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how about drinking?



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2015

    Lara!! So good to see you! Pull up a barstool and tell us all about it.

    Cami, so glad to hear Marty is ok and coming home.

    Nancy, woohoo on the rowing, hope you guys kick but next week. Jackson is so funny!

    Since Lori is on vacay I guess I'm going to have to be the one to hide Dara's jack.....

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited July 2015


    My sister and I at the birthday bash today.


    Jackson on the slip and slide

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good thundery Morning, Loungettes!The heavy storms seem to have gone around us here, but got some interesting lightening at bed time and early this morning.Still hearing a few rumbles of thunder.


    Nancy--Wow, sounds like a lot of practice in the Dragon Boat!My sympathy on the anniversary of your Dad's passing.Happy Birthday to your Sister.And gotta smile at Jackson!


    Cammy--Nope, no AC.Humidity isn't an ongoing issue here like it is in many places, and temps over 80 are actually kind of unusual, and over 90 pretty rare.Plus the temps generally drop significantly overnight.Add in a generally steady breeze and AC use isn't a completely necessary thing around here.I do have a window AC in the bedroom for those nights that are so uncomfortably hot and muggy, cuz I don't do well without my sleep.Some summers I need it more than others. The year I had recon was brutally hot and I practically lived in the bedroom.This year I haven't even had to plug it in.Who knows what next summer (or even next month) will bring?So Marty passed a stone somewhere?I hear that's pretty d@mmed hurty.Glad he's coming home.


    ORLA!!!!<3Sorry you've been through the ringer,glad to see you back!


    Genny--I'll distract Dara while you find and steal her Jack!


    Collett--great pics!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    A Midsummernight's Dream

    2 oz Vodka

    1 oz Kirschwasser

    1 tsp Strawberry Liqueur

    5 oz Strawberries

    oz Schweppes Russian


    Mix the strawberries in a blender and pour over ice in a shaker. Add the vodka, kirsch and strawberry liqueur to the shaker. Shake well, pour into a highball glass, and fill up with the russian water.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    5 out of 6 pics posted today! Getting better!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!!

    Can't believe how busy I've been. Seems my head in the clouds, having trouble concentrating. I promise I'll get caught up soon. Thinking of all you lovely ladies. Did read a bit, sounds like everyone doing jes OK. Better than the alternative.

    Hope you new girls are enjoying the Tenders and libations at the HTL.

    Gotta run. Have doc and tx this am, gotta be outta here in about an hour or so. Rained hard all night, so want to leave early cuz peeps don't kno how to drive on wet roads around here. Ugh!!

    Lubslubslubslubs ya all!!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    Mary, sounds like you were quite busy and partying wif you girlfriends! And NM used to teach, prior to working hospice. Yikes, can't imagine getting shots in the back.

    NM, I managed to can the tomoatoes I had. I just couldn't let them go to waste. Of course some weren't ripe yet, so gave some of those away. I'm just not getting the volume I want for canning, so will have to just do small batches.

    Cami, I love to do my canning, but let me tell ya, it hurts the hell outta mese back. Especially the beans! They take so long to pick and wash, snap the ends off and then snap them to size! Sweet of your boss to want to talk to you more, but I'm lmao at you telling him not to bother you! Joey looks like he had fun with his cousins swimming. And you silly goil, staying awake so you won't die. I hope you are feeling better. I think we all have some broccoli brain! Thanks for thinking I am a staple here! I love you lady. Oh shoot, sorry to hear about Marty, I hope he is ok. And I'm sorry about Lou too. You love each other so much.

    Julie, such a sad situation with the methadone. And they probably get govt. assist too! Soooo pisses me off!

    Nancy, you Rock and Row! Woo hoo on the Chicago race, I hope you get to meet Cami. Oh my, outta the mouths of babes, calling your mom old!

    Lara sweetheart! Good to see you, but sorry to hear you have been through the wringer.

    Mary, atta goil, hide that Jack!

    LDB, why is it that the peeps out here don't know how to drive in the rain? And get a little snow, look out!

    Wacko, where be you? Are you ok?

