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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Beautiful day here yesterday, just loved seeing the sun and listening to the wind blowing.Supposed to rain off and on today, be beautiful tomorrow, and get the remnants of Tropical Storm someone on Sunday.My gardens are all doing great.The D is staying away, and I got home from work at a decent time, AGAIN, yesterday, 2 days in a row!It helps that we're getting help from other offices at work a couple days a week now.

    Genny--A prize for hitting the ball into the water? Well, a prize is a prize!Sounds like a fun league meet.

    Cammy--Lupine are very common in Maine, and one of my fav flowers. Fortunately, they like roadsides and hillsides and don't mind less than ideal soil.They will spread and take over an area fairly quickly.I'm working on getting them established on a steep area of my yard that I don't want to mow.They come in all kinds of colors, blue, purple, pink and white are most common.I've seen yellow and red, too.I love the way you keep your priorities straight--hurry up so you can get back to the movie you paused!I know screw ups are time sucks and annoying, but they won't be prevented by being an a$hole and they don't get fixed any faster, either.I try to be patient with things like that.Notice I said "try"!

    Mema--LOL!!!And feel better fastliest!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Fuquay Friday Night

    2 shots Current Vodka

    2 shots Sprite

    1 shot Cherry Cola

    2 tbsp Grenadine


    Add absolut kurant and sprite to a cocktail glass. Mix in the grenadine syrup, and add the cherry cola. Serve. Add a dash of lime for a slightly different taste.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited June 2015

    Good morning everyone! I think Noah will be here with the Ark in a few to pick me up since its been raining off and on for weeks and weeks and we have rain in the forcast until Thursday until next week. The Ohio river is too high for the Dragon boat so we are not going to the paddlefest. :( So my first race will be in July in Chicago. We did the Relay for Life yesterday for most the day then it was moved inside due to yep rain and storms.

    NM I am glad you got to see some sunshine. We did have some yesterday for a bit. I loved the lupines. Those are soo pretty.

    Love you all and will check in a little later here are some pictures from yesterday




  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015

    great pics nancy,you look great, well if the rain keeps up you will be able to practise in the streetSmile

    love the pics nm

    feel better sue

    good new from the gi last egd 4 years ago i had something called a non obstructing schatzki ring, well they can spasm and mimic the signs of a heart attack- if the stricture narrows (ding ding ding) and possible gastritis so egd/dilatation scheduled for july 13th, i'm still weird because i only get pain when i'm standing or sitting i have no symptoms from sleeping flat

    plus back on the soap box obama care might have given insurance to more people but access to medical care has decreased for everybody in this area, my gi practise has 10 docs and 10 arnp/pa and they have just decreased from covering 3 hospitals to 2! because they couldn't safely cover the 3

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    I am popping in for some dwinks, just five minutes to go and I am done work for the week, well at least in de office. it sucks the big one.

    hi to NM, Nancy, Cam, Julie, Sue, Lori and to anyone I missed. love ye all goils!


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited June 2015

    Lol Julie your right I didn't think of that we can race dragons in the street. How fun would that be?

    Hey Dara how are ya doll? I have a drink for you to try.


    I know it's not Jack but Im thinking it sounds nummy!! So Jackson catches this frog again last night, and hes holding the dumb thing and my DH comes in laughing and we ask him whats so funny. He tells us that Jackson is holding the dumb frog on its back and tickling its belly saying tickle tickle tickle. Lol crazy boy.

    Im falling asleep girls I will see ya in da AM. Night Night.

  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited June 2015

    hello ladies- taxol # 2 today went fine and then saw PS which was very informative and very entertaining- I now know my nipples are not whee they should be - pretty funny when he pulled my boobs to where they should be-LOL- anyway at least I know have clear expectations and the PS was great I feel very comfortable with him as he said this is not a shot deal - his aim is to give me the best shot at long term benifit and satisfaction - so I guess I will be having a long term relationship with this man good thing he isn't to bad to look at!!!

    Fissure is much better and I finally feel a bit more human so yay to that!!

    There is a lovely mimosa in my future tomorrow - can't wait!!!!

    Wishing you all a wonderful Father's Day weekend

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015

    karen -woohoo to feeling more human, glad you like the ps

    nancy -drink looks scrummy,lol to jackson and the frog

    need to do some houseworkbbl

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!I have had a busy ayem, been to the farmer's market, grocery shopping, washing dishes, laundry, fetch with Sadie.Now I'm ready to sit and play on the computer for bit.

