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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    Wacko, looks like you need more drinks at lunch today, with the storm you had girl. I'll send 3 Tenders over with the delivery! Glad you are ok and I hope there is no severe damage.

    Mary, what a fun time with Nora. My son was like that, no fear of the water when he was little. When my kids were very little, I would count to three, blow in their face and go under water with them. So they learned how to hold their breath. Then at the age of two, he went for swim lessons. So we always had to watch out when we were around lakes. Glad the two of you had so much fun.

    NM, glad that storm missed you, but mese thinks it got Dara! So exciting to watch you girls book for your trip. How do you do your mason jar salads? I took a picture of the beans, but you really can't see the height that well, so I will wait until they fill in a bit more. We have fence up along the rows, I think it might be called cattle fence, not sure. Pic below.


    LDB, how'd things go at de docs?

    We have to leave very early tomorrow, so I won't have time to check in and not sure if I will be able to join y'all whilst I'm gone. Getting my hair cut tomorrw too. CHEERS!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2015

    NM - is that $737 on top of the $533 we're paying for the cruise?  I'm confused, mayb it's the headache I woke up with.  I only want to stay Sunday night but don't kno where to stay.  Think I'll ask Kathy. 

    MUGA was good, not as good at 3 mos ago but still higher % than normal, woohoo.  Had my treatment yest, all went well.  Woke up with bad headache, mayb a se?  idk.

    Love the froggy burial story, he's such a cutie!

    DH home, we have much paperwork to go thru b4 I leave on July 1.

    Lowee - have fun but stay safe.  Will miss you.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Goldie--it's surprisingly hard to get good pics of a garden, isn't it?

    Mema- the $737 is the cost for me by myself, for Saturday and Sunday nights. If there are 2 of us the cost is $533.76 for each. This is for staying at the Resort and going into the park BEFORE the cruise and is in addition to the cruise. If you are coming in Sunday and staying overnight and aren't going to one of the parks you can probably do a lot better price wise. I bet Kathy can help you.

  • Bippy625
    Bippy625 Member Posts: 602
    edited June 2015

    ello darlins,

    Just checkin in. The Bip will miss the cruise this time, but not next one! We are goin to San Fran in a few weeks, since Genentech has picked me to be on their patient advisory council, wooohooo! Free trip to SF!!! Unexpected and wonderful. Bringin DH so we gotta pay for his cute ass, but he is worth it. So, funds are low in the ranch.

    Bip joined Crunch gym, and did yogasculpt today. Awesome.

    Xxxxoooo all my chickies, will send pics from San Fran!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes! Was knda hoping to see the Northern Lights last night, but didn't. Pretty rare to see them here, but the news folks were saying there was a chance, there must be some sun spot activity going on or something. Did see lots of fireflies, though!

    Bippy--sorry you won't be making the cruise, but the trip to San Fran sounds like way too much fun to pass up! And it sounds like important work. Can't wait to see the pics.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Northern Lights

    1 oz Vodka
    2 oz Raspberry Liqueur
    3 oz Pineapple Juice

    Pour the Absolut vodka, raspberry liqueur and orange-pineapple juice into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Stir well, and serve.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Hope u'r all doing well this morning or at least decent. I know some SE's are coming for a few of u and hope they'll treat u gingerly this time.

    Oh Lori's on vacay again? Well good for her I love when she goes somewhere and enjoys herself.

    Mary u were swimming and on that slide for a very long time, how fun for Nora, and it's great she loves the water, and Lori has a good idea about holding u'r breath--never taught my kids or Joey, I never learned how to swim and they're all like fishes in the water I'm so glad that Nora likes it so well, she'll be great with swimming, but that must have been tiring for u lke crazy.

    Nancy SF wow, what an interesting job u must have and of course it'll be great to be with u'r DH--U've been working and playing hard so I hope u get some fun going.

    Bippy it's good to see u.

    Julie I know u explained it but, it sounds like something that's rare to me, I'm glad of course it's B9 but u still need an operation? That's how I understood it. But u know me, don't always get it.

    NM u'r getting rain too, we're getting way to much, people are flooding that normally don't and the lightening is horrible--This weather is really geting crazier and crazier and scarier too. I don't like it one bit, like plain rain that's steady not this chit, they even take programs off to talk about how bad the weather is-Jeez they never did that. Oh are those beans yellow? Cuz if they are that's what we always had, so good and u eat them raw. And good for u going to Disney stuff, I love the way u just go ahead and make u'r plans and do what u love to do.