    Well shoot. Got home yesterday, did some dishes, filled the hummingbird feeders, picked/washed beans and tomatoes (took hours) and we leave again on Wednesday! Checking things with the new business and we have doc appts. on Thursday, come home on Friday. Need to email my nurse to get my labs. Posting a few riding pics for those not on FB. Oh...we had some friends that came up to where we were staying in CO, they go there often to camp. Anyways, they have this huge beautiful motor home. I had to use the bathroom, had a hard time figuring out how to flush it, well there is like a pedal at the base that you step on to flush it. A little later on, DH says he sees water dripping under their steps, we were sitting outside. Then Juanita says she hears water running! She opens the door and water starts pouring out of the motor home. I guess the flush pedal sticks, and you need to lift it back up after stepping on it, which she neglected to tell me! OMG, I felt horrible! We just hope it doesn't cause any permanent damage and told them we would pay for anything that needed to be fixed. The husband says to mine, you can't replace the carpet, you have to get a new motor home!!! LOL!

    Inserting pics has changed, I hope they show!

    NOPE, non Facebookers will have to click on the link to see

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015

    good afternoon all

    nancy you go girl!

    well cammi glad marty is home , but dont like the thought of you staying up all night because you feel so bad

    lori-the people who take methadone as part of a drug abuse programme , and not for pain ,are in my experience 100% on various forms of tax payer supportShockedbelieve me lori you would cry if you saw what we "pay for" as taxpayers. your trip photos are spectacular

    hello lara

    love all the photos on facebook

    what a frustrating morning, mo wants a mammogram before next appointment on the 6th, their scheduler was out of the office last week and i needed her to schedule with my health system, so got her first thing this morning,earliest appt 20th august because they are moving one of the breast health centres before the snow birds come back, so then called the centre and asked for the earliest due to the appt on the 6th ,she worked hard got me the 10th, just called the mo office can't get an appt until the 27th! put this on top of my 2 week follow up cardiology appt that should have been the end of june , earliest was august6th and they called and have pushed it back another week until 13th! and the bloody snowbirds will start coming back september so trying to get appts becomes an even bigger headache! because although we work for the system we sure don't get any favourS

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Yesterday was a true Monday for me.Rearranged my whole day to be at the office to meet with a family member to sign someone up for services--he picked the date, time and location of the meeting last week.Waited an hour, he never showed up.Rearranged what was left of my day, and apparently he finally showed up.Someone got his signature on the forms, and now I need to rearrange my whole day today, again, to make room for the admission.So my whole week has been totally rearranged twice before Monday was even over.And I'm on call tonight.Have I said that I will be very happy when the new nurses are fully up and running?In the meantime I am limiting my work time to 12 hours per day, at the end of this month I will drop that to a max of 10 hours per day.

    Mema--Peeps don't know how to drive on wet roads, hmm?Wonder what they'd do here in the snow in the winter??Bet it would be funny!Good luck at the doc's.

    Goldie--Small batch food work is the new big buz word, from what I hear on TV and the radio, so you are right in step with the main stream!Better than letting them go to waste, that's for sure.Oh, my, what a water closet catastrophe!

    Great pics!


    Juliet--scheduling appointments, what a hassle!And when things keep getting pushed back, makes you wonder who's getting priority treatment.Nobody seems to get any favors any more.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Witch Doctor

    1 oz Raspberry Liqueur

    1 1/2 oz Pineapple Rum

    8 oz Dr. Pepper


    Add all ingredients to glass and enjoy!

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    Julie, what a fiascal for you and trying to schedule all of those appointments, what the heck is going on with you? But I had to laff at the "bloody snowbirds"!

    NM, sorry about your cray cray MonDOOMday! 12 hours max for the day? You are a dedicated one, that's for sure. I too, will be happy when the new nurses are up and running. I wish I could share some of my food with freinds and family. I now have 45 pints of beans. Those are from the bush bean plants, which are still producing and then I have the pole beans that are just starting to bud! I'll never have to grow beans again!