    Collett--I'm sorry the paddlefest was cancelled, but better safe than someone getting hurt or drowned.Having a beautiful sunny day here, and I am LOVING it!Those are great pics!

    Juliet--Aha, a schatzki ring, that certainly explains a lot, doesn't it?How long do you think it will take for Congress to figure out that having insurance does NOT equal getting care.One of the most common personal bankruptcy scenarios is a middle class person with health insurance who gets cancer.Insurance coverage is not the answer, it's a very big part of the problem.Ask any hospital or medical practice manager how much it cost to get the computer software that Medicare requires them to use to bill costs to set up and maintain.If we get rid of the health insurance industry a whole lot of problems would go away. Imagine an individual and a hospital being able to talk directly to each other and work out payment.Most plastic surgeons don't participate in any health insurance, have a 1 person billing "department", andtheir office charges and office procedure charges are dirt cheap compared to other specialties, cuz they don't have that whole layer of expense to cover.Ah, well, enough soap box time.

    Dara--Hooray for time off!

    Collett--I've seen that Hippie juice recipe a few times, I think I need to try it soon!

    So Jackson is a frogs tummy tickler?Too funny!

    Karen--I can just picture the PS pulling your boobs into location.Giggle time, for sure.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Atomic Watermelon

    1 oz Midori Melon Liqueur

    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz Sweet and Sour Mix


    Mix ingredients in glass over ice and enjoy!

    Best served in a Highball Glass.


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited June 2015

    NM Yes Jackson seems to be the Frog Whisperer. Lol he can find those damn things in a second. He finds them and talks to them, carries them around like they are his best little friend. Gives them rides in the blue truck. Ya they are his little buddies and then he puts them back exactly where he found them so they can go home to thier children. The paddlefest is actually rescheudled for Aug 1 or 2 the weekend right after our Chicago Race. So we will go to Chicago July 29 and then be in Cincinatti the next weekend. Then Washington DC Aug 28-30.

    What is everyone doing for Fathers Day? We are going to church and then taking my DH for lunch at a place called Hollyhock Hills. Its a really good homemade chicken place. One of his favorites.

    Julie loved the wedding pictures on FB.

    Hope everyone is staying dry. I think Noah will be here soon to come pick us up so gotta run and get some cleaning done before he gets here. Karen I am glad everything is going well for ya!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited June 2015

    Hello loungettes. Just looking in to see if the sun was over the yard arm yet. It certainly isn't here I don't think it's even up here. Enjoy your DOTD


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Early Morning Ladies---

    Julie I'm glad that they figured out what was wrong, now u can get all fixed up, of course I never heard of what u have but they knew so that's all that counts. I just want u to feel good and now u'r on the way xoxox

    Nancy great pics as usual, I love the frog story. Jackson is so boy with what he likes it's so cute. Good drink.

    Hey Dara it's weekend time.

    NM sounds like u'r having a good couple of days, and now I know what lupines, the only ones I knew about where the beans that u eat and they are yellow. And u eat them raw. I can't even talk about INSURANCE, my sister and I were talking about it today, she's retiring at the end of the month and has to get a supplement and she's so confused and it'll cost a fortune for her and her DH. Before her job helped alot, but she still pay like 300.00 a month. It's crazy the numbers she was talking about now.

    U know I love how many Vodks there are now, it comes in any flavor--when I was drinking it it was just plain old vodka.

    Joey and I slept together the other nite and we both fell asleep at the same time--it's so nice cuz now I cuddle my head on his shoulder and he kisses my forehead before we go to sleep and my arms are so so around hime and he holds me so tight. It's so comfortable and such a happy sleep too for me.

    Well I'll close for now--BBL--SusyQ I hope u'r feeling better. And Karen glad u r now.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015

    Good Sunday morning girls! Thought I'd better hurry and pop in before Lori getsa chance to swipe meese wine. Yesterday DH and I ran a 5k, we did pretty good for us, he finished about 10 seconds before me but I gave it my felt good. Then his DS came from Columbus and they went golfing whilst I went shopping. I'm not much for it but had to find Dh somtin for Father's day and ended up buying stuff for me too. Today bonus son taking us for brunch at a health food restaurant about an hour from here. His friend and parents own it and he's always telling us about the amazing food there. Then if the rain holds off we might golf. I bin super bizzy at work lately, it's been so slow and now getting some new residents. Everybody wanting pedicures. Not my favorite but money is money.

