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how about drinking?



  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    Morning Ladies!

    Juliet, how is your mother?

    Cami, feeling ok. Thanks for asking. Those damn mosquitoes love to bit me too! And it turns into a freaking event, any little scratch or bite. Grr.

    NM, I hope you're feeling better today. I didn't get much done this weekend either. A bit of cleaning here and there. May I ask what the 6 out of 9 is?

    Monday. Ick. Hoping I can make it through the work week. Pain is better, but still there and uncomfortable. Company coming this weekend and I can't wait!

    How many of you have met in real life? That's really cool! I've met 5 of my other forum friends irl, and it's like we always knew each other in person.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2015

    symplicity , its the number of pics that post! and i agree we should be able to have non adult days! with likker. i have met 3 others but will meet more on the cruise

    nm- feel better soon, ibs? poor sadie, to make you laugh, had a patient who had a allergy listed to epinephrine, so had to ask what does it do to you?,his reply gives me heart palpitations! i did manage to keep a straight faceHappy

    cammi- glad you had fun, gift cards to a likker store,thats my kind of gift. . love joey- you know when he walks into a inteview , they are going to be so impressed by his ability to hold an adult conversation.

    mary g - miss nora" tuck," definitely need bells with that one

    mother much better today , nurse said they might discharge her today, a 79 year old with sepsis, HELL NO, so may need to put my official nurses hat on , or talk to somone that knows whats going on . have fun people

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2015


  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    You ladies are going on a cruise? Sweet! I hope all of you have a great time!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2015

    Hi girls, only a quick pop-in, got to get to bed. Went to the eye doc today for my 6 month do I or don't I have macular degeneration test and the answer is?...... he still doesn't know. Nothing has changed but he wants me back in 6 months...ahhh, so it goes. Not going to worry about it.

    Simplicity, yes we are going on a Disney cruise in January, I think there are 7 of us. I have only met Lori (Goldie) and 1 other lady from another site that lives only a few miles from me. Hope you have lots of fun with your company this weekend.

    Kim,again love the pics. Love, love love the sprawled out GSD. It is tough when your dogs want to play and you don't feel like you have the energy. Mine have to be walked when I get home from work and a lot of the time my feet are just so tired from standing all day. Sorry about the D.

    Julie, sorry to hear about your mom, hope the hospital keeps her a bit longer, too bad they are so quick to release these days. Are you feeling better?

    Dara, hope your work week is an easy one and the rich jerks stay out of your way.

    Hi to everybody else, time for some beauty sleep...sweet dreams!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Hi Ladies--

    NM I'm sorry u were sick, I hope that's the end of it and all that crap leaves u alone. I can't get a pic to post yet and I used to all the rime???? Sadie is so fun u'r lucky to have her and she's lucky to have u. I love our furbabies they're so loving to us and easy on us too.

    Simplicity I've met Lori who is as sweet as she is beautiful and I've talked to Julie and her accent is so lovely just talking to her makes u feel good and another member who hasn't been here in a while. And honestly I wish I could meet everyone cuz I feel like I've known them forever and love them like forever. Like I've said before if a few yrs. ago someone would have told me I'd meet so many wonderful people thru the computer, I would have thought they were crazy. Do u work every day now. Wow.

    Oh another party this weekend---Jodie's missing all this fun, but she has said they are having a great time, they're in CA now and I think will be back Sunday nite. I miss her tho. Some of my cousins are oing to the race track Sat. afternoon then we'll allmeet at jodie's later, so here we go again. Oh my cousin got those gift certs at the boat, when they give things away--she goes all the time. This is the gambling side of the family, I mean for real. When Joanne was going for chemo, every weekend from Friday nite til Sunday her sister and her did that and Joanne felt really good then she'd come home and feel lousy (according to her) It was her high and still is. Anysay we are all degenerates on that side for one thing or another.

    Mary I think u should invite Willie Nelson over for u'r eyes, honestly they have started tests with that for eyes and they are getting some good results. And it wouldn't HOIT. Alot of people do really well with it. Or they feel really well.

    Well I'll close for now remember


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2015

    Morning everyone. Sorry I have been MIA my IPad crashed for a bit. I have a lot of catching up to do.

    Mema which hotel are you staying at pre cruise? Did Kathy hook you up? You got a pretty sweet deal.

    Dara glad to see you I missed you

    Aly congrats on your grandbaby she is adorable.

