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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Progress seems to have been made, no D all night long, none since late yesterday pm.Only one bout of gas pains/cramps and farts.And boy has the square foot garden grown!Peas are knee high, Flowers on both tomatoes, Spinach and carrots looking good!Will get pics after work today or tomorrow.And the bulb bed is really taking off!And I've got lupines blooming where I've been trying to naturalize them!Finally!And I am looking forward to having a yard and not a hay field.It will be worth the money to get it taken care of.

    Cammy--Sometimes it's really hard to keep up with everything all by myself.I really need to find someone to do some housekeeping work, too, to help keep up with that stuff.But, I comefrom a family where paying for stuff like that has always been considered a sign of laziness or extreme wealth.I certainly don't have extreme wealth, and don't consider myself lazy, and don't have kids to get to do some of the work either, and it's my money so I should be able to spend it on what I want, right?

    Well, heading into to work early this ayem, want to getsome paperwork prepped for the week coming up. At least I can get some of it organized and that will make things go quicker later.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Shakin' Blue Monday

    1 tsp Brandy

    1/2 oz Blush Wine

    1 1/2 oz Canadian Whiskey

    1/2 oz Lemon Juice

    1 tsp Superfine Sugar


    Add the whisky, blueberry brandy, brandy, lemon juice and sugar to a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well and strain into an old-fashioned glass almost filled with ice cubes. Garnish with a slice of orange and a maraschino cherry.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Good Morning Ladies.

    NM I do know what u mean about having anyone doing things, but hell if u'r super busy and tired even if u get someone to come in 2x a month and do things u just don't have time to do that's not lazy, that's a nessesity (sp) so u do whatever u want u deserve it, u work so hard and u need ime for u and Sadie just relaxing. Glad u'r D has stopped, I know u have a long week.

    Lori I hope u'r doing good today and it must be hot where u are, it's sticky and icky here with rain--I don't like the sticky and icky.

    I have a voicemail from late last nite so I have to return it early this morning.

    I've been up for a while meaning I'll be sleepy all day what a slug I've turned into. But I did my calender up to date. LOL One thing on it no actually 2--wow am I in demand.

    I'll BBL 



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    NM, I hope you are feeling better. I guess the salary and the extras make up for the working at home. Thanks for letting us know you might not be on in the mornings. Do what you have to do girl! So thankful for your neighbor, so nice of him to offer to help for a reasonable fee. Can't wait to see pictures of your garden. I love Lupines, but I just can't get them to grow here. I love Delphiniums too, I have 2, but they struggle. I say get the housekeeper too.

    DW, have a good day at work.

    Cami, had no idea about Cheyenne! You just never mentioned her and I have not seen anything on FB, but then I am not friends with Jodi either. And yes, we know how you feel about SIL! You know Mema does the cannibis.

    LDB, I saw the poster for Spy when we saw San Andreas. I would like to see it, I like McCarthy, she is a funny lady. The fatigue and itchy rash are what bug me the most. And then when the skin breaks, it just takes FOREVER to heal. I've had this phucking rash since the beginning. I just wish it would go away.

    Yes it's hot here, been in the 90's and no rain, so no humidity. My garden would surely like some rain. Leaving for Phoenix on Thursday, can get up to 115 there, I just hate it! And wooo hoooo, another week vacation for me!

    Wacko, I hope you were able to get up for work.

    Mary, you need to get a video of Moose and Gloria. I so crack up when I think of that!

    Hello and good morning to everyone else.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2015

    Good Morning DahhhhhLinks!

    quick pop in as I have to head for LV for my MUGA scan this morning.  ugh

    NM - glad the D is gone and that you got so much paperwork done.  And it is ur money.  I first I felt guilty about a house cleaning crew.  Now I don't cuz we deserve a little help by golly.

    Lowee - My DH has had a horrible out break of psoriasis.  He has been using Clobex spray (clobetasol sumpin).  I prescription so don't kno if ur doc has heard of it.  Made by Galderma.  Has helped his hand tremendously.

