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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    4 out of 5 posted today!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    LDB, I agree that we shouldn't have to pay for the motor home, but we thought it the right thing to at least offer. When we did our house, we put the counters higher, because we are so tall. I think the height is that of a bathroom? Oh dear, the finger prints on the fridge would bug me too!

    NM, 60 hours a week is way too much, unless you get that extra pay, then it might be worth it. Glad Sadie had a good day with you. LOL at the ice maker! Pictures are a pain lately, I find saving them on the computer first works best, but I don't want to load up a bunch of pics that I don't care to keep...oh well.

    Love that lil Nora, Mary. Molly is sure a good friend, to give you her house for a party whilst she is away. And I will gladly join you for some salad and such!!! I hope you don't catch what your DH has. And it's not unusual for new gals to drop in, stay for awhile and then leave, never to be seen again.

    Cami, you and your sister are so close and I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. Sending prayers your way. I will need to look up sepsis. Glad Marty is ok. And I hear you about the phone ringing! I'm getting tired of my job too.

    Nancy, my grandkids are out of control. They are 9 and 6 now, but the youngest just picked up all of her older brother's habits. It's the fault of the parents though, not the children. Cute pic of the boys though! Paddles up...wooo hoooo!

    Julie, I think that is the same beach that Cyndie goes to? Hate those steroids!

    Dara, is work the only thing keeping you away, or is there something more going on???

    Well, my TM's took a rise. Went from in the 60's up into the 70's. Onc thinks it might have something to do with the 2 weeks I took off, and the fact that I feel so good and no pain. So, just have to wait until next labs. Gots lots more maters and beans to harvest, and my cukes and zuch's!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015

    good afternoon all

    yes lori.that is a cyndi lou who beach! ThumbsDownon the tm's i hope its just a tempory spike, wow your so good on all the canning

    nm- good for you having a lazy day, its raining a lot today so thats been me too!

    nancy -hope your day is going racingly well

    enjoy your vacation mary

    hello dara-enjoy your drink

    cammi-thinking of you and hope your brother is feeling better

    well my nephew is a little toad,he said your going to be a great aunty, knowing him to be a joker,i told him if its true thats wonderful news but then he said its not true but they have set the date for their wedding so almost has good! so next august 3rd 2016, must start hat shopping

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited July 2015


    We won Gold!! We won all 3 races today!!! The other boat on my team came in third and got bronze.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015

    well done nancy and crew, congratulations

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2015

    Woohoo Nancy!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good Sunday Morning, Loungettes!Had a lively sleep in this ayem, with Sadie curled up next to me with her head on my shoulder.Very warm and cuddly on a chilly morning.Now enjoying a nice cup of coffee and ketchuping on the 'puter.


    Goldie--Yup. 60 hours is too much, but there was a big drop in that last week, and we start re-aligning the assignments this coming week, so I will be a bit less spread out geographically, and getting my caseload down to where it should be, and that will make things a lot better.I actually hada couple of 8 hour days last week!So things are looking up in that regard, and I am very happy.Pics probably would work better from my computer, but like you, I don't want to load up the computer with pics and clip art that I just use once.Speaking of pics, the camera on my phone has stopped working (I keep getting an error message that says it can't connect to the cameral) so I have to dig out my little digital camera and start using that.Looking a getting a new one that is smaller and won't eat up batteries like the current one, just started doing some research on that.Hmm on the TMs bumping up.Glad you feel good, though. And I've got cukes coming on my plant on the deck, too!Not going to have a harvest like yours, but I'm happy with it!


    So, any one got any digital camera reviews?I'm particularly interested in battery life, ease of changing batteries or recharging, ease of connecting to a PC to manage the pics taken, and, of course, quality of pics.Thanks, Ladies!


    Juliet--I had a totally lazy day, got nothing done housework wise, but did get some educational stuff done.I'm working my way through a Train the Trainer program so I will be qualified to teach at work--I love teaching pain management to nursing home staff and Hospice 101 in lots of settings.I'm also the go-to person in the office for computer stuff, so I figured I need to get the certification so I can do it formally.So your nephew is getting married, what fun!Hope you find a wonderful hat!