    We are getting ready for our next race which is in two weeks in Washington DC. This is a big race. We will have 2 500 meter races, 1 1000 meter race and a 2000 meter race. I got a new paddle that is ment to be used for competitions. Its lighter so since I sit in the very back of the boat where the water is faster I makes it easier for me to get my paddle around and I dont drag the water which would slow us down. We broke our time record for the 500 at practice last Sat. We were doing it in 3:40 at Chicago. Sat we hit 2:57 of course this was on our third attempt and we didnt have the wind we had in Chicago and I thought I was going to die because Coach had us to 3 500 meter races in a row with about 3 min rest in between. I had my first small seizure on the boat between the second and third race which is why we got a little longer rest not much but anyway maybe that was why we were faster they wanted to get done and get me to shore lol. Anyway hope you all are doing well. love you all

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2015



    My boat I am in the very back


    I am in the very last row on this side


    We are the lead boat lane 4 I am in the very last row


    This is coach telling us to power finish

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!

    Simplicity--I am feeling better, thanks, but still having loose stool.I swear I need to just take a dose of Pepto every morning and evening and make it part of my every day routine. It's amazing how I can feel fine, very hungry at times in fact, and have so much poo coming out of me every time I go to the bathroom.The numbers are how many pics posted correctly out of the total number of pics I put in my post.Posting pics has been an often tricky thing here on the boards, although it has gotten better over time.I've met a couple of BCO sisters, neither are on this thread anymore. Spoken with several more over the phone or by text.


    Juliet--LOL!People have some amazing "allergic" reactions to meds, don't they? Could be the topic of a book, I'm sure.Glad your mother is better!But stay on them, make sure she is well out of the woods before being discharged.


    Genny--Well, if the doc can't see any change after 6 months, if there is anything going on it's very slow moving and probably not a problem.Unless you've noticed something different?I'm with you, don't worry about it.It is hard to not have the energy to play with the pup.Should be taking Sadie for a walk when I get home from work, but just don't have the energy.Probably would if I started doing it, right?


    Cammy--Our fur babies are pretty special, aren't they?Wish I had Sadie's life.She got me up when the alarm went off, made sure I filled her din-din dish, now she's stretched out on the ottoman snoring.Another weekend party?Wow, what a party animal you're getting to be!I suppose gambling isn't the worst thing in the world to do for fun, as long as it doesn't get out of control.But I guess you can say that about ANY diversion, can't you?Sounds like Jodie gets some good goodies and shares them, that's a definite plus!I wonder if having a visit with Willie would help the "d"?Have to look into that.


    Collett--Congrats on breaking your previous record!The new paddle must help a lot.3 minutes rest between races doesn't sound like a lot, but I'm sure there is some logic or science behind that number.Bet you will do really well in DC! Wooo, that second pic is SCARY looking!I'd sure get out of the way if I saw that coming at me!Great pics!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    The Race

    1/2 oz Mandarine Napoleon

    1 oz Bourbon

    2 dashes Lemon Juice

    1 dash Strawberry Syrup

    1 oz Apricot Juice


    Pour into a shaker and shake well. Serve in a cocktail glass frosted with tangerine.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Four out of five!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Dorothy, the other things I asked was how your mom and dad were doing and if Jennika was preggo's again, as that was a concern in the past. Oh dear, sorry to hear about your dad's fall, but glad he is doing better and enjoyed the furbabies. Is he in with your mom?

    LDB, I can remember brushing Maddy's hair. I was teasing her about how "oh that doesn't hurt" blah blah blah. And she was tolerating it, remember?

    NM, I have only met my mom's nurse once or twice and I couldn't tell you if she was in some sort of uniform or street clothes! Nor do I care. It's about the care...period. Love when you get to see those idiots get pulled over. I have posted this before, but some may forget, we had someone do that to us, but we actually seen him TWICE! He didn't learn from the first ticket! Back to school shopping? Kids here have been in school for at least a week already! Hope you are feeling better.

    Julie, how was your empowerment class? Sorry to hear about your mom, but glad to hear she is getting better.

    My mom is back in the hospital, yet again! Pneumonia and then had a house doctor, who hadn't even seen her charts, told her that she probably had cancer...WTF? She will talk to HER doctors today. She was also coughing up blood and showed a nurse or aide, don't remember which, but they just threw it away. She told them to get that back out of the garbage, as she wanted to show her doctors, so she hid them!

