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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    Wacko, you changed your avatar, I thought we had a new loungette! Me? Trouble maker? Come on! He he, I love you! I swear, you are a vampire. I can barely stay up until 9, let alone until 4 in the morning! Were you hanging with your cuz? SE's have let up some, this has been the easiest cycle for me so far. My doc said I could take 4 pills on my second week, but I stuck with 5. I want to take whatever I can tolerate, right?

    WOW NM, what a day! You are truely a dediated nurse! I hope today is easier on you. Boarding is not bad at all on Southwest. 3 groups, A B and C. They have pillars set up with numbers in increments of 5. 1-30 on the left, 31-60 on the right. Your boarding pass gives you your number, say A-29. So you line up at that spot. They board A 1-30 first, then 31-60. Once they board, everyone in group B stands at the pillars. Anyways, if you are in C boarding, you are probably stuck with a middle seat and if  you are traveling with someone, you are probably not sitting together! So it's important to get online 24 hour before boarding and check in. It's still been cloudy here, so can not see the stars. Glad you got to. And cheers to double pay! Congrats on winning the basket! You deserve it!

    Julie, almost bumped ye into the pool. Are you off for the weekend?

    DH is on his way home. I must say, I enjoyed NOT having to go and didn't mind staying home by myself at all. I believe it was a first. My mom wanted to know if I was scared...NOOOOO! She has had me worried about her lately. She is just not doing well and won't fess up to the doctor, or even the nurse, cuz the nurse will tell the doctor and she doesn't want to go back in the hospital. But her sugar has been spiking, she is coughing up yellow gunk, she had the tremors for a couple of days and those really wear her out. Yesterday was much better and she even had my son take her outside last night to watch fireworks. There is a race track at her corner and they do them there after the races. And she got to visit the kids next door, she loved that. My son had a friend come over with their 2 year old autistic child, and I guess my moms, huge black GSD got along fantastically with this little boy.

    Still cloudy this morning, nice and cool. Oh and I took a picture of my beans. Front 3 rows are a bush bean and the back 3 rows are a pole bean, only found in the south east, called Turkey Craws. No special plans for the weekend, but those pretty drinks sure look yummy!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!Well, my one quick visit turned out to be one quick visit and one quick visit after a long time of wrong phone numbers, disconnected phone numbers, and wrong directions, so here It is noon time and I have just gotten home and made my pancakes for breakfast.I am soooo tired and have so many notes to write from yesterday I should be working on, and it's going to take so long.I'm just too tired right now, and could still get called out to do another visit, so I'm going to wolf down the pancakes and see if I can get a bit of a nap in so I'll be safe to drive if I get cllled out again.

    Juliet--that's what we call getting bumped into the pool! Good for your manager for not letting the other unit take advantage of yours!

    Goldie--That sounds like a crazy way to board planes if you ask me, but I guess it must work and I guess people get used to it.I can check in on line 24 hours before flight time and that helps speed things up at the airport, too.Sounds like your Mom needs a good talking to.Some antibiotics and extra fluids NOW would probably keep her out of the hospital later.So hard to convince people of that, though.Amazing how animals pick up on things with humans and human kids, and adapt their behavior accordingly.Love GSDs.Nice looking beans!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2015

    Hi girls, been away from the lounge for awhile, just bin to darn bizzy. Had lots o fun at Kelleys Island, a little colder than I would've liked but at least no rain. Drank waaaay too much Tuesday night, so much in fact that I had none whilst golfing on Wed. worked yesterday and today. Dh's MIL decided she didn't like a burning bush by the door of her independent living facility… too overgrown. So she decided she should go out and trim it, 86 years old, she trips on a stump and fell and had to have 3 stitches. Well, you all know what a drama queen she is, you would've thought she had open heart surgery! Called us at Kelleys Island to let us know, assured us that she would live but when on and on about the dressing and the antibiotic. Told us she called her cardiologist to let him know and her internist to let her know. So I went over to change the dressing and the neighbor had it wrapped as tho she had severed her carotid artery. It was wrapped and gauzed, assorted dressing material taking up the entire counter. She even had been wearing a splint to make sure no one "bumped it". I pulled the old dressing off and put a band aid on it. Now the antibiotics are making her dizzy and "woozy". Good news was she felt too ill to come to our house for dinner and after having done hair for 14 people over the age of 85…. I was relieved. So no Nora, she's just been too bizzy.. I will get her overnight next Friday. Tomorrow morning I'm doing a local 5k. I've done it every 4th of July except last year, proceeds to pediatric brain cancer. And DH and Emma are in a parade, Emma as the Therapy Dog. Beyond that we have no plans. So I'm going to try Lori's thing and read and type so this make take quite awhile. May even hafta finish tomorrow.