    DOTD sounds quite yummy. I would like mine minus the Dr. Pepper please....Pants! Oh, and start hiding likker please.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2015

    Hi girls, I'm sitting here watching tv with my DH. Nora was here overnight and we had lots of fun, went to the pool today and watched her as she continuously stepped off the step to over her head just counting on me to save her...oh I hope I haven't created a monster!. No fear!.. but she paddles and kicks and is so close to actually swimming... So girls, I have something to talk to you all about. I haven't told anybody, I am having this weird hip and back pain. It's kind of like the feeling of what I remember menstrual cramps to be, but not quite, and my hips hurt. It's been going on for about a month and worse right now I'm sure because I've been lifting Nora. I know that I have a herniated L4 disc, and bulging the 2 above it from 10 years ago, I'm pretty sure it's just that acting up, but I'm a bit skeered. I go to the new MO on Aug 31 so I will talk to her. Just needing to vent a bit about it, I feel like a hypochondriac or something and I don't want to talk about it with my DH or friends but I know you girls understand. Anyway, so glad I have you all. Going back to my wine and TV now.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2015
  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015

    I know Mary g, I been having the chest pain and every thing comes up negative until the end gastritis,you do feel like a hypochondriac when tests are negative but you know something wrong was actually relieved when they found the gastritis

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2015

    Mary, best to get it checked out of course. And YES, we get it! I have those bad discs in my back too, lower back. As for the hips, not sure. My mets are in my right hip, which has never bothered me, even to this day. However my left hip will act like it wants to go out on me sometimes, so it makes me wonder! A scan will be the only way to know for sure. Praying its just a part of age. No fear Nora, I think it's great. She will learn to swim and love the water, what's wrong with that? And you best be making that basket quite large!

    Julie, funny how we find relief in being told our illness is gastritis, or something else other than the RB.

    I am saddened by how quiet it is in here. No one to party with Sad

    Doesn't even seem worth having a DOTD. Leaving this afternoon for Phoenix, be back Friday, see my onc Thursday.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Cami - good news about Marty, prolly a gall or kidney stone is what passed. Glad Joey was at his cousins that way no worry.

    Nancy - I am in awe for you and so proud. Dragon boats sound like fun but a lot of work. Bet your back and arms really feel it. Big HUGZ on the anniversary of your dads passing. Jackson cwacks me up…'old' LOL. Love the pics.

    Lara - sending prayers your way. (((Lara)))

    Hi Mary!

    NM - glad the weather is cooperating a little. I cudn't live without ac, course my temps here are scorching. Glad ur pic posting is working again, ur so good at finding pics that fit the general mood. Monday Monday…how I hate that day. ♪♫♪♪ from Mamas n Papas I think. Big hug, hope ur frustration level a bit lower today.

    Lowee - I can relate to the back hurting like hell. I can't even fix a meal without suffering. My counter tops are reg height but with me,, still too low. Been taking Naproxin and it does help. Hope you're having a good time. Yikes….terrible about the motor home, but how were u supposed to kno the pedal sticks? I don't think u should hafta pay for repairs, hope ur friends refuse ur offer to do so. I tried those links, says 'content isn't available right now.

    Julie - love the stairlift to heaven…tooo phunny. I can understand ur frustration with doc and tests appts. With my having to drive 160 miles round trip, I like to bunch us the appts over 2 or 3 days, doesn't always work that way tho.

    Mary - u r not a hypochondriac we all, I think, feel the same fear of new aches and pains. Are you getting Bone and PET scans? Think they would show anything amiss. And you should not be lifting Nora, I kno how hard that is since I haven't been able to lift Maddy in many many months. I have bursitis in both my hips, bothers sometimes horribly, and lately, my left hip/leg gets a weird pain, like it won't hold my weight, but since I get bone scans every 6 mos or so I try not to worry. (((Mary))) Share ur fears or vent anytime, that's what we're here for. Muah!

    Workers here to install new refrigerator....lubsllubslubslubslubs u gals!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited July 2015

    Morning well it's 4am here and I need drinks. I have a cup of tea but data not what's I want. Is have bronchitis and fel blaar  hope you a all having good day slainte

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!Been an odd day today.Got called out to attend a death at 2:45 am, left that home at quarter to 5, went to one of my nursing homes and saw a few patients, then took me and Sadie home (getting too warm for her to be in the car), grabbed a couple hours sleep, went back to the nursing home and saw the rest of my people there.Just got home a little bit ago.Not sure if I'm tired, hungry, both or neither!Definitely not thinking clearly.But Sadie got lots of attention at the office, and a sausage biscuit sandwich for breakfast, and is a very happy camper today.

    Goldie--Yup, I'm limiting my work time to 12 hours per day.My salary is based on working an 8 hour day, so I'm going to work back to that over the next couple of months.If all the work I'm assigned can't get done in 8 hour days most of the time I'm going to need to rethink this job.I'm just too old for steady 60 hour weeks unless I'm going to start getting 50% more pay to match the work time.Boy you sure do have a lot of beans!Bet they taste some good in the winter when you open them up.