    Hi Simp, glad to see you still hanging around! Sorry about the chemo, but hang in there. As for the surgery, it's YOUR choice, not theirs and don't let them convince you of anything! I am like memasue, in the fact that if I'd know then what I know now, I might have gone for double MX. You have to live with your choices and your body and your life. Do what feels best for you, and do ask questions of us.

    Cami, you are always so funny, and we love NO FILTER. Your advice to Simplicity is good. Mostly because of the insurance issue. I know I always think insurance will cover it, but that is not so. So that in itself is good advice. BTW, you didn't walk into any walls when I was there! Who's house do you have the sleep over at, your cousin's, cuz she had $100 for likker? That would be mese choice! Ok, I think you were at cousin's and up until 3 am????

    NM, good advice for Simplicity too. See Simp, I told ya you'd get answers!

    Cami, I'm sorry to hear about Lu, and hoping it's just retirement that is getting her down, but glad it's not cancer again, praying that remains the case.

    Mary, waiting for tests is just as bad as waiting for results! Do try to put it in the back of your head. As there is not a damn thing you can do about and worrying doesn't change a thing. I have to tell myself this every 6 weeks! Thanks for the story on Nora, I could see her doing most of it. But scary about her going out the gate. She is a smart one, time for some consequences so she doesn't continue to thing all of these things are games. My she is a busy one!!!! You made me laff at reconstructing a fried

    Nancy, you are amazing on that boat girl, kudos to you. Just sorry about the siezure, how do you not lose your paddle when that happens?

    NM, that card of Megan and her alergies, what the hey CAN she eat? Maybe she just drinks!

    I have met several gals (oooh, I hope I am not forgetting anyone)...
    Kathy, Wahine
    Allison, MsVino? Forget her name here.
    Tobbi, PrincessRN
    Donna, Casino Girl

    STILL HERE....
    Sue, Mema Sue aka LDB (lil doity butt)
    Julie, Juliet
    Wacko, Dara_Diverse (won't reveal your real name)
    Camille, Camillegal
    Mary, Genny

    I'll tell about my trip tomorrow, I need to get to work. I did not know we were staying until Monday, we always come back on a Sunday!

    Cheers ladies....missed you all!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    LORI'S BACK YYYAAAAYYYYY----I get so excited cuz u'r an everydy post and if u or NM don't pot it's a worry to us, unless u tell us.

    Nancy what a crew and how wonderful for u. But I am sorry about the seizure, u said it was small (good) but it was still there, I still don't understand why.

    Julie I'm glad u'r mom is better--hospitals to me are a battle, being in one u want to be in and out cuz of germs, but being taken care of is so good. So mixed emotions there.(((HUGS)))

    Lori, WTF with u'r mom, how can they say maybe? This is big stuff going on here but there are many reasons u can bleed when coughing without it being cancer. Oh u'r poor mom and u too cuz u'r not right there. (((HUGS)))

    NM I do take 2 D pills every morning it does help a bit but not 100%, but even a little is a help to me.

    Waiting for any test is a pain, since all my Drs. have an office in the hospital, I've lucked out sometimes and they call the area they need and send me right down so I don't have to come back which to me is great. Somehow they manage to get me in, they used to do it with the original Drs. I went to too. I'm sure they didn't do it for a convenience to me, they just wanted to shut me up.

    Yes another party at Jodie (Lori) she on vacay LOL so we use her house. She's got the bedrooms. bathrooms and the pool with none of her "DH"'s friends there--they're like him Oh please I can't get started on that one. And my brother's party I doubt if I'll go. I am to embarrassed still not to have teeth in my mouth, he'll have different kinds of people there not just family--they're all uppity for me, my sister can act more proper at times especially if I'm not there, but I act like me anyway then add no teeth and I look like I should be holding a shot gun with a bear coat around me. Remember last time I stood up and chit all over the place, well my sister and I LOLed but believe me my brother didn't nor did his friends. Oh well Oh and Sunday I have a baby shower to go to too. I'm just the bell of the ball or the ball in the bell. Annoying.

