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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    HTL video

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Simp, just have what tastes good for you. It will all come back, just give it time. You still have a lot ahead of you. Trying to live a positive life can get tough, and the best place to let it out.....IS HERE! Cuz we get it, no one else does.

    Cami, I too thought Tanya T was older, and she did start young, in her teens. None the less, I enjoyed the music. Yes, we did the ladders, most were only like 10'. You are just too funny "Wait, this is coming out of my fingers right". I loved all of my nurses at CTCA, and the doctors were just doctors. Now my current onc, love love love him.

    Gosh LDB, seems like it's been a long time since your behickle got dwunk. Sawry you got lost and DH didn't get his coffee and milkshake. BTW, what a combo! Sounds like you guys were quite bizzy with Maddy and how sweet she made you a birdhouse. "Well, here's the thing"...the thing she said when I was there was to the dogs and she told them not give her an attitude! Cracked me the hail up!

    Wacko no, we did not run out of gas, DH just forgot to put gas IN the quad. I'm with Cami, and liked it better when you were home. I'll bet you did too!

    NM, the advice of putting it in God's hands is something my mom always says. So it sounded like good advice for you, at this time. The business meeting is a VERY important one. We have almost 200,000.00 into it and it's failing. There is just no management there and we don't want to invest anymore money. There is too much down time and people aren't working, production is horrible. Thank goodness it's the slow part of the season. But they make tubing for a company that supplies Home Depot, Lowes and Wal Mart. We need those contracts or we are done for sure. How high did we climb, like I said most ladders were about 10', but the last one, where we had to climb throught the crevasse and then a ladder, that one was prolly 20'-30'. Yes, Kathy was Wahine.

    Julie, glad your mom is walking and able to come home. Mine came home yesterday and said she didn't feel good!!! WTH? I asked her when her next parade was, she said probably 2 weeks. Of course she asked my brother to stop at the smoke shop on the way home!

    Simp, your taste will come back, oh how I remember that. I'm actually dealing with that now with the chemo I'm doing, which is pills. I call them my FU pills. The HTL is The Hot Tatties Lounge. Here is the video.

    Nancy, Julie will have to let you know for sure, the distance. But looks like you guys are on opposite sides of the state.

    Cami, glad you are getting better with the cane. Have you considered a walker, or don't want to go there yet?

    Good job and explanation for Simp.

    BTW Simp, where do you live? And can we ask how old you are? What you do?

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    So happy some of you are getting to take a vacay together! That's awesome!

    Thanks for the explanation NM. Love the pictures. I need a little oasis haha

    Goldie, I'm in NC, 41 and I work in IT at a local College. The only female on the team, which is rarely advantageous. I had lost my previous job for being a single mother after 7 yrs of employment, that and my lack of computer skills. Well, can't change the single parent part, but could improve my computer skills. So off to college I went. At one point, I was working 3 jobs (2 paid internships, 1 part time job) and taking 3 seated classes, 2 online all while raising 3 kids. I don't remember much about that point in my life lmao It was quite insane.

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    Loved the video!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2015

    Morning DahhhLinks

    gotta make this quick, will respond to everyone else tomorrow if I can. Have a luncheon to go to today and am running late.

    Nancy...I shall call her and find out. It'll be a hoot!!

    Lubs to all my ladies!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2015

    mum's home, went to the cardiologist today and guess where i went for breakfast prior to the visit? mickey d's !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    simp- according to the empowerment seminar, you need to take care of yourself and self treating is an important part of that. wow girl you got some drive so you got this frb beat

    lori-what an headache love your pics

    nm-hasn't management figured out yet that telling healthcare workers about the financial aspect without emphasising pt care is a morale downer

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!I've been thinking a lot about things this last couple of days and have considered that I may be getting too old to work in nursing anymore.I'm thinking it may be time to get out of nursing and find a job with set hours,one whereI leave when the clock hits a certain time and am not expected to take work home.Keep thinking "what ifs"What if I am diagnosed with mets or a recurrence in the next few years?What if this summer is the last summer I am not in physical pain or physically unable to do things like going swimming or kayaking, how will I feel knowing I missed out struggling to keep up with work?What if something happens to my mom or one of my friends and I haven't seen them for months because of being too tired?I'm constantly choosing between doing something like going to a movie, cooking a nice meal, taking a walk after work and having enough time to write the day's notes and get enough sleep to feel decent the next day, cuz I can't do all three.What if I make the wrong choice?What if I have an accident cuz I'm tired cuz I chose to go to dinner with friends, then stayed up late to get the work done and didn't get enough sleep?What if I get fired cuz I choose to go to dinner with friends and get enough sleep and turn in the paperwork late?More questions, more questions.Would like God to show me an answer!

