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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2015

    hiya goils! welcome to Canuck, Rebecca and ReadytoRock!

    I dwink yes, I dwink. I dwaned too much and hadda call out sick today, I said I had a migraine. never had one in my life. I dwink.

    cheers and lots of love to all!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!So far so good, 2 and half more hours of call to go, no calls yet.Only 2 more weeknight on calls before the new overnight nurse takes over.On the other hand, I got a message from a nurse I used to work with asking me to consider taking a job teaching nursing at a local nursing school.I'm tempted to check it out, but I know it's going to be a pretty big cut in pay, and I'm just getting where I can pull together some extra money for vacations and such.But, I would have summers off and could augment the salary by working per diem during the summers.And have more time off during the summers.And no driving in the snow. But I'm pretty sure it would mean working 12 hour shifts on clinical days and I am just too old for 12 hour shifts.And things are turning around at the office where I am now, and will be even better when the new documentation system is rolled out in December.And changing jobs now could jeopardize the January vacay plans, although that could probably be worked around.Back and forth my mind is going.Not sure what to do!I love teaching, but I also love a good life style.What to do, what to do?

    Goldie--the thing with this"D" is that I feel ok, just have moments of cramps and need to run to the potty two or three times a day unless I take the Pepto every morning.Which is not a normal state of affairs.I'm trying to figure out if I'm eating something that is triggering this.I know stress is probably a factor, I have noticed that it has happened after episodes of work stress that I've taken half doses of xanax to help get through.Diarrhea is not a typical side effect of xanax and it wouldn't show up days after taking a dose if it was.But I will eat differently when stressed, so I'm back to the dietary element again.If you think of what your doc gave you for the FU "D" let me know, I'm getting sick of the taste of Pepto!

    Rebecca--good for you, and don't fess up this time around either!

    Readytorock--Welcome to the Lounge!Pull up a bar stool, tell the Tenders what your fave libation is and they will keep it stocked up! Some of us actually drink, some of us drink some and talk about it a lot more (me), some of us drink virtually .Many of us move among along the spectrum depending on factors like where we are in treatment and other things going on in our lives.All of us have enjoyed a drink at some time in our lives and are not willing to give up the option.Life is for living, and living without dwinkies is not living sort of philosophy.None of us are willing to allow the beast and his treatment requirements/limitations to limit us living our lives.So we have this lovely lounge with a heated pool with a huge flat screen TV,


    an attached casino with ATMs that spit out money every time a Loungette walks past,a mobile percotini fountain for those needing some post op or post procedure pain relief, it's often found next to the hammocks. We have Tenders and Wenches to cater to our needs. The dog park has it's own pooper scooper, too!

    Juliet--gastritis is NOT fun!Have a good nap, see you later.

    Dara--you naughty girl!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Italian Valium

    2/3 oz Amaretto

    1/4 oz Gin


    Mix thoroughly.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    Ha ha Julie, not drinking as much as we should! I hope you can get your innards better. Glad it's not anything too serious, at least I don't think they are, am I right?

    NM, sorry you are struggling with your job decision. You are going about right, listing the pros and cons of both. I think I might like the one with most money, and no 12 hour shifts. I think those are some strong reasons to stay where you are. I'll look again for those "D" pills.

    LOL, Dara being a naughty goil!

    Hi the new girls, pretty much what NM (Native Mainer) said. I believe you need to be your own advocate and make your own decisions. I do not believe for one second that alcohol caused me to get breast cancer. It is my belief that it's our environment. The pesticides used on our food, chemicals put in our food, the crap we give to the animals, micro waves, cell phones and computers.

    Suzi Q, are you home yet? I hope you are having a good time.