    OK my phone is going so I should be working now so I'll check back later.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2015

    good morning all, mum is on for a couple of days , its her chest, doctor told she has so much scar tissue in her lungs, that " seeing the infection is difficult" but we know this, her lower back disc has completely cracked now they can't tell when could have been this fall or a previous one! symplicity my mother has pulmonary fibrosis , oh no lori , hope your mum is better , the blood could be from continuous oxygen uses, its dries out the nose and lungs or from coughing, breaking small capillaries , and yes frb can do it , too

    cammi- you party animal, and i hope to that your sister is just in a temporty funk.

    mary- well second nm, if no changes then thats a good thing but it is a bugger not knowing,

    nancy- you rock, well done you! i was tired just reading your schedule hope you come to fl so can come and watch

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2015

    Juliet will be in Jacksonville Sept 24-28 for a race Nerdy

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Almost an inch of rain overnight, very badly needed here, glad to see it!Was nice to listen to going to bed last night.Foggy this morning, though.The area Vice President came by the office yesterday and brought breakfast and then talked with us as a group about the growth in the office and how it's expected to continue, and the new postiions that are being considered.None of the new positions being considered are nursing positions, except for, maybe, another, probably part time case manager.The rest are per diemSocial Work (badly needed) and another full time Account Executive--another person to go out and work with nursing homes and doctor's offices and hospitals to get more admissions.The new software system that was scheduled to start in our office in December has been moved back to February and will probably be moved back again by the end of the year.We were reminded that we work on salary, so we can't expect to work a 40 hour week routinely, we need to work until the work is done, and if it looks like we are going to get done "early" to be sure to pull visits up from another day so there will be more room for another admission later in the week. There was lots of praise for the Account Execs bringing in lots of admissions and lots of reminders that other offices cover bigger areas than we do and make it work.Lots of talk about the importance of getting the admissions, very little talk about maintaining the level of care provided to patients once they are admitted.Lots of praise for the Account Exec making us the biggest Hospice agency in the area, and a passing mention that the care provided by the nurses, aides, social workers, chaplains and volunteers that "support" the Account Exec's work.Pretty clear to me where the focus is going.My decision to sit tight with this job until after the cruise was made with the new software being in place as a big element, now that is gone and I am beginning to question that decision.There is a teaching job out there that I could probably get, with a $20K cut in pay.I'm not sure I'm at the point where the cut in pay is balanced by being able to teach and not have theconstant struggle to keep up and feeling like I never have any time for me during the week.Not sure what direction I should be thinking about moving in right now.I could look at moving "up" if there is a second clinical manager position created.I could look at teaching,I could look at other options in nursing.Maybe it's time to get out of nursing and find something else entirely.I kind of wish there would be a second weekend nurse position created, then I could work weekends and have the week days off, that worked well before until the job changed so much that I was working part of every weekday as well.Arrgh.Sorry to ramble on, didn't realize all this would spill out of my head into my fingers and through the keyboard this morning!

    Goldie--the whole uniform/street clothes thing came out of a discussion at work about the "new" dress code (nothing really new about it, just some color changes) that has now become a moot point.The office director has final say and ours has said that we don't need to follow the dress code-we can wear street clothes without the company logo, can wear any color we want, can wear scrubs or not as we choose.So no more upset people in the office!I plan to follow the dress code out of habit I suppose, I've always worked where there are dress codes, find wearing identifiable clothing helps me in my work.And you are right, it doesn't really matter as long as the care is good, right?It was fun seeing Platinum Blondie getting pulled over.And seeing the same person getting pulled over more than once, you'd think they'd learn!Does your Mom have a choice of ERs to go to when she needs to?This current one sounds like it's staffed by idiots.I can't get over how often hospitaland ER docs are telling people they probably have cancer without any testing.What is with that?I don't think that Megan person CAN eat anything!And I bet she doesn't even know what most of those items even are.I can just picture a waiter/waitress taking that card back to the kitchen, and the cook sending back a note saying "I'm sorry, we don't have any food items that are safe for you to eat.Here's $10 to go away."

    Cammy--re: "I'm sure they didn't do it for a convenience to me, they just wanted to shut me up."that's the squeaky wheel syndrome, one I've used to my advantage many times!When you can get right in and get results without waiting forever life is better!Hope you have a good day at work!

    Juliet--seems to be an epidemic of Mom's in the hospital with lung stuff!Good stuff about the multiple reasons for coughing up blood, not all are frb.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Brompton's Cocktail(Juliet, you'll recognize this one!)

    15 mg morphine or diacetylmporphine (a form of heroin)

    10 mg cocaine

    2.5 ml 98% ethyl alcohol

    5 ml of sugar syrup

    Chloroform water

    Dissolve morphine or heroin and cocaine in ethyl alcohol, add sugar syrup and enough cloroform water to make a drinkable liquid.Administer by the spoonful as needed to the terminally ill to control pain and promote sociability.