    Goldie--Good advice to Simp.Tryinghard to give the whole working situation thing to God, but my mind keeps going and going like the energizer bunny!That's a lot of money to have invested in a business, and for it to not be running well, yikes!Hope you can get it turned around, or least get your money back if it can't be turned around. 10 foot ladder don't sound too bad, the longer one might be more problematic for someone like me who's not too fond of heights!You mom asking to stop at the smoke shop on the way home from the hospital sounds pretty crazy.I guess those ciggys really are addictive.Thanks for posting the video link,I tried yesterday and couldn't make it work right.

    Simp--3 jobs, 5 classes, 3 kids, that is indeed insane!But GOOD FOR YOU!!

    Morning, Mema!

    Juliet--Mickey D's before visiting the cardiologist, what a hoot!Apparently management, or at least my regional VP, hasn't learned about the importance of patient care yet.I've never been impressed with her ability, but she's new to managing Hospice care and I keep telling myself she'll learn how it's different from Home Health as time goes by.Just wish I could see some evidence of learning!And she did bring in breakfast (half an hour late) and held us all in the office for an hour and half giving us a pep talk and telling us that one of the Account Execs is being sent to Corp. Headquarters for a get-together of the most successful (measured by how many admissions generated) Account Execs, paid for by the company.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Fuzzy Iron Worker --maybe this should be my next job!

    1/2 oz Bacardi O

    1 oz Spiced Rum

    1/12 oz Raspberry Liqueur

    1 splash Pineapple Juice


    Shake all ingredients together in a cocktail shaker. Strain into a double-shot glass, and serve.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2015

    Just peeked in, lots to catch up on, been super bizzy but I have catching up on here on my to do list. Also booking the plane tickets and hotel for January. Sue, what hotel are you staying at? I know you said somtin about shuttle? Anyway I'll be back later today, got this stupid garage sale for awhile and my house is a mess. See ya all later!

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    Morning Ladies!

    Not sure what FRB is Juliet, but I guess so? lol Glad to hear your mum is home!

    NM, wow. That's a lot to be considered. Wish I had an answer for you.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Good Morning Ladies--some how this left my favorites--my fingers are acting up again.

    NM U'r really thinking--Wow maybe to much. I wish I had some magical sage advice but I don't, but I do know that all of us have have alot of "ifs" in our lives but one thing as we get older I can't imagine saying I wish I worked more hours in my life, so maybe it is getting to be the time for you to get a scheduled job so u can do more of what feels good for you. U'r sure as hell worth it. but until u go on vacay u really can't I don't think, so let the vacay be u'r door to something that u really want and in the meantime don't think about these things until it's time to really make u'r changes. U sweet lady, stop badgering u'rself . And I loved the pics of our virtual lounge, I wish we were all there now, and I'm glad u emphasized the floor cuz that's where I usually end up, and it is comfy.

    Lori I didn't realize the extent of this new business, This is a lot of stress for u and u'r DH, I pray that everything works well for u 2, This is a biggy, always tell us how things are cuz u know how we care and want such good things for u2 .

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    I stopped my last post, right in the middle my pointer was going askew.

    Simp u are so young, my gosh u'r younger than my kids, I feel so bad for u. But I also see u are a fighter in so many ways, U'll end up doing well with all of this. And raising kids alone is not easy especially if u aren't well, but again u took charge and accomplished so much. Good for u.

    Mary u must be busy cuz u come in just for a minute and we miss u and u'r pics.

    Julie I'm glad u'r mom is home and I hope she does better.

    Lori I know how much u worry about u'r mom, but u can't make her do anything she doesn't want to do, she sounds like me. Stubborn is such a mild word.

    U know it's not that long til u'r cruze??? U can all relax and do what u want and really talk with each other, how wonderful. And we all know how time this will happen soon.

    Well my sleep was again interrupted, I'm sound asleep and all of a sudden there's Joey snuggling next to me cuz of a bad dream. I was awake til he felt good enough to go back to his room. So guess who'll be tired again today--NO I don't mean Joey, u know it's always about me, me me.

    OK I have to set up for work and that's another story, for 2 hrs last night I was fooling around with work, And yet did nothing--why u ask?? Oh ok u didn't ask.

    Everyone have a good day.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Simp, I asked where you lived and now I see it under your avatar, please tell me that wasn't there before? I wasn't even drinking that morning!!! You are so young! We have one other gal here who is 40, but she hasn't been here in awhile. So sorry you have to deal with this at such a young age. There is something wrong with our world! LOL, because you work IT, I thought we could call you that too! FRB is Phucking (with an F) Rat BasTURD. In other words BC aka breast cancer.