    I think I need a drink! Oops, better not, have to go for bloodwork!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015

    good morning all, still tired, normally i have any kind of sedative all i want to do is sleep it off but not this time spacey but couldn't sleep! but reccomended diet is no alcohol,no fatty foods,no fried foods ,no caffine,no acidic foods and no spicy foods,ie my diet will be living on dust

    welcome to the new ladies, my mo was in agreement with me with stopping the tamoxifen because of the worsening hot flashes because quality of life is the most important thingHappy

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2015

    Morning Dahhhhlinks!!!!

    I'm back finally. Had a good time everywhere except Santa Cruz (our 1st stop). 4th of July traffic and crowds...we made the best of it. Got home last night. Am dog-dead tired so jes pooping in to say hi.

    Hello to the new girls. I am a real drinker. Docs told me limit alcohol to 1 glass of wine a day. I don't like wine and it doesn't like me (gird) so I drink brandy or vodka or tequila at least 2 drinks per day. At this point it's like NM says....quality of life!

    NM - have you tried the liquid form of Imodium? Funny cuz the pill form did not work but the liq did. Just a suggestion.

    Got a chit-load of paperwork to sift thru but will take my time so may not b on much for next couple of days. Haven't read last 2 weeks either so that will take some time, or not.

    Hope those not feeling good knock whatever ails to the curb and soon. Sending lots of love and prayers and of course positive healing energy.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Got some much needed rain coming through today, but I should probably water the gardens after work again today.Doesn't sound like we'll get a whole lot of rain, and my garden is drinking like a fish.Should be able to get the first batch of peas this week, too!And the one lone cucumber plant on the deck is just busting with blossoms all of a sudden!I think I lost most of the spinach from underwatering, but the carrots are looking promising.Lessons learned, when planning a square foot garden one should look at what plants like lots of water and not plant them in between plants that don't like so much.The camera on my phone is fritzed, so I'm not getting pics right now, gotta see about fixing that somehow.

    Goldie--Thanks for looking for those pills, when you get a moment.And I had decided a while ago to not make any job change decisions until after the January vacay, so while I am kicking around the idea and maybe going to call her an get some more info (maybe there's something I can do part time or occasionally that can be worked into my regular work schedule to get my teaching "fix".Time to think outside the box a bit, I think.And I'm with you, enjoying a drink from time to time did not make me get bc, nor did being overweight, or not exercising enough.Medicine does not know enough about how cancer starts (if it did it could cure or prevent cancer) so it can't blame me for what it can't explain.So there!

    Juliet--bot that diet doesn't leave much, does it?Lettuce?Hope you feel better soon, though, and can get back to eating real food!

    Mema--welcome home!No, I haven't tried Immodium at all, hadn't crossed my mind.I'll have to pick some up.It seems to me that liquid stuff often works better than pills, so I'll look for that.Have fun with the paper work!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Apricot Lady

    1 tsp Triple Sec

    1 oz Apricot Brandy

    1 1/2 oz Light Rum

    1 cube Ice

    1/2 oz Lemon Juice

    1 slice Orange

    1 Egg White


    In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine the rum, apricot brandy, triple sec, lemon juice, and egg white. Shake well. Strain into an old-fashioned glass almost filled with ice cubes. Garnish with the orange slice.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

    I'm headed for the hammocks after work today!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    Julie, with a diet like that, why the hell live??? Good grief!

    Ohhhhhh, my lil doity butt is home. Good to see your purdy face dere Suzi Poo! Glad you had a good time and don't worry about reading everything, maybe just scroll through the pages to look at pictures? It's actually been pretty quiet up in here! Welcome home girl!

    NM, I'm with you on the "so there". Teaching part time would be nice for you. Well, I can't find those pills for the life of me. But I did fing the paper that came with it from the pharmacy. It's Diphen/Atropine. I see two hammocks there, I call dibbs on the second one. Meet you there and will have the Tenders bring us some Apricot Ladies!