    Morning Cami, Dara, Karen, Mary, Nancy, Julie, Bippy and anyone I'm missing....lublublublubs ya'll

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015

    morning all, finally got to the gym for the first time in forever, have to see pcp today because of being in hospital, not looking forward to it, as my weight and a1c( measure your blood sugar over the last 3 months) has gone up ,

    there's nothin worse than itchy skin thats doesnt go away lori,hope they can find something to give you relief

    nm-you work so hard, and its is your money ,so go for it plus it means someone else has a job! enjoy your gardening isn't it great finding someone reliable


    sue-good luck with the muga scan

    karen -fissure ,ouch big time,hope it heals fast,

    nancy- jackson looked at home in the boat,you go girl. loved the pic of your ds and samara, one proud poppa per people in work , we were sharing family /friends pics at lunch

    mary-i second the video of moose and gloria

    dara-hope your having fun at work

    hows your new job bippy?

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited June 2015

    Morning everyone its yet another rainy gloomy day. But good news is my garden is loving it. Still coughing and hacking at least I am brining up some nasty stuff which is good. That will help. Maybe I won't have to go on Prednisone this time. I have a busy week this week. Practice tonight, tomorrow we have a team building workshop that my team is doing so I am helping with that in the afternoon then, support group in the evening, my neuropsych appoint in the am, Wed they cancelled practice although if it rains all day today we may practice Wed instead but its supposed to rain all damn week so who the hell knows. I have to take my brother to the Dr to get injections in his back Wed am then get my mani pedi hopefully after that if he doesn't make me late lol, Relay for Life with my Dragon Boat team on Thurs and leave for Cincinnati for the Paddle Fest Fri and Paddle Fest Sat starting at yep 630 am. 8.2 miles down the Ohio River. Hope they have some coffee waiting for us.Lol.

    Mema I hope your scan goes well.

    Lori Did you say you were going on vacation? When I visited my cousin in Phoenix it was hot but not humid. It got to around 110 and I loved it. Cuz it was cold here. At least to me it was. That was in late Sept.

    NM I know what you mean having a hard time keeping up with yourself. I have to put everything in my phone or I don't know what the hell I am doing.

    Well I need to get busy.

    Hello Mary Cami, Dora, Bippi, Karen and everyone else... Have a happy start to your week.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    Hi girls,

    My day is a typical Monkey-dey, I am all kinds of mixed up. I have two clients whose loans went to closing but the closings fell through. One is named Houston who is located in GA and the others name is Nelson who is in Austin Tx. Well doncha know, I get dem bixed up and ordered an appraisal update which was needed due to the severe storms in TX, well I accidently ordered that for the GA loan thinking in mese pea brain that the name Houston was the one that needed the appraisal update for a fema disaster area. had the two loans totally backwards in mese head. The other one, the nelson file, had to be rescheded because our mobile closing attorney failed to show up. So I ordered another traveling notary/attorney on the wrong file, had all of my notes in teh wrong files and so forth. I tink I should jest go home at this point. I gonna slug down some of those mad dwinks and git buzzed so I can forget what a loser I am today. ughhhh. tanks for hearing mese rant. I have so much to do and am working bass ackwards!

    Lori and NM, I hope you ladies are feeling better.

    Nancy - loved the pics, your lil Jackson is so cute in the boat pic. Glad you are happy, hope you are feeling well.

    Cam, glad the bump was a good one.

    I miss all of y9ou goils so much. Time is mese enemy these days. Lori gonna take mese likker and I aint gonna stop her cuz I aint got de time to dwink it cept whilst in mese office at work tehehehe!

    hello to the rest of my goils, tanks again for hearing my rant. I have been so biddy cept for the weekend which I had a lot of fun. Me and cuz went out to dinner and dwinks last night and watched the b-ball game at the bar. Was tinking of you Mary and I am rooting for your team!! Sorry they lost, I hope they win game VII.

    gotta fly! cheers!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Busy, Busy Busy--everyone is. even me--I'm restarting my post again--the phone isn't stopping today--If it werent' for Benjamin Franklin and that damn key on his kite, I wouldn't be so busy.

    SusyQ good Luck with u'r test.

    Julie u too---I don't like all these damn tests

    Whoever isn't doing it I think we should all start Willie religiously, it will stop all this extra crap that goes on. According to those shows I watched.

    Oh Dara WTF--I'm sorry about the screw up u sound like me as I was reading what u've done, I hope ecerything gets straightened out with little rumble about it.