    LDB, did you have fun at your luncheon?

    Julie, glad your mum is home, however, I though she was in Whales. Glad she is there with you. Or was it YOU that went to cardiologist? And mum IS in Whales?

    NM, I hear ya about something happening to us and we missed out on life. Please don't use the RB as one of those reasons. Anyone of us could die today, for other reasons than the RB. But YES, you should enjoy life and not make it all about work. Especially if you can make ends meet with another job, so you do all of those other things you mentioned. I had to use the link button at the top of the posting box. It's next to the picture icon. It would make my blood boil at that meeting where everything is about the execs, and how many admissions, etc. etc. and not the patient! I don't care what medical facility it is, it always boils down to the almighty dollar! Even the cancer center I went to, where they tell you how it was created because of his mother having cancer, and not shown compassion, and they have religion there at the center, scritures written in the foundation, blah blah blah. But when I wanted to switch to the center in AZ, because it was closer than Tulsa, they turned me away. Then could no longer make money on me and my insurance because I was done with treatment and only on follow up care. Of course they didn't say that to me, but I know that is the reason.

    Mary (Genny), I hope you are making out at the garage sale. I'm trying to get mese house in order as well!

    Cami, this is the ONLY place I tell it all. Of course a stranger could come on here and read it, but I don't care. As for the floor, yes, that is your spot! And very sweet words to NM. I agree she should wait until after the cruise to even worry about. I just think it is so sweet that Joey comes to you when he is troubled. You must love it too, even if it does make you tired for the day.

    I hope Lara is ok, has anyone talked to her? And I miss my Wacko! Maybe I'll have the Tenders set out a bunch of little bottles of JD, maybe I can entice her?

    Well here is yesterday's pickens. Have to go to town today and then start canning when I get home. We had our friends over yesterday, so they helped me snap these and peel the strings out. It would have probably taken me 3-4 hours to do it alone, but with help, we were done in about an hour. These are Turkey Craw beans, only found in the Apalacaian Mountains. We ordered them from a hardware store in TN, near my MIL (mother in law) and she sent them to us. They are the tall pole beans I had. So much easier to pick than the Kentucky Blue, that are a bush bean. Meeting these same friends for lunch today, have to for labs too. A bit anxious about that, as you all know my TM's (tumor markers) went up last time.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    And we missed a very important party, has a loungette had a birthday yesterday!




  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    Omg. Love the pictures! Yum!

    Call me whatever you like lol I'm not very picky.

    And I am seriously not messing with you. It wasn't there before and I didn't notice until I was asked, so I added it :)

    The cruise is close for some of you, right? I hope you ladies have an awesome time!!

    EH, my new motto is wtfever. This is the suckiest, most F'd up road I have ever been on, but it has the most beautiful views :) It's really brought me out of my shell.

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    Goldie, what does it mean when your tumor markers go up? I have 2. One in my breast to be removed, and one in a lymphnode. I was under the impression they would be taken out

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    Cami-Thanks. You don't look old enough to have kids my age!! I'm seriously doing ok. Have an army of support beside me, and my kids are pretty good kids, sometimes lol

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Simp-IT....jes playin wif your name. Tumor Markers are done with labs. I'd have to look at one of mine to tell you. But there are 3 that are checked. CA something. Some doctors don't go by them, as they can give you a false positive. But I insisted on having mine done, as my previous insurance wouldn't cover scans unless an x-ray proved a scan was needed. Well, we all know BC or mets may not show on scans. Normal range for 2 of them is around 30. Mine jumped to 120, hence the bone mets. We got them down to 60 and at last labs they jumped to 70. But I took 2 weeks off of my FU pills instead of the 1 week off.

    Did they only remove 1 node on you, and it was positive?

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    Surgery isn't until Sept 4th. Surgeon says they'll be removing 10-20. I had one that tested positive but all other scans (heart, abdomen, bones) came back clear.

    Still trying to decide what to do about surgery-single or double. Calling my insurance today.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2015

    Hi ladies....oooppsss....DahhhLinks.

    Just a quick pop in as big ass thunder storms n lightning going on right outside my office window.

    Nancy - called...u are in...need to send the intinerary to ya so when u have time, PM me ur email and I'll forward. The total showing is for one person, but they've added a second. It's all on my card, we can settle up at hotel or on the cruise, comes to $173 each. So jazzed.

    To all my other lovelies....lubslubs now for and always!!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2015

    Good evening everyone! I had an awesome 50th birthday yesterday. My daughter and son, and sister are giving me a 50 & Fabulous party on Sunday. I wish you all could be there. I will take pictures though.