    This is a real thing, Loungettes, that I actually remember using way back in the day.No longer in use, of course, but it was VERY effective.Only used at end of life.

    A more modern version of The Brompton's Cocktail:

    1.5 oz Maui Blue Hawaiian Schnapps

    1 splash sugar syrup

    1 oz Vodka

    Fill with Pineapple Juice

    Mix and serve

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    That is so cool Genny, Cami, Nancy and NM! I've met 5 from another support board. Were all single parents, so a bit hard financially lol

    Love the pictures NC!

    Juliet, sorry to hear that. How is she today?

    Been an emotional mess the past couple days. Not sure why....Just randomly crying. Guess it's just everything piled on top of, well, everything haha Hope I can keep it in check this weekend. 2 more sleeps :) Want to try to have a glass of wine this weekend. Just not so sure that's the wisest thing to do lol


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Yes Cami, I'm home!!! You party animal you! OMG, another party this weekend. I hope you are feeling good enough to go. And we won't get you started on SIL, he won't be there, so not an issue...ENJOY! As for the doc that told my mom she might have cancer, he was the house doctor and I guess my mom told him they found a nodule on her lung. I guess it was a blood clot. She sounds good on some days and is hoping to go home in a couple of days.

    Julie, your mom has broke her back? I hope she will be ok, how old is your mom? And how are you feeling?

    Nancy, you will be a little ways from Julie. I looked at the distance, it's over 300 miles and a 5 hour drive.

    NM, your fingers WERE bizzy this morning. I'm sorry this decision is giving you such fits. I will ask God to put it in his hands and to guide you. I'm sure in the end, you will make the right decision. As for the hospital mom is at, that is where her doctor is staffed. Who is way too old and should retire. She likes him and he is always telling her how good she is doing. He is the same doctor that I called to ask if I should tell my mom of my recurrence and he said "well, your mom has cancer, doesn't she?" It's like, you idiot. You are your doctor, NO my mom does not have cancer. Twice being in there and on floor 4, she has had to ask to be moved as the staff were rude and non caring. I told her maybe it was time to change doctors. But she won't. LOL @ giving Megan $10.00 to go away! We got rain yesterday too, another gully washer, which is never good. Hate to see what kind of damage it has done to our roads.Brompton's Cocktail, I'll take the 2nd version thank you!

    Simp, don't deprive yourself of things that make you happy. Have that glass of wine, it's not going to kill you!!! And crying is sometimes good, it releases a lot of bad things in your body. But don't do too much of it. We are dealt with these cards and you can do one of two things. Roll with it and live the best life you can, or you can be upset and depressed about it. I did the depressed and upset for many many months when I was diagnosed with mets. I think I'm over that for now and trying to be happy and positive. So focus and aim that arrow in a good direction.

    Ok, my trip...
    Met up with our friends about half way there and followed one another after stopping for lunch. Got to the campground just fine. Friday, we both went our separate ways. Us out for a ride on our quad. Drive about an hour to our destination, get the quad off the truck and DH starts cussing at himself. He forgot to put gas in the quad and we had less than a quarter of a tank! So we took a short ride and then scenic drive for the rest of the day, which was really nice too. It's so beautiful out there in the mountains. Stopped and walked around a really really old cemetary, some of the stones just looked like a rock, everything was worn off of it. Some sites only had sticks in the ground with a number on it, no head stone at all. Most were born and died in the 1800's. Saturday we went to Mesa Verde Nat. Park. Lots of amazing Indian Ruins and dwellings. Amazing how they did it, they are very high up on cliffs. We have been there before, but nice to go back. Saturday night we had tickets to go see Tanya Tucker. Concert was great! I love her music. Her voice was a bit raspier, and I thought to myself "well she is getting older and really doesn't look too bad for her age" I'm thinking she is like 70. She also had moves of a 70 year old. She MY AGE! 56! I was shocked! Sunday all four of us went to Silverton. It's an old mining town up in the mountains. Not too far from where that mining accident happened, the contaminated the Animas River. I'm sure you all heard about that. Monday morning, it's time to head home. Have the toy hauler all set, purse, phones, computers all in the truck. DH gets in the truck to do something, gets out and somehow locks the keys inside!!!! Thank goodness we had friends there, so we could use their phone and computer for help. Called AAA, said it would be an hour. 4 hours later no AAA, so we call a locksmith who said he could be there in 20 minutes. No sooner do we call him and the AAA tow person shows up. He was not too happy to be turned away. Locksmith showed up as promised and was in the truck in 30 seconds. So needless to say we got home WAY later than we wanted to. But it was a good time! Here are a few pictures from the internet of where we were.