    Collett--CONGRATULATIONS!Gold and Bronze on the same team, very nice!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    The Gold Medal


    Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Add 1 ounce Goldschlager, 1 ounce dark rum, a squeeze of lemon juice and a dash of orange bitters. Shake, then strain into an ice-filled glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    5 for 5 today!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    Auntie Julie, of course you are a good auntie! I too hope the spike is just a flook and temporary.

    Nancy, HUGE congrats on the GOLD. How exciting!

    NM, I have a digital camera that has a square battery in it and it's rechargeable. Size is about 1" x 1" and maybe 1/8" thick. Not sure of the model, it's currently in the truck. Yes, my harvest has been huge! I'll be canning today.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015

    imagewith all the rain here,need something to take me to a dry tropical paradise

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Hey DorkaDara!!! We miss you too, stinking rich snobs, taking up so much of your time. Hope you've had some poolside libation this weekend. Don't stay away so long. I try to be better too.

    Booked my flight to Orlando. Here I come DW!!! Now have to find a hotel between airport and Port Canaveral, then I'll be set. Am coming in Sunday the 24th and leaving Sat morning the 30th. WooHoo, can't wait!!

    Julie - allergies are the pits, I'm still suffering from the dreaded drip, drip, drip! Hope the steriods do their job. I'll pm you once I have my hotel situated. U wear a hat to weddings? And jes so everyone knows, I'd share my room night b4 we leave and night after getting in, so anyone interested jes speak up.

    NM - loving all the pics and that DOTD! Glad you had a few 8 hour days and got more caught up. Wish I could help u with the phone cam or a new one. The one Lowee talks about sounds perfect. That one pic of the blue hat, I thot those adornments were roaches….ick! LOL

    Lowee - not good news at all, but good u are least feeling 'no pain'. You jes sooo busy with ur canning, remember to rest your back often. I been outside cleaning the old 'garage' frig. Friends will be by later to get it. My back is already killing me. Will b taking a rest soon as I finish this post. We HAVE to go to store today, but it'll have to be later. UGH!

    Nancy - HOORAY HOORAY on taking the gold. So PROUD of you girl!

    To all I'm missing….have a GR8 Sunday!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2015

    Hi girls, had fun this weekend, very tired and going to bed soon. Family get together was great... and some work. Molly's house so relaxing.



    Here's our group....Too tired now..sweet dreams...

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited July 2015

    Finally back home after a long great weekend of Dragon boat racing!! I am proud to say I am no longer a Dragon boat virgan! OMG what fun! There were teams from Boston, Philly, South Carolina, Florida, Canada, Vermont, Chicago, IN (us lol) and not sure where else but 4 teams in our division ( The Neutragena Womens Breast Cancer Division) Indy SurviveOars Ledgens (my boat) won all 3 races and took gold medal and champions in our Division. Indy SurviveOars Stars (the other boat we had ) took the bronze medal. It was such a great experience and then they have a BCS ceremony that is just awesome. Here are some pictures I am in row 9 the first rrace on the left and row 10 the second race on the left and row 10 on the right.


    Our Bronze and Gold Medals


    Team picture ( I know my hair is a damn hot mess lol)


    Ledgens holding up trophy I am way in the back you cant see me lol


    Our trophy


    This is me after our race


    Im not sure which race this is I think it is the second one because we are in the lead and my DH took the pictures. But he says that it is us and it does look like our drummer.


    Us racing


    Me getting off the boat


    A friend of mines photos. I thought they were neat she sent them to me.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good Monday morning, Loungettes! Foggy and raining are the weather words of the day.Love the cool nights, though, cuz Sadie gets up on the bed and cuddles.I think I sleep better with her on the bed, but that may be all in my head.

    Goldie--lots and lots of canning in your future!Nice harvest!A 1 x 1 inch camera?Is that even big enough to hold on to?I'll have to look for one like that at a store.

    Juliet--Love the drink!

    Mema--Hooray for booking the flight!I'm sure you'll find a great hotel.I still need to find one for the 29th, flying home the 30th, too.Hmm, those cukes on the hat DO look like roaches, I didn't notice!Yuck!

    Genny--nice pics, looks like you had a great time, YEAH!