    Nancy, sorry the races got canceled, glad you are enjoying your group so much. Jackson the frog whisperer, so funny. Don't know when I'll see my little sweetie again, maybe I'll go Tuesday if my DH is not traveling and kin tend to the pooches. When is the wedding? I forgot.

    NM, sounds like yesterday was a productive day. And your work week wasn't quite as brutal. Hope you can do some genuine slacking today.

    Juliet, so glad you got some answers, I never heard of that either, guess we didn't cover schatzki rings in LPN school. Sounds like a polish mafia or somtin. Hope they get whatever needs to be stretched out stretched and yer good as new.

    Dara, that dern work sure has bin interferin with your play time. Hope you and cuz are having a fun weekend. Mom and dad still good? Anything new on DD or David? Glad you tink my DS is a hottie, hard for me to say cause I changed his diapers but I tink he's purty good looking too. And he's a super nice guy albeit with a bit of a weird brain. When he was little I always pictured him being a writer and the next Stephen King. But now he's a truck driver and it's just him and his imagination on the road so he kin come up with some pretty off the wall shit. If I don't watch Nora Tuesday I want to make my priority working on this plane ticket and hotel stuff. I'll let you know.

    Lori, hope things are ok and you are enjoying the tail end of FU vacay. I've got a pic of Moose and Gloria for ya, will be posting soonliest.

    Cami, what a cute picture I have in my head of you and Joey snuggling yourselves to sleep. So nice that you two are so close. I know sometimes you wish that you were still in your own place but you have had such special times with Joey that you might not have gotten ifin you 2 weren't under the same roof. I even got my DH watching it now, oh those people just never cease to amaze me. Where do they get the money?

    Hi suzieq, hope you're feeling better and hope those men have stopped the hammering.

    Karen, enjoy your mimosa, have 2, it'll be good for you. So glad you like your PS and yes you will be spending lots of time with him, I got to know mine very well.

    Ally, nice to see you pop in! Slainte!

    Hope I didn't miss anyone, has anyone heard from 4? Is she still going on the cruise with us. She hasn't been in the lounge in a long time.

    Anyway, got to get my DH awake, and go out for meese morning run before feeding my face. And for those of you like me that just had a sperm donor, Happy Father's Day!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Gently rainng here, a nice soaker rain that the square foot garden badly needs.Had a lovely snuggle with Sadie before gettingout of bed, having a leisurely cup of coffee whilst perusing the 'net.Got some more info about the new documentation system we are getting at the beginning of the year.This system works on a tablet, and instead of typing our notes the system will transcribe dictated notes!I was hoping for efficiency and less redundancy, but it seems we are getting REAL state of the art stuff to work with!The system uses Cloud technology with real time data availability, too.Finally, something that will support my work rather than make me work for it!

    Collett--Jackson is quite the little naturalist in the making, isn't he? Sounds like you are going to have a run of happily busy weekends, good for you!

    ALY!I'm with you, suns over the yardarm somewhere!Salute!

    Cammy--Yup, you can eat lupine seeds, they are a legume.I've never had them, probably gonna have to try them some day.What a happy, restorative sleep you must get with Joey like that, good for the both of you!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Grandfather's Coffee

    1 oz Brandy

    1/2 oz Amaretto

    1 tsp Sugar

    5 oz (hot) Espresso


    Warm ingredients in a small saucepan. Pour into a cup when hot, and serve.

    Best served in a Pint Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015

    hi Kim, hope you had a nice swim!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Happy Father’s Day to all our daddies out there.  Had a stressful day yest, but am feeling much better.  Gonna spend the day spoiling my DH.  My son is the only one who drove 170 mi round trip to see his bonus dad.  Only spent 2 hours.  His own son didn’t even text him yet.  But there is time, besides we think son in on a cruise with his kids.

    Julie - I’m not sure what that is either but am glad they do and will help you.  What do they do once they dialate ur esophagus?

    NM - sounds like the new system will help you tremendously….I hope so anyway.  Love the DOTD, course u knew I would….hey anything with brandy, vodka, or tekilla and I’m a happy camper.

    Mary - So proud (and envious) at your 5K.  Enjoy lunch with bonus son today.  LOL, I can’t help it either, I buy for myself too. 

    Cami - Ohhh what a special moment for you and Joey, what a cuddle bug.

