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how about drinking?



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2015

    Morning DahhhLinks!

    Mary-am getting Madison for 9 sleep overs starting this Saturday. I still have to kid proof the spare bedroom and the rest of the house. We have supplements all over. But it shouldn't take me long. Love the pic, u can have the horse, I'll take the hunk!!

    Lowee- woo weee, lots of maters and I do see lots of widdle ones, u gonna be busy.

    NM - I needs bras. Have to get a few new for the cruise, I do tho, mostly wear sports bras cuz I need pockets. Hope you find a camera that you like. Didn't think about the batts, better check mine and if nec, take extra batts.

    Julie - I'm confused about ur last sentence on ur post cant remember now, I jes kno I didn't get it...

    Dara darling - so good to see ur smiling face. You too stressed over dem rich pita's, jes glad you have you Jack!

    Mese tinks I'm missing someones....missing a lot of goils. Come back and party wif us.

    Gotta run....lubslubslubslubslublubs!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2015

    Oh yea, Lowee....I get Maddy as I mentioned to Mary, then in Sept DH and I are going to Carson City.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015

    lori-pacemaker can be same day surgery, only restriction after in keeping the l arm in a sling for 24hrs,just to prevent dislodging the leads,they will not put a pacemaker in if any infection present in the body, you just monitor the site for any signs of infection until healed, they check the pacemaker by putting a sensor over and that can tell them battery level ,how often it has been working if it is what they call a demand pacer, they set a rate and only if the heart rate falls below that will the pacer fire or if its sick sinus syndrome ,the hearts own pacemaker can go too fast or too slow so then there is a upper rate at which the pacer will fire to regulate the heart rate.and no ididn't know the tv answer! she said to me today after answering one of her calls i know i'm a pia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    sue if i'm on my kindle i don't understand what i write either

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2015

    OMG I never realize how long it's been since one day runs right into another. The little bit I did read everyone seems OK.

    Lori those maters are beautiful and loads of them, just organizing them is a job.

    Nancy I forgot this was u'r weekend here, but I was gone too. My cousin has her fireworks party every year and so many go cuz they are right on the lake in her ack yard. My cousins from WI came in this year and my sister and BIL picked up Joey and me--Joey and my BIL go crazy for this week-end every year they sit on the pier and take pics. Les was o tired after school/work all day but Jodie was there. There was way to much food and when I did go home I had to sit on a plastic bag and 2 towels, didn't feel so well (my fault) My sister didn't feel to bad but my cousin didn't feel to good, but we still had a good time. Oh and my DB is as stubborn as a horse's ass he drives himself 2x a day for his infusion and can barely walk or move--this is crazy, he doesn't want any help. That's just plain stupid to me He's got kids that can pitch in and adult grandchildren, I know I can't help but his kids could.

    I don't know how any of u work full time, I work from home and have been so so busy (almost all a/c's) I'm going in circles and I don't have to do anything else. it's been crazy and starting at 7am, it's so hot and humid, the other nite Dan worked til 11PM and I was on the phone with the customer for stupid reasons, since they know my name I think they think when they have an idea they want to talk to me. I told Dan stop them from doing this, and what does he say? Oh they love u like we do. Yea right just give me hazard pay then. All u girls are amazing working and I mean it. I think that's why my days are running together.

    Joey goes back to school in 3 weeks ugh and Marty was laid off for possibly 2 weeks going to a lot of interviews---another field of dreams going up in smoke here. Well at least Leslie is picking up more hrs at school, she has to go to work. The only thing she really hates doing is removing hair from men's backs, they're not like our tenders.LOL She can only massage up to 10 mins. cuz she's not licensed so she likes that and sill can't do it to anyone who has had or has cancer so she will never do it for me. Brat No one has come in for makeup, but she's learned that a long time ago, but she does like putting together the serums for each person and their skin type. So it's not bad at all. OK enough about nothing.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2015

    Just popping in to try and make it 7 out of 7, hafta go to bed now, I'll stay longer tomorrow,,nighty night and sweet dreams.

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited July 2015

    Love that Jenny!

    Hope everyone is well. Looks like congratulations are in order for Nancy.

