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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Just ran across this, too funny, had to share: I'm either Creamy Lips or Spanky Ass depending on using my real or online name!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Simplicity, these girls are my saviors. There are things that I think all of us share here and only here. I think I've met about 8 of them in person, some that are no longer on the boards. Glad your company was good company.

    Sue (LDB), I would have voted for Maddy to stay home and rest another day. I have no idea about a name, I don't have much imagination, but someone should come up with something! Glad to hear she is doing better and was ok at the pool. I don't know if horses swim! I think so though. I remember your pop cycles with greens, so clever!

    Congrats Alyson and what a cute name Evie. And we even get a picture! Soooooo cute!

    Oh my Mary, sounds like your friend really tied one on! Glad she was smart enough to take a cab.

    Julie, you ended up back in the hospital? This is terrible that they can't help you.

    NM, I'll share the recipe since Ms Wacko isn't here to yell at me for that! I like my pressure canner, upgraded to that last year. I like it because you only need like an inch of water in it, as opposed to water bath, where you have to make sure the water comes up over the jars, hence a longer time to get it to boil. Ha ha ha, Creamy Lips or Spanky Ass, quite the opposites! I'm Bulky Nipples, don't like that at all!

    Leaving early in the morning for our camping trip. We are staying in a camp ground with wi fi, so I might be able to check in. Forgot the zucchini relish needed to be in the fridge over night, grated with onions and sprinkled with salt to draw the water out. I have lots of tomatoes and bean that need picking, but I don't have time to can them, a real bummer.

    Nutty Cheesy Zucchini Patties
    2 cups shredded zucchini
    1/2 cup grated cheese (I use cheddar)
    2/3 cup chopped nuts (your choice, I usually have walnuts on hand, recipe calls for pecans)
    1 cup of Bisquick
    1 egg
    Salt/Pepper to taste
    Oil for frying.

    Ketchup or sour cream for garnish. I think you could put other things in there too, like onion, garlic, mushrooms. It also keeps pretty good in the fridge over night, to make some the next day.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2015

    Hi goils, I am sitting by my pool with mese cuz and having strawberry daiquiris, yummmy! I miss you goils and enjoy catching up,, mese puppy is going nuts as she got into mese dwink n licked de whipped topping and now wants more berry berry much , she is going flippity do da cray cray!

    Lori, have a gret getaway. You asked how I am doing, mese is good. I still communicate with Jennika mainly by text but we are cordial ... she visited me a few weeks back, jest stopped in for a quick visit. I forget what else you asked, not trying to ignore you.

    Julie, hope things look up soon for you, sorry you are going through crud. Any disney plans soonly??

    Cam is Joey ready for school yet< what grade this year> Hope you are feeling picture perfect as you are to me, muah!

    Alyson, a big congrats, beautiful baby glad to hear she is a healthy one, what a sweetheart. Wecome to the world lil one, Many Blessings for a wonderfoil life.

    Simplicity, sorry you are going through such an awful time, hope the chemo is more considerate so that you can have some dwinkies. Yes, the goils here are def lifesavers and can really help you through. I was able to escape chemo but know of its effects on ya from hanging around here. It will soon be in your past and you will be stronger than ever, wooo hooo,, we gonna have a big ass sailabration when you are done goil, can;t wait.

    oops, sorry for typos, it is dark where mese is for de most part.

    Genny, when ya gonna book that trip or have ya> I still need to put in for the time off. Cant wait to meet you and de other goils who are coming too. Wish eberyone could join us.

    NM, still loving yer picture posts. and they seem to be working well these days. Hope you having a nice relaxing night with Sadie goil.

    Sue, hope Maddie feels better and can swim soonliest. Hope you feeling good too. I am gonna spike mese coffee in de aye em and toast ya from here ...ChhEeRS!