    So when I opened BCO the first message was from Cami so I'll start there. Hope the cold is just a sinus thing. I always have a sinus thing. My mom wasn't allowed to take pictures either, nobody ever had a head and the people were always off to one side. Yay for payday! When I worked in a nursing home we were careful not to let people with shingles with those that had severely compromised immune systems. Otherwise wasn't a problem. Course that was 15 years ago, but that's how it was then. Chances of it being contagious ore very slim.

    Lori, I went out to see the fireworks from my driveway Thursday night and commented to my husband about the 2 very bright, very close together stars. Now I know what they were, thanks! I got 2 tomatoes yesterday and a cucumber today and 1 yesterday, Woohoo, wish I had a countertop full but I'm not much of a gardener, I probably wouldn't keep up with it. so glad to hear your SE's are not as bad for the moment…so hoping it stays that way for you.

    Cami, I did see that episode of botched, and her boobies made mine look so purdy, even with the scars and no nipples. Wow, and those implants that he pulled outa there, yikes! I do love watching that show tho… what'd y think of the wanna be Superman?

    Dara, about time for a new avatar, that one stuck longer than any I think. Have fun with yer ex.
    Cami, oh sorry you didn't get paid! Grrrrrr is right!

    NM, oh chit your jobs sucks right now. Hope these new people get trained soon and help to take the load off. Try not to get too exhausted. A light at the end of the tunnel I hope.

    Lori, hope you see the star of Bethlehem, don't know how long it will be visible but it sure is bright.

    Julie… oh damn… so sorry to her about the radiologist, so so sad. I tell my seniors all the time when they give up their cars and then later regret it that they've done the right thing.
    K, I've gotten thru July 2, going to sleep now, will play a little more ketchup tomorrow. Sweet dreams to all my breasties.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Another day, another $15, another day tied to the phone.Good news, only 6 more days (counting today) before my next day off!I got to see some nice fireworks last night from the comfort of my living room recliner.The neighbors set off fireworks for about an hour and a half overall.And no traffic to deal with after!

    Genny--What a drama queen, indeed!All that for a 3 stitches and a band-aide, what a hoot.And the antibiotics making her woozy, I can just imagine how she'd react to anesthesia or a major injury!I can just imagine the reaction at the cardiologist's and internist's offices.Getting an overnight with Nora is a good thing to be looking forward to.Good for you for doing the 5K!I am holding on, tooth and nail, to get through this month.They keep saying it's going to get better in August, I keep praying that will turn out to be true.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    The Day After Russian

    5 bars of chocolate

    1 bottle Moskovskaya Vodka


    Everything is simple. Take a shot glass fill it with vodka, down it, bite the chocolate bar. When you finish the bottle go to sleep. Good night!

    I thinking of substituting the Vodka for Coffee for the morning, and switching to Vodka after 5 tonight!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    NM, besides the many other drugs my mom takes, they now have her on steroids. She is just getting tired of her condition. I am amazed she is still here, but also very glad she is. I just wish she wasn't in such bad shape, but she does nothing to help herself. And even more of the things she shouldn't. Oh, I hope you got your nap.

    Mary, glad you had a nice time, and funny story about your MIL, and then being happy that she didn't want to come to dinner. I guess you had your fill of the elderly! When you and Nancy don't post pics of the kids for awhile, I start to miss them.

    Still too cloudy to be able to see the Star of Bethlehem, glad you saw it Mary. Got some rain yesterday, but it fricken poured! Which is just a waste out here for us, as it all just runs to the washes and doesn't do much soaking in to the ground. Then it slowed down some, so that was good. Spent most of the day yesterday cleaning and detailing our vehicles, need to finish today as the rain caused me to  quit.

    Well, short post cuz no body here! Oh well, more likker for me, NM, Mary and Julie. Pfft!
    Hope everyone had a nice 4th.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    NM, that is quite the interesting drink, a new twist on the shot of to kill ya with lime and salt.

    Vodka and chocolate!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2015

    happy SUndEy FUndEY goils! so sad to see dis long weekend beginning of de end.

    Genny, such a funneee story about yer MIL, what a drama queen she is. Glad you had a good time, good for you. Congrats on yer maters and cucumbers woo hooooo! glad ye thought it was a good idea fer me to change up mese avatar. I did not like the one I had, my hair was jest so ugly that dey hehe. I too have withdrawal symptons when I do not get my doses of lil baby Nora and baby Jackson and baby Samarah. Yer grandD is such a cutie patootie, no doubt.

    Lori, so happy to hear that the se's have been less irritating for ya, wooop woooop! sorry about all the rain and not much relief to the green stuff that loves h2O. I hope ye get to see de star of bethlehem before it nissapears for foreber and a day. I tried to find it but also been cloudy in de evenings and nighty times here. So glad to hear you enjoyed yer alone time but am sure you will be happy to see yer DH again.