    Dara u must be bizzzzy like crazy, I hope u have enough time to enjoy u'r JB otherwise it's not worth it.

    Karen I hope work goes well and SE's are less. Let us know OK?

    My puny little job has turned into a huge one for now anyway--just a busy season--I'm glad for the guys but I can never get my feet up and my legs are always swollen. He'd like more help, but he also knows  the extra help will not have reliable hours yet so these guys are running their tails off and I'm placating customers for lateness, which is not good and they all know my name now so I'm doing the best I can and I'm holding my mouth too. I'm very proud of myself I'm keeping the panic for them on a low level, when normally panic is my first, last and middle name--for other people not me. But at least I know why my back is worse and my LE is really acting up and my eyes are so tired. I feel like I actually have a job and u all know I'm not a job lover. LOL

    Well I'm supposed to go out to lunch today with my sister, cousin and our GF's but if it storms the way it's supposed to maby not cuz no one likes to drive in this crazy weather. If we go we're going to a Greek restaurant, which we all like so we'll see how the day goes, and my calls will be on voicemail, but I do check for emergencies so I'm not completely heartless.

    SusyQ tell u'r Dr. about those headaches, it is probably a SE but maybe he/she can help.  Please slow down a bit and relax, u'r always so busy maybe u need some real rest. (((HUGS)))

    OK I'm getting my coffee kickin' in and now I'm ready for a nap, Don't know why that happens



  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited June 2015


    Mr Jackson at Kings Island.


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited June 2015


    Miss Samarah


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015

    good morning all bbl

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    Lori, You are right, we had one wicked storm here this past week. I thought me might die. The thunder and lightening was continuous for over a half hours. There are trees down eberywhere, big trees and they falled on lots of houses. There was a tornado just a few miles away. Hope ye feeling good.

    Lori, You are right, we had one wicked storm here this past week. I thought me might die. The thunder and lightening was continuous for over a half hours. There are trees down eberywhere, big trees and they falled on lots of houses. There was a tornado just a few miles away. Hope ye feeling good.

    Cam, you are working much too hard. Tail yer boss to find sumone else so that you can be lazy when you feel like it. Hey, maybe Joey could help with phones whilst he is off from school hehe, jk.

    NM, wow, that is some expensive room you got. Funny, the other night after the storm, me and cuz where again toasting airplanes. There were so many since air traffic just stopped. Well after the planes got quiet, we began toasting fire flies. Hehe!

    Bippy, chit, you not coming with us. Have a fine time in San Fran. Miss you around these parts.

    Nancy, love the pics of the kids, so cute. Hope you are seizure free these days.

    Hello Julie, Sue and Genny, hope you goils are well. Sorry if mese missed anyone. I have to get back to work, just wanted to pop in to say hello and that I love ye all! Cheers!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015

    worked ot today so when our census dropped through discharges i got to leave earlyHappy its normally slow for us now so we get a break before the snowbirds come back but we are still crazy busy so we are all going to be tired before the snowbirds come back

    nm- haven't stayed at the port orleans yet but hear its lovely, the package won't work for me because of my annual pass, you have to take the room ,and tickets to have the meal plan but when i book thru my annual pass it will let me book the meal plan, will book my room when the annual pass discounts come out, sue, you can't share wiht me, i'm still picking you up, i want to go up on the friday, so will let you know when and where

    cammi-that sounds too much work ,love the idea of joey being your assistant

    time to eat as i didn't get lunch

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!Had to make an early start at work today, had back paperwork to ketchup on and then had to help get a bake sale ready.The office has a team entered in the Walk to end Alzheimer's disease in October, and this was our little fundraiser.Actually it was fun.

    Cammy--too much rain is not good, not at all.Flooding is not good.Glad we don't have that kind of rain here very often!Did have quite the lightning storm last week, though.I found out years ago that if I waited for someone to do things with me I'd never get to do fun things.And I don't mind traveling by myself for the most part, but it is a lot more fun with someone I know!Oh, the woes of having a job of work to do!I betyou do a really good job.Dealing with customers like that would drive me crazy!

    Collett--Oh, my, what a little 'tude dude!And such a little princess!

