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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Another long day yesterday.As of the end of today I will have 3 new patients which is 5 more visits over today and tomorrow on top of the regular visits I already have.I'm supposed to see 5 to 6 patients per day, currently need to see about twice that to keep up.Getting some help, but that means that I will be responsible for 11 patients in one nursing home that I will rarely, if ever see, cuz the visits will be done by someone else but I will have to do the coordination and paper work on them.I don't see how I can keep up quality care this way, I really don't, but the management keeps saying "that's the job, that's the way it is, can't expect to always work a 40 hour week."Some of the other nurses have started doing things like keeping visits very short, doing the minimum care necessary to meet regs, doing the minimum documentation to meet regs, one is planning to retire, a couple are talking about finding another job.The volunteer coordinator had a melt down this evening, we are covering so much territory she cannot keep up with volunteer recruitment and training, we aren't going to meet the Medicare mandated minimum volunteer hours this quarter and going forward for at least 6 months to a year.The full time social worker is talking about changing jobs.The part time social worker has made it clear she will not work more that her agreed hours.I'm hoping that we start losing money big time (our office has been the "best" with least lost income, on time paperwork etc for a year and a half) and someone from corporate will notice and ask why.Maybe then we'll get back to a reasonable work load again.Sorry to be such a downer this ayem, but looking a long day with 2-3 hours of paperwork left over from yesterday (after I did 3 hours work last night, didn't leave the office until 7:30 pm)and no end in sight.Except that I will NOT work this weekend.

    Goldie--Hooray for better TM's!I've heard that Calif. Is an expensive place to live.If I were to move I think I would move to Vegas where my cousin lives, I think they are still in a situation of more homes than buyers, maybe I could find a house with a pool, that would be great!But it would probably costa fortune to get this place into sellable condition, I've let it go so much from being so tired all the time.Oh, well, nice fantasy, right?Let's see:

    MCV = mean corpuscular volume, or how big are the red blood cells?A high MCV, or big red blood cells can be associated with alcoholism or vitamin b12 or folic acid deficiency.At 106, yours is hardly worth mentioning, and likely due to vitamin deficiency and/or chemo (the FU pills).

    MCH = mean corpuscular hemoglobin, or how much hemoglobin is in each red blood cell?Hemoglobin is the part that carries oxygen.When the MCV is higher, the MCH is usually higher.

    RDW = red blood cell distribution width or how close to the same size are the red blood cells?This is primarily used to help sort out what kind of anemia someone has.Since your post doesn't show a lowHgb or Hct (hemoglobin, hematocrit) or a low number of RBC (red blood cells) you are probably not anemic, so this is just info that the machine spits out that doesn't really have any relevance.

    Segmented neutrophils = a type of white blood cell.There is a normal distribution of various white blood cells in a healthy person.The distribution of different kinds of WBCs can tell us if a person has an inflammation, allergic reaction, or infection, and if the infection is from a bacteria or virus.With yours being right on the edge of the normal range, it's probably meaningless.

    Alkaline phosphatase is a measure of liver function.Low levels can be caused by being postmenopausal and getting estrogen therapy (probably not in your case!), some kinds of anemia.Again, your number is just under the cut off, and probably means nothing.

    It's kind of hard to interpret just abnormal lab reports, it's usually easier when all the results, normal as well as abnormal, are seen, as many of the different items interact in specific ways.For instance, a high MCV and MCH are better understood when the total Red Blood Cell (RBC) and Hgb and Hct are known.The neutrophil number really can't be interpreted without the total WBC and other white cell types numbers.

    Mema--thanks for the support!Means a lot right now (and always)!Thanks for getting the specifics for the cruise boarding and debarking times, shuttle times, etc.VERY helpful!

    Dara--I am going to stick to my guns.It may get very interesting next week, the Clinical Manager is on vacay and the office Director will be covering, and he is a bit clueless about scheduling.Apt to be interesting, but if I can force a situation where HE is scrambling to cover visits I can't make, maybe he'll wake up a bit more and realize how close we are to an office wide breakdown.Be careful about bringing the willie, I remember seeing lots of sniffing dogs in the airports and in customs when I was picking up my luggage after my last cruise.Don't want to see you get into trouble!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Champagne Celebration

    1/2 oz Brandy

    4 oz Champagne

    1/2 oz Cointreau

    1 cubes Sugar

    Peychaud Bitters


    Add Cointreau, Brandy and a sugar cube saturated with Peychaud Bitters to a champagne flute. Fill with your favorite champagne. Garnish with an orange twist.

    Best served in a Champagne Flute.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!

