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how about drinking?



  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited June 2015

    hello ladies- sounds like you have all been busy!!! I have been having the worst time ever I swear I've visited hell a few times these last few days- excruciating anal ( sorry TMI I know) pain since Thursday- Vicodin, Percocet, oxycodone, ibuprofen - nothing has helped finally today my MO sent through a script for an idol suppositories ($300 and not covered by insurence- really)and cream - I don't have the cream yet but the suppository or maybe the decadron he had me take has helped a bit and I can actually walk- I'm typing this from my tub- seriously I have never been constipated but apparently I have developed hemorrhoids - thanks chemo!!!

    Anyway hopefully I will mend over the next few days and be ready for taxol at the chemo spa on Friday- gosh a drink sounds good right now!!

    Hope you all have a wonderful week

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited June 2015

    Oh my gosh Karen I am so sorry you are having such trouble. There is nothing more uncomfortable. Your in my prayers.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited June 2015




  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited June 2015

    Here is my office I redecorated this last week.
















  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015

    Hi girls, Ok, now for my insurance woes. I think I told you all that in March I got a bill for $1,250 for something to do with my rads from last October. As I investigated it I was told it was 5 charges of $250 from something to do with my rads that was coded as intrafractional traction motion. Med Mutual said it was an investigational procedure, therefore not covered. The thing is, I had 31 rad tx's and had this each time but they only refused to pay for 5. The lady at Med Mutual said all tx's had the same code and came up as investigational and if I challenged it they may decide not to pay for any of them. This supposed procedure, intrafractional traction motion, from everything I can find is used for prostate ca, not breast ca. So finally in May, I got my RO to write a letter to Med Mutual stating that my type of active breathing rads was required to prevent heart/lung damage and has been widely used for more than 10 years. She didn't seem to know what this intrafrational traction motion was. Anyway, Medical Mutual has decided to pull the funds that they paid to UH and I now owe $7000 instead of $1250. Of course my RO has since moved to California so she won't be helping me. I called the nurses station where I got rads last Friday and the nurse that I knew is supposed to call me but hasn't yet. I really think it's a coding error since I'm sure I didn't have tx to my prostate. I called the hospital patient advocate on Friday and left a message but she hasn't called me back yet either. So far for what ever reason Med Mut has still paid for 4 of the 31 tx.s and I'm afraid if I ask why, they are going to tack the remaining $1000 onto my bill. So tomorrow I'll be calling some Ohio patient advocate services that I have numbers for. What a pain in the a$$. Hard to believe they can rescind funds that were paid 9 months ago!!! I'm so sick of this chit, bad enough to get cancer but then to deal with this....AGAIN! You all know I had a $7500 bill from chemo that I appealed and won, but what a lot of work! I guess they figure if they screw you around long enough you'll just pay it which I was considering when it was $1250, but $7000! I will get an attorney if I have to. If the hospital did do intrafrational traction motion then I'd like to know why and if they didn't then I have to find some way to find out what they did do so it can be coded properly and Med Mut will pay it. If not the hospital should eat the 7K. AAAGGGHHHHH...... thanks for letting me rant!

    Hope you all had a fabulous of Nora to to all!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015

    Thanks for the swim Karen and Nancy, got bumped twice and the tenders gave me a drink and a nice massage and I feel much more relaxed....

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited June 2015

    Oh my Mary I am so sorry we bumped you into pool not once but twice. Did I tell you how much I hate no dispise insurance companies? Its not your fault that some idiot did their job wron and coded the wrong damn procedure at the hospital. You should not be responsible for that. The insurance company should go back to the hospital and make them fix it. Thats my opinion. They know whoes fault it is. And they know you dont have a prostate. Keep fighting girl and report your insurance to the State insurance commission.

    Love ya

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Well, I survived marathon day #1 of this week.Only 2 notes left over to write from yesterday, about an hour's worth of work. Today is filled right up, too, with mandatory meetings (3 to 4 hours worth), 1 admission (6 hours) and 2 visits (1.5 hours) with only about 2.5 hours of driving time.Let's see, that adds up to 14 to 15 hours.Guess it won't all get done today, either, especially if I have to stop and pee once or twice!

