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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Mary, the business is not ours to sell, we only invested in it. Hoping to move our business there in that building, and have one of his empolyees ship our stuff, to free us up to do more things. No cancer in my mom, and the taste buds are not too bad, it's tolerable. That dinner you went to was awesome! Sounds like you are having an awesome summer and the up coming vacation as well! Go, enjoy and don't even think about the bone scan.

    NM, wow that is a lot of paperwork and hardly much patient time, which that part of the job is your passion. As long as you can get by financially, I think maybe teaching, after the cruise would be the way to go for you? I can see your head a spinnin! Something will come up. And the new system you think will not happen either. I don't understand what is taking so long for that. It's all computer techy stuff, right? Which I wouldn't think should take that long. Maybe Simp can answer that?

    Had a great time at the neighbors, it was her dad's birthday, he was 82. What a joy her parents were, and he loved telling me stories of this area from way back in the day. My husband also would have liked to hear. This area was a huge sheep farm back then. Ok, I only did salsa yesterday, didn't even clean my kitchen. So it's a mess and I still have the rest of my beans to do. Brother will be here Thursday, I'm so excited. Oh, and my mom is pissed off at everyone, she even hung up on me! She has never done that. Started out, she called me while we were in town and says "Lori, I can't take it anymore. You have to do something with Jason (my son). He doesn't take the garbage out, we got another notice about the grass not being cut, he can't keep up with his phone bill, he has my bridge card, he has my debit card. Yaddy yaddy yaddy!" I said to her, you have let him get away with this crap for 15+ years and now you want ME to fix it? She says "ok, nevermind...bye" Click! I called her yesterday and she is being very cold and just saying everything is her fault, and for everyone else not to worry. She's says I'm fine, I can take care of myself. Oh really, is that why you can't bathe your self, can't even go into the bathroom to use it. Can't make your own bed, can't drive, can barely walk, etc. etc. Of cours I did not say this to her. But I know she is hurt and depressed because of it. When she was in the hospital, she didn't like how the staff treated her and my mom can be a mouth, well she got herself moved to another floor. But usually she wants somebody else to do all this for her. Such as this deal with my son. Both times I talked to her, I was crying and she just kept saying, I'm sorry you are upset, but don't be, I'm fine, really I am. But she says this in a very mono tone voice. Again, being 2000 miles away, there is not a damn thing I can do. She also told my son that she should just quit taking her pills and wait to die!!!

    Need me a Pickle Barrel!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Nancy - I am going to forward my flight itinerary to you. My flight arrives at 6:20pm. The hotel says to just call from baggage and they'll have a shuttle come and get me. I leave Sat morning at 10:30 ayem. Won't b a problem at that hour. My only concern, which I'll call about, is the hour we disembark. It's not clear to my p-brain when we disembark on Friday. So want to make sure we have transpo back to the Fairfield Inn. Hope you got some rest from all the 'push n pull' of the oars.

    Lowee - Muah Hashanah (that's how my son says it). We have a portal here with my PC and in Vegas with the Cancer Center. Haven't done anything but register login info, haven't really perused it yet, sounds like a good thing tho. Sounds like you had a fab time….woooweee!!!

    Mary - do check it out, it's sounds perfect. Lobster!!! Very jealous and live music too what fun fun fun!

    Oh and while I'm thinking about it….I just read some of the fine print on the cruise and it says to allow 4 hours of travel time b4 and after for customs and such. WOW, makes for an even longer vacay, we'll all be mighty tired is my guess.

    Simp - I wish you could go on the cruise too, but I think it might be too late for the down payment and such. With your surgery pending, depending on what you decide to have done, maybe next year would be better. OOOhhh I see you and DH going on vacay next weekend….sounds wonderful. (((Simp)))

    NM - yea, don't think it's a good idea to leave ur 'puter in the car for all the reasons you said. This job of yours is really taking a toll, but waiting til after the cruise b4 making a move is wise. DOTD sounds like a head spinner, almost same ingredients as Long Island Iced tea. Yum!

    Really missing several girls….come out come out wherever you are!

