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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    5 out of 6 today!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Good Morning Ladies----

    Oh I loved reading u'r post Mary--u're so funny and u had a good time Yahoo.

    It's going to be HOT today and I don't mean it fun wise--and it's already August WTF, everything is rushing along here.

    I asked before if anyone got bitten by bugs this year. Well I probably will now, but I have had a bite since I was DX'd and I just wonder if that's everyone, like why is our blood not good enough for a lousy bug. OK I'm not complaining I just wonder stupid things.

    And I agree with Mary DOPEY DARA where are u. U can hide but well whatever the saying is, Lori's going to come and get u'r likker Missy--this is an order---coming from me who lately has been awful about posting.

    My DD1 is leaving with her family on Wed for a road trip out west--but my cousin Nicky is going to stay there for her pets--so I called him yesterday and said let's have a party at Jod's next weekend--so he's all for it, and everyone can bring food hahaha we sound like idiots--u know like let's play while they're away-oh she won't care, so I hope the weather is good.

    I hope everyone has a great Sunday and I'll check in later.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2015
  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2015

    Morning girls, beautiful day here, turned off the air cond last night, slept like a baby. Went out to dinner last night with DH, sat outside and then stayed to listen to the live music on the patio, it was nice we don't do that very often. There was this one guy, about 60 in these short shorts like from the 80's but he was chubby and they had an elastic waist and he kept standing in front of the 2 guys singing and gyrating his hips and dancing and it was driving my DH crazy. Then he'd walk around to every table and sing and say isn't this a great song? It was pretty funny and cheap entertainment to boot. So after that we went to a local bar for 1 more and as soon as we walked in this guy that we've never seen before said "Oh hi! , so nice to see a friendly face let me buy you both a drink!" And my DH said no but thank you so much for the offer, and he ordered drinks and insisted on paying for them himself. So the guy gets off his bar stool and walks over to my DH and whispers in his ear " you know it's really rude to say no when someone offers to buy you a drink" and my DH said I'm sorry , I wasn't trying to be rude but I'd prefer to buy my own drink and the guy went to the other side of the bar and just sat and pouted. Must be the full moon. Anyway now I have a little headache, hoping the 2nd cup of coffee will fix it... I really didn't need that last glass of wine. So DH sleeping in today instead of golfing, we are going to go together later.

    Cami, you sound like a couple of teenagers planning a party when their parents are away, sounds like fun! Hope you have good weather.

    NM yay on finding the camera and better yet getting it for half price! mosquitos here could be considered the state bird as well, we had such a wet june and July that they are exceptionally bad this year. Do you know what time we debark from the cruise? Don't know what time to get my plane ticket home.

    oh, I just noticed that I posted last night, ha!! totally forgot that, actually don't even really remember it... no wonder I have a headache, Anyway gotta run, need to get these pooches out. Love to all have a great Sunday!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Cami, sounds like the the lady in the computer (Cannibus) is similar to Siri, who is on the iPhones. As for bug bites, I have gotten many! We call them gnats or noseeums. I scrolled right away to see if there were pictures, but there wasn't. Oh I see now about the bugs, they don't bite you. Well, I guess you can chalk that up to as a plus. I still get bit. Party at Jodie's.

    YAY for the new camera NM. Does it have rechargable batteries. Funny about the mosquitos being the state bird!

    Mary, sounds like a fun night with DH, but weird about the peeps you ran in to! Too funny you don't remember posting last night! Have a fun golf outing.

    DH and I went up to the other warehouse, where we keep the toy hauler and new truck. Washed the truck and did some organizing to the toy hauler so we can head out on Wednesday. Then to town, movie and dinner. Movie was Vacation, it was stupid funny. But the way the people in the audience were laffing, you would have thought it to be the funniest movie in the world! We laffed mostly at them. Of course I still have more canning to do, gonna try and get my zucchini relish done today!

    Can I interest anyone is some JD?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2015

    I'll take some JD, tank you Lori. I know where ya got it from.

    I am freaked out - my darling dog Bella caught a mouse in my yard on friedey night then today, she snatches two baby rabbits. The first one is dead but the second one she snatched is alive and I do not know what to do with it. It is not right, something is wrong with it, probably from when Bella snatched it and played with it. It does not move and appears dead but it is breathing.Poor heartbreaking.

    I have some news on baby David. He will be spending three hours every Wednesday with my daughter at her home. They are working on getting David acclimated to his soon to be new surroundings. I am not sure when Jenika will get him back fulltime but things are moving in the right direction.