    To eberybuddy else, hope all are doing well, feeling good and feeling happy. goes for ebery one of you goils, be happy~

    One more ting, I was told by a snotty rich ass client that I was making tings complicated, dis guy been jumpinig all over mese chit. So I put a curse on him, yep, may his dicky doo fall off tomorree and right in front of his fellow attorneys. Dude is a millionare from NYC and says mean tings to me eberyday. So here is to mese curse being sucksessfull hehehehe!

    Peace n Lobe mese goils, nothing but lub lub lub, all we need is ...

    LUb duh!!!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2015

    Just popping in quick to say good night...hi Dara!.. think I will buy tickets dis weekend. Gotta go to bed now... congrats ally! Love to all sweet dreams!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Lovely thunderstorms came through last evening, cooled things down to the point I actually had to turn the fan down during the night, despite having Sadie sharing my pillow!Great sleeping weather, and nice enough during the days to be glad to be outside.Gotta love summer!


    Goldie--thanks for the recipe, sounds really, really yummy!Have fun camping!


    Juliet--oh my goodness, that is ADORABLE!


    Dara--so you have a drunken pool puppy on a sugar rush?Must be hilarious to watch!I'm having fun with the picture posts.May your curse come true to mr rich obnoxious man in the most embarrassing way possible!


    Genny--172 days till cruise time!Getting closer!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Beach Cruiser

    1 1/4 oz Spiced Rum

    3 oz Cranberry Juice

    4 oz Pineapple Juice


    Pour spiced rum, pineapple juice and cranberry juice into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well. Strain into a collins glass filled with ice cubes, garnish with a pineapple wedge, and serve.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    wish all the pics would show. 3 out of 5 today.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Aly - she is a keeper (not that she'd be tossed away) Love the crocheted outfit Julie posted. Thanks for sharing the pics.

    Lowee - have a wonderful camping trip and stay safe…no bears allowed. Watch out for racoons too…they as mean as bears and are not afraid of humans.

    Mary - sounds like you and your gf's had a fab time. Glad the cab was called for her.

    NM - I'm 'fire nukes' wtf is that…LOL. Your names are the bomb! I found two cameras….want to take the lighter one, but will depend if I can find a battery for it. DH ordered one on line that he said would work. If I end up using the bigger one I'll have to re-read the directions on what all the buttons and dials are…but I have time to do that. Been trying to post pics of Maddy that I took with my phone…never clear enuf.

    Dara dahhling - strawberry daiquiris….yum…funny about ur pooch wanting more and more whipped topping. I can jes see her spinning and jumping. Sooo glad to hear that at least u and Jennika are cordial and that she dropped in for a short bisit….this all a good sign. Hope she gets baby David home soon, sending prayers. Oh, is she still hung up on baby daddy?

    We didn't take Maddy to the pool yest but DH took her to the splash pad. She still has the cough but last night no puking mucus. DH works today thru Sat so it's just the two of us next 3 days. I had a down day yest, stayed in bed and slept most of the day even tho I slept well the night before. Today I feel ok but gonna keep it a down day, just a few errands to run. Maddy does well entertaining herself. Only thing that really bugs me is now she knows how to work the remote. Carries it aroud, flips thru channels especially during the commercials….think that is over as I put the kibosh on it last night.

    Gotta get her breakfast, then a bath. Her hair is to the bottom of her butt and refuses to let her mom cut it. It is very thick and brushing it is a killer. I jes tell her 'if she doesn't like her hair brushed cuz it pulls, then she better cut it off. She's been much better, not so much whining this time.

    Lubslubslubslubs to all my bff's (as Maddy says). Have a gr8 day all!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2015

    hi girls,

    it is quiet here today so figures I'd pop in and say hello.

    so hello. nothing new to report cept that it is friedey eve, wooo hooo to that.

    Sue, hate that you are having to confine yerself to bed and not dwinking, that jest sucks de big one.

    Genny, let me know when you are flying in and I will book my trip as well.