    Ladies have a gr8 Sunday….lubslubslubslubslubs!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2015

    Nancy, meant to tell ya I am busy M/T so will make the calls and forward flt and what I find out to you then.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2015

    oh lori- what stress right now! know how you feel about long distance sick parent, mam is home in wales, carers come at night now to put her to feeling over whelmed, but niether of them ever wanted to go to a nursing home, more worried about dad than mam , we are all trying to work up to the hospice talk , got dad thinking about making sure all the living will paperwork is up to date, they both want to be dnr , that was decided years ago so thats not an issue. is her oxygen levals ok? as hypoxiaor low oxygen or an infection can cause mental status changes, mam on one of her uti's was "fighting them on the beaches" til it resolved

    nm- too much bloody paperwork! not enough time for pt care, praying that the right solution comes up for you, i know you will understand the frustration, we have to go to a case management meeting every week day , well its scheduled between 1100 and 1145 in 5 min slots, such a good time NOT our lunches start being delivered at 1115. my time 1140 well get handed a email timed 1042 about my pt who had been inteviewed by case mangement , this person didn't like the way she was talking about being better off dead! etc so send an email to her boss who then handed it to me in this meeting! thank god they were just frustrated about the medicare rules and the financial burden they could possibly have , don't normally throw people under the bus in my charting but this time i was driving the bus,

    mary i work on pcu-cardiology ,its me being in the er! love the photos , glad you had a fantastic time ,the food looked lovely

    nancy-hope your birthday party went well and you need to sleep in

    sue-car drunkHappy

    cammi-if you worked its seems you get penalised and get less help,

    well back to the housework, have a cardiac cath scheduled for thursday,oh what fun, cardiologist said to me, you are planning on loosing weight right, didn't tell him where i had breakfastSillyHeart

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    LDB, you are on the ball with your schedule for the cruise. As for the portal, I had labs done on Friday and don't want to wait until I see onc to find out what they are, that's like 3 weeks away. Too long for anxiety! Muah Hashanah, what is the Hashanah? But Muah anyways!

    Julie, mom isn't saying too much as I know she is mad and hurt and prolly depressed now too. She called this morning, I was outside. Trying to be her normal self but talking in a very nasal, short of breath tone. She would probably tell me she doesn't know what her o2 is, cuz she hasn't checked. But knowing her, she has! And I know shes depressed because she's house bound and can't do much for herself, but SHE put herself in that position. UTI's, she always has those, as you can imagine, wearing a diaper and maybe getting bathed 1-2 a week. Blessings to your folks, how old are they? I hope they aren't suffering too bad. It's nice to be able to live a long life, but not if suffering. LOL about you driving the bus! What does cardiac cath involve? What's wrong with your heart?


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2015

    imageHey everyone! Birthday bash was great.

    Julie I do need to sleep in but not cuz I had too much to drink. I couldnt even finsh one beer tonight. I dont know what was wrong. Maybe just too hot or too many people to see and talk to or too much to get ready for and then tear down, but I am bushed.

    Ok so I found out another friend of mine on my team may have a reoccurance. WTH... I think that makes at least 4-5 on my team now.

    Ok since it is 123 am I am gonna just post a couple of the ==bash



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Took Sadie (an me) swimming yesterday, forgot how wonderful lake water feels on a hot day.Sadie made a new friend, a year old lab/Chesapeake Bay retriever mix. They had a blast chasing sticks and balls into the water.Poor Sadie came home limping--I think she banged up again some rocks or something.She doesn't seem to be hurting, just limping when she walks, and itseems to smooth out after she gets moving after a rest.Hoping it will clear up in a couple of days.Planning to hit the swimming hole again today after work if it's as hot and humid as predicted today.If the computer work gets done it gets done, if not, it doesn't.The worst they can do is fire me for not keeping up with the "zero day transmission time" goal, right?(Meaning 100% of the computer work is done and transmitted to the central computer the same day the visit is made or the admission is done.Needless to say, most admission work is NOT transmitted the same day.)

    Goldie--The new computer system is being started in the southern part of the country, closer to the corporate office, first, then expanding out to more distant sites.Here in Maine we're about a far away as we can get.The explanation we've gotten is that the "roll out" scheduled gets pushed back whenever there is a glitch in one of the offices being switched over and more time is needed at that office, or a glitch is found in the system, they fix it and go back and fix it in all the offices already switched over. But, the system should be perfect by the time it gets to us!Oh, Goldie, your Mom sounds like she's depressed, and who wouldn't be in that situation.Being so far away is very, very hard.Is there any way you can find out if her doc has her on an antidepressant?Maybe she has a visiting nurse coming in for a bit now that she's home from the hospital?You could call and ask the nurse.Or maybe your son would know, or able to look at her pills and write down the names of the drugs so you can look them up (or PM to one of us nurses who can tell you what they are for).{{{{hugs}}}}

    Mema--I read about the 4 hour thing, too, that's why I like to get a hotel before and after, to make sure I have airport time and so I can get better flight times!I did take all the work stuff out of the car, got to remember to put it all back in this ayem.Hoping the car doesn't smell too wet doggy today!Left it outside with the windows open overnight, so should be good.