    Genny--ouch your aching back!With the history you have, and catching little Nora in pool all day, it's no wonder it's acting up.BUT, I hear you, and I know that there is always the little voice in the back of the mind whispering "mets, mets, bone mets".Does the hurting ever get better/ease up?A couple of docs I've worked with have told me that if the pain eases up or gets better with restor changing activity it's much less likely to be bone mets, which usually causes a constant pain that doesn't get better without taking something stronger than tylenol.You MO will be able to tell you more.

    Juliet--it does help to have a name for the problem, doesn't it?Makes it seem a lot less like you are going crazy.

    Goldie--Good luck at the onc's tomorrow!

    Mema--I'm glad Monday is over with, too, and just as glad to get today over with, finally!New fridge, what fun! Has it got all kinds of bells and whistles?Or does it just keep thing cold?

    Alyson-- a cuppa tea is just what you need, with a shot of menthol Schnapps!Clear you right out, or at least make you not care!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Sandbar Sleeper

    5 cl Frangelico Hazelnut Liqueur

    5 cl Vodka

    5 cl Coffee Liqueur

    5 cl Irish Cream

    1 splash Ice

    10 cl Milk


    Fill shaker with ice, add ingredients, chill, strain.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!

    Boston Iced Coffee

    1 oz Brandy

    1 oz White Creme de Cacao

    6 oz (Cold) Coffee


    Pour all ingredients into a highball glass, and stir. Garnish with a lemon twist, and serve.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

    this morning in fact

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2015

    Good morning girls, just a real quick pop-in before work. Thanks for the words of encouragement, I'm sure it just age but I will talk to MO when I see her. NM, my back does not hurt when I wake up, it starts as the day wears on. I had an MRI and bone scan at dx and a PET after chemo and surgery which would have been in October I think, so I'm pretty certain nothing could have developed between then and now, especially since I'm taking the AI's. So I'll put it at the back of my brain till I see the onc. Hope you all have a great day, I will come to the lounge tonight for some real ketchup time. Boy it's been quiet here, where is everybody?

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!

    NM - new frig is bigger and has bells and whistles. Finally an ice maker too, plus water from the door. DH had to do some carpentry to the cabinet above. Made a mess of it but no one can see it so I'm OK with it. Frig jes barely fit. Now I have to find a cleaner for it, it's got that tarnished looking metal on the face of it. I guess stainless steel? But it shows finger prints, that depresses the OCD in me. 12 hr a day is too much I hope u can whittle it down to 10 then 8 soonliest. Boston Iced Coffee sounds delish.

    Mary - that's the way my back is, OK in the morning but gets worse as the day wears on. Naproxen helps me tho. My mets are in several places along T, L, and S areas. Plus I too have the herniated and bulging discs in lower back. It's a pain...LOL. Love the pic of Nora in the pool, such a cutie!

    Aly - sawee to hear u have the bronchial troubles, hope u get to feeling better soon and visit the HTL more often. ((Aly))

    I kno Lowee is out of town, Phx mese tinks, but where is DorkaDara? Where are da new loungettes? Hello Hello, come have a dwinkie or 2 or 3.

    Well, off to get some woik done around here. I do see the end of the tunnel tho, that's a good thing. Have a GR8 day ladies!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2015

    Good Morning Ladies---

    Sorry it's been a while again Lara come back and tell us what's going on, u always have cuz u know how we care.

    Mary of course u have to get it checked out, I know our bones aren't like they used to be but damn u want to know what crazy thing is happening if anything is. And we all know how u feel. I know when things are not right it doesn't mean cancer, but it sill goes to our heads quickly. My back always hurts and now my one leg is hurting like mad but it's in the front so I just limp around, just aggravation to me.

    Lori u'r leaving again? Wow u can't stay in one place very long u gypsy u.

    OK Lulie now I know what u have and that is painful too. O brother. (((HUGS)))

    NM sorry about u stupid long day on Monday that kind of screws up u'r whole week , to me--don't stop the DOTD's ever LOL--

    Nancy u'r a roeing machine all on u'r own--good luck and don't get to crazy for u'r own good.