    Collett--Congrats on winning medals!WONDERFUL pics!Looks like you all had a great time.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    image alt="">

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    LDB, I would love to see more of your beautiful face. It's just been so quiet in here. Used to take me more than an hour to read and reply to everyone. Now only about 10 minutes. Is your hair coming in? And I'm so sorry about your back. I remember from when you were here, but you keep pluggin away!

    Wow Mary, that is quite the group. And I see you have Ms Nora! And what a cute pic of you and DH. How do you all sleep? Do they bring tents and campers?

    Nancy, the boat racing does look like a lot of fun. Congratulations!

    NM, the camera is not that small, the battery is! LOL! Mine is a Nikon Coolpix S8200. I'm sure there are new models out, as mine is a few years old. Nice that you got some Sadie Cuddles! Hope you can have an 8 hour day today and the rest of the week actually!

    Well, I got another dozen jars of beans. I can't believe we have so many, and I have 6 large zucchinis, 3 yellow and 3 green. Made a tomato/basil pesto yesterday and had it over angel hair pasta. Oh my, it was so yummy. Of course DH didn't care for it. Never made pesto before. Need to do tomatoes today, but Monday's are always our busy day for the business, but things are starting to slow down, thank goodness!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2015

    Morning DahhhLinks!

    NM - that roach thing was just at first glance. That camera Lowee posted looks poifeck for the cruise, hope u can find one like it.

    Lowee - wow, u been busy with the canning. Must feel so rewarding to have such a fresh stock of veggies on hand. I've never made pesto but have bought it and used it in recipes. Not too fond of it personally. It has been quiet, don't kno what's happening with all our girls. I keep praying for them all tho.

    Nancy - Love all the pics, they're gr8! I can tell you are very proud of yourself and your teammates. I'm envious too.

    Mary - quite the brood. gr8 pics, but I too wonder where everyone beds down.

    Got my cleaning crew coming in an hour....gotta straighten up, LOL!


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited July 2015

    Hello everyone, I realize that I have been absent for a long time; however, I am still around and relatively well. I fell into a deep, dark well and am still working on getting out of it, but the sides are slippery and there are very few handholds. I haven't even read the previous posts so I have not got a clue what is going on in your lives, but I hope that everyone is also relatively well and moving ahead happily.

    Hugs, love & light,


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited July 2015

    Hey everyone!

    Mary love your family pictures! You guys look great! We used to have a big family but everyone is pretty much gone now.

    Lori your veggies look really good! We got a few things from our garden. Mainly Speg. Squash. The rain has ruined pretty much everything except the squash and the pumpkins.

    NM love the Gold Medal Drink I will have to try it.

    I found out today that I got chosen to be on the competative team for Jacksonville FL for our last race Sept 26-28. I am so excited! And I got a really nice complement from our Coach.

    Its been a great weekend.

    Love you girls and where is Dara? I miss her

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Things are moving at work,Today I will be transferring 2 patients to one of the new nurses.Wihle that doesn't sound like a lot, oneof them is a solid hour's drive away and will make a huge difference in managing my time.I don't really want to give over either patient, but the new nurse lives near them and it will be better for everyone in the long run.I'm getting back a facility I've had before, it's only 10 minutes from the office.So things are looking up at work, finally!


    Goldie--Aha!That makes a lot more sense, a smaller battery, not a tiny camera!The Nikon looks like a cute little camera, is that the one you use to take pics of your harvests and garden?Those are good pics! Sounds like yummy pesto.I just recently realized that pesto can be made with different herbs, not just basil.Slow learner, I guess.


    Mema--That camera does look like a good one, for sure!I'll definitely have a new camera by cruise time.I've been wondering where everyone is, too.Hope they are all out having a great summer.


    Red!Long time, no see!That well can be a real job to climb out of.Keep working, and keep looking for the ropes we're throwing you.Don't worry about doing ketchup, jump in where you are and keep in touch!


    Collett--Way to go, getting no the competitive team!


    Calling Dara!Report to the Lounge ASAP!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Watermellon Zinger

    1 part Watermelon Schnapps

    1 part Sprite

    2 parts (Cold) Lemonade


    Combine the ingredients and serve cold or over ice.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    3 out of 5 today

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    LDB, I hate that it's so quiet in here, I miss our girls and our fun. I wish I could have a cleaning crew! Doubt I could get anyone to come here and I'm pretty anal about how things should get done. I just don't get around to it as often as I would like. Especially during our busy time with the business and gardening.