    Just saying Hi to everyone--Mary, Nancy Bippy, Karen and everyone--Hope the day is going good, it's pouring here, fine by me. Oh I'm learning how to text finally but slowly, Joey's in his room and we can't hear each other so we're texting and I'm getting a little better.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015

    well cammi if you texting that means i have to learn too!

    dara-don't you hate when your brain is thinking about one person but your hands and mouth are on somebody different

    well- its off to the gi doc,as lungs and heart have been ruled out , at least i know a heiny scope is not in my future ( again)

    got our afternoon rainstorms right now

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Seems I have found the cure for the big D--don't eat.Didn't have any trouble with the D all day, was really hungry when I got home from work so I ate a light dinner, and then had to get up at 2 am with cramps and, you guessed it, D.So, more Pepto and gatorade for me today and nothing else.Got another 12 hour plus day to get through.Thanks for the votes of support on getting housekeeping help, I'm going to start looking for someone to do that.Hope to find someone local, actually I think I have to, I don't think there are any agencies that come to this area, but I've got to check.OK, quick pop in ayem, gotta get caught up on yesterday's notes.


    Paper Work Cocktail


    • 8 ounces gin
    • 2 ounces dry vermouth
    • 2 ounces sweet vermouth
    • 4 ounces orange juice
    • 4 dashes Angostura bitters


    1. Shake vigorously in a cocktail shaker. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with an orange peel.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    Mary, I forgot to comment on the radiated boob heading north, mine has too. You can hardly move it, but the left one hangs like a normal boob. I had implants before BC. If I lay on my back, left boob practically goes into the arm pit and right boob sticks straigh up!

    Julie, sorry about the sugar and weight, can you just blame it on being sick? And you are so right about the itchy skin. But it looks as though it's cleaing up, since I am taking 2 week vacation from FU pills. But it will probably come back when I start back up next Monday.

    Sue, I had a muga done once, but don't remember how it was done. I hope the results are good.

    Nancy, I too hope you don't have to go on Prednisone. My husband loves the stuff. But why do they claim it's so good for so many things. I mean, that is what my onc put me on to try and get rid of my itchy rash, for which it did nothing. So took it for no reason. WOWSA, you are bizzy girl! We are going to Phoenix on Thursday, but not for vacation. That is definately not a place I would choose for "vacation". My "bonus" daughter is flying in from CA and staying for a couple of days before heading off to TN to see her grandma and my other "bonus" daughter lives in Phoenix. So we will see both of them and having lunch (again) with my DH's EX inlaws!

    Wacko, that was an understandable mistake on your loans. Sawry about that though. And no time to drink? Well that doesn't make if fun to take yer likker away!

    Cami, love that you are blaming Ben Franklin for you being so busy. I could blame him too, as that is what I do most of the day, answer the phone! Too cute about you and Joey texting. Do you have a key board or do you have just the numbers? Yep we have Willie in da house!

    JULIE? I didn't know you were still having issues, I thought you wuz all better?

    NM, if you have time you can make your own Gatorade and it won't have any fructose corn syrup in it. It's what I made when I was having the explosive D when I first started the FU pills. Squeeze half a lemon, half an orange, lime too if you want and a tablespoon or two of honey (I used organic). Then add water and salt. I use sea salt or kosher salt. And now, I just make it to drink it, minus the salt. It's just so yummy. Fresh pineapple is good too, and you can even put herbs in it if you want. I have some chocolate mint I want to try. The fresh pineapple, I take the core that you cut out and put that in a jug of water.

    Don't be yellin at mese Wacko, I not talking food, just drinks. Oooooh, maybe NM can put some wodka in her water too! Time to get to gettin! 2 for Toosday drinks!

    Saw this on FB, thought it was funny...

     1.Sag, You're it.
     2.Pin the Toupee on the bald guy.
     3.20 questions shouted into your good ear.
     4.Kick the bucket.
     5.Red Rover, Red Rover, the nurse says Bend Over.
     6.Doc Doc Goose.
     7.Simon says something incoherent.
     8.Hide and go pee.
     9.Spin the Bottle of Mylanta.
     10.Musical recliners.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015

    Good morning goils. I'm here at Molly's, in my PJ's, dogs outside, Emma busy securing the border of the pond. She spends her day making sure it is free of fish, she was so tired last night it was a struggle for her to get up the steps for bed. We had a good time sipping and floating, nice and warm out, but it poured toward evening so no bond fire. Too wet for golf so I'm gonna head home soon today.