    Hello to mese other goils, Julie, still tinking of you and the pain of losing a worker family member, too bad. Genny is so right, the poor old person that caused de accident must be a mess as well after killing someone by making a horrible mistake. I hope she is wise enough to never drive again.

    have a good day goils, I am ready to have a nappy in the sun by de pool cuz I stayed up all night. yep, mese is bad and it cuz's fault cuz she also loves the night time. I made a pact with mese shrink that I will stop being so sleep deprived ... what he does not know is that the pact becomes effective tonight, ooopsies!

    chEeRs all goils ... and a lot of love to you all.

    tata foah nowah!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2015

    Morning girls, still playing ketchup here, I'm starting with July 3, don't want to miss all that's going on. DH and I took Xanax and went to bed at 10:30 last night. We know how to have a rip-roaring 4th of July. He was sposed to get up at 6 and golf and he slept thru the alarm. In fact he's still sleeping, guess he needed it. It's a beautiful day here so we'll probably go together later. Gonna type for awhile then get the pooches out. Emma was in a parade yesterday with other therapy dogs and I took Jr to the park after the race so they were really pooped yesterday. I got my best time on the 5k since before RB so that was good.

    Cami, doesn't sound like your fault that he parked at a different door. I don't go anywhere without my phone anymore, hard to remember life without the darn thing. Hope you get the lt governor to listen but it does sound unlikely.You're just determined to stay on that no fly list aren't ya!

    Lori, I didn't know anybody that lived in Arizona didn't have AC. I know they say the heat is dryer but hot is hot, gives me a hot flash just thinking about it! Molly's DH just built something like you're talking about out of an old cooler for his porch. They have 10 million things around that house that he needs to do but he loves to tinker and build these thing that really have no purpose for them. Makes Molly crazy! Anyway, hope your Dh gets home safe and sound.

    NM, yay for double time, that does help ease the pain. And the basket sounds wonderful, good for you. Hope it was close by and worth the drive for the eggs.

    Julie, happy 4th to you, I'm typing a day behin,Dara, Lori is right, you are a vampire, sleeping all day…you should be working 3rd shift.

    Lori, your garden is so beautiful! Wow, and the old west town to the left, who's idea was that and who built it? Glad the meds aren't totally kicking your butt, I so hope it stays that way.I never mind being home by myself, I actually look forward to it sometimes. I hope your mom is ok, so nice that she has your son to keep an eye on her. Uoolala….now that's a patriotic looking young man! I think I should help him hold that flag!

    OK, so I'm caught up thru yesterday, see ya'll tomorrow...eyelids are getting very heavy.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday!Only 5 more days till my next day off!Yeah!I'm getting tired of being tired.But I just need to holdon another month, then things should be better.Hard to do that sometimes.I had to seriously soak the gardens yesterday,didn't realize how dry they had gotten.But they are looking good, the peas even have pods on, not quite ready to pick but will be soon!And ne tomato will be ripe to pick soon, too!

    Goldie--it must be hard for people like your Mom to be on so many drugs with so many side effects.It has to get tiring after a while.Not doing things to help herself makes things harder, but she can't be forced to change.I did get my nap yesterday and it felt WONDERFUL!Amazing what an hour of sleep can do for a gal sometimes!Clean cars are nice, aren't they?I've often wondered how cleaning a car came to be called "detailing", any one know?

    Dara--you made a pact with your shrink to not be sleep deprived?Good for you!I could deal with a pact like that!

    Genny--Lots and lots of running around in your household!No wonder everyone, including the doggies, is tired.Congrats on the best time!Yes, the double time does take some of the sting out of working the holiday.And the basket is great!It's not far from the office to pick up the eggs and sausage.

    Princess Gltter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Holiday Hangover

    4 oz White Rum

    5 oz 7 Up


    Stir ingredients together in a highball glass. Garnish with a candy cane, and serve.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    Wacko, I hope you were able to get back on schedule with your wacky sleep patterns. But I know ye had fun. Have you seen your DD lately or baby David?

    Mary, congrats on the 5K. I know I would probably just hurt me dern self iffin I tried to run! Having an AC would eat up too much of our power, remember we make our own. No electric out where we live. The old west town was my DH's idea. It's really a fence and most of it is just a front. The 2 buildings down on the end are actual buildings, I think there are more pictures on FB, a tad older, but you can see more there. There might even be a video. Saw the pictures of Lil Nora, so cute. I love the one with the crooked sun glasses. And you look like WAY MORE FUN than her other g'ma!