    Hey, Juliet!

    Dara--yeah, it's an expensive room but it comes with Disney tickets and all my meals, and being treated like a queen, and I am SO worth it!

    Juliet--I'm looking forward to meeting up with you at Disney before the cruise anyway!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTE (Drink of the Evening):

    Evening in Paris Recipe Ingredients

    4 oz Peach Vodka

    1 oz (fresh) Lemon Juice

    2 tsp Sugar

    2 oz 7 Up

    2 oz Orange Juice

    2 oz Pineapple Juice


    Pour the pineapple juice, orange juice, lemon juice, peach vodka and sugar into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well for 30 seconds. Pour unstrained into a large glass (hurricane or otherwise) and add 7-UP. Stir briefly and serve.

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    NM, you are so right, you do deserve to be treated like royalty, ye work so hard and this will be jest what de doctor ordered.

    Happy Friedey night all!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Hi Gals, we're all out of wack today, well some of us, well me.

    Oh Oh I love those pictures of the kids they are like nite aand day, such a cute pair they make. Nancy I'm so glad u'r gettng close to Samarah, I've tried for a few yrs. but it just wasn't meant to be, yet she tells my DD how nice I am, but she just doesn't have that feeling with me. Que Sara Sara ♪♫

    Julie u and NM work u'r tails off for all of the patients, u are truly so kind hearted to give that much of u'r selves to people u just meet. And yes NM u are worth it.

    And the rains are still coming and it's cool outside tho so no storms, but there is so much flooding everywhere it's really bad and then I found out that's why we are so very busy people who have lost power and gotten water in their basementss and things have been damaged--I just wondered how so many peopl in this area were having so much trouble. Some lady called today and was crying so I had to talk to her and calm her down so she could talk to me, finally she was LOLing, probably feeling silly. I did tell her how everytime my car broke down I always cried (true) and she asked me if I still do that, and I told her no, cuz I don't have a car anymore and now I cry about that. So I guess we can always cry about something.

    Oh Leslie's GF was here today she has to still have some kind of radiation and take all kinds of stuff. She has colon cancer AGAIN--She's Les's age but she looks so good and she's very positive but she's gone thru hell the damn FURB--she'll be wearing a bag now too. She was misdiagnosed the first time for about 8 months, that was bad. I always have her in my pryers,even tho she is still a dink like in high school.

    OK back to work for a short while and NM I hope u have a full weekend off.

    Dara u were stuttering in u post, but that's OK, a little JB anytime of day is good for u.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunny Saturday!I'm renting a friend's just-turned-13-years-old daughter today to help with some decluttering and general clean up.Paying her to do the running up and down the stairs with bags of junk, helping to move heavy stuff if necessary, hold garbage bags open whilst I sort and toss, all the little things that make that kind of job a lot easier than doing it all by myself.Gonna start with the kitchen and living room this weekend.Working next weekend, then tackling the sewing room and spare bedroom the next Saturday, then the basement.Goal is to get the house to a state that I'm not ashamed to have a housekeeper come in and see it!

    Dara--yup, time for me to be treated like an important person, both on vacay and at home.Time to start spending money on myself!

    Cammy--You are so good with the people on the phone!That poor lady, so glad you get her to laugh. I guess there really is always something to cry about, isn't there?Yup, full weekend off this weekend, working next weekend, then no more weekends for quite a while.Leslie's GF sounds like she's been through way more than anyone should have to go through.FURB.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Kori's Saturday Night Special

    1 oz Banana Liqueur

    1 oz Coconut Rum

    1/2 oz Dark Rum

    Vanilla Ice Cream


    Blend all ingredients until smooth. If it gets too thick, add some cream. Top with whipped cream and a cherry.

    Best served in a Parfait Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Good Morning Ladies,

    NM Good idea to get someone to help--it does make everything easier and faster for u. That always cracks me up that everyone has to really clean their house before they bring in a cleaning person.

    Well that thing we all call the sun is actually seeable today, it's a strange sight, a little unsettling cuz u can never trust it but we'll see --

    My boss is having his baby baptized today, just his mom and grandma, (my cousin and her DD) are going cuz it's a big Greek thing and the Mom  doesn't really like Dan cuz he's not Greek (the Dad does, they're divorced) so he didn't want any of his family there really cuz it's so tense and he's been a nerveous wreck all week and so has his wife, this should be a happy occasion instead the mom has made it miserable for both of them and they just want it over with. I talked with him last nite and it's a shame cuz when our family all gets together we have such a good time, but some families just know how to critizise (sp).

