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how about drinking?



  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited June 2015

    Afternoon everybody. We had a busy weekend on the lake with the paddling clinic. Two days of 9-5 paddling with the dragon boat on rough water and rain and wind will wear a girl out. It was sunny most of the day today but yesterday, OMG was it miserable. I came and slept for 12 hours went to church this am and went back at it. But I did learn alot and had a great time. We brought out two ladies who were on the USA national Dragon Boat team. It was interesting, we did some of their drills. OMG my back and core and ass are so sore , but that means I did it right.

    I think I missed what Kathy said about DW before crusing so I will go back and see. Still no word on disability so will have to see where I am at that point. Or may have to try to work PT not sure how that is going to work out for me.

    I have to have a CT on wed on my sinus due to this dang bronchitis that wont go away. Hopefully no surgery. If so its going to have to wait until after dragon season is done.

    Dara why was your dad quarenteened? Hope all is going well with you.

    Mema I am so glad your scan came out well.

    Lori Jackson is quite the ham. He loves to make all kinds of faces and looks at the camera. And Samarah is definately all Princess.

    Cami I clean my house too before the cleaning lady comes. I dont know why cuz I do pay her to clean but something about not wanting someone to see your mess I guess. Not that my house is that messy but sometimes I may not have dishes done or something. Anyway...

    Sorry I have been MIA I have been a little down in the dumps with all this damn rain every day. Week after week. Its starting to really get me kinda cranky. I need some sunshine..

    Hi Mary, NM and anyone else I missed. Love ya all and paddles up! We may need them :)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Almost 9/10 of an inch of rain yesterday.Nice gentle steady rain all day yesterday.The garden and yard are very happy!

    Mema--I thought there would be a lot better prices out there than at a Disney resort.I'll be looking for one of those for the night we get back to Miami, cuzhave an early pm flight home, soget home before the middle of the night.I'll probably stay near the airport soI can have a leisurely morning before hitting the airport craziness.Hate ending a vacay with a mad dash to and through the airport to make a flight, and/or getting into the home airport at 11 pm and waiting an hour for luggage and driving home in the middle of the night.I did get a lot of clutter cleared out, and am anxious to get even more taken care of and get my sewing room back as a sewing room, too!

    Dara--progress is a good thing, right?Amazing how much progress a 13 year old and a 20 $ bill will get you!LOL at the Corkyisms!Here's to a very great, if slightly delayed, Father's Day sailibrashun!

    Collett--Yikes, talk about a work out, but, as you say, sore means you were doing it right, and good for you for sticking with it!You will be stronger and faster and more efficient and feel better in the long run for the work you did over the weekend!Stretches of rain and gloom will bring anyone down, I know it does me.So enjoy the sun when you get the chance!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Cloudy Sky

    2 oz Sloe Gin

    1 oz Lime Juice

    2 oz Ginger Ale


    Pour into a highball glass filled with broken ice. Garnish with a slice of lime, and serve.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    NM, glad you got some of your decluttering done, and so nice of Faith to help AND she will come back! She must be a good kid. Have you seen the Northern Lights before? I'm with you in not wanting to have to rush for planes and such. DH always books us leaving way early in the morning.

    LDB, yes I am back on the FU pills. I am on week 2, so next week will be mese bacation! SE's are ok, I am just struggling with the fact that this is just how it is for the rest of my life. No end in treatments and SE's. Doubt I will see Spy again, but it def. was a good one. You are leaving soon, have a fabulous time!

    Wacko, you must talk to your friend and let her know what all of us have said. She needs to do treatment if she wants to LIVE! Not everyone gets sick from chemo, I didn't. It wasn't fun, but it was doable. And her hair WILL come back. Oh I pray she changes her mind. As for winning big, that only happens if you play big! We don't! Oh yeah, what's this about dad being quarentined. How in the world do you even understand what that chic is saying. Does she "talk" like that too?

    Nancy, 9-5 paddling? Holy the cow! I think I would be dead instead of just worn out! I think you can check your disability on line. Mine went pretty easy, but because I am stage IV. Hopefully no surgery for you. We have sun all the time, I wish it WOULD rain. Hoping you get some soon. That is one of the reasons I would never move back to MI. You need to print that picture of Jackson and the sunglasses. Then when he is like 16 or so, he can do it again!