    Leaving in the morning for Colorado and quad riding, will check in iffin I can. Nice, we are staying at a casino! DH bought us a selfie stick! Will be fun. Put up a few maters, I think 6 pints. We tried 2 different varieties, which are a rather small tomato, so I don't think I'm gonna get much to can this year, which bums me out, we'll see.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2015

    Morning girls, just gonna pop in quick before getting the pooches out for our run. I'm not all the way caught up but will later. Molly was here Tuesday night another friend coming tonight and Dh back home today, he's been gone all week. I golfed with my league yesterday, just been super bizzy but wanted to check in.

    Readytorock Yes, I do dwink, too much sometimes, I don't think it gave me BC, my grandma, and my mom's 2 sisters had it and they were tea toatelers. When I first got dx I was blaming the drinking a bit and found this sight and these ladies set me straight. Nobody really knows what causes BC. It's all a buncha..... maybe.... possibly....could, might and ......we don't really know.... so I say.."cheers, and bottoms up!"

    NM, I was having D a few weeks ago for several days, don't know if it was a bug or what. Try eating bananas and rice and yogurt for a few days. It bixed me up. Tough decision about the job stuff, I think I'd find out what the teaching pays before you discount it, maybe more than you think.

    Hi to the new girls, and everybody else, I'll hafta read and get all caught up this to all, have a great day!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!The world is officially gone crazy.I am listening to a news report about a man convicted of killing a woman in a car crash just had his bail revoked for violations.Not, in itself, unusual or strange.He pled guilty tomanslaughter and criminal OUI.He had just left a methadone clinic when he crashed and killed the woman he collided with.His bail has been revoked for not reporting a change in address or getting a prescription for narcotics.Still, not so strange.BUT--the state of Maine pays mileage to people in methadone programs to drive to the clinic to get their methadone dose every day.BUT, it's not legal for them to drive while on methadone.People in methadone programs get state subsidies for car payments so they can work while in the program, despite not being (medically or legally) able to drive or work with equipment etc while under the influence.AND he may be eligible to continue to get the mileage pay while he is in jail, at least until the sentencing hearing.AND he MUST continue to get the methadone while in jail and be set up with a methadone clinic when he gets out, no matter how long he is in jail and regardless of if he has been weaned off the methadone while in jail (which may not be allowed depending on how long he has been getting methadone).All rules set in place to "protect" people with the disease of addiction.At MY expense.Crazy.

    Goldie--I know those pills, brand name is Lomotil.It's a prescription med, for severe diarrhea.I'll have to talk to my PCP about getting some to have on hand.For now, though, the "D" seems to have taken a vacay, I'm hoping it will stay away for a while now!Meet you at the hammocks!Too bad about the maters, but you gotta try new stuff from time to time, right?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Tahitian Tea

    1/2 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Triple Sec

    1/2 oz Gin

    1/2 oz Rum

    1 1/2 cubes Ice

    3 oz Cranberry Juice

    3 oz Orange Juice


    Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Add 1/2 oz of each liquor. Fill with 3 oz of each juice. Shake. Serve in a collins glass. Garnish with fruit slices (if you have the patience).

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • readytorock
    readytorock Member Posts: 51
    edited July 2015

    @genny5775 - I like that - "cheers and bottoms up!"

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2015

    OMG another week, what the hell do I do. I've been so sick all week I just do my job and that's it--oh bathroom time too--u all know that --I skimmed the thread and certainly want to welcome all the newbies, this is great group and I think basically we all drink, well now I do--I didn't when I started here but this is a group I come to all the time.

    NM u've got alot of thinkin' to do but, wait til after vacay time, like u said. U'r a very smart woman and I can't think u would pick a wrong decision. And yes it's Lomotil, I've been on this for years and I take the highest dose u can take and I still cheat sometimes and take more so I don't know what is good to take. but I do remember when all my stuff started and I told my Dr. I was taking Immodium she said oh u can take loads of that, so I don't think that's u'r answer, hope it's gone tho.