    I'm so tired. Haven't been sleeping good at all. Last chemo yesterday. I don't need a drink, I need a good drunk night. A good wine buzz to ride *sigh* couple more weeks. I'm not much of a drinker typically, but all this, kids, life..Yea, I need a good wine buzz.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Another warm and sticky day shaping up today.Almost turned the AC on in the bedroom last night, probably will tonight if it gets as warm as predicted--close to 90 degrees with dew temps in the 60's.Just a bit sticky, that's for sure, but so far the fans have been handling things nicely.


    Goldie--I am looking for a camera with a rechargeable battery, one that will hold enough charge to last a whole day.My experience with rechargeable batteries is that they don't last long.But that was years ago, I'm sure they are better now.I thought the same thing when I saw theWonder Bra drink!Figured would get a chuckle out of people.Wow, that is a l lot of maters!


    Mema--9 Madison sleepovers, YEAH!Taking batteries with you is a good idea, they are very expensive on cruise ships.Fortunately they don't take up much space or weigh very much to pack.


    Juliet--seems the Kindle has it's own language.Maybe we need to create a translation app?


    Cammy!Good to see you!Does stubborn run in your family?It does in mine and it's enough to drive one to drink trying to get someone to accept a little help!Sounds like you are getting quite a following of callers at work.They must really enjoy talking with you!Back to school in 3 weeks?Wow, that seems quick, but I guess it always does.Glad Leslie is getting more hours, it takes time to build up that kind of client base.


    Genny--Sweet dreams!


    Simplicity--Welcome to the Lounge!What's your fav libation?


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Texas Sunset

    1 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Apricot Brandy

    3/4 oz White Rum

    1 oz Lemon Juice

    2 oz Orange Juice

    1/2 oz Sugar Syrup

    3/4 oz Grenadine

    1 tsp Egg White


    Shake all ingredients (except grenadine) briefly with three-quarters of a glassful of broken ice. Pour unstrained into a collins glass, sprinkle grenadine on top, and serve unstirred.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    3 out of 7 today. Not so good.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited July 2015

    Morning everyone. Hope your week is going well.

    Man my memory has been really off this week. I thought my neuro psych appointment was at 11 yesterday. I drove into the parking lot at the hospital and they are calling me to find out if I am ok because I was late. My appointment was at 10, I had to reschedule for Friday. Then I went to get my nails done and had 1pm down and they were du at pm it was scheduled for 2. I was like ok wow!

    Lori wow your garden looks great! Mine not so much! The rain has pretty much drowned m=ine

    Cami I wished I could have met up with you while I was in town but we will baack.

    Gotta go get my hair done. Love you all

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    LDB, 9 days with Maddy, how fun! She is such a little sweetie. I'm so glad I got to spend time with you and her. What's the attraction in Carson City?

    Julie, thank you for explaining the pace maker. Not as dangerous as open heart surgery, whew!

    Cami, I'm glad time just got away from you. We miss you when you are not here. I can relate to long conversations with customers, I have those too! Good luck to Marty in finding a different job. And almost time for school to start, summer goes by way too fast. Fireworks party sounds like it was fun, just sorry about you not feeling well in the end.

    Good job Mary...see you later today I guess.

    Hi Simplicity and welcome. Wishing you that great wine buzz very soon! Who is Jenny? Oh I see, it's Genny. That is actually her sweet mommy's name, who is no longer with us. HER name is Mary. But you wouldn't know that.

    NM, the battery in the camera isn't your typical rechargable battery. Of course I don't use my camera daily, but it goes months before I have to charge it, and I have two batteries, so I can keep one as a spare.

    Nancy, I can totally relate to the mind going. I really notice it with the FU pills. Oh well, nuttin we can do about it. I sure hope you can meet up with Cami some day, she is such a gem. And her DD, SIL and Joey are as well. They made me feel so welcome. Bummer that the rain ruined your garden, and it's not like you can start again. Well, you might with some cold weather crops, beans, lettuces and other leafy stuff, maybe peas?

    All of my maters aren't quite ripe enough to start canning. Might do some zucchini relish, I have lots of zucchini! Not much you can do with those and they get so big so fast!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Julie - LOL about using ur kindle. Do u want to pm me ur email and I'll send you my flight itinerary?