    Juliet--Don't you just love meetings that happen right when you need to be doing at least 3 other things?And anything that's not optimal gets handed to the nurse to fix, immediately if not sooner, at least this one was something that you can't possibly be expected to fix.As to throwing them under the bus, I certainly would.Defensive charting, I think they call it.I date AND time everything!I will write in the chart that the above boxes checked off b/c software requires them to be checked off, don't actually apply to this pt/situation or family not present to ask, etc.Let the company justify the "discrepancy" to Medicare or a lawyer or jury.I decidedlong time ago that if I go down on something someone else will be doing down with me.P:articularly if I'm being asked to do the impossible.I'd have told that cardiologist that sure I'm planning on losing weight, and I'm planning on winning a million dollars on lottery tickets I don't buy, too!

    Goldie--Love the pic!

    Collett--GREAT cakes and goodies!Looks like a great party! The boaters with recurrence is a bit scary, though.Praying they are treatable/controllable recurrences.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    wet dog

    12 oz Beer

    4 oz Sangria


    12 oz of Old English High Gravity malt liquor, mixed well with Carlo Rossi Sangria. Serve cold and enjoy the taste of a wet dog.

    Best served in a Pint Glass.

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    Happy Birthday Collette!

    Sorry Cami, it's just a thumbnail on my device. Thought that was you in the picture lol

    Mema, mx and nodes, approx 10-20 surgeon said.

    Genny, yes I had one biopsied and it came back positive. Didn't know different people had varying numbers of lymph nodes. Interesting.

    Had 2 glasses of wine Sat night and it went well :) Had a nice buzz going. Felt good!

    I am so far behind. Hope everyone else is doing ok.

    NM-never good to leave electronic devices of any sort in a hot car. Wont hurt it if it's not an every day thing, but over time, it can be bad.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Nancy, I looked at all of your pictures from your "bash". What a celebration! And the cake is awesome! Sorry to hear about another co-paddler having mets. It DOES suck!

    NM, my mom is not on any anti depressants. I talked with her yesterday, she is starting to sound better. I think she will be ok in a few days. I also think she is tired of living with her health conditions, not being able to get around, hard to breathe, pain from fibromialga, etc. My brother told her she was a damn woman, not a baby and to quit whining. Well she took the "damn" part wrong. I told he was really saying "you are a woman, dammit" and that he didn't mean it the way she thought. She has had a nurse come in, but all they do is check her vitals, and report to the doctor. Well, she can check her own vitals! She also has an aide come in, I think she gets like 9 hours a week, but she is always calling in for one reason or another. This is just the kind of help our govt. offers! LOL telling the doc "sure I'm planning on losing weight, and I'm planning on winning a million dollars on lottery tickets I don't buy, too!"

    Simp, glad you got to enjoy your wine. How was your visit?

    I'm still working on beans ( think they are about done producing, thank goodness) and also trying to get my house in order, my brother is coming on Thursday, I can't wait. He's never been to my home, and I've been here 15 years!

    I have my wet dog without the Sangria please.

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    Visit was good....confusing. I just need to take 2 steps backwards. Life can be such a b**** Keeps us on our toes thou lol

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Lowee - I didn't notice the toopid auto correct…I meant it to read' Muah ha ha ha!

    Glad your mom feels a tad better. I hate waiting for labs too. Am off to LV this morning (in about 2 hours) for labs, doc, and tx. They do the blood work right then and there cuz if anything like platelets or potassium down tooo low they will not give me my treatment. I usually ask for copies of labs and get them b4 I leave. Sometimes the POD nurses forget tho.

    Julie - will be sending prayers and positive energy for your cath on Thurs. Going in thru the artery in the groin area makes me quack, scares me. (((Julie)))

    Nancy - that cake looks amazing, sounds like fun was had by all. Thanks for sharing all the beautiful pics.

    NM - a swim in the lake sounds wonderful. My dogs won't get in the water and won't even chase a ball. Well, they will chase it, then don't kno what to do so they jes leave it and come trotting back. Hope Sadie works the kinks out…hopefully just a bruise, but I'm sure you'll watch it.