    Goldie--I think it is horrible how you have to choose between not treated mets and treating them with miserable side effects. The fatigue must be unbearable.I so wish there was something that could be done to offset the side effects.Yup, first class, am I a diva or what?!Good point about having sunlight when I have to get up,Makes it SO much easier.And I'm not going to mention the first class tix to Mom, if she notices, fine, I'll deal, if not, no harm done, right?Gnat bites are horrible, hope yours heals up fastliest!

    Mema--handsome AM!

    Cammy--It's just my Mom that I'm not mentioning the first class tix to.She has gotten so set in her ways and a bit forgetful, so once she starts in on something she goes on and on and on, thinking she's talking about it for the first time.AND she thinks things should still cost what they did 50 years ago--paying $80 for a week's worth of parking at theairport is "highway robbery" compared to the 25 cents a day she remembers it being.Wow, hard to imagine Joey being 11, they grow up so fast!

    Goldie--HOORAY for TMs down a tad more!

    Juliet--I can just imagine the roommate's confusion!How funny!

    Collett--I'm with you about the gloom and rain.They are even talking about it on the TV news during the weather segments.ENOUGH, already!Yuck on the bronchitis, ear infection, swollen elbow.Glad it won't interfere with Dragon Boating.

    Karen--ah, the gift that keeps on giving pain and taking away comfort and dignity!

    Collett--NICE OFFICE!

    Genny--You are really getting jerked around by the insurance company.I hope you can find the energy to keep fighting the fight and figure out what went wrong.It definitely sounds like a coding error.I would take the stand that it's a problem between the insurance company and the hospital, that you are not going to pay what's already been paid regardless of what the insurance company took back, let go on my credit report and make sure it's marked as disputed in all 3 credit company reports.Or get a lawyer and follow his/her lead.This is just crazy.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Slow Painful Movement

    1 1/2 oz Cinnamon Schnapps

    1 1/2 oz Sloe Gin

    1 squirt Chocolate Syrup


    Shake the gin and the schnapps together in ice. Pour into glass. Dribble the chocolate syrup into a circle on the bottom of the glass. (do not mix)

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015

    Morning girls, drinking my coffee and gearing up for my morning fight with automated messages and voice mail and leaving messages for people that probably won't call me back. Tonight is the 2nd big playoff game for the Cavs. They won by 2 points in overtime the other night. Tonight they are back in Cleveland so hopefully they will do better. I never watched it all year but now I'm pretty into it.

    Lori, so sorry about your se's, NM is right, ugghh, I hate this for you. Glad to hear the TM's are down a bit, I was so hoping that your body would adjust to the FU's and stop reacting, hopefully you can cut back a bit. Sounds like they named those pills appropriately...FU to all of this. Last night I pick 8 snap peas and had 2 huge salads from the garden. Think I'm gonna have to pull some of the lettuce and plant new, I keep using the outer leaves. Have lots of green tomatoes too.

    Nancy, don't apologize, I enjoyed the swim. I have told both the hspital and ins co that this should not be my fight, the 2 of them should figure it ou but neither of them have shared my opinion. Actually some of the people at the hospital have agreed that something is very wrong but I've yet to find the one that can help me fix it. So sorry about the bronchitis and swollen elbow. We have had nice weather till now but it finally made it's way here, gloomy and windy here today, but at least it's warm. Please get lots of pics when you do your 1st race, it sounds like such fun! The office looks cozy and very personalized. You did a great job!

    Karen, chemo sucks for sure, I'm so sorry you are feeling so lousy, hope you find the right drugs to alleviate the ouchy hiney. Hang in there and keep your eye on the light at the end of the tunnel. Are you still working?

    NM, omg, sounds like you need a personal assistant, yikes that's a lot of work.Hope you get your new nurses trained soon. An admission takes 6 hours? I thought when you said Pink karaoke you meant PINK, now I realize you meant BC pink. Anyway, we should all at least learn Raise Your Glass, don't mink the swearing, she's got a bit of a potty mouth but I love the song. I have no intentions of paying anything at this point, I've still got avenues to travel just wish I could spend my time doing other things.

    Dara, hope work is going ok, missing you.

    Julie, you are working too, how'd you like Nora's Mickey Mouse bathing suit? I saw you liked it on FB. I didn't understand the roommate/call light thing ??