    DH may be leaving early tomorrow morning, heading out to help with moving the other business to Phoenix. I will not be going! YIPPEE! Need to run out and check mese garden, and see if I caught any critters. We are harvesting a few maters, and a few are getting eaten by the critters and birds. Guess I just have to deal with it. I will have zucchini any day now. NM, I'll have to pass on the DOTD, can't do Slow Gin. Got really sick on it back in the day!!! But I'm sure the Tenders will find me something else to drink.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!

    Just a quick poop bizy bizy getting packed up, laundry done, etc.  I will miss you all...muah muah muah!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited June 2015

    Morning girls, sunny here for now but more rain on the way. Heading to Kelleys Island today for 2 days of fun, hope the weather cooperates. Molly and DH want to bring the kayaks but at the moment the 2015 Lake Erie nor easter has their driveway under water. She has to park at the end of her 3/4 mile driveway and then kayak home. She's hoping it will recede enough today to get the pickup truck out with the kayaks so we can take em' on the ferry over to the island. This happens every so many years on Lake Erie, my old town of Port Clinton once again had fish swimming down the main road. Water to the top at my brother's canal, looked like the boat was about to float onto the lawn. But winds have stopped and I think it's all getting back under control. Dogs will be boarded, Moose will be trapped alone in the house and going crazy I'm sure. I have a feeling Gloria will take the brunt of it, poor thing...

    NM, I still haven't booked my plane ticket, really need to get on that. Sounds like it will be quite the vacay for you, 1st class Disney days, you certainly have earned it, your job sounds so stressful. Glad the 13 year old worked out so well, what a great idea.

    Nancy, wow what a great workout! Your gonna have some loaded guns by the end of summer. No arm skin waving in the breeze for you. I wouldn't pick out that dress for the wedding just yet, sounds like you'll be good and svelte by then! Jackson does look like quite the ham, and Samara always looks shy. They are beautiful kids. Sorry about the sinus stuff, hope you don't need surgery, I hear that's not a lot of fun.

    Dara, maybe next week we can git together on our ideas/hotel/plane dates, etc for January. I tink we are the procrastinators in the group, don't want it to all of a sudden be Xmas and we haven't booked our stuff. I don't remember reading about your dad in quarentine, what' going on? far as I got and it's time to get the dogs to boarders and get to the ferry...not taking my computer but will check in from phone...lubs, lubs

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    My Dad was quarantined due to having the shingles.

    Writing from work so have to fly back and work!

    cheers ladies!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015

    dara -hope your dad is doing better, how do you understand what she is saying?

    nancy-what a workout! hope the sinus' don't need surgery

    sue and mary have a fab time and i will pray the rain holds off

    cammi- you work to hard! your story made me think of my oldests nephews christening, the sister-in law was ticked off because i was godmother not her, she insisted on buying the outfit ,so they said yes but bought it way too big,he had a babygro underneath but it was still to big, then i was wrong because when he was baptised i didn't unwrap him from the shawl so his outfit was visible! it was january and freezing in the church,she overlooked that none of the adults took their coats off and my nephew had been a preemie and was still small then, at the bash after, she said to her brother "when you get divorced,make your you get custody"! when he was one ,there was a massive family row and they blocked all contact from hubby;s family

    went to the gym this am but my personel trainer didn't arrive but i did work out hope i get back there tomorrow need to get this extra weight off

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    Julie and others, I often do not understand what Cora is saying, hence CORkyisms hehe!

    lemme see if she has any updates!

    oh yes, why yes, her latest post...I believe this is about a fart, not a cart as she typed, ughhhhh lol

    There was a loud cart that came out of no where! Bob said wow! I heard that, who did that I said I didn't I thick I was maxie!! Hahaha! Bob said God that sticks! ,maxie did you do that, he gave a funny look at both of us, like we are crazy,but shabby! I did it! Hahahahaha!funny right! Ya! Right! I didn't think it was going to be that loud or stink that bad! Y face was blushing! Oop

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    and another, not sure what Corky is saying here but I find it amusing, the not house, hmmmmm!!! lol