    Lowee - Sawee to hear about ur mom, but from what Julie says it doesn't seem so bad. I would imagine a lot would depend on if she's healthy enuf to be put under. That seems like the danger with lots of elderly peeps. Will say some prayers for her, keep us posted. The Carson City trip is DH's gig. He is a delegate for Retired Public Employees of Nevada (RPEN) and this is a yearly 3 day meetings/gatherings etc. So I guess we're gonna make a widdle vacay outta it. 2 more days and I get Maddy. I bought her a little music box that has "I love you to the moon and back". Got it in one of the cities during CA/OR road trip. Also got her 2 bling-bling hair pins. They fit in the music box. Can't wait to see her face.

    Simplicity - get your wine on…u deserve it, Congrats on finishing chemo! Just remember to rest as much as you can…you'll bounce soon.

    Cami - sounds like you have been toooo busy too lately. Lots of fun you had but sawee you weren't feeling well. Prayers still going out for your DB, men can be really hard headed can't they? Can't believe school starts next month, glad to be getting Maddy….wish my Andrew Michael was in town. Sigh!

    Mary - hope you get some good rest.

    NM - saw on the news the heat wave ya'll are having. I can handle 90 but the humidity wud kill me. Glad your fans are keeping ya comfy. Thanks for the tip on the expense on the cruise for batts.

    Nancy - LOL, sawee but funny about ur appts. I can understand your frustration tho, I hate when I mess my schedule up.

    Hmmm - my last few posts have copied correctly, prior it posted with 4 or 5 extra spaces between paragraphs, glad it's bixed now tho.

    It's almost TGIF for you working girls....hope ya'll survive til then.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!TGIF, except that I'm on call this weekend.Oh well, this too shall pass.And I'll get another $30 for the weekend.Going to have to splurge with the extra pay!


    Collett--uggh, getting dates and times wrong for appointments, what an embarrassment!Hate when that happens.


    Goldie-- a spare battery sounds like a great idea!Sounds like rechargeable batteries have improved since the days since I last used one.Do you ever make zucchinicake? Makes a really moist cake, can be all kinds of flavors, very versatile, and a good way to get some more veggie in the diet, at least for me.


    Mema--yup, summer finally caught up with us.I ran the AC in the bedroom last night, slept great!Looks like I'll need to run it again tonight, from the sounds of the weather report.


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    uly Passion

    1 oz Strawberry Liqueur

    1 oz Pineapple Juice

    1 oz Passion fruit Juice

    1 oz Lemonade


    Shake and strain into an old-fashioned glass three-quarters filled with broken ice. Add lemonade, garnish with a sugar-dipped strawberry, and serve.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    3 out of 4 today!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015

    good morning on my kindle.Will send you my email later sue.have a wonderful day people

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    Mema, 1 more day til Maddy! 9 days is a lot, vacation time for her parents!

    NM, I've made zucchini bread, not cake though. I'm just not a big sweet eater. Look at that fan! I'll bet that works! I hope the weekend is quiet for you.

    Julie, you have a good day too....not only a full moon tonight, but a BLUE one at that!

    I'm gonna try and get some canning done today. We need to spend one day at our other warehouse preparing for a camping trip. DH got the beds and cabinet fixed. We are leaving on Wednesday, heading to Moab. I think I'll put a little vodka in my Uly cocktail, sounds yummy, just not enough likker!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinKs!

    Can't believe it is the last day of July. Still haven't received my renewed MJ card in the mail. Been over a month since I sent in the renew app. ugh!

    NM - very clever fan idea. Use that extra $30 toward a new camera. I got mine out, battery dead, one of those thin flat one. May have to shop for new one too. Lost my recharge cord and computer transfer cord. jeezzz I've lost my mind!! Nearly lost mese coffee when I saw the cuke pic...LOL!

    Julie - Okie dokie

    Lowee - yeppers. mom and dad going to the Bahamas. They went last year or year before and we had her for 9 sleepovers. She's 6 now and so smart, but without AM, gonna be lots of attention needed from me. Know it will wear me out, but I'll still love every second of it. Have a wonderful time in Moab and stay safe.

    Got nails and lashes this morning so hafta git moving.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2015

    Hi girls, again I am just popping in quick...don't know where the time keeps going. Dh is golfing tomorrow morning and I'm thinking it will be a good time to play ketchup here. I have been reading everything.Went to my new MO today and I love, love, love her! So happy, wish I would've found her last year when I started all this chit. Anyway, she just wants to see me every 6 months and she ordered a bone scan for Aug 21, hopefully everything will be fine.