    Nancy - funny story about Jackson, but aren’t u worried about warts, or is that an old wives tale?  Sounds like fun on the horizon for you and you row buddies.

    Dara - Hope you’re having a fab weekend wif lots of dwinks.  Doing anything special with your dad today?

    Hey Aly - good to hear from you…have missed ya.

    Karen - YIPPIE SKIPPY that u like this new PS.  Had to laugh at mental pic of him pulling ur boobies into proper position. 

    OK, Gotta get ewwa in gear and make dh his fathers day breakfast.  Lubslubslubslubslubslubslubs!!!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015

    happy fathers day ,hope your ds nancy is enjoying his first dad's day

    yes cammi it was a big relief to be given a probable b9 diagnosis, starting to think i was crazy having this pain but every test coming back you and joey sleeping together

    nm-quiet weekend YES

    off to a baby shower later ,working the next 3 days won't that be fun

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Still raining gently, another half inch in the last 24 hours,gardens are VERY happy!But now Sadie is chewing on her tail, has chewed the tip right off, and now I need to bandage it up every day.Keeping her from chewing off the dressing is a challenge, too.So far I've found that wrapping painter's tape over the dressing works best to keep her teeth off it, who'd've thunk?

    Genny--lovely swim, thanks!

    Mema--the new system should be a huge help.Admissions currently take 6 hoursto complete, with the new system it's supposed to take 90 minutes. In one of the site currently being switched over a nurse new to hospice care, new to the agency and new to the system finished an admission in 120 minutes.For a newbie to only need 2 hours with the new system is a very good sign!

    Juliet--it must feel great to know it's a B9 problem, and a manageable one at that!Have fun at baby shower, and here's to uneventful work days.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Fuzzy Iron Worker

    1/2 oz Bacardi O

    1 oz Spiced Rum

    1/12 oz Raspberry Liqueur

    1 splash Pineapple Juice


    Shake all ingredients together in a cocktail shaker. Strain into a double-shot glass, and serve.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    Good Golly, been pretty quiet for 4 days being gone! We had a really nice 4 days, although brutally HOT!

    I did not do my usual typing in note pad whilst I read each post, so I am not going to comment on everything.

    Jules, like everyone else, I have not heard of your polish mafia (as Mary called it) before, but glad they figured it out and it's nothing to be terribly concerned about.

    Cami, that Joey is sumptin else. I hope he always wants to cuddle with you, even as he gets older.

    Nancy, Jackson tickling frogs! Too cute. Sorry about all the rain and the race getting canceled.

    Sue, DH and you don't even know if his son was on a cruise? Nice of your son to come by, even if just for a little bit.

    Karen, glad things are going better for you. I hope you got those mimosa's. Taxol, 2 down, 2 to go?

    NM, I think I have said before, nothing like rain on the garden. We still haven't had any.

    Dara darling, how things with you? Still missing you, you do not come and visit us much anymore. I hate that!

    I hope Lara is ok, as well as 4 and the Bipster!

    Well, FU vacation is over! 2 weeks was nice, but I was still feeling most of the SE's. Fatigue still there, rash let up on my arms and legs, but not totally. Just got rid of mouth sores, so I'm sure they will return. I'll stop there! Leaving yet again this Thursday. Heading to Laughlin and Lake Havasu. Having our friend in Havasu weld a part to fixe the things on the toy hauler. Time to get to work and get something to eat, gonna be a bizzy bizzy day! Glad to be home though.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2015

    Yay, Lowee is home. I sawee the 2 week vacay from FU is over and I pray the se's don't come back as fierce as they were.  I get to see the Willie doc tomorrow morning, she has to sign off on paperwork that I'll send back to the state to renew my medical card. Then immediately after I see my onco and get my treatment, etc. Sounds like a fun trip coming up for you, but talk about scorching hot...Laughlin's got us beat all the time in high temps.  Stay cool!!!

    Julie - Hooray on B9.  Bet it's a load off ur mind.

    NM - a newbie doing in 2 hours is a good thing, u'll prolly master it in less than 90 mins.

    Boy, it is quiet, musta had some good FD fun yesterday.  I have a pretty easy day today, mostly paperwork so I can leave for 2 weeks and not worry about the bills being paid.

    Lubslubslubslubs to all you and the mia ones too...MUAH!!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited June 2015

    Hello everyone!

