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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    Cami, maybe I'm part wabbit. I had a different variety when I lived in MI, so it grows in other areas as well. Poor Joey, I hope he can find some fun in his camp trip. And all of you are sick? That sucks! I recorded that Botched show you mentioned with the ladie and HUGE boobs. OMG, they looked horrible and that Superman dude was sort of freaky looking.

    Mary, great news! Who would have thought that floride toothpaste would aggravate a rash. Maybe you can do without the cream if it ends up being to expensive. Hot pad, NO WAY! One nice thing about our business, it's seasonal. So things are starting to slow down. I can work in the house, get things done and just answer the phone when it rings.

    NM, good for you for saying NO. I will send you some seeds. The plant is Amaranth. When it flowers, and the seeds fall, you will get lots of plants coming in and will prolly have to thin them. My neighbor plants them really thick. And I'm with Cami, DOTD sounds yummy. Here is my neighbors Amaranth, planted like this, it won't get tall and will probably only get small flower heads.

    Shoot, they have changed how we can put pictures in! Finally got it, third time was a charm!


    Julie, amazing how some people think they don't have to go by rules, gheesh. Enjoy your 2 days off. What are you seeing MO for?

    NM, I hope you are able to make it to fireworks shing dig, sounds like fun. And Joey will be home tomorrow. I hope you all are feeling better and that he doesn't get it. What about something like a taco dip to take? It's a layered dish. Let me see if I can find a recipe.

    Wacko, just popping your head in doesn't cut it girl! Git your A$ in here, pronto!

    Nuttin new out here in the boonies, spent all day yesterday washing my floors. It usually take me 2 days. Oh, and I saw the star of Bethlehem, I think. But they are further apart now, and the one on the right is not very bright.

    Ok, here is a recipe for you (no plants), Joey could even help with this one, no cooking. And guacamole is really easy to make, or you can buy some already made.

    2 (16 ounce) cans refried beans (I prefer the ones with green chilies)
    16 ounces sour cream (low fat is fine)
    1 (1 1/4 ounce) package taco seasoning (I prefer McCormick HOT taco seasoning, but anything will work)
    2 cups prepared guacamole
    2 cups shredded Mexican blend cheese
    2 tomatoes, diced and drained
    1 cup black olives, sliced
    1⁄4 cup green onion, sliced thin

    Thoroughly mix taco seasoning with sour cream. Let sit for at least an hour to dissolve the powder or it will be gritty.
    In a 13 x 9 casserole dish, or similarly sized party dish, spread the following layers, taking care not to mix them.
    Refried beans.
    Sour cream mixture.
    Black olives.
    Green onions.
    (If you're using lettuce, put it between the sour cream and cheese.).
    Serve with tortilla chips.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    Here is the gal from Botched! Wowsa!!! They are as big as watermelons!

    Life-threatening: In addition to Dee's pain, the state of her breast implants are on the verge of becoming a major medical emergency

    Life-threatening: In addition to Dee's pain, the state of her breast implants are on the verge of becoming a major medical emergency

    Botched surgery: Dee's the outer saline part of her left breast implant ruptured, causing it to deflate

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015

    lori-wow,my back ached just looking at her

    cammi- you are beautiful inside and out

    mo was routine bloodwork etc, hoping the scope on monday will find out something, had to call for a zofran prescription was so nauseated in work on monday, can eat like i'mm never going to feel full some days,so no weight loss and some days cant look at food

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2015

    Oh Lori great idea and recipe, cuz that goes a long way too and I love anything tacoish and now most people do. Those plants are loads of them. I've never seen them around here
    Oh I felt so sorry for that lady but really he did a good job with what he had to work with and I think he's so funny too.

    Julie sorry u'r tummy got upset, I always have gingerale on hand that helps a bit and now they have something in a powder u put on u'r tongue and that helps pretty quickly. And I like to put something cold on it too.

    Oh what a crazy day, my boss General(Dan) even called me to make sure I wasn't stressed out to much. See why I love him, he's such a out there man but then he wants to make sure I'm all right. We had some really crazy people today and one wrote on our sight how horrible we are and she yelled at me the whole time I was saying I'm sorry u feel like that nd then she closed with "Why am I talking o someone with the IQ of broccoli?" Well my cousin Nicky was here so and I had her on speaker, we were LOLing so hard but she never heard us we made sure. Good thing Nick was here cuz I would have said something really bad--she was even going to call the police to arrest me???? For what I had no idea and write to the Attorney General and the governor--well little does she know they know me from all my writings LOL It was just a horrible day tho, so Dan calls just to make sure I'm all right, I gotta love this guy.