    Hi Red, good to see you. Come and vent whenever you like, this is the best place to do it!

    Nancy, congrats on the racing and being chosen to be on the competative team.

    NM, a lot of times I just use my iPhone for pictures, cuz I can put them right on FB. From the camera, I have to take the SD card out, put it in the computer, download the photos and then post. So iPhone is just easier. I do like my camera. I think we paid like $200-$300 for it, so it wasn't cheap! The pesto was super yummy and super easy and totally vegetarian. Not that I'm one, but I do love my veggies. Posting pictures lately has been a real PITA.

    Dara, I see you peeking your head in the door. Now just get the rest of your bod in here! Can I entice you with some GJ?

    Finally canned my maters last night. Started at 5 and finished at 10. Got 7 quarts!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!

    Nancy - congrats are being picked for the competitive team....u go get em girl!

    Red - I kno, well we prolly all kno about the wabbit hole. Been there often, and it is hard to get up and out. But I'm beside NM throwing ya da ropes...grab one when the feeling strikes ya and we'll pull ya out. (((Red)))

    NM - It can be a good thing to sleep in, especially with your work load. Glad one of the other nurses is taking couple pts from ya and that you get moved to a closer facility. Gotta make things a little easier.

    Lowee - good for you and all them canned maters. My phone doesn't take good pics so will b taking another. It is about the same size as my phone and it also does video, got a long strap so it hangs well around my neck.

    Dara - we're waiting fer com'on and party with us.

    Dh out washing the car, then he wants to do the bills...woohoo! Gotta watch him tho as he's still not sure bout a few things. Hope later to get a nap as I got up at 5:30. UGH! Then mayb go to dinner and have a few dwinks. Yak at ya'll later, have a good day!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2015

    mese here to partay ~ hiccup

    Hello Deb, nice to see you.

    Lori, I will try to do better.

    Nancy, a big congrats on the huge win, woooooooooooooo hoooooo!

    Where is Cam? Did not see her when skimming.

    NM, love yer picture posts, reminds me of when mese was a widdle loungette tehehe!

    Love the pics Nancy and Mary. Only have time to browse de photos and skim de posts. gotta git back to working with mese snubby n filthy rich mf'ers...hate 'em!

    Love you all. And a big DorKy Hailo to eberybuddy in de lounge.

    Lori, I will try to do better. Gawsh, I miss ya. ohhhh, GJ, love it ~hiccup ~~~~~~~~~~~ burp, oops, that scnuck on outta mese mouth, swwwry!

    Nancy, a big congrats on the huge win, woooooooooooooo hoooooo!

    Where is Cam? Did not see her when skimming.

    SuZ, good to see yer purdy face.

    ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch chhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeerZ!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015

    good afternoon all

    red,we will dangle as many ropes as you need!

    lori-good for you with the canning, wish i had a green thumb

    nm-ThumbsUphere's to a better working patternHappy, well busy monday in work, we have several people who increase our load right now, we tend to answer their lights in rotation of staff but monday nights call bell summons was the ultimate, they asked me did i know the tv show that had 2 fat kids and a grandfather!

    cammi-know your dealing with a lot right now so here's lots og hugs and kisses for you

    NANCY-WELL DONEThumbsUpHappy

    sue-send your cleaning crew my way ,been so lazy lately


    back in work tomorrow

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2015

    Hi girls, I read all posts yesterday but that's it. Went golfing with Molly today, it's hot here close to 90. Yesterday I drove downtown to attempt to get my medical records from University Hospital. I sent a request and called twice and left messages and no one would call me back. I have appt with Cleveland Clinic oncologist on Friday and they still haven't gotten the records. Anyway, I drove downtown to be told they never got my written request and it would take 7-10 days to get them in my hands or have them forwarded to new doc. But she said if I take permission paper to new doc, have them fax it saying urgent that they would send it right over. So I took it to new MO secretary and she said she would do that, they called again today to say they still didn't have the records......uggghhhh, what a pain in my ass.

