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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Good Morning Ladies.

    It' cloudy and possed to rain maybe, possibly, could or not at all, It's a crap shoot and we're the targets.

    NM I was reading what u were saying and having a solution to all that is my thinking, of course no one listens to me. Alot of these people are not citizens and I don't feel like they should stay sick or anything, but why not make everyone citizens then they will pay taxes and it'll start to catch up on the debt and help the whole  country, cuz lets face it most are getting paid under the table so they can afford these things but have no proof of income. OK I'm not banging any group particulary but that's where billions of our tax money is going--They are living better than I can at this point--OK I'm going to sound like a real bitch now, but one of the times I went to the emergency room it was loaded with people I had ins. most didn't--there were no questions asked or long forms to be filled out and nothing for the ER to really check, they were completely taken pretty qiockly cuz of less paper work, I had to almost read and sing part of the declaration of Independance and the Bill of rights and agin I had no idea what I was signing cuz my brain was missing some alphabet letters cuz I felt so sick, so I can't imagine what u gals go thru--but I did notice cars, they were all new and nice, I had my 22 yr old car with those big bandaid magnets on them to cover the rust--of course people thought it was my statement car, but it was the pile of rust I was covering. I actually read (yes me) up on what the $$$ is for some states and adding it up was actually Billions of tax payer money, which did shock me it was that much. OK off my soap opera box, again if u can't afford it really I have no problem with that, it's just when u have more and better toys than me I get all upset. Sorry.

    Well my morning started great I said good morning to my SIL and said Good Morning Barney, Who the hell is Barney, except for that blue Dino that I never liked yrs ago.
    Julie I didn't remember about any clot in u'r lungs WTF how scary and never knew that's what they did, Oh God u poor thing going thru that.

    Oh one more thing one of the time I went to the Dr. u know how they always ask now have u been out of the country in the last 30 days--I did say no but sitting in the waiting room I felt exposed to every country there is if u want to count that, cuz as u know a couple of times I was diagnosed with out of the country diseases, jiust nother reason why my Drs. probably can't stand me.

    OK I'll BBL and I LUBS U ALL,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Oh Julie u bumped me right in the nice pewl, felt good with the tenders all mine.

    Love those pics cuz so true.   xoxox

  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited June 2015

    My issues continue- seeing colorectal doc tomorrow- also start taxol tomorrow- decadron on board this am so we will see- mYbe there is an itsy Bitsy light way way in the distance- I'll keep you posted!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Oh Karen I'm so sorry this has turned even more difficult for u, this is a bad crappy time. But believe us there is a tunnell, with a huge bottle of wine  that u will enjoy, really enjoy so let uus know whenever u feel like it we're here.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015

    Hello my lovelies. Quick pop-in, watching the cavs and drinking my wine. I have to say, I love your soap boxes and I agree with it all. Don't even get me started I could add to all of it. Going to watch my sweetie tomorrow, then maybe after when I get home, I'll golf with my other sweetie, ifin it's not raining.

    Karen, I feel so bad for you, no 2 ways about it, chemo just sucks! There is a light there, maybe just a bit dim right now. Hang in there, and pull your bar stool up to the percotini fountain, it always makes me feel better.

    Lori, I hope your eye and your rash is better. Ugh, I shore hope your onc gives you a break...

    NM, hoping you get lots of chill time this weekend, you sure have earned it.

    Julie, you too, hope you're off this weekend. when is your next Disney break?

    SuzieQ, have fun with the kids and don't forget to post pics.

    Everybody else... have a wonderful Thursday night...TGIF in the ayem....lubs, lubs...

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    LDB, I had to laff at AM thinking you snore too much! And I sawry the 2 of them are too much and that they're getting older. I hope you are feeling better by now, and you have that awesome vay cay coming up.

    Cami, Joey must feel like a king, we SOOOO put him on a pedestal! And you got to go out and have a wonderful time...good for you! Oh how funny, the booze versus water. Love your soap box rant too! And BTW, Barney was purple, not blue!


    NM, work is sucky right now, but it will get better. Please just remind yourself what a good nurse you are. Weekend's almost here! Funny about the different prices of the fiddleheads. OMG, selling pills to pay the bills. My mother has been guilty of that, her and a few of her friends, I called them the senior drug cartel.

    Julie, your soap box rant is well validated for sure. It just pisses me off, especially because of how much money we have spent in the last 7 years for insurance. Did you get the results from your CT? And why did they think you had a clot in your lung, just because you flew??? Ha ha, me too on the gas. Onc even asked me yesterday if I had gas. I said of course, don't we all? And then he continued to say yes, but the FU pills cause even more, which I knew.