    NM, my mom is a mess, so to say the least! Continues to smoke with the COPD and eats tons of stuff she shouldn't due to the diabetes. Oh well. One more month, you can do it! I had salad yesterday with kale and amaranth leaves from the garden. We were going to have BLT's for dinner, with a rather large tomato from the garden, only to find out we didn't have any B! So steak, tater salad and green beans from the garden. Got zuccini  ready too. I love eating from the garden! Oh and Caprese salad too, with olive oil and basalmic vinegar. Wacko gonna yell at us for talking food!!!

    Nancy, Cami, you goils ok? So many missing? Lala, 4, the new girls Bippy and Karen. Julie is whoring around at Disney, I saw her!

    Back to work.....ick! Things are starting to slow down though, so maybe I can get some cleaning done today and the rest of the week. I spent most of the weekend outside. I did not get to finish my FJ detailing, but got DH's truck done. NM, I have no idea why it's called detailing. Maybe cuz your cleaning the inside everywhere, wiping everything down?

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2015

    Hi goils, read most of everything, tink I'm pretty caught up. I was off today and again tomorrow, to the pooches to the metropark then came home and cleaned then took them to the doggie park so I've got some tired pooches. We have a bald eagle family here in our town that has become quite the attraction. Baby's are getting ready to leave the nest. They are in a tree at a grade school above a playground and started building the nest last September. Well, the wildlife people came and built a fence all the way around the playground and the kids were not permitted to use it the whole school year. So now since the whole thing was successful they will need to relocate the playground so that they can come back next year. They have quite a fan club, everyone up there taking pics and such. Their wing span is amazing! One of my neighbors got a pic of mom taking the babies a fish from Lake Erie. Pretty cool stuff. I'll try and get a pic on here.

    NM, keep hanging in there, glad to hear your garden is doing well. I got a nice tomato and cucumber and lettuce from mine today, had a nice salad..yummy! Enjoy that basket!

    Lori, I guess I forgot about you being self powered. I do look like more fun than the other g-ma don't I? If you get a chance go on FB and check out the video of Nora leaving and saying good-bye. It's my favorite one yet! They took her cherry picking and she just heads off with her basket saying bye-bye and see you to her dad. Sorry about your mom, ugh so frustrating. Your dinner sounds delish.

    Dara, back to work today? Hope you went to bed before midnight you silly goil! Going shopping at Kohl's with meese MIL tomorrow which is about her favorite thing and my least favorite ting. Ah well, I do need new jammies.


    Little miss Nora is very serious about this graham cracker! She reminds me of Popeye!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes! Boy was it nice to have a normal work day yesterday!Got almost everything done, had time to spend with everyone, had time to stop and pee AND eat lunch!Now to see how long this will last!Hopefully at least another day or so.I found a local buying club where I can get lots of local foods and goods, from dairy to meats to soaps to herbs, many certified organic, all local, mostly Maine with some New Hampshire, Vermont and Mass, which is local enough for me--not all herbs and such grow Maine after all.Put in my first order today, looking forward to picking it up in a week or so.

    Goldie--Sounds like your mom really is a mess.So many people are, though. And nothing we can do to change them, they already know what they need to know.Got my first tomato from the garden yesterday!More coming on, but I have got to be more dependable about watering it.Lots of peas getting big, too.And the flower garden is working hard, but seems to have lots of bugs, gotta do something about that.Can't wait for it to start blooming!

    Genny--Wow, a bald Eagle nest in the middle of a playground!I bet the eagles wouldn't be bothered much by the kids, I know they aren't bothered by interstate highways cuz they nest in on the power poles that run next to the highways here in Maine.But probably better to move the playground to avoid the big eagle birdy poops!I bet they have a huge fan club!Little Nora is VERY serious about that graham cracker!

    Did you all know that Kohl's gives people 55 and older 15% off on Wednesdays?I just found that out!Don't shop there a lot but might have to meader in on the occasional Wednesday!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Eagle Cocktail

    1 1/2 oz Gin

    3/4 oz Creme de Violette

    1 oz (fresh) Lemon Juice

    1 tsp Sugar

    1 Egg White


    Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake vigorously. Strain into a wine glass, and serve.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015

    working wish I was at disney

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    Mary, we have eagles here too. Last year I saw three flying around, but haven't seen them this year. I didn't know having a playground near them would bother them, interesting. You and your hubby are so good to your pooches! Popeye Nora, cute. Can't wait to hear about your shopping experience with MIL!

    NM, funny how one can get excited about peeing and eating lunch! Let us know how your local stuff is. Sorry about the bugs in your flower garden, are they feasting? We don't have a Kohl's, in fact we don't have much period! Yes, my mother is a mess, but like you say, she knows what she should do and no, we can't change them. Creme de Violet, now doesn't that sound fancy!