    Simp - they should take nodes til they get clear markers, u prolly knew that. Good for you for 'getting a nice buzz going' .we all need it sometimes.


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2015

    Morning everyone!!

    NM a swim in a clean lake and paddleing in a clean lake sounds awesome! The lake we practice in is so yucky! Hope Sadie is feeling better after her little mishap. Poor baby.

    Sue I got your email. :) I am so excited. Will talk more as it gets closer just to make sure I understand what to do. I cant wait! My trip to Disney with the kids is getting really close and I am getting really excited for that too!

    Julie I will be thinking of you on Thursday and hope all goes well with your heart cath. ((Hugs)) Mickey says (((((hugs))))) too! :)

    Lori It sucks to have so many on the team who are having reoccurences. I believe we have about 4-5 which is a little too high for me. One is too high for me let alone that many.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes Simp.

    Hey to everyone else... Mary Dara Cami love ya ladies :) Lynn where are ya??


    Ladies from my team


    Indy SurviveOars


    Lol my teammates

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2015

    Hi girls!

    Popping in just to say hello to all mese breasties. I hope you are all doing well.

    Lori, praying for better numbers on the tm's ((((Lori)))).

    Nancy, happy belated 50th to you, looks like you had a wonderfoil time sailabrating. You are looking really good. You go goil!

    Simp, praying for you and hoping you are able to come to a decision that you are comfy with. Good going in dwinking the wine and enjoying it. Sending hugs to you to (((Simplicity))). Has anyone asked you your real name yet? I am curious as usual.

    NM, sounds like you and Sadie had a spendid time on the lake, good for you. You really do need to take the time for yourself and for your berry adorable puppy dog too. Prouda ya goil!

    So todey is a dey to sailabrate, got word that baby David will be back in Jennika's arms permanently as of Sept 18th. Jennika is joyous over dis news. She just got word todey and I tailed ye all that you would be the first to know. Really though, I have not shared the story of the baby being in foster care with anyone outside my family so of course, this is the first place I come to share the awesome news. I am standing by awaiting an invite to baby sit my grandson. Come sailabrate with me goils.

    I took a vacation day today and just hung out with my cousin by my pool. It was a perfect day, temps at 90 but nice breeze and humidity.

    Hello to Julie, Mema Sue, Genny and ennyone else I may have missed. Foygive me as I am on mese 4th and final daquari. Dem is so berry delisious but have to keep them to a minimum as I am gaining weight with the dwink of de summer. I say it is worth it now but den when I git on mese bathing suit, not so much.

    Lift ye glasses up and toast with me ~ here here ~ burp ~ oops escuzzzzz me!


    and another to our birthday goil (me baked ya some cookies) ....


    CheErS Nancy!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2015

    working next 2 days, hoping to do the cath htru the wrist!

    nm-sadie and water a instant remedy for smiles

    lori-glad your mum sounds better today

    simplicity -when you decide what you want surgery wise, we all fly in on the ufo!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2015

    Hi girls, watching tv with my dh and thought I'd pop in. Off tomorrow got lots to do before vacay on Friday.

    Nancy, looks like a good b-day, bootiful cake. Only a half a beer tho? So sorry to hear about the girls on the team with the recurrances, that sucks! Hope they all get to kick the RB to the curb. Love the pics

    Dara...!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!! So happy for you and Jennika! What good news, my heart is so happy for you both!



    NM, we took Emma and Junior to the beach yesterday, Emma has become quite the waterdog. It is hot here too and the beach has been great. Wish the summer could last about 2 months longer, can't believe it's almost Labor Day. Hope you get your computer work done, hope something better comes your way soon.

    Sue, have you recovered from your 9 days with Maddy? I will see Nora Sat when her parents come to join us on our vacay for a night, haven't seen her in a few weeks, can't wait! Praying for clean scans for you, guess it never really gets easier.

    Lori, glad to know your beans are almost done producing, geesh that was a huge pile of beans, I don't know how you do it. Hope your mom continues to feel better, sounds like your brother doesn't cut her any slack. I know it's frustrating when you feel like she's not trying, sounds like she's tired. Tough for you being so far away. hope your TM's are down, down , down... I know what you mean about the waiting. I get my bone scan on Thursday and I sure hope I get the results on Friday instead of waiting the weekend.

    Simp, I would like to know your real name also. Glad you got to have a few glasses of wine and it went ok. This is a hard time for you, still so fresh in my memory, you are just about a year behind me and next year at this time you will be done with all the active treatment and truly getting on with your life, albeit a bit different. You seem very strong and you've got all of us when ever you need to vent.