    Karen, fun day for you today...NOT! Try to focus on your trip to FL and do let us know how you are doing. I shall be more than happy to drink for you.

    Awww Mary, spending time with your 2 sweeties, how sweet...he he! As for my rash, I think I'm stuck with it for as long as I am on the FU pills. So I just need to suck it, and remind myself that it's all apart of fighting the RB. For Karen and Bippy, RB is Rat BasTURD.

    Onc visit was nice, he is such a sweetheart. He told me to take 2 weeks off if I need it, he was ok with that, due to my TM's continuing to go down. He also told me if I wanted, I could take 5 pills my first week and 4 the second week, and to take that 2 week break when ever I felt like I needed it. Then we talked garden and growing and he wanted to see pictures of my garden. He never acts like he is in a hurry to get to his next patient. So I get a 2 week vacation. woo hooo for me!

    DOTD......anything but water, per Cami's post!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    At least he knows how to party!


    DOTD, to take care of insurance woes and idiots that live the good life without working and playing the system...


    1 1/4 oz. Captain Morgan Lime Bite
    1/2 oz. blue Curacao

    Fruits & Mixers:
    1 splash cranberry juice
    1 splash Sprite
    1 splash pineapple juice

    In a cocktail shaker, mix rum and blue Curacao with splashes of cranberry juice, pineapple juice and Sprite. Shake vigorously; pour in a rocks glass. Garnish with a slice of lemon and lime.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015


    finally Good Morning Ladies.

    Lori LOL on the senior drig cartel--that's one cartel that I say Yea keep it going. I'm so glad u get a break from all these FU meds , u'r Onc sounds like a winner to me. I like how they treat cancer people like they have lives and they care. and want u to feel the best u can.

    Well that was a quick post Mary in and out--OK u all know what I want to say about in and out sorry my brain goes to crazy places.

    NM??????? But nice DOTD

    My morning started crappy, litterally the phone and the bathroom call happened at the same time, well u know what I went for and still didn't make it, by the time I made it back and returned the call they found someone else. Chit (litterally) I hate when that happens, then I think I can't imagine how I thought I could ever really go back to work all this time. (not anymore tho)

    We've had lots of rain here and dark skies today so far, it never bothers me I enjoy no sun,but I know that's not a popular stance--to me it's so calming but I never like the threat of no electricity that freaks me out.

    I'l BBL--still trying to get organized here. Jeez I should have been the one to do Gorillas in the Mist, I bet they could have taught me how to be organized.




  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015

    good afternoon, well according to work i'm now deemed competent for another year!every year have to be tested on heart rhythms and restraints.yes lori because i had flown in the last month,blood clot was considered but everything is normal so an expensive case of indigestion again

    those in active tx please be careful , a colleague was just positive for the flu! she's just come back to work, so yes its june but the flu is still around

    cammi-birthday pics please and ThumbsDownto the d

    lori-can we clone your onc?

    karen-hope today is a better day for your heiny

    nm-here's to better day that includes finishing on time, cake and alcohol. season here was supposed to have finished at easter, but still crazy busy

    have fun ladies my fish and chips are calling me

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    To early good morning, I woke up to pee and viola can't go back to sleep--am trying to watch TV but with only 300 channels it's hard to find what to watch.

    Julie I still read u'r posts with u' accent in my head, it's so adorable like u. So u'r good to go for another year, well I'm glad about hat, but I know u work so hard. OK one of my questions??? If anyon flies do they check for blood clots or iss it cuz of different problems? Lori or NM might know but I don't, well I don't mean anyone else might not know I just mean I never heard of that---the only 2 questions I hear now is have u been out of the country and do u feel safe at home--which BTW they never asked those questions not to long ago. Well anyway as long as u'r doing OK that's all that counts.

    Joey had his party tonite and  these kids are pretty nice and he really was so excited and thankful for everyone who came (Leslie thought a couple of kids wouldn't show) but everyone did but they all had fun. So his week of BD is over. Now Jodie's BD is next week and her bonus DD just graduated 8th grad, so they'll have a party for her with all of us---so that will be nice. OMG Jodie will be 49---WTF--I'm going into my Sunrise, Sunset song now. ♪ ♫ I love that Dara.

    OK it's pouring out right now, and I can hear it--sounds so nice.

    I hope u all have a great day of relxation if u need it and action if u want it. But most of all feel decent.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    Cami, my MO IS a winner. I loved the people at the cancer center in Tulsa, but the doctors were just always straight forward, they really didn't know who you were, but everyone else did. Ha ha, "crappy" morning sure says it all, eh? Glad Joey had such a nice party. Jodi has a "bonus" daughter? What is that?