    DH has to go to Phx on Saturday and wants me to go. Things aren't going well with the new business, so there is a big meeting with some other friends who are willing to put money, but they want to manage things, which is needed really really bad! They have been there 6 weeks and only have one machine up and running. They can't keep up with just one machine. My brother is coming next Thursday, I can't wait, he's never been here. Friends we went camping with might be coming Thursday or Friday. I told DH I am not going to Phx, I have too much to do. Cleaning and canning. NO, I"M NOT GOING!!

    Give me that cocktail, pronto! Please Pants. (Pants is one of our Tenders here Simp) If you want to see our louge video, I can post it for you.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Forgot the pictures...

    One of 5 ladders that you have to climb


    The ruins that we toured, that has the ladders. There were over 100 people that lived here!


    The last ladder was after climbing though a crevasse in the rocks, where they had carved steps in it and then the ladder at the top.


    Silverton from a distance


    Tanya. Her hair was not this long. She just looked like she has lead a really rough life, which she has. Party biker babe rebel!


  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    Thanks Goldie. I'm taking this all fairly well. That's kind of my outlook also. And I'd much rather not moan and groan. Gets me nowhere lol But the last time I drank wine, it was bad. I found I can handle a Mike's hard lemonade, but now that chemo is over, maybe I'll do better. I think some of it last time was my nerves.

    That trip looks amazing!!! Love the pics!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Good Morning Ladies---

    NM I can't imagine u teaching YET. Well big money difference but more for the fact that u so care about u'r patients and the families u help. It's like u'r 2nd nature and see even in the healthcare business it's all about money and how many people u can get, oh some about care but they seem to have a quota somewhere to figure how the head people are going to make a bonus for themselves. That's why the patient care is so important and u fit the bill fr how dedicated u are. And now just wear what's comfortable and u cracked me up with the first drink, I thought OMG this is really getting to her but the old adage with sugar in anything and it drinkable.

    Simp (I copied Lori) it is OK to cry and get it out but that's what the wine is for--BTW my sister still hasn't stopped drinking her wine every day--never stopped so don't worry about it and rest when u can so u can enjoy the weekends.

    Lori what a hike!!!! Those ladders look crazy and u did all that. Wow girl, u''r amazing and u still have more to do coming up. I'm glad u'r not going to Phnx, but u'll be busy anyway. And Tanya T. I really thought that woman was older than me, she's been around so long but then again she probably started when she was 14 or so. I hope u'r mom is doing better and I've noticed sometimes u'r treated differently if u'r Dr. is strict about things. Cuz if he's demanding the staff get busy with u and as long as the Dr is good to u--wait this isn't coming out of my fingers right. It's not that I want the nurses to be treated badly but I know when a Dr. is more of a perfectionist with his patients the nurses know this so they keep to his standards--Oh I know u know what I mean.

    And of course Julie I pray for u'r mom too, this is very hard knowing u'r moms are sick and being older it's worse.

    Yes I am a party animal and I have a shower on Sunday--Now realisticly, I don't know if I can do both. My mind says I can, but my body screws with my mind sometimes too. There is a very thin line between thinking and doing it. Altho there is nothing thin about me there is that line.

    OK I have to get my ducks in a row, oops there goes one the cat's chasing it.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Maddy went home Monday and dh and I went to the bar. I had not been in 10 days so I was really jonesing. My van got dwunk so we cabbed it home. Slept good but had to get up toooo early (5ayem) to take dh to St George for EDG and Odontics doc appts. When they took him in I had 25 mins to go find him a milk shake and coffee as he'd been fasting. Well….I got lost. Did I tail ya I HATE the way that town is laid out? Anyway, his cell phone was with me. Took me 40 mins…was a nervous wreck. Had to call information to get the phone numb and the receptionist guided me back…no shake or coffee..oy vey. Today gonna b my lazy day. Dogs getting groomed but dh took them and will likely pick them up. I kno I'll need a nap soon.

    Maddy and I had a good time. Pool, Movie theater, splash pads twice, wal-mart twice and bowling twice. I painted her toes and nails, she was so excited. She loves to paint and color so she brought projects. One was a birdhouse she painted and put 3D butterflies and flowers on it. It was for us, as I have birdhouses all over in the spare room where she slept. We got her to memorize her dads cell phone number too. She was so proud of herself. DH let her get into my candy dish but limited to 2 a day, well she comes to him and asked for a 3rd. He asked why, she said "well here's the thing" and explained why she needed a 3rd piece. She is too damned smart and doesn't miss a thing. Never heard a 6yoa say something like that.