    Mary the wedding is June 3, 2016. My DD told me that she and her BF were shopping for rings this last week and she found 3 that she likes so hopefully she will be engaged as well soon! This is Jackson's daddy. She wants to get married next August or Sept so I may have two weddings next year which will be fine with me!

    Lori Jackson found another froggie this weekend. I think its the same damn frog and I think she had a baby cuz there was a tiny little froggie with her this time. But little frog whisperer wouldnt leave them alone and he decided he needed to put the little froggie in the water. He comes running in the house and says Nana the froggie wont move no more. We go to look and yep He gone. He passed away. Jackson put the poor thing in too much water. So he wanted Papa to burry him with his tractor. Well the damn thing isnt any bigger than your pinky but being the good papa he is, he went ahead and burried it with his tractor.

    Mema- My DD told Jackson not to touch the froggie cuz he would turn into a monster. Didnt help. Samarah just says its ok Aunt LIndsay we just wash our hands. Silly kids.

    Well I have to get ready for practice that is if we dont get stormed out. ITs supposed to storm again. Love ya Ladies.

  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited June 2015

    yes I got my mimosa actually more than one and I enjoyed every bit!!!! My son made sure they were 1/3 champagne and 2/3 juice!! I'm doing the 12 weeks of taxol so 2 down and 10 to go - I'm taking a 2 week break for a trip to Florida that was already booked and paid for at the end of July- my MO felt that as we were so far into treatment it would be fine so I have 5 to go til that and 5 when I get back- BMX is being scheduled early October- I must say I am looking forward to the end of chemo and surgery- I really want these cancer cells gone!!!!! Won't know about radiation until surgery is done and reconstruction will depend on radiation - so for now I'm just focusing on the end of chemo and having surgery -

    I got divorced after 24 years of marriage to an alcoholic - the divorce was final in December and I was so sure this was going to be a great year- only to end up with the big C - the part I'm really struggling with is that my ex is now happily dating and living a very happy life and here I am dealing with this crap- I don't wish Ill on anyone and I really don't care that he has moved on - but after the years of putting up with his terrible behavior it just feels so unfair now that he is living it up while I'm having to go through this- Ugh!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    Hi girls,

    Mese apologies for not being here too often, I do feel bad. I am fried from mese work. It did not take me too long to ketchup with ye all though.

    Lori, glad you had such a good time away and sorry you missing me.

    Hello to eberybuddy, aint gots de time to write too much cept to say that I loves ye all.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Gonna bequick check in this ayem, just spent a bunch of time looking at resorts and meal plans and e-mailing Kathy my preferences to get a price for a pre-cruise package.I'll be going on Sat before.Looks like all the rooms will sleep 4 people as long as people don't mind sharing a bed (not a problem for me!).Let you all know what I find out as soon as I getmore info.I chose the New Orleans French Quarter Resort, just looks like fun and moderately priced.Wanted to ride the monorail, but not sure that's worth payingwhat the deluxe resorts are asking for prices!The bus service looks pretty convenient.

    Goldie--your poor garden, must be so thirsty!FU to the FU pill side effects.So not fair.

    Mema--I really hope I can get really good with the new system, and that it doesn't get delayed in implementation here!

    Collett--2 weddings next year, what fun!I can just picture Papa burying a tiny frog with a big tractor!The things we do for thekidlets!

    Karen--It is unfair that your ex is living the life while you get stuck with the big C.Maybe his karma is just waiting for a REALLY good time to zap him.One can hope, anyway.

    Dara--I hear you about the fried from work thing.Love you, too, and keep thinking about the Jan cruise!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Fat Frog

    1 bottle Vodka

    1 bottle Bacardi Breezer Orange

    1 bottle Smirnoff Ice


    Get 2 pint glasses, pour one half of Smirnoff Ice into one pint glass and the rest in the other glass, then do the same with the orange breezer, then followed by the Blue WKD. Mix, and the drink should turn green. Add ice as desired, and serve.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2015

    Good Morning Ladies---

    YAY Lori is back, but I'm so sorry u have to go back to the FU pills, maybe it won't be so bad, I pray. And again u'r leaving for a few days. Oh that heat sounds terrible for u too.

    Karen I didn't know u just got divorced after all thise years and then this. Chit--Men always seem to pick up the pieces quicker than women, for the most part. But to be hit with this RB is just plain sickening to me

    NM sounds like a great system is moving u'r way, can u imagine getting u'r time down that much, oh I hope it gets started ASAP and u'll be on that thing like a monkey on a banana u'll be so happy. And u'll be able to relax more with Sadie, I love our cuddly little ones.