    Julie, that is a lot just for some indigetstion, but I guess with us, we have to be sure. I wish I could clone my MO! AND, he's easy on the eye...wink wink. I have posted a picture of him before. Glad you got the all clear.

    Well, yesterday my allergies kicked in big time. I sneezed all day long, and we were in town so had to wait to come home and take some Benedryl. Knocked me out, woke up at 10:30 with my cheeks feeling like someone took a crow bar to them, so didn't get much sleep last night. Still hurts. Gonna have to consuld with Dr. Google and see if I can find some relief. Not fare to feel like this on my vacation!

    DOTD-Gorilla's in the Mist!

    It's really called something else, and the instructions are quite complicated, but it looked apropriate. It actually has truffles oil in it!

    Hoping to see the rest of the girls this weekend, or I'm sending the Tenders in for your likker!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015

    Morning girls, rained like crazy here all night but it stopped just in time for DH to golf. I promised the pooches a long walk, think we'll go to the metropark. Got to watch my Nora yesterday, she just cracks me up with her non-stop jibber jabber. Don't know when I'm going to see her next, we have a lot of stuff coming up gonna have to play it by ear. Next weekend DH and I doing a 5k and the week after that we are taking a 4 day vacay with Molly and her DH. I'm going to Molly's and spending the night for our girls "pond party". Actually we've dubbed it "sip and float". Then bond fire at night and golf on Tuesday.

    Lori, I want to clone your onc, have yet to find one that doesn't always seem to be in a big hurry to get out of the room or that I thing would remember me at all ifin they didn't have my chart in front of them. I'm going to a new one next onth and I've heard she's good but you better have your questions written down and ready to go cause she is quick. Glad you get to have the breaks, hopefully your numbers will continue to drop and you will find a good balance between quality of life and keeping the RB under control. Do you and DH have any quad vacays planned? Love the drunken Barney and the purple DOTD.

    Julie, so you were having chest pain and they needed to rule out a PE(clot) cause you had flown? And it turned out to be indigestion? Have I got that right? Don't get me started on the welfare card and the free hospitalization. Most of the reason the rest of us have to pay so much. You have the weekend off? If you do, enjoy, if not hope the ER stays miraculously quiet.

    Dara, missing you, not the same here without you. Liked it better when you didn't work. Please post soonliest!

    NM, hope work calms down soon, I'm sure Sadie is missing you too. I hear you about the non-working and owning every toy in the book population. So aggravating. My DH used to sponsor a family for Xmas every year thru Catholic charities. One year he was late and they asked him if he would mind delivering the gifts himself. It was a family that had lost their mother and dad was on disability and they had supposedly fallen on "hard times" So he spent several hundred dollars, bought a few gifts from their wish list for each of the 3 kids, pre-teen and teens, clothes for each and clothes for dad. He takes it all over there, wrapped and ready to go under the tree and he pretended to just be the delivery guy. He gets there, they are watching their big screen TV, with cable of course. Kids all playing on their hand held video games, nice house, nice stuff. Then as he is hauling the stuff in the house, not one of them offered to help him, just let him make several trips while they laid on the couch playing their games. And not a single thank you when he was done. My DH was so mad, now he doesn't do that anymore and it's too bad because I'm sure there are some legitimately needy families, but how do you know where your donation is going? And now they supposedly get fined if they don't pay for their own health insurance but the fine is one tenth of what ins would cost and they can still go to the hospital if they get a splinter and still won't have to pay the bill! Ok, get off my soap box.... Hope you have some down time this weekend.

    Karen hope that light gets brighter soon and hope you get some relief.

    Cami, sounds like a fun time for Joey, 11 years old, hope he stays your "baby" for awile yet. He sound like such a caring boy. Answer the phone, or run to the bathroom, sounds like a no brainer to me. Sorry the people called someone else just that fast tho. It's amazing how we have all these channels and often still not a thing to watch. Of course 1/3 of them are infomercials.

    Hi to all my other girls, I've got to get the dogs out for their walk. Have a good Saturday, love to all.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!I would say happy Saturday, but since I've got almost a whole day's worth of computer work to do, and already have a totally overloaded Monday and Tuesday next week, and have had the big D since 1 am Thursday, am so tired and sick of looking at the overgrown lawn and wish I could work on getting the lawn mower started and work on that, and Sadie's sulking cuz we haven't been swimming yet this season, but I'm behind on the computer work and need to get caught up so I don't fired, so no fun for us this weekend.I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but that's 2 to 3 months away and I'm not sure I can see that far ahead.Oh well,I'll do what I can and try not to sweat what I can't and take what comes I guess.