    Well I thought I'd jest poke mese head in and say hello to all mese goils. HELLO ALL GOILS.

    I hope you all have an awesome week. Stay dwunk and bese HappY!


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2015

    Yay Dara that is Awesome news!!! I am so glad it sounds like baby boy is coming back. Where have you been girl? I hope your doing ok? Miss you. My Manny he was a dauchshund he used to bring me all kinds of little critters.

    Cami I have gotten bitten alot by misquitos around here and they are so pesky due to all the rain we had early this summer and spring. We still have some standing water around in places. My bites are kinda wierd they look like sores and turn real read almost like a bruise. I wonder if Tamoxifen has something to do with it? They have never looked this way before. Kinda wierd...

    Lori I have been exhausted. I had practice Saturday where we paddled 3000 meters to get ready for our race this month in Washington DC. We are doing two 500 meter races, a 1000 meter race and a 2000 meter race. Last time we practiced a distance race at practice was a 2000 meter and I could only do 1500 meters before I had to pull in my paddle so I was really nervous. This saturday I finished the whole 3000 meters without pulling in my paddle. I have slept all afternoon yesterday and today though. I just get wiped out. I have had just small seizures. Nothing real big. :)

    Mary what is osteopenia? I am glad you had good results too.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes! Well, got through the weekend without getting called out, that's a good thing!Was able to be relatively lazy all weekend.Did get a lot of laundry done, though, perfect drying weather, nice breeze, sunny, low humidity, stuff dried super fast!


    Cammy--I still get bit by bugs, especially mosquitos.They still love my blood!Sounds like some good mouse parties being planned!Lots of fun!


    Genny--LOL!Got adulthood captured!Boy, you guys meet some very interesting characters when you and your DH go out!Wonder what the guy trying to buy drinks was really up to.So funny that he went off and pouted like a child all evening.Sounds like he'd been at the bar a while, for sure!The web site says "Guests Ashore" at 7:30 am, and "Earliest departure time from Orlando International Airport on Debarkation Day: 11:30 a.m."Hope that helps



    Goldie--Yes, the camera has a rechargeable battery, after it gets here I'm going to look into getting a second battery to keep charged up as a back up.Zicchini relish sound very delish!


    Dara--Silly Bella dog, catching mousies and bunnies!Hooray for David spending time with DD, and working toward moving back with Jenika! Good news, indeed!


    Collett--Sounds like you are getting better, or at least getting more stamina as you paddle more and more!Must feel great to see that kind of progress in yourself!You go, girl!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Shakin' Blue Monday

    1 tsp Brandy

    1/2 oz Blush Wine

    1 1/2 oz Canadian Whiskey

    1/2 oz Lemon Juice

    1 tsp Superfine Sugar


    Add the whisky, blueberry brandy, brandy, lemon juice and sugar to a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well and strain into an old-fashioned glass almost filled with ice cubes. Garnish with a slice of orange and a maraschino cherry.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Only 2 out of 4 today. Sigh.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2015

    Morning girls, quick pop in, gotta get the pooches out and get to work.

    NM thanks that does help. You're right about the guy trying to buy the drink, last night we went to eat after golf and there was a drunk guy at the bar talking so loudly to the guy next to him that we had to move to a table. It was F this and F that, and they kept serving him! And there was a girl at a table right by him that was about 12... The management should've cut him off.

    Dara...yay, baby David coming to Jennikas!!. Moose has brought me plenty of critters, it awful.

    Nancy, good job! Are your arms looking like Popeye's? Osteopenia is pre-osteoporosis . Common with AI's. It's what they were looking for with the dexascan. Plus I'm a "small boned, light complected female over 50" which makes me a target.

    Hi to everyone else, gotta run, have a good day all

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Wacko, that is good news on the baby, thanks for letting us know. So glad to see your purdy face. Oh my, so sorry about the baby bunnies, the mouse not so much! There was thought before that Jennika might be preggos, what has happened with that and are you two on speaking terms? What about mom and dad, how are they. And YOU, how are you?

    Nancy, you rock girl! Good for you making the whole 3000 meters without pulling your paddle in. You're gonna have some guns! Show us your guns girl! Bummer about the siezures though, I guess we can be glad they are small ones.


    NM, shop around for the battery, some places will really burn your pocket book. The zucchini relish is really good. Tastes just like pickle relish. It's something to do with the zucchini! I have some huge ones, and couldn't possible eat it all!