    NM, sorry about your D coming back, what do u suppose is causing it, stress from the job? I have a cleaning lady that comes every 2 weeks, started it when I was working a lot and had an hour commute about 10 years ago. Now I work 3 days/wk and I'm too spoiled to give her up. She will be there today so when I get hope my house will be sparkling. I say you should get one, you work hard and we're not as young as we used to be.Plus we all deserve to spoil ourselves a bit. Your mom never needs to know. So glad you found that young man to help with the outside.

    Cami, haha on Ben Franklin, but were it not for him we wouldn't be talking now so I guess we gotta take the good with the bad. Willie did manage to show up for awhile last night. The world would be a more peaceful place ifin he visited everybody.

    Lori, yay for another week of vacay from FU pills. Does the rash calm down at all whilst yer off of them? I haven't decide yet if I'm gonna have my rt foob lifted yet, I'll make an appt with the PS in the fall and see hat he thinks. I can't post a video here and I wouldn't put Moose and Gloria on FB, a little too R-rated but if I get a good one I'll PM it to you. I was looking at Gloria the other day and she has gotten really discusting, covered in spuge, I may have to wash her but I'm not sure she'd survive it. I don't want to break Moose's heart. Enjoy your dinner with bonus kids.

    Nancy, how exciting the rowing stuff, enjoy, sounds like a great time. Glad you seem to be turning the corner on the cough.

    Dara, thanks for routing for my team. I sure hope they win tonight but we just have too many injured players, I think it's gonna be a struggle. Don't ya just hate it when the damn work gets in the way of fun! Glad you had a fun weekend, sorry about the work screw-ups, sounds very stressful.

    Sue, good luck with the MUGA scan.

    Julie, good luck at the doctor, congrats on going to the gym. I just can't seem to get there, my membership is expiring end of the month.

    Bippy, Karen hope all is well. Anybody I missed have a good day, see ya soon.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015


    Thought this was a good pic, my DS and DIL.

  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited June 2015

    hello ladies-.things are improving slowly here-.plan on actually going into work for s few hours tomorrow rather than working from home which I have done for the last 2 and a half weeks -, I may actually venture to the store today need to pick up some birthday cards and probably a good idea to drive a bit before heading into the freeway in traffic tomorrow!!! Taxol 2 on Friday- other than decadron crash which I hate last one was ok we will see - I am focused on that glass of champagne in my future for my sons 21st- I must say yesterday I really really could of done with a lovely glass of Chardonnay - when did you ladies start to enjoy a drink again? AC made me feel so bad I didn't really feel like drinking but clearly I'm feeling better because suddenly it sounds so good!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015

    so glad your feeling better karen

    lori-still having the occasional chest pain and my symtoms are not fully consistent with reflux so still think it might be giLoopy, doc didn;t think the blood sugar marker was too badThumbsUp the weight didn;t get mentionedHappy and i don't have to see her for 6 months

    mary- i did make it to the gym at 0530 this morningShockedcame home and had a nap

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    Heidi-hey goils, what's shaking?

    Lori, sawry it not bese fun to take mese likker away, you can hide it from me now cuz I feel like a dwink. WELL ACtually I am gonna have a dwink or four dis night. and don't be dissing yer foobs, dey is berry berry purdy. Hope you are starting to feel more like yer normal self. Hey tanks for understandingn my screw up at de office. Did I tail ye goils that I was moved again and now processing mortgages for another lender? Yep, I am not on M o r g a n Staney anymore, I am working UBS which are loans for filthy rich stinking people. I was working on one today where the appraised value was over 74 million bucks. Dude has this mansion in Malibu right on de beach. The place was actually ugly and it appeared as if he got a discount on these chairs that were in three of the rooms, same ugly chairs in the kitchen, office and den. omg, these people make me ill. Hadda nother client who threatened our apprasier, told her that if she brought the value in llower than estimated, he would hurt her. Had to send another appraiser out and charge the guy a trip fee of 150.00 and dude went off of me. I hate people sumtimes.