    NM, tanks for de countdown. It helps ease the pain of summer coming to a close. Hate that we are having shorter days. Gonna try to sailabrate each day and enjoy ebery moment of de summer.

    well that's it from Kansas, cheers eberybuddy!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2015

    Hi girls, just got done watching the debate, very interesting. Anyway, I'm going to bed, off tomorrow, so I'll be in the lounge to catch up. sweet dreams!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!TGIF!So looking forward to the weekend off.There's a bit of buzz going on at work, a new dress code policy has been released that specifies a polo shirt with the company logo and white or khaki pants/skirt, stockings or socks with closed toed shoes.There's a lot of grumbling about having to buy new pants/skirts and shoes (we get 5 shirts per year from the company).I'm listening to all this and shaking my head, the only 2differences between this new policy and the old one is the color of the bottoms (was blue or khaki) and the fact that this one will be enforced.There have been lots of comments about how "uniforms" scare people and make health care less personalSome of my coworkers look at me like I have 3 heads when I talk about liking to have work clothes separate from my street clothes, and the advantages of being identifiable by what I wear when I'm working.But then I'm not young enough or skinning enough to be concerned about "looking good" and making fashion statements at work.I do find it all very amusing.Now for an informal poll:are you scared by nurses or other health care providers wearing uniforms or all dressed similarly?Is it harder for you to talk to a health care provided who is wearing a uniform?Do you get less personal care when the health care provider is wearing a uniform?I'm just curious!On the fun side, yesterday morning I was driving down the road and this platinum blond yakking on a cell phone was riding my back bumper and waving at me to hurry up (I was going the speed limit), so I pulled over a bit and she passed me on a double yellow line going like a bat out of he##, just as a state trooper was coming the other way.A few minutes later there are flashing blue lights behind me, then going past me, then a little ways down the road who do you think was pulled over?Yup, Platinum Blondie!


    Mema--"fire nukes"?Bit of an odd name, I'll admit.Not that I'm crazy about "Creamy Lips" but what can one say?The lighter camera would certainly be better, but whatever one works, right?When the camera on my phone was working I could sometimes get good pics, but mostly not really good ones.Still, it was handy to have at times.Funny how Maddie channel surfs during commercials.Wonder where she learned that?


    Dara--I had noticed the daylight getting shorter too, and am NOT ready for that, at all!And back to school shopping commercials, it seems way too soon!But I guess it's only a month or so.Sigh.I did just order a bunch of bulbs to plan in the bulb garden this fall,they should arrive in September.


    Genny--anything good in the debate?I know I should pay more attention to politics but get so sick of the campaigning stuff months before elections that I tune it all out.I don't even know who's running for what yet.Or has that even been actually decided?Ah well, plenty of time for that stuff yet.


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:--

    High Speed

    2 oz Bacardi Limon Rum

    1 oz Gin

    8 oz Red Bull


    Pour the Seagrams gin and Bacardi Limon rum into a collins glass over several ice cubes. Add the Red Bull, stir, and serve.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    4 for 4 today! A record is set!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2015

    good morning all, off to a empowerment class today

    nm, the system went to mandatory colours several years ago, so galaxy blue and white are my choices.

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    Evie is so adorable!

    NativeMaine, and Genny, the surgeon said first thing that the right breast had to go. I had asked for the bilateral (I'll have to look up the MX part) mastetomy but both my oncologist and surgeon feel I shouldn't for the statistics reason (?), the emotional aspects, recovery...idk what to do.

    NativeMaine, it is very cool. You really get to know each other in online groups like these.

    Past couple days have been very busy and sore. That last chemo just doesn't want to let go dang it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Oops I did it again. WTF is happening to me--I was on here every day, now the days are like one long goofy day.

    Julie I'm sorry I still don't understand what's wrong. (((HUGS)))

    NM U are so funny, getting more and more pics posted, oh my opinion is I like types of uniformy clothes I feel like I'm bein especially taken care of, if they all wore reular clothes I'd have to ask where they got them etc. using up precious time or tell them the color that looks best on them.