    NM - as much as I love California...I would never move there, taxes among most other things, like fuel are tooo expensive. If you are serious about moving, check out Reno, NV and the surrounding areas like Carson City, Sparks, Verdi etc. The weather is cooler, good growing season etc. Hope things take a turn for the better soon. Thanks for splaining all those intials on the blood work, I never knew what some of those were. (((Kim)))

    Lowee - how you feeling today? Miss you! Went thru my copies of labs and am generally just high or just low on things. Tumors markers fluctuate up and down. My onco doesn't put much emphasis on those markers. Will be getting another MUGA and Brain scan 9-2. Been feeling ok so not too concerned.

    Dara - yes, please git busy on your passport. They can take up to 8 weeks. Ur welcome. Oh yea, same question, where's the sperm donor been?

    Gotta get dogs to park and home and cleaned up. My DD and SIL coming over later...can't wait.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2015

    Hi girls, I am stopping in for a midway dwinkie. I am not a big fan of champagne so will not dwink much. The first and only time I got dwunk on it was when I graduated from college, never again.

    NM, I really hope that having your director there next week helps with the burden of the caseloads. I feel so bad for you.

    Ok ok, I will be a good goil and leave willie at home. It will not be easy lol.

    Have a great day girls, I have to get back to work.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2015

    cath done all clear but went throu the groin so can't sit for long, got orders to recline in bedHappybut no alcamahol thoSad

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2015

    SmileJulie great news on all clear but Scaredbummer for no alkamahol and no sitting. HOpe you feel better (((((Julie)))))

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2015

    Hi girls, here to share some great news....Bone scan all clear!!! Woohoo, what a relief! From here I can decide to live with the back pain or see an orthopedic guy but oh, I am so relieved! I had the scan at 2 and the MO's office called at 4 with the results. We are leaving on vacay tomorrow, going to truly enjoy it now. Taking the pups, renting a house, gonna drink and read books and see my baby too!

    Kim, I'm so sorry about your job, I feel so bad for you, it sounds like such a stressful time. Why can't "management" get it?! Great blood test explanation for Lori and the rest of us too.

    Lori, so sorry about the 2nd business, oh how awful to loose your retirement money. I did know that recurrance almost always means mets, I guess what I was thinking was maybe it was someone that got a UMX and had some in the other boob or a new lump in a breast that just had lumpectomy, then I think it's a recurrance but not necessarily mets, right? Just wishful thinking for those ladies. Glad to hear your tm's are down a bit, hope they are down even more next time. Don't know if you ever got the answer about the cath. When I had mine they went thru the major artery in the groin, the cath is inserted and wound up into the heart where it can measure pressure and see how the valves are working and they put dye in to see if there are any blockages and plaque. Now they can do it thru the arm which means it doesn't have to go as far and I think easier to keep it from bleeding after the cath is removed. Not as elegant as NM's nurse answers but just what I remember from when I had mine.

    Julie, praying for you and good results or at least maybe some very fixable answers. Anyway... we're all gonna be in your pocket. I had mine on a Friday as well so I wouldn't miss any work. I felt fine, in fact the next day. My husband caught me trimming bushes and was none too happy with me.

    Dara, no willie on the cruise, too bad but I agree with Kim, I wouldn't risk it.I tink those dogs can find it most anywhere. Soon as I get back from vacay gonna get right on that hotel thing. Love the pics of baby David, is he crawling?

    Sue, my stepson is moving to CA in a few weeks, I don't want to live there either but I'm looking froward to visiting him. Wondering what room you and Nancy got cause I'm tinkin maybe Dara and I kin request the room next door.

    Well, gotta go bix dinner, running late, love to all....later...

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2015

    Yippy Genny, you got de all clear ThumbsUp, so happy for you, I know you will really really enjoy your vacation. YES, baby is now crawling. I am sooooooooooo furcited to see him.

    Where is Simplicity, hope she is alright.

    NM, tinking about ya, so sorry. I wish I could somehow help.

    Well time to make anudder drink. I have been a pooper lately, still working on mese first. That is because I was logged into work and gitting chit done. TIme to really partay.

    chEErs my loves!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Just plain tired this morning, and glad it's Friday, at least tomorrow I can sleep in a bit and the ketchup work will not involve any driving.Hoping to get a least a little housework done along with writing notes for work.

    Mema--I'm not really considering moving.The very thought of packing up, moving, finding a new home, etc is overwhelming.You're welcome for the info, my bill's in the mail :)

    Dara--I'm hoping having the director in the hot seat will trigger some kind of change, too!We'll see.As of yesterday I have 19 patients on my case load.Supposed to have 12 to 15.No wonder I feel overloaded!