    Simplicity, welcome to the lounge!

    Lori, I can't believe how many maters!

    Sweet dreams all, I should see you in the morning...sweet dreams!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2015

    Hello everyone. Hope you all had a good day.

    Lori I wish I knew how to can. That is somethnig that I always wanted to learn how to do but never really did learn. My MIL used to can and had a really good recipe for pickles. OMG they were so good. She had passed away but I can still remember her cooking.

    NM I loved the cartoon. Lol I was embarrassed that I messed up my appointments so bad but it is what it is right? When you have a TBI and chemo / radiation brain I guess you gotta do what you gotta do.

    My DD and sister are throwing me a birthday party for my 50th birthday. LOl the furnny part is they want to have it hat my house and I had to make my own invite on facebook because they didnt have any access to my friends likst. Well starting to fall asleep. Love you all and talk to you tonaarrow am

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Good Morning Ladies--honestly I don't know where the time is going I don't even leave my room. LOL

    SusyQ Maddy for all those days. Good for u and fun for u. Don't forget to get some rest too.

    Mary u sound like u've really been busy. Good that u get a good nite's rest.

    Lori I'm glad u got the good 'splaining for the heart thingy (I can not remember the name) we've got nurses that we can count on here and they are wonderful. And Lori I pray u'r feeling the best u can, and don't pay any attention to me when I complain, cuz u know how dramatic I am.

    Julie (((HUGS)))

    NM ick on call this weekend I hope too it's a quiet one. And these drinks are getting better and better and I love u'r pics--so cute.

    Simplicity Welcome to our Lounge as we virtually celebrate something with our virtual male tenders a lot.

    Nancy I'm sorry I missed u, and don't feel bad about u'r memory, first u have so much better things to think about anyway, after a while u get so tired of Drs. u do tend to put it on the back part of u'r brain, Hell I forget whole days I'm supposed to go, of course I'm not a good example.

    Well Joey and 2 of his friends made these silly placks out of wood, probably from some construction site they weren't supposed to go, painted them all differently and made a total of 110.00 so far, today is the last day--so he asked Marty to take him to Starbucks and bought me a coffee--I love their coffee. And he put in Windows 10 in his computer, tried o show me some things, well that didn't go over well with me, I barely know Windows 7, but as mad as his parents are that I encourage him to learn how to hack, I have my reasons. OK I think these wars are going to go on and on and if he knows a computer super well he'll be to valuable to put in line, they'll want to use him with the computer and so many know computers now he has to be super at it. U all know I'm crazy and that's how I think. So there is a method to my madness

    My boss was here yesterday and brought his dog and our dog played so nice with him. They played for about 15 minutes in our back yard and was so cute and no one took one pic. Joey wasn't home.

    OK I haven't seen Dara here, what's going on. it's past July now and we should know some stuff or did I miss it somehow, cuz u know I miss things. I never mean to really and I never mean to stay away either. This is now the only thread I go on, I have never been so busy with work before after all this time and more involved with customers, I really actually forgot how to work with discipline (maybe cuz I'm home) Oh well, our busy season will be over for a while and that's not so good, so they have to work like fools.

    OK I'm blabbering on and on again so I'll close for now and hopefully check in later.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    LDB, I hope you can get that card SOON. I forgot to mention, we have been selling large quantities of soaker hose in CO. The guy that was buying no longer works there, and was using a gmail account for his email. Well, someone else from the company ordered the other day, and used the business email it's a huge medical MJ producer! Tell Maddy I said hello.

    Mary, nuclear bone scan or bone density? You up yet?

    Nancy, canning is really quite easy, it's more time consuming than hard. I wish I had a good pickle recipe, where they turned out CRISP. How have you been feeling?

    NM, I hope you and Sadie are having an enjoyable, cuddly morning and you have a call free weekend!

    Cami, are there pictures from the fireworks party?

    Made some salsa yesterday, recipe said it would do 10 pints. They lied, it only did 6!