    Joey and I had a great nite last nite so that was good for me anyway.

    Well so far no calls, but Saturday is usually slower and I hope no emergency chit. I'm going to relax. OK stop LOLing I know my work  is silly but I get stressed for the guys cuz there is just to much work for them ans hiring someone for who knows how long doesn't make sense to Dan as long as the three of them can do it and they are amazing.

    OK everybody have a good day and Karen I hope u'r SE's are little. And I miss Lori

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    Hello my goils,

    I am typing this knowing that it will not post until de power comes back on. Yep, without power for the second time dis week. And I have a full fridge and freezer full of food, hope it is not too long.

    I wanted to ask for prayers for my best friend Dot. She has been hit with the rat fn bastard and it does not look good. She has lymph node involvement, her onc thinks she is between a stage II and III. She is one that takes such great care of herself, it jest sucks. She is saying that she will not do the chemo, I told her that she must!!! I tailed her about my stage IV friends here and telled her that there is hope for her. She said "I am going to die aren't I" and I said NOOOOOOOO!!!! Jest breaks my heart.

    Well I have not been able to read what you goils are up too. I tried reading on my phone but mese glasses are not strong enough to see those teeny tiny letters. I hope and pray that you are all well.

    I am soooo bored, my cuz is staying at a mutual friends house for the weekend, boy do I miss her. I was invited but have to stay back and care for mese animals. I inherited a rabbit, actually "kisser" belongs to my cousin. He is so cute, lives in a crate and is so good. My dogs love the bunny although at times I tink they want to eat him hehe!

    Sue, de countdown is on for your big trip, we will miss you. Have fun and be good.

    Cam, I hope your weather gets better. It sounds like what our weather has been like, crappppy to say the least. It is not fair, we have bootiful weather all week then chit weather on the weekend. No swimming here, it is too cold and damp for dat.

    Well that is it from me, gotta find sumting to do. Hope you is all having a fanfuckintastic dey! Lubs lubs lubs!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    needless to say, mese power is back on, yippee. geez, knowing I had no power, I still put a pod in my coffee pot, hit the button and wondered for a sec why the coffee did not brew!

    NM, glad you have some help coming in. And I tink we all clean before our cleaning people come lol. Hope your decluttering goes well.

    Hi Cammy, glad you and Joey had a great night. HOpe your boss's baby's baptism goes well.

    A little of my facebook friends is my cousin's and my cuz jest crack de hail up over her misuse of the english langwich. So I started a file of what I call "Corkyisms"; her name is Cora and she is jest so dumb. I will post a few so you know what I dey go!

    Corkyism 1 This was the day we went to Bob mom and aunt Joelles vacation house down the shore, cause I had his mom's phone plug, and she had mine we real lies those plugs don't fit our phones

    2 This picture was taking at long beach iland ,we all even saw a lot of dofins there too it was so beautyfull!

    3 Hey its shawn and dennis birthday

    and one of my favorites: It was a lovely day that! I would love to go down there again someday again!

    If you goils like em, i can share more of em as I git em.

    Have a great day! and ......


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    Hi Julie!! Nice to see ya. and for de record, I been screaming in mese panties quite a bit dese days hehehe, that funneeeeeeey!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015

    well worked my upper body today in the gym,now moving slower than a turtle

    nancy-the kids are adoreble

    dar-hope the power is back soon for you

    bippy have lots of fun in sf and take lots of pics

    cammi-how sad for the family,a new baby such a wonderful thing, its funny my niece that got married last year ,its her father in laws 65th birthday so my sister and brother in law and their kids and partners have all been invited to his party today, my niece really lucked out his family are fabulous

    back in work tomorrow,hope there's not o much lifting

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Hi gals, just a quick pop in (oops sounds like my old sex life, well I have none now)

    Julie u are great so disiplined, working out nd knowing u have to work tomorrow. Good for u.

