. Until she became in continent!!! That brought a halt to that! Try Wal Mart for the peach schnapps.

    I see my onc on Thursday, got my labs. TM's are down a tad more!!! I'll take it! Other things are off, but not by much, Some to do with liver and some to do with immune. I assume it's all from the chemo tho.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015

    loriHappyi like good news

    nm you deserve it,spoil yourself you work so hard

    back in work today, i had a roommate fri night, well i answered her call light today, you think she did a double take!working tue and wed

    cammi -ThumbsUp

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited June 2015

    Well its raining cats and dogs here again in Indy. I swear I think I live more like in Seatle or something anymore. We have more damn gloomy rainy dreary days anymore. I know I am complaining alot today sorry. Im a little tired of no sun and still not really warm weather yet. I have bronchitis yet AGAIN and another ear infection yet AGAIN because of this damn weather. My right elbow swelled up like a balloon. I hit the bag a little too hard yesterday. I guess I have more frustration than I thought. It felt good though. I had and xray on it today but everything is ok. Probably just tendonitis. Dr. said if not better by end of week will see ortho for some injections. Wont hurt my Dragon Boat Racing.

    Cami I will definately let you know my schedule.

    Lori I will get you that picture of my garden if it ever stops raining in the evening so I can take a picture for you.

    Dara hows your daddy doing? I was thinking of you today. Cant wait to see you and Julie, Sue, Mary, and hopefully 4.

    Love you ladies.