    Julie, I've heard about the arm cardiac cath, keep meaning to ask my cardiologist if he does that should I ever need on again. Had one about 5 years ago thru the groin, it was easy just had to take it a little easy for the weekend. Prayers that your will show nothing abnormal...ay yi yi.. if it's not one thing it's another...

    Hi to anyone I missed, got to go now, time for my beauty rest... sweet dreams to all!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Does anyone here have any experience/knowledge about driving a company provided car? Apparently I may qualify for one and am wondering what the pros and cons are.I read through the info they sent out, sounds like I have to keep track of every mile driven and weather it's for work or personal use.There's some sort of calculation done with persona use miles that ends up in a dollar amount, I'm not sure what that is about, if that is something I have to pay every month or what.It's called a tax something.Don't understand it, afraid it means I would have my current car payment plus either a tax bill or monthly charge on the company car.There's 4o or 5 cars to choose from.A company gas card comes with, looks like maintenance is covered, too.Looks like brand new cars with all the bells and whistles, too.Not sure if I should be looking into this or not, looks like it can take 2-3 months to set up.That would be Oct/Nov, and I'm not at all sure what I will be doing after January. Hmm, guess I need to do some more research.

    Simp--Sounds like Saturday was a wonderful day, good for you!Good point about the electronic devices in the car.

    Goldie--Glad your Mom is sounding better.I know it can be hard to get approved hours of care filled with reliable staff.One of the things that happens often here in Maine is a person qualifies for a number of hours of care per week but there is no agency that has enough staff to fill all the time. I see people who qualify for 30 or 40 hours a week who only get 20 or so hourscuz the agency can't get enough workers to fill the whole time.The cost of the mandated education hours, required insurances, etc is more than people working in those positions can afford many times, not to mention the long travel times and lousy benefits.It will be so fun for your brother to visit!

    Simp--story of our lives!

    Mema--hope you had good labs and an easy treatment!Sadie is doing better, thanks, one paw was swollen yesterday, better by the time I got home from work, better still this morning.Where we swim has slippery stuff on the rocks and boat launch, and the boat launch has grooves that she can slip her paws into, so I think she either caught and twisted her paw in a groove or banged it on a rock or slipping off a rock.As long as it is steadily improving, and she keeping running around like a foolish thing at times, I'm not too worried about it.

    Collett--Sadie is doing better, thanks!Lake swimming is nice.Disney with the kids soon?Yeah, sounds like lots and lots of fun! Love the pink hair, moustache and crown!

    Dara--I really wanted to take Sadie swimming yesterday after work, but it was almost dark when I got done, too late to go swimming where there are no lights.Maybe today.Hooray on Baby David back in Mamma's arm permanently soon!Wonderful news!

    Juliet--here's to cath through the wrist!

    Genny--dogs do know how to enjoy water, don't they?I am DEFINITELY and old broad!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Baby's Bottom

    1/2 oz Creme de Menthe

    1 1/2 oz Whiskey

    1/2 oz White Creme de Cacao


    Stir and strain into a cocktail glass.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    Morning Ladies!

    Love the pictures Collett!

    Glad you got to enjoy a nice day by the pool DD. Happy to hear about the grand baby! Love babies (thou I'd cry for the next 18yrs if I got pregnant now lol). You'd hear me all across the state haha

    NM-No clue here.

    Real name is Renee' :)

    SO tired. Kids and I are taking off to the beach right after I get off work. Bout a 4-5 hr drive. Well, the two youngest and I. We've never got to stay this long but a kind friend offered up her place for free :) Between TN last weekend and beach this week, I am beat! Wanted to get some fun time in thou before surgery.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2015

    Morning girls,getting ready to take the pooches out and thought I'd pop in.

    NM, I don't know anything about company cars but my DH would have all those answers, I'll show him your questions and see what he says. So glad to hear Sadie's foot is almost all better.

    Nancy, I missed the Disney with the kids thing, have fun!

    Renee, nice to meet you ...again. How old are your kids? Wish you could cruise with us too, maybe next time. Hope you are having fun at the beach, you've certainly earned it.

    Julie, don't know why I thought you were an ER nurse, cardiology... so you know how to read those crazy monitors. Hope you stay outta the ER then and work going ok for you today.