    Dara u'r cousin's wife is hyserical, she makes me look good. Does she actually talk like that? Keep 'em coming. LOL---AND I wil certainly add Dot to my prayers, I feel so bad for anyone who is so so afraid, that's the worst part dor the,, it hurts u'r mind to the core. I don't remember who said it to me, but when I was DX they said u'r to stupid to be afraid, cuz I wasn't at all. Now I have to remember who insulted me like that, but u are the perfect person for her to talk to, u'll cheer her up I know u will.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015

    lots of prayers for your friend dara

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015

    Hi girls, took me awhile but I think I'm pretty well caught up. I'm supposed to do the Play For PINK golf outing today. I have been looking forward to it for months. $100 to get in, 18 hole scramble, lots of prizes, everybody dressed in pink, ladies only. They tell me they had more than 300 in it last year and it was just a blast. Well, %100 of heavy rain until 7 tonight has crushed my plans. I got an email asking that we all still come, will still raffle off prizes and have moved the BBQ dinner to a 12 noon lunch so I guess I'll go. All the money goes to breast cancer research and this group Play For PINK raised 4 1/2 million dollars last year alone so it all goes for a great cause. We do get a rain check on the golf. We had a guy come about installing a generator yesterday. Hoping the power doesn't go out today, the biggest thing is our sump pump. We don't have a finished basement but the idea of having all our stored crap get wet.....ugghh.. we'd actually have to sort thru it all! So anyway, Monday we are going on a 2 day vacay with Molly and her DH. Going to a little summer island for hopefully swimming, drinking and eating.

    Ok, so I typed this in the ayem and never posted...ran outta time so I'll post now and continue till my xanax kicks in.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015

    Ok, so now it's 11:15 and since I'm not like our miss Dara, it's past meese bedtime. Went to the golf outing, it pured and poured but the wine, beer and bloody mary's were free so what the heck... had lots of fun and met some nice ladies. Will definately try again next year. Bought a shitload of raffle tickets and didn't win jack... oh well... I always declutter before the cleaning lady, she just laughs at me.

    Dara, a bunny how fun. Sorry you are bored, wish I could come over and drink and hang out with ya. We lost our power for a few hours the other day. Love the corkiyisms...keep em coming, sounds like a few people I know. Oh my gosh, I have so much to say to your friend. I had 10 lymph nodes with RB, and I am back and loving life and watching my granddaughter grow up and having lots of fun..... she needs to fight! Is she going to do surgery and rads at least? Stage 2-3 is way to early to be saying things like I'm gonna die.... she really needs to fight, At my golf outing today they had all the survivors come up and we all got a rose and I was talking to the lady nest to me and she was stage 3........ 14 years ago! I hope you can get thru to her. How old is she? As 4 told me, those lymph nodes did their job and got all that cancer. It's gone... don't think about it...easier said than done but her words come back to me a lot. I will pray for Dot.

    Nancy, love the pics,I esp love the one of Jackson and the sunglasses, he looks like a little model. You sound good.

    Cami, do not underestimate your job. What would those busy men do without you? Families can be so stupid.. my Dh has 2 sisters that don't get along, the stupid chit they pick at never ceases to amaze me. Life is too damn short, I've lost both parents and 2 brothers and I want to just slap them both for being so petty about such stupid ass chit. But I keep my mouth shut cause it wouldn't do any good. Ok, off my soapbox.. Love your relationship with Joey.

    Lori, hope this round of FU's are a bit kinder. Where are you off to now, I forget.

    NM, hope you get a good day with Sadie. You're right sometimes you hafta do stuff by yourself, I'd rather do that than sit home. you got so much snow last winter, glad you get spared all this rain. This summer's weather has sucked!

    Bippy, you sound good, and busy. Sorry you can't make the cruise but it sounds like you are having fun. Have a great time in SF.

    Juliet, enjoy tomorrow of... I think? hope census stays low, ugghh, us northern snowbirds, what a pain, eh?

    Ok, so gotta go to sleep, Xanax kicking in... love to all!

    Here ya go Lori, this is our poor abused Gloria.....rode hard..and Moose, getting ready for the attack.


    And Moose doing the riding, he bites her and howls....drags her around the house. I guess we are enablers by looking the other way.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    LDB, glad the muga was ok. I guess we have to be happy when things are "better than expected".

    Bip, have a great time in San Fran, DH and I are going in Sept.

    Nancy OMG! Those pictures of Jackson are the bomb! Especially the one with the sunglasses. Oooooh the captions to go with that could go viral! And Samarah is just a little princess!