    Get them people,they don't de serve to enjoy life, out there, put them away in the not house they are sick in head! Find them and put them all away,even the one that ate with them, they could a stop, but no! Put them away to!!!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    oh hail, one more. commentary from Dara...the goil does not know when to add an S and when not to, she needs to learn how to use plurals etc. Tis ego day for mese, I feel so smart. hehe. ennyway, this post is about having a family day brought to you by de one and only Corky

    This is what everybody needs to do,find the right day and time every week! Family time with your kids wheather they are children's or adult, bring back the happy times, it can be down at the beach, at the movie! At spiciness,swimming! we all need this wheather money or no money put it to gather share the love for each other, or bring food to gather,that what we all need, even, with our friends to get their family to gather,play baseball, kickball football like tackle,remember them days we can all still do that, that's not going to hurt any one!!!! Its about love,and carrying!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited June 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Another short work week off and running, but it's going to be a long one for me.I knew I was working Friday (holdiay observance for 4th of July), and back up call Sat and Sun (8 am to 5 pm), but the new calendar came out yesterday and I actually go on call Thursday at 5 pm. So I am on call from 5 PM Thursday to 5 PM Friday.For that 24 hours I wlll get paid $45 call pay.Big whoop.Used to be $5 per hour which would have been $120.Disappointing to say the least, but the company has a complicated formula for how they figured it all out and how that's what the actual time worked during on call time works out to across the country so it's fair to us and saves the company money at $15 per 8 hour shift.Well, one out of 2 ain't bad, I suppose.Now if we only worked 8 hour shifts--we actually are on call for 9 hours on weekends.I suppose the 9th hour is supposed to be a lunch break.On the up side, I sent my deposit in this morning for my pre-cruise package!Now I can add fantasizing about getting off the plane, waiting for luggage, then getting on a Disney bus and tootling to the resort, getting checked in, finding a nice place for a nice meal with a nice adult beverage, then deciding what park to wander around in for the late afternoon/evening, ah, choices!

    Goldie--I have seen Northern Lights before, but only faintly or as a block of color, not like they have been photographed and videoed recently with lots of movement and different and bright colors.I don't mind early ayem flights, usually much less fuss and bother at the airport, shorter lines, etc.I also did the TSA pre check known travelor thing (registering my personal info, back ground check, fingerprinting) so I can take advantage of the abbreviated security lines (keep my shoes on, metal detector rather than the unregulated full body x-ray scanner thingy). Cost $85 but worth it for me, since I opt out of full body x-ray scanning and the pat down takes so long cuz they have to round up 2 female TSA agents.It amazed me how long it took to find 2 female agents at MIA last time I flew.I actually enjoy layovers in various airports--I like to look around the stores and see what I can see out the windows.Not to mention people watching!Hope the FU pills are FU ing you too much this time around.Gotta check my garden, too.

    Mema--Good morning, bizzy Lady!

    Genny--Kayaking up the driveway!?!?That must have been some storm!Hope their house is OK.Hope the pups like he boarding vacay stay!

    Juliet--OH, boy, what a Christening story.Why do people always try to make things all about themselves and not about what it's really about?Shaking my head.

    Dara--I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't understand Corkyismeese!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Call a Cab

    1/4 oz Midori Melon Liqueur

    1/4 oz Southern Comfort

    1/4 oz Coconut Rum

    1/4 oz Orange Vodka

    1/4 oz Peach Schnapps

    1/4 oz Creme de Bananes

    2 oz Sprite

    2 oz Cranberry Juice

    2 oz Pineapple Juice


    Mix all ingredients together in a hurricane glass with ice, or combine in a blender. Add juices and sprite to fill glass, and serve.

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2015

    Have a wonderful time Lil Doyty Butt!

    Mary wow! Things were that flooded??? Have fun on the island. And your curls are massive! But they sure look good on you.

    Oh Dara, your poor daddy, having shingles. I hope  he wasn't in too much pain with them. Does he room with your mom? I think I would just have to bypass the corkyisms! I think it would drive me to the not house!

    Julie, it amazes me the things that families will argue about and even sever relationships. So sad. Hittin the gym, good for you.

    NM, sorry about the heavy work load and having to work the holiday weekend, at least you have your Disney trip/cruise to take your mind off it! As for flying, lately I have been preboarding on Southwest, since the seats are first come, first serve. Taking advantage of the RB! All you do is tell them you need to preboard, they don't even ask why, only if you need assistance.