    Mema thank you so much! I cant wait to see you all!. I will PM you in a bit. I cant wait until we can start picking our extra things :)

    Lori you have an awesome looking garden! Ours is so pitiful looking. I think all the rain we have had just killed it. All we really got was spegetti squash. Even our pumpkins are not doing the best. Its really strange.

    Dara I hope your doing alright. I miss you on here.

    NM I cant tell you what to do but I can tell you that retiring from the healthcare filed was the best thing that I have done. I loved being a Respiratory Therapist but it took a toll on me both physically and mentally. It was time to stop, I had been in the field for 29 years. I was burned out. I would just pray about it. God will open a door if you are supposed to leave. :)

    Well I need to go to sleep I have to get up at 5am for practice. Love you all


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Up as usual, got an appointment for the car (oil change, tire rotation) then off to work.Was hoping for a half day but got assigned a last minute "emergency" admission late yesterday, will take half a day to write that all up.Longer, since there was no family present (they couldn't stay till I got there from 50 miles away) and the facility staff have no idea why Hospice was called in, let alone as an emergency.It's a good thing I like mysteries, I guess.And I got fired by a patient's caregiver this week.Granted, I lasted 2 weeks and the agency she had before us only lasted 2 weeks and she fired 2 nurses in that time, so I guess I did better than average, but still, it bothers.Today would be a great day to go kayaking, but by the time I get to the point that I can consider that it will be late afternoon and thunderstorms will be coming in.I suppose I should just accept that I will not get the kayak in the water this summer.Sometimes it sucks having a strong Puritan work ethic.

    Genny--Bizzy seems to be the normal state of affairs for us Loungettes!

    Simp--FRB = F@cking Rat Ba$tard, AKA cancer.I'm not really expecting any answers here, mostly need a place to talk things out and have to worry that what I say gets back to the bosses at work.Guess I just need some ears to bend and shoulders to cry on right now.

    Cammy--you are right, I really can't makemove until after vacay, not without risking not being able to go.Got too much invested to risk losing it.And I had decided to not make any decisions until after vacay, when I could see if the new documentation system was going to make as big a difference as they are saying.I probably should stick with that decision, but not thinking about all this stuff is going to be very, very hard.But I will try!And you are right, only 163 days to go!Poor Joey having a bad dream.Hope they don't upset him too much.And I hope you aren't too tired today.

    Goldie--I forgot about the link thingy at the tip of the box, tried to put the link in with copy and paste.Sometime copy and paste doesn't work!And you are right, the rat ba$tard isn't the only way I could die, and probably isn't the way I am going to die, statistically speaking.I guess I've just gotten into a funk.And everything comes down to dollars and cents, eventually, no matter what field you work in.If only there was a way for healthcare to bill for providing compassion and caring, then it would be a lot easier to find the time to do that.I wonder how Medicare would measure compassion and caring?Nice mess o'beans!And nice having help to snap and string them! I bet pole beans are easier picking than bush.How many plants do you have to get that many beans at a picking?

    I recognize the bottles around that bar!


    Simp--there are 2 kinds of tumor markers,The ones we talkabout here are the blood tests for certain chemicals that can suggest that a cancer is present, responding to treatment or growing.These numbers can go up or down or stay the same.The other, the kind I think you have, are very small metal clips that are placed on or near a tumor during a biopsy to guide a surgeon to the same place later for removal or to show where the suspect area is on an x-ray or scan.This kind of marker(also called a surgical marker or surgical clip) IS removed during surgery to remove the tumor.When you call your insurance keep in mind that under federal insurance regs they HAVE to cover a mastectomy or lumpectomy or both, AND surgery to the other breast "to achieve symmetry" or to decrease the risk of getting cancer in that breast.Some insurances will try to tell a woman they won't cover a mastectomy after a lumpectomy, or a mastectomy to the "healthy" breast, and since many woman don't understand the federal regs don't push, or file an appeal.Sometimes you have to really stand up for yourself with the insurance company.

    Mema--drinks and thunderstorm, sounds likea great combo!

    Collett--Happy birthday, sorry to be late with the greetings!Good advice.I am trying to let go and let God, but I'm having a hard time with it.I'll keep working on it.That is one fantastic collage!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Saturday Night

    1 oz Bourbon

    1 bottle Bacardi Breezer Orange


    Pour Jack Daniel's whiskey into a pint glass. Add Bacardi Breezer and serve.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Morning Ladies. kind of early.

    Lori I love how u 'splain everything for Simp. U'r always so thoughtful. And those beans are beautiful, altho foreign to me but I know they're probably yummy or u wouldn't go thru all of the trouble to order them. Like I said I love that one mater sitting there like looking over the bunch, if that's what u were going for.