    Cami, you crack me up... jack/jackass, Lori is right you should be writing comedy. So glad Joey is still cuddling with you, hope he keeps it up at least until he's a teenager. I like the idea of getting 12 years of cuddling with Nora. Life doesn't always go the way we plan it that's for sure. Just have to make the best of what we get I guess. Hope no D and phone is quiet.

    Sue, handsome little boy, love that he wanted to sleep with you. Don't expect to see you here for a few days, have lots of fun with AM and Maddy. Don't forget the pics!

    Time to get pooches walked and then start my phone fight. Gots lots of people to call...ugghh. Have a great day and Hi to everyone I missed.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015







  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015


    And here's my little condo garden.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    Julie, I like that news too! TM's down or the same, I'll take it!

    Nancy, coming from Michigan, I understand the gloomy weather. You could not pay me to move back there, I love our Arizona sunshine. Glad you did not seriously hurt your elbow. But hey, you got out some frustrations! Will wait to see your garden.

    Oh Karen, you poor girl you. I do hope you get some relief. And there is nothing among us that is TMI!! I did have constipation, but not the hemroids. I used a fleet enema and OMG...the pain from coming out was WHOA! But a relief when it was done!

    Nancy? Office slash guest room? It looks beautiful, What color are the walls. Can't quite tell if they are grey or a purple. Looks big too!

    Mary, total BS on the insurance whoa's. And you are right about having to do all the work to get it right. I have Simon Med wanting me to pay for my mamogram as it was 3D. When I went, they told me what my pay was. I said no, I have met my deductable, I am stage IV breast cancer and meet my deductable in about 2 months. She says let me look into it. I waited, she came back and told me I was good to go. Now they send me a bill. How the hell do you prove that you were cleared at the time and she said it was covered!

    NM, I guess I have to keep telling myself that SE's have to be better than the alternative, right? I didn't have this many SE's when I did Adrymiacin, Cytoxin and Taxol! Oh my, what a long day for you. Please don't fret iffin you don't get it all done, not your fault! Enjoy the "Diva" status! Don't know anything about your airport and parking, but have you checked online for any coupons? Do you park right at the airport, or is it a parking area outside of the airport. At ours we use "The Parking Spot" and we get a discount with AAA.

    Karen, looks like our DOTD is for you!

    Mary, do you use the snap peas in your salad? My husband won't eat them, and I don't remember if I grew them in MI and then froze some. I think so. Loved using them in stir fry. Seems they became rubbery when I froze them. LOL, I did not understand Julie's post either about the room mate thing, but wasn't going to say anything!! Love your garden and using that space for food instead of landscaping is a great idea! And the Nora pics...THANKS. I was even having Nora withdrawl. Love  her and Emma!

    Sorry to be such a whiner lately. LOL, but you girls are the only ones that "get it". I just can't wrap my head around the fact that this is how it is for me. There is no end of treatment. And to have to deal with these stupid SE's just suck. There is another treatment for me. I don't remember if it came from Mary or not. It's Ibrance, and I have been reading the thread and it seems like that one really lowers your blood count. I'm gonna have to look at the supplements I was taking during my first go round and see if there was anything there that might help now. I think I was taking something for immune system. BLAH BLAH BLAH...shut up Lori!!! LOL!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    My eye yesterday.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015

    Lori ouch!

    Love your room Nancy

    Ok to clear things up.when I was admitted I was in a double room .so when I went back to work Monday. I answered the bell fo that room and the lady that was in the other bed on Friday when I was a patient did a double take when she saw me

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    Hi girls,

    My systems are down at work so figured I would pop in for a few dwinkies.

    NM, sorry you have such a long day of work. Try not to overdo things, what does not git done todey can wait until tomorree. Good for you, Ms Diva on flying first class. I won't tail your mom on you unless you peese me off hehe, jk! Hope you git to relax this evening after work.

    Genny, omg, love the pics of Nora, she is gitting sooooo big. Crud on all the work you are doing for a stinking coding error. Dat is unless you have a prostate and mese do not tink ya do. I have a vet appt for Lucy tomorree night so let's plan on chatting another night.

    Lori, chit on all those side affects but glad your tumor markers are down. What are the other tests you speak of? Darn you have been through enuff time for a break. I sure hope your onc agrees to allow a break. NM is right, so not fair to have to make that choice ((((Lori))))

    Cam, can't believe our widdle Joey will be 11 either. It seems just days ago that he was boasting over turning double digits. He looks so much like his lovely mama, the older he gits, the more he looks like her. Lori has a good point, you should try stand up comedy, you are jest soooo funnnnnneeeee!