    Juliet--LOL!I bet I'm farting enough for the big balloon myself lately!

    Cammy-- I totally agree, huge amounts of money is going to the support of illegal aliens who have no intention of becoming US citizens or pay taxes.Why should they?They don't have to have auto insurance.They must be given driver's licenses "for identification" without paying the fee or passing a driver's test.They are given rent free living places, money for food, their kids get to go to college at no cost or get to go to any school they want at state resident rates.Why should they become citizens?They've got it made now, and can sue everyone who says anything they don't agree with and get even more money for the "discrimination".And, yes, they need to be taken first in any line, or again, they are being discriminated against.And don't start me on the whole drug testing thing.Never mind health screening for communicable diseases.Ah, time for me to shut up again.

    Karen--yuck on eh ongoing issues, no fun, no fun at all!

    Genny--I will try to chill as I poke away at the work laptop.Maybe the data entry will go faster if I'm drunk?Maybe that will help the big D?

    Goldie--the senior drug cartel, what a hoot!Hooray for being able to take a break and back off on the FU pills and still have TM s that are going down!

    Love the Purple People Eater!

    Cammy--had to get an early start on the backlogged paperwork Friday, so left for work as soon as I could drag my a$ out of bed.Looks like that's gonna have to become a habit for the next couple of months, at least for a few days a week.Good luck getting organized, and if you find a wayplease share it!

    Juliet--wow, that was an expensive case of indigestion!Happens a lot, doesn't it?

    Cammy--only 300 channels and nothing to watch?I can imagine, about 250 will have sports or infomercials, both of which are totally boring to me.Of the rest, half are news, which can be ok sometimes, but after the same info is repeated the 10th time it gets boring.When someone has chest pain and/or shortness of breath, and has been traveling recently and has a history of cancer then a blood clot has to be checked for.Blood clots in the lungs (known in the medical world as a PE or pulmonary embolism) have a rather high death rate if not treated promptly.PE blood clots can be caused by the pressure changes and long term sitting that happens with air travel, especially long flights, but also with car travel when people don't stop and get out and move around frequently.Having a history of cancer increases the risk of PE blood clots, too.The "Do you feel safe at home?" question is required by many states and certification agencies to screen for domestic abuse/violence."Have you traveled out of the country?" is to keep from missing stuff like ebola as happened in, was it Texas?, a while ago.

    Goldie--Yikes, that some allergy that makes you feel like that!Oooh, look at that drink!Very, very spooky!

    Genny--a sip and float party, yeah!Sounds likea very nice time!Right now I'd be afraid of contaminating the pond if I coughed or sneezed.At least here at home I can put chux down on the chairs and change pants and put more in the washing machine whenever I sneeze!I can imagine how upset your DH was when he delivered all that nice stuff to a family that didn't seem to need or appreciate it.And I bet lots of people are going to opt to pay the "fine" for not being insured for just that reason--it's a lot cheaper!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's stolen DOTD:

    Gorillas in the Mist



    Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend until creamy. Pour into a hurricane glass and serve with whipped cream on top and chocolate flakes.

  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited June 2015

    hello girls... Well I survived first taxol- my heiny issue turns out to be a fissure so I have some compounded ointment to apply and it's just going to take time to heal- thanks chemo!!! My son turns 21 on the 20th - I've booked dinner at a restaurant in Seattle - there is no menu - the chef apparently bases the 7 course menu on ones personal likes and dislikes - apparently an awesome experience- I will be having at least one glass of champagne- haven't had a drink in over 2 months- which may also be why I'm down 26 pounds😀 anyway hope you all have a wonderful weekend have a cocktail for me!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Hi gals---

    NM u are really burning both ends, well one end for sure--I hope the big D stops, that knocks u out too. Can't wait til u start lightening the load at work for u. And I didn't know about the clot and cancer thing, Jeez no wonder they take so many tests for everything. I do hope u get some down time tho.

    Karen u sound a little better but really sorry u'r still going thru all this.

    Wow Lori u'r allergies are terrible, I just have baby ones now. No fair u get a good looking Onc on top of such a nice one. But I do have to say both my Onc. (women) have been wonderful espcially my first one we use to hug and just talk all the time about stupid stuff and now the newer one has started that too so I've been lucky but they are women. The only man I ever had over and over was my surgeon and he started out as stiff as a board, then I started calling him Dr. Personality (to his face) and he was surprised and I told him when he walked thru the door he scared me, well after that he got so much beter and the hugging started, but him I had to work on. Oh the good times ♪ ♫ Yea right.