    Simp I don't know where u saw a pic of me, cuz I don't put any on here, I'm a mess,still. When my mom and her sister were in their 70's (just like my sister and I) they had all this energy and were always busy and going out, so I think we thought we'd be like that too. Didn't happen LOL

    I have been digging my way thru some financial aid so I can get my teeth, wow u think no one had me on any list, with all the paper chit and what u have to go thru and all the sites u have to get involved in. U'd think I was asking for money to build a mall and then some. How do all these people get things done? I know that didn't sound good but I follow all these rules and somehow I still get screwed.

    I talked to my sister (LU) and she still doesn't feel well and she's back on anti-b's and she sounds so sad. She was saying she's been like this ever since our brother died, so maybe that's some of it. Well things are kind of screwed up this weekend so I think my party world will be at home. I don't really mind tho.

    Lori I too say things on here and really open up, it's so comfortable with u gals even when I just blabber on I know u realize why and kindly put up with it.

    Julie I'm sorry I sill don't understand what's the matter with u with all u'r tests. U'r a complicated woman for me anyway.

    OK I here rustling in the kitchen so I'm going to take my shower now and get it over with, it takes me forever.

    I'll check back later


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Oh NM u have to work today, all day yet. And 50 miles to boot and u still have those ethics--well if I knew u a while ago, I would have taught u how not to have them. But u'r doing well so it's really good to have them.

    OK I just took my shower and I smell delicious, I just wanted u all to know.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Simp, I too was concerned about whether or not I should have masectomy. Asked the doctors at the cancer center I went to, which was after I had lumpectomy locally where I live, if I should have masectomy and more nodes taken out. They told me no, that because I was doing chemo and radiation it was the equivelant of a masectomy. Well, 6 years later RB (Rat BasTURD) is back and in my bones. If I knew then, what I know now, I would have insisted on double mx and more nodes out, until they became clean. You have to be comfortable with your decision, and know in your heart, that you will not have any regrets.

    Fab at 50 and up at 5 am to practice! Wowsa Nancy! Can't wait to see pictures of your party. I was doing chemo on my 50th! I'm sure it was the rain that ruined your garden, I'm sorry about that.

    NM, a half of a day to write up an admission? WTH? Do you have to write their life story? You must know that you were "relieved" of duties from that one patient/care giver, because they will never be satisfied! And of course, sharing your concerns here is just getting it off your chest. Like I said to Simp, this is the place, we get it! Bean plants, there are 3 rows each (bush/pole) and planted I think 6" apart. I probably have close to 300 or more total. I'm afraid to count! And I doubt very much that Medicare gives a rat's patooty about patient compassion or care. Please try and not worry about what you should do. Just wait until after vacation and to see if the new system is in place. I think that is a good plan.

    LDB, were you able to enjoy the thunderstorm? And awesome that you and Nancy got things pretty much squared away. I'm getting so excited for this trip, even though I'm not going.

    Cami, I have no idea if the beans are good or not, foreign to me as well. DH is the one that used to have them, maternal grandmother used to make them. The mater was to help show the MASS of beans, cuz to me, the picture doesn't do it justice. I think Simp saw your avatar. It's so small and dark, I think she thought it was you? And you do have some pictures of you on here, but you did not post them. I did the one of when I came to bisit you. I am so sorry about all the trouble you are having getting your teeth. There's that compassion for patients from our government. Phuck them! Sorry, it just so pisses me off! Devil

    And we don't "kindly" put up with you, we LOVE you! Hug

    Simp, that is Cami's grandson Joey in her avatar.

    Can you smell that smell???? It's Cami!

    Got a message on FB, some new neighbors invited DH and I over for a cook out today, beef brisket cooked in the ground! DH is going to Phoenix, I'm staying home and going to the neighbors! They don't live up here, and are pretty private, so I am very grateful for the invite! They are quite the cowboy type peeps. And I have to finish my beans and I have more maters to do!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Simp - Surgery Sept 4 huh. Well is it for mx and nodes or just nodes? In some cases they can do both. Know u have not made up up mind for a mx or bmx, but might consider whichever u decide to have it done same time as nodes. Might already gone over that…jes sticking in my 2 cents. We'll all b with ya tho. Are u the one that asked about FRB? It's 'f'n rat bastard. Sometimes we say FURB 'f u rat bastard.

    Lowee - when do u get another test on your TM's? Praying they see a decrease next labs.

    Nancy - HAPPY BIRTHDAY belated. Big bash Sumday huh, well I'll try to be there, j/k, but here's a dwink on your behalf …ooopppsss u not here, guess I'll hafta dwink it mese self. But I'll do so thinking of you! My gd loves Tom n Jerry, as I do, watched it lots while she was here, such fun, love the bday flashback poster.