    Julie Julie, what on earth is happening with you? I was also not very clear on your post about getting the blood from de elbow and possiblty being IN the hospital. Or were you referring to being at the hosptial as in working? I hope all is well. When is your next Disney visit? You a true DW~

    Nancy, love the pics of the newly remodeled office space, you done good. Love all the pics on the walls of your loved ones, great photos! Hope you are siezureless and happy todey.

    Shoot, the other goils are on de other page, trying to remember what I read there.

    Karen, omg, so sorry for the hiney issues, hope it gits better. I had a huge issue with constapation this time last year so can relate to some of your pain. Glad you feel like dwinking, hope you can indulge.

    Sue, ya packed yet for your long roadtrip? AM is adorable, tanks for sharing the picture. Give his a kiss.

    Bipster, did I see you in de lounge? What's happening goily?


    Well time to get back up and at em, system is back up. For how long I dunno cuz theys been ups and deys been downs, annoying as hail!

    Dwink up, git the tities up and have fun!



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    oops, did not see Lori and Julie's posts before mine, I told ye all that I am a slow reader.

    Lori, the eye looks horrible, hope it gits better immediately.

    Julie, lol on your prior roomie at de hospital!

  • Bippy625
    Bippy625 Member Posts: 602
    edited June 2015

    ello mah babahs!

    Bip was outta the loop, busy busy for a change, vs. sittin on my can all day watchin Will & Grace. It's a pleasure to know that chit stays the same always in the file factory. Been there two days and already know who is who, who hates who, and the pecker I mean, pecking order. My guy is the head Dick In Charge and lives up to it. Hmmmmm....i have decided it's a temp job, for as long as the Bip deems fit. Making lotso cashola for my trip to Maine! Not sure I can do our cruise. Feelin awesome compared to just a month ago but chit is tight dollahwise. That 800k for tx really has set us back! Hmmmmm still thinkin it ovah.

    Lovin all the pics. Except for poor Lori's stank eye. Ouchie!!! Put some booze on it, or in yourself. Feel better soon!

    Caitlyn Jenner is thinner and better looking than me, newly female, WITH boobs and 15 years older. NOT FAIR. Damn this real life.........

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!The rain is supposed to stop today.There is actually blue sky showing, now we just need the fog to burn off and it should be a pretty day.The humidity sure has kicked up and is making it feel more summery.As I was lying in bed last night I saw the season's first fireflies shining!June and summer have arrived!

    Genny--the automated calling horror show, how I hate it.Insurance issues, how I hate them.I so wish I could just do without insurance, just show up and say this is what I can pay, either treat me or don't, and let me have my time to live my life in between.Such a muddled up mess.OK, what's the difference between pink, PINK and BC pink as related to Karaoke?I'm totally confused now.Love the Minnie Mouse bathing suit!And the baby wearing it is adorable! Wow, that's a nice little garden!I bet you get lots of good food out of it!

    Goldie--I have learned to get the person telling me things are all set insurance-wise to write that down and SIGN their name.That constitutes a contract, and if there is any issue it takes you out of the picture and leaves all the hassle and fighting between the insurance company and the hospital.Have you taken the bill to the mammo place, found the person who said everything is OK and asked her face-to-face what's up?The airport parking is at the airport, also used by a nearby hotel and restaurant.Usually Mom and Dick pick up my car sometime during the day after I leave, park it at their place, then take it back to the airport the day I return, so I only pay for 2 days of parking. Or I make park it in the work parking lot and take a taxi to the airport, which will only be a few dollars. I will check for coupons, hadn't thought about that.Still got time to work that out.I suppose the SE s are better than the alternative, but there just needs to be a better way.Like an actual cure.Or a prevention.OUCH!Your poor eye!Hope it's better today.