    The sun didn't come out at all today, but that's fine with me, u all know I like dreary days, strange I know.

    Well I hope everyone has a good nights sleep.


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited July 2015

    OMG Lori those pictures of that poor lady! If I was her I would be definately going after the crazy surgeon that did that. Poor thing. Thats crazy. I will have to try that recipe too it looks real yummy!

    Mary so glad you Nora tonight. I am sure she is getting really big too.

    Cami People are just crazy why that lady thinks she can call the popo on you to arrest you for doing your job. Lol. I used to get people yelling at me all the time because we couldnt give them extra supplies and I would nicely explain that I didnt have an order for it and they just dont care they want what they want and they get nasty if they dont get what they want.

    Julie hope you enjoyed your time off

    NM hows your weather? Hope you have more sunshine :)

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    Julie, you poor thing. I didn't know you were going through that. I too hope they can find out what's wrong. And not fare to not eat and not lose weight. That women with the boobs was super skinny too. Just looks like she's had a rough life.

    OMG Cami, IQ of broccoli? Oh she wants to get the gov after you? She has no idea, does she? Glad you like the recipe, let me know if you make it. And Joey comes home today!

    DH is wanting me to go with him back down to Phoenix to help with the business move. He said I could go shopping for office furniture, after I told him I did not want to go.

    Where the heck is everyone? Guess I'll go look for a DOTD...

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    Bumped you right in the pool Nancy. Are you feeling any better? Here, have a TACO TRUCK COCKTAIL!

    recipe c Taco-Truck

    Smoky mezcal is paired with a toasted cinnamon and fresh pineapple–infused Campari in this Negroni riff by The Corner Door's Beau du Bois.

    2 oz. mezcal
    1 oz. pineapple and cinnamon–infused Campari
    1 oz. sweet vermouth
    Tools: mixing glass, strainer
    Glass: double Old Fashioned
    Garnish: orange peel

    Put the ingredients in a mixing glass full of ice and stir to chill. Strain into a glass over a single large ice cube. Twist an orange peel over the surface of the drink and garnish with the peel.

    Pineapple & Cinnamon­­–Infused Campari: Peel, core and chop a whole pineapple into 1-2″ pieces and place them in a 1-gallon glass container with a tight lid. Gently toast 3 cinnamon sticks in a pan over low heat until warmed and slightly smoky. Add them to the jar along with 1 750-ml. bottle Campari. Let the mixture infuse for 12 hours, then use tongs to remove the cinnamon sticks. Let the mixture infuse another 2 days then strain into a clean glass container.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good monring, Loungettes!Wel,Morning, anyway.Been up since 2 am with the D.And it smells so bad I even threw up.Now I am sooooo tired.Called out at work, and it's Friday so everyone is thinking I'm wrangling a long weekend, I bet.I wish, my back aches really bad right between my shoulder blades, my stomach is growling and cramping, and Sadie won't go near the bathroom even after a good dose of air freshener.I'd rather be working.

    Juliet--oh, my, what a predicament!We nurses do not make good patients or visitors, do we?Sometimes you just want to say "Sure I'll do all that right now, you go sit with that patient and family while he/she dies because I'm dealing with your wants.It'll comfort the family to know that I am tending to you and your very important requests while they are dying.Then you can call the cath lab and explain what why the stat cath is delayed.They will be very happy to hear that your requests for info are being addressed as a top priority. "I know when people are sick they don't care that there is anyone else around also needing care, and it's not good business practice/patient relations to mention that they aren't the only patient needing care, but really, at least the case manager should be able to understand that stat cardiac cath trumps HIPPA violation requests!

    Cammy--I'm pretty sure they wouldn't try to make me work back up call this weekend after working last weekend.I was just having a grumpy moment, I think.Houses can make funny noises at times, and sometimes they are startling or scary even when you are used to them!I would absolutely take it as a compliment if someone asked me about makeup when I wasn't wearing any!Good for you!

    Goldie--The Amaranth is very pretty! I would love some of the seeds, thanks a million!I'm not surprisedfluoride causes rashes.