    Juliet--Glad the cat was clear, bummer they used the groin.Now be a good girl and go lie down!

    Genny--HOORAY!!! Love the all clear on the bone scan!"Management" is totally focused on the new documentation system fixing all the problems, and is not paying any attention to the fact that it's half a year away or more, depending on what office you work in.I'm praying something will happen to make it clear that this level of overwork cannot be sustained, and that it happens soon.

    Dara--letting me whine on here is a lot of help!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Friday Freeze Recipe Ingredients

    1/2 cup Vodka

    1/4 cup Rum

    1 cup Orange Juice

    4 scoops Orange Sherbet


    Blend all ingredents in blender at highest speed. Consistancy of the mix should be "semi - thick:" not so thick that a spoon would stand by itself in the mix, but not as thin as juice. If the mix is too thin, add sherbet, if too thick , add equal amount of juice and alcohol. Pour into glass and place in freezer for 15 minutes.

    Best served in a White Wine Glass.

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited August 2015

    You ladies will love this! I've been on chemo every 3 weeks since last August.

    After each chemo, my 3 bff come over for chemo nite. My DH made chicken and noodles most times while on taxoterrrible. Now we have a varied nite we had fritopie bar. Last nite we had 3 different Italian platters from Johnny Carinos.

    Always bottles of good wine. Love to support Napa. Well, probably too many bottles of wine. I try to keep it to 2 glasses for myself....have permission for that! We have so much fun

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Sue, it is not a big drop in numbers, but still declining, I'll take it! My highest numbers were like 120, and I have seen gals mention their numbers and they are 4 digits! Most doctors don't rely on the tumor makers, but that is how we found my mets. So to me, they are an indicator. Glad you are doing well, and I am feeling pretty good too. I get annoyed with the SE's though.

    Wacko, I am done canning beans! They are still producing, but not enough to can. And I fart anyways, it's a SE of FU pills!!! I guess the gals should bring some bail money on the cruise?

    NM, that is a crazy work schedule and no time to live and enjoy life! 19 patients, holy the cow! And you are not a downer. Praying that things will change for you. As for living in Vegas, I couldn't put up with the heat, I don't know how Sue does it! Thanks for explaining my labs. I do get results on lots of other things, I just posted the ones that caused the alert.

    Julie, glad the cath went well, are you in much pain? Relax and feel better.

    Wooo hoooo Mary for the all clear on the bone scan! Results in 2 hours, wow! I can hear that huge sigh of relief all the way here in AZ! ENJOY that vacation girl! Good explanation on the cath, thanks.

    Hi and welcome Beat. Some of your treatment looks similar to MemaSue's. What chemo are you doing? I am Xeloda, since beginning of February, I call them my FU pills, as they are called FU something or another. And here you are welcome to have as many glasses of wine that you like!

    Got my brother here, so happy to have him. I can not tell you how many times he said WOW!!! Way to funny!

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    O DD! He is adorable!!

    Trying to keep up via email. Difficult to do lol

    Were still at the beach. These kids have worn me out! Arcade & fishing tonight. Love fishing. So relaxing.

    Got a bottle of Moscato but haven't drunk any yet. Not sure I will. Doing lots of driving.

    I hope all you ladies have a great day! I'll try to catch up better when I get home (Sunday).


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2015

    simph wish i was there!

    mary-woohoo,glad its normal wear and tear now celebrate

    nm-i know that there are surveys for hospital rn's that show for every pt the deathrate increases, anything for hhc? hope the cover boss gets the pic real fast.

    been very lazy today, got an invite to a wedding at disney, so just booked my hotel! the wedding is 09/05,Happy

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! No visits, no notes to write.I do have to put a 15 minute training session together with a facilitator and a participant guide this weekend, but that won't take much and I can do that during thunder bumpersand rain storms.Only this project and 2 more classes and I will be certified to teach within the agency!Yeah!I would very much like to get some teaching back into my job, at least once in a while.I did turn in a visit schedule next week with some visits in the "need to be covered" list.We'll see what happens, especially if I have to add to the list over the week.And now that I have realized that my caseload is more than one person could possibly manage I don't feel quite so guilty, or so incompetent.I can't do what can't be done, and at my age, I'm not going to try.I will work until 6 or 6:30 in the evening, then stop.What gets done, gets done, what doesn't will be late.Management can cope or not, their choice.Oh, and while our director was at corporate headquarters he was presented with a plaque and medal for the office for the most admissions/most growth in a year.So nice of corporate to recognize our accomplishment!