    Dara--As usual the plan for yesterday changed, but only a couple of times.Wound up doing what we call an Informing Visit--the admission did not become an admission once the patient found out just what Hospice could and couldn't do for them, and we couldn't do what they had been told we would do, and (speaking of insurance) it would cost too much in co-pays/co-insurance for what we could do, so they opted not to sign up.That was 1 hour, plus 1 hour of travel time, then a 1 hour wound care documentation in-service (don't get me going on how the expected documentation on every wound, healed and current, is going to increase my documentation workload for something that I'm not even doing anything about),then another meeting of 1.5 hours, then 2 hours of catching up on documentation from Monday, then a post mortem visit that lasted 2.5 hours.So only a 9 hour day yesterday.At least I start out today caught up!And I did relax last evening with a leisurely stroll through Fb, and picking away at updating and correcting the imported contact list on my phone, all with a Pomegranate Martini!And lots of Sadie silliness.I ended up doing most of the computer stuff one-handed, cuz she claimed the other hand!

    Bippy--Glad you are able to rake in the cashola right now.800K for treatment?WOW!SometimesI think people with no insurance really are better off in the cancer treatment world,Can't be denied any care, don't have to pay anything, don't have the insurance hassles, whereas those of us WITH insurance have to pay through the nose, hassle with insurance, and still get trashed credit for things not in our control.Oh well.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Firefly Sweet Tea

    1 1/2 oz Vodka

    1/4 oz Water


    Combine in glass with ice. Stir. Garnish with a twist of lemon.

    The type of vodka used should be the new, totally awesome, Firefly Sweet Tea Flavored Vodka!!

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015

    Only a quick pop-in, work today, it's pouring out, hoping I can get pooches out for a walk in between drops. sposed to golf in my league this afternoon but may get rained out. Another late night watching the Cavs, they won by 3 pts, poor Emma can't wait till it's over then all she has to deal with is her dad watching golf, not nearly as much yelling with that. Got a few answers yesterday, the name of the man at UH trying to straighten it out, apparently I'm not the only one and nothing is settled yet so I have to wait and see. The appeal is still up in the air.

    Kim, didn't mean to confuse... what I meant was Pink is the color for breast cancer so when you said Pink karaoke I guess that's what you meant? I am a fan of some of the music of PINK, the singer and I thought that's what you meant. So either way I'm in, whether it's the breasties singing karaoke or whether we get up there and sing songs by PINK. Did I splain it ok?

    Lori, so sorry about your eye, ouch, hope it's better today.

    Bippy, get the $$ while you can, is the 8000K your deductable and co-pay? Ouch! I had 6000K out of pocket both last year and this year just in my deductible. Sucks..

    Kim, went to the grocery store and look what I found! And look at the price! I didn't buy any but I was tempted. Of course you'd have to buy a lot to make a pound.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    Wacko, I have only had labs recently, mamogram back in March, and I'm probably due for scans. Are you back to working from home as well? My eye is still swollen and itchy, but it's starting to go down.

    Julie, you are such a sneaky one. What were you in the hospital for?

    Bip, 800K for taxes? You had to pay that??? Ahhhh, don't be jealous of Caitlyn! Oh, I think that money was health insurance co pays? Ours is high too, me with cancer and DH has rheumitoid arthritis. Your avitar is a Morning Glory. Last year I won a FB contest with the Garden Weasle and won some garden tools. My winning photo.


    NM gosh, I haven't seen a firefly in forever. I told my DH yesterday that I guess I am going to have to have all receptionists do exactly what you said, sign their name that they said they checked and insurance is paying. Recocklous (as Cami would say) that we have to be so vigilant. I have not been to the facility, it's 4 hours away and not sure I would remember who it was. It's only a couple hundred dollars, so not a huge issue, but one none the less. I did call, and more notes were made to my complaint and I have to call in 3-7 business days!

    Mary, how cool that you found fiddleheads! But wow, they are expensive!

    Nancy, I saw your garden on FB, it's looking good and you have a beautiful yard. Love when we share things of where we live.

    I have onc appointment in the morning, need to leave here by 6 am, so I prolly won't be on. Happy Birthday to our sweet Joey, Cami's grand son, and boy is he GRAND!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2015

    Morning DahhhLinks!

    Lowee - oooowweee, that eye looks painful, glad it is calming down a bit. 

    Happy B-Day Sweet Joey!!!

    Nancy - love the pics of your office...good job.  Your garden is too cool!

    Love the pics of Nora, such a cutiepatootie!