    Susy Q is back YYAAAYYYY but Lori is leaving Sob--Lori we get into this every year. It is not only time consuming it's hard work to can u'r veggies, but for some reason u don't think of it as work--which I love, it's u'r attitude that makes u thinks it' not hard, u silly girl. Heart

    Julie I'm glad u'r OK with the air diet, but really I just want u to feel good, u'r another busy person who needs u'r strength.

    Dara r u OK there?, what'as going on.?

    My stupid little job has turned more and more into a real job and especially being so sick it was amazing to me I kept my patience. Oh that lady apologized for saying I had an IQ of less than broccoli and said I was vry nice and tried to help her--she was lucky.cuz I knew where she lived and I'd get our peeps at her. Oh one day I could hardly talk and my boss called (of all days) and I said well stop the phones if u want , of course he didn't and then he ws emailing me and texting me, calling me--this is a man I see once a month, that's it. So he said he just wanted to make sure I was all right and I told him to leave me alone I'm not used to having him interfereing in my everyday work LOL so he said he was going to wean me into talking to him more-Who is putting these crazy ideas into his head, I figure it's my cousin (his grandma) she can't leave well enough alone. U know I'm just rattling on and on about nothing.

    Oh one nite I was so sick, fever and something big or little coming out of every orafice of my body and inmy fever induced mind I thought this is it, I'm going to die in my sleep--so I had a brilliant idea I wouldn't go to sleep --so I stayed up most of the night so sick, but I finally fell asleep but the next day I felt worse and I thought why would I think staying up was going to save my life??? I don't understand my own brain. I guess broccoli would be appropriate.

    Joey is going to his other grandma's for 2 days with 2 of his cousins, which I love and he does too, he loves to be with family too. I hope the weather is good, it's been crazy raining here almost every day and an electrical storm the other nite.

    OK I've bored u enough but

    I LUBS U

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015

    hello all,

    cammi-have i told you i love you recently, well went to perkins and had the laredo scramble which has salsa in so the bland diet going really well!

    nm you will make the best decision because your so good at listing pro 's and cons. yeah the insanity of the methadone programmes! it makes me so sad at home,the store my sister works in ,their pharmacy distributes the daily methadone doses,they have a special window, so i watch while i wait for her and everyone that goes to that window have children with them

    ps it was 82f at 0615 yesterday but it did rain most of the time

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2015

    Oh Julie I love u too and u tell me more than u think.Hug

    OK I took my last Anti-B today so I see liquor in my future tomorrow in my coffee Yahoo

    It is pouring out again right now and it's supposed to get to heat index over 100 this weekend, WTF--see I'd rather have rain that heat like that. OK I've had my say about the weather.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2015

    I was just thinking, I like reruns now, I watch the same shows all year long and cuz of my memory from mammory disease I've forgotten most of them so I can watch them all over again like I've never seen them

    and we are having another storm predicted tonite. (horrible) that is like a rerun tho.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited July 2015

    imageWho's in for Jell-O shots

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!TGIF!That's really all there is to say about this morning, TGIF!

    Cammy--The big D is gone for now, hoping it stays away, and I will pick up some Immodium to have in the house for the next bout.Sorry you've been sick all week, that's never fun, not at all.Isn't it amazing how some people just cannot let something that is working alone?Always got to try to change things, as if change is the most important thing in the word all by itself.Change for the sake of change, makes life hard for the everyday person!I've had a couple bouts of being afraid to go to sleep, and can verify that not sleeping doesn't help.Hope Joey has a grand time with his other Grandma and cousins.

    Juliet--I have actually decided to stay where I am until after vacay.Then I can re-evaluate how things are and what I want to do.I keep reminding myself that I thought this through back when things were starting to get crazy at work and made my choice, had very good reasons for deciding to hold out at least that long,reasons that are still good.It is amazing how many people on methadone treatment for addiction have children.When I worked home health I used to see newborn babies with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, most were babies born to women on methadone treatment programs.Amazingly, a woman's dose of methadone is almost automatically INCREASED as soon as they find out they are pregnant!Women have to actively resist getting higher doses of methadone when they get pregnant.Absolutely amazing considering methadone is not cleared for use in pregnant women or children.