    NM, chit, the D started after eating, it's gotta stop soon. and yes yes yes, I too vote for a cleaning woman. wHEN MEMA SUE found mine, she used a website and I tink it was called I not only have a cleaning woman, I have a wonderfoil new fwend. I hope you did not work long hours today after being sick for so many days, you need to rest up. I tink you work too hard lady.

    Mary, your son is sscmoking hot hot hot. I tink I telled you dat beforeth now though. And his wife is quite purdy, I can see where nora got her great looks from! Hope you enjoy the rest of your stay -oops, see that you are heading back home. ahhh, glad de wilie showed up for a visit, that is always an awesome time.

    Julie, sorry about the crud you are enduring. Don't beat yerself up for the weight, you work out and all so tink you should still git a pat on the back from your doctor what is this about diabetes, will you have to take pills for it? Happy that your lungs and heart are working right, thata is a good ting. Did you enjoy the rain yesterday ? I tink it rains most days in the summer in fl. I hate those violent storms you all get.

    Karen, happy 21st to your son, hope you can enjoy some good champagne. and bdw, I llike de word cham pag nay cuz I can spell it hehe. I am praying for you to get through the remainder of your crap easy as possible. Sending you a boatload of hugs and lots of love.

    Cam, you always crack me up. mARY was right when she said to be nice to Ben F, without him, it is true we would not be having this conversation. what all did Joey get for his birthday? And is he stilling seeing that pretty young lady friend of his? Inquiring minds need to know all the dirt! well not dirt, jest gossip....nah, not gossip, I am jest fact finding. yep on a mission to find the truth and nothing but de truth so HAILP ME GOD. hehe, I jest being a silly ole egg.

    nancy, doll baby, I do not kow how you do it, your schedule is so freaking hectic. DO you ever have time to rest? Glad your garden is doing well. Mine is dead. I still have the one from last year. I do have a few petunias that came back but that is it. Mese decided that I m not buying annuals dis year. I spend a boat load of money on perrenials last year and they are all doing quite well. I love my roses, all of them are thriving, I have six bushes in two places! But I know yer yard looks much purdier dan mine does.

    Where is my Sue today? Sending love and hugs to her and to all of you goils.

    Gotta go, time to log on and do a little work from home. Actually I have to put a call into India as I am having trouble accessing a few key applications. Hence, I am gonna fly now.

    peace, love and love n peace to all.

    ps sorry to anyone I did not mention. I go now.

    tootles of chEErs!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    Mary, I guess it wouldn't be appropriate to put Moose on FB! Poor Gloria! Good luck if you decide to get the other boob lifted. As for me, it's not too noticable, especially if I wear a bra, which isn't too often! That is defenatley a cute picture of the kids. No wonder Nora is so cute. Are they planning anymore babies? The rash is getting better on my arms, not so much on my chest, but I'm sure it will return next week when I start back up on the pills. I had a customer call the other day, she was diagnosed 22 years ago and has been stage IV for the last 13 years!

    Karen, have that drink when YOU feel you are ready. It's NOT going to kill you. It's just that the chemos are hard on the liver. Hope you had a good day at work, but I forget what you do?

    Julie, your appointment sounds like it went pretty good! I don't think you told us you were having chest pains, youse a bad goil. I hope they can figure it out, as it must be scary to you.

    Good to see you my Wacko Dara. Do you like your new position? And your cousin is still there, yes? I can not hide your likker when you bisit da lounge. I have 3 rose bushes, one is red, one is bright pink and one is like an orange/yellow, so pretty. Looks like a to kill ya sunrise!

    Sooooooo, DOTD-To Kill Ya Sunrise!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015

    working but I do see the go Fri so hopefully get some answers balance a good day

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    NM - God is good isn’t he for sending u an angel, jest dropped one in ur lap.  Wonderful!  Glad you got all the paper and computer work done, load off your mind am sure.  Now just to get that D under control.  Your garden sounds beautiful and hearty, sometimes I wonder why I never got into gardening, but it’s not my cup of tea. 

    Cami - LOL sounds like your social calendar is really filling up!  I too have a cleaning crews every 3 weeks.  I just can’t keep up with the house.  It’s not big but my body can’t do the mopping n such.  Plus I’m pretty much lazy…LOL.