    Julie I'm always happy hearing B9, even tho I have no idea what it is, buut just so u feel well that's important too. My lump was B9 too, but I wasn't worried about it cuz I knew it, but still when u hear that word it's good.

    Nancy I love the frog story, but now it's buried? Oh Jeez, I'm sure Jackson was sad tho. And u'r busy as usual.

    Mary 5K? Holy chit, u'r another busy wasp (tougher than a bee) and it's great to hear that.

    Nancy u have 2 weddings next summer? How fun--I love weddings. so much fun to see everyone and just be a part of the joy. When I was married to my 2nd husband I hated them, cuz he used to drink to much and he was a mean drunk, he would start a fight with anyone for no reason and my insides would want to kill him. But now I'm back to loving them LOL

    Oh my stupid little job is starting to be my stupid big job. Everyone is having trouble and somehow I got involved with some scheduling cuz the callers email ME, I'm not supposed to schedule anything so I of course vented to the guys, keep me out of u;r daily routines, or I'll schedule the hell out of u. I know not very professional, but it is what it is.

    Dara u must be awfully busy, or I know u'd be here more. But if u'r cousin is still there at least u have weekends.

    The storms missed us last night, Thank God---they were horrible they were all over the news interrupting all shows, tornadoes thru the south and terrible thunder storms, I'm so glad we just got rain and some thnder stuff. Those poor people, itwiped out a camping site what a horror.

    Joey's going to a church group every morning this week and came home and said that they are teaching them to be a better person. Leslie told him she didn't think she could have a better son, he felt so good--last nite he was in bed and we were talking and he old me a had such a soothing voice for him then he kissed me and said that I was such a soothing person, he doesn't see all my craziness he just sees what he chooses, Oh brainwash is so geat for grandchildren.

    OK I'd better open my business stuff now and see who I can piss off today.



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    LDB, good luck wif da docs today. I hope you are feeling better. Hot is Laughlin is an understatement! Friends said to be sure we bring our bathing suits. No phucking way!

    Oh dear Nancy, froggy funeral with a tractor. What a good grandpa! Hopefully he didn't take it too bad? You sure are getting a lot of rain, I hope you get to make the practice. And 2 fun! And both are for YOUR children!

    Karen, glad you got your Mimosa, yay you! Ok, so you are on weekly Taxol. Wow, how is that? Mine were every 3 weeks with 4 treatments. Odd the different ways we are treated. I remember you mentioning your FL vay cay! Sorry about the divorce and feeling the way you do becuase of what you are dealing with. Rant here anytime, as we get it. Hopefully it will make you feel a tad better. And Dara has people we can send after him and JulieT has a swamp. What's your pleasure???

    I do miss you Wacko! Sending you some JD and coke, to be delivered at lunch time.

    NM, my garden will get some rain water soon. Hopefully in the next week. Everything is thriving! Planted a bean we have never planted before, comes from the south. DH grandma planted them and we asked his mom if they needed to be staked. She said she didn't remember them being staked, so we didn't. Then I notice they are starting to vine. So I looked them up and found they can get 6'-7' tall!

    Cami, I had to laff at your comment to NM about being like a "monkey on a banana". Made me think you could also say "like Moose on Gloria" LMAO! You are such a story teller, I know you piss NO ONE off! And Joey tells it like it is and Les is right, she couldn't ask for a better son. I sent him a text yesterday.

    I better scoot. Went outside to take some pics of the garden, but I don't think they do it justice. AND I'm late getting my breakfast and FU pills. Love and huggles....tootle roo!

  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited June 2015

    thanks you guys you always make me smile- maybe Daras friends could help him find his way into Julie's swamp😁- weekly taxol ok so far- at least I'm able to actually go into work- my MO did say I should start to feel better the further out from AC I got and I am definitely better than I was on that - oh well off to work- have a great day ladies!!!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    shoot, running into all kinds of obstacles todey, my systems are down at de office so wrote a long message here to have it nessapear. chit.

    Lori, tanks for the lunch dwinks, it is noon somewhere so I am dwinking em now. gulp~ hope the FU pills somehow do not make ya break out dis time.

    Nancy, sorry bout the frog, glad he had a proper burial.