    NM - sorry u got fired just kno it wasn't anything u did or said, some peeps are jes persnickety. Get outta da funk soonliest OK. Compassion is your middle name. I didn't know that about insurance and mx's etc. Good info for all of us.

    Cami - didn't Lori post a pic of the two of you when she visited? It is frustrating weeding thru all the sites. I sit here and curse like a sailor many times. Then I jes have to leave it for another time. Prayers going out for your sister Lu!

    Lowee - I really really wish u were going too. That is a butt load of beans. DH brought home more corn and maters. I just finished making more salsa with 4 of em. I hate things to go to waste (or to my waist LOL). Enjoy the cook out!!

    Gotta run, it's after 12p here and my neighbor Patricia needs me. Yak tomorrow ladies!


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2015

    Afternoon everyone!!

    Mema Thanks for the drink it was might good! Lol. At least the one I had was :) I am so looking forward to our trip! I really cant wait!

    Lori I wish we could get your damn numbers down. I am not sure what mine are. Its probably time to check them again. I just cant remember what they were the first time. Do some canning for me. Do you can any pickels? My MIL used to make the best tasting pickles ever. I miss her alot. She passed away about 10-15 years ago.

    Simp- Nice to meet you :) Sorry not under better circumstances.

    NM I do hear you on wanting to get out of nursing. You get burned out quick. Its just a demanding hard thankless job I think somedays. You miss out on so much and Im telling you I really dont miss it. :) I lovr being home with my doggie and my honey and being able to be there for my DD and DS and grandkids when they need me. Of course the money was nice but money isnt everything and you cant take it with you.

    Today I am just plain worn out. I am very very tired. I had practice that was a tough practice and then went to church and cleaned out the back of the stage which was a mess and now I need to get ready for my party.

    Love you ladies.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    LDB, I love to hear you call me Lowee. Makes me smile, cuz I gots to hear it in real life. Had labs done on Friday. I found out I can log into a portal from Sonora Quest and get mese results, hopefully before de doc. Sincin dey can't email to me anymore. I have a portal with docs office, but they don't post until doc looks at them, and that might not be until I see him! Girl, did you not read before you posted? Some of your things were mentioned, like I did say that I had posted a pic of me and Cami, and also PrincessRN. Maybe you dwunk, which is goot! Luh you girl!

    Nancy, I have canned pickles before. But not since I have been in AZ. When I did, they were good, but they weren't crunchy. I don't know what the secret is there? I made some refrigerator pickles, and those are really good! No canning involved. Plus I don't have enough cukes to can. Maybe next year, as I won't need any damn beans! Enjoy your party Birthday Girl! And good advice for NM. I think all of our inputs help. As God gave us each other!

    Lunch/Dinner with friends was awesome. They are cowboy type peeps, and everything was done outside on fire or in the ground. Her mom and dad were there, what joys! As they are from this area, from back in the day. It was her dad's b'day, 82 I think. And he really loved telling stories of this area back then. I had a wonderful time. I have beans to can, but they are goona have to wait until tomorrow. I did do salsa, I think I got 10 pints and mese kitchen is a mess! Gonna finish my brewski, and go to bed. FU pills catch up with me on the end of my cycle, which will be tomorrow. Love my week vacations! If only they could be on an exoctic island somewhere!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2015

    Good morning girls, wow, I am about 2 pages behind so I will attempt some ketchup this ayem. DH and I went to a great party last night. This guy named Steve owns a metal company and he sells it to a Canadian company my DH reps. So Steve invited the guy from Canada and he said no but I have a rep in Cleveland so Steve called my DH and invited him. Anyway…. let me say it pays to know someone who knows someone who knows someone cause everyone there got a large lobster tail, steak and lots of other yummy fixins! Plus top shelf booze and beautiful desserts and a singer that has done back up with The Rolling Stones and a bunch of other bands. He puts this thing on every year, this was the 13th. So next year we're getting a hotel and a cab and really kick up our heels. The thing must have cost him 30 or 40 thousand dollars! Not even portapots! There was this little trailer and inside was 3 stalls, , 2 sinks, and a girl wiping the place down in between. I put some pics on FB and I will get some posted here, all right on the shores of Lake Erie. Ok, so enough about me.

    Sue, thanks for the hotel info, I will call them and see if Dorothy and I can get the same deal. Glad you had so much fun with Maddy, those are all the kind of things I want to do with Nora when she is older. Glad to hear you didn't let your van drive drunk. I can relate on the getting lost thing, I can't go anywhere w/o my gps, don't know how I survived my first 50 plus years without it.