    Maybe see you all a bit later today, have a good one!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2015

    Kim, Dh who has had company cars in the past and now has his own business and owns his own company car says if the car is titled to the company you would have to keep track of personal miles vs business miles, keep all gas and maintenance receipts, and at year end report those to the company, they would take care of the tax stuff. If the car is titled in your name, you would again keep track of personal vs business miles,as well as receipts for gas and maintenance, and the 2015 rate for business miles with your car is 57.5 cent/mile and at the end of the year that would be your tax deduction. For more info go to and lots of info there. Oh and you can write off a percentage of maintenance as well. Hope that helps.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Simp, needing to take 2 steps back? Sounds like this "friend" is one that could possibly be a boy friend? Of course I'm being nosey, and you don't have to answer. And you can swear here, it's not frowned upon. Actually encouraged!

    LDB, I hope all went well for your appointment yesterday. Muah ha ha ha to you!

    Nancy, which Disney are you going to with the kids? Who is Lynn, that you are looking for? Such cute pictures of your team mates.

    Oh Dara, so so happy that the baby is coming home. But why does it have to be another month, shoot. I hope you will be able to get your hands on him. Gosh, how old is he now? I will def. celebrate wif you!

    Julie, can you explain this cath to me? Thru the wrist? Is it permanent? What is the purpose of it?

    Mary (Genny), when you get a recurrance, there is no kicking the RB to the curb. You can hold it back, but that is about it. How fun that Nora will join you for the vay cay. How long will you be gone? My brother is a hard nose, he does not hold back, and especially iffin he's a cocktail or two! I hope you can get your results by Friday, per your wishes. Ask when you go. As for me, I would want to wait until I got back from my trip, just in case there is bad news, I wouldn't want it to ruin my time. And you are not mean, nor an old broad! How long are you gonna be gone?

    NM, I don't have a clue about the work car, altho it sounds good! Do you know of anyone else that uses one that you can ask? Glad that Sadie is doing well. You are not an old broad either. Oh nice, Mary might be able to get you some answers about the car.

    Simp, I like your DD for Dara. But I mostly call her Wacko! I don't even remember where that came from, other than the fact that she is one cray cray chica. Getting pregnant at your age, with already 3 children, I would go nuts too. I had a scare when I was about your age, maybe a bit younger. I had my first at age 21, next one at 25. Glad you are getting some fun time in before surgery. Smart thinking, as you will be down for a bit. Nice to have a name now, Renee'. How old are your kids? Boys/Girls? Where in TN did you go? My MIL lives in Jefferson City (East TN)

    Can you phucking believe it? I am still doing beans! Can only do a batch a day, on top of trying to clean and work. One more batch, and I'm DONE! Pulling the plants after my brother leaves I think. But I can tell you this, I won't be canning anymore! Things keep looking worse and worse with this other business. Afraid we are going to be out a big chunk of money! Our retirement money!

    Love the Baby's Bottom, and of course that whiskey would be some JD. Speaking of JD Wacko, did you see all the bottles I left for you?

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    He could be, yes. But he is hesitant about an LDR. I am too, honestly. Never been in one. I.Love.Him :) Feels nice, even thou I can't totally give into it, yet, to love. He lives in Nashville, so about a 6-7 hr drive, depending on traffic and stops. He is thinking about coming over to help after surgery :) Isn't that sweet. Not sure he will thou-work, kids, etc, etc. He has 1 boy.

    My kids are 21b, 17g, 14b.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2015

    Hi girls,

    i am pooping in for the dwink of the day, wooohoo it is yummmmy! I gonna have a few more I tink.

    Lori, you skeered me when you said you can't believe it .... I thought the worst, whew big sigh of relief ~ SIGH! I will continue to check back for your results, still praying that the TMs are down down down as Genny said. Baby David was born on November 19th.

    Renee' that is a purdy name. You have yer hands full with three children. I hope they are helping and will continue to help when you need it most. It is nice to meet anudder east coastie goil. I am not really from Kansas. Ya see, I keep my identity very private cuz I often talk about very private matters on here. And iffen u mighten be wondering about my DD, she had a baby last November and the baby was taken and put into foster care. My DD suffers from depression and she went to get help as she was feeling really down. The caseworker contacting the county department of child services which at the end of the day, caused my grandson to go into foster care.

    Mese so furcited in tinking about holding that widdle boy again. It has been over six months sincen I have had my dwunken hands on him.

    NM, great info from Genny on a company car, times like dis make me real eyes (real eyes = a Corkyism for realize, no chit) anyway make me realize how lucky we are to have one another. Sorry you did not get to take Sadie back for anudder swim. Boo. Iffen you both came here, I would let you and Sadie swim with us, it would be great fun.