    I got 2 tomatoes, did I already tell that? DH leaving this afternoon for Phoenix. Not sure how long he will be gone, just glad that I don't have to go!

    Where is everyone?


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2015

    lori-woohoo fresh tomatos ,

    nm sucks to be on call but your package is booked.

    hit the gym again to day so will behaving a lie down with some motrin as soon as i get my stuff ready for work tomorrow

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2015

    NM, what a bummer that they are paying you less to be on call, talk about corporate greed, ughhh.

    Lori, my Mom was temporarily moved out of my Dad's room since he did not have chicken pox. I will chill with the Corkyisms, will only post the good ones. I went crazy last night with the bottle hehe, no way!

    Julie, hope you do not hurt too much, enjoy the day off til tomorree.

    Genny, I know you are having a good time. Yikes on canoeing up the driveway with the doggies, I would be skeered if that happened.

    I am not digging my job right now, just hate change so much. But looking forward to the three day weekend. Gotta git out of here and blow home then out the door within a half hour to get mese hairs dyed. Ebery three weeks happens so fast. I am not normal in that I do not like that kind of so called pampering!

    Hello to everyone that I did not address, love each of my goils!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2015

    Good Morning Ladies--I've tried coming here a few times but then I had to pay attention to my phones.

    Julie u do have my admiration, working out is not easy. Just so u feel good.

    NM u've got such complicated hours and on call so much. And that pay is really not so fair I think, but what can u do. I do hope u get to do some fun stuff. And u really got lucky getting help for u'r housework--u finished a lot od things.

    Nancy holy chit, that's a lot of roeing, u must really have some good upper body strength, which is great. Now what do u do with u'r lower body (I bad) I hope u get some good weather soon and u guys really raised loads of money, I love it.

    SusyQ u sound pretty good and u'r normal buzzing around, u always keep busy.

    Lori I pray u'r SE's aren't as bad this time and as time goes by they adjust to u better so it won't e so hard on u. Mater time already? I love when u take u'r picture of u'r garden work on u'r table, it's so bountiful. And I'm glad u didn't go to Phoenix, u have to stay home sometimes. But I know u don't relax.

    Dara what's going on with u'r job? And I did not know shingle were contagious or that u'r dad had them. I never stayed away from my mom, cousin, aunt or anyone--I thought since it was inside that it wasn't airborn. Well I hope the pain has subsided alot for u'r dad. And I'm glad I wasn't the only one that didn't understand Corkyisms, she the not.  Dara I'm still glad Dot has u, tell her vanity won't help when sshe's so sick, she won't care about her hair. And the good thing is no shaving legs, underarms and even knuckles  if that happens to be a problem, I know the only place I really have hair is my upper lip now, why is that? Oh Italian probably.

    Mary as usual I love u'r pics--I never learned how to do pics, in fact I'm not even allowed to take them for family functions, just cuz no one has a head on them everyone gets really touchy.

    Well Marty got a really bad cold--in his head and I told everyone to stay away and they did and we used Lysol like crazy--Well of course I had a fever last nite and now I can barely talk-to me it's like a sinus thing--we'll see. Joey and I have been watching the pay for view movies for nothing. He learned how to do something with the computer and one of the TV's so it's kind of nice. I don't know if that's a form of hacking but I'm so proud of him, u all know hacking has been a dream of mine.

    Today is my pay day (finally) I need so much stuff, I wish he would pay me more for this last month, but I would never ask--this was by far the busiest month I ever had and been so involved with the customers more than ever. Yesterday my first call was 6:30am--no coffee yet or brandy--that's a hard way to start the day.

    Well I hope u all have a wonderful day--oh I think it's hump day--I mean it's for camels, but take it anyway u want.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    Julie, hopefully you are not too sore from the gym. But iffin you hurt, you know you worked hard.

    Wacko, so your mom and dad room together? I hope so. I also hope your dad is doing better. You color your hair every 3 weeks??? Chit, I do mine about every 4-6 months!

    Cami, you bad and you know it! LOL'ing at what Nancy does with her lower body! I like to take pictures of my harvest too, but I think one counter full of maters looks just like another! SE's are ok. I think that 2 week off helped some. More so now, than during the time off. Funny about Joey hacking the pay for view! OMG, if my phone rings that early or in the evening, I do NOT answer it!