    DOTD -

    3 parts Crop Tomato Vodka
    1 part dry vermouth
    Fresh basil leaf

    Not sure if the picture will show or not, until I hit submit!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2015

    Morning girls, I'm finally here to spend some time in the lounge, at least until the pooches drive me too crazy. Right now Junior is running laps around the coffee table trying to get Emma to chase him. We can't seem to wear these dogs out anymore. Yesterday morning I took them for a 2 1/2 mile run, then in the afternoon they were all wound up again and Rick took them to the woods and let them run till they could hardly stand, it was 85 degrees! Then we had MIL over for dinner and the whole evening they were barking at every noise and running around playing, they are like hyper kids! Moose just came in from a night of prowling and went right upstairs to let Gloria have it. Ugh, if he were human he would be such a pig! OK, since I've got time I'll have a make that 2. May I say again how thrilled I am to have found this new MO. She wants me to see a rheumatologist since my last dexascan showed osteopenia. Do any of you have it? Anyway the office staff was great and her nurse even gave me a hug when I left. What a difference from when I got chemo, I was in and out of there for 4 months and the receptionist greeted me each time with... name? Our condo neighborhood is having a garage sale in a few weeks so I am going to start piling up our crap in the basement to sell. Hope we can sell some of it. Anyway...enough boring stuff about me...

    Lori, I cannot believe your produce! It looks like a full time job, I don't know how you do it! They picking and weeding alone, and then to have to can it all! Must be so nice to have all those goodies every winter. The peaches here are so good right now, Id love to can them but, every year I say I will but I never do. How is your rash since your FU vacay, did it help or did it come right back again. I sure hope your TM's go back down, I asked my MO about them but she doesn't run them either. I may push her on it next time. Hope you have a great camping vacay, does your garden just have to fend for itself while you're gone?

    Simplicity, welcome to the lounge, pull up a bar stool, have some virtual wine and tell us a bit about yourself. Hope you get to have the real thing soon. I did drink a bit with chemo, always 2 days before I was due again. Course my chemo didn't work so maybe don't take advice from me!

    NM, yay for work getting easier, it's about time, you've had a rough summer. Love the redneck air conditioner. Extra pay is nice ceptin for no liker when yer on call! Hope you and Sadie get some good relaxing time and now one needs you to work this weekend.

    Sue, so glad to here you are getting some Maddy time, don't forget to take lots of pics. I hear ya on the getting worn out but loving every second. 9 days, wow that's a long time, not sure I could survive that with Nora but maybe when she's 6. I'm going Monday night to hang out with my buddies and stay over to watch Nora on Tuesday while her mom works. Hope you get your MJ card soon, how often do you have to renew it? Did you find out if you can take it on the cruise since you have a script?

    Cami, sorry to hear you been working so much. Hope today is a good day for you with no need for towels and plastic bags. Your brother sounds like a stubborn man, prolly too proud to accept help from his kids. Sounds like a guy thing. Ugh to waxing men's of my hairy Italian 80 year old residents asked me if I could wax his arms and back! I told him I don't have that much wax... I only do eyebrows. Not to mention the pain of it would prolly give him a heart attack! He comes in and makes me color his hair and moustache black and it looks so ridiculous, and then he wants his moustache shaved like Clark Gable!. The first time I called his son to make sure it was ok (didn't know if he was confused) and he said his dad was having the time of his life since he moved there and if he wanted it purple that was ok. All the old ladies talk about him cause he unbuttons his shirt and wears gold chains and thinks he's a stud and his big hairy belly hangs over his paints and sticks out under his shirt. Anyway, hope everybody in your family feels better and poor Marty and the job situation, hope he finds something better soon.

    Nancy, my brain doesn't work much of the time, my memory isn't worth a chit and I haven't had a TBI. I keep saying it's that the friggin rolodex in my head is too full and it takes a long time to find the right card. I have to write everything down. Yesterday I went to the grocery store to pick upmy prescription for my AI and came home with groceries and went to take it and bedtime and realized I never got it. Hope you like your haircut.

    Julie, working this weekend? Hope not and if you do hope the ER is quiet.

    OK, do any of you fellow cruisers know what time we debark? I was looking at plane tickets but wasn't sure about the coming home part and can't seem to find it on the paperwork.

    Have a good day all....

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2015

    So I see Lori and I are both swimming, thanks for the bump in the pewl Cami!

    Lori, it's a nuclear bone scan, love the martini but I'll be using vodka.

    Cami, Joey sounds like quite the entrepreneur.