    Marty's stone came out of his liver, since he has no GB , they said it's a little rare--that's Marty. And now my brother is in the hospital with sepsis again, this is really bad my sister and I have been on the phone hours this week and our Drs. said we really shouldn't go by him cuz we both have stuff going on with us and it's just a mess---this is terrible--Lu and I are beside ourselves with aggravation and some scary thoughts now. So we're all messed up right now and the days have turned into one long one. So that's been my week and my work has gotten on my nerves this week but I'm fine with the customers just hate when that phone rings. Last nite it rang after 10 and I saw it was my sister and I thought oh shit--she immediately says don't worry I just want to talk--so 2 hrs. later we stopped, this is how it's going. Oh well I just pray, there's nothing else I can do.

    Hey SusyQ are u settling in with u'r busy schedule, how do u do it?


    D A R A

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2015

    Hi girls, DH in bed he's been sick all week with some respiratory thing and I thought yesterday he had turned the corner but now today he's feeling like chit again. We leave tomorrow for Molly's for our weekend getaway and family git-together. Looking forward to it, we had such a good time last year. Molly is going to Chicago for a family wedding so she offered up her house again. Dogs will love it, still haven't decided whether to take Moose.

    Cami, I'm so sorry for all that is going on... hugs to you and your brother and your sister...(((Cami))).. I'm praying for you and your brother. So glad Marty is ok. Yep, these dang bones are just a pain....keep telling myself that I'm just getting older, so easy to jump to conclusions.

    Sue, yep back issues suck, mine start about 11 am and by 8pm I'm hurting, but I get up at 6 and walk with my dogs and stand on a concrete floor and cut hair.... and I keep forgetting that I'm 57 and been on my feet for 40 years... New fridge sounds great, mine is stainless steel and looks good only twice/week when I clean it... then smudges and fingerprints. Whatever happened to avocado green and harvest gold?

    Lori, off again, praying for good test results.

    Nancy, keep uo the good work.

    Kim, ugh, your job is a lot right now, hope things lighten up soon.

    Hi Ally, sorry for the bronchitis, have a shot or 2..

    Hi Julie, Hypochondria is a lot of work!.... Starting to feel like meese mother in law... glad when they find sometin? Ugh... relieved to know it's not in yer head.

    What has happened to our lounge? Where's Lara and Lynn and Toby and...shit.... Dara????? Miss all the girls...too quiet...guess some have left us for good? been awhile..maybe I kin entice them to come back..

    Gonna hafta call on the tenders to liven things up a bit....


    Cooking up my dinner...and may I say...he's purdy darn cute...




    and drinks!!!!!....

    anyone want to join me?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes! TGIF!Although this has not been all that bad a week at work.I actually got done work "on time" a couple of days.There is hope yet!Nice to be able to breathe and not feel like I'll miss something.

    Genny--So sweet! Fun in the water! I think you are wise to try not to worry too much until you get them bones checked out.Enjoy playing in the water with the baby!


    Mema--I love my ice maker!No water in the door, but that would sure be fun.The work time is whittling itself down as the new girls get up and running, so things are better that way.I'm going to start the max of 10 hours per day next week.


    Cammy--stupid long days are a pain in the anatomy, but at least they are not being an every day, 5 days a week thing now.Progress!Glad Marty got the stone passed, sorry about your brother.Sepsis is not pretty, and very scary, and it's worse when you can't go visit. Praying with you!

    Genny--sorry to hear DH has been sick all week and not getting better.Summer respiratory things tend to hang on and on, don't they?I'm sure you and the dogs will have a grand time!Things really are lightening up at work, FINALLY! Oh, my, to have THAT in my kitchen!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:


    3/4 oz White Rum

    1/4 oz Lime Juice

    1/4 oz Mango

    3/4 oz Mango Syrup


    Prepare mango fruit with rum and syrup in a blender with crushed ice. Strain into a large highball glass, and fill with crushed ice. Squeeze in a lime wedge, and serve.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    2 out of 4 pics worked today!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited July 2015

    Good morning everyone! It's been a very hectic crazy week and sorry I have been gone. I have been watching my cousins kids for her son and the baby is a doll but is 4 year old brother OMG! We were on our way to Lindsay's yesterday and he's in the backseat of my car playing and he says I'm gonna whoop your ass! I said what did you just say? He said nofiing....😠 Hmm right? Anyways he's the cutest little guy until he doesn't get his way then watch out, the I not have tos and no starts coming out. He was swinging from my bannister, jumping on my couches,went over to the horse barn and then said the wady next door needs you wite away. I woke up yesterday with a migraine at 2am and had it all day and just told my cousin I can't do anymore after next Monday. She said they were going to put them in daycare. The baby good as gold, very easy, very happy hardly cries. He's 15 months.