    Hello to everyone else, gotta run and get to our president's quarterly meeting ~ will be snoring soon~

    cheers and lots of love to all!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015

    Hi girls, quick pop-in before bed. I had Nora overnight last night and got back from meeting her mom for the pick-up, didn't get home till 8 then a late dinner with DH. Just got my lunch packed and got kitchen cleaned up. I took Nora to the city pool today... what a blast we had, just the 2 of us. She is a water baby thru and thru. They have this slide for the smaller kids and she decided she wanted to try it. So we climbed the stairs and she sat on my lap and we went down together. Well when you get to the bottom you land in about 3 feet of water and we went under. She came up laughing and I realized I had created a monster. We had to do it at least 20 times. Everyone in the pool was cracking up cause she was so little. Then I took her under water and she loved that too, no fear, she'd walk straight into the deep end if I let her. So we were there for 3 hours, a lot of fun and work. I am pooped. All caught up on reading, talk to ya all tomorrow.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes! I just got an estimate for a pre-cruise package from Kathy:

    Check-in: Saturday, January 23, 2016

    Check-out: Monday, January 25, 2016

    2 nights/ 3 days

    1 Adult

    Disney's Port Orleans French Quarter Resort

    1 Room

    Garden View

    2 Queen Beds

    All rooms are non-smoking

    Disney Magic Your Way Package plus Dining Plan

    Magic Your Way 2-Day BASE Tickets

    No Park Hopping – One Park per Day

    Total Price: $737.94 USD including tax

    ·With 2 adults – $1,067.52 (533.76 per person)

    ·With 3 adults - $1,430.79 (476.93 per person)

    ·With 4 adults - $1,784.08 (446.02 per person)

    I am going to book this for myself, but before I do I wanted to know if anyone wanted to join in. Kathy's e-mail says there are no discounts for this time frame yet, but there may be some coming and Kathy will try to get them applied to this reservation when/if they come out. I also have some more details about discounts, vouchers, etc. Motor Coach transportation from the Orlando International Airport to the resort are included.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Boy did we get a lightning storm last night.About 10 minutes of almost constant lightning, fortunately the thunder was still pretty distant cuz that was constant, too!The news is talking about some damage (not near me) that is being evaluated to see if it was a small tornado or a big microburst.Yes, we do get a couple small tornadoes here in Maine every summer, and a few microbursts.Usually they only cause downed branches or small trees, usually hit in the woods somewhere, but once in a while a structure gets some damage to the roof.

    Cammy--I can't wait for the new system, either, but am trying to stay positive.So far this company has promised things and not delivered before, so I am in a "believe it when I see it" sort of mode.Still, it is a hopeful thing!Good for you for letting the guys know what will happen if you do the scheduling!Aww, to have a soothing voice and to be a soothing person, what a gift!Joey is such a cutie-pie!

    Goldie--6 to 7 foot tall beans!Wow!A stake might just be a good idea after all.I've got to do some serious lettuce harvesting--a good thing cuz I'm making Mason Jar Salads for a fund-raiser bake sale on Friday.Should have peas by the 4th of July, I think, or close too.And maybe a tomato, too!And getting flowers in the bulb garden, OK, ONE flower, but there is lots of green coming up and lots of flowers to come!

    Karen--Have a good one at work!Hooray for the Taxol not being so bad!

    Dara--president's meetings, how exciting!Can you hear the snide in my voice?Good for a nap, though.Sorry about the technical glitches, they are real time sucks, aren't they?

    Genny--Nora really is a water baby, isn't she?I bet you were just pooped after all that activity.

    Also-- the quote for the pre-package cruise includes a meal plan, so the only things real cash money (or plastic money) will be needed for is alcamaholic drinks and souvenir shopping and some special restaurants and resort activities, most of which I don't expect to have time for.I get into Orlando around 3 pm on Saturday, will have all day Sunday, then Monday ayem before boarding, which probably isn't much more than a few hours in the morning.2 beds means that we 'll have to sharebeds if there are more than 2 of us, but for a couple of nights that shouldn't be a problem, and there may be a couch or something to work with.I'm going to book this for myself at least, and will be happy to make the deposit for someone else who would like to go but doesn't have the $ for the deposit right now.Would like to book by the 1st of July.

    Princess glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Camel's Coffee

    1/2 oz Strega

    3/4 oz Coffee Liqueur

    1/2 oz Cognac

    1/2 oz White Rum

    1 oz (Cold) Coffee


    Shake and strain into an ice-filled old-fashioned glass.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.