    It's been pouring most of the day, Mary I think we have what u had. U've got lots of plans for a while..Good for u.

    Oh Lori her bonus DD is her step DD, I just don't like the term step-I've tried to get close to her but she has grandparents she's very close to since they started to raise her when her mom died. Joey and her get along wonderfully but she's shy around people and I've taken care of her and always tried to really talk o her but she calls me mammaw cuz Joey does and we hug and kiss but I do undrstand, her name is Cheyenne and Jodie and her are great, but now she starts high school nd Jodie's noticing a little attitude change--Well I wished upon Jodie to have a girl like she was and now she'l see. LOL

    Worked a little today and went to the store, that's about it.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    Hi girls, Just poking my head in right quick to say hello.

    Julie, glad everything is ok.

    Karen hugs to you, hope you enjoy your champagne.

    Mary, tanks for missing me. I know me is bad for not gitting in here more.

    NM, sucks that you have the icky d ting, hope it gets better quickly. you and Sadie should be enjoying your weekend and decompressing your work week. hugs to ya!

    Cam, glad Joey had a nice birthday, he is jest extra special and deserves all of the good tings in life. Love you!

    Lori, glad your onc gave you his blessing to skip a week here and there, hope the skin issues get better and stay away. Sorry bout de allegies, dems do suck.

    Hello to eberybuddy else. Nancy, poke yer head in like mese doing here, just to say hello of nuthing else.

    I slept berry late today, til 3 -4pm den hung out at de pool. I got stung in the face by a bee, have a widdle swelling near mese eye. Tank God me is not allergic. Mese bese dwinking now and feeling no pain. Well cept for dis pain I has in mese side. Had it checked out years ago and doc said it was diverticulosis or sumting. Go figure, par for the course for me.

    I had mese widdle Lucy in de float with me, she jest loves being in the water. Me and cuz jest floating our hineys til the skin got all shriveled and raw den got outta de pool for some din din and more dwinkies...well mese dwinking, she does not dwink so often (yawn hehe).

    Love you all!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    I bumped ya hard Cam, glad you landed on your feet, tanks to the hunky arms of our hunkiest tender. Ya, there are steps in mese Dad's family from both sides, he also has half siblings. But we never use the words step or half, the words sound cold. Sorry you hadda work today, ick. But glad ye enjoying the rain. It is jest beautiful here, was in the upper 90's the past few days but humidity is outta here and temps in the 80's are much easier to handle.

    partay on goils!

    and fyi, willie's in de house, come one, come all, its a saturdey night dance party with willie! wooo hoooooooooo weeeeee haaaaa willikers!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited June 2015

    Hello everyone, sorry I have not been on here. I have been really tired and still coughing my fool head off. I had Jackson Thursday night and Friday. He caught a giant frog again. He is so funny. My DIL told me that Samarah walked in on my DS getting dressed and she says mommy Mike was nakie and his butt hangs. LOL we were laughing so hard we were crying. That girl comes up with some good ones. Sat at practice just wore me out. We did a 2000 meter race and a 500 meter to get us ready for Washington DC in August. That took alot out of me yesterday. It was also the 20 year anniversary of BC Dragon Boat Racing so we had a ceremony at the Boat House after practice with our families. It was really cool.


    This is almost everyone on the team. Some are missing


    Coach is behind me she put Jackson in the boat. He loved it!


    This is us coming in to dock. So when we come in only the first two rows paddle so we dont go too fast. I am in row 9 on the left thats my spot.

    Lori I am sorry that you are having such a hard time with SE from your treatment. I know that treatment sucks. Dont worry about talking about them either and your not complaining It seems like everytime I go to the doctor there is something new he is telling me I have or they find something everytime they take a scan or bloodwork so I feel your pain.. My doc was telling me the other day all the brusing I have on me is because of my working out and the damn tamoxifen and Ibuprofen I am taking because of the pain I am in because of the tamoxifen.

    Cami my office is a dark purple grey color if that makes any sense. I will get you my schedule for the Chicago race as soon as I find it out. We would love to have you come and watch us and I would love to meet you!

    Dara how are you doing my friend! I am here just a little late is all. How is your dad doing? I was thinking of you the other day when I was with my mom.

    NM we have had a day or two of sunshine and humidity but hey I am not complaining one bit! The sun is out! It wont be long and we will be boarding that beautiful Disney ship for nice warm Bahama weather anyways. Sorry work is driving you crazy.