    Julie, you just got back from Disney...go to work! LOL!

    LDB, I hope you are having a great time...miss you!

    This is the plant from where I get the red leaves to put in my salad. If anyone would like seeds, let me know. They drop their seeds and come up every year.

    Young plant before it flowers.


    And the flower  head..


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2015

    OMH Mese so bad, but I kinda caught up.

    NM u r really working u'r ass off, I so hope they get this fixed for u soon so u have the time for u'rself that u deserve.

    Lori I love the pics of u'r place I always think of Miss Kitty, (of course u r more beautiful) but I love that theme. And u do seem like u'r tolerating this month better. I hope so. And as we said u'r mom is u'r mom and she'll do what she wants, but it's to bad she doesn't take the meds she needs cuz it doesn't help any situation. And u'r garden is coming in nicely.


    Mary a band aid, I LOLed at that one, u've been busy for sure and it's true when u and Nancy don't have pics it's missed around here. Such a graham cracker she loved. And u'r the bestest grandma anyway.

    Oh Dara how do u do it, sleeping all day, well I miss those days of partying at night and sleeping all day, so I guess I'm a little jealous u can still do that. But u have to pull u'rself together to go to work. Wow u'r hair has gotten long again in u'r new avatar, Miss Kansas.

    We can't see a thing in the skies here, it's always cloudy and raining lately. People with pools are having a fit.

    Oh I never like to say when my kids are gone when they are gone on line but they went to WI over the Holiday and I was alone and our dog did not like me in the living room at all and kept on pushing me to my room so I just stayed in my room, but I was scared anyway my sister was in the hospital (I told her to go) she had horrible D and bleeding this time. Well she would not get a colonoscopy. If u knew my sister she has never feared doing anything now she different. She was really adamant, well we talked by ourselves and she di get it finally, she has some kind of colitus stuff, but I know she thought the worse, it was a really scary weekend for all of us. Naturally we thought of our brother just going in the hospital and told thst's it. But she's feeling much better now. And Joey was gone and came home and left for that camp he was going to, I really miss that kid, he's my sanity and the est cuddler that I know. So I won't see him til Friday and I hope this isn't a cult. LOL Oh another thing I told my BIL I learned how to text OMG I'm so sorry I told him, my sister called me stupid and I am. All he does now is text me all day and nite, I don't always answer cuz he is he biggest PITA ever, my sisters DD kicked him out of the hospital at one point this weekend and of course who gets to hear about it --me. I think u all know how much I love him but he is so tiring when he's nervous, which is most of the time for one reason o another.

    Well that's been my last 5 days and I've been busy with work too, I'm getting all confused with my calls, I'm on an antibiodic again, just a sinus infection but it's knocking the hell out of me, so I'm crabby without Joey==LOL

    Nancy must be riding the waves.

    Oh Mary yea I saw the superman guy, weird and short.hehe. But isn't it amazing watching these operations and how crazy some Drs. have screwed up and how they really help them. Just interesting to me. And I started watching Bar Rescue and love the new drinks these bartenders make up, they look so good. It's  funny how I've worked at a few bars and saw more fights when I worked at the DMV then I ever saw at a bar.

    OK I talked enough and as usual didn't say much. just member---


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2015

    Oh thanks Julie and Lori, the pool felt good.

    What a beautiful flower and U eat that" To pretty to eat.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2015

    high goils! just that, high. work sucks, I hadda dream last night that I forged disability docs and got caught. My nerves are frayed.

    Cam, glad your sis is okay. sorry you miss Joey.

    Lori, you really eat those plants, not my ting. But den again yer waist is much smaller dan mine.

    Genny, love the pic of Nora, she is cutliest. Love the story of the birds on the playground at school.

    Julie, hello, sorry you are not at Disney now. I wanna be dere too. I wanna be anywhere other than were mese is.

    NM, stop working so much and I will do the same. You is so deadicated, you better slow down a bit lady fwend.

    Hello to all, just skimmed de posts, gotta hit de bed, been tired since mese all nighter over de weekend. why do I torture myself> one night of fun for three days of angst.

    cheers my lovies!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited July 2015

    OMG i wrote a whole post and it disappered. Here are some pictures from Dale Hollow



  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited July 2015

    Sorry I have not been on here I have been a little down with all this rain we have been getting. I have had some really bad headaches too. My mirgraine meds are not working very well. My doctor said that he is not surprised. Not much they can do its the barometirc pressure. Sat it was so bad I had a seizure while we were at the lake and my DD and her BF had to help me up to the cabin. Jackson caught a mino and of course tickled its belly and then the other one he catches he squeed so hard its guts came out and he says Nana the fishy pooped. Lol He loved the boat and loved the water and cried when we said it was time to go and eat or time to go in because it was raining. But why Nana? I said because Nana isnt feeling good. But why? I said because my head hurts. He says oh its ok Nana I make it better.