    Star of Bethlehem is suppose to be tonight. Venus and Jupiter very close together is called the star of Bethlehem. So I found a Jupiter cocktail for us to have for DOTD. Since NM isn't here. Hopefully you were just sleeping in a bit. It has been very hot and humid here, and when that happens the cooler doesn't work well to cool the house. So trying to go to sleep when it's 80 degrees in the house is not easy!

    1/2 Mozart liqueur
    1/4 Towny Port 
    1/4 sweet vermouth 
    1teaspoonful Peppermint White

    Shake well and strain into cocktail glass


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2015

    Lori yummy on the DOTD---And I hope u feel good.

    Oh Oh did anyone see Botxhed. Well there was a woman who when she was younger had 3,000 cc's for her breast, well she's in her 50's now (looked much older) but they showed her breasts OMG they were horrific and the Dr. almost didn't want to do it, but he thought she could die if they weren't taken out. The skin was awful and they were haning so bad and they were very heavy for her now. Afterwards they looked really good and I thought with all the stitching they would look bad roo. What a surgery to watch.

    That's all for now.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2015

    Hi girls.

    Camille, glad it is pay day for you, sorry that you do not get the amount of pay that you deserve. Why why why iffen I knew your bossees number, I would give him a piece of my mind for ya. And like Lori, I would not be answering any phone at 6:30am. Speaking of, I accidentally called a customer at 4am. They are buying a home in the Hamptons which is east coast but they live in Honolulu, oops, I was calling at 10am tinking I would be fine. THey were not happy with me. Chit. So .... How is your weather, has it gotten better? Seems ebery morning on GMA, I hear about Chicago and the cool temps and rain. Yes, shingles is contagious as it is no longer dormant when there is a break out.

    Lori, glad the rashes and such are not too bad for ya dis round, hope it stays better. Congrats on yer tomatoes, I would be impressed with a pic of them since I do not grow veggies. I guess I should, I would be proud of my dernself if I could eat something mese growed. I am going to google the star of bethlehem and try to find it tonight. It is clear here. Sorry it so hot there and your house is at 80 degrees, I would die. Can you at least run a fan or two?

    NM< where are ya today? Glad Lori stepped in to post our DOTD. I miss ya when you donot report to de lounge.

    Genny, hope we can catch up soon.

    Gotta fly, my ex is here.

    Cheers goils!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2015

    Good early morning Ladies.

    Didn't sleep well but I wanted to see what was going on here.

    Well Dara I bet u can grow veggies, but now u've got to much going on, like enjoying u'r pool, I would too. Except u'r right the weather here is crazy I had to keep a sweater on all day and a cover when I'd sit down--we're like 20 degrees below the average, and it rained too. It just comes falling out od the sky whenever it feels like it.

    I've got a sinus infection witch is so much fun and Dan didn't pay me yesterday--Oh I never know what happens at payday, but I get aggravated cuz I plann what I need on the day I get paid, cuz I'm out of so many things---And I hate pleading for my pay--then I get myself all worked up and I don't want any bad feelings so here we go.

    Lori I still hope u'r SE'S are better this time so u have to let us know.

    It's still dark out, but I heard a couple of the birds waking up so now it's time for me to try and go back to sleep.

    GRRRRRRR today

    BBL and tell u how my pay went. Either way I won't have it long.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Crazy at work yesterday, needed to see 5 patients, by noon time was still on the first one.Patient had been admitted to a nursing home last week, and NONE of the associated paperwork, chart updating, form re-filling out was done, so I had to do all that on a patient I had never met before and knew nothing about the story about how he got to the NH or why, I was sooooo miffed.All this stuff needed to be done last Friday, now it's 4 days late, will have my name on it and so will be considered my error by the corporate people in Baton Rouge.And the nurse who IS responsible said she was sorry, she just never thought of it, and how glad she was I picked up on the situation before the state surveyors noticed, but no, she can't pick up any visits to help me out, she's working a half day today and doing the paperwork would take too long and she is already doing a couple of visits that will fill up the morning. (she's the weekend nurse and doesn't usually work weekdays, she was helping out cuz of the short work week.When helping out like that nurses do get to pick and choose what visits they will do.)So, quesswho scrambles and FINALLY gets a lunch break at 3 pm?208 more days to cruise day.205 to flight out/Disney package start day.Not sure I can hang on that long!Yes, I can, 3 new nurses in training right now, 2 will be up and running in a few more weeks, 1 just started, will be up and running in a month or so.Just need to hang on, right?