    Mary I love the pictures of Nora esecially the Mickey one! She is just too cute!.

    If anyone ever needs a little vacay and wants to get away I have a nice guest room and bathroom for you in Indy. You are always welcome.

    Gotta get ready for church. Love you all hey Sue, Karen Bippy


    Jackson skipping lol


    My DS and Samarah at his first father and daughter Bar b Q at her school.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    Mary, no quad rides scheduled as of yet. My onc does have to look at my records, I don't expect him to remember everything about everyone's diagnosis, but he never rushes. I hope you like your new one. Sounds like you have some fun stuff coming up, enjoy!

    NM, such a bummer to have to do all of that paper work on a day off. Do you get paid for those hours? I hope you can enjoy today. I'm with everyone on those that get govt. assistance, pisses me off royally. You hit the 300 channels on the nose. I like your Gorilla's in the Mist, sounds yummy!

    Karen, I hope you get your hieny issues taken care of. That birthday lunch sounds interesting, let us know how it goes and of course we love pictures. I hope you are finding Taxol easier on you.

    Cami, love the name Cheyenne. Does she live with Jodi? And she is the daughter of your SIL? I don't like the word "step" either. But I do like "bonus". I call my "bonus" daughters my dauther from another mother. Glad you like your docs, I would have to find a different one iffin I didn't like them.

    Wacko, you slept til 3pm? Holy chit, how do you manage to get to work with sleep hours like that! Glad to see ur purdy face pop in. Here is some GJ for ye.

    Love the boat pics Nancy. You have a lot to deal with on the aches and pains. BC is truely the gift that keeps on giving. Although a "gift" it IS NOT! And the kids are just adorable, and look at Samarah with that handsome new daddy she got. Does she see her bio dad?

    LDB, you should have recouped by now.  I have a coffee brandy for ye.

    I was wore out yesterday, to say the least. Went to lay down around 3-4 pm (opposite of my Wacko fwend) and slept til 4 this morning. My energy level is just ZAPPED!
    DOTD-The Liberator


    1 2/5 parts BACARDÍ Superior rum
    1/2 part cherry liqueur
    1/2 part freshly squeezed lemon juice
    1/2 part freshly squeezed orange juice
    1/5 part sugar syrup


    Pour all the ingredients into a cocktail shaker then add some ice cubes. Give it a quick and vigorous shake until the cocktail shaker is cold. Fine strain the mix into a chilled glass.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015

    Morning girls, quick pop-in before I head out with the pooches. Sleepy this ayem , slept till 8 and still had a hard time getting up, but just finished my 1st cup of coffee and feeling better. Too much wine last night I guess.

    Dara, nice to see you pop your head in, hope you and willie had a good time last night. I have invited him to our pond party tomorrow night, not sure if he'll show up or not.

    NM, so sorry about all the work and the D. Hope it's better today, and certainly by tomorrow when you hafta go back to work. 2 months does seem like a long time to go thru this much stress. No one else that can help with the paper work?

    Nancy, love the pics, looks like a great bunch of ladies. Samara looks so happy with your DH. And Jackson just could not get any cuter. I know what you mean about docs and finding new stuff. I have this red area on my chin that is getting worse so next month I am going to a dermatologist. The end of this month I go to my new onc. Then in Aug I have to go back to the eye doctor to repeat a test to see if I'm getting macular degeneration. And now because of the rads my left foob keeps shrinking and is at least 2 inches higher than the right. My BS though I should call my PS and have him lift the right one. But that's yet another surgery that I'm not ready for right now. Plus I don't know if it's done shrinking. I'm trying to figure out how to cut back on the ibupofen, started drinking dark cherry juice and yesterday I went and bought it in supplement form and found another with ginger and tumeric and other non-toxic stuff. It's worth a try, I'll let you know if it helps.

    Karen, a fissure, ouch.... at least now you know what you're dealing with. Hope it heals quickly. That restaurant sound wonderful, enjoy!

    Lori, sorry about the allergies...hope you can find some relief that doesn't knock you on your butt. I musta missed that you were on vacay... have fun and feel better!

    OK, so my pop-in has gotten long.... hi to everybody else...lubs, lubs to all

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015

    Thanks for the swim Lori!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    You're welcome Mary. When I say vacation, I mean vacation from the FU pills! I call my week off vacation, but I'm taking 2 weeks this time around!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Well, morning, anyway.I suppose I should be glad the big bouts of gas pains and diarrhea are happening mostly at night, would be very hard to work if was going on in the daytime.At least yesterday and today I can sleep a bit during the day time and try to ketchup on that.Got most of the computer work caught up yesterday, still got some to do today along with some paper work, as soon as I get up the energy to go down stairs to the car and get the forms I need.