    Lori he is a ham but such a sweet sweet spirit and Samarah is far from shy. She is sassy and spunky. She has Latino heat as my son says. Lol. Yesterday I went to see her and she says Nana I so proud you here to see me and then her mom wanted her to do something and she says I say no mom I talking to Nana.

    Cami I am sorry you didnt get paid I hate jobs like that. Two weeks from Sat I will be in your area. I will let you know our sched when we get it. I know Sat is the race and Fri night we have a meeting and a dinner.

    NM i remember those long hours I put in at the hospital. Not fun but some were rewarding and I know I went into respiratory to help those who needed help breathing and loved every minute of it just as I am sure you love helping your patients as well. Its the long hours that suck.

    Julie I wish I were in Disney too. Hows the weather down there in Florida? I have a question why is it that some people say they dont like living in Florida? I cant imagine not liking living in Florida. I would love to live there and have been trying to get my husband to move there for years. I think like anything you have to do your homework and not just move anyware and I know people talk about alligators and hurricanes but ok you have tornados here and cyotes so...

    Genny I cant imagine having fish swimming down my streets or having to kyak home. At least I can be thankful for that. I know you dont have to do that but I feel sorry for your friend that does. Geeze. I guess that would be the downfall of living on a lake right now. As much as I would love to live on the water.

    Dara how you doing hon. Hope all is well with you.

    Mema hope your doing well and had a good holiday too. I have been thinking of all of you and cant wait to see you all in January.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Got a run of humid days running right now. I've got to admit I've thought about complaining, but thenI remind myself about the long cold summer and spring and decide the humidity is OK.Easier to manage than long stretches of cold!

    Juliet--Me too!

    Goldie--What a pretty red plant!Is it a form of lettuce or something else?What does it taste like?Crème de Violet does sound fancy, doesn't it?

    Cammy--Things are getting better at work. We will be rotating through overnight call only for the rest of this month. Then the weeknight nurse will be done with orientation, and one nurse will be up and running and starting to manage a case load.The nurse that will be taking over my area will be up and running by the end of August and I'll be moved to a new area.Hopefully it will be a bit smaller than the current one,I drove 60 miles between 2 patients yesterday.But whatever, right? I can imagine you are all worried about your sister, I pray she gets better quicker and your brother's nervous texting settles down soon!And that Joey has safe travels and fun camp time.

    Dara--I would love to slow down some.I would really like to find a part time job that pays as much as a full time job with the same benefits, but can't seem to find anything like that, wonder why?Really looking forward to Saturday and Sunday, though, I will admit.

    Collett--ah, that post gremlin, thought we evicted him!Great pics!Those migraines must be the pitts, so not fair, especially at the lake.Love the "but why?"phase, isn't it fun?It is the long hours that suck in this line of work, and the times when I just cannot give a patient and family what they really want. If only there was some way to manage pain, nausea, anxiety, whatever without a person needing to swallow a pill and without any side effects life would be a lot easier at times.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:an oldie but goodie:


    3/4 oz Creme de Menthe

    3/4 oz White Creme de Cacao

    3/4 oz Light Cream


    Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2015

    Good morning ladies, only time for a a doctor appt then off to work. My heart goes out to you ladies working all the hours under lots of stress. I had that for so many years, I am so lucky to be able to work part time now with a job where the most stress is having to talk at mach levels and listening to the same story every 5 minutes. Oh and finding them to remind them they are sposed to be in the beauty shop. Don't remember if I mentioned it but I have this red patchy stuff growing on my chin. Took me 6 weeks to get in wiht a dermatologist...ugghh.. another Dr ending in ologist.... anyway I'm hoping it's not skin cancer but have a felling it prolly is, When I was 13 I was in Fl with Molly and burned so badly. My whole chin blistered up and cracked and peeled. So...we'll see.

    Nancy, so sorry about the H/A's, what a shame. Jackson is such a cutie! I will finally get Nora on Friday, overnight. Can't wait! Glad you're going to meet some of our breasties, how nice.

    Dara, hang in there, it's humpdey.

    Lori, flowers are so pretty, I'm going to have to see about them for next year.

    NM, hope you have an easier day today, glad to hear the other nurse is getting ready to be set loose but end of August must seem like forever.