    Lowee - woo wee….it will be hot this week.  Here and in Phx, dress cool and be careful.  OH and on the cannabis site here, one of the girls says it cleared up her excema or psoriasis (sp) in 2-4 weeks.  DH hands, elbows, knees all flakey and peeling and splitting, so painful.  We’ll see how it works on his hands.  I know I shouldn’t but I had to laugh at your ‘stick up’ boob and ur ‘heading north’ boob…muah!  LOVE the 'To Kill Ya Sunrise'.

    Julie - thanks for the best wishes on the muga, I’ll get results on the 23rd.  Hoping to see the LVEF has increased again.  Good for you for going to the gym, I still sit here on my ewwa…ugh.  Hope things went well at Gi’s.

    Nancy - ooo my you sound so busy busy, hope the coughing doesn’t interfer.  So proud of you.

    Dara - mistakes happen.  Go easy on yourself, you’ll bix it all up.  Glad you and cuz had a gr8 weekend.

    Mary - will get results next week, thanks.  Love the pic of DS and DIL, very good looking couple.

    OK, shower time, have PCP appt this morning.  XOXOXO to those I missed, but kno always….I lubslubslubslubslubslubslubs you all.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good Afternoon, Loungettes!Look at this, not quite 5 pm and I am home, and am not looking at hours of paperwork!And, no "D" all day!So hungry, though, and need to make sure I don't over eat and restart issues.Now to play ketchup.

    Cammy--2 items on your calendar, what a wild child!Have any more appointments joined your first 2 yet?

    Goldie--I wish the salary and extras made up for all the work at home.I can work at home for hundreds of hours and I won't get a single cent.If I want to take 2 hours off for a doctor's appointment I have to use vacation time.So irritating, some times.No comp time if I work a weekend day either, just the $15 call pay and the per visit pay--about $45.Which I suppose isn't bad, really, but that's no matter how long the visit lasts--30 minutes or 6 hours.Oh, well.We've been getting rain, but not quite enough for the square foot garden, had to water it the other day, the maters were looking peaked!

    Mema--I am going to find some housekeeping help, as soon as I get the house clean enough to not be ashamed to have someone come in.

    Juliet--aha, someone else having a job, good point!I must do my part to support the economy, right?

    Collett--Has the Paddle Fest already happened or is it this coming weekend?It sounds like a blast, hope you have/had a great time!

    Dara--Oh, my, what a mix up!And I'm sure someone is totally pi$ed off about it.But I'm sure you can get it straightened out and get everyone happy again.

    Cammy--Sometimes I wish ol Ben Franklin had been electrocuted during his little experiment! Hooray for learning a new skill!

    Goldie--Good idea bout the Gatorade recipe!I've got to go grocery shopping, will pick up some lemons and limes and maybe oranges (I really like the orange Gatorade).I've got the honey and various organic and sea salts.Good idea bout the herbs, too, I bet mint would be really good.

    Great games!

    Genny--I can just picture Emma securing the pond edge!I'm not sure whatthe D is all about.Stress is probably a part of it.I know I have diverticulosis, so it could be some diverticulitis, but I'm not running a fever so it's probably not that.I've been in and out of some not so nice homes, could've been exposed to something that way.I'm also in and out of a few nursing homes and there is almost always some sort of GI bug running around there just waiting to get caught.Or maybe I just didn't cook something thoroughly enough.Who knows.At least it seem to be over.Or so I fervently hope.And Mom never needs to know.She'll probably find out, but then, it's MY money to spend how I want to, right?

    Nice looking couple!

    Karen--glad to hear things are getting better, even if slowly!The pace will pick up over time.That glass of champagne will be sooooo gooooood!I didn't do the chemo thing, so I can't comment on when to have a drink again, but my opinion is if you want and feel up to it, one glass of something once in a while probably won't cause horrible damage.

    Juliet--Yahoo for no mention of the weight!

    Dara--I'll check out that site, thanks for the lead!

    Goldie--Stage IV for 13 years?WOW!Now that's a source of hope!

    Mema--yup, God is good, the young people of the world aren't all totally self-centered and vain!I tried to get pics of the garden this afternoon but the phone battery died.I did get a few pics of the Lupine that came up this year:

    image alt="">

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    ok. not going to let me post pics no way no how today. I'll try again.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Hey, it worked!