    NM, sorry you didn't get to see the Northern LIghts and YES, garden pics are hard to get. Especially when you only have a digital camera or phone camera. Glad you enjoyed your fund raiser. And being treated like a queen, DAMN STRAIGHT you deserve it! How nice to have that young lady come to help you.

    Wacko, mese cracking up at you toasting to de fire flies! So glad the storms did not damage your home. I am so very sorry to hear about your friend Dot. YES, she must do chemo! Stage II or III, she has a good chance of NED with traditional treatments. She will die if she DOESN'T do it. Why do you say it does not look good? Many of us had lymph node involvement, they can go in and remove those. She needs to stop the RB in it's tracks. Sending prayers for Dot and that she makes the right decision. Oh dear, almost hard to understand those corkyisms! Maybe it's because of auto correct?

    Julie, glad the work load is easier for you. I hear you about the snow birds, they are all here with us in northern AZ!

    Cami, so sweet of you to calm that lady that called crying. And as for Jodies bonus daughter, you can only do so much. How do her and Joey get along? So sorry about Leslies GF and having cancer again. Oh how you crack me up "a quick pop in" just like my sex life!!!

    Mary, sorry your golf outing was canceled, but wow, they sure made a lot of money! We went to Laughlin (rooms are free during the week and only $25 on Friday and Saturday), and to Lake Havasu to visit some freinds. OMG, Moose has that look like he is really gonna tear into Gloria! Gloria IS looking like she has been rode hard! Love it! Thanks for taking the time to amuse us.

    We had a great weekend, not much time for gambling, but prolly came out not winners, but didn't lose anything either.  Movie Friday morning, saw Spy with Melissa McCarthy, VERY FUNNY! Then over to Basia's house for a visit, and then Awesome sea food buffet Friday night with our friends from Lake Havasu. Saturday we went to thier house to pick up the things that were made for the toy hauler, burgers and tater salad for an early lunch and home! Decided to come home a day earlier, and I'm glad for that.

    Cheerios my loves!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good rainy morning, Loungettes! Yesterday was a resounding success--with young Faith to do the running up and down the stair I got done in an hour what would have taken me all weekend by myself!And she's willing to come back and do it again in a couple of weekends!There is now room in the living room closet to put the office stuff that is piled all over the computer desk, the kitchen table top is visible, all kinds of bottles have been moved down to the basement, some to the "wine cellar" and many to be tossed in the back of the car and taken to recycling.Some lost stuff found, too!

    Cammy--Yeah, trying to get the house clean enough for a cleaning lady to come it, quite the ironic situation!That sun thing was out here, too, yesterday, and oh so beautiful.I spent a good chunk of the peeyem on the deck in the sun, listening to an audiobook and napping, felt sooooooo good! So sorry for your Boss and his family.The Mom really needs to sit down and shut up while in public or at an event like that.Or excpet to be disinvited to future events.I don't know that I would call your work silly.When I need help with plumbing or something I really depend on a person being on the other end of the phone line that will listen to me and be able to help me, even though I don't have the right vocabulary most of the time.It's important to me that there be someone like you who will take the time to be patient with me!

    Dara--Second power loss of the week?Wow!Hope it comes on quick and your fridge and freezer keep things safe until then.Oh, my, what a horrible thing for your friend!Please encourage her to wait for the real staging, not just the doc's guess, to make treatment decisions.I'll be praying for her.So you've added a bunny to the menagerie?What fun!Is the bunny bigger than the dogs?

    LOL, Juliet!

    Dara--Hooray for power back on!LOL @ the Corkyisms!

    Juliet--I move slower than a turtle most of the time now, and I don't have the exercise excuse!

    Cammy--too stupid to be afraid?Wish I could have been that stupid when I was going through all that diagnosis and treatment crap!

    Genny--Sorry the golfing got rained out, but it sounds like the raffle and BBQ will still be fun.That's a lot of money raised, good job!Enjoy the mini-vacay!