    "According to the handbook, Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, fluoride is more poisonous than lead and just slightly less poisonous than arsenic. It is a cumulative poison that accumulates in bone over the years. According to the Physicians Desk Reference, "in hypersensitive individuals, fluorides occasionally cause skin eruptions such as atopic dermatitis, eczema, or urticaria. Gastric distress, headache, and weakness have also been reported. These hypersensitive reactions usually disappear promptly after discontinuation of the fluoride."

    From <>

    Wow, that recipe sounds yummy!

    Holy Cow, what a huge pair ofboobs!She must have terrific back pain!Did they remove/reduce them?Did she stand up leaning backwards after from years of carrying around all that weight?Unbelievable!

    Juliet--no fair going through all that not losing weight!

    Cammy--IQ of broccoli?LOL!Glad there was someone there to hear it with you.Just what did she think she could get you arrested for?Not being green enough?Some people are just nuts!

    Collett--getting more sunshine, even had some humidity, gonna be nice for the next few days, FINALLY!Have to water the gardens every day, poor me!

    Goldie--Wow, that taco trick cocktail looks GREAT!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2015

    Hiya girls, It is friedey and I am happy about that. And my people at home have the day off, well my cuz and ex DH1 are off and ex is going to be at the house to partay when I git there. He is a good ex, will have a dwinky ready for me.

    NM, so sorry that you are under de weather. Sure hope the D stops asaplist and that you and Sadie can enjoy the weekend. I hope it is not a virus and if so, hope it is outta dere. Poor Sadie is skeered to go into de bathroom?

    Goils, my widdle Lucy was spayed on Tuesday. She looks so cute with her bald lil paw and big bald spot on her belly where they shaved her. She is supposed to not run or jump but I can't stop her. I keep checking her incisions and they look very good. She is too funny, running around like crazy. And now my Bella seems sexually attracted to her, that is so weird since they are both bixed.

    Lori, thanks for the yummy dwinks dis morning, gulp burp burp gulp ahhhhh, delish, make that uber delish hehe. You know where I am coming from with de uber lol. Sorry you have to go out of town again with your DH but hope you enjoy shopping for the new office. Or is he going to allow you to stay home? yikes on those big foob pics you posted, dey is more than a handful, who would want something so grande???

    Cam, you never fail to crack me up. And so sorry that Joey had a breakdown and missing home. I sure hope that has gotten better. Cool that someone complemented your skin, you is a bootiful lady dis I know.

    Genny, you enjoy your Nora time this weekend. Woo hooo to no cancer, hate that you thought that it was, what a stressful few days for you.

    Nancy, is your weather any better? And what about the headaches? Wish there was something that you could take to ease the pain. Take care of yourself as you are sure a buzy bee.

    Julie, I hope your belly feels better. Wish you could be at Disney doing what you do best, other than be a nurse of course.

    Well gonna get mese ewwa back to work. Jest an hour til lunchtime, most people call that hour noon but I call it five o'clock!!

    dwink up goil and git those titty's up!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015

    well nm as it stopped for me ,it came to youBawlingnot good when you even throw up the zofran! but definitely better today so hope its over quick for you too. poor sadie

    dara-Heartto little miss lucy,

    cammi-what time is joey back to day?

    lori -shoppingShocked

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2015

    Julie, thanks for the love for my widdle Lucy. I also had a chip put in her, poor thing actually had three procedures.

    Jest one more hour til mese weekend starts. I'd like to start it now, hmmm, tink that may be frowned upon Happy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2015

    I'm checkin in late here.

    NM I hope u'r feeling better now--wow for u to call in sick I know u'r super sick, but how can u leave the house with D, and I hope u'r back is better too, u need to rest up this weekend, u'r exposed to so many things.

    Julie I don't like to hear u don't feel good either, but as usual I don't quite understand what's going on with u and u too are constantly being exposed, please take care.

    Dara I love the relationship u have with u'r ex--it's sounds better than a marriage. And now it's the weekend so Party harty girl, u deserve it, u work hard and lots of suff going on around u.

    Oh Lori I bet u'r DH just wants u with him, he misses u how sweet that is. Are u up for shopping tho? I hate shopping so nothing would entice me to go anywhere, but if u feel good enough I'm sure he would love that. See how sweet u are.

    Nancy I hope u'r doing all right, u've had a rough time lately.

    OK It's Nora weeked time pics please.