    Let's try again--


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015
  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015

    nm-here's to having a life! may the rest to the week be like yesterday. we actually came into 7 empty bedsNerdy so did end up being educator instead of on the floor, which was nice, "i'm a spare pair of hands" ps i was on my kindle yesterday hence the total gibberish

    back in work today

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes! I got to sleep all night without any cramps or emergency trips to the bathroom! Yeah! think it's finally licked. Still going to take my bottle of Pepto with me today just in case, though.

    Juliet--nice to be the extra pair of hands! Kindle typing is bit of a job, isn't it?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    After Work Special

    3 oz Amaretto
    2 oz Coconut Rum
    1 oz White Rum
    6 oz Orange Juice
    6 oz Pineapple Juice

    Pour the Di Amore amaretto, Malibu rum and Bacardi rum over 5 ice cubes in a hurricane glass. Fill the rest of the glass with orange juice and pineapple juice, to taste, and serve.

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015

    Morning girls. Golfed in my league yesterday, we had a scramble and I was one of four that won a prize for hitting my ball in the water. Ha! that's one way I can win at golf. Anyway, we had a potluck, there were about 25 of us, a nice bunch of women, so glad I found this league.

    NM, yay for licking the D...I mean... no more D. Hope you get home at a reasonable hour again.

    Julie, off today? If not, I hope your day is like yesterday as well.

    Lori, glad to hear rash is giving you a slight vacay. DS and DIL live in a 950 sq ft home and are a bit strapped for funds but they do want more kids. All going to depend on whether they can get a bigger house I tink.

    Karen, hang in there.

    Everybody else, have a great day, got to get the pooches walked and get ready for work.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Oh Mese missing again. Sorry

    Lori I'm glad u'r a bit better and yes u can go on for years with stage IV, so that's always a wonderful thing to know--Oh Lori Joey is asking about u and how u'r doing. And he i very loyal to his girlfriend.

    SusyQ I was so glad to hear u have someone coming to clean u'r house, cuz u'r so so busy I can't imagine when or how u do that too.

    NM I never saw a Lupine thing in my life, it looks so pretty. I'm glad u'r D has quieted down, that is so aggrevating, especially if u have to be out and about--it's impossible and glad u got home at a decent time too.

    Dara u'r really getting the good stuff, u must be amazing at what u do, u gals are so smart I honestly forget sometime when we are just being silly.
    I just lost a whole sentence--WTF

    JULIE just be well, I don't like all this chit for u (((HUGS)))

    Karen I'm glad u'r a bit better and I do remember when I was in chemo I met alot of people over the years and most drank, and I remember one in particular when the nurse would ask her to at leaset wait for 24 hrs to get the chemo going and of course she didn't. Now I'm not speaking medically but I do know no one then gave up what they wanted to drink when they were up to it. So if that helps.

    Oh I've been so busy I can't believe this day after day and trying to get the sceduling straight is even harder, WTF am I doing with this job? Right now it's for someone who really knows a computer and organization--2 things I'm lacking. Oh yesterday I had a man who said he was a PROFESSONAL and doesn't have time for any mistakes on scheduling ==Oh boy taking it out on me, which is fine, but u gals know I was biting my ongue I wanted to so I understood because I was a reired PROFESSONAL cuz they took away my lamp post--that was difficutl for me. but hhe complained about wating so much, and our guys couldn't catch up to them then I found out he was a Dr. and completely agreed with him about waiting cuz I told him yes I know waiting in a cold room with no clothes on in some paper product has never happened to me. Well he LOLed but I was serious and got everything under control somehow, not because of my finesse. See I think hurry up I've paused  movie for this and that's important to me. I'm awful---that's why I awlways say u gals are so focused and really  know what and how to do everything u sould know about. And Lori u knowledge of gardens reminds me of my dad he always amazed me for what he knew. So that' s a big compliment.

    OK my phone just rang and put them on hold so............


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2015


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Thot I’d post a funny and it worked by-golly.  Hope ya’ll get a chuckle from it. 

    I’m going back to bed, had a roofer over, lost some shingles during last fierce wind storm.  Anyway, hammering up there woke me, now feeling nauseous.  Will try to check in later.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    SusyQ it is funny, and feel better (((HUGS)))