    Karen--Happy B-day to the son, and the dinner sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate!Anal fissure, OUCH!Keep the stool very soft, use wipes for cleaning, and pray it heals up fast.

    Cammy--The D does wipe me out, that's for sure.Making me pretty tired.BUT I will manage somehow.It's really good when your Onc is a human being as well as a doctor, good for you!I can picture you working on the surgeon, too.Attitudes do seem to change during the high school/puberty years, or so I've been told.Joey would notice right off, he's observant that way.

    Dara--I'm hoping it gets better quickly, too!Enough is enough!I've started in with the Pepto-Mismol, but have already hit the day's dosage limit, so I'll have to wait and see what happens from here.Probably get really constipated instead.Some days I just can't seem to win!Can just picture lil Lucy and you floating in the pool.

    Juliet--and the very reason I wear depends at work!

    Collett--I bet the Dragon Boat anniversary ceremony was great!I can imagine you're tired after all that practice, though. I know I would be!Jackson looks like he's having a grand time.Samantha and Daddy are cute, too!

    Goldie--I work on salary, so I get paid the same no matter how many hours I work.I do get paid mileage, and get paid more for after hours visits, and $15 for being on call on a Saturday or Sunday.Overall the pay is pretty stable over time.

    Great Dwinky!

    Gennny--Not really much anyone can do with the paperwork to help, it's a repeat of the info put into the computer and no one can see the stuff in the computer until the paper version is processed.Very odd system, am so glad it is going away next year. Upper admin doesn't think much about the paperwork, after all, it's pretty much just writing the patient's name on the forms (I counted 23 different places to write the patient's name) and it only takes a second to write a name.Of course the date has to be written at least that many times, and the doctor's name, the company name, and all sorts of other stuff.There are 2 forms that require the same info but in a different order: name, address, phone number, date, doc's name & phone #, next of kin's name & phone #, pts' birthdate, religion, pharmacy & phone number, DME supplier and phone #, supply list, and on and on.It's a crazy system, totally crazy.


    The Liberator


    1 2/5 parts BACARDÍ Superior rum

    1/2 part cherry liqueur

    1/2 part freshly squeezed lemon juice

    1/2 part freshly squeezed orange juice

    1/5 part sugar syrup


    Pour all the ingredients into a cocktail shaker then add some ice cubes. Give it a quick and vigorous shake until the cocktail shaker is cold. Fine strain the mix into a chilled glass.

    image alt="">

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    OK, guess the pic of the glass isn't going to show. I tried!

    Don't be surprised if I'm not on first thing in the mornings for the next little while. Sometimes I can get a lot of paper work and computer work done if I go into the office early, like at 6 or 6:30, and then can get organized enough to get out onto the road right after the 8:30 stand up meeting. If I can get on the road by 9 am I stand a decent chance of getting all the visits made by 4 or 5 pm and then be able to spend some evening time with Sadie and on house work and yard work and gardening and maybe even going swimming or something.

    I'll try to get on in the evenings, or maybe for a couple minutes if I take a lunch break when I don't get on in the mornings.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Good morning Ladies--Just starting to move around and having my first cup of coffee, so I'm still muggy.

    NM must really be tired today I really hope she gets to relax.

    Lori Cheyenne does live with Jodie and it's etter now cuz she's older cuz they both work. It's funny cuz her grandparents and especially aunt raised her for some years so Jodie did the transition very slowly the first couple of years, now she can of course spend any amount of time with hem and Jod and her DH bought a house no very far from them so it would be easy for everyone. Jod does wel for a mom actually she gets involved with all Chey's things, much more than her own father. But we all know how I feel about him.

    Nancy u pics are great, I saw one on FB with Jackson and he looks so cute in tha boat. And u are really working out with all of this, I think it's wonderful.

    DARA thanks for the bump, that tender was delicious and u sound like u2 don't need a tender for now--u're having fun and sleeping til what????? I can't even do that.

    Julie LOL--Dara should love that one too.

    Mary u pop in nicely.

    Karen I hope u get a chance to check in. And where's Bippy?