    My Joey is home, he spent some time with his mommy and daddy, then he came in my room and closed the door and I got to hear some boy stuff, he did have a good time, so many activities but he thought the younger boys acted (his words) inappropriate around the girls and talked about them after and he didn't  His kind of prudish about those things and wonders why. Itold him he always sees his dad treat his mom with great repect and me too, so it's just his nature now to treat girls that way because they deserve it. --What the hell do I know? I had to say something--he was so cuddly and loving, boy did we miss him. LOL

    Oh Lori those drinks soundreally good, I see how u'r spending u'r time, good for u.



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2015

    Good morning girls! DH already walked the dogs and left for golf, the sun is shining, birds chirping, I'm on my 2nd cup of coffee and my Nora is still sleeping. I'll type till she wakes up. I took her to the pool here at our condo yesterday, we were the only ones there. She is such a little fish, goes under water and comes up laughing. This afternoon we are taking her to our city pool and then maybe to a metropark butterfly house. She answers "yes" to everything now. Do you want to go outside?...."yes", are you hungry? ...."yes" you get the idea... so we're in the pool for a long time and I started to get cold and said ...Do you want to get out and go home?.. And she said "no". We took her for ice cream last night then down to the lake to watch the sunset. We go home and she would not go to sleep, think the ice cream so late was a bad idea, I rocked her and she fussed and then DH took her and rocked her and she kept sobbing..."I want Yaya" .... and he made me stay away and kept telling her, "papa's here" and finally I took her back and she fell asleep. By that time it was midnight. She can be so stubborn, especially when she knows it's bedtime.

    NM, so sorry to hear that you are sick, that is NOT the way to get time off! I hope you're feeling better today and you can enjoy the weekend off with Sadie.

    Julie, hope you're all better too, are you working this weekend? When's the next Disney trip?

    Dara, hope you had fun last night and got to bed, um I mean sleep before 4.... did you cuz end up getting divorced? Anyting new on Jennika or David?

    Cami, so glad you have your boy back. How sweet him coming in your room fro private time. And good for him not wanting to talk trash about the girls, and saying the boys were "inappropriate" !!! Love it! Oh and they lady wanting to cal the leut governor on you , so funny. Glad you can laugh about it.

    Nancy, hope you're feeling better. That lady on "Botched" wanted those huge things cause she was a dancer and wanted to make more money, and then she wanted them bigger yet so she could appear in "Jugs" and then she got into her 50's and one broke open and she was so skinny and they looked awful. I don't think it was the surgeon as much as her insisting they do it.

    Lori, sorry you have to go to Phoenix again, I know it's quite a long trip. How's the rash? And how's your DD? Any new news on her almost ex DH? Is he still in prison or don't you know since the blog was taken down.

    Well, I hear her stirring, my day will be starting very soon, hi to everbody else, oops, she's up gotta run

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    NM, too bad if some of your co=workers think you are trying to milk a 3 day weekend. And I believe you when you say you would rather be working. No one wants to feel sick and have explosive diarhea. I wonder what the deal is with your back! I hope you are feeling better today and can enjoy your weekend. The big boob lady got new smaller boobs. I think, back in the day, she was a dancer, hence the large ones. They said they weighed 30 lbs.

    Wacko, sounds like your little Lucy is doing quite well after her procedures. Puppy kisses from mese. What are you up to this weekend? Hope you and ex DH and cuz had a nice evening. I am staying home, I need to do some canning. DH should be back on Monday.

    Julie, no shopping this time, as I mentioned to Wacko, I am staying home. So glad too, as we are heading out next Thursday.

    Cami, I'm not much of a shopper either. But looking for office furniture would be more fun than clothes shopping, as least for me. But, I am not going, so doesn't matter. So glad Joey had a good time, and he is such a gentleman. Does he want to go back?

    Mary, did you get Nora? Well, good thing I refreshed or you would have been swimming yet again. YaYa is cute, are you gonna keep that title? Does she call her other g'ma that too? Funny your DH didn't want to let go of her. My rash is still there, but not quite as bad, I think my 2 week vacation helped with that. My DD knows nothing about DH. She found some angel thing that his mother gave him and thought that would give her reason to contact his brother and find out what's going on. However, they don't have a lot to say to her, but said nothing is happening and he is still in prison, that was all he said. Enjoy that baby girl, does she go home today?

    Thursday we are heading out to Colorado. It's DH's 60th birthday, we'll be home on Sunday. Taking the new truck and the new quad, so will be riding into the mountains. I imagine it will be a bit chilly too. We will visit Durango and Silverton and we are staying at a casino.

    Not sure what to have for DOTD...