    SusyQ I hope maddy's cough is gone by now, I hate that when they don't feel right, and now u'r sounding tired.

    DARA I've een worse than u. well not drinking of course, but not keeping up with everyone and I do hate that. I really am happy tho about u and u'r DD and baby will really be coming together soon. And I'm right with u with u'r curse.

    Lori u'r going away again??? Good for u. Hmm Zucc. relish sounds good it should just be called Lori's special relish, well everything u do is special so.........

    Mary I love how u just pop in, it's so sweet.

    Nancy good for u, u'r quite an athlete.

    Simplicity I think it's hard for any of us to give u advice but I have a big mouth with no filter so I will attempt to ive u an idea. I had one off the first surgery and I was lopsided and walked that way, my insurance wouldn't pay for the other one. And I kept hitting a wall on my one side when I walked, my Dr. said that was normal, it's like removing a little toe it's balance and also stupid--well about a year later mor fun stuff was going on and I had the other one off, I still walked into walls like now but I didn't have any excuse. and different kind of chemo, it was a long stretch and the funny part was neither operation ever hurt at all, but women with lumpectomies seemed to hurt more. I loved my Drs. and of course told them all the time and hugged them all the time and told my surgeon if I was 20 yrs. younger he'd leave his wife for me, well I didn't know then he was leaving his wife for another woman, not me dammit. I told u I have no filter. If the Ins. covered it I would have had both out at the same time, but I'm much older and as I said to the other gals mine were closed for any kind of business anyway. My niece was 42 at that time she had them both taken at the same time and so did my sister. I always had to go for the drama, so altho I have no medical experience i thought I'd just thro that out at u, but I really think u'll know u'rself what to do and I hope this stupid chemo gets kinder to u, I know it can be rough. So let us know how u 'r doing with it, some of the gals have trixks (not the cereal) to help with certain things.

    OK big party tomorrow nite, we asked so many people an I talked to Nicky and said what about food? Jeez we can't think of everything, but Lesli and Joey are making a big pasta salad. I was helping and they both asked me to leave, I've told u girls do things wrong and no one wants u to do anything.

    Oh Simplicity Lori is right it's my 11 yr old grandson that I'm encouraging to be a hacker, he knows I'm crazy, he already put on Windows 10 and took it off he didn't like it?????? But that why my kids are always on me cuz I encourage not quite legal practices, sometimes.

    OK see what happens every time I miss a few days I can't shut up, I feel like I have to tell u all my thoughts and stuff.

    Oh Lori u'r DB won 10,000.00??? that lucky duck, I love to hear when someone wins.

    Remember girls I LUBS U ALL and I'm noticing now it's getting dark earlier too, it seems like all of a sudden.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2015

    Hi girls, got a few minutes of ketchup time. I got really good news today.. some of you may remember that hospital bill I've been fighting since March. It was from my rads last Sept thru Nov. I had 31 tx's and each one had something called intrafractional traction rotation at $250/each, The insurance company paid for some of them and said the others were experimental procedures and not covered. So I've been fighting and the RO sent an appeal and it was denied twice and my RO moved to CA. So I'm on the phone with the billing advocate assigned to my case today for an hour. It was all getting very close to being turned over to collections...$7000 total. So this guy I'm talking to today was very patient and trying to help but hitting a wall cause my Dr moved and there's no one to call. So I ask him for the Ombudsman's number and he says hold on I'll find it. So he comes back and says, I have the # for you but I've got a call in with my supervisor to see if there is anything else we can do to help you... I'll call you within an hour. So I hold off on calling the Ombudsman and he does call me back an hour later to tell me they are going to rebill Med Mut without the 31 charges with the experimental code!!!! Don't know if I'm making sense but woohoo!!! $7000 charge gone!! Everything else is already covered, oh, I'm so happy to have that weight gone!

    Cami, the party sounds like fun, please!!! take some pics! Your lack of filter is what we all love most about you!