    Beatmom--what a great way to deal with chemo!Supporting Napa is good!


    Goldie--declining is indeed good, moving in the right direction!I'm not sure I could deal with the heat of Las Vegas or California or any of those places.I'll probably never leave Maine, or at least New England.


    Simp--great pic!


    Juliet--in home based care the big measure is patient satisfaction surveys, specifically the did you get f "excellent care" and "would you refer this agency to another" scores.Since 97-98% of patients are expected to die, the death rate isn't helpful.But there are some things that are tracked internally, like all the notes being transmitted to the mother computer the same day as the visitand the rate of missed visits (visits ordered but not made) due to reasons other than patient request (one reason is "insufficient staffing") that I know are going up for our office and I'm hoping that will catch corporate's attention.That and a couple of nurses are thinking about leaving due to work overload.Won't look good for the office with the fastest growth to have staff leaving due to overloading, would it?A Wedding at Disney, what fun! The Bride and Groom must be Disney fans, too?


    Hey, all, I still need to book a hotel for the night we get back to Miami and I know a few others are, too.Where is everyone staying?


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:


    1/2 oz Peach Schnapps

    1 1/2 oz Light Rum

    1/2 oz Dry Vermouth

    1 twist Lemon Peel


    In a mixing glass half-filled with ice cubes, combine the rum, peach schnapps, and vermouth. Stir well. Strain into a cocktail glass and garnish with the lemon twist.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    3 out of 6, 50% today!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Simp, hope you will be able to enjoy that wine. I can see you are at least enjoying the beach! See you when you get home!

    A wedding at Disney, how exciting Julie. A friend of my youngest brother, for her wedding, she had the wedding party dress up as different Disney characters.

    Wow, super quiet in here. I know some are away, enjoying the weekend. Not sure what we will do today. Yesterday it was a bit windy.

    NM, you and Ms Sadie must be sleeping in, I hope so. It's been a stressful week for you.

    DOTD, Bright and Windy

    2 oz. gin
    1/4 lime, cut into a wedge
    3-5 oz. ginger ale or ginger beer

    Fill an old fashioned glass with ice. Pour gin over ice. Squeeze juice from lime wedge into glass, and drop the wedge in too. Top with ginger ale or ginger beer, and stir well to chill before serving.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Thanks for the swim NM, and now we have 2 DOTD's even better! Very sad that the wrong people are being recognized. I wonder how Corporate Headquarters would feel knowing that Ya, the most admissions but the patients aren't getting the care they need. Got to get those numbers! And we all know that you are NOT incompetent! Funny that you posted the Disney wedding. That is how I imagined my brothers friends wedding!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Dara dahhhling - Baby David is crawling?? How wonderful, now you and Jennika have to baby proof your houses, don't forget the cupboards. I used old kneeHi nylons to tie mine, cept for the pan cupboard. I let them get in there and pull em out and bang on em with wooden spoons. Simple but so fun for them


    Mary - CONGRATS on the clear scan….nothing like a bit of good news eh? Your vacay sounds GR8...have a wonderful time.

    Julie - r u still reclining or is that over with. Hope you're feeling tons better even without the alcamahol. I see another trip to DW…see its for a wedding. U have fun, but don't overdo.

    NM - I don't blame you. The thought of moving would really put the stressors on me. I'm staying put right here. 19 patients….that is ridiculous even 12 sounds like too much. WooHoo, sounds like things are moving right along with your teaching cert. Am loving your attitude and am glad you have a relatively 'relaxing' weekend ahead. I'll post mine and Nancy's hotel at the end of this. It is near airport but the package comes with transpo back and forth and to the port.

    Beat - Welcome to the lair, or HTL. Your chemo schedule sound like mine was til last few months. Now I am once a month. I have to drive 160 miles round trip to get my treatment, that and my scans (every 3 mos) is so very tiring. Hope the se's aren't too rough on ya. Pull up a chair, one of the tenders will refill your wine glass post haste.

    Lowee - 120??? That is high…I think that would get my onco's butt in gear, but they've never been that high. Am so thankful yours are coming down. Enjoy the hail outta ur visit with your brother and jes relax today.

    Simp - sounds like loads of fun but I'm tired jes reading about it as I kno how worn out I was with Maddy.

    The hotel we are staying at is the Fairfield Inn, 7100 augusta National Dr, Orlando. Phn is 407-888-2666. I have one room, 2qns plus all the transpo for $290.08. That is just for one person. I called and added Nancy, takes it up another $50 to $346.08. Shared between the two of us I think is a good price. It is about an hours ride on the shuttle to and from the port, but for the price I think it's worth it. Give them my name and try to get a room close by. I've not yet been assigned a room number yet. PM me if you're interested and I will send the name I am registered under.