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!My advice today is to buy stock in Pepto.On day two of chasing everythng I eat or drink with pepto.It is NOT FAIR to be hungry but have diarrhea every time I try to eat or drink something.Blah.

    Dara--Sadie doesn't like the smell in the bathroom!Neither do I for that matter. I know poop isn't the prettiest of smells, but why does diarrhea have to smell so much worse?

    Juliet--thanks a million!I hope this passes off quick, too!At least I'm not nauseous.

    Cammy--I've been known to go to work wearing depends when I've got the big D, but just sooo tired after being up half the night, I just didn't have it in me.And it was a beautiful day and all I did was sleep and try to eat/drink.What a waste.Oh, well. Welcome home to Joey!Sounds like he is being raised to be a true gentleman.Good for you guys!

    Genny--stubborn and toddler seem to go together like peanut butter and jelly!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Gin and Pink

    2 oz Gin

    2 dashes Bitters

    5 oz Tonic Water

    1 twist Lemon Peel


    In a highball glass almost filled with ice cubes, combine the gin, tonic water, and bitters. Stir well and garnish with the lemon twist.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

    May not be Pepto, but maybe I can drink it without trigging a bathroom run?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015

    'm might have problem yesterday but nausea back other symptoms yet.

    Camino Joey is such a gentleman. So the old witch was going to call the feds on you huh but does she know they already know you

    Lori have fun

    In work and on the kindle

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2015

    Sunset on Lake Erie...

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2015


    But what a long day...

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    NM/Julie, what the heck is going on with you two. Get better soon please!

    Love the pictures Mary.

    Pretty lonely up in here! I had a nice visit yesterday with our friend and her little boy and I put up 10 pints of beans. I hope everyone is having a good weekend!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Another late ayem for me.My bowels seem to want to be very in the middle of the night, for some reason.Gotta talk with them and get them on a better schedule, since I have to go back to work tomorrow and can't be laying around sleeping all day.Ah, well, still got lot of pepto!

    Juliet--lets hope we BOTH get over whatever this is ASAP!


    Goldie--not sure what is going on, wish it would stop!

    Prncess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:


    1 oz Everclear

    1 oz Gatorade


    Stir ingredients together in an old-fashioned glass, and serve.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

    If I MUST drink gatorade (drinking a homemade version lately) it might as well be GOOD!

  • NorthernCanuck
    NorthernCanuck Member Posts: 15
    edited July 2015

    NativeMainer: Try taking Acidophilus. It's a pro-biotic that puts the good bacteria in your digestive system and solves stomach issues. I was DX'd with Irritable bowel syndrome about 20 years ago, and a few months ago I was on antibiotics for another reason and I got diarrhea that wouldn't go away. Finally, my hubby bought the Audiophiles and I started taking it. Well, I am normal for the first time in 20 years. Awesome! He suggested this to me years ago, and I resisted. Now I'm a big fan.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2015

    Hi Ladies.

    Northern canuck are u new or did I miss something like I usually do, welll welcome and come back too, this is a great group.

    Lori I can't believe u started canning already, I thought thst was an August thing. Wow u sure are dependable and work hard--that o me is really hard work.

    Julie and NM WTF----Take whatever NC said, tho I don't know what it is, but u'd think I'd know by now, anything that helps. And personally I think u shouldn't go to work when u have this, u getting more germs to keep this going on, but don't forget I would take off when I sneezed once. LOL I'm not like any of u gals. I can't seem to get rid of this sinus infection either, it's a stubborn one. But I'm sill working LOL just not dressing for it..

    Mary I love u'r pics, and how cute Nora wanted u, but I bet u'r DH felt bad, that's all right tho cuz u felt good.

    Joey's getting ready to go to a BD party now and Lori altho he did have a good ime i seemed like he felt it was ro long to be away??? Give him a couple of yrs and it won't be long enough. And don't forget I'm a grandma talking he's not that good for sure.
    OK I worked a little last nite and again this morning, but my responsibilty ends when I messege them on the weekend. So I'll close for now.


  • NorthernCanuck
    NorthernCanuck Member Posts: 15
    edited July 2015

    Thanks camillegal! No not really new. I was here for a while in 2014 when I had ADH.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited July 2015

    hEvening everyone, hope you're all doing well

    I think I'm lost in time somewhere, my dad will be gone I thought 3 years this coming Sat but everyone and I mean everyone in my family tells me no he's just been gone a year and it will be two years this Sat. It seems much longer then that to me. I can't remember if my DD will be 25 or 26 I feel bad about that.