    Simplicity, how long till you're done with chemo? My suggestion to you is read as much as you can on BC, all of the info is available right here on, especially on these discussion boards since no one knows more about it than these women who have been thru it. There is a thread for everything. Then whatever you decide, do that. Don't let the doctors bully you into or not into anything. You are the one that has to live in your body, do what causes you the least amount of stress, after all your tx is finised you still have to live with the "what if's".

    NM, No uniforms do not intimidate me, oh my goodness, I think it's nice to not have to pic out clothes in the morning, and scrubs so comfy!

    Dara, I hate those rich, bitchy people for you. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and are able to relax and have fun.

    Lori, hope vacay is wonderful!

    NM Hope you and Maddy are having a fabulous time!

    I have to send tis now cause I'm real tired...try and ketchup tomorrow.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! What's everyone up to this weekend?


    Juiliet--empowerment sounds like fun!


    Simplicity--MX is a medical abbreviation for mastectomy.As far as statistics go, they only apply to groups of people.Individuals only have 2 possible statistics, 0% or 100%.An individual either does not (0%) or does (100%) have cancer. It can be emotionally difficult to have one breast removed due to cancer and then have to go through extra views and constant surveillance of theother breast.It can be emotionally difficult to have one breast reconstructed but not match the remaining breast.There can be twice as much recovery time and surgical risk if cancer is found in the remaining breast later and the surgery and treatment process have to be repeated.On the other hand, having one natural breast maintains sensation and recon or prosthetics that match the remaining breast mean that a woman looks just like she did before mastectomy.It's very complex and a very individual decision.I had a uni mastectomy, then had the other breast removed a few years later because I couldn't deal with the annual mammogram with extra views and probably biopsies every couple of years on the good breast.It also allowed me to get smaller, matching breasts.BUT--that was what was best for me, and may not apply to you. There's lots to consider.Hope the chemo kick butt eases up soon!


    Cammy--I'm with you, I like to be able to tell who is who when I'm getting care, and uniforms help with that. You must be pretty busy for the days to run together like they do!I'm going to try Windows 10, too, probably this weekend, and see how it goes.Should be an interesting experiment!


    Genny--YAHOO!Amazing what threatening to call the ombudsman can do for a billing issue that is the hospital's fault to begin with! You must feel so relieved.That is really good news.I like not having to pick out clothes, too, very easy in the morning.


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Breast Caresser

    1 1/2 oz Brandy

    1/2 oz Triple Sec

    1 oz Madeira


    Pour the brandy, madeira and triple sec into a mixing glass half-filled with ice cubes. Stir well. Strain into a cocktail glass over crushed ice, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    Thanks Nm! Not sure what's right for me. Trying to think of the here and now and the later.

    I don't want to adult today. Please don't make me adult.

    Hqnging out at the neighbors later and having me a beverage or two, going to try anyway. I'll adult then lo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Good Morning Ladies.

    NM u mde me think of uniforms in a Catholic school. before we had to wear them, it was figuring out what to wear and what matched and all that crap. But once a uniform was in place how easy that was. So I guess maybe that's too why I like uniforms. When I worked we had to wear a navy jacket and our badge all the time, but u still had t come up with what to wear and it was a pain. U gave Simplicity such good advice (as always) and Simplicity I don't blame u about being an adult, it's much easier not thinking about things.

    I talked to my cousin last nite and she has a 100.00 gift cert. for a liqur store around here so she's getting some for tonite. So that's good. And right now it's cloudy, I hope it clears up but we do have a screened in room o eat and sit around in but I want to go swimming, well OK walking in the pool, it feels so good to walk with no pain and no cane. LOL

    BTW I correct all my typing for my work but not here so I hope u can figure out what I'm saying. Not that it is interesting, just saying.......I didn't get much sleep last nite. Joey couldn't sleep and of course he comes in my room and we talk, so he can't sleep meaning I don't either tha brat. But haha he's stuck washing xlothes today, Leslie's at school, but he doesn't really care.