    Mary, sounds like you and hubby had a great weekend, and lots of odd peeps at the bars. Too bad they kept serving that guy. If I were that girls parents, I would have said something to him or the bar tender at least. I think we all get osteopenia at some point.

    I ended up doing more salsa yesterday, maybe the relish today. And I have more tomatoes and more beans! Ay yai yai. And we are leaving Thursday, not Wednesday. Come home Sunday and I guess the couple we are going with are also gonna come out here and stay a couple of days. I have not cleaned in weeks! So I need to get on that too, plus work. Did I say AY YAI YAI!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    OOOOOHHHHHH, I forgot to tell. My brother was out to eat with some friends and his DD, stopped at the grocery store behind his house to get some lottery tickets, he accidently somehow hit the $5.00 ticket, said something like "oh chit, I hate these" but took it anyways.....he won phucking $10,000.00!!!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!

    Julie - made the last of my reservatiions. It's a package deal with transportation from airport to hotel, shuttle from hotel Monday morning to port, then on Fri transpo back to hotel and then to airport next morning. Total of $290. That;s $145 per night. I got 2 queen beds, continental breakfast too. So you are off the hook for shuffling me too and from. Oh, I can add another person, total wud b $346. Split its $147. That includes taxes. I am really jazzed.

    Maddy has been a gem but has come down with a bad cough. We were going to the pool today, but think I'll pass with her. Thinks she needs a down day.

    Gotta get back to her...will keep in touch...lubslubslubs!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2015

    Oh, Lowee....what luck....congrats to your db, that's quite the haul!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2015

    Hi goils  I need dwink ti steady nerves. Grand any arriving today at about 1 pm. 9pm EST. C section cause baby bottom down with feet above head. 


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2015

    Hi goils  I need dwink ti steady nerves. Grand any arriving today at about 1 pm. 9pm EST. C section cause baby bottom down with feet above head. 


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes! Lots of thunderbumpers going on in the peeyems all around me, but all I get is afew distant rumbles of thunder and a little rain.Would like to watch a good storm.


    Genny--Someone bring rude and obnoxious like that drunk should, indeed, be cut off and sent elsewhere.Especially if there are children present.But he was spending money, so, of course, they keep serving him.I bet the guy next to him wanted him to go away!


    Goldie--I've never made relish, sounds like a good project for this summer.I didn't grow any zucchini this year, but I bet I can get some!I've got a "Desserts for the Garden" cook book that has lots of recipes using zucchini and other veggies in cakes, cookies and other sweets.I really like the zucchini cake recipe, makes a very moist chocolate cake, and can be made with grated and frozen zucchini as well as fresh.I actually like zucchini, like to saute it with a little onion and garlic.I will shop around for the spare battery once I get the camera , no hurry on that, my self-imposed deadline is to have it by cruise time so I can be charging one while using the other.AyYai Yai on the cleaning and such!WOW!$10K on a $5 ticket, what luck!!!


    Mema--You found a really nice deal on your reservations!Good for you!Poor Maddy, sounds like a down day is a good idea for her.


    Aly--prayers for a safe delivery of the new grand baby!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Special Grandmother

    1 1/2 oz Coffee Liqueur

    1 1/2 oz Dark Rum

    6 oz Milk


    Pour Newfoundland Screech dark rum and Kahlua coffee liqueur over ice in a cocktail glass. Fill with milk or light cream, stir and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Wow, 5 out of 5 today!

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    Morning everyone!

    Wow. This thread moves quickly lol

    Thanks for all the sweet welcomes. I don't really have a favorite drink, but I like a nice moscato, maybe an Ancient Age & coke. Not much into beer.

    Sorry, can't remember who said it, but your son (?) can get a job as an ethical hacker. They make extremely good money.

    Unexpected company from Kansas last week. Chemo week. Bleh. Him and his son were her from Wed-Sat. I've been paying for it since. Didn't go into work again today :( Ready for this taxol pain to kiss me arse.

    Surgery looks to be Sept 4th. Surgeon and Onc are of the same opinion regarding the other breast, they say leave it. Not quite sure how I feel about that yet. Thoughts?

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    LDB, woo hoo on getting everything set for DA CRUISE! We should try and come up with a name for you gals going. Sorry to hear about Maddy, I hope she is better today and that you don't get it!

    Allyson, how fun to get a new grand, congrats to you. And here's a drink.