    Goldie--I never thought about pre-boarding.Not sure if Delta does that, will look into it.Might as well get something good from the FURB thing!2 tomatos?Yeah!I've got some set on, one pretty good size, not yet red, though.And the Peas are blooming!Still got lots of lettuce, too.

    Juliet--Motrin is wonderful stuff, isn't it?

    Dara--I'm trying to keep a good face about the corporate greed, and I have signed up for the employee stock option, so I am now on both sides of the corporate fence, working and (hopefully) getting stock dividends!I 'm confused, did your Dad have shingles or did you Mom?Moving your Dad out cuz he hadn't had chicken pox sounds like your Mom had shingles and your Dad was being protected from getting chicken pox.If your Dad had shingles then he had to have had chicken pox at some time in his life, and moving him out would be to protect your Mom if she has never had chicken pox.Or maybe it had to do with staff who hadn't had chicken pox or were pregnant?Or maybe it's really none of my business?You have a great 3 day weekend!Have a dwinky for me, OK?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Camel's Coffee

    1/2 oz Strega

    3/4 oz Coffee Liqueur

    1/2 oz Cognac

    1/2 oz White Rum

    1 oz (Cold) Coffee


    Shake and strain into an ice-filled old-fashioned glass.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Looks like yesterday's post never went, I must have forgotten to hit send or something.Oh well.Just a reminder, I go on duty at 8 am this morning, and am on duty until 5 PM tomorrow, then working 8 to 5 Sat and Sun, lots of patients and families with heavy support needs right now, so I may not have any or much personal computer time this weekend.So no worries if you don't hear from me.

    Cammy--Gonna be a long weekend here, but that's OK, won't be on call again until one evening next week.Took a xanax when I got home and really slept last night.Hopefully that will get me through the next couple of days.Calls before coffee or brandy, what a way to start the day!NOT!

    Goldie-- I like your DOTD better than mine!I did write a post, but looks like I never hit send or something.Sleeping in 80 degrees with humidity is NOT FUN!

    Cammy--3,000 cc in a breast?That seems HUGE!I cannot picture what that would look like on an older woman, and what has that weight done on her back and shoulders?Glad she looked good at the end.

    Dara--Ooops at calling a customer at 4 am.Honest mistake, though.

    Cammy--Good early morning to you, too!Sinus infection, so not fun.Been there, done that, don't want to do it again.Biotch about the pay, too.Not right!

    See you all next week, sooner if possible!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    Cami, I wouldn't have a clue if that DOTD was yummy or not, as most of the ingredients I have never heard of! I did not see Botched. Bummer you did not get your pay. Perhaps you could say something in a joking manner, but really mean it? My SE's are ok. Bummer on the sinus infection, I would imagine it hurts, just like when I fill up from the alergies. Oooooh, mese cheeks hurt so bad, there on the top of the cheek bone, right next to the nose.

    Wacko, it was prolly Cami that you called so early! And you should try to grow something, even if it were just one plant. Not sure if it's too late for your area or not, to start something. I do have fans, I have one next to my chair, one at my desk, next to my bed and one in the kitchen for when I'm doing dishes. We also have ceiling fans and swamp cooler. But the cooler doesn't work well when it's humid, and right now it's humid because of monsoon season.

    NM, you CAN do this! Cuz you are an awesome person and a great nurse, so YES, hang in there. Delta has pre-assigned seats, so no  real need to pre-board with them. Southwest is first come, first serve. You just board the plane and find a seat. I want a window and I want to be up front. They board in groups, A B and C. When you check in, that is when you are told which group you are in. First to check in get A boarding, and so on down the line. You can check in up to 24 hours before your flight. Such a bummer that you have to work the holiday weekend, and it sounds like you will be busy. Can you take Sadie with you?