    Have an anniversary party (the owners 8th yr) today. Gotta get a few things done and rest up for the fun. Hope mese car doesn't get too dwunk!!

    Have a wonderful weekend all….Lubslubs!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2015

    Hi girls

    It is a bootiful Saturdey night by de pool. I am enjoying myself here.

    NM, glad you are feeling better with things at work, hope you get the break you deserve. It really irks me how the big wigs at a corp just take the growth factor as a good thing whilst others suffer with being overworked. Funny wedding pic, that is also what I pictured for a disney wedding.

    Lori, good for you posting while your bro is visiting. I know you are having an awesome time.

    Simpllicity, enjoy that vino, you deserve it. Cheers to ya!

    Sue, you are such a good girl getting your hotel room already. I still have to book my flight. I do not know what I am waiting for. Hope you is having a fun night.

    Well time for a daquari. Can't wait! Dwinking a JD and diet right now. Just finished moving some laundry so working wilst partaying

    cheers all!

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    Juliet-wish you were too!!

    Mema-These teens are wearing me out! My 14 yr old has the energy of a damn 5 yr old. He hasn't hit that hibernation stage yet. Wish he'd hurry up!

    Cheers to you too DD! Last night here and nowhere to drive to. Bout to pour me a glass!

    Ah. So tired. Afraid a glass may put me to sleep & I've got to get this place cleaned up! O well, only one way to find out lo

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Got a good start on the presentation yesterday, plan to finish it up and submit it today.Plan to redo the week's visit schedule, too, I tried to do too much in most days despite the travel time.And I hope to get at least the living room floor cleaned and the dishes washed.Got lots of fruit flies to contend with, too.Ah, summer!And just to add to the fun one of my new patients has a summer home and a year round home.The summer home is near where I already am seeing some patients, so no problem.The year round home is over an hour drive away, and at least a45 minute drive from the closest patient I have in that area.And, the spouse wants us to call and find out where they are every day since they will be moving back and forth depending on what they want to do on any given day.So we are setting up a hospital bed, shower chairs, wheelchairs, and supplies in BOTH houses, yes, doubling everything.Makes planning my days pretty hard, if I see them at the summer home I can see 3 or 4 more people, if they are at the year round home I can only see 1 or maybe 2 other people that day, due to the travel (I'm supposed to see 4 to 5 people per day).And I won't know until the day I'm seeing them where they will be.The Director's comment?"That's OK.We've done it before.It's the power of 'Yes!"

    Goldie--Great DOTD! Hmm, I have the stuff to make ginger ale, have some lime, wonder if I have any gin.I may have to substitute something else for the gin.And thanks for the excuse to lounge in the pool and visit the swim up bar!

    Mema--thanks for the hotel info, I just PM'd you. I guessing they have transportation to the airport, as well?19 patients is too much, but 12 is actually quite workable, as long as not too many are in crisis at the same time.

    Hope your car didn't get too drunk at the anniversary party!

    Dara--Get your flight already, woman!Before the prices go wonky!Or before the seats are all gone!

    Simp--I can tell you from experience that the housework will still be there no matter what else we do, so go ahead and enjoy the drink!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Bright and Windy

    2 oz. gin

    1/4 lime, cut into a wedge

    3-5 oz. ginger ale or ginger beer


    Fill an old fashioned glass with ice. Pour gin over ice. Squeeze juice from lime wedge into glass, and drop the wedge in too. Top with ginger ale or ginger beer, and stir well to chill before serving.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    LDB, the TM's of 120 were several months ago, when the Faslodex/Xgeva weren't working and he switched me to Xeloda/Xgeva. Do you know what your numbers are? I wish I could just do monthly treatment. You are so on the ball with the cruise! I can't wait, even though I am not going!

    Wacko dear, you better get on the ball, especially with your passport. And you have no flight yet either? Oy vey! Have you been able to see the baby yet? I hope you get lots and lots of time with him.

    Well Simp, how was the wine? Or did you even have a glass?

    NM, the "Power of Yes". YES, you work me too hard. YES it's my patients that suffer in the end. YES my time is not worth this. YES, you can take your POWER and shove it where the sun don't shine!

    Took a nice ride up into the forest. Took the quad, but didn't get to ride it much, had monsoon weather move in. So we made a drive out of it and then a good lunch. I am suppose to start my Fu pills tomorrow, brother leaves on Tuesday. I think I will wait an extra day.

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    I sure did :) 2 in fact.