    I got very interested in 2 shows last nite about "Cannibus" wowee all the things it was used for until they  made it illegal, u could buy it in liquid form in the drugstores. And the people who came on who mystified Drs. with normally death sentences still going after 25 yrs, especially the one with ALS--she's had it now for about 30 yrs-and no one lives that long. In fact in the 90's she had to prove to the government she was still alive cuz she shouldn't have been, then after the show they seized her DH plants--there were so many people and good things about it, it was interesting how in ancient times it was used in all medicines, I just thought it was good. And now I can recognize the plant and discovered we have none in our yard. Damn

    Now that was called my intellictual rant, of course u all know all about this but I thought I'd share what I just lerned. Now I have to learn how to spell and type. Ahh no I don't think so.

    Well I hope everyone has a great day today.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Happy SunDay Funday!  Hope everyone has enjoyed their weekend even if ur weather has not been the greatest, for some of you anyway.  It thunder boomed last 2 nights, rain rain rain, but dry and gone by sunrise then 100o.  Even getting too hot for mese pooches.  Grocery store again today …ugh.  But then we are going with friends to see SPY.  I saw it Thurs, sooo sooo sooo funny. 

    Julie - glad all good with the lung.  LMAO of da shart pic.  hahahahahaha

    Karen - u poor thing…sending more prayers and positive healing energy your way. 

    Cami - all I can say is, I love ya and your posts, you cwack me the hails up!  You put a smile on my face everyday!!  Blue Barney…LOL!  Cheyenne is a very pretty name and I hope her ‘tude doesn’t change too much, can be such a tough time for teens.

    Mary - good advice for Karen.  I could add my .50cents regarding insurance, but I’m not going to go there, the rest of the gals have expressed my feelings about those greedy bastardos!

    Lowee - I’ll still see em…only 1 at a time unless is a group thing at my sons, then their parents will b there to help.  Such X C  LENT news from ur onco, wonderful news that your tm’s going down and you can basically pick ur FU schedule.  Sounds like a gr8 onc.  Hope you get it worked out and get to feeling better soon.  LOL love the Barney pics.

    NM - well ya better take Ms. Sadie swimming soon, jes hate sulkers…LOL.  Hope you got all caught up on your paperwork, sounds like it was a daunting task.  Sawee to hear u have belly problems too.  I take Imodium liquid (pills don’t work as well) when it hits me, I have to stay clear of the Pepto cuz it will clog me up big time. 

    Dara - glad you cud bisit.  Sawee that dat bee gotcha.  I am allergic, but not enuf for an epi-pen.  If I take a benedryl right away, I can get by.  Divertic??  When was last time you had a heiney scope?  Hope you get it checked out and soon…muah!

    Nancy - good to see u too.  Sounds like u berry bizy and still having issues.  I will pray for you.  The Dragon ceremony sounded like loads a fun, almost as much fun as Jackson catching a giant frog.  LOL.  Hope you get some rest, sounds like you could use it.  Just love the pics.  Samarah looks soooo happy to have ur DS with her.

    Lubslubslubslubs ya all!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    God is indeed good.  An enterprising young man from the neighborhood just stopped by to talk about mowing the lawn!  He offered to do it a couple times to get it back under control for a small fee until I can get one of the lawn mowers working.  We got to talking, his usual fee is just a bit more than I pay for snow plowing in the winter, AND he will do a few other things for a few dollars per chore (like cutting down a tree that is growing through the front steps).  Given how much I am making in mileage right now, and how tired I am after work, and the reasonable price he is charging, I hired him on for the summer.  Let him do the tedious stuff, I'll do the fun gardening stuff!  Which reminds, me the square foot garden needs watering, badly.  Gotta go do that. 

    Cammy--yup, tired, but got in a couple of naps and finally got all the paperwork and computer work done, and the D is slowing down just a bit, so maybe things are getting better!  Cannibus used to be a widely used plant, in all sorts of ways and is thought my many to have medicinal uses.  Too bad it's all been deemed illegal, I hear it makes a really good and cheap biofuel, too! 

    Juliet--working?  Ugh.  Praying for an uneventful shift!

    Mema--did finally get it all caught up, it was daunting feeling, and the admission was thoroughly screwed up by the nursing home and made for hours more work for me.  But that is a whole different rant and rave and the formal complaint has already been filed.  I don't often use pepto for the same reason, at most 2 doses, but it doesn't seem to be working that way this weekend!  I've got to make sure I've got some dulcolax tablets in the house in case things swing the other way. 

    OK, out to water the garden.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    How wonderful NM that u found someone to do that work, Wow u won't have to think about that at all now, cuz I know u take care of everything around u'r house too. And whatever it is it's worth it for u--gives u more time to relax (when u can ) And u got all that done--u'r good. I take (chit I forthe name) and I don't feel like looking Lomatil I think and a bunch and that helps my D. Hope u'r is gone now.