    I wanted to see the Star of Bethlehem last night, but it was cloudy here. Maybe tonight? I was cray cray bizzy yesterday, trying to do everything by myself! Hopiing today will be a little easier. DH staying another night in Phoenix, I guess it's pretty cray cray down there too, not to mention the heat and they don't have any fans or coolers. DH said 3 of them went through 2 cases of water!

    Anyone have any weekend plans? Besides the ones that are already gone and enjoying life. No plans for us!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015

    hello all; real busy day in work yesterday, then we got word that a real nice and helpful guy from radiology was the trauma that just arrived, then we heard that this sweet helpful 35 year old guy with a wife and kids was dead, found out more today, a 90 year old woman made a left turn coming out of the hospital and hit him,so far she;s only been charged with failure to yield, life can be short, so enjoy every minute

    cammi-hope you have been paid, he has no excuse your working so hard for him

    nm-it sucks that the one who finally does the paperwork is at fault

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2015

    Julie what a horrible accident, how fast was she going? Oh that's so young. Poor family.

    NM that sounds crazy going out with just u'r name, the person to start it should put their initials and date it at least on it and so on til the person who finishes it should sign it. At least it will not be one person's fault when it shouldn't be. Oh I'm sure u can't wait for all the new nurses to be trained and I see u started u'r count down.

    Lori it must be so hot in AZ, u'r poor DH working like that and I don't know how u don't have air. I rememer when getting in a car I had to use a cloth for the handle it was so hot there. Even a pool was like a sauna.

    Well I got paid today and my boss had to take me shopping, but what a disaster OMG he dropped Joey and I  off at one door and he parked at he other door, pretty far away, well of course we came out of the store at the same doo and he finally saw us about 45 min. later and I didn't bring my phone of ourse--all young people always hae heir phone on them bt as u get older u really don't when u know someone else will. I think he was mad LOL I'm telling u him and I always get screwed up no matter what we do. He might be a genius but no common sense. And then they only had 2 of my 3 meds ready, one got all screwed up, now they have it so Jodie's off tomorrow and she said she'll come out and pick them up for me so I'm good til next week for my meds. July is the start of my deductable so my 2 meds cost a recockulous amount and they're generic--they're crazy.

    Oh I wrote to the Lt. governor yesterday, well of course I first apologized that she wasn't good enough to make governor but I wanted her help on something. And of course I told u I wrote the President on how to rid the cities of gangs and stop all this spending on so many people, but no one will listen to me. They're wasting my brain and that's a terrible thing to waste, or so they say.

    OK I've got to get to sleep but I'm wide awake and didn't take a nap so time for my xanax, it's after midnite ♪♫ 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    Wow Julie, how sad for that family! I hope the weekend isn't too crazy for you. Any Disney trips in the near future?

    Cami, we have a cooler. It has a pad in it, water runs through it and then a fan. So the air that comes through the water soaked pad is quite cool, but when it's humid it doesn't work well at all. Otherwise it's fine. I have gotten the house close to 70 when it's 90 outside. But now it's humid, and it POURED last night, came down so fast and hard. Not a good rain. Glad you got paid and you should always take your phone with you, no matter what. Sorry you had that long wait at the store and your meds messed up. I wish you would share the letters you write to the politicians! I would love to read them. Do you share that with Joey?

    DH is still in Phoenix and they got rain too, so it will be even more miserable there. I think he is coming home tomorrow.

    Much too quiet in here!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2015

    HI girls,

    Looks like my goils are busy this holiday weekend. I had the pleasure of staying up until 4am last night and sleeping til almost 5pm today. It was so nice sleeping through what would be a regular work day.

    Cam, I too would love to see these letters you are writing, I would love to see your ideas on how to eliminate ghettos along with your many other good ideas. Just do not git yerself in trouble hehe. Glad you got paid, finally, girl. I gonna kick that boss of yers ass one of these days iffen he leaves you standing waiting again. ughhh, poor goil you. And for de record, it was not me calling you at de crack of dawn,, that Lori is a trouble maker.

    Lori, I hope it cools down and that you can stay comfie. You have not been complaining about the FU pills, hoping the Se's are minimal.

    Juliet, omg, how very tragic that you lost a coworker. I feel sorry for the old person that hit him, just proves that people should be tested to continue driving when they git to a certain age. Sending prayers to the family and to your hospital family too. A hug for you my dearheart. (((((Julie))))

    Well nothing much more firciting going on here either, just three days without working in itself is reason to sailabrate. It is 6 pee em here and time to start dwinking again. wooo hooooo!