    NM, woohoo for getting new nurse going and less driving, so happy for ya... and yay for snuggling time with Sadie.

    Lori, holy moley, can't believe your veggies! It looks like a full time job! I don't know how you do it. I got 3 cucumbers and 4 tomatoes today....I miss all the girls too, can't believe how many are gone just since I joined you all a little over a year ago. So quiet in the lounge, maybe it'll pick up in the winter.

    Nancy, wow, you must be so thrilled! To take gold! And to be invited to the competitive games, so proud of you!

    Julie, call light about tv shows? well we know you have nothing better to do, I don't have a green thumb either and I get bored with the garden about midway thru the summer..but I guess it's good since I live in a condo.

    Red, so good to see you! Sorry to hear you bin in da wabbit hole, I thought Cami filled that in months ago. Well I'm here with a rope as well whenever you're ready to come up.

    Dara, I was looking into plane tickets today, very affordable booking this early. I will prolly book it within the week, definately going down at least a day early, hoping you will too. Sorry the rich pain in the butts are so annoying, wish we could see more of you here, miss your funny drunken posts!

    Sue, bills and car washing and then dinner!.... oh, i hope the excitement isn't too much for you!. When's your next grandkid visit? Will you see them before school starts?

    Well, gotta work tomorrow, time to go to bed. Love to all and sweet dreams...

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2015
  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2015

    I'm thinking about taking up horseback riding......

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Had some good thunderstorms yesterday evening. There was one supercell "capable of producing a tornado"about 10 miles away from me, that was fun to watch for.Never got near me, though, and no tornado.At one point I could look out the living room window and see blue sky, and look out the kitchen window in the opposite direction and see very black clouds and heavy rain.Very freaky.


    Goldie--the camera in my phone has stopped working--"Cannot connect to camera."Apparently it'sa common problem with LG phones.So I'm looking for a new digital one.I've got one, nice size, takes nice pics, can directly connect to the computer, but it takes AA batteries, 4 at a time, and the batteries only last about 20 minutes.So I'm looking for a small digital that will connect directly to the computer AND has a battery life long enough to make the phone actually useful.Posting pics on BCO does tend to be problematic, but works well enough most of the time.7 quarts of maters, wow!Sounds good!


    Mema--Life is getting better at work, that's for sure!And I like it!


    Dara!Good to see you!Not fair the way work gets in the way of life, is it?


    Juliet--Talk about high maintenance patients!So what is the show with the 2 fat kids and a grandfather?


    Genny--90 degrees sounds hot for golfing, but maybe there was a nice breeze?Or no humidity?Why do facilities make it so hard to get records?It always makes me wonder what they are trying to hide.


    Love the pic!

    And the other pic!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Wonder Bra

    3/4 oz Cointreau

    1 1/2 oz Gin

    1 oz Pineapple Juice


    Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    6 out of 7 today!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    Wacko, I knows you wuz learking, glad I could entice with some GJ. Don't work so hard, or you forget to live! Is your cousing still with you. How is mom and dad, DD and baby D?

    Julie, a call to ask a tv question??? Seriously? Ha ha, did you know the answer?

    Mary, don't those office people know how much stress they put us through, when they don't do what we need them to do? Reminds me when NM was trying to get her medical records transfered, took forever. What is it that takes them 7-10 days to do that??? It's cuz they just don't want to do it right away. Yes, I have had lots of veggies. I have another counter full of tomatoes today! Not ready for canning yet, some aren't ripe enough. WHAT HORSE?

    NM, I remember having camera's that took AA batteries, and yes they do run out quickly. I would suggest looking for one with a rechargeable battery. Glad you didn't have the tornado. During monsoon season here, I can look in one direction to black sky and sun shining in the other, happens quite often. Have to chuckle about the bras, as probably most of us don't wear or need one!

    LDB, you have had a nice busy summer, any other plans in the future besides the cruise?

    My mom went to the doctor yesterday, she just got out of the hospital, I think last week. When she left, her heart rate was in the 30's! Doc told her she may need a pace maker. Not sure how serious of a procedure that is, due to her health. Nurses?


    We tried two new varieties this year. Not happy, they are the small ones. The island is 4.5' long x 2.5' wide. I counted them, over 200 tomatoes!