    Wish I had time to address each of you, but no time.  Gotta bath the kids and pack em up.  Leaving here in a few hours to take them back to their parents.  I am worn out.  DH and I decided not to take 2 or 3 at a time in the future.  Too hard on me, makes me realize I am not as strong yet as I thought.  AM decided that I snore tooo much and tooo loud so he slept in spare room.  Then Maddy said she wasn't comfortable in my bed.  Waaaa, they getting older and more independent....hate it!!!!

    Hope everyone has a gr8 HUMPDAY!!  Lubslubs!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Oh Oh I can't believe I've missing so much--I don't realize time.

    INSURANCE--u all know how I feel about that so there is no sense in my being on my soap opera box (yes I sing on it) NM I think u'r right if u have none u have no paper work and u have to be accepted for sickness--I call it the Wellfare Act--Another words be well and we're fare, be sick and we'll pay for anyone who doesn't have insurance, but the people that do are going to go thru hell, just so we can Act for people that don't. OK my box is gone. And NM when it is vacay time u will be so relieved to not be on a schedule, good thing u'r such an organized person or u'd be in deep chit.

    Lori, Lori, Lori I (and we all) hate these SE's u'r having it's so rough on u, I know there is not much of a choice but maybe they can find something to help u out, u've always had a positive attitude and u still do, but remember complain all u want if it eases anything for u, we're all here for u--this is a very difficult time for u but really it should get better, OK I'm not promising u a rose garden (yes I made that up years and years ago) but there are flowers coming and u'll feel better, I just know it. And u'r eye WTF it looks so painful ouch. xox

    Mary just inore all the ins. woes and they'll figure out what to do.U'r pics are wonderful, this time my fav is u and Nora--u'r both beautiful, u'r skin looks so good. (hey I'm into skin) Precious moments for sure.

    Nancy U'r pics are great and I can't tell exactly what color it is but I do like it. And all the pics of u'r family--great. At first I thought u had aout 8 walls then it came to me--it was 2 rooms right? But if u have a bed in u'r office that sounds good to me.

    Karen roids oh I never had those, so I don't know personally but I remember when my cousin had them, she was miserable and it sure kept her in and I member she used to bleed too--so I know they must be horrible cuz I'd be with her alot those days and when u keep feeling misersble day after day it really sucks.

    OK Julie, I'm still so confused about u'r dear elbow and the hospital and what's going on. But u back to work, and u another trooper u'r work is very hard.

    Dara u've been sneakin some time, but u sound good. I hope u are doing OK.

    Thanks gals for the BD wishes for Joey, he gets so touched he weeps up, u know I talk with him and basically only him about u gals, of course he asks and I always give him good news ut he really cares, so sometimes I just show him the pics and he loves them all.

    Wow this has taken me forever to write the phone keeps on ringing WTF.

    Oh yesteday I went out with my GF's for lunch--we went to my GFs restaurant (it's easier for her to be there) and it was great, we did our usual LOLing and forgeting other people were around us and the GF who has the restaurant asked me (now remember she's a workaholic) how am I handling my job when I go out like this??? I told her wait I have a job, but I never said I cared and her eyes rolled and she started LOLing--but I had to confess Leslie had the phone. I always enjoy my friends so much. I'm so blessed with my family and friends and


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Chit SusyQ that's how long it took me for my post--I never read u'rs. Oh u have to be exhausted. U'll be resting for a while I HOPE--just take it easy.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!This nursie is very tired and very ready for something to work outwithout my spending hours parked in one spot waiting when I really need to be in another town, hell, another COUNTY.It has been (another) very long day (so what's new) again.And I am very tired.And still have an hour's worth of computer work to do.And when one of the new nurses gets onboard she's going to be given my territory and the facilities I've opened up in the area and I'm getting moved to a new territory and will be opening up new facilities, again.Yet again.I know it's important for the new staff to feel like they have a particular place and stability so they can establish relationships and working systems to make thing run smoothly.Gee, wish I was a new nurse and that applied to me.

    Ah, don't pay any attention to me.I'm just tired and I'll get over it.

    Genny--Wow, I got fiddleheads for $3.50 a pound!They must be rare where you are!OK, so neither one of us were referring to any particular song/entertainer/whatever regarding Karaoke.Good to know, now to find some songs to practice.I say let's just let it see how it works out with all of us drinking and singing and laughing with each other!

    Goldie--That is one beautiful morning glory!Happy Birthday to Joey!

    Mema--little ones do grow up and become independent, it's the nature of little ones!Sad when it happens, though.