    Lori, love the pics of your trip, looks like a great time, and lots of exercise!

    NM, everything you described about the "new direction" that the powers that be want to take with your job are the reasons I got out of nursing. So frustrating, I always said we had way too many chiefs and never enough indians. They would just pile on the paperwork and while I'm at the desk trying to get it done the poor woman down the hall is peeing herself cause we only have 3 aids for 30 residents and I'm not supposed to put her on the pot cause that's not my job!! Oh don't get me started…ok, rant over. Anyway, I hope the right job comes along, I know how much you care about your patients but to be told that you are salaried and basically to suck up the extra hours… how many of the people making those rules do you suppose work more than 40 hours….Ugh…

    Simp, hope you got to enjoy your drink or 2 and time with your friend. A good cry every now and again is good for the soul. I was able to eat and drink all the way thru chemo, gained 20 pounds by the time I was done with surgery and rads. Still trying to get the rest of it off. When are you having your surgery? Have you decided on unilateral or bilateral yet? So gald to hear you are done with chemo.

    Ok, now I'm on the next page, can't believe how far behind I got!

    Nancy, loved the dragon boat pics, glad you are enjoying it so much. What do you do in the winter? Is there any sort of practice?

    Cami, glad to hear you're getting the hang of the cane, spinning does not sound good. and you're right, time for Simp to what our lounge is all about, she hasn't really even seen the tenders at work! Oh, ok, I see NM posted some pics of our beautiful virtual lounge.

    Lori, so sorry to hear the stress the business is causing, you were trying to sell it weren't you? Hope you get some good workers soon, I can understand not wanting to put anymore money into it. Oh, I see you pated the HTL video for simp. That'll splain everything. Glad to hear your mom got to come home, her next parade? Did they determine if she had cancer? Sorry to hear about your tastebuds.

    Simp, won you've put in some work, I was a single parent to just 1 and that was hard enough. How old are your kids? So sorry you got hit by the rat bastard and at 41, so young. FURB is F U rat bastard, otherwise known as breast cancer. Do you have family close by?

    NM, I see you are really struggling with the job. I know what you mean, life is short and doesn't seem fair to be missing all the things you enjoy just to earn a paycheck. The nursing field is a tough one, no doubt about it. I know the teaching does't pay as well but maybe the way to go?

    Julie, so glad to hear your mum is home, is she getting around ok? Nursing is tough for sure and you an ER nurse, one of the toughest jobs of all! But at least you do get to punch a clock at leave it when you go home.

    Lori, I see you splined the FURB too, wonder how princess Toby is doing? I suspect she got busy with all her kids and her nursing job and her new chocolate business and just got off the boards all together. Hope she's doing well, wonder if she's still doing the conjugal visits? I think I have her phone # maybe I'll call her one of these days.

    Nancy, I see I missed you birthday….HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! Oh and your 50th!!! You've joined the club, you are just a youngster too!

    Cami, so sorry to hear your sister is not felling well and is in the rabbit hole. Hope you can talk her out, you are so good at that. Glad to know you are smelling purdy,, what's the scent of the day?

    Simp, the way the node thing was explained to me so that I could get it was this. The axillary lymph node dissection removes all the lymph nodes in that area. It's like a blueberry muffin, some people have 8 and some have 35. In my case I had 11, she biopsied 1 along with the breast biopsy and it was positive, was yours biopsied or just large on the scan?

    NM Sounds like getting fired by that patient was a good thing, and you lasted longer than most.

    Ok, I'm on the last page now

    Nancy, get some rest, you don't want to give those seizures and excuse to rear their ugly heads. Have fun at your party.

    lori, glad you had fun with your peeps.

    Dara, hope all is ok with you and yer dad and yer mom. We really need to get our tickets and hotel reservations taken care of, I'm planning to work on it today. I'll let ya know what I figure out.

    OK, gotta go make some breakfast. Got a bizzy week coming up, dh getting injection to numb the nerve in his back that's causing the pain on wednesday, then on Thursday I get my nuclear bone scan then on Friday we go on vacay for 6 days to an island on Lake Erie. We rented a house and we're taking the dogs. Gonna leave Moose home with Gloria and a big bowl of food and water. He will hate it but I think not nearly as bad as being kenneled at the vet. Love you all…later...

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Well, my half day of catchup work took me almost all day to finish.Sigh.Not even getting the d@mned computer out of the car today.Well, I'll probably take it out of the care, the temps are supposed to hit 90 and the humidity is noticeable, so I'll probably take Sadie swimming today.Can't have the work stuff in the car getting all wet and smelling like wet doggy after all!