    NM, the zucchini relish is a canning recipe, don't remember if it's water bath or pressure canning, but I do remember it being easy. Another recipe I like with the grated zucchini is nutty cheesy zucchini patties. Grated zucchini with nuts, bisquick and an egg, fry in patties. Good with sour cream.

    Simplicity, it wasn't someone's son that is being egged on to be a hacker, it's Cami's grandson! Who is only like 12? I did not have a masectomy, so I can't help with that. Not sure who here had double or single. I had an ass for a surgeon, who probably didn't know how to do a masectomy, hence the lumpectomy. AND, right before being wheeled into the surgery room, he came in and asked me "what do you want, lumpectomy or mastectomy?" The other girls her can also chime in with some things to have ready before surgery. We will also come with you! Get teeny tiny, bring our alcohol and have a party. Sorry about the unexpected company, people should have a little more sympathy for what you are going through and not really up to company for that long, especially unexpected. I wouldn't like that even if I weren't doing chemo.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2015

    good morning all

    aly-congratulations, a new baby is always good news

    dara-baby david home soonHappy

    cammi-joey , good computer skills are always in demand! hope your brother is doing better? how you doing?

    lori-good for your brother, hope all your toys are ready for your vacation, always love the pics of your trips,

    sue- what a great deal? still would like to go to disney on the friday before, pocket book just took another big hit, in hospital againe with chest/ abdomen pain-again all negative .wtf so will see how much it costs and then make final plans

    nm- good for you , got a olympus camera i love but i've lost the charger for it, so will see if i can buy one or i do have another camera which uses aaa batteries

    ok need to get some work done , back in work tomorrow

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    Hey Goldie! O wow. Sorry about you having an ass of a surgeon. I'm fairly happy with mine.

    I should mention this was good company and he was stuck. His truck broke down so I got him/it into a mechanic down the street. He's a friend, that I had never met, from an online support forum I've been a member of for almost 4 years. I've met 4 of them in person. I'm not one, actually had never had company that wasn't family that long, and being single, it was nice to have a man around the house. All the boys were occupied by war/police stories lol

    It was just extra hard being a chemo week. But it kept me moving, so that's good.

    It's interesting to me, still being fairly new at this online support thing, how you can meet and it doesn't feel like you're meeting a stranger. Pretty freakin cool.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Aly - sending prayers your way for a healthy baby.

    NM - u are right, having been in the business and now frequent local pub, I can't believe how many tenders wud rather continue to service than cut a person off. Laws in NV can hold bartender responsible as well as the owners should the drunk hurt himself or others. That cook book looks cool. I don't garden, but when I do get zucc from friends, I shred some and freeze for spagetti sauce and usually make zucc bread. Have old recipe from my paternal grandma that has pineapple in it. DELISH!

    Maddy had a bad night last night, got to coughing so much she threw up a couple of times. DH still wants to take her to the pool, but my vote is another day of rest. We'll see how the day goes.

    Simplicity - I didn't have a mastectomy either and since mine had already spread, why go thru all that pain and down time. But if I hadn't been a IV right outta the gate I think I would have had both removed, jes my take on it. You've got some tme to think about it, follow ur instincts and it'll all work out as it is supposed to. Good Luck!

    Lowee - cool, a name….but what? Com'on girls lets put our heads together and come up with one. The nutty zucc sounds yummy.

    Julie - I kinda would too, but kno my finances can't cover it and I am concerned about my strength to walk that much prior to the cruise. Wanna conserve my energy. Am very sad you are having issues and they still can't find the cause. Hope it gets better soonliest. (((Julie)))

    Today Maddy is still got a deep cough. Nurses, should she go swimming or stay in. I don' t know if swimming would hurt or help. UGH! My guts says 'stay in' and down with fluids.

    Gotta get food on table for her and papa….check in later if I can.


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2015

    Beautiful wee girl arrived yesterday Aug 4 at 2pm. Evie Marian Jane 7lb 8oz   She is a chubby one. Pleased all well as it was C section as she was breech with feet over head. 

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    Congratulations Alyson

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2015

    Aly - congratulations......I just love the name and glad C section went well. I'm assuming mom and Evie doing well? Isn't today the 4th?

    Went to the pool today, about 3 hrs after waking this morning Maddy had a slight, but still deep, cough. She acted like she was healthy as a horse and swam like one too. Do horses swim? LOL! Now she is on my Kindle playing full of energy....I'd like some of that energy now!!! Dh at bar....will b bring home Chinese food. Maddy is extremely picky when it comes to 'real' food. Mac n cheese and chicken nuggets is all she eats btwn dinner and lunch. Mornings its waffles or French toast with berries. However, she thinks my kale/spinach/fruit/carrots frozen smoothies are the bomb. So she gets her greens without knowing it....LOL.