    Cammy--sometimes I get into deep $hi# because I like to be organized!But it's all growing pains, and that's good and I'll hang on.

    OK, Sadie's demanding tummy tickles, time to go!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Oh NM complain all u want, u've really had a long rough time lately, I know u really love what u do, or u wouldn't be doing it, but it does take a lot out of u sometimes cuz u care so much about people. U'r a blessing for them so please relax as much as u can and Sadie will help. It ounds like u didn't have rain tho??? We didn't have any but it was super hot so we're all closed up, but now they're predicting rain for later and cooling off. This weather is crazy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    A glass of wine

    To my friends who enjoy a glass of wine and those who don't and are always seen with a bottle of water in their hand: As Ben Franklin said:
    In wine there is wisdom,
    In beer there is freedom,
    In water there is bacteria.
    In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli, (E. Coli) - bacteria found in feces. In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop annually.. However, We do NOT run that risk when drinking wine & beer (or rum, whiskey or other liquor) because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling, filtering and fermenting.
    Remember: Water = Poop, Wine = Health.
    Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink water and be full of shit.
    There is no need to thank me for this valuable information: I'm doing it as a public service.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015

    nm- obviously they value your organizational skills but it sucks to be doing all the heavy lifting! enjoy your down time .i'm on a countdown too to january! well let me get on my soapbox too! because bippy it sucks how much you have to pay and mary insurance is a 4 lettered word. i work at a not for profit system, so a lot of our patients have no insurance so we all pay for their care with our hospital bills some really need it but so many are milking the system! a common story being hospitalised for not taking medications for heart disease ,high blood pressure ,diabetes because they can't afford them but they smoke 2 packs a day or drink a 12 pack a day, see so many on welfare/disabily,never worked in their life but they have the latest phones, expensive purses etc! it drives us crazy especially when we have just got a hospital bill ourselves! even when the hospital provides meds,gives them a doctor for follow up, they still are non compliant with diet etc!!!!!!!!!

    ok time for chocolate

    cammi-because i flew last month they wanted to test me for a blood clot in the lung but for that test you need an iv in the elbow area and they couldn't get one in ,2 people tried, but the lab test for a blood clot was negative, so they decided to change it to a regular ct scan so they could use the iv in the hand,

    hope joey had a wonderful day

    lori-lots of prayers for less se!

    love your house and garden ,nancy and mary

    miss lora is just adoreble

    karen-hope your feeling better and that light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Woke up by a thunder bumper this morning that came through about 4:30.Not a big one, just a few booms, but enough to wake us up.The I drifted off to sleep and the alarm woke me up in the middle of a dream.Boy do I have to work hard to get myself awake from the middle of a dream!But I did it and here I am!Got my first cup of coffee going, will get the caffeine fix fed soon, and get functional.

    Cammy--Didn't get any rain yesterday, It was actually very pretty, and quite warm, really felt like summer!Thanks for letting me whine and complain, I try not to but some days I just need to let the pressure off a little.I do love this work,it's a great job, and growing pains won't last forever.

    LOL!1 kilo of poop a YEAR?I make enough of my own!

    Juliet--The I-can't-afford excuse for meds, good food, to pay bills/rent from someone with a state-of-the-art iPhone, 55 inch flat screen TV showing pay-per-porn movies, ATV and snowmobiles in the yard, top shelf hootch bottles on the counter, ciggy hanging out side of the mouth,lobster in the pot on the stove just makes me shake my head and wonder what I'm doing wrong.I would LOVE to stay home and be given money and just enjoy all the good things in life.And listening to them complain about how the doctors and the hospitals and the nurses can't "fix" their medical problems or provide enough pain meds is maddening.I actually once had a person tell me that I, the nurse, needed to "make" the doctor write a script for more pain pills before the last script was due to be refilled because the person had a cable bill to pay.The pills were going to be sold to pay for the cable service, and the person was making no effort to hide that!"I have a right to all the pain pills I need" was the statement made.So, apparently, I have a right to all the pain pills I need to sell on the street to raise money for life's luxuries!And all this time I thought is was about managing pain.How silly can I be?

    Ah, hereI got on the soap box again!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Welfare Check

    1/2 oz. Tequila (of your Choice)

    1/2 oz. Bacardi 151

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015