    Hi Cami and Julie and everyone else. I'll try and stop by the lounge tonight. Have a good day all, gotta run

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    Cami, so good to see you, I was getting worried. I'm so sorry you were home alone and scared. I was home alone too, but not scared. My mom even asked me if I was scared. I said no, I don't even lock my door! And on top of it, Joey is gone. I know you all miss him terribly. I hope he is having a good time. Funny about the dog kicking you out of the living room. I'm glad your sister is ok. I have been eating the leaves on that plant. The flower is loaded with seeds, which you can harvest and eat, but they are super tiny, and you get a lot of hulls too. I am going to try though.

    Wacko, if you gonna dream, don't make it about work! But it's good to see you in here. As for my waist being smaller than yours, I highly doubt it! And like I said above, I do eat that plant! I have only used the leaves in a salad, but you can cook them too, like you would greens. I love greens! And so good for you.

    Nancy, bummer about the headaches and all the rain, and a siezure on top of it...DARN! Glad the kiddles were able to bring you some smiles. And Samarah has some Latino heat eh? I hope that isn't a problem as she gets older! Jackson just couldn't be any cuter.

    NM, it is said to have sort of a spinach taste. I guess so, maybe milder though. And it grows quite tall, so not like a lettuce plant at all. Mine have gotten close to 6' tall. I had a tomato and cheese sammy for lunch yesterday.

    Damn Mary, praying that all is ok with your chin and it's not cancer. I can send you some of those seeds in the fall, that is when you would want to scatter them on the ground. Good luck today! I too wish I could work less! We are hoping to get the business moved to Phoenix and having someone take care of our stuff. But I worry, cuz it would be easy for someone to steal our stuff, as opposed to wanting to steal the tubing. And, whoever is on the phone will be taking peoples credit card numbers. I write them down in a notebook, but there is nobody here to look and get that information. Over in Phoenix, it would be rather easy. How do you know you can trust someone, you don't! And people are so crooked these days.

    Julie, are you all set with the medical problems you were having? You are such a quiet one!

    Well, it's HUMP DAY, Sat and Sun will be here soon NM. And Wacko can maybe get rested up!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    Mary, I looked yesterday for the Nora video you mentioned, even stalked your son and DIL's page. I didn't find it. But love the picture of her from behind where she is carrying that big basket for the cherries!

    FOUND IT! Love the double hand wave!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2015

    Hi girls, Just poking my head in here quickly to see what you are all dwinking. I will try to pop back in this evening.

    Nancy, so sorry about the headaches, I sure hope you find relief.

    cheERs girls!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2015

    Hi everyone.-It's raining and cool here, I feel bad for people with pools so far.

    NM I'm glad things are going a little better at work, but all the driving even is mind boggling to me. So u'll have to wait a little longer for everyone to be organized, hope it goes by fastlyest.

    Mary I don't like seeing that word and then a gist kind of Dr. Hopefully it's all OK of course. Now this weekend it's Nora time??? That will make u feel better.

    Nancy I'm sorry about u;r awful migraines and then a seizure too this weekend? Slow down some, u've been so busy. And I luv u'r pics and Jackson squeezed the chit out of that little thing. Oh my stars. He's getting so big and I know more fun too.

    Oh Lori u cwack me up just eat some good looking leaves why don't u. I never heard of that plant bfor, it must be in u'r area mostly. And u gals do work hard, lots of hrs and stress, I couldn't do that anymore for shor.

    Chit I just talked to my cousin for a while and thought I lost this post, then I got a bus. call, Ick

    Dara u too are working like crazy or u wouldn't be dreaming about how not to work.

    Joey called last night aand again today--but today he told me he was crying in bed last nite and I told him that's natural at nite cuz u'r not in u'r own home. I told him to be thankful he's not home cuz we're all sick on ani-b's and he'd be taking care of us, so now he can have fun. The Dr. said these are not cold it's some kind of thiny that's going around and doesn't go away easily. I'm thanking Marty for this one.

    Oh I have to get to work now, I'm so bad.

    I LUBS U ALL------


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2015

    Hi girls, great news, no skin cancer! It's called periorbital dermatitis. Affects women, causes are varied but changes in hormones are one of the causes and I would say the very early signs were after I started on the AI's, floride toothpaste is something else that could aggravate it. I didn't use that until my DH went to Costco and bought a truck load of it. So I have to be on an antibiotic for awhile (hope they don't make me woozy!) and use some special face wash that I can't have until my insurance approves it, must be expensive. Also I have a cream to put on it twice/day. My back is super achy today, getting ready to rain I think, so my DH talked me into a heating paid and now I am having one mother of a hotflash!

    Cami, hope everything is ok now and no more being scared. You need a girl like my Emma, ain't nobody coming in my house! When people come to the door I always say "hang on while I turn off the security system and I have to make her go to her bed. Then as soon as they are in the house and she knows I approve, she's giving them kisses. Aww, I'm sorry Joey was homesick, hope he's having lots of fun during the day.