    Cammy--heat index over 100, yikes, you be careful and keep hydrated!Good excuse to drink, though.I thought I was the only one who could forget TV shows and enjoy reruns like that!

    Collett--I'm in!Gotta try one of each flavor!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Fire in the Sky

    1 oz Frangelico Hazelnut Liqueur

    1/2 oz Coffee Liqueur

    1/2 oz Strawberry Liqueur

    1 oz Melon Liqueur

    2 oz Cream

    1 tsp Grenadine


    Pour the melon liqueur into a cocktail glass. Carefully layer the Frangelico hazelnut liqueur on top. Do the same with the Tia Maria coffee liqueur, strawberry liqueur, and finally the cream. Add shaved ice. Fill a straw with grenadine and, after placing the straw on the base of the glass, release. Garnish with chocolate sprinkles, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2015

    Hi girls, all caught up on my reading. My friend spent the night, we are sitting here dwinkin our coffee. We went to dinner and I drove and by the time we got home I was tired so didn't overdrink so it's nice to not be hungover. DH got home, he drove over 1000 miles this week so he's pooped. He's getting a series of injections in his back for nerve pain so the 2nd one is today and he is still feeling better from the first one last week so that's good, they seem to be working.

    Lori, hope you have lots of fun.

    Cami, I watch reruns and movies I've seen before all the time cause I can never remember the endings and am always surprised all over again, guess I have a broccoli brain too. Hope you feel better and get rid of the sickness. So sorry you thought you might die if you slept. Hope Joey has fun at the other gramma's but I'm sure not as much as with you.

    NM, glad the D has finally subsided, hope it stays away. My little garden is so overgrown, I have to get out there today and trim and tie back etc, lots of green tomatoes and cucumbers taking over. You have the weekend off I think, hope it's nice and relaxing for you and Sadie. Love the hammocks.

    Julie, wow, that's a restrictive diet alright, I'm ok as long as I can have wine, cheese and chocolate, I don't think I'd survive long on your air diet. Hope you get all better soon too.

    Dara, you bin a bad girl it sounds like, calling in sick with a migraine...tsk, tsk, hope you feel better now and have fun this weekend without the hangover. We really do need to get together and figure out this hotel/plane bizness soon.

    Readytorock and Rebecca, welcome and hope you get to meet us in the lounge for some real or virtual drinks this weekend. Pull up a barstool and tell us a bit about yerselves.

    Nancy, thanks for the jello shots, doing any rowing this weekend?

    SuzieQ, glad to see you back and glad you had a good time. I always have at least 2/day too, life is too short not to have fun.

    Love to all, gotta run....

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015

    on my kindle so watch out for nonsense

    Mary I bet hubby back did not like all that driving. Glad you had a good time.when you seeing miss Nora again

    Camino and 'm glad your feeling better.ok for ready

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2015

    Good Morning Ladies

    Mary I'm glad those shots are working for u'r DH's back, Aha u've got a lot of gardening to do or weeding whatever is u gals do. Joey helped our neighbor weed and plant some tomatoes and peppers the other day

    and came in so so dirty he went straight to the shower--Well he's a boy I guess that's why.

    This has been sitting for way over an hr. My boos was just here, bring me Chi tea and we talked and then I got a few calls. See how I can yell at him then he comes here with tea--he's so sweet to me.

    I miss Lori, she a staple here and things seem off balance when she's not here.

    NM it's so hot here u can literally fry an egg on blacktop--and u know I tried. ick, well I didn't eat it. And u'r drinks are getting better and better. And I'm glad I don't know anything about the meth clinics, I guess they have them in every state--I'm just not familiar with anything about them and I really don't want to be.