    Julie, you better behave yourself else the tenders are gonna give you a spanking like no other. Be well woman, ya hear me? Any Disney visits planned?

    Genny, like you, I am bumming that Labor day is around the corner. I am sooooo not ready for fall nor winter, hate hate hate winter. You have a funderful vacation, whereya going? I musta foygot.

    Mema, hope todey is a good day for you. And I was also wondering if you have recovered from seeing Ms. Maddie. I been tinking about you as me and mese cousin toast de airplanes. I neber eber foyget the time we had together, it was so so specail. Muah!

    As you all know, I have been consuming way too many daiquiris lately. Well mese cousin, mese exDH1 and me have been doing a lot of karaoke sundays. we now call them daiquiri-okie sundey fundeys~ tehehehe. If you could see us now, we had another guest yesterday who also participated in the singing. It is a lot of fun. And to make it more furciting, we do this singing in de comfort of my outside cottage so that mese neighbors can hear. Our closing song is the Carpenter's Sing, love that song for karaoke. I do not have a good singing voice and neither does mese cousin. But we can carry the tune Sing quite well. We mighten make a record deal. hmm, wonder if we need an agent? Nah, jest kidding.

    I was working on a loan today for a property worth 2.6M. I was really surprised to find that the property was a dump. I find myself looking at the pics on the appraisal reports jest to be nosey. Well this property had a lot of deferred maintenance and was also quite small, smaller than my humble home. It is true what they say about location location location.this dump was in Santa Barbara CA. I could see the smoke from the wild fires in the distance, made me sad mostly for the wildlife. Anyway, these are mese rant du'jours. AMEN. BarMEN!

    WELL THAT'S it from Kansas today. I bid you all a-doo.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2015

    it has been awhile sincen I have posted any pics of baby David. Here is a recent pic my DD sent to me.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2015




  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2015

    Oh Dara, I'm so furcited for you! Jennika musta bin working awful hard to have met all the requirements, I know she loves that baby and so happy for her too. Love, love ,love that you get to be with that baby and kin spoil the crap outta him soon!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Well I wound up having a melt down at work yesterday.The admission write up I spend half a day working on Saturday got "lost" in the computer system.The IT folks can't find it.I had to write it all over again. AND--we're going to have to write off the entire bill cuz it's not getting processed in a timely manner, and IT is saying it's my fault for never transferring the note.I damned near wrote a resignation note right then and there.Got an admission that my case load is too big, and there was a plan to split some of it off and re-assign it to another nurse, that nurse refused.When I re -did my week's visit schedule to account for losing most of yesterday to re-writing the admission and the only way I can do it is to work Saturday again.Had another melt down after I got home.Today I am going to re-do the schedule and list visits that I cannot do that will need to be covered, turn it over to the bosses and refuse to work Saturdays and refuse to work more than 10 hours per day.They say they don't want to lose me, now we'll find out if that's really true or not.I say let's start a pool on what day I get fired, I figure it will be on the 31st, the day one of the bosses gets back from vacay next week.

    Simp--beech time before surgery, great idea, and a good kind of tired!

    Genny--thanks a million, that is a lot of help, and send my thanks to your DH, too!Very helpful.

    Goldie--Genny's hubby's info was very helpful.I'm still thinking about the whole thing. Sadie is much better, when I got home from work yesterday her paw was only very slightly swollen, and she was not limping, except after running around in the yard as fast as she could.Hooray for the beans, boo for the business news.Still praying something will work out.Hate to think of youlosing your retirement income.

    Simp--2 teenagers in your house, must keep you busy!Hope the LDR works out.

    Dara--is Baby David's sperm donor still in the picture?I'm so excited for your DD getting him back full time.She will have missed so much, though, babies change so much in the first year.Maybe I should think about moving out of Maine.It's one of the lowest paying states for nurses, I could probably make a lot more somewhere else, but my whole life has been here, most of my family is here. Ah, decisions.Would love to hear you and your cuz karaokinging!We have GOT To be sure to do that on the cruise!2.6 million for a dump?I definitely live in the wrong place!

    Oh my, those pics are ADORABLE!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Babyface Martini

    1/4 tsp Maraschino Liqueur

    3 oz Strawberry Vodka

    1/2 oz Dry Vermouth


    Shake with cracked ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a strawberry.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    Simp, thanks for sharing your personal info. Your visit with your man, we would call conjugal visits! LDR can be difficult, are either of you willing to move? I would think that would be tough, especially when there are children involved. Wishing you the best. How did you meet? Aren't we a nosey bunch??? You can ask me anything, and I will be happy to tell!