    Lowee - I remember you brushing her hair and her not whining as much as when I do it. This time she never whined, but held her hands on her head in hopes of lessening the pain. For some reason tho, it didn't get as ratted up as last year. I remember her parroting something I had said to the dogs and you and I both cwacked up. Similar to the 'well here's the thing'. Sounds like you had a gr8 time altho I giggled on dh not gassing the 4wheeler. Prayers for your mom and BIG HUGZ for you.

    Nancy….the name of the hotel is Fairfield Inn, 7100 Agusta Nat'l Dr in Orlando. If you want to share with me I'm game, has 2 qn beds, jes let me kno. Their package deal included transpo from airport to hotel on the 24th, Sunday. Then about 10am Monday morning a shuttle to Port and back to htel on the 29th, then shuttle back to airport on the 30th. Check it out on line when u get a chance.

    Dara - was sorry to hear about your dad, but sounds like he is doing better. I have same question, is he with ur mom?

    Julie - Sending big HugZ your way too and prayers for your mom.

    NM - as usual you gave me smiles today.

    Cami - what 2 pills do you take daily for the D? I've been having the C, been at least 8 days. Gonna use a fleet enema on myself later if I can't get 'moving'. UGH.

    Simp - glad you are trying to stay positive. I've met 6 I think. Lori, Lynn(4sew), Kathy (can't remember her site name), Dara, Cindylou, Allison (MrsVino), and Jean (Beanius something or other) so that is 7.

    Mary - Praying it remains neg for MD. HugZ

    Am very tired, got a few more things to do then pu pooches and hit the sack.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2015

    Hello girls!

    I hope you are all doing well. We are over de hump of de week, wooo hooo.

    Simplicity, I agree with the other goils, it is alright to cry. It is cleansing. I am glad though that you do not consume yourself with grief over the rat basturd (aka bc). You should have your wine, do not deprive yourself of sumting that is so good for your soul.

    NM, wow, you have a big decision to make. I remember back when you were in teaching and I know you were so good at it. Students would be lucky to have you. Sorry you were sick the other night, glad you feeling better.

    Sue, good for you in gitting yer car dwunk. You crack me up.

    Lori, love the pics, beautiful sights. So you did not run outta gas? Geez, then locking the keys in de car, sorry it took AAA so long. Sending prayers for your Mom.

    Julie, wow, your Mum broke her back, really? Sending prayers for her as well.

    Cammy, yay, you being a party animal. So glad you are able to get out and enjoy yourself. You deserve it.

    Hello to anyone I missed, gotta run and take a call.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    OOOOOO see how work gets in our way. Phones, people, computer just so we can have our likker and drink it too.

    SusyQ Maddy is so funny, but wasn't she just 4 yrs old. WTF these kids are just growing to fast. U really had a good workout with her and u'r car deserves to get drunk. After all the gas it has likker is good.

    Dara u'r working to hard, u haven't has time off in a while. I liked when u were home u were always here. But I'm glad u'r not sick.

    OK Julie wait again, u'r mom BROKE her back??? I do I miss these things, I read everything--I know she was sick but I didn't know about her back--Holy chit.

    Oh I sounded so drunk on the phone today, u know during the afternoon at that TIRED time when u can't keep u;r eyes open and u took some pain meds, I think I was slurring my words, plus the words that came to me weren't the right ones. Oh mese oh mice. I'm doing this almost 2 yrs now and every week I still ask if he wants to fire me. One of these times he will.

    Oh SusyQ I take 2 Lomotil (sp) in the morning then if I get it anyway I take 2 more, then 2 more until it stops. And if I run out I take over the counter but I usually take 3 then. I take all my meds in 2's so it's easy to get them ready. No I'm sorry there are 3 I just take 1 of. oops that's a preposition isn't it--the word of. I'm oh so proper.

    OK phone is making that noise again sounds like a ringing in my ear.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!I am being a bad girl and not working on the work computer for a little bit.Actually cooking a meal for dinner and puttering on the computer for personal amusement for a bit before going back to the work computer.