    I leave today at 10 for Chicago. Lake Arlington here we come!

    This is the line up for each race so in pictures you can see where I am

    Legends Race 1 Race 2 Race 3
    Debera 1 Debera Shari 1 Debera Shari 1 Debera Shari
    Shari 2 Patty Susan 2 Carrie Patty 2 Patty Susan
    Ally 3 Mirna Robin 3 Jen Laura 3 Jen Carrie
    Kristi 4 Debbie Jen 4 Angelique Debbie 4 Angelique Debbie
    Kristin 5 Julie Nanette 5 Julie jill 5 Julie Nanette
    Jan 6 Jan jill 6 Jan Nanette 6 Jan jill
    Carrie 7 Kristi Shari 7 Kristi Shari 7 Kristi Shari
    jill 8 Carrie Ana 8 Mirna Susan 8 Ally Robin
    Angelique 9 Ally Nancy Collett 9 Ally Ana 9 Laura Mirna
    Debbie 10 Kristin Laura 10 Nancy Collett Robin 10 Kristin Nancy Collett
    Shari Drum Angelique Kristin

    this is where we are staying

    Country Inn & Suites
    Address 1401 North Roselle Road, Schaumburg IL, 60195

    Tonight I have a meeting at 6 and then tomorrow my first race is at 845am so I have to be at the Athletes Village at our tent by 715 ready to stretch and then ready to Marshal. Next race is at 1110 and third race is at 2 sometihing. That's the schedule as of one unless we get delayed for some reason or things move faster.

    Wish me luck and I'll keep you posted.


    Jackson and JJ

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015

    good luck nancy

    cammi-lots of hugs and prayers for you all,hope your brother feels better soon, glad marty passed his stone

    nm-here's to shorter days,

    mary enjoy your weekend, hope dh feels better, its amazing how many respirtory stuff is around this summer

    off to the beach today with friendsHappy

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited July 2015

    Julie have a great time at the beach and do some taning for me :)

    Cami I am really sorry to hear about your brother. I hope things get better for you really soon.

    Genny I love the picture of Nora she is such a doll!

    Made it to Chicago :) Paddles up everyone!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2015

    well i think miss nora had more water time, 2 heavy rain showers today so we came home after the second one. , crazy week in work, my hopsital cleaner allergy decided to flare up on tuesday so had to go to employee health because my colleagues said i was driving them craazy with my scratching, so got the steroid injection and back to work i go and the next day same thing so currently on steroid dose pack,but had no problems on thursday,so hopefully just a blip

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2015

    Hi girls,

    Popping in on this Friedey night to say hello and that I miss you all. Sorry I have been MIA, I have been busy catering to the stinking super rich people and OMG, I am terrorized. I have been working very long hours at the office then coming home and working more. But tis de weekend now so time to knock one or six dwinks down.

    I hope everyone is well. I will try to do some reading here over the weekend and catchup with all of you. Love you goils berry berry much.



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited July 2015

    Good Saturday morning, Lougnettes!Gray, rainy, wet. Hoping to get some housework done today before the humidity starts building up again.But we'll see, Sadie got be up at 5 ayem, then I napped in the recliner until 8 am, so getting a slow, late start today.


    Collett--wow, what a busy little guy the 4 year old is!I guess that's why having children is for young folks!Have fun at the races!


    Juliet--have fun at the beach!Allergic to the cleaning stuff they use at work?That can be a problem, glad they are giving you steroids.Hope that clears things up fastliest!


    Dara--super long work days are NOT good days!Glad you've got the weekend to recover!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Beach Bum Shake

    1/4 oz Vodka

    1 oz Tequila

    1 splash Triple Sec

    2 oz Orange Juice


    Pour the tequila, orange juice, vodka and triple sec into a cocktail shaker with crushed ice and shake for about a minute. Strain into hurricane glass. Add a tiny umbrella and slice of lemon (optional), and serve.

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.