    Ok I have some paperwork to do and then nothing then PARTAY, I'm sleeping over so I'll be home tomorrow some time. U know it's going to take me days to recoup, wow I'm getting old. Well I am old.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2015

    in work so on my kindle

    Simplicity had lumpectomies so no help there

    Cammi. I nearly have has many docs as you

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2015

    Morning DahhhLinks!

    Nice and sunny today so Maddy and I have lots to do. Got get busy, but wanted to pop in. Hope everyone has a wonderful day...I love all you beautiful ladies.

    Simp - I think NM gave u the best advice. So take as much time as you can to decide.

    Gotta run....lubslubslubslubslubslubs to all!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Oh Julie I hope not, but can they find real help for u? It still seems like something is wrong and I don't understand it. Do I ever? Oh get this I got an invitation to my brother's 60th wedding anniversary--HE'S GOT SEPSIS, WTF does anything mean????? What a crazy year one brother dies within a month of finding out about cancer, the other one has sepsis and treated 2x a day with infusions, since my sister retired she's not feeling well at all, the drs. aren't really a lot of help, they said it's not more cancer just strange things, like I have and my cousin who is 76 is afraid to retire. It's getting depressing so we're having a party tonite. We're still goofy. But I'm more afraid for my sister, I can hear fear in her voice all the time and believe me I never heard it before, I really think it's about retiring, she's worked for 40 yrs (about) and now she'll tell me she didn't even get out of her robe some days. --which I told her is my perfect day bu not hers. I really think she has a lot to get used to---Sorry didn't mean to go on and on.

    So glad u'r feeling energy today SusyQ have fun.

    Oh I miss Lori.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2015

    Have to do a quick pop-in again, time for bed, I'm tired. We took the pooches to a dog beach today, what a hoot, Emma thinks she's a lab, throw a stick, she battles the waves to swim out and get it, Junior just barks at her. I'll see you all in the ayem...sweet dreams

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2015

    Good morning ladies, ahhhh, I am weel rested and ready for a little ketchup. I took a Xanax and slept and dreamed. For some strange reason, I was a spectator in a courtroom, odd.... Our condo development is having the garage sale this week so today will be spent hauling stuff up from the basement. I was talking about Emma swimming last night, we just figured out that she likes it. At Molly's she would stand at the beach at always touching, but we took her to the lake last week and she started really swimming, last night the water was pretty rough and some hefty waves coming in and she just rode them. So good for her hips, I wish we didn't have such a short swimming season. My bone scan is scheduled for the 28th, I' trying not to think about it but I'll be glad to get it done. I'm pretty sure I just have a normal 57 year old backache but It'll sure be nice to have that confirmed.

    Cami, I'm so sorry to hear about your brother having sepsis, hopefully the antibiotics will do their job and he'll be back to new in no time. And your sister not feeling well... I hope everyone feels better soon. Do you think your sister is feeling depressed since retiring? $100.00 for liquor! Woohoo, let the partay begin! It's good Nicky remembered you might need food cause I don't think a lemon wedge in a drink counts.

    Dara, still haven't booked that trip but hope to get on that this evening, if not I will make it a top priority to be completed by Tuesday which is my day off, and I don't work late tomorrow either and it's sposed to rain. Hope you're having a fun weekend to get ya prepared for another 5 days of dealing with rich a-holes.