    OK I've got work but I'll bbl

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2015

    WTF is happening here? IT'S TGIF and no one celebrating or is everyone celebrating>

    Well now it's early Sat. morning and the weather looks crazy for today super hot and humid and chance of vicious storms, who knows except poor peeps whose a/c is out I worked until almost 9 last nite with the guys on the phone to keep things moving to get to these a/c's that went out when peeps got home from work.

    I talked to my sister last nite, damn we didn't talk all week I was so sick and I didn't know she was not so well yet. I thought she'd be much better, but when she says she didn't leave her house since she got home I know better, but mostly she just sounded sad, so sad and u know she's always been my upper and I just hurt for her, I did make her really LOL tho when we talked about me, my brain and the broccoli woman. She thought that was hysterical. But we talked about an hr. and she sounded better.

    Then about 2AM Les comes in here and says I'm taking Marty to the ER, I told u they know everyone there by now, s he was staying in, it's something with his stomach which he gets every so often I don't know this man gets more crap for being so young, so we'll see wha it is. But his father died of colon cancer at 54 so he's always afraid of that too. FRB(F*ckin rat bastard)

    Now Joey doesn't come home til tomorrow . The dog and the cat had tom come in the bathroom with me cuz everything in the house is all askew, the cat always does but the dog never does and he's like marmaduke in there, it was funny to see.

    Well I hope everyone's going to have a good day today

    I LUBS U

    DARA get back here

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good Morning, Loungetes!Had a lovely sleep in till the decadent hour of 5:30 ayem! Lovely sleeping weather, cool and dry enough for Sadie to start out in the bed with me for cuddles.Supposed to get some rain and maybe some thunder bumpers this evening.Got so many things on the To Do list for today, not sure where to start, so ignoring it for the moment.Maybe it won't look so overwhelming after the second cup of coffee. . . .


    Genny--glad the injections are working for your DH!1000 miles of driving a week is a LOT!No wonder he has back pain!I do plan to do some garden work this weekend, I think I can pick some peas, and am really looking forward to that.Hope you find some gems in your garden!


    Juliet--Kindle posts are fun!I have a blue tooth keyboard I can use with my Kindle , it's a bit small but still easier typing than on the screen.But the screen typing produces fun results!


    Cammy--I"ve never actually tried frying an egg on the blacktop, always wondered if that was really true or just a saying, guess it really can be done!I wouldn't eat it, either, though.


    OK, time to visit the Saturday Bruch Buffet for me, needs me more coffee!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Cafe Brulot

    2 dashes Triple Sec

    1 oz Cognac

    1 tsp Sugar

    1 cup (hot) Coffee

    1 pinch Cinnamon

    1 cups Clove

    1 twist Lemon Peel

    1 twist Orange Peel


    Warm cognac in a heat-resistant glass. Pour in the hot coffee, and add dashes of triple sec. Add twists of lemon and orange peel, a clove, and sprinkle with cinnamon. Sweeten to taste, and serve.

    Best served in a Pint Glass.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015

    good morning all,having a lazy day too nm, signed up for ot tomorrow ,seemed like a good idea at the time! cammi-at least down here we have ac! how you all manage up north without it i don't know. joeyHeartwhat a wonderful boy.ok time for my nap

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2015

    Hi girls, hope you're all having a nice Saturday, super hot here, about 90 degrees and so muggy. Just going to lay low in the AC today, maybe go to the pool later. I'm getting my Nora Monday night till Tuesday night.

    NM, got my garden all thinned out yesterday, cut off the non fruit bearing leaves so sun could get to maters and cucumbers. I think next year that's all I'll plant, oh and more sugar snap peas. Got peaches and corn from the local fruit stand yesterday, oh so yummy, going to go get some more today. Glad you got some snuggle time with your girl, I took my pooches out to the metropark this ayem and they are tuckered out from the heat. Not a peep since we got home.