    Wacko, I so sorry I skeered you. But now you can toast! TM's are headed back down again!!! Not a lot, but dis is good. My CEA is up just a tad, that one has always been normal. I'll post the numbers at the end of my post. Can't wait for you to get your hands on the baby. Gosh, he is 8 months old today!

    Oh dear NM, I have a huge hug for you!!! Perhaps you won't have to make any decisions? Such a terrible situation that is NOT your fault. I am so sorry you had a melt down. I hope today is better and that you can stick to your guns. California is terribly expensive, especially if your are near the ocean. You wouldn't beileve it! I couldn't!

    Julie, your cath is tomorrow, is this out patient? Regardless we will be there!

    Friend/Hygienist coming over this morning and I have to leave very early in the morning to go pick up my brother, so I will not be here. Don't really need company today, as I have stuff to do. I will just have to do whilst she is here!

    CEA should be less than 3.4, July was 3.1 August was 4.0
    CA 15-3 should be less than 30, July was 69, August was 60
    CA 27.29 should be less than 37, July was 72, August was 67

    There are other things that are out of wack too, but I don't know what they mean! Lets see if my pic shows....

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks,

    Dara - I have a smile from ear to ear. Soooo freakin happy for you and Jannika. Those pics are just toooo adorable.

    Lowee - not much of a downturn on those numbers but some is better that none.

    Simp - hang in there. Sounds like u got some fun time in...u go girl. I read many pages and now lost my mind...did you say u decided on having only 1 breast removed? I wish u all good things, marvelous things...will be praying.

    Nancy - talked to Kathy Atchue (sp) about when we board and debark to make sure the shuttles run those times, ALL GOOD! I going to send flight info, or did I do that mind a mess.

    NM - my heart aches for you. No reason for the bs u have to put up with. I'm not joing a pool cuz I believe they will NOT fire you, you're too valuable. (((Kim)))

    Hello to Mary, Julie and anyone else I missed. it's all on the previous page which I can't get to now.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2015

    Hi DahhhhLinks,

    Having a widdle dwinkie...everyone is welcome to join me in da lounge.

    To our DW cruise group....talked to Kathy today because I cudn't see embark/disembark times. Apparently we should be at port by 11. That's when they start boarding, but if we get there after 1pm, there could be some admission problems. Also, I asked her about bring my medical mj. She checked and it is a definite NO NO, as we will be sailing out of US and no telling. So will leave mine at home. We get back to port early, early Fri morning and will have to make time to go thru customs, meaning being at customs area early. Or at least I plan to be as my shuttle looks like 10:30ayem is last bus to the hotel. Jes wanted to share what mese p-brain cudn't read on the original email from Kathy.

    Hope all enjoy a dwinkie on me, well not actually on me.....maybe on one of our hunky tenders....n e ways....have a gr8 night!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2015

    Hi girls!

    Happy humpity-ump day, getting closer to friedey. Stopping in the lounge for some dwinkies, yummmy. And I tapped the ATM for a few grand. oh wouldn't that be grand.

    Thanks all for the kind words regarding the reunion of baby David.

    NM, I am so sorry you had such a crud day yesterday. I completely understand why you are upset, too much work in too little time. Then your IT peeps blaming you for something that is not your fault, no wonder you had a melt down. I too do not think they will fire you. Do stick to your guns. I have a hug for ya, a big DorKy hug (((((((Kim))))))).

    Sue, tanks for the info. And for reminding me that I still have to get mese passport. Bummer to no medical MJ.

    Mary, was nice chatting with ya last night, sorry I was so darn tired. I am so furcited to meet you and the other goils then to see Julie and Sue again. Bummer no willie for the cruise, good that you asked vs getting it confiscated or worse yet, git in trouble for it. I am debating on bringing some. you know me, I run on de other side of the law.

    Lori, glad your numbers are going down, that is a reason to sailabrate. Sending you a hug too jest because (((((Lori))))). Are ya done those beans yet? If you eat em, you know what will happen right? Eat em up and fart to your hearts content.

    Julie, how is your Mum making out? I can't wait to eat some chocolate with ya and dwink too.

    Well that'ss it from the wacky shack. I hope you all have a great night. And iffen I missed anyone, pls dont hurt me, I blame de likker.

    cheerS lovlies!