    Lori, I would love to have some of those seeds, sounds right up my alley, I've been eating my lettuce still but getting near the end. Cucumbers are really growing tho and I found my first little zucchini today. So glad you got to see the video, I wonder why it didn't show up on my page, Little miss independent wanting to go pick cherries on her own. I hope you can get this business chit figured out, there are honest people out there, it's just finding them and then trusting, hope it works out soon.

    Dara, hope work was ok, 2 more days till the weekend!! Hang in there, you can go back to your vampires ways soon.

    Nancy, great pics! He just gets cuter everyday.

    NM, you hang in too, are you working this weekend?

    That's it for now, gotta have a glass of wine and get to bed...sweet dreams all!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!2 more days of work, then 2 whole days off!I was asked to work this weekend, and said "um, no, not unless I get Tues, Wed and Thursday off with pay."For some reason the boss said "no"!

    Genny--Yikes about the red patchy stuff on the chin, praying it's something B9.And a Nora night coming up, Yeah!End of August seems like a long way away, but she'll be picking up thing a bit at a time over the month, so things should start lightening up in a few weeks,I keep focusing on that.

    Goldie--I love spinach, would love to try those leaves, maybe some day I'll run across them here.Do you know the name of the plant?

    Hey, Dara!

    Cammy--Time will start going by pretty good now that the newbies are starting to get into the field and getting used to the computer work.There is a least a light at the end of the tunnel.

    Genny--Hooray for not skin cancer, and for being treatable, even if the insurance piece is making you jump through hoops!Not planning on working this weekend, but who knows what will happen if someone doesn't volunteer to cover this weekend.I don't think the boss will make me, but you never know these days!If my name is up next for covering call, I'll be covering call.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Skinny Dip

    2 shots Vodka

    8 scoops Sherbet

    1 can Fresca


    In a blender throw in: 8 scoops of sherbet, 1 can of Fresca and 2 shots of Vodka. Blend until you reach desired thickness.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015

    good morning all, off for 2 days!

    genny-well glad its a b9 thing but i wonder just how much that cream costs? miss nora is so stinking cute!

    nm- enjoy your weekend with miss sadie, i was working in your field this week most of my pts were new diagnosis of furb and endstage at that with the occasional chest pain, so lots of talking about hospice and oncology. plus we had a computer upgrade which has screwed up the med scanning system so it takes 3and 4 times to get everything in! you know how we dread nurses as pts well has visitors we leave a lot to be desired! had one ask me for her brother s path report! well brother is a/ox3 so i i said he has to give that info to you due to hippa ,according to her she's his healthcare surrogate she can have that info! when she wants it. plus the case manager was getting involved and asking me to get her info and call docs , well i was only trying to get someone ready for transfer for a stat heart cath. nothing important.ok rant over

    nancy-wish you felt better regards your seizures/ha but those grandkids are the best! hope you get some good days at the lake

    lori-love your garden,nothing like fresh vegetables. hope you find someone to help with the buisiness.

    have a goodday

    off to the mo today

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2015

    Good Morning Ladies.

    It's Thursday, so we're over the hump.NM stand u'r ground and take 3 days off if u have to work, otherwise just enjoy u'r time off. Oh the DOTD sounds so good.

    Girls I'm not really afraid to stay alone, I lived alone for over 20 yrs. but this house is a ranch and there are always noises. LOL But our dog is a biggie and barks like he's going to kill so I know if he's barking something is up, then he just licks people too. I watch way to many scary movies.

    Mary glad about the B9, but jeez it sounds like u'r still going thru some chit cuz of it. And sorry about tha.

    Oh I got a compliment (which u know I never get, so I have to tell u) I was with chit now I forgot who, well anyway they said u'r makeup is so pretty on u, u' skin looks soft and beautiful with hardly any wrinkles what are u using? It was soap and water and had nothing on--now to me that's a compliment. Of couse they probably needed glasses but I'm still taking it. Why is my typing double spaced???

    Mu cousin Nicky called me and told me how much they missed me this last weekend, next time I'm going o WI with them, I can't stay home cuz of the dog anymore, I just love being with everyone. But my cousin has the yearly fireworks on her lake in a couple of weeks and my BIL and now Joey too think it's the highlite of the summer and it is lots of fun almost everyone goes, but this year I want to bring something (food) different I always bring dessert and there are so many I have to figure a good salad, no Lori no plants, of course when I was little my dad used to pick the weeds, my mom washed them and she made salad with them and it was really good. I would never do that now LOL

    Okey Dokey Everyone have a good day--thinking of Julie, SusyQ, Nancy and Dar from Kansas and anyone else I missed--thinking about all just can't remember names. I'm so bad, I hope Karen is doing all right and Bippy too.