    LOVE AND peace to all my goils, and hello to all.

    chEErs! weeeeeeeeeeeeee, I toast ya!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2015

    PS NM, it was my Dad that had shingles, I probaby typed something wrong. Where are thy?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good Saturday Morning, Loungettes!Happy 4th of July!

    I am sooooo glad yesterday is over and one with.I haven't added up the miles yet, but I was going from 7:30 ayem to 7 pm.So glad I went off call at 5 pm or I'd probably still be going.Got to do one 7:30 visit this morning, then check in with the weekend nurse and find out what else she needs me to cover today.Hopefully not much, I am bushed and need to write up all my notes from yesterday plus process an emergency admission from yesterday.It was an emergency admission for Hospice because the hospital wanted the patient discharged before the holiday so they could down staff the unit.But that's what we do, jump in and fix things, so I drove the 70 miles up there and fixed it!

    Goldie--I never heard of a flight not having pre-assigned seat!That must be a mad house at boarding time!I can take Sadie with me on holidays and weekends, and often do, but I knew yesterday was going to be a long day and a sunny and warm/humid one so not good for her to be in the car while I'm in doing visits, so Ieft her home where she would be safe and comfortable.If I go out after the ayem visit this morning I may take her with today, it's supposed to be cloudy and cooler, so she would be ok in the car for an hour or so.On the up side, Idid find out that I get to put in for my regular 8 hours of work AND 8 hours of holiday pay, plus I will get $45 per visit for each "after hours" classified visit.Last year I couldn't do that, could only put in the 8 hours regular time and then got the after hours per visit pay.Getting double pay takes a lot of the sting out of the crazy day it was yesterday!I did see the 2 stars really close together on my drive home last night, not quite how I've pictured the Star of Bethlehem but pretty remarkable.2 very bright stars quite close together.Maybe you can see them tonight?

    Juliet--so sad about the 35 year old.Life is so fragile, and can be so short.

    Cammy--I really cannot wait for the new nurses to be up and running, should be by the beginning of August.The way our paperwork is set up only one nurse signs the forms, no matter who gets them filled out or what the circumstances are, cuz only an RN can legally fill out the forms and get the signatures and do the associated teaching.Crazy system, but that's what is.Drug costs are so outrageous, generic or other wise.I hope the Lt governor is wise enough to take advantage of your wisdom!

    Goldie--humidity messes up everything doesn't it?

    Dara--sounds like you were sleeping for me!Glad someone can keep up on the sleep stuff for me! Hooray for your 3 day weekend!Ah, your Dad had shingles, that makes a bit more sense.I probably read something wrong!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    4th of July

    1/2 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Blue Curacao

    1/2 oz Grenadine


    Layer in order given.Pour into a shot glass.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

    Looks like this:


    But I want it served like this:


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    PS--one fun thing from yesterday: one of the nursing homes I went into had a gentleman in the lobby selling tickets to raffle off a bunch of baskets. You know the thing, buy a ticket, put it in the jar for the basket you'd like to win. I bought tickets ( I usually do to help support the NH activity being fund raised for), and went on my way. A few hours later I got a call, I won a basket! So I stopped by and picked up a basket, actually a nice metal decorator bucket with 2 coffee mugs, Dunkin Donuts coffee, patriotic handmde pot holders, patriotic handmade coasters, a box of pancake mix, a #10 gift certificate to a local, very well liked bagel shop, 2 jars homemade apple butter, jam in a mini mason jar mug, a box of assorted tea bags, and note to come back on Monday and get 2 dozen farm eggs and some homemade maple sausage! Oh, yes, there is a bottle of juice and a box of ginger cookies. I opened the cookies on the way home last night. Not a bad haul for $5 worth of tickets!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015


    hope everybody has a wonderful day

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015

    for some reason nm your posts popped up after i had written,so how wonderful to win that basket and good news on the payHappy our floor has sufficient staffing but not full because one of the other floors has a reputation for giving as many staff as possible the holiday off and then floating people from other fully staffed units to staff that unit! so our manage r was not giving them any wiggle room from us today