    Simplicity--I can't imagine how hard it must be to be a single parent, let alone be one and deal with the Rat Ba$tard!The random crying thing is very familiar to me--I do that when I'm stressed, and especially if I'm stressed and tired.If you do have the glass of wine, make sure you are somewhere safe and with people who can accept that you need to have a good cry so you can continue to move forward.When we cry from stress the tears actually have high amounts of stress hormones in them, it's a great way to get them out of your system!

    Goldie--Aha, I knew someone here would have the right advice!I need to pray and think and see what God has to say.I think the second version of the Brompton's is better, too, but I remember giving the first to patients!The rai we got was nice and steady, gentle, no gully washers this time.Much better this way. Isn't it amazing how much damage water can do in a very short time?Wow, that sounds like quite the trip!Don't blame you for not wanting to go to Pheonix, and it sounds like an important meeting for the business.Praying it all works out for the best for everyone!

    Woo--how high up did you have to climb?

    Simp--You've been nicknamed!Makes you a full member of the HTL!wine is very, very good for the nerves--puts them right to sleepy by!

    Cammy--You hit on one of the big elements, I love hands on care, and hate to move away from it.But I'm really not sure I can keep up anymore, either.There just seems like there has got to be some middle ground somewhere, some job where I can have direct patient care AND a life out side of work.Or maybe I'm being totally unrealistic.Trying to give it to God and let Him work it out.Just hope I'll recognize His will when He shows it.

    Mema!I, too, am geographically and cartographically challenged.I still am not sure that maps have any relationship to the real world.I get lost so easy that I think something is wrong if I DON"T get lost going somewhere new!Maddie is such a character!Did she get the 3rd candy?I'm thinking Yup.Wasn't Kathy's screen name Wahine?

    Dara--glad to be over the hump!

    Cammy--nothing like ringing in the ears!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2015

    mum might be home tomorrowHappy, able to walk today!, she has had the back problems for years and her bones are just crumbling

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    Glad to hear that Juliet! If you don't mind me asking, Does she stay with you?

    MemaSue, is that your grand daughter? She sounds like a doll!

    Dara, NM, that's why I think this weekend might be a good one to try a drink again (I'm a cheap date, a light weight in the drinking dept lol). I feel very comfy with this friend and know he would comfort/console me. Or make me laugh haha But, reallydon't want my emotions to get the best of me while he is here. Really want it to be a relaxing weekend for both of us. I need it. He does too.

    What's HTL? Glad to be here :)

    Guess I should try something for dinner? It's only 9:45. So sick of food that tastes like poo. And frosted flakes. Tired of those too. But they are one of the few things that taste halfway normal.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2015

    Mema I will definately share with you that would be awesome and I would love to be down there a day early so I dont need to fret about any weather delays (hopefully) Did Kathy schedule this for you? Just let me know what I need to do.

    Lori 5hr drive is a little long. If you all want to follow along you can look up our races and watch our times live and see how we are doing.

    I am getting tired so will see you all tomorrow. :)

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2015

    Oh and is your flight Sunday to the following Monday then? :

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Oh all this talk about the vacay u lucky ducks, but I'm really happy for u.

    Lori it's time for Simp to watch the video so she knows what we're talking about. Simp it's all about the HTL, u'll love it. U weekend sounds like a good one and don't worry u'll relax cuz that's what u want to do.

    Oh Julie I love how u say mum I can just hear u'r voice. U'r poor mom tho I never knew what a PITA a bad back was til this crap happened and it really doesn't get better, but I hope u'r mom finds some relief.

    Attention: I'm having better luck with my cane now, I'm getting the hang of it and not spinning with it anymore, so see I'm mastering something.

    OK it's kind of late and I'd better close up all my things for the nite. Hope everyone has a good nite.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, loungettes!Trying to get an early start this ayem to make up for only doing an hour of computer work last night, so this should be short.

    Juliet--Hooray for your Mom being able to walk!

    Simp--HTL = Hot Tatties Lounge, the name of our extravagent drinking emporium.We have a heated pool with a bit screen TV for floating and watching TV,


    with a swim up bar


    and floaties that deliver drinks to those of us not wanting to swim.


    There is a casino with an ATM that spits out money every time a Loungette passes by.


    There's a dog park with it's own doggy doody person for our furbabies.


    There are hammocks,


    individualized bar stools, and a padded floor for those who fall off their bar stools.



    We have a percotini fountain for when we need some help with pain.


    We have Tenders named Jock andPants


    and Wenches named Kandy and Skates and Sugar who serve us.