    Cammy--sometimes I think the rules for accessing various forms of assistance are set up to keep people from getting all the way through the process.Makes me wonder if not following the rules actually gets a person further!Your poor sister, sound like she is grieving hard.Did your brother have Hospice care?If so, the Hospice agency can help your sister--bereavement services are part of the package, for up to a year after a passing.Yeah, I worked yesterday, had to play ketchup.I would love to be able to give up some of the ingrained "I must do the best job possible" stuff.Life would be easier.

    Goldie--writing up an admission means filling out a list of forms:

    physical assessment (computer),

    medication list (computer)

    bereavement assessment (computer, names & contact info of family members, assessing their emotional, physical, financial, spiritual, psych status of up to 3 individuals),

    medical history (computer),

    military history (paper),

    spiritual/religious history (computer),

    social history (computer),

    psych history (computer),

    qualification for Hospice (3 computer forms, 2 paper forms),

    setting up the plan of care (1 LONG computer form, 3 paper forms),

    filling out and getting signature on the admission forms (3 forms on computer and 3 identical forms onpaper plus 2 more paper forms),

    setting up medication billing (1 phone call, 1 fax,1 paper form, than all that info added to the computer care plan form),

    ordering supplies (2 computer forms, 1 e-mail),

    schedulingnurse and aide visits (1 computer calendar, 1 paper form, 1 phone call),

    1 form that lists/summarizes certain info for the doc (paper), and

    1 two-page checklist (paper) to make sure I don't anything.

    I'm not working off the checklist here, so there are probably 2 or 3 items I've forgotten.Like 1 phone call to leave a detailed report on the report line.

    The whole process usually takes me 3 to 4 hours after I am done in the patient's home, that part is usually around an hour to an hour and a half, longer if the patient and/or family needs extra support and has lots of questions or if there is a special circumstance/situation of some kind.And since this last admission was an "emergency" admission Friday afternoon (I got to the nursing home around 3 pm) it took a bit longer to process everything as I had to gather all the info except the pt's name and make all the needed copies of the info in her chart for our chart, then sit down yesterday and read through it all to find the info I needed to fill in the forms.

    And yes,I do know that I would never be able to please that caregiver, and no one else will be able to either.I keep reminding myself of that.The problem with waiting until after vacay is that the new system start has been moved to February from December, and the word on the grapevine is that it will be moved out again soon.For the entire 3 years I've been working for this company a new, wonderful, will-fix-all-the-problems documentations system has been "coming" with the start date being moved repeatedly and never getting closer than 6 months.I'm having trouble trusting this one will be any different from the last one.The last one was started in a few placed and then the implementation stopped.I don't see any reason to believe the same thing won't happen with this one.A change that is always coming but never arriving is no help to me.However, I have committed myself, again, to not moving until after vacay.But I have begun looking at other jobs, both in nursing and non-health care, to see what's out there and get a feel for what I can realistically expect for hours and pay.I have also put in time off requests for 1 three-day weekend a month from now through December, for the weekend after I am back up call.Back up call will now be a full work day of scheduled visits due to the increase in census, so it is pretty much guaranteed full day of wok both Saturday and Sunday.That does mean that I will not have enough earned time to completely cover vacay, and will have to take some of that time off w/o pay, but I can deal with that.

    Boy, Goldie, you have a BUNCH of beans!Hope the cookout was fun and yummy!

    Mema--the caregiver that fired me has been trying to play staff against each other, and our agency against the agency she fired, right along.I guess I actually hold the record for lasting longest with her, I guess I should be happy about that!It is a bit frustrating to try to search back through the threads for specific items.Takes time,Lots of time, if the thread is long!

    Collett--You have every right to be tired, doing all that!But good for you!Have a fun party!

    Goldie--10 pints of salsa!Wow!And I can't imagine how many cans of beans you'll get.Glad the cookout was fun.So beans this summer, cukes next?Sounds like a plan!

    Genny--WOW, what a Shindig!Can't wait to see the pics!Glad you understand what I'm talking about.3 aids for 30 residents, oy vey, what a lot of running they must do.And I don't see the corporate folks in Baton Rouge working 60 hour weeks routinely.Maybe they do and I just don't see it.I do love teaching, but the pay sucks.I'm really hoping to find a job that both pays well (not expecting to get what I'm getting now, but close) AND has set hours.Sounds like the Impossible Dream, doesn't it?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    The Pickle Barrel

    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz Tequila

    1 oz Triple Sec

    1 oz Gin

    1 oz Rum

    1/2 tsp Sugar

    1 splash Iced Tea


    Pour ingredients together over ice in a tall glass. Pour into a cocktail shaker and give one brisk shake. Pour back into glass. Garnish with a lemon. Add sugar to taste, and serve.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.