    Julie, OT is nice, too bad you have to work on your day off to get it. Can't imagine not having AC now but I didn't for a long time.

    Hope Marty is ok, sorry to hear, sounds scary... and your sister too, glad you could cheer her up. The cat and dog missing Joey ya think, or just worried about Marty? Hope everyone including you has a better week ahead of them.

    Well gotta run, have to go to the grocery store, hi to everybody else.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015

    hope marty is ok, any news?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Waking up to a very foggy day today. Rained some yesterday but not enough, still need to get out and water the gardens today.Got precious little accomplished yesterday.Today will have to be more productive, got at least 2 hours of paperwork I've got to get done before work starts tomorrow ayem.And the camera on my phone isn't working, and I can't seem to figure out why. Don't what to have to reset to factory settings and start over with reinstalling aps and the like.Very annoying.Sigh.


    Juliet--signing up for ot always sounds good at the time, but not so much fun when it arrives!AC isn't sucha big need here, I haven't even plugged in the window AC in the bedroom yet this summer.Fans do a great job moving air, and the temps usually drop 10 to 20 degrees overnight.Of course, I have used the AC in the car many days, but I have to keep the car locked with windows closed when I'm working (to keep supplies from getting stolen).Makes the car get pretty warm inside when I've been with a patient for an hour or so and the car is sitting in the sun!

    image alt="Image result for overtime logo">

    Genny--90 and muggy, that's when I turn the bedroom AC on and hibernate in there!That is just TOO much of heat and humididitty!


    Cammy--how's Marty doing?


    After housework and garden work and work work today I'm going to hang out in the Lounge casino, I think.


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Damn The Weather Cocktail

    1 tsp Triple Sec

    1 oz Gin

    1 tbsp Sweet Vermouth

    1 tbsp Orange Juice


    Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Well, 3 out of 5 pics showed up.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited July 2015

    Morning everyone had a hell of a practice yesterday with the dragon boat team. We have a race in Chicago next weekend so we are getting ready for that. We did a power pyramid so we would paddle hard for 25 strokes then 50 then 75 then 100 and then go down from 100 then we practiced our starts and did two 500 meter sprints.

    Yesterday was the two year anniversary of my dads death from cancer. And today is my sisters birthday. We are having a birthday bash for her and my DD today. Yesterday we asked Jackson if my mom was funny he says no, we said is she silly he says no I said well what is she then he says old. Lol.

    Gotta run and ready for church. I will catch up more later.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2015

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Boy NM u'r getting fancy dancy with u pics on post. U sound good today and u'r wearher sounds OK. NO AIR-CONDITION ON????? Ours has been on for 3 days now with crazy storms too, scary especially cuz I've been alone with my scaredy cat cat and crazy dog that keeps getting out of the yard and goes by neighbors and I forget all about him, that's why old people have cats.

    Nancy u'r working hard, and that was so funny what Jackson said--I love this age. And I know u enjoy it too. And we all get to too. So keep sharing.

    OK Marty had the scope and an MRI and they can't find anything. They think he had some kind of stone somewhere and it passed??????? He's coming home today Joey is still at his Grandma's with his cousins so we never even told him so he's doing good, but we had so much rain, I don't know how much swimming they got in Thanks guys for asking,

    Oh boy have I been busy with work, which I guess has been good since I've been alone---everybody's air is going out--I just pray ours doesn't--it's been so unbreathable hot outside, even when u open the door the wave just hits u.

    U garden ladies seem to be having a good year for u'r CROPS Happy reminding me where is Lori? And Dara Doink get u'r arse back here.

    Julie did I read u have to work on u'r day off? I'm sorry--I know it's a good thing in a way but I think u still should be taking it easy.

    I hope u all have a great Sunday and I LUBS U ALL

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2015

    hey everyone

    sry Ive been through a lot of crap

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2015

    hi everyoneit sLaraaaa

    sry I ve been through the ringer love u all