    Teens. UGH!!!

    I can't wait to see pictures of all of you! Take lots

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!Got the presentation powerpoints, Facilitator's Guide, and Participant' guide done and ready to e-mail in tomorrow morning.Gotlittle thunder bumper going on, and lots of rain.Should have gotten the clothes in before the sun hid!Got a room at the Courtyard Miami Airport for debarkation night.Got a much better price through AAA than through Trivagoor Kayak or any of the other booking sites.

    Goldie--I like the idea of telling corporate to shove the power of yes where the sun don't shine!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Well the party was a dud, I didn't win the $1000 and I didn't win on my poker machine. We went at 7 and were home by 9. DH was a dud…had a bad day at work so was not in the mood for the party. I really wanted to stay. The band was gr8 and I was dancing, not with dh but with girlfriends. So, mese car didn't get dwunk but boy I had a whopper headache bout 2ayem. Took a naproxen and went back to sleep. Feel OK today, jes a widdle tired.

    Dara dahhhling - do I have to come light a fire under ur arse to get u to book ur flight, and more importantly to get ur passport. Maybe you need a spankin from one of the tenders eh? You dwinking JD and then daquaries? One of the bar owners brother made a citrus drink with rum, vodka, killa and I don't kno what else. I drank one and could feel the buzz even tho I watered mine down. But I was fine, better than some of the peeps who cudn't hardly stand up. Keep us posted on Baby David, can't wait to see a pic of him in your pool, think Jennika will bring him over before u have to close ur pool? I'm hoping for ya.

    Simp - is the 14 yoa the oldest? Don't worry, he'll get there. Hope ur wine helped last night.

    NM - if it's not one thing it's another. The power of 'Yes", what about the caregiver, I would think being overworked like you are, and others, more mistakes would occur just from being so tired. I kno u are VERY conscious about ur work, but am sure it puts ur mind in overdrive. Hoping things change for the better soon (((NM))). Got your PM, I suggest asking whatever hotel u book with ref the transpo.

    Lowee - I've never had mine that high, not even close. The labs from 8/17 showed my CEA at 4.2 and labeled it as High, and my CA is low at 23.9 which I take as a good sign. I've been taking the xgeva shots for over 4 years, every 2 weeks, then every 4, and now going to every 3 Months. Onco says I've been stable on this time and insurance is putting the kybosh on the frequency. Love your response to NM…poifect! Don't blame you for putting FU off a day, hope you had wonderful time with your brother.

    Gotta get busy and get something done today. Am tired and just want to go back to bed, but will get something done. Have a fab weekend ladies!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    OMG____so much to catch up on==wish I could say I went to Italy for a vacay but no I'm just a lazy bitch with the computer lately. And I don't know why--I think and talk about u gals all the time and at the end of the dday I don't even look at the puter anymore.

    Lor I'm so glad u'r #s are better OK maybe they could be lower but they're not higher so that's good. And finally done canning? How is u'r mom doing now hope she's mentally feeling better at least and now u'r brother is with u. I love that. And u are one hell of a woman driving all over the place in that huge quad. I saw the pics and again u look beautiful. And I really enjoy u'r nosyness cux then we all find out things--it's like u'r our spokesperson.

    NM I have been reading about u'r week and sometimes I felt like the job is telling u what to do after u go on the cruise. It's like being written out. Altho making a move, as exciting as that sounds I know the actual moveing is horrible but in so many ways u have adventure in u. so if u seriously think about it do it soon but leaving Maine is a hard thing to do, I know I could never leave my area let alone my state, only cuz everyone is here, not for any other reason, if all of us moved I would. U r like an activist with u job so I hope u never have another meltdown, u have no reason to feel anything but proud of what u do and these computers aren't perfect. And explaining all the things on Lori's report oh wow, I never have asked or do I know what any of it means--that is the first time I have ever read what it does mean. Thanks for being u.

    OH (((JULIE))) the groin, I hurt just thinking about it, I hope it's better now ouch. Now will u please explain to Lori (and then I can read it) what's going on, cuz Lori still doesn't understand what u'r going thru.

    DARA, Finlly I'm so very furcited for u and u'r DD and now u'r GS, he is so cute with those big eyes and long lashes, u'r going to go crazy holding him and LOLing with him and u know that means more pics from u, which I always love to see--I LLLOOOVE the pic of u'r DD and u'r GS she looks beautiful and he's as cute as a button---well a cute button, not one of those silly looking ones. Now wacko get u'r passport, I think everyone has theirs but u and with all that's going on u'll forget. I don't know how u get one (they won't give me one) but just do it, it can't be that hard..