    Goldie--seems like predictions of Northern Lights also are predictions of rain, or at least clouds.Oh, well, it'll work out some night, I'm sure.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Sunday Bloody Sunday

    1 bottle (Cold) Beer

    2 dashes Salt

    6 dashes Tabasco Sauce

    4 oz (Cold) Vegetable Juice

    1 dash Cayenne Pepper


    Most specifically I prefer to use Regular V8 or store brand equivalent and Miller Chill as I find it gives the best flavor when mixed. Use no more than 4 ice cubes as both the juice and beer should be ice cold. Pour the juice first add in seasonings and tabasco. pour beer in large glass over top then sink in ice if needed and stir

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    K Julie - Will let you kno my arrival time once I make the reservations.  Glad you got a widdle break from work.

    NM - I did check rooms closer to the docks, much better prices, so I am going to book one of those rooms.  If anyone else needs a bed, I’ll share.  Sounds like you got A LOT of de clutter bixed up.  I too ‘clean’ a widdle b4 my cleaning crew comes.  Mostly just putting things where they belong.  Sitting in the sun with an audio book is my kinda living!

    Dara - OMG, glad none trees hit your house or car.  How scary!  LOL on toasting the fire flies,  it is something diff.  too funny.  Sending prayers for Dot, and yes, try to convince her to do the chemo, we all got thru it and she can too.  Be good on my trip????  What fun is that LOL!  We’ll b careful.  Am taking my kindle but can’t promise I’ll be in touch much, but I will try and check in.  LMAO on the Corkyisms.

    Cami - I’m hanging in there.  You are good at your job, able to calm peeps down.  Sometimes note an easy task.  Had to chuckle tho about your crying over ur car and now u don’t have one.  Not funny…my bad!

    Mary - sounds like you have been having tons a fun.  Sorry the golf got rained out.  I too would hate it if all my storage got wet.  PITA!!  Now u get it fixed and all be good.  LMAO over Moose and poor pitiful Gloria pics, thanks for sharing.  And X C lent advice to Dara to help her friend.  There is always hope.

    Lowee - Yes, ‘better than expected’ is a good thing.  You back on the FU’s?  How are the se’s this go round?  I LOVED Spy too, I saw it twice.  Couldn’t believe how much funny stuff I missed the 1st time.  Glad you had a gr8 weekend, sorry u didn’t win thousands…o well, least you broke even.

    Nancy - love the pics of Jackson and Samara.  Both jes bootiful!!!

    OK now gotta concentrate on getting my chit together for my trip.  I have lots of errands to do so want to get some outta de way today.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    Hello my goils, happy sundEy fundEy!

    Thanks for the prayers for my friend Dorothy.

    Lori, the reason I said it does not look good is because I do not think she will do the chemo. She was adamant on not getting sick from it and also the loss of her hair. She is very pretty and just can't fathom herself as a bald woman. I tailed her that it Will grow back and be thicker and curlier than ever but nope, she said no way. Glad you had a good time, sorry you did not win big. One of these days.

    Genny, omg, Moose is such an abused lil animal, that is de funniest ting ever. Sorry your even got rained out, hope you get to enjoy doing the golf outtinig at another time.

    NM, glad you had Faith to help you, glad you made such great progress.

    Chit, shoulda gone to the prior page, thought I remembered what I read but no sirree bop, mese foyget. I just go with what I remember, k?

    Cam, you have always been so strong and never skeered, wish you could teach my friend a few tricks. How is Joey enjoying his summer, is he still wtih that young lady? I agree that you are good at yer job, you are so passionate and have a way to make even irate clients feel better. Your boss had better appreciate ya or off to the swamp he goes!

    Sue, Mema SUe in de house wooo hooo. Hope you get your errands done quickist then you can dwink the dey away. Muaah back atcha!

    Julie, always nice to see your face here. Still cracking up over yer fart joke.

    NOw for some more Corkyisms. GLad you liked them goils. Here are the Corkyisms de jour!


    He misses mommy and daddy already! Poor baby,He say I love you Mom and dad,

    he sometimes look at your bedroom door or go out on the couch on that blanket to feel company!

    He loves his pop pop! He maybe he ate all his dinner up

    You know that seems like how I feel sometimes things seem like it get to me a little to far in away! I don't know?


    Ok, goils, have to git mese laundry moving. We are having a "redo" of our Father's Dey sailabration. Mese Dad had been quaranteened and not allowed out of his room. I am picking him up and taking him to mese oldest sisters house for a picnic to sailabrate Father's Day. Chit, I repeated meseself, is Cora/Corky rubbing off on mese? hehehe!

    Love you all, have a great day. And apologeez for anyone I missed. chEErs!