    Sue, sounds like you and Maddy have been having lots of fun, seems your 9 days are about up? Bet you'll sleep for 2 after she's gone. I love my Nora's age right now but I think about the things I'd love to do when she's a little older too. I watched her last Tuesday and I don't think I told you all about this. They have a dog door in the storm door, and then a deck and a gate with a latch you have to flip up and then pull the gate in. So right after her mom leaves, I'm putting my lunch in the fridge and I turn around and she crawls out the dog door walks to the gate, opens the latch and proceeds to go down the stairs to the yard!!! 18 months old...I-yi-yi. Then she goes into the living room, goes behind the end table, stands on the baseboard heated, crawls onto the end table and stands up and jumps on the couch..... so I moved the end table and she gets on the couch, flips her feet over the back where there is about a 6" space and wedges herself between the windowsill and the couch and says "yaya, I tuck" I say yea you're stuck alright and I have to pull her sideways away from the windowsill to get her out and 10min later I go into the kitchen for something and come back and hear... "yaya I tuck". SO that was a game we played over and over. Then her great gramma comes to relieve me at 4 so I could get home to my dogs and she says she did same thing for her only it's "Noni, I tuck" And my son says he's gonna put a bungie cord around the gate just to be extra safe. I don't know how her mom ever gets anything done. Anyway, I ran on with that story but I'm glad you're having fun and building lots of memories with your Maddy.

    NM, I love all your pics, they are so much fun! Sounds like things are getting easier for you at work. Hope you and Sadie are having a nice weekend. Thanks for the countdown to the cruise, the kick in the butt I need to get those plane tickets and hotel reserved.

    Julie, I know what you mean about lots of docs, when my MO recommended a rheumatologist that's all I could think is not one more ologist! I'll think about it, if I do it'll have to be before the end of the year cause my goal for next year is not to make my deductible. Tomorrow I get to go to the eye doctor for the repeat test to see if I'm getting macular degeneration, the test was questionable 6 months ago. Anyway, not sure what's going on with you but none of it sounds cancer related, right? GI stuff? Hope you're having a good weekend and not working.

    Simplicity, hope you enjoyed your cocktails, hang in there, it does end and you will feel human again. I struggled with the mastectomy vs lumpectomy thing for months although my BS made it easy because she though I should have the BMX for sure. I was not even an A cup so the idea of reconstructing a fried egg was not something I even considered, so for me it was lumpectomy or BMX. Turns out BC was worse than they thought so lumpectomy wasn't an option, in fact they wouldn't let me keep my nipples either cause they didn't want to leave that much tissue. NM gave you great advice, just keep reading and educating yourself and you'll figure it out, just stick to your guns on what you feel is right for you.

    Lori, hope you're having a wonderful camping trip!

    Nancy, hi, hope you're out rowing somewhere and having a good time too and no seizures.

    Gotta go, time to get the pooches out, love to all and hi to anyone I missed.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2015

    Wow... I'm the last to post last night and the first one and only one today! Hope that means you are all having one hell of a weekend!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2015

    Hi girls,

    Hope you are all having a super nice weekend, I fret to tink it is almost over. Me, mese cuz and the two puppies went to visit mom and dad today, we had a great visit. Dad enjoys when the doggies come. Dad's ear has healed quite well, it was black and purple from a fall last week. He almost needed stitches but did not, tankfully. ugh, always something with the parental units.

    Simplicity, I hope you are able to come to a decision that you are good with. I chose a double MX (BMX) so that I would not have to deal with the rat bastard again in the future. Both of my sisters had BS or pre-BS and my middle sister had to go through the MX twice. That is why I decided to have both breasts removed. It is a person decision but I tink most girls go with the double when the cancer is in one breast. I could be wrong though, I dwink a lot and am know to make chit up hehe. Did you say you had your last chemo this past week? I Hope I heard right. That is reason to sailabrate.

    Hello Suzie QTPIE, nice to see you always! Hope you are feeling better lub.

    Cam, nice to see your face. I tink LOri is away this weekend? it tis very quiet in here.

    Genny, praying for good results on your scan at de end of de month. Yes, let me know when you book and what dates. I have not yet asked for the time off, do not know what I am waiting for cept that I keep forgetting the dates. I think it is from 1/25 for five days?

    NM, where are you today? Did I miss sumting?

    Julie, sending hugs your way.