    Oh OH I forgot who got the good scan, I think it was Mary, but it's always good news for that for anyone. But now it's time to see Nora soon so that doubles the excitement.

    SusyQ U always sound good and sorry the party was not so fun and u'r DH had a bad day. U'r such a trooper, I'd be on a high just being with u.

    Simp I like u'r name it's so pretty, so I'll call u whatever comes out of my fingers. Well it sounds like u'ver had a taxing but great time with u'r kids and u sure have a great friend. But sorry there is some distance between u, that's not so fun. But on the other hand it would be so nice to have him be with u when u have surgery and after

    Nancy another friend has the RB again. Jeez I hate hearing that. U've been doing a great job doing all u do with the oars (I always think of whores) sorry But I think if u get RB in the other Boob it's not mets, only when it's in another part but don't go by me. cuz I know not much for sure.

    Welcome Beat, glad u'r keeping Napa going, we always like that. And I like u'r theme chemos that's a hoot, and how nice of u'r BFFs and u'r DH to be there for u. It has to help.

    OOOHHH my sister has C-dif again and she's a mess, so this isn't helping her, we've been talking alot and all hrs just talking and we are LOLing about alot of crazy things. So every day my brother goes for his infusion for sepsis and now my sister is going to another Dr. for her C---and my brothers party is still going to happen he's nuts--My sister is already not to go but u never know they told her again she won't be contagious once she's been on anti-b[s for a few days, So she's home all the time, it's funny cuz when we start talking we always run out of juice on our phones and have to recharge and start again.

    I hope I didn't miss anyone cuz I LUBS U ALL and I have been busy with my silly job and haven't seen or talked to my boss in 3 weeks--what a job. LOL

    Marty was supposed to start his new job last Monday well it didn't happen now they're saying this week, This is bullchit, it's hard not to be crabby==Joey is always singing and happy tho and now he's at school so I'm all saddish I miss all our talks. we're so fuckin broke here it wears on u, And I pray like crazy, but (I haven't told this to anyone) I started praying to Mary Magdalen The Catholic in me, I figure she was really down and out and knows how we feel so I apologized to St. Jude so I hope I didn't make it worse. Besides I don't think as many people pray to her so she has more time. Again the Catholic in me. Some people have music in them, I have Catholic still.

    OK I'll try to remember in the morning to tell u more nothing stuff of course cuz I have more to say, damn I wish we were all together like once a week, all nite long, oops another sone maybe I do have music in me too.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2015

    Hello everyone! Hope you all are doing well.

    Sue- I did get your flight info- Cant remember if you sent it before or not but thats ok that way I got if for sure. I need to go get my passport too. I will do that this week, I got my flight done. I think I sent my flight information to you didn't I?

    Dara your pictures of your grandson is the cutest little guy! I am so happy things are going so good for you and your daughter,. That is great!

    Mary - I am so glad your scan came back clear. How awesome is that!!

    NM I am so so sorry that your job is sucking the life out of you right now. I truley understand how you feel. Hopefully God will open a new door for you soon before you get so burned out your no good to anyone. (Hope Im not sounding bad. I dont mean it in a bad or disrespectful way)

    Well I leave for Washington DC very early Thursday AM. We race this coming Sat. You can follow us at the DC Ragatta web site . Love you all.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy raining Monday morning!5:30 ayem and DARK out.Not liking that AT ALL. But, gotta learn to live with it, cuz it's coming, right?

    Mema--sorry the partay was a dud.Or perhaps better to say sorry DH wasa party pooper?You are right, many more mistakes are being made, more things being submitted late, the office has had to write off at least 2 bills due to late paperwork in the last couple weeks that I know of, and bet there is probably a lot more that I don't know about.I will check with the hotel about port to hotel transfers, I do know that I can take a taxi if all else fails.The hotel does have an airport shuttle.The other question is the airport to Disney from Miami airport, I'll check with Kathy about that one.

    Cammy--Lazy is ok, we all have those times!Glad to see you back!Work is a bit of problem right now, I'm hoping the director came back from corporate with some ideas about how to make it more manageable for those of us in the trenches.Time will tell, I guess.Your poor sister, getting C-diff again!It's a shame how work places can jerk people around like they are Marty. Just not right.Makes things hard for people.

    Collett--You aren't sounding bad, I'm feeling burned out and really looking for a door to open or a sign of some kind that I should stay put.It helps knowing someone understands!