    Lori Thank you for that very yummy drink! It was cold here Sat morning. I got up at 5am to go to dragon boat practice and had to wear my sweatshirt. It was beautiful out though. We were the only ones out there and the lake was as calm as cold be. It was just beautiful. We paddled for 30 -40 min then came in and had techniques practice where coach just watches us individually.

    Mary I love the pictures of you and Nora and the one at the lake is awesome! I am still having headaches. Just something I have to live with since my head injury. Guess it comes with it.

    I am selling Nerium now to help supplement my income since I still have not heard about my appeal on the disability and my funds are runing low. I need to save for our trip. Its a great skin care product.

    My DIL mom will be here Wed. so now we can really get into the rest of our wedding planning. It will be lots of fun. Well starting to fall asleep. I will talk to you all later. Love you all.


    imageJackson about two min down the road from my house in y DD car He and Samarah had been swimmin at my house all day. LOl

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited July 2015


    a cooler full of jello shots might be just what we need

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Another Monday has arrived.Just checked the calendar and I'm on call tonight.Sigh.Hopefully it will be an uneventful night.I will be glad when this month is over and the week night nurse is taking weeknight call.Just a couple more weeks, just a couple more on calls, so I can do it, right?

    NorthernCanuck--I've thought about probiotics, will see if I can find some time to look for some today.This diarrhea thing is starting to happen way too often.Pull up a bar stool and join us for a drink or two!

    Cammy--Joey is in that in-between age where he is still attached to his folks and ready to branch out and explore the world, isn't he?Glad he had a good time.Glad your responsibility is over for the weekend, too!

    NorthernCanuck--welcome back!

    Collett--I have trouble keeping track of how long my Dad has been gone, and how long my Mom has lived with her partner, and all sorts of things like that.I think it comes with age and time passing.Wow, I can just imagine being out on a flat calm lake, and just paddling away!Hooray for wedding planning, sounds like a blast!Doesn't take long for the youngsters to conk out after a day of swimming, does it?Pretty cooler filler!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Dragon's Fire Jello Shots

    1 cup Vodka

    1 cup Scotch Whisky

    1 package Cherry Jello

    1 package Strawberry Jello


    Follow the instructions on the package of jello (using twice the amount since there's cherry and strawberry), and add half a cup of both the vodka and the scotch to the mixture. Freeze in plastic cups, then serve and try to stand up.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    Hi and welcome canuck!

    Cami, canning isn't really "hard" work, more so time consuming. Boy, you are right there with NM and Julie. Why in the world can't you get rid of that infection, darn it! I hope Joey had fun at the party. And yes you a grandma talking, but I know how sweet he is.

    Nancy, lost in time...oh no! Do you remember what year your DD was born? I know I have to go by that sometimes, as I will forget how old mine are. I think because I can't believe they are that old! Looks like Jackson was plum worn out! Have you met the MIL before? Enjoy the wedding planning.

    NM, are you feeling any better? Yes, you can get through this! When I first started my FU pills and had horrible explosive D, onc gave me, well shoot, I can't find it. Sorry, guess I can't tell you what he gave me!

    Jello shots for the start of the week, yummmm. DH will be home sometime later today. I'm going to try and can some tomatoes, was able to pick a few more yesterday. Will be doing labs tomorrow, so will be a bit anxious for the remainder of the week for results.

    Happy Monkey Day!

  • rebecca54
    rebecca54 Member Posts: 67
    edited July 2015

    OMG! I can't wait until my body wants to drink again! All these recipes are so tempting. I was back to enjoying cocktails right before had to go back and get another round of chemo, hoping that will happen this time too. Although my glucose levels were way up! Dr said thought it was because I wasn't fasting, I surely didn't fess up! Cheers ladies!

  • readytorock
    readytorock Member Posts: 51
    edited July 2015

    Ladies - This looks like a fun boardSmile

    So, serious question - do you all drink - or just talk about it??  I so want to enjoy a few glasses of wine a week but feel soooooo guilty!!  My MO has never told me not to drink though, so I'm assuming it can't be a mortal sin?

    What advice are you all getting regarding having a few drinks?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015

    we DRINK, not as much as we would like some days

    had the scope,gastritis and hiatel hernia ,doubled my dose of prilosec for next couple of weeks,.still kind of spacey so see you alllater