    I'm babbling....must be mese er burp...cuse me. DH on way home....yak atcha tomorrow....have 1 or 2 more dwinkies on me.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2015

    Hi girls, I'm here with Nora, she's taking a nap so this post may come in pieces. Had lots of fun last night with my girls, one got super drunk and took a cab home and we had 2 of us to walk her out and pour her into the cab. Luckily she knew the driver since there is only one cab co in town and she takes a cab whenever she knows she'll be drinking. He promised to get her home safe and sound. She texted me awhile ago and says she has no memory of going home and she still feels like she's drunk... geesh..., she's my skinny friend and she starts drinking and won't eat. She had a couple of bites of her sushi roll and passed the rest around the table which we were more than happy to help her with. She was driking some kind of premixed wine cocktail when we got to our friend's house and I started adding water to them but I guess it was too late. I behaved a bit cause I didn't want to be hungover with my little high energy Nora.

    Simplicity, I have a lot of thoughts on the mastectomy bizness but it really is a personal decision, I had a bilateral MX. My MO first started talking lumpectomy. I'd had mammograms every year but my breast were so dense they always came back as no abnormalities seen. I've since learned that mammograms are pretty worthless with very dense breast so I would have to have gotten MRI's every year if I would've kept my breast. All the pre-surgery test showed my right breast had no cancer. Turns out the right one had LCIS and I had lots of lymph node involvement so for me the BMX was the right decision. What bothers me is when they say the lumpectomy and the mastectomy have the same survival rates 10 years down the road but the chances of recurrance are higher with lumpectomy and the thought of having to repeat chemo and surgery was nothing I wanted to think about. But there are a lot of ladies out there that do just fine with lumpectomy or single mastectomy, but for me personally it would have given me even more to worry about, I'm glad to have both boobs gone. There is a lot of good info on the mastectomy and lumpectomy sites and they have lists of things you'll want to have on had for after. My one big thing was a back scratcher, couldn't have lived without it.

    I started this post this morning and now it's 11 at night and I have to go to bed, DH outta town and I'm on dog duty in the ayem and have to work. I'll see you all tomorrow...sweet dreams..

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2015


    Evie Marian Jane. 
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Finally got to watch a good thunder bumper yesterday peeyem.Lotsa lightning, wind, and kaboms, but didn't last very long.Still, it was fun to watch! And it really cleared out the humidity and made sleeping really nice last night.Yeah!

    Simplicity--I know moscato (good stuff), don't know Ancient Age.Is that a hard likker?It sounds really interesting.The decision about what surgery is a difficult one, there is so much to consider, and every woman's experience is different, so the best choice for each woman is different.I see you are planning a mastectomy, are you planning reconstruction?The type of recon can influence the choice ofsurgery for various reasons. Do you care to share how you came to choose a mastectomy?Nobody here will criticize or try to change your mind, just put forward some things to think about and share our experiences so you will have a lot of info to draw from as you go forward.


    Goldie--I have the equipment to do water bath canning, and like doing that, don't have the stuff for pressure canning.Maybe someday I'll branch out to pressure canning.The Nutty Cheezy Zucchinini Patties sound really yummy!Share the recipe?


    Juliet--yikes, what is with all the pain?So not good.My new camera was delivered yesterday, been charging overnight, going to take it with today and see if I can get a few shots to begin playing with it and learning it's quirks.I bet you can get another charger for your camera, and probably at little cost.For technical stuff like that I often go to the company website, get the item's full name and note the details, then search for it on e-bay and amazon, and often find the very same thing ata lot less than the company is charging.


    Simplicity--it is cool how meeting someone from an online group is not like meeting a stranger, isn't it?


    Mema--ooh, pineapple in zucchini bread, Wow!Bet that is fantastic!


    Aly--CONGRATULATIONS!Nothing like a topsy turvy baby to brighten up your world.


    Mema--how sneaky to put greens in the smoothie like that!Glad Maddie likes it.


    Genny--Sounds like you and GFs had quite the party!Glad you were good enough to avoid a hangover, though.




    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Baby Evie Marian Jane

    1/2 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Butterscotch Schnapps

    1/2 oz Irish Cream

    1/2 oz Gin

    2 scoops Vanilla Ice Cream


    Blend with ice and serve with a cherry on top.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    7 out of 9 this morning.