    Hello to all you wunderfoil goils, peace and love to each of you.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2015

    i'm with you dara on parental units, came home from work to message on my machine m y mother had fallen and was in the hospital, uti, high heart rate and low bp. dont think any fractures but could be sepsis

    cammi-hope your having a wonderful party

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Hi's kind of the middle of the nite and now I'm awake. Slept so much of the day. ut was up the nite before with the party til about 3am. We all had such a good time and talked til we were falling asleep. We mostly slept in the family room and Nicky played super host. No kids tho cept Joey but good thing he can talk about grown up things cuz he was buzy debating and discussing all the techy things and really helping me alot. But u know it's going to take me a couple of days to catch up.

    Julie I'm so sorry to hear this sepsis thing, Why is this goin around so much? I hope everything turns out better.

    Dara good about u'r doggies bringing some good times with u. Such a worry tho with u'r mom and dad, so u really need to rest and relax when u can.

    Hope all is good with NM, report in. LOL

    Mary I too love that age except for the work and some worry of them getting hurt. They really have no fear yet It's funny cuz I don't remember worrying about it when my kids were little so much, but Joey was a different story. AND I was older--so rest up for next time cuz it's all fun.

    And Dara when Lori isn't here, it's always strange.

    Simplicity I hope u'r feeling OK and the gals here gave u some help.

    Oh again the mosquitos were out with a vengence and everyone was spraying and they were still hanging around, but I really think it's all the meds and cancer crap in our blood that they can tell they don't want our blood. So this crazy blood is the repellant, maybe I should bottle it.

    OKey dokey I'll close for now.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Sorry to be MIA yesterday, woke up in the middle of the night feeling very crummy--cramps, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, chlls, the whole nine yards.After several miserable hours I finally fell asleep and slept most of the day, didn't do a dang thing all day except get the uniforms off the clothesline so I have clean ones to wear today.Poor Sadie kept bringing me her toys, and nudging me.I tried to play with her but I just didn't have the umption.Feel much better this morning, though, for which I am very grateful, cuz it's back to work day!

    Simplicity--YW and you are entitled to have a few non-adult days!


    Cammy--how did your cuz get a $100 gift certificate to a likker store?That's quite a gift!Glad she's sharing it with you.I've never really thought about people liking school uniforms, I've always heard from people who hated them.Either I know a bunch of odd people or you are a unique person!Funny how Joey keeps you up when HE can't sleep.Enjoy the PARTAY!


    Juliet--Too many docs make for too much confusion, IMHO!


    Mema--Hope you and Maddy had a great day!


    Cammy--Sounds like retirement is hard to get used to, particularly for your sister.And it does seem like retirement doesn't treat your family very well.If your brother is having an anniversary party maybe that means the sepsis is under control and well on it's way to being eradicated?Is he getting the infusions at home?If so, it may be that the sepsis itself is over and they are trying to get at the source of the infection with long term antibiotic therapy.And it's ok if you go on and on.That's what we're here for!


    Genny--Emma sounds a lot like my Sadie--water +stick = happy wet doggy!I'm praying that the bone scan will show just that-- a normal backache thing.Oh, my, Maddy getting "tuck" like that, and already able to get out the doggy door and open the latch on the gate!Definitely need a bungie cord or something, preferably with bells on it so you can hear her trying to get it loose.She's a little Hoodini!Yes, things are much better at work now, and that has taken a lot of pressure off.Now if I can just figure out why I keep having diarrhea all the time!


    Dara--No, you didn't miss me, I was missing yesterday.Feeling better today, though.Better get your time off request in before it's too late!


    Juliet--what a scary phone call to get. Praying your Mom is better soonliest!


    Cammy--sounds like you had a great time at the PARTAY!Good for you!I'll buy some of that mosquito repelling blood, those little suckers LOVE to bite me!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Red Mosquito

    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz Cinnamon Schnapps


    Combine vodka and hot damn in a shot glass, stir and serve.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    6 out of 9, not a bad day