    Princess Glitter

    Jamaican Fizz Recipe Ingredients

    2 oz Dark Rum

    1 1/2 oz Pineapple Juice

    4 oz Club Soda

    1 tsp Superfine Sugar


    Pour the rum, pineapple juice and sugar into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, and strain into a collins glass almost filled with ice cubes. Add club soda, stir, and serve.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Simp, glad you got to enjoy some vino!

    Good job on the hotel find NM. Cruise will be here before you know it!

    LDB, sawry bout de dud party, but woo hoo on gettin your groove on! And sawry bout da headache. Your numbers are super low on your TM's. I wonder why some go up for some, but remain in normal range for others? And that was the indicator for my mets. My Xgeva is every 6 weeks.

    Cami, you meant you WEREN'T in Italy? I am totally enjoying my brother's visit. We went for a 2 hour ride yesterday. As for my mom, she was back in the hospital yesterday, but released shortly after getting there. She was coughing up blood and then her mouth was bleeding. She is on blood thinners, so I think that was part of the problem and eating nuts. LOLing at you asking Julie to esplain to me, so you can understand. And Sue is much fun to be with, as the other gals I have met. And I'm so sorry to hear about Lu and when is the party? Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear of the finacial situation and I hope Marty can get started soon. I had thought he had a new job a few months ago? Are you getting your meds? Do you get disability?

    Nancy, good luck on your race. This is just so exciting.

    NM, dark mornings are indeed coming. That doesn't bother me as much as it getting dark so early in the evening, that is what I hate.

    My brother leaves in the morning, boo hoo! But we are sure having a great time! I guess it was at the hospital where they told my mom she could have "a bleed", due to the blood thinner, so that is her new word. She called yesterday morning, "I'm having a bleed". I think she had another clot in her lung, as she thought she coughed up a clot. (Sorry if this sounds gross) And then she's like, I don't think I'm bleeding internally. I don't have any blood in my stool. HELLO, if you are coughing it up, it's in your lungs, no where else! She is becoming such a drama queen. I feel badly for her though as I know it will only get worse. My aunt had COPD and went into a coma before she passed. I am hoping that for my mom, as I don't want her to suffer. Ok, gonna see if my brother wants to go for a morning ride!

    Huggles and CheerZ

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2015

    good morning all

    lori-the cath was to see if there was any blood vessel blockage in the heart causing the pain but all clear, i think its going to be labelled post treatment pain! as women don't have the typical heart attack symptoms they have to work up any chest/back pain in case

    cammi- hope he 's paying you for all your hard work , boo hiss to your sister's c diff, hope she feels better soon, maybe its time for a poop transplant , you could donate!hope joey is loving the school he;s in

    ok breakfast ready,january is coming closer!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Cami - well hello again, I've missed my smile in the mornings since u've been so busy. So sorry to hear about the C-dif with ur sister. Ur brother still going ahead with the party, does that mean he's better with the sepsis? How's ur D? Dang, thought Marty had the job sewed up, hope they to continue to jerk him around. I just love your posts and the Catholic in you. I got the same affliction, guess we never get over it.

    Nancy - glad you got my flight info. I did not get yours. You did get the hotel info tho yes? They sent me a 2nd confirmation showing the $50 they added, did you want me to send that along to ya? You'll hear me cheering you on in DC on Saturday, go kick some butt girl! And get busy on that passport!!

    NM - yea on the transfers, hope they have to the port and back. I can only imagine how burned out your feeling. Have a bf (the 1 I've done the road trips with) she lives in Reno, is a property manager with over 200 properties, she is cray cray. Resorting to depression meds (doc prescribed) and dropping down to just part time. That's all I listened to when we were on the road. I feel soooo bad for the both of you. She was already to pack up and move to Coo's Bay, OR, but she has regrouped and I am soo glad, cuz I think she is better off where she is. She has what she needs to get another job. Sending prayers and positive energy that things take a turn for the better for you soon.

    Lowee - I kno and they didn't rise too much when all of a sudden I have brain mets. So I'm still in a state of confusion. I was feeling quite OK when that bomb hit. Praying for you girlfriend. Sounds like you and brother had a wonderful time, sad he is leaving soon. I think I agree with what is causing ur mom bleeding. I am on only 1mg of wafarin and I still bleed with even the smallest cut. I mean I can scratch and itch and bleed like I been cut with a knife. Now carrying bandaids in my purse. I agree also about her lungs and feel so bad for you. I will send some prayers out and gibs u a GREAT BIG HUG!!

    Julie - Yes Yes Yes, Aboutt 4 months which will pass like a fly, ya kno…time flies…hehe. You sound like your feeling better. Can't wait to meet you in Jan.

    Gotta fly….lubslubslubslubs