    Dara, you've been posting so seldom that I forgot you, please come back, we miss you!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Cami, join me in the pool, at the swim up bar. I'll have the Tenders swim over with cocktails. You are too funny, wanting Joey to learn how to hack. And you are not a drama mama. Joey must have been really proud of the money he made, wow!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Another bump! Mary, praying for a clean scan. The more, the merrier in the pool!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday!Should be a good weekend even though I am on back up call.Only supposed to be called to go out in an emergency--two deaths at the same time, primarily, and since there isn't anyone actively dying right now that shouldn't happen this weekend.Only a couple of scheduled visits for the weekend nurse, so she should be just fine.We'll see how it goes, though.Lovely sunny day, the humidity cleared out last night, didn't even need the AC last night.


    Hi, Juliet!Happy Kindleing!


    Goldie--I was thinking there wasn't much likker in the cocktail, too.And it's SUPPOSED to be "July Passion" cocktail, I missed the "J" when I copied the recipe!Camping is fun, haven't gone in years, used to go tenting quite frequently.Maybe again, some day.


    Mema--Losing the cords to things is a pain in the anatomy.If it's not too old a camera it should have a standard size connection and replacement cords, or even one you already have in the house for something else should fit it if you don't want to get a new camera.But it's a good excuse to go for a new one if that's what you want!


    Genny--Hooray on finding a good MO! That makes a huge difference.


    Collett--I don't have the excuse of TBI or chemo brain, and I mess up on appointments pretty regularly, so I say let's blame the appointment system for our forgetfulness, not our brains!Had to send out your own B-day party invites?Funny!The world surely has changed!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Absinthe Minded Martini

    1/2 oz Grand Marnier

    3 oz Gin

    Dry Vermouth

    Orange Peel

    1/2 oz Absinthe


    Properly chill 1 cocktail glass. In mixing glass with ice, pour gin and absinthe, and stir. In your cocktail glass, roll 1/2 oz of dry vermouth and throw away the excess. Strain other ingredients into cocktail glass and float 1/2 oz of grand marnier over top. Garnish with orange peel.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    image alt="Image result for silly good morning">

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Holy chit there's a bunch of us in the pewl, with plenty of drinks thanks to the tenders and their good manners.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    OK I'm back--I have to tell u I used windows 10 for a very little bit and u can talk to it. This woman's voice says how can I help u? Her name is (oh I forgot) something like Cannibus but not that and she looks things up for u. So my whole point is u don't even have to know how to spell or type, now that is a feature for me, for shoah.

    Question--Have any of u gotten mosquito or those little fly bites at all? See the things I think about and I've been working too. And when Joey and I were having our coffee this morning he said he's put some pics of the fireworks on here for u all to see (later) Hopefully he'll remember

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2015

    Evening girls, I'm purdy drunk, bin out with my hubby tonight listening to music and lotsa wine.. so going too bed now'''DARA!!!! where the hail are yer drunkin posts!! I miss them!!! Anyway sweet dreams, love you girls.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Had fun yesterday watching the thunderstorms going around where I live--could hear the occasional rumble of thunder, see the clouds in the distance, got about 3 raindrops here all afternoon.Good thing I went ahead and watered the deck garden!Found me a new digital camera-- a Fuji, 16 megapixel, has good reviews, and I got it for about half price--my electric company has a rewards program, I cashed in the points I had and got a gift card for about half the cost of the camera.Also bought a 32 Gb memory card for it.I should have it in about a week!

    Fujifilm - JX665 16.0-Megapixel 5 X Wide Opt Zoom Digital Camera - Indigo Blue

    Cammy--I just got an offer to reserve an upgrade to Windows 10, free.Sounds like it's a good thing I took it, I can really use a system I can talk to!That is definitely a fun new feature!I do get mosquito and black fly and noseeum bites, don't like it, but mosquito is the Maine state bird from May through November!Can't wait to see the fireworks pics!


    Genny--sounds like a great evening--good company, wine, music.


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:In honor of the Bangor State Fair going on now (Biggest Aggi Fair in Maine):

    Ferris Wheel

    1 oz Brandy

    1 1/2 oz Sambuca


    Pour the Sambuca and brandy into a mixing glass half-filled with ce cubes. Stir well, and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a twist of lemon, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.


